• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 499 Views, 4 Comments

Forever and For Always - ShaD-23

General Tirek has come to take Equestria. Twilight and the others must now stand and face this new threat, but it looks like there's more to everything than what they once thought. Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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Fluttershy shuddered and sniffled to herself as she saw a few bursts of fire rise from the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, lighting up the night sky. The dragon Applejack must have returned. If only she weren't so afraid of dragons, Fluttershy would have surely gone to see what the damage was and if she could help her friends. She didn't want to see another dragon ever again. She didn't want to see what Applejack, one of her dearest friends, could possibly do to her or her friends in her transformed state.

Just then she heard a horrid sound. Her ears perking up and her wings spreading instantly, Fluttershy turned to the Everfree Forest, her insides turning to ice.

“Angel Bunny!” she whispered. Nopony else would have been able to have noticed the rabbit's cry, but Fluttershy had the uncanny ability to communicate with animals. She knew the distinction between their voices as well as any of her pony friends. She could hear his cries growing fainter and fainter. Clearly he was being taken away into the dark Everfree. Feeling a cold shiver as she charged to the edge of Ponyville, she looked around to see if any of her friends were present. Nopony was there. They were all gone, having panicked at the alarm raised at Sweet Apple Acres and gone back to hiding in their homes. She wanted so desperately to go get somepony else to accompany her into the thick woodlands, but Angel gave another shriek, Fluttershy jumping as it echoed. There was no time to lose!

“Angel! I'm coming for you, sweetie!” she whispered in a terrified voice, placing her Element of Harmony, Kindness, around her neck. “Please be okay!” she cried as she made a dash into the pitch black Everfree. Racing through the bramble-ridden woods, she noticed there were no animals at all. Where could they all be? Suddenly, as she saw a clearing up ahead, illuminated by a number of great torches, she got her answer as the cries of many many animals filled the night air. Bursting through a row of shrubs, Fluttershy looked with an open jaw as all her animal friends were tied to the ground, locked in cages and bound to large steaks. Beavers, birds, frogs, weasels and much much more were struggling in their confinement, all of them clearly terrified and desperate to be free from the tyrant whom imprisoned them. No doubt, Tirek was abducting animals to turn them into dragons, Fluttershy thought. He was creating a bigger army.

“How dare he...” Fluttershy growled, her voice quivering. “How dare that monster steal you all away!? How dare he!?” she howled, her eyes filling with tears and her heart bursting with rage. Furious, Fluttershy began to chomp and rip the ropes apart and break the cages all to pieces, all the woodland creatures scurrying at blinding speed back into the Everfree Forest as she freed them one after the other. Just as she began to tear away at the ropes binding Angel and a few other tiny critters to a large steak, however, Fluttershy jumped, turning to see a number of gigantic, spiny scaled dragons tied to the ground as well, literally covered in ropes. Immediately, she froze with fear.

“Please... help us...” a large green dragon wheezed. “We don't want to be his minions...”

“Help us, young mare, please.” another breathed.

“Who... who did this to y-you?” the yellow pony stammered.

“It was... it was the draconequus.” a skinny blue dragon said weakly. It was Discord? Why would he do such a thing? Was he working secretly for Tirek?

“Please, save us!” the green dragon cried once more, Fluttershy jumping. She was so terrified of dragons. They scared the daylights out of her. Nevertheless, she knew she couldn't leave them there. In a shaking fit, Fluttershy inched closer to the green dragon and began to untie his many ropes. It was a difficult task on account of Fluttershy's shuddering and the intricacy of the knotted ropes. After some time, however, Fluttershy heard footsteps. Fearing the worst, Fluttershy turned to instead see Angel bunny free, a group of the newly freed animals having returned to help her.

“You cuties should run away!” Fluttershy said in protest as they began to swarm the dragons ropes, gnawing and clawing at the bindings. “If the beast Tirek finds you, he'll be furious. You need to hide from him- AHH!” she shrieked as the dragons began to spread their mighty wings and take off into the clear night sky or stomp off into the forest. The animals worked so quickly, it was a genuine shock to Fluttershy.

“I thank you, young mare,” the green one said, nuzzling the terrified pony “for you bravery to save us. Please, be safe from the wicked Tirek.” has said as he, too, spread his giant wings and soared to the stars. Fluttershy nodded, smiling. She was still wary of dragons, but she was happy she freed them from the terrible Tirek. Maybe it was the Element she donned that granted her a stronger bravery, but regardless, she saved more than just her woodland friends and a few dragons with her heroic deed. She felt so proud, she almost forgot about Discord's treachery. Narrowing her eyes, she needed to warn everypony he couldn't be trusted! Turning, however, she felt her insides turn ice cold once more.

“You insipid bearers of the Elements are far more trouble than you are worth.” Tirek hissed, his usual smug smile replaced by a look of fury, his golden eyes glinting for the cowering yellow pony. No matter what her Element granted her, she knew she would never be able to challenge one as powerful as Tirek.

