• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,213 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

  • ...

Chapter VII: The Hurtful Truth

It was morning as the rays of the sun lit the the world below it. Twilight was looking out the balcony from Celestia's room. She was worried for Xaniel was still asleep, recovering from the reopened injury that he suffered from the fight with the three strangers. Not to mention that he received quite a few other injuries along with it.

She looked back, hearing hoofsteps behind her, only to see that Celestia entered the room, walking towards her. "What are doing here Twilight? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" Celestia asked, smiling at her.

Twilight looked back to the Princess. "Oh, just staring out into the city." She gestured with her hoof. "I'm just thinking about what happened last night. We almost lost Xaniel twice now, it just seems that no matter what we do, he always ends up getting hurt." Her eyes saddened.

Celestia lifted Twilight's chin up with her hoof. "Do not worry Twilight, everything will get better, you just need to let things take time and in turn, everything will come out alright in the end."

"But what about those other three humans? What if they come back?" She looked back out at the city. "What if we can't stop them from finishing what they started? What if-"

"Twilight, that will never happen. He's safe with us as long as we are there for him."

Twilight perked up a bit, smiling at Celestia's words of encouragement. She looked back out into the city, then walked back into the castle, with Celestia following behind.

As they were walking along, Celestia pointed to the room to their right. "I forgot to mention to you Twilight, that you and your friends will discuss what's happened so far with me, Luna, Cadence and your brother." Twilight looked into the room seeing that everypony was already there, waiting for her and Celestia.

They walked into the room, Twilight finding a seat next to Applejack, whilst Celestia took the main chair. "Now that everypony is here, I would like to get this meeting underway." She announced, gesturing to everypony. "As you know, over the last few day's we've had quite the unusual turn of events taking place here in Equestria."

"What makes me wonder sister is why are these other humans here for Xaniel? Is he a criminal where he comes from? Or has something happened that he has been accused of?" Luna asked, pondering her thoughts about the subject.

"That worries me too Luna, but now we ask your opinions on these subjects." She pointed to the group before her. "You all have had contact with Xaniel longer, did he ever exhibit unusual behaviors before?"

They looked at each other. Xaniel never showed any negative attitude towards anypony since he got here, not even getting angry in the slightest. "Ah don't mean to be negative against you Princess, but all Xaniel's ever done is be quite kind to everypony round here." Applejack said.

"I agree with Applejack your Majesty, he's the kindest dear I know next to Fluttershy. Why he hasn't even harmed a single creature, well except for those timberwolves but nonetheless, he's nothing but a sweetheart." Rarity added.

"Um, I agree with them, he's helped me a lot since he got here, even going against Twilight's rules once just to help me out. Personally I think he's just the most helpful human we've met so far." Fluttershy pointed out, blushing from what she said.

"You see Luna and Celestia, eveypony here agrees that he's always been helpful to us, even if it was something he didn't truly like. I consider him now as a very good friend." Twilight declared, smiling at the thoughts of Xaniel’s kindness.

Celestia and Luna looked to each other, then back to the group. "Now is there anything else that any of you might add?"

Rainbow Dash put her hoof up. "What I want to know is why those three were after him, it just seems too coincidental that a few day's after Xaniel arrives, more humans just show up." She said, pointing to the room where he was in."If you ask me, he's-"

"Not another word Rainbow, we don't need to hear more accusations. He's done nothing but help everypony here. So why do you keep suspecting he's come here to just hurt everypony?" Twilight protested, glaring at Rainbow Dash.

"It's just the way that those other three humans talked about him. What ever reason they had for wanting him gone, it sure doesn't sound good." Rainbow replied, flying up and turning her back on Twilight.

"Now everypony let's calm down.” Celestia said, standing up in the chair. “ We don't need to fight amongst ourselves now." She urged. "Whatever those people have against Xaniel, I'm sure it's a unjust reason."

"But what about that new human that appeared?” Luna pointed out. “She was helping Xaniel, is she considered any threat?" Luna asked. The girl that they saw help Xaniel hadn't said much. She didn't say anything really at all. "Surely if she helped us out, that show's she not with them." Luna added.

It's true that even though she wore the same coat as the others did, it was a different color. It had a blue azure color to it. "That weapon that she carried too. It's completely different, it's like a sword but how she uses it?" Twilight stated, nervously remembering the power it held.

Everypony saw how she wielded that weapon, it was unlike anything they had ever seen before. From one moment she had to be close to strike them, to the next she could be far away as possible while still being able to hit her targets.

"I say that even though she came out of nowhere, she still helped us beat back those ruffians that were hurting Xaniel." Rarity noted.

Everypony agreed on that, then Celestia said. "Now about those three, we shall order extra guards on patrol, hopefully this should keep everything in order and hopefully alert us to their presence."

With that the meeting was adjourned, leaving everyone to go their separate ways.


Celestia and Luna went to the room where they had Xaniel kept, his recovery was slow even for him. It had been awhile since they last saw the other humans, but Xaniel was still unconscious and his wounds were still bad. When they got there, the girl was sitting in a chair, staring out the window next to her. Celestia and Luna walked over to her. Celestia then said, "Hello there, umm... what was your name?" smiling at the girl.

She looked towards the two, then spoke. "My name is Vera, it is an honor to meet royalty like yourselves Princesses." She said. Standing up, she then bowed down to the two.

"Why thank you Vera, tell me what brings you here?" Celestia asked.

"Well, I was simply following the direction of an energy source that I felt. It was full of light so I knew that I had to reach it." She stated. "What I didn't realize was that this whole world was the light I was looking for. So I got here and found you guys fighting members of the Organization."

