• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 3,489 Views, 51 Comments

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts - Grey Prophet

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers

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Part 6

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

Part 6

A change from the typically hay-thatched buildings dotting the layout of Ponyville, the ornately decorated Carousel Boutique drew the attention and admiration of many visitors to the village. Its superb architecture and beautiful purple marble left the impression that the structure was a royal retreat rather than the home of a tailor. Even in the dark of night, its magnificence could not be hidden; the smooth marble reflected the soft moonlight while the stars illuminated the dazzling array of jewels lining the windows of the second floor, behind which peacefully slept the famed fashionista herself, Lady Rarity.

Well, in truth, she lacked the aristocratic title "Lady" and her last name revealed her more humble origins, a past she had worked diligently to suppress, opting to be referred to as simply Rarity in all matters from business deals to her most intimate of relationships. Nonetheless, there was perhaps nopony dedicated to high society and culture as her; though an artistic visionary she was extremely disciplined in all things regarding etiquette, fashion, and class. Tonight, however, Rarity allowed herself to relax, for even the most rigidly regimented of ponies required a reprieve from the extremes of their own personality. It had been a tough few weeks for Rarity; she had received a slew of commissions for suits and gowns for the occasion of a royal banquet. Though envious and a tad hurt for not receiving an invitation from Celestia, the pressing demands of her trade and bitter memories of Prince Blueblood quickly chased such sentiments away. Toiling all week with little time for friends, family, and, most importantly, herself, Rarity was relieved beyond words to see her last (extremely satisfied) customer exit her boutique. Immediately afterwards, she promised to close shop for the weekend and pamper herself.

Such was her exhaustion that she went to bed without her usual curlers and face mask, justifying the choice by "letting Aloe and Lotus do their job" at the spa. As sleep took her, thoughts of a tranquil morning brought a faint smile to her face. The gentle touch of the dawn's first rays would awake her and welcome her to a new day. She would then fix herself a cup of tea and read her book, a rare collection of medieval romances Twilight had translated for her. Though not of royal cloth, Rarity yearned to be part of those tales, to be the fair princess in the tower. Her dreams did not deny her this pleasure tonight, and Rarity was swept away to a land rife with greedy dragons and maidens, noble stallions and valorous deeds…


Rudely torn from her slumber, Rarity's eyes bugged at the sound of the coarse words penetrating her home. Her shock, however, quickly faded and was replaced instead with an unbridled rage. If it was one thing Rarity held more sacred than fashion and art, it was the sanctity of the Equestrian language and its proper use. Not only were this scoundrel's words an utterly feeble attempt for a lazy mind to express itself effectively, they were beyond crude and wholly indecent to the ears of true ladies and young children. This injustice to the Ponyville community could not go unpunished; hell hath no fury like Lady Rarity.

Shooting out of her bed, she quickly left her house to find the source of the string of obscenities. She did not need to travel far, as she soon came upon the host of the Royal Guard awaiting orders from their frustrated captain who continued to swear sporadically and loudly. Rarity paused for but a moment, she knew she was dealing with Celestia's elite soldier but that was ever more the reason to chastise their commanding officer from departing so clearly from chivalry. This is not to say his high status did not have an impact, for it reminded Rarity to regain her composure and keep a level head. Like a proper lady should. Calming herself, she boldly approached the captain as he had his back turned to her.

"Excuse me, good sir." She tried at gaining his attention, but the brown pegasus ignored her.

"Ergh," he growled, "Nightshade!"

"Yes sir, Captain Braveheart!"

"I want you to lead a small reconnaissance around the perimeter or Ponyville! I doubt they got very far, so I want a report in 15 minutes! Put those lazy wings to use and get going!"

"Yes sir!"

"Good pegasus, I can always count on you to get shit around here done, now do me proud!"

"Uh-hem!" Rarity cleared her throat, "Captain!"

Responding to his rank, Braveheart turned his head to his side, saw Rarity, snorted in contempt, and brought his attention back to his troops. So appalled by the captain's behavior, Rarity was at loss of words. This was Celestia's best knight? It had to be an imposter; there was no way under Celestia's good heavens that this brute could possibly be heroic or honorable, and certainly not chivalrous! However, at that thought Rarity was instantly reminded of Prince Blueblood, and suddenly it seemed pretty plausible that this ruffian "knight" was in fact of Celestia's court.

As she stood in silence, Captain Braveheart continued to address his pegasi in an agitated voice.

"All right, we failed in our objective to apprehend the renegade Princess Luna, or more accurately Nightmare Moon, within the desired time allotted to us by the general. It's just about 0700 hours meanin' ponies will be wakin' up pretty soon."

Sighing heavily and removing his helmet, the captain's face turned solemn. Eyes cast downwards, he continued.

"Pegasi, I don't need to tell you this, but we're dealin' with a national crisis the likes we've never seen before. This will make last year look like we were babysitting a bunch of foals; at least last year, in her wisdom, Celestia had set in motion a plan to stop her demon of a sister. But even under her guidance, we know how many died in Canterlot that day, how many died because of that witch."

Braveheart's demeanor now reverted back to his usual fiery tone, his voice once again that of a barking officer.

"Now, we have only our courage, wit, and determination. Not only must we capture Nightmare Moon, we must do our best to preserve order here. I've sent Private Gust to call on the district barracks to send reinforcements here. They may not be elite, but we'll need every disciplined soldier to turn back this tide. I mean, I've had reports come across me that say this village teetered on the brink of hysteria over a bunch of rabbits running through the town square! This is more than just a skittery bunch, they're damn near crazy, so I want their little panic attack contained and defused! If there was any good to come from the last Summer Sun Festival, it at the very least prepared us for a day like this, so no excuses! We've trained damn hard for this, so I don't want any screw-ups. I expect only to see the best from my pegasi!"

Rarity could respect Braveheart's tense situation, even if she didn't quite understand it fully, but it was still unforgiveable to so rudely write her off and repeatedly use such vulgar words.

"Captain Braveheart, I would gladly appreciate it if I could have an audience with you!" Rarity politely requested against the wind, which at this point had begun to weaken.

With another growl, Braveheart turned and gave Rarity an ugly look. He continued to glare at her as he began to speak, but his words were for his pegasi, not the fair unicorn.

"And here I thought the wind was just becoming more obnoxious, turns out it's another nosey bitch here to add shit to my plate."

The captain let out a gruff cackle, as if his insult was actually original. The thing is with insults, however, is that it matters not how creative they are but how potent their impact is, and a stunned Rarity definitely felt it.


