• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 3,489 Views, 51 Comments

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts - Grey Prophet

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers

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Part 10

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

Part 10

“Hey Applejack, what's holding you up? We've got places to go, let's hustle!”

Trudging onwards against the renewed ferocity of the prevailing wind, Applejack struggled to keep up with her zealous friend. Though incredibly stout and strong from years of harvesting her family's namesake, the earth pony lacked the swift agility of her pegasus peer. Applejack was impressed with Rainbow's display of tenacity despite flying in the face of winter's harsh harbinger. Even for a pegasus, a race more resistant to the fury of the elements, Rainbow was exceptional. Joining the rainbow-maned pegasus at the eves of Everfree, Applejack was disheartened to find before her the fulfillment of the north wind's covenant; the freezing rain that once poured down the boughs of the forest had now coalesced into a crystalline flurry of drifting snow. Its icy sheen glittered in the pale light of the moon as it danced to the sway of the wind's roaring symphony. A divine pleasantry for the eye to the behold, the beauty of the new fallen snow was nonetheless lost to Applejack. Feeling only its bitter bite consuming her with numbness , the earth pony could only see a demon garbed in white and masked in shadow. Shivering, Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash and smiled playfully.

“Nice work you put in here, RD.” the orange pony chuckled , “It's not too often you go beyond the call of duty! A rainstorm, sure, that's one thing, but a blizzard this early?”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash responded defensively “There's no way you're pinning this one on me! Yeah, I kick-started this baby, but Everfree took it and made its own! Just take a look at these snowflakes!” she said playfully, swiping a couple from the air to show to Apple Jack, “They all look the same! I mean, c'mon, even I wouldn't be caught dead with a shoddy piece of work like this!”

Telling the difference between a good snowflake and a bad one was never the concern of Earth Ponies and Rainbow Dash knew full well of that. Grinning, Applejack simply shook her head.

“Whatever you say, hun! Now, how 'bout we can get to helpin' Twi like you were sayin'? A dragon ain't somethin' you want on yer tail.”

“Ha! Chill-out Applejack!” Rainbow replied nonchalantly as the two entered the forest, “That cold-blooded loser is probably snoring right now, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they don't like snow or ice...”

“Rainbow Dash. Read?” Applejack said, while unsuccessfully stifling a laugh. “Phft...!”

Rainbow Dash wanted to feel insulted, but in all honesty, she had little grounds to be and it was a little funny, too.

“...fine, I guess you can call it more of a field experiment...”

“Readin' and experimentin' now?” burst Applejack, unable to withhold her laughter anymore, “Well Ah'll be darned Rainbow, yer startin' to sound like Twilight Sparkle here!”

Rainbow Dash blushed at Applejack's words. The pegasus knew her friend was secretly still hurting inside; Applejack wasn't one to forget injury so easily. Rainbow knew this fact firsthoofedly from a long history of pranks and competitions. The earth pony was strong-willed and uncomfortable with asking for help; she would deal with her pain in her own way. Often enough, it was through light-hearted teasing, a practice aimed at detracting others from her own troubled feelings. As such, Rainbow was not totally oblivious to why her friend was so detached from their predicament, but she couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed.

“...okay Carrot Top,” Rainbow Dash chuckled hesitantly, “Yeah, well, by 'experiment' I kinda meant the time I pummeled Spike with a hailstorm of snowballs! You see, Twi was kinda angry with me about that cause Spike was out of it for a week afterward...but it probably doesn't matter anyway. I'm sure Princess Luna gave that lizard a big royal cup of kick-flank!”

Flying in front of Applejack, Rainbow did am enthusiastic loop and looked back at her friend.

“It was awesome, AJ! The dragon actually thought it could beat the princess! I mean, what a lame-brained frog, am I right? He tried blasting her with a firestorm but she didn't even break a sweat! And then BOOM! Lightning! It didn't take her a second to face that guy head on. No armor, no weapon, no fear! Now that's a princess I can get behind, she's definitely not afraid to get her hooves a little dirty!”

Applejack frowned, any pretense of good-humor melting away at the mentioning of the moon goddess' name. Once more she tried to embrace her brother's words and refrain from judging and hating Luna, but it was too difficult to accept so quickly. Her feelings would not conform to what her mind wanted to believe, no matter how wise the lesson. Rainbow's words of praise for Luna only made her hidden hatred for the princess seethe.

“Her hooves ain't a little dirty Rainbow.” Applejack whispered in contempt,“They're filthy, bloody, and darn-right disgustin'...”

Surprised to hear Applejack's teasing devolve into sincere hostility towards their goddess and princess, Rainbow Dash's mouth hung open in shock. The pegasus knew Applejack held Luna responsible for her brother's beating, but her words made it sound as if it were Luna who actually took the nightstick to Big Mac's face.

“Hey, AJ, you know that's not true, cut the princess some slack!” Rainbow Dash said as they continued following the muddy trail before them, “Look, I know it's not easy for you to help Luna out but...”

“Ah ain't helpin' Luna,” Applejack said, the calm of her voice betrayed by an irate quiver, “Ah'm helpin' my friends, the ponies Ah love who deserve mah trust an' respect.”

