• Published 26th Feb 2014
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Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight - SuperPinkBrony12

Applejack learns the truth of her parents demise. This discovery inspires her to teach the world of crime a lesson, and strike fear into the hearts of all criminals. As she does so however, she creates her greatest enemy, The Joker.

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Meeting of The Board

The board members were waiting impatiently for the boss to arrive so they could begin the meeting. They intended to discuss the unfortunate break in and explosion, and how it would affect their publicity.

At last, they heard hoofsteps, and rose from their seats. But the pony who greated them was not the boss. The pony was a stallion with a white coat, a purple vest and matching top hot, and what seemed to be a very creepy smile on his "face" which seemed a bit plastic.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting gentlecolts." the stallion greeted, his mouth seemingly not moving.

"Who are you? You aren't the boss!" a board member snapped.

"I'm terribly sorry to report this all of you, but I'm afraid the boss had a rather, shall we say 'pressing engagement', and had to leave." the stallion said.

"I see." the board member said.

"Seeing as we are without a boss, I thought I'd take it upon myself to 'fill his horsehoes' so to speak." the stallion went on "But I knew I would have to run this by you boys first. So, are there any objections to my new role?"

No one said anything.

"Good." The stallion said "Now then, let's get this meeting underway shall we?"

"Well sir, I'm afraid we're facing a lot of negative publicity because of that incident at the factory." a board member said.

"I'm well aware of that. And I already know who's responsible for it." the stallion said, a hint of anger forming in his voice.

"Who is it?" another board member asked.

"It is none other then that so called 'Dark Knight' and defender of justice who dares to call herself Batmare!" the stallion said, pounding his hoof on the table "So I say we make sure she pays for the damages, personally!"

"What do you have in mind sir?" a third board member asked reluctantly.

"Oh, nothing much. I was just going to consider hiring a few thugs, and have them hunt down Batmare the next time she rears her ugly head." the stallion said "I hope you all agree with my decision."

"What if we don't?" a board member asked "What happens then?"

"Well, we just simply meet face to face, shake hooves, and settle our dispute like gentlecolts." the stallion said kindly "We're all grown stallions, we can solve our problems without violence."

"Really?" the board member asked.

"Sure. In fact, why don't you shake my hoof right now if you don't believe me." the stallion said.

"Well, alright, if you say so." the board member said, and walked over to the stallion. But when he shook the stallion's hoof he got a very nasty electric shock.

"Nothing like a joy buzzer to spice things up a little." the stallion said, ripping off his "face" which was actually a mask, revealing himself as Blueblood.

"Blueblood?!" the other board members gasped.

"I'm not Blueblood anymore. I am The Joker, The Clown Prince of Crime." The Joker said.

"What are you doing to that stallion?" a board member asked, refering to the stallion that was getting a very strong electric shock.

"Well, a joy buzzer on its own is pretty dull. So I thought I'd add a little 'kick' to it." The Joker explained, grinning deviously "This guy should be done in about...now." Sure enough the shock proved too much for the stallion to take, he collapsed on the floor. Dead as a doorknob. His coat covered in black burn marks.

"So, do you see now?" The Joker asked "This is what happens when ponies don't agree me. So if you don't like pain, do as I say, and we'll get along just fine."

The board members quickly fled, terrified for their lives. The Joker meanwhile, observed his latest victim. "Too bad you were just a mere pencil pusher like me. You could've had so much potential. Oh well, you disagreed with me so, I'm glad you're dead." The Joker then burst into hysterical laughter.

As he made his way out of the board room he repeated to himself "Glad you're dead. Oooh that was a good one." With no one to oppose him The Joker was intent on transforming AXIS Chemicals into a front for a massive criminal empire, all for the sole purpose of finding and killing Batmare. The pony responsible for turning him into what he now was.