The fair unicorn detested the word above all others. Unlike its fellow curses, "bitch" carried the weight of a dismissive, sexist chauvinism that impressed upon its victim a sense of inferiority and servitude. It also reduced her to the level of a faceless, run-of-the-mill commoner worthy of being only a lust object for the depraved.

Her face hardened, her eyebrows furrowed with anger. No lady should ever suffer such gross offense!

Rarity could no longer contain herself. This soldier, no matter how impressive his rank or medals were, had not a shred of class; if he was going to so crudely disrespect her, she was going to treat him like the slime of the earth he was!

Finished with his little chuckle, Braveheart finally addressed Rarity in an authoritative tone.

"Look honey, the best thing you can do for me and my company is to turn your hide around and head straight back to your home and stay there. Got it?"

Rarity leered at the captain with a burning hate.

"No captain, I will not." she said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, a fighter huh? Now go-"

Braveheart was interrupted by getting a full face of the unicorn as she butt heads with him, her disdainful stare squaring him straight in the eye.

"To imagine Princess Celestia's elite knights to be no more than a degenerate rabble of ruffians! By Celestia's good heavens, the way you carry on, captain! What example of discipline or honor are you demonstrating to your pegasi when you can't even hold your vulgar, maggot ridden tongue in the presence of a lady for but a second! And then to call her a "bitch"! Well, Captain Braveheart, if that is what you think of me, I'll be happy to indulge you in your crude stupidity!"

With a swift swipe of her hoof, Rarity gave the captain a stinging slap to the face.

"Hmph! If there is to be a civil disturbance this morning, you have no pony to blame but yourself, captain. Your rambunctious cursing most likely woke up half the town and did nothing to calm anypony down Burn Twilight Sparkle, the nerve! Such barbarisms Celestia will never tolerate, I have a mind to tell the princess myself of her captain's depraved ruthlessness and astonishing disrespect for the fairer sex!"

Captain Braveheart stood silent, his face burning with a curious mixture of rage and shame. This unicorn had the nerve to disregard his authority and humiliate him in front of his pegasi, yet at the same time she was in the right to do so. His hot temper and coarse language had gotten him into trouble in the past, the only reason he managed his rank was through an impressive track record in the field. Still, he did his best to make sure it never interfered in a mission, but today was beyond stressful. With Celestia gone, everything seemed to be falling apart, even his own discipline. He needed her, just as the day needs the sun. Nonetheless, Braveheart was proud, and he'd be damned to just let this townie from the boonies tell him how uncivilized he was.

As Rarity finished her tirade, Braveheart spoke through clenched teeth.

"And what makes you think Celestia would care to hear what you have to say?"

Rarity grinned, in this question she was happy to oblige in a response.

"Why, don't you know? I'm Rarity, fashionista extraordinaire. Celestia personally commissions me for the royal décor of Canterlot Castle. It helps to have good friends, dear; I'm a master at networking."

The captain's face suddenly lit up in surprise, growing a grin of his own.

"You're Rarity, the famed fashion designer? Twilight Sparkle's friend?"

Rarity's smirk faded, confused a bit by the captain's question.

"Why, yes, I mean …"

"Well then, Miss.Rarity, you are under arrest for conspiring against the throne."

"—wait what, what?" Rarity stood dumbstruck.

"Don't worry; perhaps you'll see some of your work at Canterlot, though last I recall the dungeons are pretty damn bare. Maybe you can knit somethin' for the dank walls, somethin' bright. It gets so bloody dreary down there; I'm sure Princess Luna will love it! Ha! Storm Cloud, front and center!"

"Yes sir!" replied a grey mare with bright blue eyes.

"Put Miss Rarity here under house arrest for now. I expect you can handle an interrogation on your own."

"Of course."

"Oh, and sergeant."


"Do you think I've acted out of line? Speak candidly."

"Captain, to be honest, you've been more of an ass today than usual. It doesn't take a therapist to see why, but you might want to watch what you say to civilians. The kid here is right, you could start a panic."

"Hmm…fine, duly noted. Take her away."

Before Storm Cloud could lead Rarity away, a shrill scream was heard emitting from some corner of the small village soon followed by the unmistakable words of Lilly, a mare with a penchant for alarmist drama.

"The horror, the horror!"

If the captain's curses succeeded in waking up a few ponies around the town square, Lilly's cry awoke the rest of the village. One by one, the ponies peered from their windows and doorways only to find what they thought they left behind when sweet sleep took them: a chilling north wind and a beautiful night sky. As they gazed up at the eerie darkness, a cold terror swept through them; there was no sign of their beloved goddess to be found. All that seemed to change was the moon which remained just upon the horizon, making it seem larger, almost as if it were falling towards the earth.

"Shit, make that quick sergeant, I need you back here." Braveheart growled, "It's starting."

"Yes sir!"

Rarity found herself lifted off her hooves, the female soldier effortlessly carrying her as she glided towards the boutique. Dropping her off, the sergeant gave Rarity a stern warning.

"Get inside; it might get ugly out here. Don't even think about leaving, princess. You're just a suspect now but if you escape you'll be a felon. Trust me, it's best if you just stay here and work on your dresses."

Without waiting for a response, Storm Cloud bolted back to her company. Rarity complied with her orders; she didn't want to get mixed in with a dirty bunch of rioters after all. However, the whole situation was, well, so thrilling, like one of her romances! Though Braveheart was far from charming, it did not mean him or the other guards incapable of exciting deeds. Rarity quickly ran up the stairs to the highest level of the boutique so she could get a decent look of the town square. And then she heard it, faint though it may be against the wind.


"The sky…it…"

"Can it be…?"

"I knew it; I knew she shouldn't have been trusted…"

And then the prophets emerged.

"Nightmare Moon has returned to cast her vengeance upon us! Pray that Celestia may deliver us from her wicked onslaught! Repent, we must all repent!"

And the spark that ignites a firestorm.

"Doom, doom! What hope do we have! Everypony for themselves!"

For Ponyville, it took only three minutes to escalate to this point, much to Captain Braveheart's chagrin.

"Return to your homes!" the captain shouted, his helmet fixed firmly back on his head, "By order of Celestia's Royal Guard, return to your homes or we will not hesitate to use force!"

Not surprisingly, his warnings fell on a crowd deafened by both the wind and their own hysterics. All ready the mob began to scurry aimlessly about the square, screaming and damaging property along the way.

