• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 4,706 Views, 38 Comments

Can you see the rainbow? - Deathsia

Pinkie Pie plays a prank on Rainbow Dash which goes horribly, horribly WRONG.

  • ...

A second chance



Pinkie Pie sat up abruptly in her bed and looked around very quickly. “Wowie...what a nightmare.” Pinkie Pie remarked getting out of her bed, walking over the mirror and allowed her hair to puff out to it's normal puffy appearance.

“If only...haha...” A voice echoed which Pinkie Pie recognized right away. “Discord! How did you get out?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed looking about herself.

“Oh I didn't, see this is the first rule of my game. As long as our deal holds, you can see and hear me but no pony else can...” Discord replied as he took the shape of one of Pinkie Pie's stuffed animals and began to walk about on her bed.

“Why in Equestria would I make a deal with you?! And what game?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed having no clue what the hydrocephalus was talking about but something about it words felt familiar. She just how no idea how or why they did.

“Haha, all will be revealed in due time, but only as I see fit. For now, I leave you with a single clue for you to guess with.” Discord said and Pinkie Pie's stuffed animal returned to normal falling flat on it's face on her bed.

If you wish to get your memories back and repent, just make sense of this chain of events,

Memories and a rainbow are my games,

I'm in no rush to dash to the finish, but do you feel the same?

These words echoed through the room and slowly faded until they could be heard no more.

“Wait...a riddle? Oh great...” Pinkie Pie remarked dismally. Pinkie Pie wasn't the brainy type like Twilight so she was at a loss for what this riddle actually meant and the only thing that kept her from running to the others about this was a sense of familiarity with this entire scene. She couldn't explain it if she tried but she knew something big was going on if she was willing to make a deal with Discord. She had to tell at least one pony though...


“Wait...so only you can see and hear him?” Twilight remarked curiously in a worried tone.

“Yeah, he said we made a deal of some sort, but I would never make a deal with such a meanie pants, yet...” Pinkie Pie said trailing off.

“Yet what?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well...it might just be a the Selena in me talking, but something about his words feel true. I can't explain it, but if I did make a deal with that meanie pants, then it means something big happened for me to be so desperate.” Pinkie Pie replied and gave a deep sigh.

“What in Equestria would drive you to make a magical deal with him?! And even more so, how would be possible to even release him from his stone prison?!” Twilight exclaimed trying her best to make sense of this, however this was driving the purple unicorn up the walls trying to make sense of this.

“I have no clue.” Pinkie Pie replied honestly.

“I think we best call Sweetie Belle in here. She is your other half after all.” Twilight replied to this as she went to the door only for Pinkie Pie to jump in front of her.

“No! No other pony can know! I don't want everypony thinking I’ve gone loco in the coco!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“Pinkie Pie, I just worried about you. Sweetie Belle is the only one who knows you better than me. So move your flank out of the way!” Twilight exclaimed in an annoyed tone, moved Pinkie Pie out of the way, and walked out the door leaving the pink mare alone in Twilight's library.

“But i'm not crazy...” Pinkie Pie said in a soft yet sad tone.

Heh-heh-heh...why sooo sad Pinkie Pie?

Discord's voice echoed throughout the room at which point Pinkie Pie looked around the room and saw Discord appear on the cover of one of Twilight's books.

“Gee, I don't know...maybe it's because I got my friend thinking that I've gone loco in coco, jumped on the crazy train, booked a first class ticket to loony town!” Pinkie Pie said sounding sarcastic with her first metaphor, sounding even more annoyed with her second, and screaming her third at the book with a crazed yet pissed off expression now.

“Well when you behave like that, I would think you've gone crazy too.” Discord replied in a jeering tone.

“I'm not crazy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she lifted the book up with both hooves and shook it violently, slammed it on the table, and noticed Twilight giving her a worried look. “Discord was on the-he annoyed-He was being a meanie-ARGH! Never mind....” Pinkie Pie said in a panicked tone stumbling over her words until she abruptly gave an aggravated cry and walked away from the book.


“I couldn't find Sweetie Belle. She must be out crusading again with Applebloom and Scootaloo. Listen Pinkie Pie...maybe you should take a few days to rest. Rainbow Dash's last prank must have did a worse number on you than we thought.” Twilight said in a soft tone.

“But, what about his riddle? Your the only brainy pony around here.” Pinkie Pie replied in a concerned tone.

“I'll see what I can do, but you should get some rest.” Twilight replied placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes at the purple unicorn at this. “You really think I’ve gone loco in the coco don't you?” Pinkie Pie said in a low tone.

“No,no. I just think the stress of last week is getting to you is all.” Twilight said making a nervous smile as she said this. She was lying through her teeth and she knew it, but she didn't want to hurt her friend's feelings.

“Fine, forget the silly riddle! I'll figure it out on my own!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a hurt yet pissed off tone as she walked past Twilight, to the door, opened it, and slammed it behind her so hard that it caused some books to fall out and hit the floor.


Pinkie Pie stood in the abandoned cloud factory where she was setting up her prank for Rainbow Dash giggling to herself having completely forgotten for the moment about Discord and her spat with Twilight. “This prank is going to be super funny! I can't wait to see Rainbow Dash's face! He-he!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she made a few last modifications to her prank.

Having fun? Haha...

Discord's voice echoed throughout the factory bringing the pink mare's happy mood to a screeching halt. “I'm not listening! Your just a figment of my imagination!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she attempted to ignore Discord who's face had appeared on a pipe next to her.

“Pinkie Pie, I'm hurt you'd say such thing about me. After all, if my best friend's life was at stake, I would be more than willing to listen.” Discord replied making a mock hurt expression at first which turned into a sneer upon causing Pinkie Pie to whirl around and look at him.

“What horseapples are spouting off now?” Pinkie Pie replied in a annoyed tone only for Discord's face to disappear from the pipe.

My second riddle should be make things a little more clear.

Pranks and fun are your tricks of the trade,

some pranks can cause a friend's life to fade,

Time is ticking down to their doom,

can you figure out when it will happen and to whom?

Discord's voice echoed these words over and over fading out slowly until they could b heard no more.

“Another riddle? Why can't you ever make sense?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed slamming her head against the pipe several times until the pain became so bad it caused her to stop and put a hoof on her throbbing head, look over and see Fluttershy standing in the doorway.

“Oh um, am I interrupting something? I can come back later.” Fluttershy said in a meek tone.

“Oh no, it's okay! Do you have those chicken feathers I asked for?” Pinkie Pie asked attempting to ignore her throbbing forehead as she walked over to the yellow Pegasus.

“Y-yes. Are you sure this is okay? This place seems a little scary to me.” Fluttershy remarked in a feeble tone looking about herself.

“Yep! It's totally super safe! I just need you to fly up their and put the bag on that little hook up there.” Pinkie Pie replied with a smile to which Fluttershy took off from the ground, set the bag on the hook, and landed back next to her.

“So nothing bad is going to happen to Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked in a concerned tone.

“Nope, nothing at all!” Pinkie Pie replied with a smirk.

“O-Okay.” Fluttershy replied and flew off.

“Now I just need to get some grease from Applejack!” Pinkie Pie said aloud to herself with a smirk.



“Ah can't figure out for the life of meh why ya beh needin all this grease for, but ah need to get rid of it anyways, so give meh a hollar when ya need meh tah run it up for ya after your done decidin how many ya want.” Applejack said pointing the pink mare in the direction of her storage shelter.

“Okey-doki-loki!” Pinkie Pie replied and ran into the storage shelter. “Hmm..two barrels should be enough, I don't want to over do it.” Pinkie Pie said aloud thoughtfully as she looked around the storage shelter.

I beginning to to wonder if your friend's life is that important to you.

Discord's voice echoed throughout the room which once again sent the pink mare's great mood spiraling into the ground followed by a violent explosion or at least that's how it felt to her.

“You've done nothing but throw riddles at me! And I don't even know if you're telling the truth or if you just a figment of my imagination!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Discord's face appeared on one of the apples next to the basket of apples she was standing next to now.

“Well I said I would help, after all that was the deal we made, however you failed to specify exactly how I should help you.” Discord replied with a sneer.

“I'm done listening to you!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, picked up the apple and chucked it which hit the wall with a loud splatter right next to Applejack's head against the wall. “Whoa nelly, you okay thar sugarcube?” Applejack asked in a concerned tone.

“Just peachy.” Pinkie Pie replied sourly.

This is my second to last riddle to you.

Time is not on your side,

It not something you can bide,

Life is but a pipe dream my friend,

You have one chance to protect somepony from a terrible end.

Discord's voice echoed throughout the room much to the pink mare's annoyance. “Shut the buck up with the riddles! I don't care!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed then looked at Applejack who's expression had become even more worried.

“Uh, you sure you're okay sugarcube?” Applejack asked in a worried tone.

“I'm okey-dokey-loki! Just take two and thanks again!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and ran out the door without another word.


Pinkie Pie woke up early today. She had planned this prank on her best friend for many months and she knew it would be one that would go down in the history books as her best prank ever. She knew that her and Rainbow Dash would laugh about this for days to come. But it wasn't time for it just yet. “This prank is going to be so super fun! I can't wait!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she started to walk towards the her door.

Have you figured out my riddles yet?

Discord's voice echoed throughout the room which made the pink mare freeze and look around the room expecting him to take on the form of one of her stuff animals again but he was no where to be seen. “No, and I don't care!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and began to walk towards her door only for Discord to appear on it stopping the pink mare in her tracks.

“This is just too much fun! This more fun than I had when I discorded you all! Haha!” Discord replied only for Pinkie Pie to thrust a hoof at his face only blast a hole in her door with Discord leaning to the side of it giving an apprehensive look at the hole then at Pinkie Pie. “I'm sensing a great amount of frustration.” Discord said after a few moments.

“You think?” Pinkie Pie replied in a sarcastic tone as she flung the door open and walked down the stairs only for Discord to appear on the face of a vase next to her in the bakery part of her home.

“I will leave you with this last riddle.” Discord said and disappeared from the vase.

Time is pacing forward still,

The time to act will be based on your will,

When the sun hangs in the sky over a house of steel,

That is the time where your friend’s life will be sealed...

Good luck my little pony! Haha!


“Uh-uh...sure...okay.” Twilight replied nonchalantly to Pinkie Pie's rambling as she read a book as she normally did in the park.

“And then she's going to be covered in grease! Then come the chicken feathers! It's going to be so funny!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed giggling insanely after this statement.

This however caught the purple unicorn's attention.” Wait...grease? Isn't that a little extreme?” Twilight remarked in a concerned tone.

“Nopey-dopey! You saw the prank she pulled on me last week! It took me a week to get the dye out of my mane! But it's all in good fun!” Pinkie Pie replied with a smirk.

Twilight recalled this and couldn't help but giggle. Poor Pinkie Pie had her mane and tail dyed in the color of Rainbow Dash's mane and tail which Pinkie Pie had immediately freaked out over at first. The dye however had an a side effect that not even Rainbow Dash had predicted. It had caused her mane to loose it puffy appearance so poor Pinkie Pie's mane and tail couldn't hold it's puffy appearance for more than five seconds which lead to Pinkie Pie constantly having to blow her mane to out of her face which annoyed the pink mare to no end. It was a prank she had yet to live down as she was often joked on as “Rainbow Dash the second” by her friends.

“I don't know, you made a pretty good Rainbow Dash.” Twilight remarked with a giggle earning a slightly annoyed look from the pink mare.

“See! This is why I have to get her back! She got me good! And I’m going to get back...Pinkie Pie style!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a confident smile.

“Just be careful. We don't want any accidents.” Twilight cautioned.

“Duh!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide grin.

Twilight then closed her book, walked over to Pinkie Pie, and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you sure you're feeling alright? You've had us all worried about you since yesterday.” Twilight said in a concerned tone.

“I'm fine!” Pinkie Pie replied in a semi-annoyed tone.

“We don't think so.” Twilight replied and sighed.

“We?” Pinkie Pie replied in a confused tone until Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack stepped out from behind the bushes. “What are you all doing here for?” Pinkie Pie asked in a worried tone as she looked to each of her friend's faces which showed worry on them.

“We have come to try and help ya. Ah don't want to think ya might be losin it, but after yesterday and all, ah can't help but wonder if your alright in the head.” Applejack said in a concerned tone.

“Twilight spoke to me yesterday darling about you when she was looking for Sweetie Belle and it worried me so I thought I should come and help as well, after all that's what friends are for.” Rarity chimed in.

“You were..umm..behaving kind of odd yesterday...and it umm..scared me..so...umm..I want to help to...if that's okay.” Fluttershy said chiming in after Rarity now as well.

“I'm not crazy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed looking to each of her friends but they didn't look covinced.

“We don't wanna think you are either sugarcube, but hearin voices and all...that's never a good sign.” Applejack replied.

“It wasn't just any voice, it was Discord's! He's given me like four riddles and he's been hinting at one of you guys dying or something.” Pinkie Pie replied trying to defend herself.

“Pinkie, Discord is encased in stone. There's no way in Equestria he could be speaking to you. You have to understand this or we can't help you.” Twilight replied.

Pinkie Pie couldn't believe what she was hearing, her friends think she's gone off the deep end! It upset her so badly she could barely see strait, but then she began to wonder if they might be right.

“I-I don't know what to think anymore. I don't want to think anything is wrong with me, but...” Pinkie Pie said trailing off thinking for the first time since yesterday they really might be right and something really was wrong with her, after all she was the only one who could hear him. Maybe she really was losing it.

“It's okay Pinkie Pie, we are here for you darling. We want to help you. So I’ve taken the liberty of arranging to have a good friend of mine come all the way from Canterlot to see you. He's a very nice pony.” Rarity said with a warm smile.

“Well this is a relief, ah was worried ah’d have to hogtie ya to keep ya from runnin off.” Applejack said and gave a light laugh.

“Wait, you were going to hogtie me?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed incredulously.

“Yeah, ah didn't want to take any chances, but ah'm glad you are seein reason here.” Applejack replied with a sheepish smile.

“Umm..has anypony seen Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Oh, she's probably waiting for me at the factory. Oh cupcakes!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked in a concerned tone.

“She might trigger my prank without me there!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“Oh dear...” Rarity remarked in a worried tone.

“Well we got some time before Rarity's friend is supposed to be here. Lets go stop her.” Twilight said to which the other four agreed and followed Pinkie Pie in the direction of the cloud factory.


“I wonder where Pinkie Pie is. She said to meet her here to help her with something today...” Rainbow Dash said aloud as she looked around inside the factory and looked up at the pipe above the device. “Hmm...maybe she needed me to fix that pipe.? Well I better take care of it before she gets here. She'll probably thank me in advanced and I can get on my way once she gets here.” Rainbow Dash remarked as she took off from the ground and fixed the pipe and landed back on the ground.

The doors suddenly flung open to the factory revealing Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity at which point Rainbow Dash turned to look at them, unknowingly flipping the switch with her tail. “Hey girls what are you-WHOA!” Rainbow Dash began to say only to be cut off by getting suddenly shot off her rump, covered in grease, and chicken feathers fall down on her coating her in it making her look like a chicken more or less.

“What in the name of Equestria?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an upset tone.

Pinkie Pie couldn't help but fall over and laugh insanely upon seeing this. Twilight and the other three were soon to follow.

“Ah gotta say, that's one big chicken!” Applejack exclaimed between laughs.

“I-I'm sorry rainbow! I can't help it! You-you look so funny!” Twilight exclaimed between laughs holding her sides.

“Oh darling, you are simply a fashion fashion disaster! Haha! Why I might even name my new line after you! Rainbow Chicken fashion line! Haha!” Rarity exclaimed between laughs.

Even Fluttershy was on her backside laughing her flank off. “I-I-I'm ev-ever so-so sor-sorry! But-but I can't help it!” Fluttershy exclaimed meekly between laughs stumbling over her words as she spoke.

“I came here to stop you, but I’m glad I didn't! It's so funny!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed between laughs.

Rainbow Dash's face went from hurt to wide smile as she laughed herself” Haha! Good one Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed laughing out loud.

A loud whirling however caused all six to stop laughing abruptly. “Uhh..Pinkie Pie..is this part of the joke?” Rainbow Dash asked looking pale now as she looked over at the dial which was moving quickly over the words”DANGER!”

A loud hissing sound could be heard which caused every pony to look up and see the pipe that Rainbow Dash had fixed glowing red now as if a lot of heat was building up in it

At this exact moment Pinkie Pie froze as Discord's riddles suddenly shot into her head one after the other...


If you wish to get your memories back and repent, just make sense of this chain of events,

Memories and a rainbow are my games,

I'm in no rush to dash to the finish, but do you feel the same?


pranks and fun are your tricks of the trade,

some pranks can cause a friend's life to fade,

Time is ticking down to their doom,

can you figure out when it will happen and to whom?


Time is not on your side,

It not something you can bide,

Life is but a pipe dream my friend,

You have one chance to protect somepony from a terrible end.


Time is pacing forward still,

The time to act will be based on your will,

When the sun hangs in the sky over a house of steel,

That is the time where your friend’s life will be sealed...

The riddles now swirled in here mind and created a clear picture. THIS is what Discord was talking about. Rainbow Dash's life was in danger and she realized this now. She was going to die in this very building unless she did something NOW.

“Everypony get out of here now! Something super bad is about happen!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a frantic tone.

“What the hay are you talkin about Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked in a confused tone.

It was at this point the pipe that Rainbow Dash had fixed suddenly exploded sending a stream of hot water flying over on the device not far from rainbow Dash causing it to malfunction and sputter sparks.

“I can't explain it! Just get out of here now!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed at which point Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack quickly made their way out of the building.

“Hurry up and get out of Pinkie Pie! I have to fix this! It's my fault this is happening!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she began to flip switching and turn nobs on the device.

“No! You have to get out of here now! All day today Discord has been telling me riddles and they all make sense! If you don't get out of here now you're going to die!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a frantic tone.

“No I won't! I can fix this! Get the buck outta here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she ran over to the other device and began to flip switches and turn nobs while avoid the malfunctioning ones.

“I'm sorry Dashie, but i'm not leaving, you are!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she ran over to Rainbow Dash bit onto her mane and chucked her out the door so that she landed several feet away.

Rainbow Dash stood up dazed not entirely sure what had just happened however before she could think a explosion erupted from within the factory followed by another and another. The cyan blue Pegasus’s face went horrified as she realized Pinkie Pie was still in there as more and more explosions occurred. “Pinkie!!!” Rainbow Dash screamed at the top of her lungs as she charged back into the burning building to see debris and parts of the instruments of devices scattered. “Pinkie? Say something! Where are you?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and gave a shocked shriek as debris fell right next to her causing the cyan blue Pegasus to jump back. “Pinkie! Say something!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she looked around frantically for her friend. Her heart was beating so fast she would have thought she had just got done flying a cross Equestria marathon as it threatened to explode out of her chest but it would have to find it's way out of the pit of her stomach as it fell into it upon seeing a bloody and bruised hoof limply hunched over in a pile of debris.

Rainbow Dash ran over and began to move debris out of the way finally revealing Pinkie Pie's bruised and bleeding face. “Rainbow, you idiot....why did you come back? Get out of here while you can...” Pinkie Pie asked weakly as the cyan blue Pegasus began to move debris off her.

“And leave you here to die? Not a chance! I never leave my friends hanging!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she bucked a piece of machinery off the top of the pink mare.

Just great...why did you go all noble all the sudden for?! Do you realize what you've done?!

Discord's voice exclaimed but only Pinkie Pie could hear it. “Heh...whatever deal we made...I guess I was a smarty pants enough to put in a clause that blew your plan huh?” Pinkie Pie replied weakly.

You couldn't have possibly planned this! There's no conceivable way! You never got your memories back!

Discord's voice echoed throughout the room as Rainbow Dash began to carry her out slowly. “Don't worry Pinkie! I'll get your out of here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she moved slowly but quickly towards the doors.

“Whether I planned this or not..you lose meanie pants...” Pinkie Pie replied weakly followed by a weak giggle.

Hmph! I may not get you, but at least I get a wonderful a consolation prize! Rainbow Dash WILL make the same deal that you did, but this time I will make it so she does not put in the same clause as you!

Discord's voice echoed many times and finally faded as Rainbow Dash carried her out and set her down next to her as Pegasus Fireponies flew in with clouds full of rain to put out the flames as well as medical ponies who rushed on the scene.

“That was a close one eh Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash said with a light laugh only Pinkie Pie didn't respond. It was then the cyan blue Pegasus realized a horrifying fact her entire backside was covered in Pinkie Pie's blood.

“Pinkie...Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash said in a quiet tone her voice cracking as she spoke.



“She's been stabilized, you can all see her now.” Nurse Redheart said at which point Twilight,Rarity,Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash walked into her hospital room and looked at her who was smilingly weakly back at them. She had an IV in one arm, a plastic device over her mouth with a hose attached to it that was hooked up to an oxygen tank and looked worse for wear.

“You crazy mare! Why'd you do that for?! You could have died!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed hugging Pinkie Pie tightly.

“I didn't want to lose you. Who'd I play pranks with if you kicked the can?” Pinkie Pie replied weakly and gave a harsh cough afterward.

“Don't you worry about that. After you get out of here we're going to have a big old party for you. Pinkie Pie style!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a smirk.

“Pinkie Pie...we just wanted to say we were sorry we thought you were crazy.” Twilight said in a sad tone.

“Yeah, we thought you had plum flipped your lid, but it turns out you weren't spoutin a whole lot of hooey. Ah can't say ah believe it was Discord talkin to ya and all, but ah reckon whoever that voice was, it was tryin to help ya.” Applejack said lowering her hat and holding it against her chest.

“I feel simply horrid for thinking so badly of you Pinkie Pie darling, after all your pinkie sense if real enough, I don't know what in Equestria would posses me to think that predicting the future was out of your range of special gifts.” Rarity chimed in with a soft smile.

“Can I talk to Rainbow Dash alone?” Pinkie Pie asked weakly.

“Of course.” Twilight replied and motioned for the others to leave along with her, leaving Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash alone in the room.

“Rainbow, promise me that no matter what happens to me, you won't make a deal with Discord like I did.” Pinkie Pie said weakly giving another harsh cough.

“Pinkie Pie, what in Equestria are you talking about? You really believe it was Discord who was helping you? Why would he do that? And don't talk like that, your going to be fine.” Rainbow Dash said in a soft tone holding Pinkie Pie's hoof in her hooves now.

“I can't explain it, but I know it was Discord who was helping me the whole time. I think I made a deal with him to turn back the hooves of time to save your life, you were suppose to be in this hospital bed not me. At least that's what I think based on what he told me as you were carrying me out of the burning factory. He said that you would be willing to make the same deal.” Pinkie Pie replied weakly.

“But that doesn't make any sense! How could you make a deal with him when he's encased in stone?” Rainbow Dash asked having a hard time believing this.

“When I was one with Sweetie Belle as Selena, there were these crystal shards that had the ability to reverse magic that is otherwise irreversible. I think that I might have used them to make a deal with him. That's the only thing I can think of.” Pinkie pie replied.

Bingo! My,my,my! Even without your memories, you are more than capable of putting the pieces together! I can fully see now that you truly were once the greatest unicorn in all of Equestria!

Discord's voice echoed throughout the room at which point Pinkie Pie gave a panicked look around the room. “What's wrong Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash asked in a concerned tone.

“It's Discord, he's talking to me, he told me I was exactly right.” Pinkie Pie said in a quiet tone.

“Show yourself Discord!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed looking about herself now.

“Haha, she can't see nor hear me, not yet anyways...You might have begged her not to make the same deal, but even so, that won't stop Rainbow Dash from making the deal. You know her as good as I do, and you've done exactly as I had hoped! You've given the information she needed! I can't thank you enough Pinkie Pie! Haha!” Discord said as his face appeared on a flower pot next to her.

“N-No!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed weakly realizing she had just played into Discord's hands.

“Oh yes! My release might have been delayed a little but now it is a shoo in! Mwahaha!” Discord exclaimed and his face disappeared off the flower pot.

“No!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed a little more loudly now.

“Pinkie Pie? What's wrong?! Nurse!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as the pink mare began to kick and hit objects around her.

“What happened?!” Nurse Redheart asked as she rushed in to try and calm the pink mare.

“I-I don't know! She mentioned something about Discord and a deal then she went quiet for a few minutes then began to act like this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as Pinkie Pie continued to hit objects around her, kick, and exclaim the word”No!” several times...