• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 499 Views, 4 Comments

Forever and For Always - ShaD-23

General Tirek has come to take Equestria. Twilight and the others must now stand and face this new threat, but it looks like there's more to everything than what they once thought. Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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Twilight knew already Tirek could not be trusted, walking through the grand palace. It was late, the moon shining and half crescent through the giant windows. Tirek requested lodging for the night and said he would speak with Celestia in the morning about the dragons. Twilight just couldn't sleep. There was likely only one other pony still awake at this time.

Knocking on the door to the main keep, Twilight watched as it opened slightly.

“You may enter, sister.” Princess Luna said calmly. Confused, Twilight entered and saw something most unusual. A tiny alicorn filly with short, blue hair. One look at her crescent cutiemark and Twilight knew it was Luna.

“Princess Luna!?” she stammered, causing the tiny princess to jump. Turning, her eyes widened.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle? I thought you were Celestia.” Luna said quickly as she grew back to her previous size. “That... that is my true form.” she said nervously, blushing slightly. Twilight just blinked in bewilderment. “When I was brought back from the moon and purified by you and your friends, that was the form my body took, for some reason. I've been able to create a disguise for myself to hide my true form.”

“Why hide your true form?” Twilight asked, Luna blushing.

“... because I feared nopony would take me seriously...”

Twilight had to stifle a laugh as Luna blushed once more.

“Why do you come, Princess Twilight?” Luna asked sharply. Twilight scuffled at the ground glumly.

“I know Tirek can't be trusted.” she said. “A dragon under some kind of control attacks Canterlot then suddenly this General Tirek appears out of nowhere and says he can help us chase away the dragons? It just doesn't make sense.”

“My sister and I agree, Princess Twilight.” Luna said. “I would have wanted him to leave, but Celestia wishes to indulge him... she seems more desperate than I am.” Turning back to the moon, Luna let out a low sigh. “You and her seem very similar... it is no wonder why she selected you as her disciple.” Twilight felt her face redden. That was quite a compliment. Just then, she got a nagging thought in the back of her head.

“Princess, I have to ask you...” she said, wondering is she should really ask such a question. “What... what happened to Zerus?” Immediately, Twilight saw Luna's eye twitch. “I've... I've never read about him-”

“He was just a little colt...” Luna said solemnly. “He was so eager to be my pupil... he followed my sister and I to the Crystal Kingdom to face Sombra... By the time we noticed he had trailed us,” she explained, her voice quivering slightly. “... by the time we noticed he was with us, Sombra had cursed the Crystal Empire... he was trapped with them...” Twilight bowed her head. That was such a sad story. “The first Nightmare Night was... something of a memorial for him...” she finished, bowing her head, a tear dropping from her eye. “It's the first time I've spoken of him to anypony other than my sister.”

Twilight looked away. “I'm sorry, princess-”

“You should get some rest, Princess Twilight.” Luna said suddenly. “Tomorrow will be a trying day... we both already know this.” Twilight nodded and turned to leave. Just before she reached the door, however...

“Have you thought about the future, Twilight Sparkle?”

The young alicorn whirled around and looked into Luna's sharp eyes. Twilight knew exactly what she was talking about.

“I... I'm still undecided... I've known my friends for barely a year,” she said, her eyes welling “and now I'm a princess... and I may have to leave them behind...” Luna nodded.

“Indeed...” the elder princess began. “There is much more to the world than initially before, Princess Twilight Sparkle... and as a princess, perhaps you will have to move on...” she went on, putting her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “But the decision is yours and yours alone.”

Twilight sniffled and shook the tears from her eyes. Luna gave her one last nod as she left. There was a great big world for Twilight to discover now that she was a princess. She had been considering field training (as Cadence had underwent before her) now that it seemed she had perfected her study on friendship, the sole reason Celestia had Twilight come to Ponyville in the past. Despite her desire to learn more, Twilight knew she would miss her friends dearly. She felt trapped. Trapped and torn between her new status as alicorn princess and her friends from before. She wasn't certain what path she should choose.


