• Published 10th Feb 2014
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Absolution - ed2481

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Back in Sinnoh

Belle stood on the edge of Mt. Coronet as dawn stretched over the horizon, a small frown on her face. She had begun spending the nights up on the mountain in case of Cres’ return. Sadly, that had yet to happen after two weeks, and it was starting to drive her crazy. As was her custom, she had begun reading books, whatever she could find... which was sadly not very much. The Pokemon Center was a remote one and didn’t have much in the way of a library aside from the books that Nurse Joy had bought and they... were not very factual.

Now, Belle enjoyed a good fantasy novel every once in a while. In fact, she loved them. Unfortunately... Nurse Joy’s fantasy novels were the wrong kind for Belle. The Absol shivered slightly at the memory of one of them, she would never have imagined that the unassuming nurse would ever have been into that kind of book.

Still, Belle had slogged through them. The fact that they were not particularly enjoyable for her probably helped them occupy her longer. In the end, though, Belle was bored out of her skull.

Roxanne, on the other hand was enjoying herself heartily. Every time Belle saw her, the woman was engrossed in an activity of some kind having to do with Giratina. She had already set up several video cameras to record every conversation she had with him along with taken exquisite notes and sketches. Roxanne had realized that Giratina was her best shot at being the second female Poke Professor and she wasn’t about to let that slip through her fingers or have her work devalued by skeptics.

Matt was on the mountain every now and then. Being a gym leader in training caused him to head off Hearthome City every other day or so, but he always came back during the days he was free and offered goods he bought from the city to make Roxanne and Belle’s stay on the mountain more comfortable.

The Absol sighed, it was time to get back down the mountain again, she was hungry and did not feel like hunting for herself at the moment. As the boulders and rocky cliff faces fell behind her, Belle’s thoughts turned to Cres. What kind of adventure was her love having without her to watch over him, she wondered. It was just like him to be out having one while she was stuck waiting and worrying over him.

She rolled her eyes slightly as she jumped from one cliff face to another like a Gogoat. It didn’t take her long to reach the bottom, two weeks of climbing will do that, and she started on her way back to the Pokemon Center. A quiet breeze blew through the air and gently played with her white ruff, and she paused for a moment to enjoy the sensation. It was at times like these that she missed the old days.

Cres would be walking beside her and together the two would thread their way through the forest, over rivers and under branches, not a care in the world. She would walk beside him and together they’d play and banter with one another, occasionally taking time to cuddle or kiss in some of the more romantic spots. And then... the fire had happened.

Cres... had never been the same since that day, always driving, always searching, always running. In the end, even from her. All in search for his mystical absolution. Belle had spent two years futilely looking for him, along the way becoming one of Roxanne’s party voluntarily, and the moment that she’d finally found him... he was gone.

Belle had come to a complete stop, standing in the middle of the road to the Pokemon Center as memories flowed by her eyes like water until her ears picked up the familiar sound of hooves trotting on the ground. She glanced up towards the direction and saw Reva, with Matt in the saddle on her back, walking up to her.

The man waved an arm at her and said. “Hey Belle,” he called out with a friendly smile.

“Oh, hello there, Matt,” she replied as she began to walk towards the pair. “And hello to you as well, Reva.”

“Hello there, Belle,” the Rapidash replied with a friendly bow of her head. “Heading to the Pokecenter for some food, eh?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Belle agreed. “How was your trip?”

“Pleasant, as always,” she replied.

“Yeah, especially since trainers don’t ask for a battle the moment they make eye contact with me,” Matt said with a small chuckle.

“Roxanne and I don’t run into that kind of trouble too much,” Belle said with a small chuckle. “Mostly because Zeb begins sparking the moment that he sees them. Kind of dissuades them from trying.”

“Well for me it’s mostly because some trainers recognized me as a gym leader or being the one who beat the champion, but I can see how Zeb’s trick works,” Matt said with small nod of his head.

“Speaking of Zeb,” Belle continued with a glance towards Reva . “I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you back,” she told her with a small smirk.

“Oh, I’m sure he will,” Reva said with a small chuckle.

