• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 12,222 Views, 1,119 Comments

Absolution - ed2481

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Fluttershy was still staring in shock at the place where Cres had been standing less than a second before. He was... so fast, the only one faster that she’d ever seen was Rainbow Dash. Twilight was frowning while Applejack gritted her teeth.

“Gosh darnit,” she muttered with a hard edge.

“He moves very fast,” Twilight said as she produced a letter and a quil. “I’m going to write to Celestia and ask her what she thinks we should do.”

“But I thought that Spike and Rarity left to go gem hunting once we left the spa.” Fluttershy replied with a frown.

“Oh, he did. But since I became a Princess I’ve had access to the Royal Message Service Spell.” Twilight answered as she began to write. “It’s very convenient.”

“Well, while you’re working on that, I’m going out to find the little varmint,” Applejack said, making her way out through the door.

“Applejack, wait for me,” Fluttershy said as she walked quickly after the other mare. “I’m coming with you.”

The orange mare glanced at Fluttershy for a moment and nodded her head. “Alright... might as well let you tag along. Going to need your ability to speak to him once... or if I find him.”

“Oh, I hope we do. I don’t want any more of the woodland critters to be killed,” Fluttershy said with a worried expression. “What should we do when we do find him? What if he won’t listen to us again?”

“Then we need to find some way to capture him,” Applejack replied.

“But... he already cut your lasso,” Fluttershy said with a frown.

“Which is why I said we need to find some way to capture him,” the earth pony restated.

“Any ideas?” the pegasus asked. “Ways that wouldn’t hurt him too badly?”

“A few...” Applejack murmured. “Think a pit will hold him?”

“Maybe,” Fluttershy replied. “Though judging by his body type and the leap that he showed us earlier when he escaped, he is very good at jumping,” she added.

“Then we either dig a deep pit, making some sort of cover to block the top, or come up with something else,” AJ replied.

“Alright... I can see that,” Fluttershy agreed. “Do you have any sort of cover like that in the barn?”

“I got lot of spare wood for making fences,” the mare replied with a small pondering frown. “I could makeshift a cover for our pit.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said. “Let’s go over to the farm and see if your brother will help us dig the pit.”

Applejack nodded her head. “Good thinking there Fluttershy.” Fluttershy smiled under the praise and together they set off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

I sat in the shadows of a large tree, my head between my forelegs. I would not give up, I had decided that much. I would not be abandoned on this world without my Belle. I would find the absolution I was seeking. I was sure of it. I had simply run into several... stumbling blocks.

All around me the forest breathed, the wind flowed through the trees, the Pokemon-like birds who were not Pokemon tweeted and I heard the distinctive pop and crackle of bug Pokemon in the background. Of course, they were not really bug Pokemon; I had seen several already and they were much too small. Several had even tried to suck my blood, or at least I imagine that’s what they were trying to do, yet they could not penetrate my skin nor my fur.

Still, the nuisances had remained, buzzing about me until I had sought out the shelter provided by the old evergreen. I suppose that even on an alien world, the hearty evergreen remained strong. A small sigh escaped from my lips as I remembered one particular evergreen in my mind’s eye.

I sat curled up against its trunk, a hand running down my back, hitting just the right spots to make me sigh in relaxation, my tail jumping right and then left.

I shook my head, now was not the time to remember that memory. No time was a good time. Yet despite that, everywhere I went, I sought out the familiar trunk of an evergreen to lean against. My nest on Mt. Coronet had been beneath one and throughout my travels I had left many empty depressions beneath pine boughs.

In my head I could already here Belle gently ribbing me. You just spent ten minutes thinking about pine trees, Cres. You need a hobby. she’d tell me before giving me a small nuzzle. My eyes shut and I began to doze off lightly, strangely secure beneath my green guardian.

Unfortunately, I did not have long to sleep as a new presence entered into the small clearing. The sound of pine needles crinkling softly woke me and I looked up to find that the... Blitzle-like creature from before had entered the clearing. I tensed, yet she seemed not to hear me, instead simply going about her business and collecting needles from the trees along with sap.

There have been many times I have thanked my Dark typing. For example, I believe it is one of the only reasons why a Pokémon with a nearly entirely white body can sit in darkness and not give away his presence.

At least, until the Blitzle came to my tree and gave me a smile.

Well hello there again,” she said in a friendly tone. “It is nice to see you once more in my domain.

I frowned at her but then shrugged and nodded back, it wasn’t like I understood what she was saying.

