• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 10,153 Views, 677 Comments

A Different Sunset - Evowizard25

The dark bites, as the Equestrian saying goes. It bites, it devours, it destroys, but it can't really do any of that, can it? Sunset isn't going to take any chances.

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Part 15: The Group Reunites

Equestria was the land of oddities. Every nook and cranny was filled with something new and strange. Most were harmless, while some would go so far as to feast on your immortal soul. Sunset Shimmer, the adopted daughter of Celestia, just so happened to be in one of the strangest places of Equestria right at this moment.

Now, being stranded there wasn’t a major deal in it of itself, but the circumstances around that stranding annoyed her to say the least. Her present company were, and she quoted to herself; a young kitsune, a ghoul, a baker, and a farmer.

‘Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke,’ Sunset thought to herself. Being honest with herself, she knew she’d hate every single one of them not a few hours ago. Now however…she didn’t. She couldn’t explain it really, but she had grown to like them. Which was odd. The only creatures she spent time with were her little brother and mother, when she wasn’t busy. Thinking about Spike again, her ears fell flat against her head. ‘Don’t worry, Spike. Your big sister is coming to save you.’

“Thinkin’ of yer kin?” Fiddlesticks asked.

“How’d you know?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. Since she met the farm mare, Fiddlesticks had done nothing but surprise her. If she wasn’t pulling things out of her hat, she was singing songs or doing things no pony could/should ever be able to do. Honestly, Sunset had to wonder if she was secretly a chaos sorcerer or something like that. It’d be the only sane explanation she could think of.

“’Cause ah know that look well enough,” Fiddlesticks answered with a sigh. “Ah’ve got a big family, Sunset. Not a night goes by that ah don’t think of ‘em and pray that they’re safe.” She looked steely into Sunset’s eyes. “Ah promise ya this. We’ll find Spike, alive, and we’re bringin’ him home.”

Sunset didn’t say anything. She just stared at the farmer for a few seconds longer before turning away. ‘Why are they so gung-ho about helping me? I’ve been nothing but a jerk to them since we’ve met. Is it just because I’m Celestia’s daughter, or…maybe it’s something different.’

“Oh you are just going to love Ponyville,” Pizzelle rambled on to the young kitsune on her back. “Ponyville is the most welcoming, nicest town you’ll ever find in this big world. I should know. I’ve been to many of them in my travels. And don’t worry about being alone. I know several families that would love to have you in town. You’ll have tons of friends in no time, like Dinky Hooves. Oh just cute incarnate that little filly. As bubbly as her mother, bless her heart. Maybe Button Mash too, if we can get him away from his video games. Why if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was just a little clone of his mother with how he’s obsessed with those things. Don’t tell his mother I said that. She’d kill me.”

“Sounds like a lovely town, this Ponyville,” Ghoul spoke up.

“It is,” Pizzelle nodded. “It really is.”

“I’ve never had friends before,” Aki Hikaru said. “What’s it like?”

“Never had friends before?” Fiddlesticks gasped and rushed over to stand beside him. “That’s awful. Ya’ve been missin’ out, little fella. Havin’ friends is the best thing in the world.”

“She’s right,” Pizzelle nodded. “Why I…”

“Pizzelle,” Fiddlesticks patted her on the head. “Ah don’t think we need another long winded speech about some of yer friends.”

Pizzelle blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away from time to time. Force of habit.”

“Yeah,” Fiddlesticks snorted in amusement. “A habit ya forced yerself.”

“Oh shush you,” Pizzelle bumped Fiddlestick’s shoulder with a hoof in a vain attempt to push her away. “I just like to talk. The same could be said of you and parties.”

“True enough,” Fiddlesticks fiddled with her hat, making she it was on straight. She winked at the little kitsune. "Don't worry about a thing. You'll have friend faster than a rattle snake can squirm."

Hikaru smiled. "Thank you."

"Think nothin' of it," Fiddlesticks ruffled his head fur with a hoof. She turned to look at Sunset. “What about ya? What do you like to do?”

“What?” Sunset was taken aback by the question.

“Well, ya know some stuff about us,” Fiddlesticks stated. “But we don’t know a lot about ya, other than hear say.”

“Really?” Sunset asked. “You really want to get to know me?”

Fiddlesticks nodded.

‘No one’s ever just wanted to get to know ‘me’,’ Sunset thought to herself. ‘They just want to know about my mother or how to pick up Spike.’ Sunset couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling inside. A really nice feeling that made her smile.

“There’s not a lot….”

With a loud thud, a figure landed in front of them. “BOO!”

“AHHHH!” The lot of them cried in fear, jumping backwards.

Giving themselves a second to recover, the figure fell on her back, laughing up a storm. “You should have seen your faces. Priceless. Just priceless.”

Getting a good look at the figure, they saw it was none other than Lightning Dust.

Sunset growled angrily and stomped up to her. “I could have killed you, you know.”

“Pfft,” Lightning scoffed, her laughs dying away. “As if. I’m too quick for your magic to work. You’d be at my mercy, pinned to the ground in no time.”

“Bow chicka bow wow,” Fiddlesticks piped up.

Everyone glared at her, especially Sunset and Lightning. The duo were blushing up a storm.

“What?” Filddlesticks chuckled. “Ah had to. They were asking for it. Besides, they’d make a cute couple.”

“Just shut up…” The two mares in question stomped over to her angrily. Fiddlesticks chuckled nervously, sweat dropping.

“That’s enough,” Redheart trotted out of the forest…With a Warlock and Sphinx in hoof.

“Uhhhh…” Sunset started, completely taken aback by the sight.

“I could ask you the same,” Redheart tilted her head to the other groups’ companions.

“Right,” Sunset sighed. ‘Well, at least there wasn’t a sea serpent.’

“Redheart!” Pizzelle cried and rushed over to give her a hug. “It’s so good to see you. We were so worried something had happened…” She looked over the Warlock and Sphinx. “And something did happen. You just have to tell me all about it.”

“Maybe later,” Redheart inclined her head. “We have a world to save, do we not?”

“Yes,” the sphinx spoke up. “Let us be off, but not to quickly now. My last meal isn’t being that agreeable with me.”

Sunset couldn’t help but wonder why Lightning, Redheart, and the Warlock all cringed at the ‘meal’ remark. ‘What? Do sphinx dietary habits creep you out or something?’

Sunset couldn’t help but groan. ‘Really? Just really?’ Right in front of them was a large, raging river. Now, normally this wouldn’t be much of a problem, but with her magic so depleted….’Maybe I can teleport myself over. Surely, I can find another way for the others to cross…or finish Nightmare Moon off myself.’

“How’re we goin’ to cross?” Fiddlesticks spoke what everyone was thinking.

“Hello,” Lightning Dust gestured to her wings. “I can just fly us over.”

“Really?” The sphinx, who Sunset had learned was named Arkarkhentkats, spoke up. “You can fly me over to the other side?”

“Oh,” Lightning deflated. “I guess not.” She tapped her chin. “You could just swim on over.”

“Sphinx’s and water do not mix,” Akarkentkats growled.

Which was true. Being part feline, sphinx’s hated being wet. They preferred dry, hot areas to live in, like deserts. Being made to live in the Everfree Forest must have been torture to her. Sunset couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for her. ‘That’s new.’ She wasn’t used to this ‘sorry’ thing.

Before anyone could say anything else about their predicament, a loud whirring sound struck everyone’s eardrums. The lot of them looked up and what they saw clear the forest canopy was one of the strangest machines they had ever seen. It was long, long enough to house a few ponies. The metal compartment reminded her of the layout of a blimps cargo hold. Blades that swerved faster than one can blink, kept the thing aloft.

“The hay is that thing?” Lightning shouted.

“I have no idea,” Sunset gulped, unsure of how to respond to the new, possible threat. “But be ready for anything. This could be one of Nightmare’s tricks.”

The group huddled together, forming a makeshift battle formation. Well, makeshift was being kind, since most of them weren’t really battle hardened at all and lacked coordination, but it was at least an attempt. Of course, the strange machine didn’t come any further. Instead, it lowered itself to the bank, a short distance away from them. The blades and the noise died down until it was gone completely. They all tensed. They expected something to happen: it to attack them, or soldiers of Nightmare rushing out.

What they didn’t expect was to see Quickfix and a bunch of goblins to come rushing out.

‘Great,’ Sunset thought. ‘Goblins. As if I didn’t need another problem.’

“Whoo-wee,” Quickfix cheered. “Now that is what ah'm talking aboot.”

“Quickfix?” The four mares said out loud in confusion.

Turning to look at them, Quickfix face broke out into a grin. “Fancy meetin’ ye 'ere.”

Before she could say another word, she was bowled over by Fiddlesticks. The farm mare had wrapped her up in a bone crushing hug.
“Oh,” Fiddlesticks cried. “Ah’m so happy to see ya made it. Ah thought somethin’ mighty terrible happened and then ah’d have to play at yer funeral….” She hopped away and sat on the ground with a hoof on her chin. She was contemplating something. “But now ah don’t have to do that, or at least not yet. Can’t tell sometimes, in these parts.” She hopped back up. “But that don’t matter, ‘cause yer okay and we’re okay. This calls fer a celebration.” Taking off her hat, a firework somehow fired out from it and blew up spectacularly in the sky.

Quickfix’s face, after tracing the firework, turned into a deepfrown. “'Twas ye wha broke mah newfanglt contraptions, wasn't it?”

Fiddlesticks’ smile grew nervous. “Err…maybe.” Acting quickly, Fiddlesticks jumped to the side to avoid a bolt of magic.

“Nopony touches mah babies,” Quickfix growled.

Fiddlesticks hung her head down in shame. “Sorry about that. Ah thought it’d make people laugh, is all.”

“Well….” Quickfix snorted and walked over to Fiddlesticks. Wrapping her up in a hug, she smiled. “It made me chuckle…I’m sorry fur trying ta blaw ye up with mah magic.”

“And ah’m sorry ah touched yer stuff without askin’,” Fiddlesticks hugged her back.

“I missed you so much,” the two wailed.

Sunset quirked an eyebrow. “Are they always like that?”

Redheart nodded. “Fiddlesticks and Quickfix have been friends for a long time. They were both outsiders when they first came to Ponyville, so they gravitated to one another. It’s just that Quickfix is…a bit overprotective of her work.”

“A bit?” Sunset threw a hoof to some destroyed trees. “She tried to blow Fiddlesticks to smitherings.”

Lightning snorted in amusement. “Puh-lease. You can’t hit Fiddlesticks. Trust me, I’ve tried getting a lucky little thunderbolt to ‘accidently’ strike her. She always seems to know when it’s coming and dodges.”

“Didn’t help her in her fight,” Sunset muttered. Fiddlesticks had put up a great fight against the warlock, but even she didn’t see that other tree coming. ‘Seems Fiddlesticks has some limits with what she can get away with.’

“That is so adorable,” a male feminine voice spoke up beside her.

“Alright it is kind of….” Sunset turned her head to see a large, flamboyant looking, river serpent. He even sported a moustache and hair style that did remind her of Lightning Dust.

“Hello,” he said in a friendly manner.

“SON OF A…” Sunset screeched, jumping backwards. “A river serpent. REALLY?!!” ‘Buck you universe.’

“Hi Sunset,” Coco Pommel waved from atop the river serpent. What appeared to be a grundle, wearing her neck garment, stood beside her.

“COCO!” Pizzelle flew up and hugged her. “I am so glad you’re okay.”

“Ummm,” Coco’s shyness kicked in. “I’m happy you’re okay, too.”

“Well,” the warlock, known as Shade, spoke up. “This has been an interesting reunion.”

“I’ll say,” Sunset grumbled. “Now are we going to get going or what? Equestria’s not going to save itself.”

“She’s right,” Lightning took to the air. “Come on, everypony…” She glanced at some of the others. She smiled apologetically. “I mean, everyone. We’ve got a goddess’s butt to kick.”

“Do we have to kick her butt?” Coco spoke up. “I’m sure we could just talk to her….”

“Oh yeah,” Sunset spoke up in a condescending tone. “Talking to her will fix everything. Why didn’t my mom think of that a thousand years ago? It would have saved us so much trouble.”

Coco’s ears splayed back and she looked away in shame. Pizzelle and everyone else glared at Sunset.

Sunset cringed. “That came out ‘jerkish’ didn’t it?”

“Yes.” Everyone answered.

“Right,” Sunset then called up to Coco. “Sorry about that, Coco. I’m just stressed is all.”

“That’s okay,” Coco looked back her. “Sometimes my mom will yell at me when she’s stressed. She doesn’t mean to be angry, but….”
Pizzelle rubbed her wing across Coco’s back. “Don’t think of that, honeybun. Just sit back and relax.”

Seeing Coco quiver a bit, Sunset couldn’t help but feel like the biggest jerk alive. A stab of guilt struck her soul. ‘I promise, I’ll make it up to her later.’ Of course, without another moment, the universe seemed to want to enact ‘karma’. Sunset’s head exploded in pain. Gritting her teeth, grunts escaped her lips. She fell to the ground, unable to help herself from spasming.