“Anyways, I brought you something that I think you might enjoy,” Matt said towards Belle.

“Really?” she asked with a small frown. “What’s that?”

The man smiled as he turned to one of the bags hanging off of the saddle and reach inside it, pulling out two hardcovers books. “I got some books from the library in Hearthorne for you to read; some are just a collection of legends of the Sinnoh region whilel the others are some interesting facts about ghost type pokemon.”

Belle’s eyes widened and her smile was bright enough to remind Matt of a Rotom glowing in the dark.

“Thank you very much!” Belle told him enthusiastically. “You have no idea how tired I am of Nurse Joy’s ‘romantic fantasy’ collection.”

“I can take a guess,” Matt replied with a small chuckle. “Anyways, I’ll put them near your bed up on the summit.”

“Ah, are you planning to skip heading back to the Center?” the Absol asked.

“Yeah, Reva still has energy to spare and we already ate when coming here,” he replied.

“Okay then,” Belle told him. “Have a safe trip, as always,” she added.

“I will,” Matt said. “See ya at the top.”

“And have a good meal, as well,” Reva added.

“I’m sure I will,” Belle replied before she trotted away from the pair and got back to the Pokemon Center.

There she found Roxanne in her usual spot as of late, hunched over the wooden bench, a cup of coffee beside her hand and several stacks of beautifully written notes off to the side. In front of her was a computer displaying her latest video conversation with Giratina. The dark haired woman had a pair of headphones in and she idly tapped on the table with a pencil with one hand, while biting into a bagel with the other.

Belle smiled softly, her new Master was quite a bit like her which was one of the reasons that she’d walked up to her in the middle of an afternoon’s study session and lay down beside her to read what the woman was reading. Still, she was hungry, and Roxanne had her food, so she was forced to interrupt the research.

She walked up and gently nudged Roxanne’s side with her nose. Roxanne started in surprise and then pressed the pause button before looking down at Belle. “Still no sight of him, darling?”

“Not in the least,” Belle replied with a dissatisfied huff.

“Oh, don’t give up Belle, I’m sure he’s doing his best,” Roxanne told her with a smile before she bent down to give the Absol a kiss on the cheek. “Now, why don’t we get you some breakfast? I’m sure you’re famished after a night up on that mountain.”

Belle smiled and began to eat once Roxanne had retrieved another can of meat.

“You know Belle... I’m really glad you came up to me that day,” Roxanne said with a smile as she watched the Absol eat. “If you hadn’t been so insistent on us coming here, I’d never have met Matt which would mean that I’d never have met Giratina. Thanks to you, I’ve got the perfect subject for my thesis!”

Belle simply nodded her head a little and kept eating, having heard this particular string of praise often enough.

“Doesn’t hurt that Matt’s not bad looking himself,” the woman continued with a small chuckle. “It gives me another reason for wanting to stick around.”

Belle looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

“What? He’s not that much older then me,” Roxanne said with a small roll of her eyes. “Oh, you think I’m just a hopeless romantic like Zeb don’t you?” she added with a pout.

“I’m sure of it, actually,” Belle stated, though she knew the woman wouldn’t be able to understand her.

“Stop looking so smug,” the woman chided her. “Just because I can’t understand what you’re saying doesn’t mean you can get away with that.”

Belle just chuckled lightly at her and got back to eating.

“I mean, he’s handsome, smart as a whip, and he’s already employed in a respectable field,” Roxanne continued with a smile. “And I wouldn’t mind staying here in Sinnoh for a while. Professor Rowan’s very well respected, not to mention a bit of a badass.”

Belle glanced up at her and raised an eyebrow once again.

“Hey, I’m not talking about marriage, probably, just a bit of dating,” Roxanne told her. “It’s not like I get too meet a lot of hot men these days. Or any days for that matter.”

Belle just shook her head, like most of her Pokemon, Roxanne was a flirt at heart.

Meanwhile Matt and Reva were half way up Mt. Coronet, the two being relatively quiet.

“You know, I still have trouble understanding why Cres would leave such an intelligent girl behind not once but twice now,” Reva commented idly.

