• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,279 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Not Dreaming. Is That a Good Thing?

Chapter 6
Not Dreaming. Is That a Good Thing?

A loud knocking came from downstairs, rousing Twilight from her sleep.

She sat and looked to the crib, worried the foals had been awoken.

To her relief, they still seemed to be asleep.

Twilight got out and bed and headed downstairs.

The knocking became louder and more insistent.

“Okay, okay. Hold your horses,” Twilight called as her horn glowed, the same close encasing the door.

No sooner had it opened then it was thrown back and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle ran in, bowling into the alicorn.

The three tumbled a few metres, smashing into one of the bookshelves. Several books fell off their shelves and dropped on top of them.

Twilight glared at the two fillies, who smiled sheepishly.

“Um... sorry about that, Twilight,” Sweetie Belle said as she and Applebloom got up and said alicorn shook her wings.

“Yeah, sorry,” Applebloom said, shuffling her hooves a little. “We were just wonderin’...”

Twilight glared turned into an understanding smile. “You wanted to find out what happened to Scootaloo.”

“Did ya find ’er?” Applebloom’s voice rose as she asked, her eyes filled with worried.

Twilight gently nodded.

“YAY!” both fillies screaming, slapping hi-hooves.

“Shh!” Twilight whispered, making the fillies pause. “You’ll wake the girls.”

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle blushed and looked down smiling. “Sunset’s still sleeping, huh?”

“Well it is only 6:30 in the morning,” Twilight chuckled. “Applebloom’s family might get up earlier than that, but two foals aren’t likely to do so.”

The two fillies frowned in confusion.

“Foals?” Applebloom asked, cocking her head. “Ah thought ya’ll only had Sunset?”

Twilight gave another chuckle and motioned for the girls to follow her upstairs.

The three ponies quietly walked upstairs and entered Twilight’s room.

Twilight walked over to the crib and indicated for the two younger ponies to look in.

They came over and looked in.

Inside the crib Sunset was wearing blue woolen full-body pajamas. Next to her was the foal Scootaloo, sleeping soundly. She was a bit bigger than Sunset, maybe a year old. The two foals had curled up next to each other in their sleep.

The sight made the two fillies and the older mare D’aaaaaaaaaw, before both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom’s eyes went wide as they realized who they’d just D’aaawed at and turned to Twilight, bewilderment filling their features.

Twilight asked them to sit down, which they did and she explained what had happened when she’d found Scootaloo.

The two looked horrified when they learned Discord had done this two their friend, but Twilight assured them that, aside from becoming a foal, Scootaloo seemed perfectly fine and she was going to take her to the hospital later that morning after she’d woken to get her checked-up.

“So, what about her stuff?” Applebloom asked, glancing from the crib to Twilight.

Twilight’s eyes widened and she face-hoofed. “I can’t believe I forgot to grab Scootaloo’s stuff before coming back to the library. Girls, watch them for a bit, til I get back with Scoots’ things.”

There was a flash of purple light and Twilight was gone.


Scootaloo shifted, not wanting to open her eyes.

What a weird dream. Discord giving comforting words, then she turned into a foal and being found by Twilight?

Yeah... like she’d be that lucky. The only thing she’d see when she opened her eyes was the brown wall of the cardboard box.

She felt warm though, warmer than she knew her box would make her. Plus, what were those noises around her?

She tried to focus, making the sounds become clearer.

“Ya thank she’ll remember us?” a voice that sounded a look like Applebloom said from somewhere.

“Maybe,” Sweetie Belle’s voice seemed to answer. “I wonder how she’ll react to all this? Wait! What’ll this do to our group? Can we really be the Cutie Mark Crusaders with a baby as one of our founding members?”

Okay, that was a little harsh, especially for her friends. Sure, she’d left the orphanage instead of staying there, but they didn’t have to call her a baby.

Scootaloo opened her eyes, rubbing the sleep from them. What she saw made her eyes widen.

Sunset was sleeping next to her, wearing blue woollen pyjamas that covered her body from the neck down.

Wait. Why was Sunset sleeping next to her in the first place?

Scootaloo slowly sat up and felt something soft on her flank, followed by a crinkling sound.

She looked down and saw a white diaper.

Her frown deepened. Why in Equestria was she wearing a diaper? She’d stopped wetting the bed ages ago... and she wasn’t in the orphanage, so who put it on her?

“Hey, Scootaloo’s awake.”

Sweetie Belle’s voice made Scootaloo look up and what she saw made her jaw drop and filled her with fear.

Her follow crusaders were towering over her and looking down at her through the bars of a... crib?

“Wha—?” she said, looking around frantically. It looked like Twilight Sparkle’s bedroom, but much bigger than she remembered. “Wat hawppened?” She gasped, putting her hooves to her throat. Her voice had gotten higher and she’d spoken like a baby.