Everypony rose early that morning. Celestia summoned the three other princesses to the throne room prior to their meeting with Tirek. Strangely, Shining Armor had not appeared as he said he would. Twilight, Cadence and Luna all stood tall and focused, Celestia looking quite grave. None of them dared speak.

The warm sun shone in through the windows, Canterlot completely silent outside. Word of Tirek's arrival spread like wildfire. The guards cautioned the residents to stay in doors, but they gathered in the town square, the guards standing watch. They couldn't possibly heard at the towsnponies away. As they stood waiting, the princesses heard commotion outside. Cheering, hollering, ranting. Most believed Tirek was their answer, but some (like the princesses) didn't trust him.

“Be ready for anything.” Celestia said quietly. Twilight wished Rainbow Dash and Rarity could be here with her, but Celestia wouldn't allow it, saying it was against royal protocol, though Twilight had a nagging suspicion it was for their safety. Just then, the giant doors opened as a small squadron on guards lead Tirek into the throne room. He bowed on his front legs before the four as the guards stepped back from him, his black cloak pooling on the carpeted floor.

“Good day to you, General Tirek.” Celestia said in her proper tone.

“Good day, fair princesses.” he said, his voice quite oily. Twilight scowled. She didn't like him. “I trust you are all willing to listen to my proposal, princesses?” he went on. With that, Cadence stepped forward.

“What do you mean by 'proposal', General?” she said sharply, Tirek slowly lifting his gaze to hers.

“I say this because you have something I will need in order to fend off the beasts.” Tirek said calmly. “Please, I kindly ask you hear my plea.” Nopony answered. “I implore you, great Princess Celestia... may I have the Alicorn Amulet?” At this, Celestia's eyes narrowed.

“Why would such an instrument of pure, raw power be of use to use in this dire situation, might I ask you?” she said calmly. “I would wager it would create more problems than it could possibly resolve.” Twilight could feel a flame growing in her heart. “Please, good general, how did you come to hear of the artifact, if I may ask?”

“My princess,” responded Tirek in a respectful tone “I heard a young unicorn donned it recently, gifting her with immense capabilities.” Twilight fought to keep her face from glaring. He clearly spoke of Twilight's magic duel with Trixie, barely a few weeks prior. “Please, with my tempered magic, I'm certain I could wield the mighty amulet and not succumb to it's wickedness.”

Celestia looked Tirek over. Twilight would have given her wings to know what she was thinking.

“I am sorry... but I must decline.” Celestia announced, Tirek's face showing no emotion. “The amulet is far too dangerous for anypony to wear. I hope you understand, good general.” Tirek bowed silently as she said this.

“Indeed, I understand, fair princess.” he said. “If I may, I will still do my best to rid Equestria of its dragon infestation-” “Hold it!”

Twilight stepped forward, glowering at Tirek. The other three jerked their heads to look at her.

“Something doesn't smell right!” she spat.


“That's enough!”

“You come here as soon as I fend off a dragon under mind warp," Twilight continued "my brother doesn't show up when he wrote us he would, and now you ask for the Alicorn Amulet? Who sent you?”

Tirek looks taken aback. Twilight scowled and slowly stomped closer.

“Just who are you?”


Celestia stomped before her, a look of anger on her face.

“Please, accept my apology, General Tirek.” she said, giving a bow to him. Tirek nodded.

“I am sorry, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” he said politely. “If I made you uncomfortable, it was not my intention.” he added with a deep bow. “Please, if you would excuse me.” Tirek said quietly, turning to leave, the guards escorting him out. As soon as the doors closed, the other three princesses turned to Twilight.

“What were you thinking, Twilight?” Celestia said sharply. “You may have insulted him.” Luna added. Twilight, however, glared at the ground.

“We were all thinking the same thing! We all know he knows something! We-”

“That's not the point, Twilight.”

The three turned to Cadence, a look of contempt on her face.