"I knew that wasn't going to cut it, words can only do so much in the end." The disgruntled captain said to himself before turning to his pegasi, "Form up! Form up! I want shields and nightsticks ready! Now fall in and follow my lead!"

With that, Braveheart took to the sky, leading his pegasi to encircle the panicking villagers in the town square and swiftly land.

"Shields!" Braveheart ordered, "Shields!"

The guards raised their golden shields in concert, the sound of clattering metal sounding like a symphony to Braveheart's ears.

"Company advance!"

As the guard began to box in the rioters, a few dozen Earth ponies crashed against the lines trying to break through.

"Stand your ground, hold them!" Braveheart barked, planting his hooves firmly to the ground. It was a grueling test of physical strength; an average lot of pegasi would have easily been trampled down by the much stronger and sturdier Earth ponies. But the elite earned their keep; they managed to rebuff the charge and continue to press inwards. After fifteen minutes of steadily gaining ground, the frightened villagers had been rounded up, their reckless stampeding put to an end.


"Yes sir!"

"You're good with words, calm these hicks down and send them on their way home!"

"I'll do what I can, sir."

Lightning Strike broke rank and file to speak with the scared residents of Ponyville. Removing his helmet in an attempt to look less intimidating, the lieutenant calmly addressed the crowd.

"Citizens of Ponyville, her highness Celestia's Royal Guard…"

"Where the hay is Princess Celestia!" a voice interrupted.

"…in conjunction with the Equestrian Armed Forces have declared a state of emergency…"

"Who gave you thugs the right to tell us what to do?"

"Yeah! We want to see authorizations from parliament!"

"…curfew will be in effect until the crisis is managed. We remind you to keep calm and keep heart, the situation is under control."

"Lying pig! Control this!"

Flying from the crowd, several rocks soared through the air. Most clattered harmlessly against Lightning Strike's armor, but one managed to smack the side of his exposed head. Dazed, the lieutenant's vision blurred and his knees grew weak. Suddenly, he felt a push and fell to the ground. Reorienting himself, he saw Braveheart standing defensively before him with outstretched wings. Several more enchanted rocks were hurled, the captain enduring each blow without so much as single flinch. Turning back to the crowd, Braveheart snarled with disgust.

"Get the fuck off the streets! I don't have the time to protect you foals all day, so get movin'!"

"Protect us from what?

"Yeah, let us go!"

"From yourselves, ya bloody stinkin' idiots! Where in Celestia's name do you think you dumb foals can escape to, huh? If you haven't noticed, that won't do anything but make ya end up hurtin' yourselves and give me a splittin' headache! Now go home!"

Another rock flew through the air, but the captain's keen eye caught sight of it and dodged the projectile.

"Fine!" Braveheart growled, "We'll have it your way then. Pegasi, nightsticks drawn!"

"He's bluffing," a gutsy young stallion shouted, "He'd never get away with hurting any of us."

"You have the nerve to attack my soldiers and then tell me what I can't do? Big mistake, you son-of-a-bitch! I'll make an example of you!"

As he raised his nightstick to strike, something quite unexpected caught the elite veteran completely off guard.

"Hiya captain!" shouted a cheery voice from behind.

Braveheart froze comically in place, a wave of confusion evident in his blank expression. Slowly he turned his head to behold a familiar pink pony.

"Captain, Captain!" She chirped happily, "Remember me, Pinkie Pie? It was, like, all dark and cold and stuff outside, and I saw you fly into town and I had never seen you before! Well maybe at the Grand Galloping Gala, but never in Ponyville, so I thought, 'Hey, what's really good on a cold night? Duh, silly, hot chocolate with marshmallows of course!' So then I made some and when I came outside there were, like, thirty of you and I was all sad because I only had one cup of cocoa to share but then I realized 'Hey, know what else warms you up? A party!' And then you were all 'Please ma'am we have important royal stuff to do blah blah. ' And then we all danced! Well, kind of, I mean, I totally was but you guys were just shuffling around all nervous! What's up with that? You should really get them on some dance lessons, or something. Then again it must be really, really hard to dance with all that clunky armor. Oh wait a second captain, what d'ya got there? A baton? Were you doing tricks and stuff for everypony? That is so cool! Let me try!"

Yanking the nightstick from Braveheart's grasp, the pink pony proceeded to twirl it and toss it up into the air, following up with several summersaults before catching it. The nightstick didn't stop twirling as the acrobat spun it around her body, neck, and legs, until she once again released it into the air, this time doing three back flips before it came back down. Faster and faster she spun it about, biting her tongue in stern concentration. Guard and town pony alike stood in amazement, both forgetting their fears and anxieties as they watched the pink pony's movements flow like quicksilver.

Then she tripped on a rock.

Falling on her back, the enthusiastic ball of energy let out a merry giggle. The crowd of ponies (and some of the guards) cheered and stamped to show their approval.

"Oh wow! That was really fun! But I guess I'll have to practice a whole lot more to get as good as you are, huh captain?"

Braveheart was almost at loss as to what to say.

"…err…sure kid. But if you don't mind, I got to get these folks off the streets. It's too dangerous for all you to be wandering about town, and I have more pressing matters to tend to."

"Oh I can help with that, no problem!" Pinkie Pie replied. Giving a shrill whistle, she gained the attention of the crowd of ponies. "Listen up everypony! Captain Braveheart needs us all to get back inside so he can do his job and get things back to normal around here!"

"But Pinkie," a stallion spoke out, "that pegasus is power crazy!"

"Are you kidding me, Caramel? He may be a grumpy pants, but he only wants to see you all safe and sound. Hey! I know, if everypony goes back home, they can expect a free basket of muffins tomorrow morning! My treat!"

There was a brief silence as the crowd thought it over.

"Well, if Pinkie Pie trusts this guy, he can't be all bad."

"Yeah, there's no point in fighting…"


To Captain Braveheart's great relief, the crowd dispersed and calmly returned to their residences without there being a single casualty or death. Even damage to property was kept to a minimum. For the first time since Celestia's disappearance, Braveheart smiled and gave a genuine, joyful laugh.

"Now that's the Braveheart everypony should see!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, giving the rough soldier a big hug. The captain could hardly believe how infectious, nay, intoxicating the bubbly young mare's joy and love was, just being around her made him want to break out the ale and celebrate. However, that had to wait. Only when Celestia sat again upon her golden throne and Luna thrown in the depths of Canterlot's dungeon would he rest and be merry.

"Your assistance, was…appreciated, Pinkamena Pie. A bit unconventional for this old soldier, but I don't complain as long as it works. Good job."