Tears started forming in her eyes. She didn’t want to be a baby, not again. She could vaguely remember a little from when she’d been a baby. It wasn’t much, but she’d been about a year old when a fire had killed her parents, leaving her all alone and sent to the orphanage.

Her friends started cooing, trying to calm her down, but she couldn’t hear them. All that was going through the little Pegasus’ mind was her memories of last night, for what was happening now confirmed they were memories, not a dream.

There was a flash of purple light and another voice joined her friends. “Oh dear, Scootaloo, please don’t cry.”

Scootaloo felt somepony pick her up and she opened her eyes to see Twilight smiling down at her. She was holding her in her forehooves.

“Wat—?” Scootaloo sniffed, trying to speak through the sobs threatening to overtake her. “W-wat h-h-h-happened?”

Twilight started rocking her and murmured quietly, “Discord gave you the last of the Baby Berries, the same ones that turned my Sunset into a foal.”

“C-can I ch-ch-chawnge back?” she asked as Twilight wiped a fear of her tears away.

Twilight smiled sadly and shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Scootaloo. You’ll have to grow up again, just like Sunset does.”

Scootaloo started crying again and buried her face into Twilight’s chest.

She felt the alicorn’s hold on her tighten in a hug. “Don’t worry, Scootaloo. If it comes to it, I’ll take care of you too.”

Scootaloo stopped at this and looked up, shocked. Had Twilight just said what she thought she’d just said?

“You... You wouwd? Youw'd be my mommy?” she asked, doing her best to say the words and inwardly groaning at how much they sounded like baby-talk.

Twilight seemed to hesitate, dashing Scoots’ hopes, then she smiled. “If you want.”

Scootaloo hugged her as tightly as possible while shouting, “Tankyoutankyoutankyou!”

A mother! Oh, sweet merciful Celestia! She had waited so long for a day like this!

Although, when she'd pictured getting a mother, not once had she seen herself as a foal again. That was definitely different.

She felt Twilight pat her diaper and heard her give a small chuckle.

“It seems somepony needs a diaper change.”

Scoots’ face went bright red. She’d peed herself in her sleep? Seriously?


All turned to the crib, where Sunset had sat up and was rubbing her eyes with a hoof. She looked around, saw Scootaloo and raised an eyebrow. “Somepony mind expwain’ dis to me? Why’s Scoowts’ a foawl?”

Twilight sighed. “Where do I even start?”


After she finished explaining everything about the previous night to Sunset, Scootaloo and the fillies so they all understood everything, all of which she’d done after changing both foal’s diapers, she turned to the two now oldest members of the CMC.

“Do you still feel that Scootaloo is your friend?”

She didn’t like asking such a question, one, because she knew the answer already, and two, because she knew it was worrying Scootaloo. The poor thing was afraid that, now she was a baby, her friends wouldn’t want to be her friends anymore.

“O’ course she is,” Appleboom said firmly, stomping a hoof. “Ah’d never stop bein’ friends with Scoots just cuz she’s a foal now.”

“Same here,” Sweetie Belle nodded, smiling sweetly at Scootaloo in Twilgiht’s forehooves. “Plus, she’s so cute now.”

Scootaloo blushed and tried to bury herself deeper into Twilgiht fur, wanting to just hide herself.

She hated cute and now she was cute? Not cool, so not cool— Oh, Celestia! What would Rainbow Dash think?

Twilight could tell these were the things going through Scoots’ mind as she felt the small foal dig deeper into her fur.

She couldn’t help it. It caused her to smile warmly.

“Okay, girls,” Twilight said to the two fillies that weren’t wearing diapers. “We’ve been talking for a while now. Shouldn’t you be heading off for school?”

“Oh my gosh!” Sweetie Belle cried, a hoof flying to her mouth. “It’s that time already? Rarity will kill me if I come home with a tardy note!”

Twilight felt herself flinch at the word “tardy”, but hid it and continued to smile.

She put Scootaloo down on the bed with Sunset and followed the girls to the door and closed it behind them once they’d left.

She went over to the cupboards and quickly prepared some formula. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure, but she had the feeling, unlike Sunset, Scootaloo’s body was physically old enough to came down formula. But if not, she still had an alternative.

Once she’d finished making the formula, she went back upstairs to find the two foals talking.

“... weally not embawissed about woosing a diapy?” Scootaloo was asking Sunset, a look of astonishment on her face.

Sunset shook her head. “Nope. I got over dat afer de fiwst week.”

“Hmm,” Scootaloo said, putting a hoof to have mouth, a pondering look on her face.

The look was so cute Twilight couldn’t help but giggle, turning to the two foals’ attention to her.

Twilight walked over to the bed, got on it and laid down. “Feeding time.”

Sunset crawled over and clamped her mouth on one of Twilight’s teats and began suckling.

Twilight looked to Scootaloo and saw she’d been rooted to the spot, a look of shock and horror on her face.

It took a second for Twilight to understand why and she chuckled.