Both Celestia and Luna looked at each other, confusion was shown across their faces. "Umm, Vera who would be these Organization members you speak of?" Celestia asked.

"So, you don't know anything about the Organization? I kinda figured that, since it seems they never been here before and that you guys have never seen them either." Vera noted.

"Well, technically, our first contact with the outside world has only been Xaniel, and he's only just arrived a week ago." Celestia stated.

"Alright, I’ll tell you all later, but since you two are here," Vera added, raising her hand up to her head. "I thought maybe since you two are Princesses, it would be much more polite let you see my face."

She grabbed a hold of her hoodie, and then took it off slowly, both Celestia and Luna finally saw what she looked like under the hood. They gasped, seeing the female of a different race was definitely something.

Her face was beautiful, her skin was pale, her eyes a diamond blue, and her hair reaching down to her shoulders. The color of her hair was a mix of dark blue and violet. She had dark blue eye shadow, showing the beauty of her beauteous eyes.

She smiled nervously at the two, who were in awe by a beauty that this girl had. "I also forgot, I won't be needing this either." She unzipped her coat, showing off her clothes she had beneath.

She had clothing that extended only to the top of her belly revealing most of her pale skin. It was sleeveless, leaving her arms open to the sunlight that reflected off her skin, making it shine in a way. Her clothing was mostly a light blue, whereas the metal pockets on her sides were a pale yellow.

Her shorts reached down to her knees. They were mostly a pale yellow with some parts a light blue. Her shoes looked like metallic battle armor, but they had a violet and light blue coloring. She had earrings that resembled hearts; they were a glossy dark red and black color. Her necklace was a mix of dark green for the center piece which was a key looking object, the chains were a dark yellow.

The princesses kept staring, now realizing the beauty that this species held within the female race. "Vera, if we ever realized how pretty your kind was, we would say that you show it off." Celestia commented. Both princesses didn't know what to say.

Vera blushed from Celestia's words, moving her leg back and forth. Then Luna and Celestia finally got out of their haze. "We're sorry about that Vera, it's just seeing a female human for the first time is very umm, Luna what's the word I'm trying to find?"

"Umm, breathtaking?"

"Yes breathtaking. We're very sorry about staring at you like that." Celestia reassured, hoping they didn't make Vera nervous.

"It's alright, seeing you all for the first time was quite a sight too, but hearing you guys tell me I'm beautiful was what I was gonna say to you guys."

It was Luna and Celestia's turn to blush at Vera's comment. "Alright enough with all the blushing, let us take you to see the others. Won't they think you're quite the sight when they see you." Celestia added, giggling about what was going.

Vera giggled at Celestia comment, with that they walked off to meet the others.


It was dark. This place felt familiar, and somehow, Xaniel knew where he was. It just seemed so odd to him. Something wasn't right. The eighteen figures appeared again, they all stared at Xaniel. Before he could ask them anything, they disappeared into the darkness.

He tried to follow them, but suddenly fell through the darkness. He landed slowly on a glass tower, which appeared to him to have his body on it. It floated in the air, with pictures where people should have been. Both sides had markings, one side was of the same symbol on his shoulders and staff, and then another appeared to be that of a hooded figure with no face and a white outlining of the hoodie.

He looked around trying to figure out why he was here. Then a bright light appeared behind him. Xaniel quickly turned around, his eyes blinded by the light.

He held his hands up to his eyes, the light grew dimmer and dimmer, until he finally saw the figure that stood there. It was someone new, yet he felt like he should’ve known who he was.

"Hello there Xaniel...it's about time I finally met my other half."

Xaniel was stunned by what this other person said. He quickly realized what this person meant. This new being almost looked like Xaniel, but his hair was much shorter, only reaching to the shoulders. His hair was dark brown in color, his eyes were the same. He wore much different clothing than Xaniel, everything was black, save for the fact that he had red on some parts of his clothing.

"I can tell you're stunned, don't worry I haven't come to do anything rash. Besides, we do share a body" He said gesturing to Xaniel.

"What do you mean our body? This is mine, it's always been mine." Xaniel proclaimed, irritation began to rise within him, and this new person was causing it. But why? He never did get mad at anyone else like this before.

"Ah there's that anger I've not missed seeing. Well in any case it's time I've told you who you truly are." He walked over to the middle of the glass tower.

"You see Xaniel...you were never meant to exist at all."

Xaniel was horrified by what he said. "What do you mean I wasn't supposed to exist?"

"Well for starters, you see that emblem on your shoulders." The stranger addressed, pointing to his shoulders. Xaniel turned towards them, looking at them again. "Your weapon has the same emblem too, because that's the sign of the Nobodies. You're just the empty shell of my former self...well. At least not in a manner of speaking."

Xaniel then summoned his weapon. He looked at the arrow before and saw them as the same, but now he had a clearer picture of what this guy meant. "What do you mean I'm supposed to be the shell of you?" He looked over towards the stranger, trying to hide his anger at him.

This was really different. He didn’t remember this anger before, but where was it coming from?

"Well, originally, you were supposed to be my different half, your emotions are nothing but a design by me, so technically, your emotions aren’t real."

Xaniel looked on in anger. "My emotions are not fake!"

"Well true, but reason why is because your not supposed to be like this. You were actually supposed to be my opposite. Instead of kindness and a loving nature, you were supposed to be full of hatred and anger."

