• Published 9th Feb 2014
  • 10,153 Views, 677 Comments

A Different Sunset - Evowizard25

The dark bites, as the Equestrian saying goes. It bites, it devours, it destroys, but it can't really do any of that, can it? Sunset isn't going to take any chances.

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Part 5: The Party

“Ugh.” Sunset cocked her head side to side to get out the kinks. She could hear a little ‘pop’ and she felt better because of it. The past few hours had heaped a lot of stress on her. ‘I am so going to the spa after this whole thing is through.’ “Finally that’s all over. I thought it would go on forever.”

“And it will Sunset,” Spike attempted to perform a spooky voice. He reared on his hind legs, pulled a ‘scary face’, and wiggled his fingers about. “You will spend eternity meeting several strangers until you learn the magic of friendship. Woooo~”

Sunset looked at him with faux fear. “Oh no. Whatever shall I do?” She put a hoof to her forehead.

“You cannot escape your fate, Sunset Shimmer. For I Spike, the evil overlord of…fate, have come to ensure your torment.” Spike gave his best attempt at an evil laugh.

Sunset put her hooves to her cheeks. “The horror. The horror.” The two immediately burst into laughter. “Seriously Spike, I’m winded. Did mom tell you where we’re staying tonight?”

Spike’s mirth vanished and he returned to walking on his four legs. “Yes.”

Sunset waited a few seconds. “And….”

Spike’s sigh was slow and deep. “The library.”

Sunset stopped in her tracks as she heard that beloved word. “A library,” Spike nodded. “I get to stay at the town’s library?”


Sunset squealed. “Why didn’t you say sooner?”

“You burnt the note.”

Sunset jabbed her hoof into his side. “Only after you read it to me several times.”

“I was reading the essentials,” Spike turned his head away from his sister. “You had to meet up with the other ponies.”

“No. I should have been allowed to go to the library and think up a way on how to stop Nightmare Moon. Or did you forget about that?”

“No, I didn’t forget about that.”

“Then why…”

Spike cut her off. “Because, and I’ll say it again, you need to make friends. That’s the whole reason mom sent you here.”

“No, she sent me here to coordinate the Summer Sun Celebration. Nothing else.”

Spike put a hand over his face and sighed. “Okay, I’m done trying to help you. Just go…read or something.”

“Gladly,” Sunset smirked. ‘Glad you’re seeing it my way, little bro.’ With that, she took the info disk from his pocket with her magic and sped off. Ponies did their best to make way for the princess, even going so far as to jump aside when she nearly ran them over. “Okay, where is the library?” She asked the disk. With a flick of her horn, the disk turned on. The information streamed into her irises and she smiled. “Oh-hoho, this is going to be interesting.”

And with that, she found the library in no time. Her eyes glimmered in preparation as she beheld the construct. “It’s…beautiful.” She had never seen anything like it…It was a library made out of a tree. ‘Bucking brilliant!’ The irony was just so…delicious. She let a tear fall from her face as she perceived the beauteous construct. She looked over the living curves of the building. Perfection. That’s what it was: perfect. Made from both magical and natural means, this was a very rare building. Most likely some druids were needed to ensure its creation and druids weren’t exactly common in Equestria.

“Don’t run off on me like that,” Spike huffed as he finally reached her.

“Spike,” Sunset was finally able to get herself out of her stupor. “Have you beheld something so magnificent?”

“Yes, but she’s in Canterlot at the moment.”

“No,” Sunset pointed at the library. “That.”

Spike stared at the building, incredulously. “That?” Sunset nodded. “What’s so special about it? It’s just some inconsequential library.”

Sunset stared at him as if he’d gone mad. “Just some inconsequential library? Just some inconsequential library?

“Yeah.” Spike peered around, feeling a tad uncomfortable being around her at the moment.

“How dare you say such a thing? This isn’t some cold, lifeless library.” She teleported over to the tree, and placed her forelegs upon the bark to caress it reverently.‘Such lovely bark.’ “This library is a tree!” She pressed her cheek to it and let loose a few more tears. “A tree.”

“Yeah,” Spike couldn’t help but give a cautionary glance around, as if he had no idea how to handle this. “Um…Sunset, could you please stop…molesting the library tree?”

“I’m not molesting it.” Sunset backed off, glaring at her brother.‘Seriously, can’t a girl cry over a dream come true.’ “I’m making it feel welcome.”

“Yes, but…why? I mean, you’ve never shown this much respect to the Canterlot libraries."