“True, Tirek is not at all what he seems, but we cannot let him know we are aware of this.” she said, stepping to the windows. “Tirek now knows at least one of us is on to him. He will undoubtedly be on the move.” Spying Twilight out of the corner of her eyes, she dropped her tone. “That wasn't like you, though, Twilight.” No sooner did Cadence say this did Twilight realize she was right. That wasn't like Twilight. “You haven't seemed yourself lately... are you sure you are well, Twilight?”

Twilight wasn't sure how to answer. She wasn't sure she was well at all.

“Maybe I need to go home and get my mind off things...” she said, her eyes welling slightly. “It's probably everything I've been thinking of...” Celestia frowned slightly as Luna and Cadence nodded. They all knew well that Twilight was turning over her thoughts for her future in her mind. “Please, excuse me, everypony.” she said, turning to leave, her navy tail swishing. "What about Tirek?" she asked as she came to a stop just before the grand door leading out of the hall.

"My personal garrison has been following him since last night, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Princess Luna explained.

"We are not about to let him evade us that easily." Celestia added. Twilight nodded and let the hall, feeling quite hollow. Thinking about it more, though, she wonder just why hadn't Shining Armor come?


Twilight strolled silently to the train station as Rarity and Rainbow Dash chatted amongst themselves, about both the dragon attack and Tirek's audience with the princesses. Rarity and Rainbow Dash both were polarized over Tirek, Rarity considering his proposal while Rainbow Dash refused to believe he was really there to help.

“How does somepony just waltz up outta nowhere and say they can fight off dragons?” Rainbow Dash huffed. Rarity just shook her head.

“Well, obviously he wants to help-”

“What a laugh. I bet he knows something. He probably just wants to get rich or something!”

“That's hardly likely!" Rarity interjected. "Not everypony is out for glitz, you know-”

“Like you?”

“I beg your pardon!?”

They both continued on like this back and forth down the platform, Twilight not paying them any mind. She was still stuck on how impulsive she had been as of late. It was beginning to scare her. Just then, as they came to the ticket booth, they saw that it was closed.

“Hey, what's going on here?” Twilight asked, Rainbow Dash looking around. “Why's the station down?”

“Sorry, princess.” a conductor pony said as he rounded the booth. “The dragon that attacked yesterday torn up the tracks pretty bad. We'll be lucky if we get it fixed up in the week."


"No wonder Shining Armor couldn't make it!"

"But we have to get back to Ponyville!" Twilight called.

“I'm sorry, princess," the conductor said with a slight bow "but there's no way, no how-”

“That's dumb!” Rainbow Dash sneered. “We'll just fly!”

"What!?” Rarity sputtered.

“Rainbow, stop-” was all Twilight said before Rainbow Dash shot off, her rainbow mane leaving a multicolored streak in her wake. Twilight pawed the ground anxiously.

“Rarity, I gotta go with her!” Twilight said, Rarity uttering in shock, her eyes wide. “I'm really sorry!” With that, Twilight shot off as fast as she could, trying to keep up with the blue pegasus, Rarity and the conductor calling for them both as they shrunk in the distance.


It was a long trip, Twilight barely managing to keep up with her friend. Every time she called for Rainbow Dash, she couldn't even hear her own voice. Zooming through the countryside, they finally came to the familiar ridges and hills just outside of Ponyville. Flapping her wings as best as she could, Twilight zoomed closer and closer to Rainbow Dash, both of their wings aching from flying so far. Rainbow Dash came to a panting halt just outside of the train station as Twilight kept flying, zigzagging through the town and its bewildered ponies weakly as she came crashing down in front of the old Ponyville library she called home. Straining, she just managed to open her door, collapsing in front of a worried looking Spike and Shining Armor...


“Twili! Twili!” “Please, Twilight, be alright!”

Twilight shook awake slowly, resting on her comfortable bed, Spike and Shining Armor both gathered around her.

“You're okay!” “Twili!”

