• Published 26th Feb 2014
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Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight - SuperPinkBrony12

Applejack learns the truth of her parents demise. This discovery inspires her to teach the world of crime a lesson, and strike fear into the hearts of all criminals. As she does so however, she creates her greatest enemy, The Joker.

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The Joker's Threat

It didn't take long for The Shadow Triad to grow discontent with The Joker's leadership. No amount of money in the wide world of Equestria was worth their lives against someone who seemed invincible.

A few, who were either wise enough, or "cowardly" enough as the others put it, turned themselves over to the police who were all too happy to arrest them at once. Many of these convicts were convinced, that as long as they remained behind bars, The Joker wouldn't threaten them.

But some decided they wanted to be more bold. If The Joker was the problem that plagued their organization, then the solution was to get rid of him. The best way to do that meant killing him. But they knew they would need to be very discret about it, otherwise The Joker would likely catch on.

Perhaps, if they had been thinking straight, they would've given it up and turned themselves in as well. Alas, they eventually made a plan to kill The Joker without him being ever the wiser. A plan that they thought was foolproof. It wasn't.

"Are we all set?" one of the gang members asked.

"Yes sir." another gang member said, slipping into a hastly made Batmare costume. The intent was to fool The Joker into beliving that Batmare was coming for him, and make him turn to The Shadow Triad for protection. At which point they would turn their guns om him, and pump him full of lead. With him out of the picture they would be free to seize control of AXIS Chemicals, which they could rob blind. Thus enabling them to retire wealthy.

"He's coming! Places everyone." the gang leader instructed "And remember, don't fire til I give the signal."

"Hello boys." The Joker said, arriving at the meeting place, a shady back alley. "I must say, this seems like an unusual place to hold a business meeting. Not that I care."

"We use to do this all the time before you came along boss." a gang member lied "That's how we were able to fool the cops for such a long time. If it weren't for that pesky Batmare we would've had it made!"

"Which reminds me, I heard rumors that you clowns somehow botched the job. And someone, and I don't know WHO it could be, had to be a nasty tattle tale, and told old Batsy all about me." The Joker said "So, does anyone have anything they would like to explain?" No one said a word. "Oh well." The Joker went on "Mommy always use to tell me that's it not polite to keep secrets. And she taught me a very nifty trick for dealing with liers. Does anyone feel like playing a little game of chance?"

"Now!" the gang leader ordered. The fake Batmare suddenly appeared in front of The Joker.

"Your days of crime are over Joker. I'm taking you down!" The fake Batmare said.

The Joker easily saw through the ruse, but played along "Oh no. Not Batmare." he said sarcastically "Oh, whatever shall I do?" Laughing, he pulled out his revolver, and fired it. The fake Batmare fell to the ground with a thud, slightly wounded, but otherwise unharmed.

"Shoot him! Shoot him now!" the gang leader instructed. All of the Shadow Triad members whipped out their machine guns and prepared to fire them on The Joker.

"Do you honestly think those silly little toys can hurt me?" The Joker asked "If so, then you boys are in for a rather nasty surprise." Without warning The Joker sprayed a powerful gas from the flower on his vest. The gang members dropped their guns as the fumes overwhelmed them, making them cough and sputter as their eyes began to water. The Joker laughed and laughed at the misfortune of those who had tried to betray him.

"This is impossible!" the gang leader muttered "We had the element of surprise. How did you we were going to kill you?"

"Oh I don't know, probably because you just told me." The Joker said, flashing a slasher smile at the gang leader. "And you should know that if there's one thing I hate more than snitches, it's traitors!"

"What are you going to do to us?" the gang leader muttered.

The Joker looked at the fake Batmare "You'll see." he said, grinning deviously.

That night, all of Equestria was treated to a very rare sight. A live display of a dangerous super villan, and his latest victim. The image provided courtesy of the very villan that was determined to see Batmare dead. Magic had been used to display images before, but never on a national scale. Until now.