“Because the Canterlot libraries weren’t trees, Spike. The energies of the universe didn’t flow with each breath of life the tree took, didn’t give the feel of mother nature surrounding and protecting you,” She place a hoof onto the bark. “And they most certainly didn’t make you snicker when your remember books are made out of trees and the idea of having a tree inside a tree is humorous."

“Yes, trees inside of trees.” Spike rolled his eyes. “How funny.”

Sunset lit her horn up and scanned the tree. “The spells that went into making this tree are simply marvelous,” she said, letting her hooves roam the bark. She could feel the very life force course beneath the wood. “There are several spells woven so perfectly together; water repellent spells, fire retardant spells, oooh there are even bug repellent spells in here too,” she giggled childishly. “Oh, it must have taken at least a dozen druids and sorcerers to interweave all these enchantments together. It’s impressive…” Her magic delved a little deeper. “Oh, OH! They were even able to interweave the spells into its very DNA. Why, I’m sure the tree can grow actual rooms.”

Just then, interrupting her euphoric experience, the window opened up. Out popped Lightning Dust. “NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRD!” She then closed back up the window.

Sunset’s mouth fell open as she failed to process what just occurred.

Spike was the only one of the two to speak at the moment. “I love this town.”

Sunset was absolutely livid. ‘Somepony’s in my library? Somepony’s in my library!’ “How dare she enter my library!” Flames flicked forth from her horn.

“I do believe it’s a public library.”

“Not anymore,” Sunset growled and stomped her way over to the front door. ‘I am going to toss that mare so hard that mom’s going to have to create another legend about the second mare in the moon.’ She gripped the door’s handle and threw it open. “Lightning, get out of my…” A flick of her magic and the lights turned on.

“SURPRISE!” came the loud reply of what sounded like the whole town.

“AHHH!” Sunset cried in alarm and stumbled back into her brother. Spike chuckled as helped her back into a firm standing position.

Fiddlesticks giggled as she trotted up to her. “Ah take it y’all were surprised.”

“Oh yeah.” Spike nodded, grinning deviously down at her. “We were surprised alright.”

Fiddlesticks hoof pumped. “Alright! Score one for Fiddlesticks.”

“Fiddlesticks,” Sunset seethed through grit teeth. “What is the meaning of this? Why are there so many ponies doing in my house?”

“Simple,” Fiddlesticks said. “This here is y’all’s welcomin’ party. Ah throw everypony, and dragon,” she quickly added in for Spike, “one when they come ta town. Don’t want anypony thinkin’ we’re unfriendly or anythin’ like that.”

‘But you do come off as annoying.’ “Be that as it may, I want you all out of my house. Now.”

“But the party’s just started.” Fiddlesticks put a hoof around her shoulder and walked her further into the library. “Y’all won’t ever experience anythin’ quite like a Ponyville party. We’ve got games, punch, and even yer own musician.” Fiddlesticks sped off and returned, all in less than second, with her fiddle and played a little merry tune. “Ya don’t want to miss it.”

“Oh yes I do.” Sunset started off for the stairs.

Spike, to her discomfort, pulled Sunset’s tail back, dragging the rest of her with it. Sunset landed on her rump and glared at her brother, blushing in embarrassment of him pulling her tail. “Oh no you don’t. You’re going to socialize if it kills you,” Spike said.

‘And it will,’ Sunset thought angrily.

Fiddlesticks just laughed at their antics. “Y’all are stranger than a bee in a bear costume. Ah like that.”

“Of course you do,” Sunset grumbled.

“Ah can tell we’re goin’ ta be closer than two peas in a pod.” Fiddlesticks grinned.

‘Keep telling yourself that.’

“Have fun with your new ‘friend’, Sis,” Spike started to walk off, moving through the party to a pair of flower marked mares. “I’m going to enjoy the local culture.”

‘SPIKE! Don’t leave me.’ She wanted to yell out, but she knew he wouldn’t even if she did. She was stuck, in the middle of this library, with Fiddlesticks and tons of other backwater ponies. ‘Worst. Day. Ever.’

“Come on Sunset.” Fiddlesticks headbutted her behind and moved her along. “Ya don’t wanna miss out on yer own party, now do ya?”

“As if I had a choice,” Sunset said, but she knew Fiddlesticks neither heard nor cared.

Finally, Fiddlesticks stopped pushing Sunset. The young princess found herself staring at a dartboard and standing next to two familiar ponies; Nurse Redheart and Quickfix.