Matt frowned and shrugged slightly. “I wouldn’t know, we really don’t know a lot about him,” he replied. “I mean, aside from what little we got when we ran into him up here.”

“True,” Reva agreed with a nod. “And from what I’ve been able to get out of Belle in our conversations, he was up here in the first place because he committed some great crime. He came here asking for Arceus to forgive him... or grant him forgiveness.” The Rapidash shook her head. “And... that’s about all.”

The man raised an eyebrow. “Must be something big if he continuously lived up here and prayed all the time,” he muttered. “Though I wonder why Arceus never replied...”

“We’ll have to ask Giratina about that,” Reva replied. “He’s the one who is most likely to hold the answer.”

“Possibly... though it is weird for him to be doing something like this,” Matt commented. “The whole, being vague on his answers and actually interactive with other pokemon and humans. Normally he just keeps to himself in the Distortion World.”

“True... perhaps he sees this as an opportunity to receive some much deserved attention?” she put forward. “After all, he has been rather neglected for many years now.”

“Yeah... especially with how the legends depict him,” Matt agreed with a small frown. “Maybe he does see this as a way to give himself a good image.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Reva agreed. “Roxanne is very thorough in her work and I highly doubt she would do anything to intentionally harm him.”

Matt chuckled lightly. “Especially the way she excitingly exclaimed how her thesis is going to be talked about for decades.”

“That was quite amusing,” the Rapidash agreed. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a woman so full of energy about something to do with learning... or anything for that matter.”

“Yeah, she’ll make a good Pokemon Professor someday I bet,” the man said with a small nod of his head.

“Also, I’ve been meaning to ask, what do you think of her?” Reva added with a small sly note in her tone.

Matt glanced at the Rapidash with a small flat smile. “I think she is a nice woman, smart and resourceful, and has very strong bond with her pokemon. In all, a very good friend.”

“Ah, I see,” Reva replied with a small chuckle. “I’m sure that will cause her no end of disappointment judging by the way she looks at you.”

“Much the same to many other woman who has ‘fallen’ in love with me,” Matt said with a shake of his head. “I’m not saying anything bad, Roxanne is a nice woman, it’s just...” he trailed off and let off a small sigh. “A lot of what I hear are the same notes from a lot of women, or just other people and... well...” he trailed off again with a small frown. “I’m just a bit... jaded to all of it.”

“I understand, Matt,” Reva told him with a small nod. “But I think she’s a different type of woman,” she continued before thoughtfully adding. “She’s going to be a Professor for sure given her current thesis... also she’s a great deal smarter than most of your ‘fangirls’.”

“True...” the man murmured.

“I’m not trying to force you into anything, just pointing out that you shouldn’t waste an opportunity like this,” she added with concern in her voice. “I worry about you sometimes, Matt.”

Matt smiled softly at Reva. “Come on, Reva, I thought we’d been over this? You know, the whole agreeing not to talk about our dating opportunities. Do I really have to list the countless other Rapidashes you’ve turned down after we beat Cynthia?”

Reva’s face blushed a little. “I’d prefer that you didn’t, most of them were bores or idiots. Of course... I may have found someone I like. Still not positive,” she admitted.

“Oh?” Matt said with a bit of amusement. “I thought Zeb wasn’t your kind of type?”

“I don’t know, I think he grew on me,” Reva replied. “At first I thought he was just a flirt, but the longer I talked to him the more and more I realized how smart he was. That, and he’s really good at poetry.”

The man raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you liked poetry?”

“It’s been one of my little secrets,” Reva replied with a small smile. “Anyways, not positive yet, but I could see it happening.”

Matt smiled softly at her as the two emerged on the summit of Mt. Coronet. “Well, I’ll hope you find out soon, and I’ll support you on whatever you do decided.”

“Thank you, Matt,” Reva said, her silver flames playing softly against his hand.

“You’re welcome, Reva,” the man replied as he began to dismount. “Now, let’s get things ready for others, shall we?”

“Yes, let’s,” she agreed as she lowered herself down to make it easier for him.

Belle was the first to arrive back up on the summit, her legs pushing her up in powerful bounds. As she came to a stop she saw a nothing but her supplies along with a sheet of clear ice. Well, “nothing” wasn’t quite true, Reva was laying down beside the ice.