Xaniel was backing away from him. "W...what do you mean, t-that can't be true, it just can't be." Fear was welling in Xaniel.

"Now don't be alarmed, they haven't been activated yet because I was able to block them out with my light. But be aware that they are there."

"Who are you by the way?" Xaniel asked.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask that question. Well...my name is Enial, it is a pleasure to meet you Xaniel."

He raised his hand towards Xaniel for a handshake. Xaniel obliged, shaking his hand with his former self. "I have come to warn you though Xaniel, that even for a nobody. You're very special." He went on. "You see, your abilities are truly astounding, I won't mention them though, don't want to risk setting your true self off."

Xaniel just stared at him. "The point I'm trying to make is that in other words to describe your special power is that basically, your a weapon."

Xaniel didn't want to hear that he was just some weapon, especially from his other half. "NO, I could never be a weapon, I don't even like hurting people!"

Enial continued on. "Now also, that situation you were in yesterday wasn't a very good one. You were this close from activating your true self." Gesturing with his fingers of how close. "I'm afraid that if you let your inner being out, it won't end well."

Xaniel then asked. "What do you mean by unlocking my true inner being?"

"Well you see, I've been able to lock your true self in the darkest depths, how I was able to do that was...well allow me to tell you how 'we' got here in the first place."

Xaniel then sat down, waiting for Enial to tell his story. "Now let's see here, ahh yes." Enial readied himself. "How my heart came to help you, was that I was attacked and killed by a heartless. But I wasn't going to leave my body, so my strong will guided my heart out of the clutches of the heartless and I formed the necklace you have on your chest there." Enial said, pointing to the item.

"Then after I was set back into my body, I met my other half, or 'you' in this case. You were weak at the time, so I locked you away into the darkest part of our heart. Then I took what I could work with from your being and created you to take 'his' place."

Xaniel just stared. He was nothing but a creation. But a more important question came up.

"I have to ask Enial, why do I have memories of these other people? How do I even know them?" Xaniel asked.

Enial turned towards him. "Well, I it seems that even after they helped me, they still reside within me. I almost completely forgot about them. They are people from the past." Enial walked towards him and continued. "They are Kairi and Riku I assume, well how I met them chained them to me forever."

Enial paused for a moment. "The reason why you have been remembering them was that where I was before was a place called Hollow Bastion. I had just arrived there after having my home was destroyed by the heartless, so in other words this was my new home now. It had been a few months afterwards that I heard that three hero's would be arriving soon. I wanted to give them something for their travels but I couldn't figure out what." Enial stopped before changing the subject.

"This is something completely off topic, but I was also apart of a group that was hosted to the world I was originally from. We called ourselves the Order of Light."

Xaniel was surprised at hearing the name of these people. "Who are the Order of Light?"

"The Order of Light were an ancient organization, million's of years old. They were devoted to protecting the light that was spread throughout the worlds. But not just the light, we also protected the darkness as well. It was quite a long time before we heard that the source of where our organization stood was destroyed. That information wasn't received for a very long time in, fact it reached us after nine hundred and eighty years had passed, by the time we got it, we were already under siege, I had just turned twenty one by the time we received this news."

Xaniel looked down to the ground. "I'm sorry about your world."

"Don't worry, I've gotten over it. After we got the news, our world was on the verge of succumbing to the darkness. I was the only one who made it out from the order there. Everything and everyone I knew was gone." Enial sadly mentioned, looking down to the ground in sadness.

Enial sighed. "But other than that, I'll get back to your question. You see I was walking back to my house when I was jumped by the Heartless, they converged on me, but as you know, I had a hold of that weapon for a long time, so it was pretty easy until a giant heartless attacked. I was swept aside, for I wasn’t prepared for how strong it was.”

He stopped for a moment, painfully remembering that moment, he then continued on, “I almost died, if it weren't for the timely appearance of the trio. They took care of that monster in only a few minutes. They helped me up and we talked for a while, soon we became best friends after I told them about where I originally hailed from."

"So Riku and Kairi really were my best friends? Then what about the third one?" Xaniel asked.

Enial turned around. "The boy you're talking about is Sora, he's been the one who was talked about most, for his very heroic deeds of saving countless worlds from the Heartless."

A small pain went through Xaniel's head as the name came to him. The third boy finally became clearer. He remembered all of the events that took place when Enial was still alive. "But what about this other one that I've been seeing? The one called Roxas?"

"Oh him, lets just say that he's someone that is related to Sora in a way like you and me are and how we're connected. I have also felt Roxas too and if your wondering why you’ve been feeling a pain in your head, he’s the one who’s causing it.”

“But, why?”

“Well, he has also sensed our presence and has been sending me threats, and has also found a way to hurt you. Unlike Sora, Roxas is a bit more easy to anger, and in fact, I feel he poses much more of a threat then Sora. I met him in fact after I somehow ended up in Sora's dreams. I fought Roxas and I almost died because of him. So don't go anywhere near him you understand?" Xaniel nodded and looked to him and then back to his necklace.

Xaniel lifted it up seeing a more great importance to keep this necklace safe. "So now that you know about me and where I shall stay during your time. I need to do something, but it won't be good."

Xaniel didn't know what he was talking about. Enial disappeared into the darkness. The next thing Xaniel saw shocked him beyond belief. Images of a destroyed town ran through his mind. He saw dead ponies around him. The town was on fire, as he walked around trying to figure out what was going on.

Then what Xaniel saw next horrified him. He saw his friends, the six ponies, the princesses, all of them dead.