She looked over me with a shrewd eye for a moment, taking in the slight sheen of sweat that I had yet to fully remove from my fur in my flight from the town along with the burrs and small twigs caught in my ruff.

Though I must say, you appear to have run afoul of those who would rather ruin your day.” she added in a sympathetic voice. I let out a huff and turned my head away from her, not in the mood to listen to some Blitzle pretender’s babble. I spent several minutes looking away before I finally looked back and found that she had taken a seat beside me in the needles.

There is no need for such rudeness,” she told me, her tone staying friendly. “I hope you’re not offended by my boldness.

“I can’t understand what you’re saying,” I told her sourly. “Even with this necklace,” I added while using a claw to hold it up for her to see.

The Blitzle frowned down at the necklace for a moment before her eyes widened slightly.

Ah, you saw my good friend Twilight.” she stated with a smile. “I take it that your visit was ended with your wild flight?

I shrugged and let the necklace fall once more before settling my head once more between my front paws.

I see,” she said with a small nod. “I suppose that is why you are huddled beneath this tree.

I gave her a flat look; I was growing irritated by her constant talking. To my surprise, this just caused her to chuckle.

I talk too much, do I?” she inquired. Now that I listened, there was something smooth about the way she spoke. I turned my head up to look at her, looking into her dark cyan eyes with my own red ones. “You need not hide it, for it is clear on your face.” She got to her hooves, but not before she reached over to gently stroke my back fur causing me to tense for a moment before she withdrew it. “Well, I will be on my way; have a pleasant day.” she told me before she left the clearing.

For a moment, just a moment, I felt a familiar sense of peace settle over my mind and I shut my eyes once more.

I awoke once more, several hours later judging by the position of the sun through the trees and let out a yawn. My stomach gurgled - I was hungry, so it was time to hunt. I began to go through my routine stretches, and in a short time, I felt limber enough to move at top speed once again. Then, I took the time to groom myself, doing an extensive job until my fur and ruff were spotless once more.

My paws walked silently through the forest, my head on a constant swivel for the sound of prey. Off in the distance I heard something strange.

“Oh Cres, do please come out,” Fluttershy’s voice called. “I’m not mad at you.”

I frowned, did she take me for a fool to believe her so easily?

Still, I was curious, and she was the only one here who could understand me... aside from the Blitzle, who I was beginning to suspect knew a little more than she was letting on. So, cautiously, I walked towards her voice and found Fluttershy standing near the edge of the forest.

I walked out of the eaves of the forest and strode carefully towards her. “Fluttershy?” I asked carefully as I scanned the surroundings. “Why are you standing out here?”

“Well, I couldn’t just let you go out into Everfree by yourself,” she said with a soft smile. “It dangerous.”

My right eyebrow rose. “I have had little trouble so far. Aside from several wooden Mightyena who I sent running,” I told her with a slight shrug.

“Wooden Mightyena? You mean timberwolves?” She asked me, concern in her eyes.

“Is that what they’re called?” I asked her, frowning slightly. “Well, regardless, I taught them who was stronger and I have not been troubled by them since.”

“I... um, I see,” Fluttershy replied. “So, about what we were talking about before you... fled...”

“I simply removed myself from the room before I was forced to defend myself,” I told her neutrally. “Should I be attacked, then I am well within my rights as a free Pokémon to defend myself with lethal force.”

“Oh-oh my!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “But Applejack wouldn’t have tried to hurt you that badly!”

“Strangely, I don’t believe you,” I replied with a small shrug. “However, if I am to fulfil my purpose here and return to my beloved Belle then I must find a way to manage.”

“So... you won’t hunt any more of the woodland critters?” she asked, a note of hope in her voice.

“I never said that,” I told her. “I will only hunt those who are weak or overly fat, thus removing them from the food chain.”

The note of hope I’d heard in her voice died. “Oh... I see...” she said despondently.

“No, I do not think you do,” I said, a faintly annoyed tone in my voice. “I have to have fresh meat at least twice a day. Otherwise I will become sick. My winter atop Mt. Coronet would have ended with my death if not for contributions from a friendly human who had camped nearby.”

I shook my head pointedly.

“That is not something I ever wish to repeat,” I continued with a harsh glare directed full force at Fluttershy. “So no, I will not give up my fresh meat and I will continue to hunt any creature not specifically owned by someone.”

“Oh... alright,” Fluttershy said with a depressed expression.

I’m guessing he won’t corporate?” Applejack’s voice spoke from behind me. I tensed; how had she gotten behind me without my knowing? Had I truly allowed my memory of that winter to cloud my senses so?