“I think a little punishment is in order, Fluttershy.” the general said, licking his chops, drawing Sombra's red horn from inside his back cloak, Fluttershy shrieking as it grew into the broad, red sword again. “I think you should make a good dragon, like Applejack was for me,” he said in a sly tone “but I think I'll just kill you instead.” Laughing, he raised the sword high, slowly walking over to Fluttershy. Giving a high pitched cry, Fluttershy turned to run away, only for Tirek to shed his black cloak and spread his leathery wings and flew before her, causing her to flop onto her back.

“However, oh however,” he taunted in a quiet voice, Fluttershy's eyes welling as she scuffled back slowly “will Equestria ever survive without its vital Element of Kindness- EEEYAAAAAARGGH!!!”

Tirek fell to his face as a certain minotaur tackled him from behind.

“Iron Will!” Fluttershy cheered, wiping her eyes as she darted up and ran up the muscular self help guru. “Where did you come from?”

“Hold the chat for now, lil' pony.” he said, assuming a defensive stance. “I got somepony's clock to clean.” Tirek growled as he climbed to his hooves once more.

“You will regret that, Iron Will.” the general growled, brandishing his bade. “You die now!” Charging, Tirek brought his sword down at Iron Will, the musclebound minotaur catching in his shimmering hands. Fluttershy's eyes went round as she saw the large, shining blue gauntlets he wore.

“What are those things?” she asked as she stared on, Iron Will tossing Tirek back.

“These things?” he said smugly, not taking his eyes from Tirek. “I got these from ePony when I was vacationing in Canterlot last year.” With that, he charged at full speed for Tirek, slamming his elbow hard into the beast's jaw.

“Mythril gauntlets.” Tirek growled, wiping his cheek. “You came prepared...” Charging, Tirek began to swing with expert precision for his enemy, the two tussling back and forth, the clang of metal filling the clearing. Spinning, Tirek bucked Iron Will hard in the shoulder, knocking him down to one knee.

“All too easy, Iron Will!” Tirek called, rushing back to his foe and bringing his blade down with all his might. It a blinding flash, the minotaur caught the blade just inches from his face.

“When somepony tries to block,” he growled, clearly stronger than Tirek as he slowly pulled him closer “SHOW THEM THAT YOU ROCK!” he roared, tearing the sword away from Tirek and tossing it into the pitch black forest as it returned to a small horn. Tirek had only a moment to gape in awe as it disappeared before Iron Will punched him hard in the face, causing him to buckle.

“Not so tough, now, are ya?” Iron Will taunted as he began to pummel his enemy where he stood. With one final punch, he sent Tirek flying into a tree with a sickening crack, both of them huffing slightly.

“Had enough, Tirek?” Iron Will asked as the centaur-like creature climbed to his hooves once more, a scant few splotches of mud on his black cloak. Tirek, however, let out a few low laughs.

“You are quite a fighter, Iron Will.” Tirek said. “You bested me in battle... but only in a battle of strength.” he said, summoning the horn as it came flying from the forest. “Now I show you what I am made of!” As he said this, his sword began to glow. Iron Will quickly put up his hands to block the blade like before, but this time Tirek was forcing him down to his knees.

“Mythril is a fine mineral,” Tirek began “able to stand the test of time and remain undamaged after the most savage of blows.” Tirek smiled wickedly as he pushed Iron will down further.

“Tirek! Stop!” Fluttershy cried, shivering behind her hooves.

“But it is nothing when faced with magic.” Tirek cackled, punching Iron Will in the face, knocking him to his back. Iron Will scuffled up, huffing furiously. With a roar, Iron Will charged once more against Tirek, only for the general to fire a burst of golden energy for him, knocking him back into a tree like Tirek was before.

“Stay right there, Iron Will.” Tirek sneered at the motionless minotaur. “I wouldn't want you to miss my next trick.”

Cackling, Tirek stepped slowly to Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus shivering. He pointed his glowing blade his cowering prey, laughing like a maniac. Just as a twisting bolt shot from his sword, Fluttershy screamed as Iron Will jumped in front of her, taking the full force of the attack and collapsing to the ground, smoke rising from his scorched body.

“IRON WILL!” Fluttershy cried as Tirek watched them both. “You... you...”

“When somepony is your friend...” Iron Will said weakly, giving her a thumbs up. “Rock for them... until the end...” With that, Iron Will's head dropped to the ground, Fluttershy crying loudly over her fallen friend.

“Don't worry, Fluttershy.” Tirek sneered, slowly walking toward her, raising his blade as it shined in the moonlight. “You will join him soon.” Fluttershy closed her eyes tight as she thought about everything. Applejack being turned into a dragon, Twilight disappearing more and more from Ponyville, Discord's betrayal. It was all too much. Just as she heard Tirek's sword sweep down at her, she suddenly heard a loud clank. Opening her eyes slowly, she could see Rainbow Dash, wearing her Element of Loyalty, holding Tirek's pulsing sword at bay with her glowing horn.

“You knocked him down...” she growled as she stood over Iron Will. “Now let's see you knock me down!” Shoving Tirek back, she charged forward and kicked Tirek in the face, sending him stumbling back.

“You fool.” Tirek laughed. “Do you think you are stronger than that insipid Iron Will?” Tirek stretched his hand forward and sent a giant ball of fire for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy gasping in terror. Standing her ground, she caught the blaze with her horn, buckling slightly as it extinguished, smirking at the general's look of pure confusion.

“The Elements of Harmony can do more than unify to face evil.” Rainbow Dash said in a slick voice. “They are powerful weapons meant to protect Equestria and everypony everywhere!” Roaring, Tirek sent more bursts of fire for her, Rainbow Dash flipping gracefully over them. Rainbow Dash turned, expecting Tirek to be furious, but he was laughing.

“You amuse me, little Rainbow Dash.” he said, brandishing his sword. “You really think you can take me?” he jeered. “I'm twelve hundred years old-”

“You don't look a day over twelve thousand!” Rainbow taunted, Tirek glaring as she spoke. Glowing with power, Tirek began to send bursts of energy for the pony, Rainbow Dash blasting them all into dust wit her horn.

“Gotta do better than that!” the blue unicorn laughed. Charging once more, Tirek raised his word, Rainbow Dash poised and ready for impact, but Tirek instead swung his giant fist for her face, knocking her spinning into the air.

“You leave yourself open!” the best taunted as he fired more beams of energy painfully into her back. “You will die, just like Iron Will!” he said as he seized her by the horn and brought her crashing down into the earth. Fluttershy closed her eyes tight, unable to watch.

“Is that all you have, lamb chops?” Rainbow Dash sneered as she leaped up from the ground and smacked Tirek hard in the face with her front hooves. “You might wanna take me a bit more seriously.” she said, aiming her horn for Tirek, a blue aura glowing around it.

“What is it that you are planning now?” Tirek hissed, drawing his sword, still smirking. “I think we both know who will- what the...” Tirek looked to the sky as black clouds rolled in almost instantly, blocking out the moon and stars. Rainbow Dash was using her magic to bring in a storm. “What are you doing?” Tirek asked in confusion as it began to rain on them, his cloak flapping in the wind as the giant torches were extinguished. “What's the significance of- ARGH!” Tirek dove out of the way as a bolt of lightning crashed just inches away from him, Rainbow Dash's Element glowing brilliantly.

“You're not gonna win this one, Tirek!” she spat, charging at full speed and headbutting him in his side as he lay on the ground, the wind kicking up savagely. Tirek roared out in pain as he tumbled away from Rainbow Dash, the blue pony turning to buck him in his face once again. He was furious.

“It's time you die!” Tirek roared out in fury, swinging his blade for Rainbow Dash. The Pony dodge here and there as he swung, a few cleaves nipping at her rainbow-colored mane. Finally, Tirek swung at her with the broad side of the blade, knocking her into the air.

“BURN!” Tirek screeched, breathing fire for Rainbow Dash as she flew through the air. Turning her horn to him, she put up a shield around her, just barely able to hold off the raging fire as Tirek stepped closer to her, the storm growing more and more torrential by the second. Finally, her shield broke and she was covered in dancing flames, squirming on the ground and screaming as the downpour quickly put out the fire.

“Now it ends.” Tirek laughed, raising his sword high to cut Rainbow Dash in two. Breathing heavily, narrowing her eyes, Rainbow Dash summoned all her might and brought a bolt of lightning crashing down on Tirek's blade, electrocuting her attacker were he stood. Her vision waning, Rainbow held the lightning in place, Tirek jerking in place as he was seared by the lightning as she got up.

“Get out of Ponyville!” she spat, the lightning finally stopping as she fired a barrage of glowing bolts into Tirek, forcing him back further and further. As he fell down to one knee, breathing heavily, the rain still pouring around them, Rainbow Dash used the last of her strength to summon a whirlwind around Tirek, thrashing him about as he was lifted off the ground,his black cloak torn from his body and his bat-like wings twisting in the wind. Finally, she sent one final bolt of lightning into him, knocking him into a tree with such force he snapped it in half and barreled into the forest.

“And never come back!” Rainbow Dash said savagely and she shook her head, her mane hanging straight in the waning rain. Tirek slowly climbed into view, a deep straight cut on his right cheek.

“You...” he glowered, Rainbow Dash fighting to stay standing. “How did you know to come here?” he wheezed.

“I told her.” Discord said, slinking into the clearing, Fluttershy and Tirek's eyes widening.



“You've lost, Tirek.” Discord said in a sharp voice. Tirek was flabbergasted.

“You betrayed me-”

“I've been double crossing you the whole time, Tirek.” Discord said, a slight smirk on his face. “I played you like a violin.” he taunted, summoning one to play a rather chipper tune right behind him. Tirek was furious.

“You traitor-”

“I loved every minute of it, good general.” Discord cheered, giving a mocking salute. “Now, leave Ponyville and my friends... or else.” he growled, now glowering at Tirek. The centaur-like beast roared out once more, kicking at the air with his hind legs.

“I WON'T FORGET THIS!” he spat, spreading his leathery wings and taking off into the still cloudy night sky, ranting and howling with anger. “I WILL RETURN!”

Tirek was gone. Ponyville and Canterlot were saved.