He rushed over to Twilight's body, picking her up and shaking her. "Come on Twilight wake up...please wake up." His voice getting desperate and sad. He tried to stop himself from crying but the tears came anyway.

Then voices came, whispers at first but then became clearer and much louder.

You are nothing but a weapon.

"You'll bring nothing but destruction and despair where you walk."


Anger and hatred are all you know.

Xaniel grabbed his head, the pain from these voices were too much. "No I'm not a murderer, please stop saying these lies!"

They continued relentlessly, getting louder.

You lie to yourself. Look what you did to your friends!

Your power is uncontrollable.

You are a monster.

Xaniel was crying for mercy. "Please just stop!"

Enial came back, but was fainter. "I'm so sorry Xaniel. I didn't want it to happen this way." Enial's voice was full of sadness and regret.

The last words drove Xaniel to the edge. You will hurt everyone you care for.

Xaniel yelled out in pain. He was crying uncontrollably now. Then a black figure appeared before him. He could see that it was wearing some sort of armor. It was carrying a weird weapon that looked like a key.

Before Xaniel could react, it disappeared right in front of him. He was then hit in the chest, the weapon piercing through him. He grabbed the weapon, then looked up to see that it was the figure that stood before him. It said. "No ones going to save you now."

Xaniel woke up in fright, a cold sweat had overtaken him. He couldn't believe what just happened. It was so vivid, yet he remembered everything from that dream. Then he cried uncontrollably, trying to forget the painful dream that had appeared in his mind.


Twilight and the gang were hanging out in the courtyard, talking about the events that had taken place, and also if Xaniel was alright. "I do hope he recovers from this, seeing him all scratched up like that really worried me, not to mention his fabulous clothes were completely ripped apart by those ruffians." Rarity mentioned, irritation rose up in her as she remembered those three humans tossing Xaniel around like he was nothing.

"I know, it's the second time that we've almost lost him, I hope he makes it through this." Twilight added, worry was in her voice, no one knew if he would truly recover from this.

"He's been such the great helper with my animals, I don't know how we would all feel if he were to pass away." Fluttershy said worryingly.

Everypony stood in silence for a couple of minutes, then they saw Celestia and Luna walk into the courtyard, Luna told someone to stay behind one of the pillars, then they proceeded towards the group. "Hello everypony, how are we doing?" Celestia asked.

"Well Princess, everypony here's really worried about Xaniel, are you sure he's going to make it?" Twilight asked.

"Do not worry Twilight, me and Luna went to check up on him not too long ago. He'll definitely make a full recovery."

"But what about the other human? What's she been doing all of this time?" Rainbow Dash asked. Her voice full of suspicion.

Luna answered her this time. "The other human, has been watching out for Xaniel. She made sure that nothing happened to him. Speaking of which would you like to see her?" Luna noted.

Everypony looked at each other, then Twilight answered. "Sure, where is she?"

Luna then looked over to the column and nodded to someone. What Twilight and the others were expecting was to see the girl in her coat, but they were shocked when she came out with just her regular clothes.

Everyone's mouth dropped to the ground, seeing what Vera looked like without that cloak on. She looked very beautiful, Vera was smiling nervously, hoping that everypony was alright with seeing her like this.

Then Rarity screamed out. "OH MY GOSH! You are absolutely the most beautiful thing I've ever had the chance to lay my eyes on!"

She ran up to Vera. "Your clothes, I don't know how you humans manage to have such spectacular clothing, this outfit just suits you so well. I mean it shows you off in such a beautiful way." Rarity exclaimed, walking around Vera, absolutely having a ball looking at her.

Vera was really embarrassed, but in a good way because of Rarity's comments about how she looked. Rarity finally realized she was making Vera nervous and said. "Oh...I'm terribly sorry um."

"Vera, the names Vera."

"Yes, I'm terribly sorry Vera. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just you look so amazing." Rarity continued. "Our first chance to see the female race of the human species and you turned out to be better than I expected."

"It's alright I'm just never used to that kind of praise before." Vera confessed, smiling at Rarity.

"But here, let me take you to my friends over there." Rarity implied, leading Vera over to her friends.

They walked over to the group of ponies, then Rarity said. "Vera I would like you to meet Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and of course Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Rarity you don't have to be so formal with me, Twilight is just fine Vera." Twilight said.

"It's nice to meet you all, the names Vera."

"Oh my gosh, now I have two super duper parties to make for Xaniel and Vera. This is going to be so amazing."

Vera just stared at Pinkie Pie for a moment who appeared in her face out of nowhere. "Uhh." Vera mumbled, with some concern in her voice.

Twilight then said. "Don't worry that's just the way Pinkie Pie is. You get used to it after being around her for a while."

"I'm just glad to have met you all. I was expecting something different when I came to this world, but I didn't expect to meet such friendly beings." Vera noted.

The ponies of the group either blushed from Vera's friendly comment or just looked in a different direction. "Hey let's make this party commence tomorrow. Besides it wouldn't be a party without my second guest." Pinkie Pie declared.

Everypony looked to her. "Uhh Pinkie, he won't be able to walk tomorrow yet, besides we should let him rest." Twilight replied.

Pinkie pouted about this. "Oh, it just doesn't feel right if I don't include all of my guests that I'm celebrating for, do you think he'll mind?"

"I don't know, he might not, considering his condition." Vera mentioned.

"Okie dokie lokie, I'll get everything set for the party tomorrow, I'll even check with Xaniel tomorrow just to make sure." Pinkie said. Bouncing away from the group.