“Well,” Quickfix said with a smile, “if it isn’t Sunset Shimmer. Ah was hopin’ ah'd see ye 'ere.”

“Yes,” Nurse Redheart chimed in. “It is lovely to see you again. I hope your stay here has been pleasant.”

‘About as pleasant as shoving nails down my throat.’ “It was….survivable.”

Quickfix laughed. “Tis good to see our royalty has a sense o' humor.” She slapped Sunset hard on the back knocking her forward a bit. The princess was actually surprised by Quickfix’s strength. Unicorns weren’t exactly the most muscular of the pony races, but the mechanic had quite a mean hoof. “So how about a game o' darts, Yer Highness?”

“No thanks.” Sunset shook her head. “I have some very important…princess things I have to do.”

“I’m sure a little break won’t hurt anything,” Nurse Redheart piped in. “Celestia knows I need them every now and again. It’ll surely do you some good to loosen up.”

Quickfix nodded. “She speaks the truth.”

“But I don’t have any darts,” Sunset inwardly smiled at her excuse. ‘HA! I got out of that pretty easy.’

“Have mine,” Nurse Redheart offered her hoof, carrying three darts.


Through gritted teeth, Sunset picked them up with her magic. She knew that the two would keep pestering her if she didn’t accept them. ‘I’ll just throw the darts, go upstairs, and that’s it.’ She told herself. “Thank you.”

Nurse Redheart, seemingly oblivious or uncaring about her frustration, sent her a beaming smile. “You’re welcome, deary.”

“Ah’ll go first,” Quickfix held her darts up with her magic and plucked one up with her hoof. She squinted at the dartboard, sticking out her tongue slightly as she concentrated. And then, with a simple thrust of her hoof, she hit the inner circle, just missing dead center. Quickfix smirked and then as quick as a whip, threw the other two darts. The darts formed a sort of triangle within the inner circle. “Beat that.”

Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes. ‘I don’t have time for this stupid game.’ But she played along anyway. Anything to get these ponies off her back. She plucked one of the darts and threw it. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately in her case, she hit the wire holding up the board, causing it to fall to the ground. “Oops.”

“No worries,” Nurse Redheart went over to pick it up. “Accidents happen.”

“Yeah,” Sunset took a step back. “Thanks for the game, but I really need to get back to my duties.”

“Princess, this is a celebration,” Quickfix butted in, cutting her off from her escape. “Yer supposed to party, loosen up a bit. C’mon, it won’t hurt ye, ah swear.”

Before Sunset could tell her off, Fiddlesticks appeared next to them. “So, is the mare of the hour havin’ a swell time?”

“It’s been…tolerable,” Sunset didn’t want to say anything to really upset the mare…yet. She was saving that for the moment she got to leave this backwater town. Upsetting her now would just lead to a massive headache for the next several hours.

“Tolerable eh,” Fiddlesticks hummed in thought, as she tapped her hoof. Then, a look of gleeful realization appeared on her face. “Ah know what’ll make you smile.” She grabbed Sunset’s hoof and pulled her along. “A nice conversation,” Fiddlesticks waved her hoof at Coco Pommel and Pizzelle, who were having a little chat. Well, it was more like Pizzelle doing the talking and Coco just listening. “Ah know that sound mighty borin’, but Pizzelle’s the best talker in the whole town. She’ll bring a smile out of ya.”

‘She didn’t before. She won’t do it now.’

Pizzelle and Coco both noticed Fiddlesticks leading the princess over. “Princess Sunset.” Pizzelle walked over to her and offered her a glass of punch. “Punch?”

Sunset reeled back in disgust. ‘Who knows what these yolks put in their drinks.’ “No thank you.”

“It’s great to see you again, princess.” Pizzelle drank the glass she offered in one go. “I was really hoping we’d meet again. I was just telling Coco here what a charming pair you and your brother were. So polite, so distant and refined, I couldn’t help but feel a tad jealous.”

‘As you should be.’ “I was trained by the best tutors in Equestria. Of course I’m more refined the usual pony on the street.”

“Of course you were, your highness.” Pizzelle nodded. “I wouldn’t expect anything else. What I wouldn’t give to live a day in your shoes. What about you, Coco? Ever want to be a princess?”

Coco shook her head. “I like where I am now.”