Breaking away from the pink pony, he broke the files of his pegasi and returned to the town hall to await Lt. Nightshade's report. Pinkie Pie turned to Lt. Lightning Strike who was still on the ground rubbing his head.

"Lightning! Ouch! That's a nasty bump you got on your head!"

"Heh, yeah, well, I deserved it." The lieutenant chuckled in reply.

"Baloney! You meant well, but what the hay was with your speech? Borrringgg! It was all like 'Look at me, I sound like I'm reading an instruction manual for mixing paint.' Of course they weren't going to listen to you, silly; they needed to hear something from the heart, but you-soun-ded like-a-ro-bot." Pinkie Pie said, giving her own impression.

"Well that's fitting, because I feel like one." Lightning Strike said getting back on his hooves, "I had to hurt somepony I love tonight…I can't bear to show any emotion right now. Not when our mission is so critical to the well-being of all."

"Don't say that Lightning," Pinkie said with a look of concern, "It's never a good thing to bury your feelings. If you do that, you lose what makes you special! Today, you gotta do what you gotta do, you're totally right. It'll be tough, but don't hide who you are to keep the pain away. Have courage. The pain will always be there, whether you like it or not and it will get in the way of your mission if you don't deal with it. I know what it's like to hurt your friends, everypony does, it's something really cruddy we wish we could laugh away."

Pinkie leaned in close to Lightning Strike and whispered.

"Want to know a secret?"

The lieutenant nodded.

"You don't have to wish, you just can."

Lightning Strike gave her a puzzled look.

"Hmm, well, maybe not exactly, but the point is that you can't let the past get you down when the future is yours for the making! If she truly loves you, she'll forgive you, silly, don't ever forget that! It takes more than a midnight book raid to lose the love of Twilight Sparkle."

Smiling and giving the surprised lieutenant a wink, Pinkie Pie left him with a final word before bouncing off.

"Remember Lightning to speak from the heart…Oh, and wait! Stop by Sugar Cube Corner next Thursday! It's cheesecake day! I mean, yum, am I right?"

Lightning Strike gave a faint smile, but as she trotted away, he lowered his head in despair. The burning question remained, one that even the gods had no answer for.


Braveheart looked to the sky, searching for his lieutenant to return. He was running late, and the captain was growing impatient.

"Nightshade, I sent you out a half an hour ago because you're my best flier. Where the—"

"Captain Braveheart, sir!"

Turning away from the skies, Braveheart saw his best soldier entering the square on hoof...with a prisoner in tow.

"And here I was thinking that this old Wonderbolt was just growing rusty around the wings." The captain grinned.

"Far from it, sir, though you're right. It wasn't exactly my best time." The lieutenant replied, saluting his officer. The captive simply left her head hanging low.

"So who's the hick you found rollin' around in the mud, lietenant?"

"Captain," Nightshade beamed with pride, "this is Applejack, known friend of Twilight Sparkle. The report noted her for her honesty, but I didn't expect a simple run-in with her would give us the intelligence we needed."

"So she's been questioned already? Good pegasus!"

"Well, there was a bit of a chase, first. She's fast for an Earth Pony, I'll give her that, but catching her was hardly a problem. When I subdued her and began the interrogation, she wouldn't lie, per say, but she'd do her damn best to beat around the question. But I know how to play that little game. In the end she let it slip that there had been magical activity in her orchard this morning."

The lieutenant paused and smiled.

"Captain, I believe Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle are hiding at Sweet Apple Acres. I'd recommend we move quickly."

Braveheart grinned.

"Excellent, but the militia hasn't showed up yet. I want a garrison maintained here to enforce curfew, but if we do this right, I shouldn't need more than ten pegasi to arrest Princess Luna. Anymore would just weigh us down. If things look hairy, I'll send for reinforcements, so I want you on standby just in case."

"Uh, sir," Nightshade frowned, "Am I not a part of the extraction force?"

"Lieutenant, I need you here to keep the peace. This is an important task; don't underestimate its worth to Celestia or me, for that matter. Don't worry Nightshade, the princess will know it was you who found her devil of a sister. I'll make sure to tell her myself."

At that moment, Pinkie Pie bounced by. Catching Applejack from the corner of her eye, she stopped mid-air and turned to see her friend tied up and in the custody of the two guards.

"Applejack! Hey, Applejack!" she called out, prompting Applejack to raise her head. Eyes now wide, the farm pony tried mouthing the word "run" in the hopes that the guards wouldn't arrest her too.

"What's that? 'Fun'? Okay!"

As Pinkie Pie approached, Applejack face hoofed at her friend's density.

"Hey Braveheart! Practicing rodeo with Applejack now? Silly I thought you had a job to do! I have to admit though, if you want to learn, you learn from the best, and Applejack is the greatest most best rodeo cowgirl in all of Equestria!"

Braveheart and Nightshade ceased their planning and just stared at the eccentric Earth pony. Applejack just sighed in exasperation.

"Captain," Nightshade whispered, "Isn't that Pinkamena Pie, Twilight Sparkle's friend who commandeered the music at the Grand Galloping Gala? Why isn't she in custody?"

Braveheart blushed in embarrassment.

"Yes, lieutenant, it is. I'll tell you that she proved key in pacifying the village mob, but keep in mind that I don't need to justify my decisions to you. Remember who you're speaking to, damn it!"

"What'cha talkin' 'bout, Cap'n?" the pink partier inquired.

"Hush, Sugar cube," Applejack whispered, "Ah'm under arrest, get outta here."

"That doesn't sound much fun at all." Pinkie said, her spirit deflating. "Why Captain, why arrest Applejack?"

Braveheart muttered under his breath, refusing to look at the pink pony.

"…You foals don't have the faintest clue how anything works, do you? Celestia spoiled the lot of you and now you can't even respect what we're trying to do."

Turning to Pinkie, he gave a wicked glare and raised his voice.

"You're friend conspired with Princess Luna, a traitor to both her own sister and Equestria. If you want to join in the grand plot, just say the word and I can arrange a nice dank cage for you in Canterlot!"

A bit thrown off by the Captain's harsh words, a look of hurt washed over Pinkie's face.

"F-fine! I'd rather sit in dark, dirty cell with my friends than listen to you being a big meanie to everypony!"

The captain's eye twitched; he would never admit it, but the young mare's words stung a bit. But he quickly shrugged it off; he was used to being hated and feared. His job demanded it at times, and he was really good at his job.

"…So be it. You heard her, Nightshade. Slap some cuffs on her and get her the hell out of my sight! Damn I need a cigar and a stiff drink..."