“Since when has 'Applejack, the most dependable of ponies' had a check-off list on who was good enough for her help?” Rainbow replied, “That doesn't sound like my friend, nope, not in a hundred, no, thousand years would she abandon a pony in need!”

“Never mind it, Rainbow.” Applejack huffed, “Jus' lead the way. Ah don't want to talk about this anymore.”

Seeing her friend once more swallow her pain, Rainbow Dash sighed and decided against pursuing the issue further. As it was, the pegasus wasn't the best at consoling ponies with emotional problems, though she could, at the very least, sympathize with Applejack. Like her, Rainbow's solution to problems was usually to deny or ignore them. If confronted with them, she would push ponies away and wallow in her bitterness while knowing full well that she truly needed them. But pride is cruel and knows no reason. The best thing Rainbow could do for Applejack was to respect her decisions.

“Yeah...okay then.” Rainbow replied, “I'm pretty sure we just keep following this path for a ways yet, I mean...”


“Nothin', it's just really dark...but I got it, really!...Oh yeah, and if we get there and they're not there, don't freak! Twi said that they would be heading to Everfree Castle.”

With a slight nod, Applejack continued down the perilous path before them; the wet mud had frozen and made for both a sticky and slippery journey while the palpable darkness made it even worse. Unlike Rainbow who soared the skies nimbly and quickly, Applejack was married to the earth and bound to its limitations. She had no hope in traversing the forest at the same pace as Rainbow, meaning that she would be slowing down the show. A small part of Applejack envied her pegasus friend; but this was not a new feeling. Dwarfing it was a larger part of her that did not care about reaching Luna in a hurry. The prickle of ice carried by the wind's fell breath further tried Applejack's thin resolve and blackened her spirits.

“Serves her right,” Applejack thought, “If she needs me so badly, she can just sit her royal keister on her throne in Everfree 'til Ah get there! She's a pony no better than anypony else...goddess or not, Lady Justice sees not a single difference. Why should Ah? Why should Rainbow? But she can't tell, she can't care, how could she? Rainbow has the memory of a goldfish swimin' in a glass of whiskey an' 'cause of that, a little firework show from Luna can win her over. Ain't make one bit of sense!”

As they walked, her hate for Luna bled into her misgivings about Rainbow Dash. The notion that Rainbow could follow and trust Luna over a superficial display of power, one that should be unsurprising for a goddess, was insanely incredulous. Even Twilight, Luna's principle advocate, was not so confident in her convictions concerning the princess. Applejack was sure that Rainbow had some demented and misguided sense of loyalty for Luna, despite everything they knew about her and everything she did to usurp Celestia. Yes, the princess she should be fighting for, the one deserving of their respect and admiration. Whatever Rainbow thought about loyalty, it definitely didn't add up.

No, it wasn't just that. It was downright stupid.

Watching the green leaves of Everfree torn from their branches as they succumbed to the blanketing snow, Applejack kept pressing forward in accordance to the pegasus' guiding flight path. Coming upon a crossroad, Rainbow Dash paused and looked nervously at both directions.

“What's the matter Rainbow, did ya get us lost yet?” Applejack said dismissively, “or did ya remember somethin' important too late?”

Though her words were delivered casually, they were laced with a venomous spite. Gone was any shred of Applejack playfulness. In its stead, the earth pony's famous passive-aggressiveness had come out in full force, much to Rainbow Dash's misfortune. Surprised a bit by her friend's unwarranted vitriol, the pegasus thought it best to just write it off as just another jab...well, a particularly poignant one that is.

“Yeah, AJ, there's no problem, I was just checkin' to make sure that we're still headed in the right way...” Rainbow said before muttering, “...just don't get your lasso in a knot, geez...”


“Uh, nothing. Hey, I was just wondering if we could maybe speed it up a bit. How 'bout it AJ?”

“Easy for you to say, hun.” Applejack said in much the same manner as before,“It's another day at the job for you, but Ah'm not built for blizzards. Don't get your feathers in a bunch about it, you hear? I'm doin' my best....honest.”

The obvious lie made Rainbow sigh in frustration. The junior speedster wished Twilight was there to deal with their stubborn friend, especially so now that Applejack's attitude was becoming not so much annoying now as it was just plain irritating.

“Ah Twi,” Rainbow thought as she led on, “I'd be at your side in a blink of an eye if it weren't for Turtle Jack holding up the show here! I know she's dragging her hooves now, I mean, yeah, it's freakin' cold, no lie, but AJ''s the toughest earth pony I know! What she's sayin' is a load of horse apples, I see her clear through mountains of snow every year! This is peanuts in comparison!”

Further down the path a new juncture emerged presenting Rainbow Dash with three potential routes. Unlike the first, the pegasus was gripped by a troubling uncertainty that did not go unnoticed by her reluctant companion.

“Well this is swell,” Applejack groaned bitterly as she waited for the pegasus to make up her mind, “You said we were in a rush, but we're doin' a whole lotta standin' now instead! Can we please get a move on before we turn into a couple of snowponies?”

Gritting her teeth in a futile attempt to mask her frustration, Rainbow responded the best she could.

“Just give me a sec, would you? Geez, this isn't easy. I don't walk around Everfree in my spare time, it's impossible to know every nook and cranny of this stupid forest!”