“Hello, again, Reva,” Belle called.

The Rapidash glanced up from the ice and looked at the Absol. “Oh, hello Belle, had a good breakfast?” she asked.

“Very,” Belle answered with a smile as she padded over to the Rapidash. “And I take it you had a good ride up?”

She nodded her head. “Yes, calm as always. The wild pokemon learned long ago to leave me and Matt alone.”

“Good,” Belle replied as she sat down beside the Rapidash. “Zeb and Roxanne are still a ways back; I know a faster way that only an Absol could take.”

“I bet, having nimble legs sure can come in handy in climbing mountains,” Reva commented while letting out a small sigh. “Ah... sometimes I miss the open fields, I never imagined I’d be climbing Mt. Coronet frequently as I do now.”

“You and me both,” the Absol agreed. “I’m not sure how Cres managed it day in and day out. Even with his goal so large in his mind it must have been torturous to climb all the way back up here from his camp.”

“You found his camp?” Reva asked with a tilt of her head.

“Indeed. He was set up beneath an evergreen at the very foot of the mountain,” Belle replied with a sad sigh. “He forced himself to climb it every day, some sort of additional punishment, I imagine.”

“Huh... well, if that’s so, I guess that also explained some of his actions during winter as well,” Reva said with a small frown. “One day we found him passed out on the summit, hadn’t eaten a bit for three days.” She shook her head. “It’s a good thing we found him when we did.”

Belle opened her mouth and then closed it before a low sob worked its way out of her throat. “Oh Cres...” she whispered softly as she stared down at the rocks beneath her, small tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Belle felt a light, comforting, nuzzle from Reva. “It’s okay... I’m sure he’ll come back soon,” she said gently.

“But... he’s been off risking his life and being an idiot for two years now, Reva,” Belle said softly. “He... he needs me. Ever since Henry died... he’s needed me.”

“Henry?” Reva asked delicately.

“Yes... Cres’s old Master,” Belle answered with a sigh. “He died... and Cres believes that he was the cause.”

“What happened... if you don’t mind me asking,” the Rapidash asked politely.

“One day Cres sensed that something awful was going to happen to Henry so he came running back from the forest where the two of us had been... “ Belle trailed off and a small blush played across her face.

“Anyways... he arrived and burst inside to find Henry perfectly fine. Unfortunately Cres was in such a bad state that he knocked over a jar of starter fluid which was next to the fire place and... well... when you live in a house made of wood...” she let out a long sigh. “Cres got out. Henry didn’t.”

“I see...” Reva said slowly.

“Cres... blamed himself, of course, and well... nothing that I’ve ever said has been able to dissuade him from the fact that he ‘caused’ Henry’s death,” Belle said slowly with a sad shake of her head. “The fact that all of Santalune Village believed it too and kicked both of us out, mostly because of the incident, they no longer trusted Absols, didn’t exactly help him.”

Reva’s ears fell flat. “I’m sorry to hear... I know I really can’t say anything to really cheer you up...”

“It’s... fine,” she said at last. “It no longer really effects me. I have a new trainer and it’s been several years... Cres just....” she trailed off and shook her head.

“Is becoming very stubbornly focused on his goal,” Reva finished.

“Yes... even if he need not be,” the Absol said quietly. “It’s like when he was a child and got pink ink all over himself... it took me pointing out that his current color gave him an ‘advantage’ to knock him out of it... but this... I tried everything and nothing worked... and then one day two years ago he was gone after leaving a note in horrible writing saying ‘finding Absolution, love you always’.” She slashed her claws against the stone as old anger swelled up in her breast. “I love him... but he amazes me sometimes.”

Reva glanced down at Belle, not knowing what to say.

Before she could figure out what to say, Reva heard the sound of familiar hooves approaching. She looked up to see Zeb walking towards them, Roxanne on his back, a smile on her face.

The woman leapt off of Zeb, with far more grace then you’d think possible from a ‘scientist’, and walked over to the ice. She then began taking out several dozen collapsible camera tripods and accessories out of her pack.