“Sunset!” Redheart went to her side. “What happened?”

“A warlock cursed her,” Pizzelle spoke up. “Nasty thing it was. She was weeping like a babe. It was so sad. I just hope that no good scoundrel got what was coming to him.”

“Probably did,” Lightning couldn’t help but glance at the sphinx.

Shade walked up to Sunset. “Oh yes, definitely a curse.”

“Can you do something about it?” Redheart asked.

“Yes, but….” Shade started to blush. “I need to twine my aura with hers in order to clear it up.”

“Ye what!” Quickfix gasped out, blushing a deep red.

“What’s all this about?” Lightning asked. “He just want to…whatever it is he wants to do.”

“Well…” Quickfix was hesitant to explain.

“Twining ones aura with another is…a rather intimate gesture between unicorns,” Shade explained for her.

Redheart rolled her eyes. “I’m a nurse. I’ve done some rather ‘intimate’ things with ponies in the line of duty….”

“Oooh,” Fiddlesticks and Quickfix cooed in childish glee.

Redheart groaned. “So whatever it is, just do it. Nopony should endure this.”

Shade gulped. “I’ll try my best.” The warlock laid down before Sunset and took in a few deep breaths. He cleared his mind and lit his horn. His forehead met hers and their horns scrapped against one another. The two auras of the unicorns, with Sunset’s horn coming to life, twirled in the air above them. They both started to pant and everyone else couldn’t help but feel a bit dirty watching it.

Of course, they also couldn’t help but notice a dark edge to Sunset’s aura. It was the curse, still clinging on, however small. Curses weren’t exactly easy things to get rid of and if you do, they often leave residues and damage in their wake. Shade’s aura seemed to grab hold of the black sliver and yank it away. Within seconds, the sliver disappeared.

Pulling back, Shade was out of breath. “There…easy.”

Sunset herself looked at Shade, a deep blush on her face. The two got up and didn’t say anything…until Sunset smacked him across the face.

“I deserved that,” Shade muttered, holding hoof to his bruised cheek.

“You deserve a lot of things,” Sunset glared at him through her blush. She wanted nothing more than to blow his head off. Never in her life had she twined her aura with another and this vermin was her first? ‘I need a shower. A deep, thorough shower.’

“Now, now,” Steven Magnet used his hands to push them apart. “Let’s not get hasty here. We’re all friends here.”

‘Couldn’t be farther from the truth,’ Sunset thought silently to herself.

“Are we going to sit here and watch unicorn sex, or are we going to actually do something?” Lightning spoke up.

“THAT WASN”T SEX!” Sunset roared.

“Looked like it,” Lightning smirked. “What? Did he not do it for you? Do you play for the other team?”

Sunset yanked the Pegasus to her, causing Lightning to yelp in surprise. It felt good to be able to use her magic again. “Not another word, do you hear me. We never speak of this again.”

“Fine,” Lightning rolled her eyes. “I don’t see the big deal, anyways. It was just a fancy light show.”

“Yes, just a fancy light show,” Sunset snorted and let go of Lightning. Twining was much more than that. Unicorns basically wrapped a part of their souls around one another’s. It was a sign of affection and warmth. Only performed between family and lovers. It was a special thing to unicorns that the other races couldn’t understand. “Let’s just get going, okay?”

“I think that’s for the best,” Redheart said, trotting along. “The river will lead us straight to the castle. That is correct, Mister Magnet?”

Steven nodded. “Of course. I’ve been there several times in my life. The ruins are simply marvelous. It’s sad how bad of a state they’re in, honestly. I’m surprised they’re even standing.”

“Oh that’s because of the magic that was used to make it,” Pizzelle chimed. “My friend Presto once brought me over to them and he went into great detail about how they worked. Now, I may not look it, but I am a huge nerd. I couldn’t help but gobble up everything….”

“Pizzelle,” Redheart glared at her. “You’re on another tangent.”

Pizzelle blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry.”

The group took off without another word….

”Hey, do ya guys want to hear how ah took out a ton of ghouls?” Fiddlesticks killed the silence.

There was silence for a few moments. “Sure.” Everyone said.

Author's Note:

There we go. I'm glad to be able to work on this story some more, but it's been hectic. I know that this chapter isn't much, but given everything else (working on the other stories and college) best thing I could do.

I hope you all enjoyed this and please leave a comment.