• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,262 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Chapter 8 - Playdate and Punishment

Chapter 8

Playdate and Punishment


“There they are,” Twilight smiled, looking down the path.

It was five days later and she and the girls were at the Ponyville park.

During the five days, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had visited after school, only once getting to see their now foal friend awake. Every other time she’d been asleep and they’d just D’aawed at her cute she was.

Other visits had included Applejack, who’d given Twilight a sly smile and playfully teased her about how she’d told her to think it through before she adopted Scootaloo, though she knew full well Twilight hadn’t had many options when she’d found the poor filly in that alley.

When the doctors had given the all clear, Twilight had taken her daughters home.

Now five days later, she’d arranged a playdate for the girls with the Cake’s twins.

She’d expected to see Pinkie Pie bringing the twins, but was pleasantly surprised when she saw Mrs. Cake pushing the stroller with her two foals.

“Hello, Mrs. Cake,” Twilight called, waving as the middle-aged mare came closer.

When the stroller stopped, Mrs. Cake smiled. “Hello, your highness.”

Twilight chuckled. “Mrs. Cake, you don’t have to address me as anything other than Twilight. We’ve been friends since before I got my title.”

“Oh, right,” Mrs. Cake blushed. “Then you can call me Cup Cake. Mrs. Cake from a friend makes me sound so old.”

Twilight chuckled again. “Wish I could say one day I’d understand what you mean...” She trailed off and looked away. She hated when she accidentally brought up the fact that, now she was an alicorn, she was immortal, just like Celestia and Luna and while others grew old, she remained the same.

Several other thoughts in relation to that tried to enter her mind but she pushed them aside. Today was meant to be a fun day.

Cup Cake seemed to know Twilight hadn’t meant to say what she had and didn’t push the matter any further, instead taking her children out of their stroller and putting them on the red and white checked mat Twilight had laid out for the foals to sit on.

Sunset and Scootaloo were already sitting on it and Scootaloo got a slightly anxious look as the twins were put down in front of them.

“Remember, girls, play nice with the twins,” Twilight reminded her daughters.

“Yes, Mommy,” Sunset chirped, closing her eyes as she smiled.

“Okay, Mama,” Scootaloo nodded, though still looking a little uncertain.


Sunset smiled at the twins, who smiled back.

She felt a nervous twitching next to her and turned to her sister. Scootaloo was still looking anxious, even after their mother had just told them to play nice.

“Wat’s wong?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“De’re weal foaws,” Scootaloo responded, turning to her. “We’we not. How does dis wowk?”

“You couwd tawt by tawking to us,” Pound replied.

Sunset giggled at the shocked expression of her sister’s face.

“You... You can tawk?” she asked, pointing a hoof at Pound.

Sunset giggled again and explained to her that, in the weeks since she’d become a foal, Twilgiht had brought her over to Sugarcube Corner several times. During one of those visits she’d learned from the twins that all foals could understand each other and even some animals.

“But fow some weason, gwown ups can’t undewstand us,” Pumpkin shrugged.

Scootaloo’s shocked face made Sunset giggle again. She was doing her best not to burst out laughing.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the blank flank who can’t fly.”

Scootaloo suddenly went stiff.

Sunset looked to the sound of the voice that had spoken and felt her brow furrow.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Ugh! She hated those two. They’d woken her up one time when they’d come over during the CMC’s Twilight Time. She’d been really cranky for the next couple hours after cos they wouldn’t stop making noise.

The next time they’d come was even worse. They’d brought all of the kids from school with them. Several had actually come in the bedroom and taken her out of her crib to play with her, even though she made it obvious that she hadn’t wanted to play.

She’d gotten them to go back downstairs by pooping herself. Sure, she’d been stuck with the stink until her mother had come up to check on her and change her, but it had been worth it to free herself.

But now these two were back and was making fun of them.

No. Wait. Diamond Tiara, for she knew it was her who had spoken, had said “blank flank who can’t fly”.

Being a unicorn, the idea of her flying made no sense, the same for Pumpkin and she knew Pound could fly, despite him being a foal. That only left...

Scootaloo had tears in her eyes.

“Oh, look, she’s wearing a diaper,” Silver Spoon sneered, her voice dripping with an Oh-I-So-Superior-To-You tone. “Bet she isn’t even good as a baby.”

“Who’d want her anyway?” Diamond’s face was full of cruel joy at Scoots’ unhappiness. “We heard about how you’re from the orphanage.”

Scootaloo winced as the tears started trailing down her cheeks.

“I bet whoever adopted you takes you back as soon as they realise they’ll be caring for a foal that’ll grow into a Pegasus that can’t fly.”

The two fillies did their signature Bump Bump Sugarlump Rumb and cackled as Scootaloo buried her face in her hooves, sobbing quietly.

Sunset had had enough of this. Nopony makes her sister cry.

“Mommy!” she shouted, cupping her hooves to her mouth.

Twilight and Mrs. Cake, who’d been having a conversation about who knows what, both turned.

Twilight’s eyes widened when she saw Scootaloo crying.

The two mothers walked over, worry on their faces.

“What’s going on?” Mrs. Cake asked, a very concerned look on her face. “Why is Scootaloo crying?”

“Cos dey wewe being mean!” Sunset declared, pointing a hoof at the two earth ponies, who’s smirks had faded ever so slightly.

Twilight glared at the two of them. “Would you two mind explaining to me why you felt the need to make my daughter cry?”

If the situation hadn’t been so serious, Sunset would have laughed at how fast their smirks completely vanished, only to be replaced by looks of shock and fear.

Y-your daughter?” Silver Spoon squeaked, shrinking down a little in Twilight’s glare.

“Yes,” Twilight said, her voice firm. “My daughter. I adopted Scootaloo several days ago.”