“Yer right 'bout that, Rainbow, you wouldn't 'cause yer too busy takin' naps.” Applejack replied unforgivably, “Ya know, you give Ditzy Doo a whole lot of grief for not havin' an ounce of direction, but yer no better when push comes to shove.”

“Hey!” Rainbow shouted, her sensitive pride no longer willing to put up with Applejack, “What are you tryin' to say? I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus to come out of Cloudsdale...”

“Without graduatin'.” Applejack finished for the pegasus, “Yer lazy bones and non-stop day dreamin' held ya back, Ah mean, even Ditzy passed her exams.”

“...are you sayin' I'm dumb, AJ?”

“Well Ah'm not sayin' yer a prodigy.” the earth pony replied coldly, “Listen,yer talent will only get you so far Rainbow, ya need to work at it. Life's not just 'bout trainin' to fly fast, it's 'bout doin' yer own thinkin' and becomin' yer own pony. Flight school was supposed to help that, but you flunked out.”

Applejack's words carried more force than any wind. Each felt like a sharp blow to the ribs, leaving Rainbow flustered, angry, and at loss as to what to say back. She wanted to give her friend a taste of her own medicine but was unable to think of anything, wit never being her forte. Defenseless and exposed, Applejack's cruel and brutal honesty ravaged Rainbow's pride mercilessly.

“Well, um, well, that's got nothing to do with anything!” the pegasus sputtered, “Don't try to tear me down just because you've got a thing against Luna...”

“Mah thing against Luna?” Applejack replied, her anger now quite visible “No, it's yer thing for Luna that's the problem! How can you be so...well, so darn happy followin' her!?”

“I, I never said I'd follow her anywhere, I...I'm here for...” Rainbow stuttered in defense, her fiery temper subdued by Applejack's own intense display.

“Rainbow, Ah've known you fer a good time now,” Applejack continued, her tone unchanging, “And when somepony gains your respect, you know darn well you'd fly right into a dragon's mouth for 'em in a heartbeat without questionin' or thinkin' about the consequences. Nah, you let us do that for you.”

“That's 'cause...'cause,” Rainbow responded, “well, I mean, she's a freakin' princess Applejack, c'mon! She has to be a good guy deep down.”

“So what if she's a princess?” Applejack fired back, “When you first laid eyes on her “highness”, she was a psychotic witch who you were ready to kick all the way to Timbucktu! But hey, add a little title to the front of her name and the same pony becomes a saintly do-good-er out to save the world she had wanted to leave in darkness!”

“It's not like that at all...”

“It is like that Rainbow, what you think about a pony is just that shallow. Remember when the Wonderbolts were holdin' try-outs and Rapid Fire got in? You hated him, and not us' because he got a shot at yer dream. He was a no-good bully who tormented the lot of you lil' pegasi in Cloudsdale with his devilish pranks. But as soon as he made it on the team, you found yerself another idol to drool over.”

“...he wasn't just a bully, you know” Rainbow weakly defended,“he was always kinda cool in a loveable jerkish sort of way...”

“Save it Rainbow.” Applejack interrupted again, “No matter which way you spell it, you adore the fella because of a cheap spandex uniform, not for who he is deep down at heart. The same goes for Luna, you care more about what she's called than who she really is!”

“That's, that's no-not stupid!” Rainbow shouted, quivering on the verge of tears, “You're not being fair, AJ!”

“No, Ah'm just right, that's all.” Applejack coldly replied, “Rainbow Ah can't follow you. Ah just can't trust your judgment anymore than Ah can lasso and hogtie it. Ah'll find my own path to Everfree Castle...”

“Applejack, please, I remember now, I promise!” Rainbow broke in, “I'm not stupid, I'm not! We can get there together, don't leave!”

Turning her back on Rainbow Dash, Applejack took the right pathway and trudged on forth without looking back.

“Hey wait! Hold on AJ! That's not the way to Everfree Castle, I've never even been down that way before, who knows what's down there!? C'mon, we gotta stick together, this forest is full of monsters!”

“If you had half a brain, Rainbow, you'd hush up and follow me!” Applejack shouted back, not wavering from her decision for a second, “ This path is the widest and best kept! Looks like a castle road if there ever was one!”

As the pegasi were connected body and soul to the heavens above, so too were Applejack and her kind to the earth below. Pushing away the new fallen snow, she needed little light to tell that the gravel seemed finer and the ground more firm under hoof. Rainbow Dash, however, only saw dirt no different from the path she desired to take. Desperate to sway Applejack away from her choice, Rainbow's bold spirit emerged once more to lock horns with the earth pony's adamant stubbornness, but the fresh wounds it had sustained could not be hidden under such a thin veneer of confidence.

“AJ, that's not the right way to our friends, I'm telling you!” Rainbow yelled, her voice trembling as a violent gust blew through the forest boughs, “Listen to me, c'mon! They're over this way!”