"Good evening mares and gentlecolts, and children of all ages." The Joker said "Tonight, all of you are in for a very special treat. You'll get to see the death of someone who was foolish enough to try and kill me. But first, I believe a little introduction is in order." The Joker turned to the fake Batmare "Mares and gentlecolts, I give you, your so called protector, Batmare!" he ripped off the fake Batmare's mask, revealing a gray pegasus stallion with a short emerald mane, and black eyes. "Go ahead sunny boy." The Joker teased "Tell them who you really are."

The stallion gulped, but did as he was told "I-I'm Tony." he muttered.

"So Tony, are you the real Batmare? Even though you're a stallion?" The Joker asked.

Tony sighed "N-no. I'm just a lowly member of The Shadow Triad."

"No?" The Joker asked.

"No." Tony replied.

"No? No? No?! Well then Tony WHY DO YOU DRESS UP LIKE HER?!" The Joker yelled.

Tony plucked up courage "Because, she's a sign. A sign that we don't have to put up with scum like you. She's a sign that you can't control us." he said boldly.

"Oh, you have to be afraid alright Tony." The Joker said "You really do. YOU REALLY REALLY DO!" Tony started to panic. The Joker calmed him down. "So Tony, you think Batmare's made Equestria a better place huh?" The Joker asked "Well, do you?"

"Y-yes." Tony said.

"Well then Tony, listen carefully." The Joker said calmly "Look at me."

"What?" Tony asked.

"LOOK AT ME!" The Joker shouted, he then turned his face away from Tony "Do you see now, mares and gentlecolts? This is how crazy Batmare's made Equestria! She's the reason why I exist. You want order in Equestria right? You want harmony, you want things to go back to the way they were? Well then, in order for that to happen, Batmare must take off her mask, reveal herself, and turn herself in to me. Oh, and for every day she doesn't? Well, I happen to own AXIS Chemicals. And if Batmare doesn't do as I say, there might be an unfortunate 'accident' at one of the factories. An accident where dozens of deadly chemicals are released. In short, ponies, griffons, donkies, mules, and all other species of life will die. Quite painfully I might add. Starting tonight of course, after all I'm a stallion of my word. So Batmare, if you're hearing this, you might wanna consider your next course of action carefully. I know what you're thinking 'You're bluffing, You wouldn't do something like that.' Well, maybe I would and maybe I wouldn't. But can you afford to take that chance? And more importantly, can all of Equestria risk it as well? You'd better make up your mind soon. Otherwise, well you'll find out. Or will you?" The Joker then turned back to Tony, the last thing that could be heard before the display faded, was the terrified screams of what sounded like a stallion being murdered in cold blood.

"Well, glad that's over with." The Joker said "I really don't like dirtying my own hooves, but sometimes I have to make an exception." He retreated to his office, where, to his surprise, he found pictures of Twilight Sparkle, Equestria's newest princess. The pictures were scattered all over his desk. "Well, hello gorgeous!" he said to himself, looking at the pictures for a moment. Then, an idea came to him. He pushed the pictures aside, and pressed a button on his desk. "Bob! Get in here, now!"

Bob was a brown earth pony stallion with a chestnut mane and tail that were well groomed. He had green eyes, and wore a black coat that covered most of his body, as well as a matching bowler hat. He was The Joker's number one guy, and righthoof stallion. "Yes boss?" he asked nervously.

"Who is this mare?" The Joker asked.

"That's Princess Twilight." Bob replied "She's been a princess for about a year now I think."

"I know that." The Joker growled "What I wanna know is, what are pictures of her doing on my desk?!"

"W-well, you know how you said you needed somone to get your good side right?" Bob asked.

"Yes." The Joker said "And your point is?"

"Princess Twilight, she filled in for Photo Finish's assistant a short time ago, and she's scheduled to be in Canterlot soon." Bob explained.

"I see." The Joker said "Well thank you for your help Bob. I have a feeling I can make this little princess work for me. With the proper amount of convincing of course. And, as you know, that's where you come in."

"I'll get right on it sir!" Bob replied and ran off.

The Joker chuckled to himself as he looked out at the world of Equestria from his office window. "I'm waiting for you Batmare." he said to himself "And soon, you're going to learn a little painful truth about comedy. You always take shots from those who just don't get the joke."