Meanwhile, Zeb walked up to Reva. “Well, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he commented with a smile. “And I do hope that nothing troubling did arise.”

Reva smiled slightly back. “No, the wild Pokemon learned to leave me alone,” she replied. “Thank you for asking, though.”

“You’re very welcome,” Zeb replied as he lay down beside her. “I’m glad that you did not encounter any of the scum.”

Belle cast a look at Zeb before shaking her head slightly. “Well, I’ll just leave you two alone,” she said. “I’ve got books to read.” She padded away leaving the Zebstrika and the Rapidash alone.

“Belle,” Reva called out, causing the Absol to stop and look over her shoulder.

“Yes?” she inquired politely.

“Enjoy the books... maybe they can give you a fresh perspective to some things,” the Rapidash told her.

“I... thank you,” Belle replied, turning to give the Rapidash a small smile and a short bow before she walked over to her small camp consisting of a blanket and now several books.

“I take it by her mood that Belle told you what happened to Cres?” Zeb asked her. “And how it truly was nothing but a mess?”

Reva nodded her head. “Yes... hard to find something positive to say towards that.”

Zeb let out a small sigh. “All of us have been trying... but not succeeding,” he shook his head. “I should probably stop that now shouldn’t I?”

Reva chuckled lightly. “No, it’s okay... I find it rather amusing... and you need something to lighten the mood around here.”

“Then I will and I’ll only stop if you say ‘when’,” he told her with a light chuckle of his own.

“Noted,” Reva replied with another small chuckle.

Meanwhile Belle had sat down upon her blanket and looked at the books; some were about the legends of Sinnoh, going into a bit more detail and using evidence from ancient ruins to prove some of them. Others looked like detailed analyses on ghost type pokemon; how they acted, how they battle, and other things for trainers if they ever wanted to master the type.

She frowned and picked up one of the ones about ancient ruins. The one that she’d chosen focused on a temple in Snowpoint City. It was interesting and Belle soon lost herself in it, time seeming to oblivion as she devoured first that book, then the next and the next. She came out of her information deluge to the sound of Roxanne’s voice projecting loudly from over where she’d set up the cameras.

“Matt! Get out of the shot!” Roxanne exclaimed as she waved at the man who had suddenly appeared upside down in the middle of the ice.

The man glanced up a bit surprised to hear her voice. “Oh, Roxanne, didn’t know you arrived,” he called out.

“I got here an hour ago,” she replied with a shake of her head from behind the camera. “Now please, get out of the shot or else I can’t continue where I left off with Giratina. Unless you want your face to be in these videos of course.”

“And let him gain more publicity? I doubt he would want that,” Giratina said with a bit of a small chuckle as he flew over head.

The man looked at the legendary a bit flatly and shook his head. “Right, and no, I don’t want any more publicity, I just lost track of time here and all,” he said as he leapt off the island he was on and landed on another that was floating away from the ice.

“Still trying to do your pointless search I see,” Giratina commented.

“Well if you’re not going to look for him I might as well,” Matt replied.

“If I can’t find Cyrus in mine realm, why do you think you can?” Giratina asked.

“Because... it’s just something for me to do alright?” Matt answered. “Besides... it’s more trying to finish off loose ends than anything else... and it gives me something to do in the down time.”

“Cyrus was the Team Galactic leader right?” Roxanne asked as she stepped out from behind the camera, seeing the futility of trying to interrupt the conversation completely.

“That is correct,” Giratina replied. “After Matt defeated him here in my realm, he just wandered off and never appeared again.”

“And... you didn’t track him down why exactly?” the woman asked the Legendary with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I don’t have full control over this realm,” he replied. “I might know ‘where’ everything is in this realm, but not ‘everything’ that’s in it.”

“Ah, so you’ve got a mental Pokemap but it’s not a ‘real time’ feed,” Roxanne mused with a small frown. “Makes sense I guess. Only Arceus is really omnipotent.”

Giratina emitted a small stiff chuckle.

“So... want to continue where we left off yesterday?” the woman asked him, sensing his disdain for the other topic.

“Of course, now where were we?” he replied and the two continued their extended conversation.