But Applejack didn't hear her over the wind's fell cry and continued onward undeterred. As ice and snow buffeted her face, she found herself not caring if Rainbow were to follow her. This was her path, the right path; she would walk it even if it meant going alone. If Rainbow was so sure of herself, she would find a way to Everfree Castle on her own. With her speed, recklessness, and dumb luck, the pegasus could easily brave the forest by herself. Applejack knew that's what her friend
was thinking anyway and couldn't agree more; besides, the frustrated earth pony couldn't stand to look at Rainbow anymore. Whenever she did, Applejack could only see a crude caricature of the pegasus she loved so dearly. It pained her not only to see Rainbow's loyal heart warped by her naïveté, but her devotion to the mystique of night incarnate; Princess Luna. In a strange way, running away from Rainbow was a final act of resistance against this goddess of despair. If she was fated to help the villain, so be it, but it would be on her terms. Not Rainbow's, not Twilight's, and most definitely not Luna's.

Yes, her own; no others'.

The novel notion thawed her frozen limbs and drove her deeper into the heart of the forest. Without thinking, Applejack found herself building up speed against the wind's current until at last she was at full gallop. With abandon she charged forward, not out of urgency to reach the castle but to flee from the sickening hatred she felt coursing through her. In this sense, the once repressive cold had become liberating; every chilling breath she drew no longer filled her with dread. Rather this union between the freezing air and her burning heart produced an exhilarating wave of energy to take hold of her senses and push her to the limit.

Coming upon a clearing, Applejack stopped to catch her breath and noticed a large erratic situated in its midst. The remnant of an age long past, it stood monolithic and proud as it endured the vicious winds in no different a manner than it had the past few millenia. Weathered but massive nonetheless, its summit offered an ideal lookout that just managed to pierce the umbrage of Everfree.

“Well, Ah'll be darned, a little luck comes mah way.” Applejack thought with little enthusiasm, “Ah'll see how far the castle is just up ahead, won't take long to find out.”

Climbing the boulder, Applejack cast her eyes across the vast expanse of Everfree. Expectantly she looked for the dark turrets of the castle in the black of night until a fiery glint caught her eye for but a second. Looking westward in the direction of her intended path, the earth pony could just barely make out the outline of Luna's citadel from afar.

Applejack's pride swelled at the sight. From atop her perch, she shouted against the wind and snow.

“Ha! Ah knew it! Ah knew Ah was right! See, a good bit of common sense and responsibility can get you far, Rainbow! You hear?! Ah was right!”

In that moment, the farm pony felt unconquerable as she stood upon the rock's precipice, her proud smile seemingly goading fate's hand to do its worst. Tolerance being no virtue of destiny, it responded in kind with a sudden powerful updraft. Its indiscriminate touch knowing no limitations, it snatched and carried Applejack's hat away into the forest.

“No, no, no!” she cried aloud in dismay, “How could Ah be so careless? Shoot, get back here now!”

Jumping from top the giant stone back down to the earth without so much as a flinch, Applejack's eyes were locked on the faint shadow of her hat. Cruelly the wind toyed with her by floating the old heirloom in the air just above her, tantalizing the earth pony to no end. As the hat crossed the pathway and entered into the thick, snow-covered brush of Everfree, Applejack gave no thought to pursuing the ragged piece of felt. Breaking branches from their limbs with ease as she charged, Applejack felt little pain as she was torn at by thorns and ice. Nothing could distract her from that most cherished possession, the honor of father's memory. Applejack was bound heart, soul, and mind to the preservation of what very little she had left from him, that what she still needed from him.

At last, it seemed the wind had grown weary with its little game. Dropping the hat neatly before the entrance of a small cave, the wind dissipated as if to allow the humbled pony the right to retrieve the thing without interference.

“Thank mah lucky stars!” Applejack cried out “Thank Celestia, wherever she is! Thank, well...”

Pausing only for a seconds Applejack's doubt was overpowered by the intense relief and joy she felt.

“Heck, why not? Thank Luna and her crummy witchcraft too! Ah thank--”

A slight tremor in the earth shook Applejack from her cathartic adulation. Puzzled, she took a single step forward and felt another vibration. To her horror, Applejack beheld a creature born of the blackest nightmares emerge from its hidden burrow; the tarantulion. Three times the size of a pony, the giant arachnid was covered in a thick coat of bristling, toxic hairs. Around its head extended particularly long strands that gave the death trap the deceptive appearance of a lion's regal mane. The monster bore razor sharp claws at the end of each leg, ideal for shredding any unfortunate fauna that may stumble above its feasting hall. Just above the beast's tremendous, skull-crushing jaws, eight grotesque, unblinking eyes rested and stared intently at Applejack until it caught sight of the hat before its trapdoor. Content with taking it as a prize, the tarantulion ceased the hat and retreated back into its burrow to continue preparing its den for its long winter sleep.

Applejack stood in dead silence unable and unwilling to shift her gaze away from the beast's lair. A cold emptiness now pervaded throughout her being as if her heart had instead been torn away from her. As the farm pony trembled and fell to her knees, a fresh stream of hot tears trickled down the side of her face. The despair she felt was not just for her loss, it was also because she deserved it.

“What have I done worthy to wear pa's hat anyway?” she questioned, “I didn't listen to mah brother, I abandoned Rainbow a few miles back, and I disrespected them both because I let mah arrogance best me again...What would pa say if he saw me now, alone in the middle of the most dangerous forest in Equestria? 'Ya reap what ya sow now, Applejack, you don't grow apples from oranges', that's what.”

Closing her eyes, Applejack reflected on the events that had led her before the tarantulion's den, a thousand thoughts passing through her mind in the brevity of seconds. She remembered how moved she was by Big Mac's comforting wisdom, but she was far from Fluttershy's cozy bedroom. In the heart of a blizzard, his words seemed to have lost all meaning or use. Applejack wasn't a sage, talk of how life should be was always secondary to how things are and, as she endured the icy slings and arrows of nature, the earth pony found very little reason to change her attitude. Even now Applejack continued to grapple with the story of her father's death, trying to make sense of it all in relation to her own struggle. She had been so young when it happened that over the years he had become a sort of legend to her, an intangible paragon of virtue pure of sin and selfishness.

“Pa was a humble pony who gave everything to do what was right.” Applejack thought, “Ah tried to be like him, Ah've tried mah whole life, but when it all boils down to it and things are lookin' tough, what am Ah? A no good coward? But how can Ah do the right thing by doing what Ah know feels wrong? Am Ah even makin' any sense now?”

Turning her teary eyes to the star-lit heavens above, Applejack made a final plea to the bygone spirit of her father. In her mind, she knew nothing would come of it, but she needed release somehow.

“Ah'll make you proud, pa, Ah swear Ah'll find a way, just you see...please, give me another chance!”

“You got it boss!”

Shocked to hear a response, Applejack stood up straight only to feel a rush of air pass just above her ear. Landing before the mouth of the cave, Rainbow Dash turned back to smile at her friend.

“Miss me? You gave me one heck of a race Applejack, but you can't get rid of me that easy!”

As she said this, a red glow emanated from around the pegasus' neck; it was the light of loyalty shining brightly in the darkest of places. Though overjoyed to see her friend return, Applejack felt a twinge of fear creep down her spine as she noticed just where Rainbow Dash was standing.

“Rainbow, get away from there! It ain't safe there's...”

“A big ugly spider. I know, no big deal.” she replied. Knocking the top off the trapdoor, Rainbow taunted the busy tarantulion.“Hey you dumb hunk of husk! I've been stamping around your little dirt hole for a full ten seconds now! How is it that the world's slowest spider is still alive with a time like that? Do you have your mom down there spoon feeding you flies or something!?”

Of course, the content of her words meant very little to the tarantulion but the vibrations they sent through its home incensed it to no end. Though not hungry, a final snack before hibernation seemed to be in order. Like lightning the beast struck from below, but it was hardly a match for Rainbow's agility. Deftly dodging the attack, Rainbow Dash shouted at the arachnid

“That's it? Let me show you how its done, itsy bitsy!”

Building up speed before charging right back at the tarantulion, Rainbow smashed one of its legs with terrifying impact. Slightly crippled, the beast let out a guttural roar before slashing at Rainbow with its claws. Surprised to see a spider with such a dangerous appendage, the pegasus barely managed to escape the brunt of its swing. But a scratch from a full-grown and angry tarantulion can hardly be dismissed, as Rainbow soon learned as a warm trickle of blood split down her face and into her eyes.

“Rainbow, leave it be and let's get outta here!” Applejack desperately appealed, “It ain't worth it!”

Briefly turning back to her friend before returning to the fray, Rainbow Dash simply grinned.

“No worries AJ, a little bug bite's not going to keep me down for long, I got this!”

Flying into the air, Rainbow Dash rode the winds powerful current to achieve breakneck speeds that would crush a lesser aviator. In a rainbow flash, the pegasus assaulted her foe with a barrage of blows. Shrieking, the tarantulion recoiled and bided its time, waiting for its prey to leave herself open. As it endured the dizzying pummeling from above, the beast subtly shed its toxic hairs and dispersed them into the air. Little to Rainbow's knowledge, the irritating pricks she felt was the sensation of a debilitating venom entering her veins. It didn't take long before the pegasus started feeling fuzzy-headed and tired but continued her attack unabated. As she pulled away from her latest strike, she felt one of the tarantulion's claw grasp her. Slamming Rainbow into the earth and pinning her firmly down, the beast crawled over its victim in eager preparation for the coup de grâce. Struggling in vain to free herself, Rainbow saw no clear way out.

“Claws off the wings, you damned dirty bug!” she cursed, no longer resisting,“Keep it up and you'll find your ugly face getting bucked hard!”

The tarantulion ignored the unintelligible growls of its prey and lowered its head for the kill. Clicking its mandibles wildly, a premature drop of venom drooled from its exposed fangs. As the lethal rope of toxin threatened to graze her face, Rainbow Dash did not flinch or cower out of fear and hopelessness. No, that wouldn't be much like Rainbow Dash at all; she would rather piss death off with a snide smirk and a dismissive laugh.

“Ha! Your funeral, I hope you like Apples...”

Suddenly, from out of the shadows, Applejack's powerful hooves emerged to ream the beast square in the face.

“...'cause you just got a mouth-full!”

Gripped by immeasurable pain, the tarantulion screeched and reared up on its hind-legs, exposing its sensitive abdomen to the courageous and cocky pegasus. Recovering with a quick flip, Rainbow delivered a swift aerial blow to the beast that sent it falling backwards. Flailing madly, the tarantulion rolled itself back on to its feet and fled into the forest. Though the ancient arachnid had abandoned its burrow to its better, there festered no semblance of resentment in the tarantulion's simple mind. The laws of nature could not be challenged, might was always right.

“That's right, run!” Rainbow shouted weakly, “Tell your monster pals that no one, and I mean no one, hurts my friends! Doesn't matter how or why...doesn't...matter...”

Seeing Rainbow's knees wobble, Applejack jumped to support her friend before she could fall.

“Rainbow, that was the gall darn dumbest thing you've ever done!” Applejack cried aloud, her stern voice trembling, “You scared me dead stiff, I was so worried I'd lose you over a stupid old hat! If you had...had died for that hat Ah...don't think Ah could ever live with mahself...

“Applejack, I didn't risk my wings just for your hat and you know it. I did what I did because I knew how important it was to you, I knew that it was your dad's. No matter what you want to call it now, that hat is part of who you are and where you come from. You're my best friend, Applejack, I...I love you, you know? I'd sacrifice anything to defend even the smallest bit of what makes you so special, so strong, so incredibly awesome...”

“Rainbow, how can you say that after the way I treated you?” Applejack sniffed, shaking her head “Ah don't deserve your love, you shouldn't love me now. Ah wanted to hurt you, Ah did hurt you! How can you forgive me so fast? Ah can't even forgive mahself! It doesn't make an ounce of sense!”

“Heh, well, what can I say?” Rainbow replied giving a fatigued chuckle, “Sure you pulled some pretty sharp punches, and yeah, it really did hurt to hear the honest truth. But hey, I'm your friend, I'd never ditch you because of some stupid fight. I mean, how much sense would it make for me to hate you? What good would come from that? None.”

As she spoke, Rainbow's voice became noticeably raspy and cracked as though parched. Trying again to stand on her own four hooves, the pegasus stumbled back into Applejack's embrace.

“Ha, oops, slipped up again. Thanks AJ...”

“Hush hun, I'm going to get us to shelter, just hold on for little while.”

Hoisting the pegasus on to her back, Applejack carried Rainbow Dash to the cave the tarantulion had once used as bait for weary animals. Though its mouth was wide, the inside of the cave was quite small. Lying Rainbow down on the cold rock, Applejack looked at her friend with subtle awe. Though Rainbow's strength had waned, the light of her element shone ever the brighter, revealing not just the walls of the cave, but revealing the full extent of her injuries as well. Apart from the bloody memento the tarantulion's claws had carved into he left-side of her face, the poisonous hairs of the beast had inflamed the cyan pegasus' skin, leaving red scratches across her body. Her feathers were ruffled, dirty, and covered with frost while her left wing hung limply as though broken. The despair Applejack had felt upon seeing her brother's broken body returned with devastating force, causing new tears to well and new sorrows to blossom.

“Ah'm so, so sorry Rainbow, this is all my fault!” Applejack cried, “Ah was just so full of myself and Ah didn't listen to you proper...it's like Ah'll never learn! It's so hard to change for the better Rainbow, Ah don't know if Ah can do it!”

“Applejack, give yourself a break!” Rainbow returned, trying her best to ignore her own poor condition, “I know you're super responsible and everything, but you gotta stop acting like you've got the whole world on your shoulders! Besides, I like to take credit for my own near-death experiences, thank you very much. I got a little beat up because I chose to fight a giant spider, nothing you said or did made me do it. ”

“...but that stupid hat...it still wasn't worth the risk!”

“Oh really?” Rainbow smiled weakly, “Take a look at yourself and tell me that with a straight face.”

Checking to see what exactly her friend meant, Applejack was surprised to find her body covered in nasty cuts and large bruises.

“Ha, you bulldozed a good chunk of Everfree to chase that 'stupid' hat. To be straight with ya Applejack, you don't look much better than me right now...Let's face it, the only thing that kept you from kicking that spider out of its hole and getting your hat back was that you were alone and scared. I would be too, AJ. But when I faced that slimy bug, I knew you were there at my side. If things started looking bad, I knew that I could count on you to make sure that I didn't end up as spider chow.”

“Rainbow...I guess yer right, but how can you be so confident about it all? Ah didn't deserve yer trust at all...”

“Geez, cut it out with the humility thing already. It's getting old fast, okay?” Rainbow interrupted, “Anyway, it's like your brother was saying. When everything is on the table and the stakes are high, the only thing we've really got is each other. I know your trust issues with Luna are really screwing with you today, but you gotta see that sometimes respect and faith in a pony doesn't need to be earned. Sometimes, it's just gotta be expected, you know?”

Applejack closed her eyes and sighed.

“No, I know, but...but...I can't ignore the past...”

“Well, that's gotta be important too, but we can't live like we're stuck in time. You said it's hard to change for the better, but it's possible because we have our amazing friends to help us. I mean, without you guys I'd probably just be some loud-mouthed, selfish bully flying around Cloudsdale doing nothing but causing problems. And look at Twi, she's come a long way from being an anti-social shut-in, don't you think?”

“Ah do...”

“Well then, as your friend, it's my job to help you be the best pony you can. Just give me a sec and I'll be right back!”

Applejack was astonished to see her friend confidently rise to her hooves, something just ten minutes ago seemed nearly impossible. With a hobbled stride, Rainbow ducked into the empty burrow at the cave entrance and emerged a few moments later covered in web. Atop her head was Applejack's beloved hat, freshly rescued from the walls of the tarantulion's lair. Moved beyond words, Applejack smiled warmly as a single tear escaping her eyes.

“It fits you better than it does me.” Applejack said, “Yer brave and loving, Rainbow, just like mah pa was.”

“No offense Applejack, but it's not really my style. It works a whole lot better for you.” Rainbow chuckled, taking the hat off and placing it back on Applejack's head, “See? And hey, don't sell yourself short, it took a lot of guts to come save my flank too. Your dad would be proud AJ, 'cause if there's anypony like him, it's definitely his kid.”

Applejack lunged at Rainbow, hugging her tightly in loving appreciation. As she held the pegasus closely, the grateful earth pony could feel the warmth emanating from Rainbow's elemental jewel pass into her. Soon, the cold frost that had touched her heart had been cast out.

“Thank you Rainbow, thank you so much for everything, you really are the truest, most loyal friend a pony could ever ask for. Ah can't tell you just how important and special you are to me. Ah was lost and confused, but you've helped me find mah way again!”

As Applejack nuzzled up against her, Rainbow Dash was overjoyed to see that she had really made a difference in the earth pony's life. The brash pegasus never thought she was too good with handling other ponies' issues and definitely didn't consider herself a well of wisdom. Yet here she was dishing some out; such is the extraordinary power of friendship that her unknown potential could be tapped.

Though she had done a lot of good, Rainbow knew that there was still one agonizing thorn buried deep in Applejack's heart that needed to be removed. Always one for a risk, the pegasus was now confident that she was the one for the job.

Momentarily breaking their embrace, Rainbow pulled away from Applejack and looked deeply into her eyes.

“When I heard you ask for a second chance, I didn't think about it at all. It didn't matter to me if you deserved it or not, everypony should be able to prove themselves, at least that's what I think. Nopony is above forgiveness AJ...not even Luna. You need to forgive her, AJ! It's the only way you can ever forgive yourself.”

Applejack turned herself away from Rainbow's gaze, ashamed and angry at herself.

“...Yes, it's just...Ah can't do it...”

“Why, is it really that hard to believe that Luna has changed?”

“...Ah can't let go of my hate for her...for Luna. She only leaves a trail of misery behind her, how can it be that she's changed? Luna is the night, Rainbow. She is this darkness, this mystery, this...this terror that surrounds us right now. How can honest good come from that? How can I be expected to forget what she is? It would take a miracle for me to believe in Luna...”

“A miracle?” Rainbow interrupted, “Well you know me, I'm always up for a challenge!”

Focusing as hard as possible, Rainbow began flapping her right wing while her crippled left wing twitched uselessly.

“Stop that Rainbow, it looks painful as all get up!” Applejack said with concern.

“Ugh, no pain, no game!” the tenacious mare replied with a wink,“It's really not that bad, I'll show ya!”

Applejack cringed at her friend's futile effort, the tortuous sight making her conscious of her own injuries. After a brief while, the earth pony heard the obscene cracking of bones and immediately worried for Rainbow's well-being. Her fears were soon dashed when, to her complete amazement, she saw the gutsy pegasus take to the air. Hovering with a wry smile on her face, Rainbow Dash laughed at the sight of Applejack's jaw drop.

“Ha, good as new, what did I tell you?”

“But...but...your wing was more busted than a bucket of juicing grapes!” Applejack sputtered, “And yer face, it's, it's all patched up too!”

Applejack pointed to the gruesome slash, and indeed, gone was any trace of blood or rash. Only a faint scar marked where claw and flash had met.

“Really? Sweet, it kinda stung a bit,” she responded, the strength of her voice now restored, “Hey, you look a little less bad yourself!”

Checking herself over, Applejack watched as a small cut on her leg healed over, but not without a surprising release of pain. The earth pony simply stared in dismay as she slowly realized the implications.

“She wasn't lying.” Applejack muttered under her breath.

“What's that?”

“Luna...she was being honest, but Ah...Ah didn't want to believe her, it all sounded like a bucket of hooey...but Ah guess we really did steal her immortality from her...

“Wait, wait, wait, slow down.” Rainbow said, waving her hooves wildly, “We're immortal? That is so cool!”

“Not exactly sugar cube, we still got pretty roughed up fighting that spider, but...wait. Twilight never told you what this is all about?”


“Then how did you know you'd get better...”

“I didn't, but it never hurts to keep on trying and having a bit of faith,” Rainbow replied,“...well, maybe it did a little bit this time around. But hey, whatever works!”

Turning and looking out at the radiant silver moon resting across the horizon, Applejack closed her teary eyes and sat in silence as a bitter war raged in her heart and mind. Her hate remained, but its roots withered in the light of faith and reason. As she tried to purge the loathsome cancer, Applejack's thoughts strayed back to her brother's life stories. Once dead and divorced from everything the earth pony understood, Applejack's trial through wind and snow as well as beast and demon had breathed new meaning into Big Mac's words.