Shaking her head, Twilight looked at the two. Shining Armor was bandaged and bruised, but he looked happy. Spike, however, looked sickly, as if he hadn't slept a wink since Twilight left.

“How is Ponyville?” Twilight managed to wheeze. Both of them bowed.

“Not so good, Twili.” Shining Armor said, bowing his head. “Dragons have been nearby. Everypony's scared and-”

“Send a message to the princess, Spike.” Twilight said suddenly, Shining Armor raising an eyebrow. “That if this General Tirek is so keen on stopping the dragons, send him out her-”

“You know about Tirek!?” Shining Armor and Spike said in union, Twilight turning for them.

“Tirek has been making threats against Ponyville, sis.” Shining Armor explained. “He's been looking for Spike, even though we've told him he's just a baby dragon.”

“Yeah, an' he said...” Spike's voice trailed off, shaky and afraid. “H-he said if I sent another message he'd know... an' he'd come for me.” Twilight narrowed her eyes. She knew Tirek was up to something. But what?

“You weren't supposed to come back until I reduced Ponyville to a smoldering heap, good princess.”

All three of them knew that voice. Rushing for the door (Twilight climbing from her bed), the three saw Tirek glowering up at them from the foot of the steps, a menacing look on his face, his pointed fangs bared.

“What is it you want, Tirek? Answer me!” Twilight demanded, her horn pulsing. Tirek only tutted with a smirk.

“Dear princess, you should already know.” he sneered. With that, he rushed back into the library, Shining Armor shooting down the steps for him. There was loud scuffling as Twilight clambered down the steps, Spike hiding behind her flank. They saw Shining Armor firing his horn for Tirek, only for him to dodge the blasts slyly, cackling as he did.

“Good captain, I'd caution you to know when you are out of your league.” Tirek said as he reached into his flapping cloak. Instantly, he pulled a strange, red pointed object from inside, laughing darkly. Twilight's eyes widened as she realized almost immediately what it was.

“That's Sombra's horn!” she screeched, Shining Armor glaring as the horn turned into a broad, curved red sword.

“Step down Shining Armor!” Tirek hissed “This isn't worth your life, now is it?” Lunging, Shining Armor rushed to tackle Tirek, only for a powerful blast from Twilight's horn to send Tirek flying through the window, the ponyfolk rushing away in terror as they saw him.

“Insolent child. You dare-”

“Am I gonna have to chase you off again, ya brute?”

Tirek turned to see Applejack striding toward him, a look of determination on her face.

“I got rid of you once before, I can do it again, Tirek!” she growled. Tirek snarled at her.

“I made the mistake of allowing you to win, last time, Applejack. You will die this time.” he said, brandishing his blade. Just then, Twilight and Shining Armor rushed for Applejack, Spike riding on Twilight's back.

“This ends now, Tirek!”

“You leave Ponyville, now!”

“Listen t'my friends!”

Tirek glared maliciously at the three ponies. Snorting, he sheathed the giant blade within his cloak.

“What I came for is in my grasp.” he said. “I leave after I have the dragon!” he sneered, stretching his clawed hand forth. Spike, filled with terror, hopped off Twilight's back and rushed into the town, Twilight calling for him. “You are mine!” Tirek called, casting a spell for Spike. Just as it looked as though the twisting mist was about to hit Spike, Applejack rushed into the spell, screaming loudly as she began to glow.

“Drat! No matter!” Tirek said, spreading large bat-like wings and flying off. “Stew in your own muck, Twilight Sparkle!” he called, Twilight, Shining Armor and Spike staring as Applejack began to twist and scream louder.

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash called, flying to see what the commotion was. Pinkie and Fluttershy both came out of hiding as well, just in time to see Applejack become engulfed in a blinding flash of light. Closing their eyes tightly, feeling a great rush of wind, they ponies and dragon opened their eyes and gasped in shock as Applejack was turned into a gigantic, monstrous orange dragon.

Author's Note:

After receiving some much needed criticism, I decided to touch up this chapter.