"Pinkie!" Applejack shouted as the lieutenant restrained the pink pony, "What are you thinkin' girl? Gettin' caged up with me ain't gonna help a darn thing!"

"No way José! It's always better to stay together!"

Nightshade proceeded to lead them to Rarity's home, which, granted its central position in the town, was now serving as a makeshift prison. Upon arrival, the lieutenant was saluted by Storm Cloud.

"More of Twilight Sparkle's friends, lieutenant?"

"Yeah, but make sure to watch these ones carefully. I've got a runner here," he said, pulling the rope on Applejack who gritted her teeth and growled in response, "and I've got a…Pinkie here."

Pinkie smiled and tried to wave with her cuffed hooves.

"Hi Storm Cloud!"

The sergeant chuckled.

"Huh, well that'll be a challenge. We could hardly keep her away from us last night, drove the captain a bit mad at the time, too. You think we can really contain her in here?"

"Are you telling me you're not up to the task sergeant? I can always get Pockets on the job."

"Pardon me, but don't make me laugh. You know we're too spread out as it is, and I'll be Celestia's nephew if you switch me out with Pockets. Can't you get Silver Winds or somepony else to take my place?"

"Watch duty is the only thing that guy knows how to do right, and I don't want him hiding under my wing when I'm coordinating with the district militia. I'm surprised Braveheart hasn't kicked him off the guard yet, I think he likes having an idiot around to vent off on."

"You know how it is on the guard, Nightshade. There's the best of the best--us--and those that squeak through because the princess has pity on 'em. They don't usually leave the kitchen though... "

"Well, since you think guarding Twilight's friends will be hard, you can use another soldier. He might be just an apple peeling punching bag, but Pockets still fits the bill."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Look Storm, I need every good pony I can get in the field. So be a good soldier and make sure Pockets doesn't screw up."

"So what am I then?" Storm replied, visibly miffed, "Are you trying to pigeonhole me too?"

Nightshade smirked.

"Don't take it so badly! Like you said, I need at least one competent pony here, and, last I checked, your brain seemed to be in good working order. More or less."

Storm growled and gave her superior a dirty look.

"Again lieutenant? You always want to get rid of me when Braveheart's away so you can take all the credit!"

Other than a slight frown, the lieutenant's disposition changed little in response.

"Braveheart sees something special in you, just what is a mystery to me. All I know is that you slow him down and prevent him from making the right calls at the right time. We can't afford that bullshit tonight, got it?"

"Don't cut me that crap, you're just scared that I'm better than you and the captain knows it."

Nightshade turned around to hide his anger.

"Remember to who you're speaking to! Just do as you're told, sergeant, and stay out of my way."

With that Nightshade left his underling and muttered two words under his breath.

"Insubordinate bitch."

The younger officer gave a slight growl before checking herself. She knew that Nightshade was just lashing out because he was jealous. Besides, it would take more than a cowardly insult to ruffle Storm's feathers; after all, she was a pro with a job to do. Petty little dramas like this were for foals, not her.

Sighing, Storm lead the two prisoners inside. At the sound of the door shutting, a happy Rarity dashed down the stairs to greet the Earth ponies with big hugs.

"Oh, girls! I was so worried! I saw everything! Well, the wind was messing up my beautiful mane, so perhaps not everything, but I'm so glad to see that these brutish stallions didn't hurt you!"

"Who are you calling a stallion, princess?" the annoyed officer spoke up, removing her helm to reveal a sweaty, matted silver mane scrunched up in a ponytail. Her face was reddened by the cold wind so much so that the skin began to crack, pushing up a bit of blood to the surface. Rarity couldn't help but show her distaste in her appearance.

"My, I've never seen such a disaster in all my days! Why, you make Applejack look, look, well, look like me! A proper lady!"

"Thanks a lot, Rarity." Applejack sarcastically droned.

"Sorry dear, it was the best I could come up with on the spot." Rarity said, then turning back to the unhappy soldier. "Armor? You poor, deluded mare. Just look at you! You have so much potential for fabulosity, yet you squander it like Applejack…"

"Rarity, stop it, you'll only get us inta more trouble!"

The fashion-inclined unicorn ignored her friend and inspected Storm Cloud thoroughly.

"Look at what you're doing with that magnificent mane! Officer, ponytails should stay on one's rump, don't you think?"

Before Storm could respond, she felt Rarity tug at one of her grey wings, causing her to unfurl them in full display.

"My! I've only seen wings like these in magazines! Such length lends to elegance and grace, no? I must say, even I'm a pinch jealous!"

With a final evaluation, Rarity nodded.

"Oh yes. I can definitely salvage this piece of work. Dear, leave these boys to their filthy dirt play and allow your feminine side some much needed air. It's such a sin to let beauty go to waste…"

"Uh, sergeant…" Applejack tried to cut in before being interrupted herself.

"That's enough!" shouted Storm Cloud, "I don't know whether you think I'm stupid and shallow enough to be won over by a pedicure or you honestly believe what you're saying."


"Ergh!" the sergeant growled, "Who are you to tell me what is feminine or what it means to be a lady! My Celestia! Our land is ruled by a goddess, yet it's always a big bucking deal if anypony sees a mare in the armed forces. Gah! Yes the army is full of stallions but it's not just a boy's club. Ponies just treat it like one because they have an idea that the Equestrian Armed Forces is a joke, that it's just a bunch of hormonal stallions sitting around the barracks all day telling dirty jokes! But that's untrue, we're deployed all over the world at a moment's notice to fight or keep the peace in the name of her highness, Princess Celestia. There is nothing more honorable, yet my sisters-in-arms are discouraged because ponies like you tell them it's improper. I can tell you that I'm far from being the only mare with a cutie mark like this."

Removing the plate protecting her thigh, Rarity saw the image of a golden sword blazed across the soldier's flank.

"Strength, agility, courage, and quick wit. These talents are common place and needed to help defend our land. What is rare is a pony skilled enough in the arts to reach your professional stature and 'culture', yet you expect them to be like you when it's not even remotely in their personality. Stop putting us in the same box together and don't you dare pretend to understand who I am. "

Though a bit flustered by Storm Cloud's last accusation Rarity, kept her cool.

"Pray tell, sergeant, what do you think my cutie mark means?"

"Three jewels? It doesn't take a professor to tell you that you deal in the arts and high fashion."

"Well, you'd be dead wrong. It's clear you're reading too deeply into it. No, at its base level it means I'm good at finding gems, nothing more. Do you believe that I should've taken up mining, despite my utter distaste for all things…ugh…dirt? That would be the more sensible, direct path to success, but I think it safe to say that I would not be happy. No, not the slightest! Instead, I took my talent and applied it to something I love. And you know what? I became one of the most sought after designers in Equestria. I wasn't born into class or fashion, dear, I dedicated myself to their pursuit!"

Rarity paused, closing her eyes.

"Perhaps it's wrong for me to expect every filly to behave like a lady all the time. But don't you find it a tad hypocritical to tell me that I'm 'putting us in a box' together (as you so quaintly put it) when you base one's entire destiny on a cutie mark? That's rather rigid, don't you think?"

After another brief pause, Rarity opened her eyes.

"Don't pretend to understand me, either, sergeant."

Storm Cloud blushed; she had not expected the tables to turn so quickly. However, she quickly regained her professional composure the best she could.

"I'll be sure to update the report on you…"

"Thank you. Now, if you excuse me, I have some work I must take care of."

Rarity moved over to the other side of the boutique but remained within the eyesight of the three other ponies. Taking some black and blue fabric, she began to stitch with her machine.

"I was gonna let ya know, sergeant," Applejack said, "The way Rarity was sizin' you up? Yeah, that's how she says 'howdy, nice to meet cha'. That's all."

The soldier did not respond, rather she put her helm back on and assumed the famous stoic disposition of the Royal Guard.

"Oooo! We're playing the statue game again!" Pinkie Pie said, looking Storm Cloud over, "Not bad Stormy, but check this one out!"

Sitting herself down, Pinkie arched her back, brought one hoof under her jaw, and narrowed her eyes in serious concentration.

"Applejack." Pinkie said dully and slowly through clenched teeth, accentuating each syllable "what do you think this means when I do this?"

"Pinkie, this ain't the time for foolin'! We need to talk, and talk quick like!"

"This means that I am thinking." Pinkie replied, disregarding Applejack's urgency and slowly pointing her hoof at her, "What am I thinking about?"

Applejack shook her head in slight frustration at her friend's eccentricity.

"I dunno hun, a par—"

"A party!" the pink pony shouted enthusiastically, breaking from her mold and leaping into the air.

"No more talking, get in the corner where I can see you and be quiet!" shouted Storm Cloud, unamused with Pinkie's play.

Applejack shook her head in disappointment and frustration; she had so many important things to tell the others, but through a combination of her friends' quirky behaviors and the Royal Guards' strict orders she wasn't getting anything important across. Walking over to where Rarity was working, Applejack and Pinkie sat themselves down in silence, waiting for a bit of good luck to come their way.

And it did, not but a half an hour later.

It would perhaps be the only time in his life that young master Pockets would be considered "lucky" to anypony (except, perhaps to his enemies on the frontline). Bursting through the doors of the Carousel Boutique, the nervous dark blue pegasus dashed over to Storm Cloud, panting heavily.

"Sergeant! Urgent news! The raid failed, Nightmare Moon and Twilight Sparkle have escaped again! And the captain, he's he's…"

"Out with it private!" Storm Cloud ordered, his news thus far being unwanted.

"…he's gone."

Storm Cloud's stern discipline was put to the test, but the grief in her voice could not be so easily concealed.

"Braveheart is dead? That witch murdered him!?"

"Uh, no ma'am, what I meant is that he vanished."

"Damn it Pockets, could you try to be a little less vague?"

"Umm, reports from the wounded say Nightmare Moon used her magic to send him back to Canterlot, and you know how General Hawkeyes treats those who leave their post for any reason…"

"Not quite, but I'm sure you do."

"Immediate suspension, possible dismissal."

Storm Cloud's brow quivered with anger, she was now visibly upset.

"That stupid old coot and his unbending rules! We need Captain Braveheart, there's nopony else that can replace him for something this important! We have to get him back, if we don't this mission is done for, hell, everything is done for."

Golden Pockets just stood there and shook his head in nervous agreement, but it didn't take a genius to tell that Braveheart's absence was a welcomed reprieve for the whipping boy.

"Another thing, sergeant, Lightning Strike wants to see you. He was injured in the raid, but, uh, he's still next in the chain of command...seniority and all. Umm, also, could we switch posts? I'm getting pretty cold circling outside this place…"

"Ugh, fine. The world is falling apart all around you, and that's all you can think about: the cold. Whatever, anything to get you off my back, private. Just make sure to keep a close eye on them."

Before leaving, the guard paused and sighed to herself.

"Lightning Strike…he's not fit to command. Not today."

Left alone with the prisoners with nopony to bother him, Golden Pockets assumed the outwardly deceptive shell of a guard, but he was far from attentive. Indeed, the lingering effects of Luna's drug made him feel like he was going to pass out at any moment. Unfortunately for him, Rarity easily picked up on this. She was sensitive to any form of insincerity, be they through actions or words.

"Ladies," she whispered, "if we are to get ourselves out of our current predicament, I suggest we start now."

"But Rarity…" started Applejack hinting her head towards the guard.

"Oh, pay no attention to him. See how glazed his eyes seem? He's hardly awake let alone watching us."

Applejack smiled in relief, now they could get something done and hopefully reach Twilight before anything truly horrible could happen. Continuing to speak in a hushed tone, Applejack was finally able to deliver her message.

"All right then. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, I know this is a might hard to understand, but this morning I found Twilight…"

"Yes dear, with Princess Luna. The guards let the whole village know, but I believe Twilight must have had good reasoning to follow her. Not for a second do I think she would ever betray Celestia."

Applejack was a bit annoyed by Rarity's interruption, no matter how accurate it was.

"Okay Rarity, if you think yer so in the loop, then why d'ja think I risked my neck to come lookin' for you two, hmm?"

"Ooo! Ooo!" Pinkie Pie said, "Because you need the Elements of Harmony to help Twilight and Princess Luna!"

Applejack looked at the pink pony in disbelief.

"Uh, yeah, but how in the hay d'ja know that?"

"Oh, easy! My Pinkie Sense kicked in just a couple hours back! Twitchy left hoof, itchy back, and three winks from my left eye! That's why I have this!"

Reaching into her puffy mane, Pinkie pulled out her element to show to her friends briefly before putting back in the curly tangle.

"Why, that's swell Pinkie!" Applejack said, happy to see that their escape plans didn't include infiltrating Sugar Cube Corner, "But Pinkie, how'd you get out of those cuffs…?"

"Oh silly! When you've partied as hard as I have, you know you're way around a pair of dumb ol' hoovecuffs."