"AJ, there's no way fer us to understand exactly Princess Luna's motives or goals. She's a goddess after all, so much depends on her. She's powerful beyond our knowin', so she has to be careful with what she says, one word could mean the difference between life and death. All we can do is have faith in her, jus' as we have faith in our friends. When it all comes down to it, that's all we've got."

As she meditated on this, she felt Rainbow warmly embrace her in solemn support. Opening her eyes, Applejack found the strength to cast out her hate. With a deep breath of winter's cold air, Applejack felt cleansed and absolved of her weakness. Never before had she felt such relief as respect replaced hatred, although its shadow would never entirely be lifted from her. But in that moment she felt renewed, perhaps even like if it was a normal day with normal expectations.

She was at last ready to trust and help Princess Luna not because she was led on a leash by destiny, but because she wanted to. It may be stupid, but her personal sacrifice echoed the ethos of both her brother and father; one family bonded together by honor, humility, and swift service to those in need.

“Well Rainbow,” Applejack spoke up, her voice filled with passion and promise, “it looks about time Ah got over my sobbin' fit and get back to work! Saddle up! Ah've let mah friends down too much today and Ah won't tolerate it no more, so let's get a roll on!”

“That's the Applejack I know!” Rainbow shouted, “All right, Everfree Castle, here we come!”

As they left the cave, the duo didn't get far before Applejack heard the ominous sound of breaking branches coming from the east. The threat of the tarantulion returning with a vengeance seemed very real, especially since the wind could not be blamed. Curiously, its intensity had diminished since the fight with the spider. Thus was the unpredictability of Everfree.

“Ugh, Rainbow, please tell me you hear that.” Applejack said, looking at Rainbow with uncertainty.

“Hear wha--”

Out of the darkness of the forest, a shadowy figure bolted straight into Rainbow, causing both to fall to the ground. By the light of Rainbow's jewel, Applejack was surprised to find no monster, but rather a black pegasus covered in bandages, bruises, and cuts.

“Hey buddy, watch it!” Rainbow shouted as she got back up and dusted her feathers off, “What the hay are you doing in Everfree anyway, are you crazy or something?”

“That voice...” the pegasus grunted, “...That voice! You can't be...”

Realizing just who it was he crashed into, the stranger's red eyes opened in horror.

“ Rainbow Dash!”

“Of course I'm...wait, old on,” Rainbow Dash said, “Nightshade, is that you?”

“Nightshade! Lt. Nightshade? The pegasus that wrangled me in the mud?” Applejack asked, “What in blazes is he doing here with no armor wandering around like Granny Smith after a hot cup of special cider!?”

The guard got to his hooves and looked at Applejack, his sensitive eyes straining to get an ounce of good detail in the dark.

“Applejack?! You were under the custody too! Damn it, damn it, damn it! How could Lightning let this happen?”

“Hey settle down there, partner.” Applejack said, trying to calm the volatile soldier “You don't look all that swell, maybe you should come with us.”

“To the moon I will!” Nightshade sneered, shaking Applejack's hoof off him, “I'd never follow a bunch of witches to their coven! You won't fool me, the lot of you will pay for what you've done!”

“Yeah, yeah, I've heard...” Rainbow said, thinking back to the 'race', “Don't be so sore about losing, geez....”

“ Damn, they're all here in Everfree!” Nightshade shouted, “They're all here! But this isn't the end, I'll bring the whole bloody hive down on this forest in a blink of an eye! That's a promise!”

Before another word could be said, Nightshade, in spite of his injuries, dashed madly into the forest at a speed that would put Rainbow to shame. Such was his haste that the snow melted in his wake, leaving a trail cleared of both brush and ice behind him.

“Did you get that Rainbow?” Applejack said, “Our friends aren't at the castle. You were right, well, in a way. Anyhow they must be where this Nightshade fella came from, c'mon! This guy means business, did you see that? We best get a move on, and quick-like!”

Rainbow just stared down Nightshade's path having just witnessed the fastest running pegasus she had ever seen.

“Rainbow! Snap out of it and come on!”

“Uh, yeah!” Rainbow shook herself, “Vamanos, allons-y, and all that other good stuff! We're outta here!”

As the friends shot down the eastward path out of the heart of the forest, they failed to take notice of a red bird perched above the cave quietly priming its plumage before taking off once more into the night sky.

Chapter ten. I'm really sorry it took so long to write this, but my winter break has been filled with both fun adventures and mandatory family duties. Life, it keeps you from not having one. Anyway, I did agonize over this chapter because many might find it unneeded. I personally wanted to see Applejack grow as a character and prepare her for the next chapter, and I felt Chapter 7 didn't really do it. If it's something I've learned it's that words don't change people; experiences do. The characterization and dialogue, too, needed to be just right so as to be believable. I can't tell you how many times I've revised Rainbow Dash's lines.

This chapter also took longer because it somewhat diverts from the main story I had planned, but I felt inspired to elaborate so forgive me. There will be at least two more chapters but more likely there will be three...

I know one of my weaknesses as an author is telling too much to the reader, as I'm inclined to be very detailed and controlling. I also think I'm a bit repetitive. If you notice any of these two in my writing, please, bring them to my knowledge!

And now I close with a thanks to those still reading this mess of purple prose after a very long three month drought. Also, if it's still functioning, thanks to those TV tropers for tropin' this fanfic.