Pizzelle giggled and wrapped a wing around the mare. “Such a modest pony, she is. Why, I remember the day she came to Ponyville. She was shaking harder than a leaf in a thunderstorm. It took Rarity a whole week to get her to open up to other ponies. Strange really, considering her mother is captain of the Mimus Brigade.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, staring at the timid mare questionably. The Mimus Brigade was Equestria’s mounted soldiers; each one mounted upon an armored Gallimimus. The creatures weren’t native to Equestria, but they had been imported several centuries ago, as they made excellent mounts. The captain, a tough mare by the name of Upper Crust, was a fighter no doubt about it. Sunset had met her personally a few times and unnerved her by the steel in her eyes. The fact that this…earth pony mare was her daughter boggled her mind. ‘I guess anypony can have a dud.’ “Interesting.”

Pizzelle nodded exuberantly. “Oh yes, she was the talk of the town. I just couldn’t wait to meet her and I am glad that I did. She is just a sweetheart.”

Coco was blushing from the attention the older mare threw her way. “Pizzelle, you don’t have to go on about me. I'm nopony special. I’m sure the princess is bored out of her mind.”

‘Like you wouldn’t believe.’ “She has a point,” Sunset spoke up. “I have things to do and hearing you prattling on about Coco here is just keeping me from my duties.”

Pizzelle frowned. “Well…if that’s how you feel. I’m sorry for taking any of your time.”

Sunset nodded. “Thank you.” She headed for the stairs.

"Leavin' so soon?" Fiddlesticks looked awfully confused and a tad bit sad.

"As I said before," Sunset said from over her shoulder, "I have important princessy stuff to do. I don't have time to party."

"Oh," Fiddlesticks' ears went down and she bowed her head slightly. "Well, how about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow's fine," Sunset knew she would be gone tomorrow, but lying now would get the annoying hick out of her mane.

Fiddlesticks brightened up immediately upon hearing that. "Ah'm glad ta hear it. Don't you worry, Princess. It'll be a party ta remember."

Sunset chuckled. 'Yeah, remember.' She joked to herself. As she started up the stairs, she noticed a certain light green Pegasus was coming down. The moment Lightning Dust’s eyes fell upon her, the pegasus almost burst into a laughing fit. Instead, she kept her lips pursed, with the occasional giggle or snort escaping. The two met in the middle.

“So…no hard feelings?” Lightning offered her a hoof.

Sunset peered at the hoof and then back at her. With her mind made up, Sunset did what she felt was the best choice. She lit up her horn.

Lightning’s eyes widened in shock and she felt herself be encased in magic. The Pegasus was then thrown behind Sunset and straight into Spike, who had been talking to Roseluck and Daisy. The two ended up in a heap, knocking down a few books from the shelves. Lightning Dust finally let loose her laughter. “Oh, she mad.”

Spike just groaned.

Spike was not looking forward to confronting his big sister at the moment. She was agitated and meant that her already short fuse was cut even shorter. He would have to tread lightly. ‘Oh just face it, Spike. She’s going to toss you out the window.’

Bracing himself for just that, he stepped into the bedroom. “Sunset, are you alright?”

He saw Sunset sitting atop the bed, peering down at a book. “I’m fine, Spike.” She looked, in all honestly, pretty grumpy…Which wasn’t unusual, but Spike didn’t like that look. He preferred seeing his sister smile, like any other brother would.

“No you’re not. You just threw that mare, Lightning Dust, straight at me.”

“Sorry.” Spike could tell she wasn’t at all sorry about doing that.

"Was it because she called you a nerd?”

“I’M NOT A NERD!” Sunset gave him one of her trademark fiery glares.

Spike held up a hand defensively. If he could sweat, he knew that he’d surely be doing that now. “I know you’re not a nerd.”

“Good, else I’d chuck you out the window.”

‘Knew it.’ “But don’t you want to go down and party a little bit? I’m sure you can have at least some fun.”

“No.” She turned the page. “I have more important things to do than ‘have fun’. Like saving the world.”

Spike sighed. “Suit yourself.” He started for the exit. Normally he’d try a bit harder, but tonight he felt like he should give her some space….That and he didn’t want to ruin his suit by being tossed out into the street.

“Don’t worry, Spike,” Sunset chimed. “We’ll have a little fun later; just the two of us once the party's over. I mean, Fiddlesticks can’t keep it up forever.”

Author's Note:

And done. Sorry about the lateness of this chapter. The element line-up was much trickier to figure out then I originally planned. Hopefully, the next chapter will come out sooner then this one did. {No promises though.}

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment.