• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 4,705 Views, 38 Comments

Can you see the rainbow? - Deathsia

Pinkie Pie plays a prank on Rainbow Dash which goes horribly, horribly WRONG.

  • ...

The prank gone wrong





Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie sat in front of an closedcasket in front of them all wearing dresses Rarity herself had made for them for this occasion. It was at this point a well dressed stallion walked up and stood in front of every pony who was attending the funeral.

“We are gathered her today to honor a long time friend and a hard worker to our fair town, Rainbow Dash.” Lovesworth said in a calm tone and paused before continuing.

“In her younger years Rainbow Dash was a very energetic filly and among us the most loyal to her friends. We all can remember the day she created the first ever sonic rainbow. A feat only told in legend yet even as a filly she had achieved this feat. Her actions that day affected us all in one way or another and some of us more than others.” Lovesworth said pausing again and looking at the five ponies who at in the front of the rest.

“Rainbow Dash was the top weather pony in Ponyville. There was not a day that went by that she kept our skies clear, unless she scheduled a thunderstorm, then we all wanted to tie her up and throw in the nearest cellar.” Lovesworth said with a smile earning a few light laughs and chuckles from his audience.

“In life, Rainbow Dash was a pony who not only was the most loyal to us all but represented one of the elements of harmony, The element of Loyalty and rightfully so because she has on more than one occasion demonstrated her loyalty to not only us but Princess Celestia herself.” Lovesworth said taking a slight bow to the Princess who was also in the audience before continuing. “She was willing to risk everything just for us. This kind of selfless act does not go unnoticed.” Lovesworth said and paused once again before continuing.

“Rainbow Dash also had a dream. She wished to become a wonderbolt.” Lovesworth said and motioned for Soarin and Spitfire to step up next to him.

“Today that dream becomes reality. Though Rainbow Dash may be gone, she will honored as a wonderbolt from this day forward. To be wonderbolt means not only to be a skilled performer but also a pony with unwavering loyalty to our dear Princess. Rainbow Dash showed both these traits and we have created a outfit for her that will be displayed in our showcase from this day forward. In honor of her outstanding loyalty we have requested that a second uniform be made and she be buried in it. This request was generously granted.” Soarin said and opened the casket up revealing Rainbow Dash eyes closed with a peaceful smile on her face in a wonderbolts uniform.

Spitfire and Soarin then went to sit back down at which point Spitfire silently sobbed into Soarin's shoulder as Lovesworth walked back in front of every pony before continuing his speech.

“Rainbow Dash also had a love of her life as well as a beautiful daughter that she adopted.” Lovesworth said at which point Scootaloo and Applejack stepped in front of the audience.

“Ah can't really say much more than this here stallion said already, but if ah could say anythin, it would be that she was a wonderful mare who put mah life before her's on more than one occasion. She was selfless and kind.” Applejack said before she began to break into tears in front of every pony. “Ah'm a might sorry bout this. Excuse meh.” Applejack said her voice cracking as she spoke quickly going to sit back down leaving Scootaloo alone.

“Rainbow Dash was a wonderful mother, and even when things looked bleak, even when I myself was willing to...” Scootaloo began to say only to trail off choking back tears. “Even when I was willing to take her life myself when Discord converted me,she never stopped loving me, she never hurt me, she never gave up on me.” Scootaloo said her voice cracking even more now as she spoke with tears now flooding from her eyes. “She never blamed me, she never hated me, she was the most loving mare a filly like myself could have ever been blessed with having for a mother. I am honored and happy to have had her as my mother...” Scootaloo said trailing off before swiftly going to sit back down herself sobbing loudly into Applejack's arms who cried herself as she hugged the orange filly sobbing silently herself.

Lovesworth then stepped back in front of the audience. “Today to lay a mare to rest who was the most loyal and kindest of us all. Thank you all for coming.” Lovesworth said in a soft tone and soft music began to play as they began to lower the casket into the ground.

“Wonderbolts present!” Soarin shouted in the best strait voice he could muster at which point a force of three wonderbolts flew above them and just above the crowd split off in separate directions creating a loud bang. Three more groups of wonderbolts did the same thing a few moments after the last until after the sixth group no more flew through the skies.


Pinkie Pie woke up early today. She had planned this prank on her best friend for many months and she knew it would be one that would go down in the history books as her best prank ever. She knew that her and Rainbow Dash would laugh about this for days to come. But it wasn't time for it just yet. “This prank is going to be so super fun! I can't wait!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she went down the stairs and out her front door to do what she did best...be Pinkie Pie.


“Uh-uh...sure...okay.” Twilight replied nonchalantly to Pinkie Pie's rambling as she read a book as she normally did in the park.

“And then she's going to be covered in grease! Then come the chicken feathers! It's going to be so funny!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed giggling insanely after this statement.

This however caught the purple unicorn's attention.” Wait...grease? Isn't that a little extreme?” Twilight remarked in a concerned tone.

“Nopey-dopey! You saw the prank she pulled on me last week! It took me a week to get the dye out of my mane! But it's all in good fun!” Pinkie Pie replied with a smirk.

Twilight recalled this and couldn't help but giggle. Poor Pinkie Pie had her mane and tail dyed in the color of Rainbow Dash's mane and tail which Pinkie Pie had immediately freaked out over at first. The dye however had an a side effect that not even Rainbow Dash had predicted. It had caused her mane to loose it puffy appearance so poor Pinkie Pie's mane and tail couldn't hold it's puffy appearance for more than five seconds which lead to Pinkie Pie constantly having to blow her mane to out of her face which annoyed the pink mare to no end. It was a prank she had yet to live down as she was often joked on as “Rainbow Dash the second” by her friends.

“I don't know, you made a pretty good Rainbow Dash.” Twilight remarked with a giggle earning a slightly annoyed look from the pink mare.

“See! This is why I have to get her back! She got me good! And I’m going to get back...Pinkie Pie style!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a confident smile.

“Just be careful. We don't want any accidents.” Twilight cautioned.

“Duh!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide grin and ran off.


This was it, it was nearly time. Now all she had to do was get her victim into place. Pinkie Pie had already made arrangements for Rainbow Dash to meet her here. The location was just on the outskirts of Ponyville near an abandoned cloud factory and a cliff with a great ocean view that couples would often come to to watch sunsets.

The setup was perfect, nothing could go wrong. Pinkie Pie wondered if she was going to die from all the anticipation she she was feeling right now. She couldn't wait to see her friend's face when it was all over.

“Hey Pinkie Pie! Sorry I’m a little late! So what did you need my help with?” Rainbow Dash said as she flew toward the pink mare and landed not far from her.

“Oh, it's right over here! See I was trying to make a super awesome cake with some of the stuff in here but nothing would work! But then I thought about you! You being super knowing about clouds and all and I thought that you could help me get this working!” Pinkie Pie said in a very fast tone.

“Oh, well let me see what I can do.” Rainbow Dash replied as she walked next to the pink mare towards the factory doors.

“It's right over there!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smirk as the cyan blue Pegasus took not of this and walked over to the small device and looked at it.

“Ha! No wonder you need my help! This thing isn't even working! Here let me see if I can fix it.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile and flew up to see if she could fix any of the pluming.

“Oh, no,no! I don't need you to do that Dashie!” Pinkie Pie replied in a semi-panicked tone. She hadn't expected this. She expected Rainbow Dash to flip the switch and her prank be triggered.

“Don't worry about it! I never would leave a friend hanging! There we go! Now it's fixed I think.” Rainbow Dash replied and landed on the ground. “Now lets start this baby up!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and flipped the switch.

The next thing to happen much to the cyan blue Pegasus's surprise was being suddenly flung on her rump, the next was being coated in grease and finally a bag of chicken feathers slowly drifted down and covered the Pegasus so now she looked like a a chicken more or less. Rainbow Dash stood on all fours hooves moments later and gawked at her friend who was laughing insanely now. “What in the name of Equestria?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a upset tone.

“hahaha! I got ya! That's payback for dying my mane last week and all the other pranks!” Pinkie Pie replied between laughs.

It was at this point a grin spread over the cyan blue Pegasus's face and began to laugh herself.” Haha! Good one Pinkie Pie! You sure got me good.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile. “Oh she's gonna get it...” Rainbow Dash thought to herself mischievously. She knew this stunt was going to render her flightless for at least a week, but she knew how to take a prank with stride and even get revenge.

Their laughter however was soon abruptly ended as a loud whirling sound began to become louder and louder catching both mare's attention. “Umm..Pinkie...is this part of the prank?” Rainbow Dash asked in a worried tone looking at the dial on the factory device was moving quickly along it's pressure gauge towards the red zone with the word”DANGER!” printed on it.

“Nopey-dopey. This is the prank!” Pinkie Pie replied unaware of why Rainbow Dash's expression had suddenly become pale.

“Then why is this device telling me that pressure is building up?” Rainbow Dash asked as she gave a quick glance around herself and noticed the pipe that she had “fixed” earlier was starting to glow in a faint red color which meant a lot of heat was building up around that point.

“I don't know. All the pipes in this place were broke from what I was told so I knew this was the perfect place to throw a prank because the stuff in here did what I needed it to.” Pinkie Pie replied and moments later gave a started cry as the pipe that Rainbow Dash fixed suddenly erupted with hot water and steam which shot out towards other devices which began to sparkle and sputter.

“Pinkie Pie! Get out of here! Now!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she began to frantically began flipping switches and turning nobs on the cloud device. Considering it was her job to work with clouds she had training in how these devices worked and was trying to fix this small problem before it became a bigger one.

“Wait, what's going on?!” Pinkie Pie asked in a panicked tone.

“I can't explain now! Just get out of here! It's not safe! I gotta fix this! It's my fault that this is happening!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she ran over to the now sparking and sputtering device and began to flip switches and turn nobs all the while avoiding the instruments which were malfunctioning. This was not going well. All the status devices on just about ever device she was now working on read”DANGER!” or had dials hovering over that word in pressure gauges.

“You best start splainin then! Because I’m not leaving until you tell me what's going on!” Pinkie Pie replied as she looked around herself. She had no idea what was happening but judging by the rapid beeping sounds and malfunctioning devices it wasn't good.

Rainbow Dash gave panicked glanaces around herself and soon realized there was no stopping this chain reaction. She then gave a panicked glance to her friend who was defiantly standing there still.

“PINKIE PIE! GET YOUR BUCKING FLANK OUTTA HERE! THIS PLACE IS FIXING TO BLOW!” Rainbow Dash screamed at the top of her lungs running at her friend, jumping into air, and bucking at her with such speed and strength sending the pink mare flying out the front door and several feet away.

Pinkie Pie stood up dazed not entirely sure what had just happened however before she could think a explosion erupted from within the factory followed by another and another. The pink mare's face went horrified as she realized Rainbow Dash was still in there as more and more explosions occurred. “Rainbow!!!” Pinkie Pie screamed at the top of her lungs as she charged back into the burning building to see debris and parts of the instruments of devices scattered. “Dashie? Say something! Where are you?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and gave a shocked shriek as debris fell right next to her causing the pink mare to jump back. “Rainbow! Say something!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she looked around frantically for her friend. Her chest was pounded so hard right now that it felt as if her heart was ready to explode out of her chest but it would have to find it's way out of the pit of her stomach first as it fell deep into it when she saw a crippled blue wing sticking out from a pile of debris.

“P-Pinkie....get out of here...” Rainbow Dash said in a weak tone as her friend rushed over and began to move debris from on top of her and revealed her bruised and bleeding face.

“And you leave you here to die? Are you loco in the coco?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she struggled to lift a heavy piece of machinery from on top of her friend. She had no idea how she managed to lift it much less move it but she could care less. With this last piece moved all she had to do now was move a few light weight pipes and she would be able to carry her friend out.

Another explosion however occurred at this point startling both mares. “You stupid mule, why did you come back for me? Now we are both going to die here.” Rainbow Dash said in a weak tone as Pinkie Pie moved the last object from on top of her friend,flung her over her back, and began to move as quickly as possible but being careful not to drop her friend. “Not if I have any say in it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she made her way towards the entrance avoiding falling debris as she did so.

She managed to get out of the building a mere few minuets later and just I time too as she was now a safe distance away the factory gave a mighty roar as one final explosion shook the ground seemingly, by now Pegasus Fireponies were quickly making their way armed with clouds full of rain water to put the flames out as well as medical ponies moving quickly on foot to the scene.

Pinkie Pie set her friend down on the ground next to her and gave a relieved sigh. “Wowie...that was close eh Dashie?” Pinkie Pie remarked with a smile looking at her friend however she didn't reply. “Dashie?” Pinkie Pie said in a concerned tone. It was then she noticed a horrifying fact that she hadn't noticed before. Her entire back was soaked in blood which meant Rainbow Dash had been bleeding the entire time.

“Dashie?....Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie said in a quiet tone her voice cracking as she spoke.




“She's been stabilized, you can all see her now.” Nurse Redheart said at which point Twilight,Rarity,Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie walked into her hospital room and looked at her who was smilingly weakly back at them. She had an IV in one arm, a plastic device over her mouth with a hose attached to it that was hooked up to an oxygen tank and looked worse for wear.

“I'm soo sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she went over to her friend and hugged her.

“Hey, it wasn't your fault. I was the feather brain who tried to fix that pipe that caused the entire thing to happen.” Rainbow Dash replied weakly.

“I'm never going to pull a prank on you ever again! And once you get out i'm going to throw you a super duper party! The best party have ever thrown! It will have balloons, cake, and i'll even get the wonderbolts to perform at it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she held the cyan blue Pegasus’s hoof tightly in hers.

“Heh, the wonderbolts cost an awful lot to book Pinkie Pie. I think that might be a little out of her price range.” Twilight remarked with a soft smile.

“I'll even break my rainy day piggy bank if I have to in order to book them then! It's the least I can do.” Pinkie Pie replied then looked back at Rainbow Dash.

“Pinkie Pie, don't be feelin guilty, it was an innocent prank. It's not like ya could have predicted somethin like this happenin.” Applejack said as she walked next to Pinkie Pie and put a hoof around her.

“But if I hadn't soaked her wings in grease she could have flown out, so it is my fault!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed tears now forming in her eyes.

“Pinkie...everything happened so fast, the only thing I had time to do was buck you out to safety. The next thing I knew I was barely awake under a pile of ruble. Wings or not I couldn't have gotten out of there in time.” Rainbow Dash replied then gave a harsh and heavy cough.

“But....” Pinkie Pie began to say but trailed off as Rainbow put a hoof over her mouth gently. “Don't worry about it...I'll be out of here in no time.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile.



“May I speak with you five?” Nurse Redheart asked in a quiet tone as the five came in to see Rainbow Dash.
“How's Rainbow doin? She's gonna get out of this consarned place soon right?” Applejack asked in a concerned tone upon seeing Nurse Redheart's saddened expression.

Nurse Redheart gave a heavy sigh at this. “This is the worst part of the job...” Nurse Redheart remarked under her breath unknown to the five ponies as she looked at her charts then lowered them. “There's been a complication with Rainbow Dash's condition.” Nurse Redheart said and stopped before continuing. “ She had been bleeding internally for the last twelve hours but we had no idea till a few hours ago. Perhaps if we had gotten to it sooner she might have stood a chance...I'm sorry.” Nurse Redheart said in a saddened tone.

“Wait...what are you saying?” Twilight asked her voice cracking as she spoke.

“Rainbow Dash passed away in her sleep three hours ago.” Nurse Redheart replied her voice cracking as she spoke now.

“No way....Rainbow wouldn't kick the can like that. Ya best be jokin! Tell meh you're jokin!” Applejack exclaimed as she rushed up and shook the nurse violently for a few moments and let her go.

“I'm sorry for your loss...” Nurse Redheart replied, turned around and walked away.

“Ah....Ah...can't believe this...” Applejack said in a stunned tone.

“Rainbow....” Twilight said softly before breaking into full blown sobs into Rarity's shoulder who rubbed her back comfortingly while tears streamed from her eyes as well.

Fluttershy fell to her rump with a blank expression for a few moments until tears formed in her eyes and her expression slowly changed as she quietly whimpered at first with her lower lip quivering until she finally slammed her face into both hooves sobbing quietly into them.

Unknown to the other four Pinkie Pie was in a stunned stupor, her world seemingly frozen around her, all she could do was stare blankly at her five friends who grieved as if in slow motion. “It's all my fault...” Pinkie Pie said in a quiet tone but even though it was quiet her voice seemed to echo around her saying the same thing ten times over mercilessly assaulting her eardrums with those words it seemed.

Pinkie Pie's world was suddenly shot back into full speed as she was slammed against the hospital wall by Applejack much to the other three pony's shock. “It's all your fault! If you hadn't been such a foal and playin foalish pranks like that this here would have never happened! Rainbow would be be here!” Applejack exclaimed at the top of her lungs as Twilight and Fluttershy both quickly began to pull her away from the pink mare before she could slam her hoof into Pinkie Pie's face. However she fought against the two with all her might trying to lung at the pink mare all the same.

It got to the point that Rarity herself had to join in holding the farm pony back. “We was, we was, we was gonna be hitched next month! We was gonna adopt a foal and everythin! Live a life as a proper family and all! Now that will never happen and it's all your fault!” Applejack exclaimed stuttering her words with her voice cracking as she shouted as tears flooded from her eyes now and a few moments later fell to the floor and began to sob loudly.


“Who am I going to live with now?” Scootaloo asked in a sad tone as the five ponies as well as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom sat in Rarity's home.

“Well, Ah know ah'm not the best mare in Equestria and there's no way ah could replace Rainbow, but if ya want, ya could come with with meh, Applebloom, and Big Macintosh. Course that's up to ya if you want tah and and all that.” Applejack said with a soft smile.

“Thanks Applejack...” Scootaloo said in a soft tone.

“Has anypony seen Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked with a sniffle as she wiped her puffy eyes with a tissue.

“I haven't seen her since the funeral darling. I certainly hope the mare isn't blaming herself. There's no way she could have predicted this.” Rarity said and gave a heavy sigh.

“That's a matter of opinion...” Applejack remarked sourly.

“Applejack! You can't honestly think that!” Twilight exclaimed in a shocked and appalled tone at which point the farm pony sighed.

“Look, ah know it wasn't her fault, but ah can't help it...if she hadn't been playin such a foalish prank then-”


“How dare you...HOW DARE YOU!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a pissed off tone looking Applejack in the eyes now. “Listen here miss farm pony, Pinkie Pie may behaving like a foal at times and do foalish things but don't you ever and mean EVER say that she is to blame for such an oh so terrible thing happening! She risked her life to save her from that burning building! I don't want you to EVER say those words again! You got that?” Fluttershy said giving Applejack a stern glare.

“Yes, mam.” Applejack replied feebly cowering slightly in front of the yellow Pegasus.


Pinkie Pie walked through the fields of Celestia's royal garden looking about it her hair flat and lacking it's usual puffy appearance. In fact ever since the day Rainbow Dash's death as announced her hair had deflated and had not puffed out since. Her eyes then fell upon Discord's statue though now it was only a shadow of what it once was. The statue was cracked in many places and many parts of it were missing. “Discord...the meanie pants who nearly destroyed everything we ponies hold dear...” Pinkie Pie said in a low tone before taking out a small shard from her backpack and placing it at the foot of Discord's statue. “If anypony in Equestria can help me..it's him.” Pinkie Pie said in a low tone as she pulled out a spell book flipped the pages and came a crossed a spell entitled:



Pinkie Pie then began to recite magical words in the human tongue:

Magic that was once done which can not be undone,

Dispel your curse upon this soul until the rise of the next sun!

Thunderstorm clouds then formed above Pinkie Pie and the statue and moments later lightning stuck the crystal one the ground which immediately shot a beam of magic against the statue. “I might as well be making a deal with the devil, but I have no choice...” Pinkie Pie remarked aloud as Discord's statue slowly began to change from stone to flesh.

“Well,well,well, looky who we have here. Your the last pony I would have expected to release me, but no matter.” Discord said with a evil grin as she began to step off the pedestal only to see his left foot slowly turn back to stone and recoiled. “What kind of sorcery is this?” Discord said with a glare at the pink mare.

“I'm not stupid Discord, I don't trust you as far as I can throw you, but your the only one I know who can alter reality as we know it, Celestia has refused to do such a thing ever again so I only have you to turn to. This spell will last till sunrise which is five hours away.” Pinkie Pie said with a glare.

“And why would you temporarily release me from my prison for?” Discord asked narrowing his eyes at the pink mare having gotten his full attention now.

“I need you to turn back the hooves of time to a week and one day ago. I know you can do this.” Pinkie Pie said in a low tone. She was regretting doing this already but she had come this far and she might as well go with it, considering she has no other option she wasn't about to let this one pass her by.

“And what do I get out this? Even if I were to do this and I’m not saying I will, I will still return back to stone by the time sunrise comes about. What do I have to gain?” Discord replied as he glanced over his lion's paw with a non-caring expression on his face.

“This crystal is the key to your freedom, however it requires more than one to make it permanent. I have four more back at my house. You turn back the hooves of time allowing me to keep my memories of what has happened up till now and I’ll cast a spell for your full release. But I have a three conditions if you agree.” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Oh? Which are? You have my full attention now by the way.” Discord replied as a sneer appeared on his face.

“No harm is to come to any of my friends or any of the ponies in Equestria. If anyone is harmed you turn back into stone for all time. The second one is that Rainbow Dash must survive, if she doesn't then the deal is off.” Pinkie Pie said in a stern tone.

“How boring....what's the third?” Discord replied not liking this deal.

“If everything goes well and Rainbow Dash is alive by the time this is over...you get me.” Pinkie Pie replied.

A sinister grin appeared on Discord's face at these words. “Oh my, did something happen to dear little Rainbow Dash?” Discord asked in a jeering tone.

“She's dead.” Pinkie Pie said quickly turning her face away from Discord as she shed a silent tear down her cheek.

“You poor thing...well that's what I would say if I had a heart, haha!” Discord said feigning a sympathetic tone at first then giving a light laugh.

“Time is ticking Discord, do we have a deal or not?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed arching a threatening hoof back preparing to shatter the gem at a moments notice which Discord took note of and changed his attitude quickly at this.

“Hmm, eternal freedom and a slave versus an eternity in stone....” Discord said in a face paced tone with a thoughtful explosions as she tapped his cheek looking in thought.

“Going once!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed arching her hoof back even more so now.

“Well there are perks to both, after all even with an eternal slave and freedom I couldn't have too much fun, But an eternity in stone means no fun but I would have to worry about Celestia breathing down my neck.” Discord said in a fast paced manner still looking deep in thought.

“Going Twice!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed even more fiercely preparing to slam a hoof down on the crystal shard.

“Okay, Okay! You save her life and I get my freedom as well as you. It's a deal.” Discord exclaimed just as Pinkie Pie began to thrust her hoof forward but halted upon hearing his words.

“Then do it.” Pinkie Pie said simply.

Discord then snapped his lion's paw finger and the world around Pinkie Pie began to whirl and fade.

Oh silly me! I forgot to mention this little detail, Memories can't be retained when using time based magic! That's not a problem is it?! MWAHAHA!

Discord's voice echoed around her before things went black...