“But... why?” Diamond Tiara pressed, her fear seeming to be pushed aside by her need to act in the better. “She can’t even fly. What good’s a Pegasus that can’t fly?”

“Actually, she will be able to fly, since she had the surgery while she’s still a foal,” Twilight said, her glare focused on Tiara now, who whimpered in fright. “And, since she is my daughter and since I am a princess that also makes Scootaloo a princess.”

Their faces looked like Discord had just blown up every piece of reality around them.

“Y-you mean we...?” Silver Spoon trailed of, my mouth quivering.

“You just made a princess cry? Yes,” Twilight snapped, her horn sparking for just a second.

“I’m very ashamed of you, girls,” Mrs. Cake said, her glare almost as harsh as Twilight’s. “I think, unless your behaviour improves, you should be banned from Sugarcube Corner until further notice.”

They both looked like they’d had the world ripped out from under them.

“No fair,” Silver Spoon whined.

“Just because we teased that blank flank?” Tiara asked, outraged.

Twilight's glare intensified and they went silent.

“I will be speaking with both your parents. Expect to hear about this when you get home. Now go!”

The two fillies fled so fast they left dust impressions of themselves in the air that lasted for several seconds before fading away.

Twilight’s face softened as he turned and picked up Scootaloo,cradling her and hushing her.

Sunset looked at the twins. They had triumphant looks on their faces, which she shared. Those two were going to get what they deserved for making Scootaloo cry.


Twilight sighed as she walked into the living room of her library.

After the incident Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had caused, Scootaloo had been too upset and they’d had to cancel the playdate.

Now the girls were fast asleep, though Twilight could still faintly hear Scootaloo sniffling, even from all the way down here.

“Guess it coulda gone better, huh?” Spike asked, taking a seat next to Twilight.

She nodded, not looking at him. “Scootaloo was so upset she wouldn’t go to sleep for ages. They really hurt her feelings, Spike?” That last sentence had come out in anger as she turned to him.

He nodded. He was just as angry too. Those fillies were like his little sisters.

There was a loud knock on the front door.

Spike got up to answer it. When he returned, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s parents were with him, the two fillies hiding behind their respective parent.

“I’m very sorry for my daughter’s behavior, your highness,” Filthy Rich said, bowing to Twilight, who’d gotten up when she’d seen who their guests were.

For the second time in recent days, Twilight didn’t correct the use of her title. In this situation, it seemed it was right to go by her title instead of her usual namesake.

“I must also apologize for my daughter’s despicable behavior too, princess,” the mare Silver Spoon was hiding behind said, bowing as well.

She was Silver Spoon’s mother, Gold Digger. She was a beautiful mare with a golden-yellow coat and green mane and the same eyes as her daughter. Twilight knew she was a model, but that was all she knew.

Twilight gave a small nod. “I assume they’ve been punished for their actions?”

Both parents looked at each other, then at Twilight.

“Forgive us, your highness,” Gold Digger said, standing tall. “But, after each receiving your letter explain exactly what our children did, we’ve both talked about it and agreed a normal means of punishment will not do in this circumstance.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What kind of punishment do you feel they deserve?”

Filthy Rich cleared his throat. “I’ve become aware that you’ve been reading book from the Castle of the Two Sisters. Would there happen to be a spell regarding learning a lesson without a cutie mark?”

Twilight blinked, then nodded. “There is.”

“What?” both fillies cried, they’re eyes wide with horror.

“You can’t take away our cutie marks!” Silver Spoon cried, running to stand in front of her mother and clinging to her forehooves.

“If you do that, we’ll be less than those vagabonds who do have them!” Diamond Tiara cried, doing the same with her father.

Both parents looked down sternly at their respective daughter.

“You need to learn you’re not superior to anypony,” Filthy Rich said, pushing his daughter towards Twilight.

“And losing your cutie marks will make you understand that,” Gold Digger said, doing the same with her daughter.

Both fillies shook as Twilight towered over them.

“Will- will we get them back?” Silver Spoon squeaked.

“Only when you’ve truly learned your lesson,” Twilight said, her horn glowing with an intense light. “Once you’ve learned that lesson, your cutie marks will return.”

"Wh-what lesson is that?" Silver Spoon stuttered, her eyes wide with fear

"That is something you will have to learn on your own."

Both fillies tried to run, but Twilight’s magic had created a barrier, stopping them from leaving.

Twilight focused on the spell, reciting the words for it in her mind, weaving them into her magic.

Pain caused to others
To thee shall be done.
Thy mark shall return
When the lesson is won

There was an enormous flash of purple light and the fillies screamed.

When the light faded everything seem normal, save one critical detail.

“We’re blank flanks!” both fillies cried in horror, staring at their flanks, now barren of a cutie mark.

Twilight nodded to Filthy and Gold, who nodded back and motioned for their daughters that it was time to leave.

“NO!” they cried, running to Twilight and clinging to her forelegs.

“Please, Princess Twilight, give us back our cutie marks!” Silver pleaded, tears in her eyes.

“We can’t go to school tomorrow as blank flanks!” Diamond Tiara cried, though her eyes were clean of any tears. “We’ll no longer be the most popular ponies anymore.”

“You should have thought of that before you hurt my daughter,” Twilight said, none of the kindness in her voice that she was known for, even when speaking with fillies and colts who’d done something wrong. “Maybe this time you will learn from your mistakes.”

With that, their parents pulled them away from Twilight and carried them kicking and screaming out the door, which closed behind them.

Spike glanced at Twilight as she started to relax. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

Author's Note:

said i'd bring this chapter out today and i did.

before anypony asks, yes, there will be another chapter following the events of this one, however it will have meaning to the story's plot later on.

read, comment and please enjoy.