“Don’t worry, Scootaloo,” she said, motioning with a hoof for the foal to come over, though she remained where she was. “I’ll see if you can keep formula down first. Only if you can’t will you have to suckle, like Sunset.”

Scootaloo didn’t seem reassured by what Twilight said and just looked like she was about to freak out.

When Sunset had finished her breakfast, Twilight burped her and set how down, where she cuddled against Twilight, enjoying the warmth of her mother.

Scootaloo still seemed paralyzed so Twilight levitated her over with her magic and took her in her forehooves. Before Scootaloo could revolt, Twilight took the bottle and popped it into her mouth.

This was met by an instant suckling, which seemed to surprise Scootaloo, judging from the widening of her eyes.

As she drank the formula, Scootaloo seemed to calm down and started to enjoy her meal.

Once the bottle was empty, Twilight put Scootaloo over her shoulder and patted her back. This was followed three seconds later by a loud belch.

As Twilight lowered Scootaloo, her face was bright red again.

“Okay, girls,” she smiled down at the two fillies. “Now that you’ve eaten, let’s get you ready for our outing, shall we?”

As Twilight got off the bed, Sunset had a confused look on her face. “Where’w we going, Mommy?”

“Once I’ve some breakfast myself, we’ve got an appointment for Scootaloo at the hospital.”

Scootaloo seemed very worried by this. “A-apoiwnment? Wh-why?”

“We need to know what state your body’s at,” Twilight said as she levitated several things into the basket of a two-seated baby carrier which she’d gotten shortly before returning with Scoots’ things. “Since you didn’t spit-up you’re old enough for formula, but we need to know more than that. We have to make sure there won’t be any nasty side-effects because Discord made you drink that tea.”


“So, what’s the prognosis, doctor?” Twilight asked the stallion wearing a white coat.

She and Sunset were sitting in the waiting room of the Ponyville hospital.

The doctor was a unicorn with a brown coat, blonde mane and tale and grey eyes and an X-ray Cutie Mark. His name tag said Doctor X-ray. Though he preferred to be called Doctor X.

“Well, princess—” he began.

“Just Twilight, please,” she cut him off.

Doctor X blinked, then went on. “Miss Twilight, Scootaloo’s tests have shown that her body is exactly one year, three months and seventeen days old. She seems perfectly healthy, though I noticed her wings...”

“Yes?” Twilight said eagerly. “Can you fix them?”

Doctor X smiled. “Since she’s still so young, yes. It’s a simple magical operation.”

Twilight sighed with relief. “How long will it take?”

Doctor X looked at the notes on the clipboard he was levitating in front of him. “At least another hour. She’s already in surgery. Sorry, but we felt it was urgent to get to it as soon as possible so we didn’t wait for your okay on it,” he finished apologetically.

Twilight shook her head. “Like I’d have said “no” to Scootaloo’s wings getting fixed so she can really fly?”

“Now, there is one other mater, Miss Twilight,” Doctor X said, his tone changing. “Who are her parents?”

Twilight’s smile vanished and she looked away. “She’s... Scootaloo’s an orphan.”

Doctor X nodded and scribbled something on his clipboard. “Normally, we wouldn’t be allowed to give surgery to a foal without the parent or parents’ consent. It’s only because of your stature that we are able to overlook the rule this time, your highness.”

Twilight was about to correct him, but since he’d just said if not for her being a princess Scootaloo’s surgery wouldn’t even be happening, she decided against it this one time.

“Now, since she’s an orphan, where will she go once the surgery and recovery is over?” Doctor X asked, barely giving Twilight time to finish thinking about the last sentence.

“Well...” she said, looking at Sunset, then at the Doctor. “I was thinking... maybe... I’d adopt her.”

Doctor X smiled and nodded. “I had a feeling you were going to say that, princess. Luckily, since she’s a foal, you can adopt her here. If you’ll follow me, we can fill out the paper work and you can take her as soon as she’s ready for release.”

Doctor X started walking back down the hall and Twilight followed, Sunset now sleeping soundly in the carrier after learning Scootaloo was okay.

Author's Note:

Here's chapter 6, everypony!

First off, i must say I'm surprised how many Twijack requests I've been getting. and, yes, i now know there are several fics where Scoots is adopted into the Apple Family, but i hadn't even known about those before i said that. I've still yet to read them, but that's besides the point.

I will however take StrykerHedgehog's advice and focus on Twi dealing with her two foals right now and get into shipping in later chapters (not chapter seven though).

Along with comments i've been getting several PMs asking for Twijack and the reasons for it are making me sway toward it. One pony even gave me a link to a fc called About Last Night, where a Twijack is in effect and, from what i've read, plus the many reasons others have been giving me, it's making me think twijack later on will be a good idea.

i haven't decided yet, so i'm still open. though, giving the reason for twidash simply because rainbow's a pegasus is a bit of an old argument, so please give other reasons.