"Okay…how 'bout you Rarity? You have yer element?"

"Don't worry, I have it stored with my other valuables, it won't take long to retrieve."

"Good, now that that's all sorted, let's find a way outta town." Applejack said, her smile quickly turning to a frown," But that's just what we can't do. I bet ya the farm that the militia reserves have arrived by now. The town might as well be a big ol' fort, we won't be able to put two hooves on the ground without a guard breathin' down our backs!"

"Oh, please do cut the drama, Applejack," Rarity said dismissively, "it doesn't suit you at all, dear. What you need to do is think bigger."

"Darn it Rarity, if you have a plan, just out with it all ready! I don't want to be led around the barrel to a conclusion you made an hour ago!"

"Very well," Rarity said, drawing the other two together in a huddle, "let us gauge our position first. We are located near the town centre, possibly the worst spot to be imprisoned. Therefore, we will require something drastic, something potentially dangerous to achieve our ends. Applejack, you noted that Ponyville is now overrun with guards, this is true. Their sheer numbers may hinder an escape, but in this instance it is a crippling weakness for the guard. Did you not hear the sergeant? Captain Braveheart, the central commander of their operation, the force binding the guard together and directing its actions, is gone. We also know that the town is overwhelmed with fear and confusion, the guard being no different; their leader has just been defeated by the unknown terror of 'Nightmare Moon' after all."

"Uh-huh, it's true. They were pretty edgy when I came out to see them last night." said Pinkie, "Especially Pockets, he's such a scaredy cat!"

"Is he now?" Rarity said giving a wry smile, "Then we are doubly fortunate. I propose we take advantage of his cowardice, cause a deafening public uproar and sneak away into the night."

"How Rarity?" Pinkie asked.

"Simple my dear, I will become that which they fear most. I shall be Nightmare Moon! I have already prepared a rough design for my disguise, but it will be magnificently majestic, I assure you. I just need a couple hours, so it would be wonderful if you two could keep Private Clueless out of my mane while I work."

Rarity turned to see Applejack's eyes leveled in annoyance.

"What's the matter, dear?"

"Rarity, Ah've told ya a dozen times an' all tell ya again: I ain't impressed with yer undergraduate degree in Equestrian from Bale," Applejack said, prompting Rarity to blush and quickly overturn a certificate hanging on her wall, "You say a bunch more words then ya need to, a good plenty of 'em flew o'er my head completely. You could've saved a lot of breath if you just got to the heart of yer plan instead of muddlin' the issue by flashin' fancy words at me an' Pinkie."

"Pardon me Applejack, at times I just get carried away…"

"Don't worry 'bout it sugar cube, I got the gist of yer plan an' it sounds pretty sound."

At this time, Private Pockets was starting to regain a bit more of his wits and noticed the chattering trio.

"Hey, quiet down over there! What're you mares talking about anyway?"

"Oh, nothin' hun!" Applejack replied.

"Only you know, feminine matters." Rarity added.

" Uh-huh, like what?"

"Err, um dresses?"


"And certain sexy stallions."

"Oh well then, carry on ladies." The private said suavely, giving Rarity a wink.

With that Pockets returned to the warm beaches of the tropical fantasy holiday he was playing out in his head. A white unicorn was there to greet him as well.

"Ugh!" Rarity shivered, "That worked a bit too well, I feel violated. Never the matter, I have work to begin. Pinkie Pie, if you could get my Element, it's in the safe just under the reception desk over there. The combination is…"

Before she could finish, Rarity noticed that Pinkie was already at the safe.

"…you'll figure it out."

Returning to her sewing machine, Rarity began with the first stages of her costume. By noon, she had made good ground, allowing her take the time to eat one of the hay sandwiches Pinkie Pie had prepared (with the non-supervision of Private Pockets). Under the pretense of a commissioned gown, Rarity's labor attracted little attention from the guard who simply wrote it off as commonplace in a boutique. Applejack and Pinkie Pie simply sat, at times speaking to each other about nothing in particular; the poor apple crop, baking accidents, the cost of sugar, whatever, in the hopes that if the guard was truly attentive that he would focus on them and not Rarity.

It was around 4:30 when the final touches were being put. Rarity beamed at her creation, which was currently severed into several parts as not to draw the attention of Lighthoof. Like the twisted alter ego of Princess Luna, all the pieces were jet black save the headpiece which Rarity managed to replicate the shining starry mane by placing her finest diamonds into a finely weaved cluster of blue feathers. The serpentine eyes were etched into the hood that completely covered the wearer's face. The body was a skin tight black leather which Rarity had replicated the moon goddess's cutie mark on. The leggings were quite long so to imitate Nightmare Moon's tall stature. Rarity had in her possession two pairs of platform shoes, though ungodly tacky, would help her costume to be that more convincing. Ready to set her plan into motion, Rarity called her friends over just to be interrupted by a thunderous shock wave that shook the very foundations of the boutique.

"What in Celestia's green earth was that?" a stunned Rarity sputtered.

"It couldn't be, she wouldn't…" said Applejack

"Yes-sir-ee-bob! That's a sonic rainboom!" chimed Pinkie Pie.

Looking over to the door, they saw the guard was peering out the door in amazement at the eerie moonlit rainbow explosion.

"This is it girls, quick, help me into the costume!" Rarity ordered, seeing that Rainbow Dash had unwittingly provided them an ideal window of opportunity.

Hastily the two managed to dress Rarity, both of them thankful that the fashion designer had kept the costume simple. In less than a minute, the white unicorn was ready for the debut of her latest creation.

"Hit the lights, Pinkie!" Applejack whispered.


With that, the building went dark, freaking out the young private as he turned back inside.

"Hey you three quit that and get back to where I can see you! D-don't test my good will!"

Out of the shadows, Rarity stepped forward into the patch of moonlight emanating from the doorway.

"No, you sad, pathetic worm." She said coldly, her voice sending a chill not just down Pocket's spine, but Applejack's as well, so perfect was her mimicry, "It is you who should not test the good will of me, Nightmare Moon! Tell your commanders you have witnessed the true power of Princess Luna! Now be gone you perverted runt before I send your sinful soul plunging into eternal darkness and despair! "

Shouting and screaming in fear, the guard dashed out of the boutique not looking back for a second. Perhaps if he did, he would have noticed that "Nightmare Moon" was only being supported by three legs.

"Applejack!" Rarity cried "Why didn't you buckle my boot?"

"To make it easier to take that get-up off! Now c'mon, now's our chance!"