Xaniel was finally able to walk around a bit after a couple day's. The group came in yesterday and checked in on him. Everypony was at least glad to see that he was okay. Pinkie Pie also came in to invite him to the party yesterday, but he declined, saying he needed more rest. But truly, why he didn't want to go was to hide away from everyone else because of that horrifying nightmare he had.

He wanted nothing but to hide away from the world, knowing now that he was a weapon. He wanted to stay away from anypony that would try to make contact with him.

Xaniel had thought carefully about this. If he were to fight again, he was afraid that he would accidentally release his true self. So he stayed inside his temporary room inside the castle for now, still recovering from his wounds. They were getting better but they still had been bothering him, not as bad as before though.

"I know that I'm doing this to protect everyone from me, but how long before my true self breaks free?" He said to himself. Then he thought of something else. "Am I really sure this is the right way to go about it?"


"I can't believe that we were beaten by a weak nobody, colorful ponies and a new Keyblade wielder that we never knew about." Xigbar complained, a tone of anger in his voice.

"Do not worry Xigbar, they may have won the fight, but they haven't truly won battle." The figure replied.

Saix turned around. "Xemnas I wonder how you can stay so calm during a situation like this. They now have a Keyblade wielder, which will be more difficult to handle then Xaniel could ever be."

"Do not worry Saix, we'll get our target, we just need to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to strike." Xemnas implied.

They all looked towards each other knowing that they would find Xaniel again and end.


Pinkie Pie was on her way to Xaniel's room, in her right hoof was some cake that she saved for him. She still wondered why he had declined her invitation to his own welcome to Ponyville and Equestria party, that was what really concerned her for she wanted everypony to be happy.

She got to his door and knocked twice. "Who's there?" Xaniel asked.

Pinkie Pie answered. "It's me Pinkie Pie here with some cake for you Xaniel. I thought that you deserved some for your help with everypony, plus it's your cake from yours and Vera's party."

The door opened and she saw Xaniel, he looked normal as usual. "Hey there Xaniel, how are you doing today?"

"I'm alright, thank you for bringing me some cake Pinkie Pie." He said.

Then Pinkie Pie noticed a very strange thing. She saw a tear come out of his left eye, not to mention the fact that his smile lowered and he looked down to the ground. This concerned her very much. "Umm, Xaniel are you alright?"

He took his hand and touched the tear, he quickly wiped it away and said. "Oh yeah I'm fine, it's just that I kinda felt bad for missing out on your party that was to welcome me to this place."

She just stared at him for a moment then said. "Okie Dokie Lokie, I'll see you around Xaniel." Pinkie Pie said, walking away from the door. He closed the it and then Pinkie Pie began to think about what she saw. "Why was Xaniel crying like that? I mean no ponies ever really that sad about missing one of my parties."

The more she thought the more something didn't seem right. "Something felt off on him too, his smile is usually brighter than that."

She thought some more then decided. "I really need to tell everypony else about this." She then ran off towards her friends, hoping that what she said about him would convince them that something was wrong with him.


Celestia had gathered everyone in the main room again, to have Vera discuss everything she knew. "Alright let us begin our sec-"

"Twilight I have to tell you guys something." Pinkie Pie addressed.

"Not now Pinkie Pie, after the meeting we'll listen to what you have to say."

Pinkie Pie was a little frustrated but obeyed Twilight and sat down next to Rainbow Dash.

"Anyway, like I was saying, let us get this meeting underway." Celestia announced. "Vera would you like to tell us about those three other humans?"

"Yeah and why did they come here and attack everyone?" Rainbow Dash added.

"Well Vera, tell us what you know about those three?" Luna asked

Vera stood up and cleared her throat. "Those three that everyone here fought were members of the old Organization Thirteen."

"Organization Thirteen?" Shining Armor questioned. They had never heard of such a group before.

"They were a group of high level Nobodies that had one goal in mind, to take the power of Kingdom Hearts."

"Nobodies What the heck are they?" Twilight implored."

“Kingdom Hearts?" Cadence also questioned. These were terms and places they had never heard about before.

"Nobodies are a empty shell of their former selves after having their hearts taken away by heartless. But they can think and plan, which is basically who those three we're except that they were the leaders of the Nobodies." Vera continued. " And Kingdom Hearts is a place where all the hearts go after the Heartless are destroyed by the Keyblade." She summoned her Keyblade.

"This is the weapon they fear, so do the nobodies."

"What's so special about the Keyblade?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"This weapon is the only thing that can rid the Heartless and Nobodies permanently. Any weapon can destroy them, but only the Keyblade can release the hearts from the darkness."

"So who were those three Organization Thirteen members?" Luna asked.

"Well, the one with the terrifying weapon was Organization Member number Seven, Saix, The Luna Diviner."

She said the other two names as well. "Organization member number two, Xigbar was the one with the eyepatch on his right eye, he's known as the Freeshooter and the leader who was hidden under his cloak was Xemnas, The Superior of the In-Between."

"Wait are you saying that me and Shining Armor were fighting the leader of this group?" Twilight asked.

"Yes Twilight, I would imagine that you two had a hard time against him." Vera acknowledged.

Then Celestia asked. "I still do not understand why they want Xaniel gone? What did he ever do to deserve such a fate?"

"Well from the look of it, they find Xaniel a nuisance to their plans and want him dead. Other than that, they have no other objective." Vera simply stated.

"Poor Xaniel, he doesn't deserve any of this." Fluttershy sadly said.

Then Pinkie's hoof rose up. "Yes Pinkie what were you going to say?" Twilight asked.