“No, he doesn’t want to,” Fluttershy said sadly.

Figures,” the orange mare said with a bit of snort. “Time for plan B.” she said while I heard one of her hooves prodding into the dirt.

I didn’t know the meaning behind the words, but I had spent enough time beside a Rapidash to know what that sound meant. She was going to charge me. So instead of giving her the luxury, I moved first. I took off at a sprint and leapt over Fluttershy. However... when I landed, the dirt gave way and opened into a deep pit.

A shout of surprise rang out from my throat and I was halfway down the pit before I managed to dig my claws into the dirt lined sides and slowed my descent. I arrived at the bottom, roughly ten feet down. The pit itself was maybe six feet wide and as caught my breath I saw that it was a recent addition to the scenery. Before I could do anything, the light overhead was cut off slightly as a gridded wooden grate slammed into place.

Yeehaw, it worked!” Applejack shouted in celebration.

“Are you okay down there?” Fluttershy called. “You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?”

I chose not to answer. Instead I eyed the pit and took a deep breath. Then, with practiced movements, I bunched my legs and launched myself at the nearest wall. With graceful agility, I bounced myself from one wall to the other until I reached the grate and heaved myself against it. It budged, but held its ground as it was definitely being weighted down by something.

Nice try, but there’s not way in Tartarus you’re getting out this pit,” Applejack smugly said. “Not even a Timberwolf can break out of this ‘iron prison’.

I frowned for a moment before muttering. “It felt like it was made of wood to me,” I murmured. “Fluttershy, do step away from the edge.”

“Please Cres, we just want to help you.” she called down to me.

“And I’m attempting to make sure that you are not hurt,” I replied. “Applejack is welcome to stand directly in the center though.”

“What do you-”

I stopped listening and instead took a deep inhale before pointing my mouth directly at the center of the trap’s door, seeing the outline of a rancher’s hat blotting out the sun slightly.

Then with a great exhale a column of fire leapt from my mouth going straight up. It burned through wood in a matter of seconds, including the front rim of the hat, and I followed it a moment later. I launched myself out of the pit, stopping just long enough to see a look of shock on Fluttershy’s face and a mix look of panic and anger as Applejack tried to put the fire out on her hat.

I was off, but not before I darted past Applejack and slashed my blade lightly down her back, just deep enough to draw blood. I was in the forest a moment later and back in my pine grove not long after that.

Applejack’s eyes widened and a grunted wince passed through gritted teeth as pain rippled across her back. Her body stiffened as she felt blood rolling down her neck and the upper half of her back.

“Ponyfeathers,” she growled in a hard edged tone as her eyes narrowed into the forest. “That vermin just crossed the line.”

“Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she ran up to Applejack. “Are you okay? You’re bleeding!”

“You don’t say,” the orange earth pony said as she began to take in deep breaths.

“Don’t move,” Fluttershy said sternly before she walked around to Applejack’s side and began to examine the wound. “Oh good. It’s very shallow. He barely broke the skin,” she informed her. “You’ll be fine, though I would suggest you get it washed out.”

“I will... not my first time getting all scratched up,” she murmured. “Still... he’s more dangerous than we thought...” she said with a deep frown.

“I know... how does he breathe fire?” Fluttershy asked with a frown of her own. “His body doesn’t look to have natural fire bladders like a dragon’s does.”

“How in Equestria should I know?” Applejack stated. “Though I do know we definitely need more help in capturing him... I hope Princess Celestia’s reply came back.”

“Yes... so do I,” Fluttershy said softly with a sigh. “The poor thing, he’s just so confused.”

“I doubt it,” the earth pony muttered. “Else you think he’d actually listen to you.”

“I guess so,” Fluttershy murmured. “Though... I know he’s not crazy... otherwise you and I wouldn’t be talking,” she whispered soberly, looking into Applejack’s eyes. “At the very least, he could have cut through your spinal cord if not somewhere worse. You’re only alive because he didn’t want to kill you.”

The orange mare remained quiet, before letting out a small snort. “You’ll head back to Twilight, I’ll head back home and get this patched up,” she said, gesturing her head to her back. “I’ll meet you in Library, once I’m done.”

“Alright,” Fluttershy said with a small nod. “Be careful not to strain yourself, Applejack,” she added, giving her friend a soft nuzzle.

“I won’t,” Applejack replied with a short nod before picking her scorched hat up, placing it on her head, and began to head back home at a slow, but methodical trot.

Author's Note:

Now you have the image of AJ in a Team Rocket uniform