The three friends carefully exited the boutique and slid into the shadows of Ponyville finding the best possible route to escape the village.


"Where the hell is Lightning Strike?" Storm Cloud shouted at Private Blackmane in the middle of the town centre, "He's been gone for two hours on some 'exploratory mission' when he's supposed to be our captain! Nightshade's been looking for him for an hour now, and he hasn't reported back either. Now it's almost 4:30, and we're nowhere near closer to finding Princess Celestia or Nightmare Moon! This would never happen under Braveheart's watch…"

"I'm sorry, sergeant, what was that?" Captain Lightning Strike said behind her back causing the mare to quickly face him, "That sounded like insubordination! I can and will have you court marshaled. Remember your rank, I think you forget about it too often."

To Lightning Strike's surprise, the soldier didn't back down. Instead, she only got in his face.

"No. I don't care. Do it. Because you know what, Lightning? It won't matter, because we're all going to be dead anyway. You haven't gotten us a step closer to solving this crisis 'cause all you do is walk around like a ghost, giving us token orders while you're mind is a thousand miles away. Oh, and captain, I know where it is. It's with the traitor, Twilight Sparkle. You can't bear to see her hurt anymore, do you?"

"Seargent! I will not tolerate this, give me the respect you would Braveheart!" said a flustered Lightning Strike.

"Lightning, you were a good lieutenant. Maybe you will be a great captain in your own right someday, but you don't have anypony's respect on the guard now. Even with the additional garrison, you're having us babysitting when we should be capturing Nightmare Moon. C'mon Lightning, I'm not stupid. You know it and I know it, you're not up to this task. Deep down, you know we need Captain Braveheart back."

Pulling a scroll from her armor, she continued.

"Here's a petition from the entire guard demanding that Braveheart be sent back to lead us. We've made it quite clear that this is a life or death decision on the General's part, all it needs is your seal and he can't refuse us. There's a dragon at the library, you know, he can get this back to Canterlot in seconds."

As Lightning Strike hesitated, a mighty shockwave through the two off balance. Looking up to the sky, Storm knew exactly what its source was.

"A sonic rainboom! The only pegasus to pull that off in a hundred years is Rainbow Dash! No doubt she's running off to meet with Nightmare Moon and Twilight Sparkle. Now's your chance to prove me wrong, Lightning! Lead us! Remember who you are and who you owe your loyalty and service to!"

Lightning paused for a minute, but before he could reply a startling cry rung throughout Ponyville.

"Nightmare Moon! Nightmare Moon is here! Everypony flee, flee for your lives!"

Dashing through the town centre, they saw Private Pockets running madly and screaming his warnings. Soon the doors opened, and citizens flooded the streets; no way would the promise of muffins send them back inside again. At the sight of a royal guard running from his post, some in the district militia dropped their arms and joined in the panic.

"Royal Guard! Form up, defensive positions! Encircle the square!" the captain yelled.

"Lightning!" Storm shouted, "We don't have enough pegasi! Too many have been wounded."

"Damn it, then get me some good militaponies out here to help us!"


"Do it!"

Storm Cloud did her best to gather some well disciplined soldiers while Lightning Strike did his best with the pegasi he had to hold back and control the crowds. The riot lasted an hour, but the captain made sure to limit any physical beatings of civilians. After the crowd was dispersed and sent home, Lightning Strike smiled. No pony had been seriously hurt, and the damage had been contained. Sure it had taken him a lot longer than what Braveheart could accomplish, the veteran captain's shock and awe strategy generally paid off at the cost of a few injured ponies. But efficiency had not been Lightning's goal. Everypony's safety was at the forefront of his mind, but in the back was a more personal reason, one he was ashamed to indulge but did so nonetheless.

His desire to keep his promise to Twilight Sparkle.

As the cold breeze blew the settling dust away, however, a small shape caught his eye.

His heart froze, his breathing stopped. All he felt was dread and the unforgiving winds.

Approaching the figure, he shook his head in disbelief. He thought he had done everything right, he even avoided Braveheart's brutality, yet a still corpse now painted the ground red. No matter what he tried, he could not turn his gaze away from the lifeless light blue colt before him, that is until a shrill cry pierced the air.

Eyes wide with confusion and despair, Lightning Strike saw the foal's mother collect him in her hooves. She wailed and gnashed her teeth in sorrow and bitterness, her tears cleansing her young son's blood-stained and dirt-matted coat. Looking furiously at the captain, she cursed him, but the only word Lightning Strike heard was "monster". Now he could truly understand the full force of Braveheart's agony.

No longer able to take the scene, he turned around only to see Storm Cloud with a grim face and her scroll in hoof. Looking deeply into his eyes, she offered it to him without saying a word.

The former captain did not hesitate a second to accept it.


At this time, the three escapees finally found themselves approaching Fluttershy's cottage.

"Excellent, it's about time we arrived." Rarity sarcastically sang "Good work guiding us Applejack."

"Oh, Ah'm sorry Rarity, Ah guess when you two pieced together darn well near everything Ah had to tell ya, Ah guess Ah didn't get mah word in that we were supposed to get to Fluttershy's" Applejack replied, "Anyway, there was no way in Celestia's good name that we were gonna get a straight shot to her house. We had to walk around town no matter which way you spell it."

Looking at Rarity, Applejack noticed the third member of their company wasn't in step with them.

"Pinkie? You all right?"

Pinkie sat staring past her friends with big eyes. At last she spoke in a subdued tone.

"Everfree is burning."


And that, everyone, is part six. I hope you enjoyed it, even though it is lacking in both Luna and Celestia, but I thought it important to take some time away from the main conflict of the story, though many issues in that conflict are reflected in this chapter as well. I really didn't want to kill anything this chapter, but at the end it seemed necessary. I still would not call this a grim dark fic, I think the term "normal" fits it quite well.

I'm glad to finally give you all this chapter. I worked really hard on it, there were a lot of characters that needed to be introduced and properly characterized so that took me a bit of time. Also, just life getting back from Europe and getting ready to go back to university (and all the friends/family functions that entails) ate up a good amount of time too. Hopefully the next chapters will come swifter.

Another problem for me is the appearance of Nightmare Moon/Luna. Apparently the former isn't the empowered form of the latter. This is one of the things I will rewrite.

As always, I really appreciate feedback in any form, as I will revise the story once it's fully completed and your suggestions help me a lot. Even if you have no constructive criticism, it feels good to hear that people enjoyed my little story.

I do not own MLP or intend to make a profit.