"Well, it's kind of strange, you see I went to give some cake to Xaniel from the party yesterday, but after I gave him the cake a tear ran down the side of his face." Pinkie continued. "But I don't know anypony that's ever sad enough to cry if they ever missed my party and the more I thought about it, the more like it seemed that he was crying about something else."

Everyone looked at each other. Hearing that Xaniel was crying unnerved everyone. All they ever saw Xaniel do was smile a lot, but no one ever saw him cry before.

"Do you think we should check up on him sister?" Luna asked.

"Yes, but I'll have Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight bring him down. They'll know how to talk to him." Celestia stated. "Twilight, you, Rarity and Fluttershy go upstairs and bring Xaniel down here."

Twilight nodded and called Rarity and Fluttershy, they walked upstairs towards Xaniel's room hoping that he was alright.

"Sister, what do you thinks wrong with Xaniel?" Luna asked.

"I don't know Luna. I just don't know."


Xaniel was lying in his bed, he didn't know what else to do with his thoughts, as he remembered that horrifying dream. All he was ever trying to do was comprehend everything that was going on.

He heard a knock on the door and recognized the voice instantly. "Xaniel, are you in there? It's me. Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy, could you let us in please." Twilight called, her voice full of concern.

"Yeah you guy's can come in."

The door opened and the three ponies walked in. Xaniel was just lying on his bed, staring out the window. "Hey Xaniel, would it be alright if you were to come downstairs for a little bit? We need to talk to you."

Xaniel began to worry. What did they mean by wanting to talk to him? "Uhh yeah sure." He got up and followed them down to the lobby room. In his mind he was trying to guess why they wanted to talk him. Did they find out about his motives for hiding or did someone suspect something? Either way he wasn't prepared for this.

They got down to the room, where the rest were waiting for him. He saw Vera for the first time without her coat and to him she looked very beautiful. He stared at her for a while, noticing that she blushed, he looked away instantly and did the same. The three ponies sat back down in their chairs while Xaniel stood up.

"Xaniel, I would like to ask you something, if it's alright with you?" Celestia asked, concern was in her voice.

"Sure, go ahead." Xaniel said.

"Pinkie Pie told us that when she went to see you, she felt a weird feeling when she went to visit you. From what we can tell, you were worried about something. So are scared or hiding whatever your not telling us about?"

"If you tell us, we will help in the best way we can." Luna implied.

Xaniel tried to find his voice, but the memories of that horrifying incident inside his mind came back. When he looked at them, all he saw were dead bodies lying there. His eyes started to well up with tears. Everypony saw him struggling to answer. Before they knew it, he dropped to the ground on his knees, his hands to his eyes. He was crying.

Everypony knew something was wrong now. Celestia, more concerned than ever asked. "Xaniel, what's the matter?" Frightened and scared for what he was going through.

Xaniel's voice was ragged and hoarse. He had a hard time forming words, but he did his best to try and talk."I... I had a horrifying d-dream, y...you were all there." He continued to the best of his ability. "I heard all of these w-whispers, they told me that I...I was some form of w...weapon, that I was a m...monster, that I would hurt everyone around m...me."

No one thought that Xaniel ever had trouble coping with problems, apparently they were wrong. " I met m-my true self, his n-name was Enial, he told m-me that I'm not s-supposed to be like this, my true personality w-was hidden underneath far d-deeper in my self."

His voice was becoming more shaky." My e-emotions were all f-fake he said, but the w-worst part was what I saw. He s-showed me you all, you were all l-lying on the g-ground, all of you were d-dead."

Everypony gasped at what Xaniel said. "What do you mean dead, who killed us?" Luna asked.

"It w...was me."

Everyone was horrified by what he said. "I...It wasn't me though, it was my other half, my true being, I...I...I."

Xaniel fell to his side, crying harder and having a hard time trying to breath. His tears came down freely as the uncontrollable crying came back. Everypony ran to his side, Celestia kneeled down beside him, so did Luna, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Cadence, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. They were all trying to calm him down.

"Xaniel, don't worry about such a dream. If you're not truly like that then you don't have to worry about it, just please calm down." Celestia stated, her voice calm as ever. Patting his head with her hoof.

"Xaniel, your dreams are never meant to be real. I know what it's like to fear myself and I may not be as kind my sister. But do not let this dream worry you, do not let the fear consume you." Luna implied, hoping she didn't sound nervous.

"Xaniel, we may have only met for a small period of time. But that doesn't mean I can't help you overcome this. Please just don't cry." Cadence reassured, her voice full of love and reason.

"Xaniel, it is true that you did scare me with that little performance of yours against the timberwolves when we went into the forest. But that doesn't make me feel any less about you." Fluttershy reminded, hoping her kind voice and nature help reassure him.

"Xaniel, you really are an amazing human, but don't think let these meanies get to you." Pinkie Pie added, her voice full of cheer.

"Xaniel, I do believe that you don't need to worry about such trivial things. But I don't like to see anyone upset over something. Just please calm down." Rarity stated, hoping he wouldn't completely freak out.

"Xaniel, yah sure was the best help I ever knew when you helped us around the farm. I am absolutely speaking the honest truth when I mean that." Applejack reckoned, hoping her words of honesty helped him calm down.

"Xaniel, you were the first human I ever met and I was the first pony you ever met. You've been nothing but kind and generous since you got here, helping all of my friends out with their problems. Don't let some other half of yourself tell you that you're a danger to everypony here. Just please calm down, you don't need to cry, just please don't cry." Twilight said, her voice was full of kindness and was calming, but was also shaky for she felt scared for him; she too was also petting his hair softly. Hoping the caressing strokes helped calm him down.

Xaniel’s crying begn to slow down, his crying became less and less. Then his eyes finally fell shut, locking him back into sleep.


"Shh, he's sleeping." Celestia whispered. She picked him up, putting him on her back and walked up to his room. "I'll bring him back to his room. Everypony else stay here."

She walked out of sight before everypony else began to talk. "Poor Xaniel, he didn't need to go through such a horrible ordeal." Rarity stated. Her voice full of sadness.

"Did you see how much pain he was in. What he saw really scared him half to death. I don't ever wanna see him like that again. It just makes me so sad." As if Twilight really meant those words, a tear ran down her eye.

"I think he was just faking the whole thing!" Rainbow Dash announced.

"WHAT!" Twilight yelled.

"I mean just the way everything is. He see's us dead in his dreams and then he puts on this show of crying, doesn't that make you think that's what he's planning?"

Twilight shot a beam of magic at Rainbow Dash, only having Rainbow dodge it. "HEY, what the hay was that for?!"

"YOU think that he's just faking everything don't you. He practically bawled his eyes out right in front of us. He's going through so much pain and yet you can't get it through your thick skull that Xaniel is trying get through this whole ordeal without people like you putting him down. WHO do you think YOU ARE for accusing him of such things!?" Twilight yelled at Rainbow Dash, glaring at her dangerously. Her horn lit with a violet aura.

"Alright you two let's calm down now. “Cadence advised, stepping in between the two angry ponies. “We don't need to start a fight when there's more to worry about right now." She announced.

"Cadence is right. We need to all think about Xaniel right now. He's gotten worse now that he's had this new found memory show up out of nowhere." Luna mentioned.

"Well I'm with Rainbow on this one."

"WHAT?! Not you too Shining Armor?" Twilight pleaded.

"Xaniel is just another alien, that's all. " Shining reminded everypony. He continued on. "If we keep him here, we'll endanger everypony else, and I don't need three other humans trying to destroy everything and everypony just to get to him."

Twilight just stared at her brother, she then turned around saying. "I can't believe that two ponies, my best friend and my BBBFF are so bullheaded." She then walked away from everyone.

"Good job Shining." Cadence told him.

"WHAT? What did I do?"

"Can't yah two hear yourselves. Twilight really cares bout Xaniel. He's been nothing but kind and generous to everypony round here and especially to her. But yah two can't seem to git taht through your thick skulls." Applejack remarked.

"Xaniel's an alien like Shining Armor said. He can't be trusted at all. Why can't you guys see how dangerous he is?" Rainbow Dash pleaded, flying up into the air.

"Xaniel is not a alien Rainbow Dash. He's kind, he's nice and he's also very helpful." Rarity mentioned.

"Yeah um, he saved me from the timberwolves when we went to clean out some of my animal friends homes." Fluttershy added.

Arguments ensued until everypony was thrown into it, there looked to be no real winner with where it was all going.


Celestia had entered Xaniel's temporary room. She laid him down onto his bed slowly. She then walked back a few steps before looking at him. True, Xaniel having such a horrifying dream about them...well going away wasn't too pleasant to hear, but she casted the thought aside for now. He looked peaceful she thought, how he smiled in his sleep. But a warning had emanated from his dreams. She didn't know how to imagine such a thing.

She exited his room only to hear that everypony was arguing downstairs. She walked down to see that Twilight was gone, but everypony else was arguing with one another about what she could only hear from everyone was Xaniel. "ENOUGH!" Celestia yelled, this was one of the few times she had to resort to her royal voice.

"Ahem, why is everypony down here arguing?"

"It's because everypony else believes that Xaniel is a good guy, but we barely know anything about the him." Rainbow implied.

"Would yah tell these two that Xaniel is not a bad guy. He's been nothin but kind ever since he got here." Applejack remarked in his defense.

Before the room could be filled with the noise of arguing again. Celestia intervened saying, "Xaniel is in need of dire assistance and all you ponies can think of is arguing at this very moment. He's been through so much pain in such a short amount of time. He needs our help."

Everyone looked to the ground. Ashamed that they were fighting amongst each other.

"Right now we need to think about how we should keep Xaniel safe. He's capable yes but if we let him fight those three Organization Members, he'll surely unlock his true self through all that fighting. So Shining Armor I want you to start posting more guards on watch duty during the night shifts. They may not hold them off for long but it will at least give us some warning that they are coming."

Shining bowed to her order and hurried off towards the barracks. "Everypony else? We need to be ready in case the guard can't hold them off, so long as we have Vera with us, we have a fighting chance." Celestia announced, nodding to Vera, who in turn nodded back.

Everypony nodded as well, while Rainbow had a look of defeat on her face. Celestia had hoped that those three wouldn't come back, but to her knowledge and what the true intent of the three Organization members. She knew that their mission was to destroy Xaniel and they would persist until that was accomplished. She had to be prepared in case they returned.


Xaniel had woken up, he heard what only could be explained as really loud shouting. He slowly got out of bed and went to the railing outside his room. He saw that Celestia was talking to everypony about him, it seemed that they were going to fight for him, it was nice he thought, but he was worried about them, for he felt that they would only get themselves hurt. Xaniel decided he had heard enough and went back into his room.


Celestia saw Xaniel out of the corner of her eye. So she nodded to Luna to go up and see him. She was walking down the hallway when she saw Twilight coming back. She walked up to Twilight and said. "How are you feeling? I heard what happened."

Twilight stared to the ground, then she looked back up. "It's just not fair for Xaniel to be going through all of these ordeals, they just make him feel miserable." She responded, her voice had a sad tone to it. "Then when you add the fact that two ponies who I shall not name are also not giving Xaniel the help he deserves when he need's it the most, watch him suffer and still call him a fake for what, crying!" She yelled, her voice having a tone of anger in it this time.

Celestia lowered herself down. "Do not worry about them Twilight. I know it is hard to work with others that do not see things like you, but right now Xaniel needs all the help he can get, even if they don't truly believe that he's good." Twilight looked up at Celestia, smiling at her words. "Now I sent Luna to check up on Xaniel, for I saw him walk away from the railing back into his room, he looked happy for a moment but I think he overheard our plans. I know for sure that he’ll listen to you two."

Twilight didn't waste anytime as she ran up to Xaniel's room. Hoping to find that he was okay.


Xaniel sat back down on the bed, he felt like what happened minutes ago was a dream, but it wasn't. He heard his door creak and saw Luna looking in the room. "Um, excuse me Xaniel, is it alright if I come in?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Luna walked in and sat on the chair in front of him. "How are you feeling after the...you know?" Luna asked, hoping not to set him off into that mode again.

"Well...fine, I guess." Xaniel murmured, he still sounded sad.

"Listen Xaniel, you don't need to worry about that dream you had. Dreams may look and

feel real. but they never come true. They just show you the things that you fear most."

"But what would the thing I fear from this dream?"

"From the sound of it Xaniel, the thing that you fear most is you."

Xaniel looked over to Luna and sighed. "Well that wasn't very obvious, I know that, it's just I'm really afraid of what I did in my dream. I'm afraid that it might come true." Xaniel replied, he turned his head the other way, a single tear came out of his eye, but he didn't bother to wipe it away.

Twilight then entered the room. "Hey I heard that you'd be in here with Xaniel." She paused seeing Xaniel looking down to the ground with a tear coming out of his right eye. She ran up to him. "Xaniel, are you alright?"

She walked closer to him and reached her hoof towards his tear and wiped it away. "There's no more need to cry Xaniel, you don't need to worry anymore, were all alright."

What was unexpected of him was that he reached over to her and hugged her. She didn't expect this but she realized that what he was going through would've probably needed this. She hugged back. Xaniel let go and felt a little embarrassed for that action.

"Sorry about that Twilight I didn't mean to it's just-"

He didn't get far before Twilight hugged him this time. Luna was smiling at the exchange between these two. Twilight let go and was blushing this time. "I'm not sorry about that. You need this, besides I wouldn't want to see one of my friends in such pain as yourself."

They both stared at each other for some time before Luna interrupted. "Ahem I'm sorry but I would like to tell you something Xaniel. You see the reason I said I remember being in the same situation like you is because I had another side of me called Nightmare Moon."

Xaniel then asked. "Really? Wait that's why I thought yours and Nyx's energy feeling almost felt the same. I mean I already knew who Nightmare Moon was but Twilight never did tell me that she originally came from you." Xaniel stated.

Luna nodded. "Yes, Nightmare Moon originally came from me. She was my hate and anger that I had directed towards my sister Celestia." Luna continued. "It only started as jealousy, then it became what Nightmare Moon was. But after a thousand year imprisonment and a defeat at the hand of the Elements of Harmony, I was rid of that other side until Nyx came to be, but you see that anyone can change." Luna added, smiling.

Xaniel looked over to Luna and smiled back, he felt better, knowing that someone went through the same ordeal as he's going through made him feel that he could get through this. "Thank you both, for helping me see this differently." He looked at Luna then Twilight.

"But I do thank you the most Twilight for taking care of me while I was knocked out for those first few day's and then still even after I awoke."

Twilight blushed and smiled at his comment. She may have felt like this before but this being was completely different. Xaniel saw only the good in people and ponies. He never judged her or any of her friends for one moment. Even when hearing about some not so nice comment about him, didn't seem to care about it. He didn't complain when someone asked him to help them with something, even if he did go against a few rules to do so.

But more importantly, his heart felt like it shined throughout his body, making everyone around him happy. Twilight really liked him in a sense, never before had she felt like this to someone, even to a completely new alien that had entered their world. Twilight felt so happy about the way he felt towards everyone that she teared up a bit. Xaniel saw a tear come down her eye now. "Oh don't start crying after I did." Xaniel teased jokingly.

Twilight wiped the tear away. "Yeah, you're right, but seriously though, you just being here really has touched everypony else's hearts. I don't know how you do it, but you just do." Twilight implied.

With that, Twilight and Luna left Xaniel to be alone. He sat on his bed, staring out the window. Xaniel had a new feeling in his heart again. "I oh so do miss that feeling...and my smile." He said to himself. With that he fell asleep again, but the dream wasn't terrible this time. He dreamt of everyone again, but they all smiled at him. He smiled back, knowing now that everything would be difficult but that he would enjoy every moment he had with his very special friends.

Author's Note:

Well there you have it. So far this is my longest worded chapter and pretty sad. Anyway I'll see yah around later. Oh and I'll be doing something at the end of this story, a little Q/A if anyone has one. I'll answer them but I don't want to spoil too much. Alright this is Epsilon and I'll see yah around. Oh and if you have suggestions for my story, I'll gladly accept, if their reasonable of course.

P.S. This chapter has also been done without my editor, so if it looks not like how I wrote it usually then sorry about that.