• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,693 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

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Chapter XVI: It's Only A Mask Right?

Chapter XVI

It’s Only A Mask...Right?

The sun started to rise over the small town of Ponyville as Big Mac made his way up to the guild. He’d become friends with Cobalt, Crimson and Bandit fairly quickly. As he opened the door he saw the golden haired Changeling making herself some coffee. Mac was still suspicious of Changelings, but Sunny’s attitude was similar to Fluttershy’s, she scared easily and she rarely ventured into town unless it was to get supplies. A loud groan was heard from the red haired man as he came downstairs.

“Morn’n Mac.” Crimson said as he shook his head. “What brings you here?”

“Any chance one of ya could come down to the farm and give a hand? AJ got all stubborn and fractured her leg while trying to buck too many trees in one sitting.” Crimson had seen how the golden haired farmer drop kicks the trunk of the trees to make the ripest of the apples fall.

“Hey Sunny.” The Changeling poked her head up from behind the counter. “Any new missions today?”

“No, the message board is slow again.” Crimson groaned. There hadn’t been anything exciting fro him since he and the other four mages took down the Bandit King and his goons. Sure there were always missions, but none that really did it for the mage. Cobalt and some other members came down the steps. Beside Bandit was the black winged Lieutenant of team saint. “Hey gents wanna work on the farm today?”

“Farm work?” The gunslinger chuckled. “Now that brings back some memories.”

“Never really tried it.” Ace stated.

“Ah’ll pay ya’ll for it.” Crimson held up his hand.

“No need Mac, we don’t charge friends.”

“C’mon now, ah gotta give ya something.” That’s one of the things everyone like about Mac, he was fair and stuck to his beliefs like stink on a pig.

“A few barrels of your family’s cider and we’ll call it even.”

“Deal.” Mac shook his hand before leaving. The men grabbed breakfast as Twilight, Spike and Rarity made their way through the door.

“Hey girls.” Crimson waved.

“Morning all.” Rarity chimed. “Where are Ivy and Rouge?”

“Ivy and Angel are out on a mission, I sent Rouge and Ivory to babysit them.” Crimson sighed.

“Azure tagged along to learn the ropes. So while the women are away, the gents will play.” Rarity and Twilight raised eyebrows.

“Ignore him for he knows not what he says.” Ace said stepping in.

“Anyway, we’re gonna be helping Mac on the farm while AJ’s leg recovers.” Crimson stated.

“Yes, we heard about that.” Twilight said. “Where’s that book you borrowed?”

“Up on my nightstand.” The men grabbed a quick bite to eat before following the rusty haired man towards his farm. The warriors’ eyes widened as they looked at the acres of apple trees that seemed to go on forever. The group then saw a familiar blonde haired farmer with a cast around her right leg attempting to hit a tree trunk with her crutch.

“C’mon you mother bu-”

“AJ.” Mac said with a sigh. “Ah thought ah told you to take it easy?” The hulking farmer said as he crossed his arms.

“How can I take it easy when it’s harvest season?”

“Ya over worked yourself, again, and fractured your leg. Keep it up and you’ll mess it up beyond repair.”


“No buts missy. Besides ah got help today.” He motioned to the group of warriors. The farmer then picked his little sister up and slung her over his shoulder like a barrel of cider, except cider doesn’t usually flail around or yell obscenities.

“Put me down this instant Macintosh!”

“Eey-nope.” Crimson was biting his lip to stifle his chuckles as he watched AJ give up and Mac set her on the porch bench. The orange plaid farmer crossed her arms and grumbled at her leg. The hulking farmer returned to the group and sighed. “Sorry about that fellas. She’s right stubborn.”

“Mac, have you met the women we hang out with? No need to apologize, we get it.” Mac pondered the blue haired man’s words and had to admit that Ivy’s stubbornness exceeded AJ’s if that were possible.

“Good point. Any way, lets get to work.”


Twilight, Rarity, and Spike climbed the steps of the guild that lead to the warriors’ sleeping quarters. Twilight recognized the door and opened it up to show a single bed, a nightstand and a desk at the far end next to an old humpback chest in the corner. The scholar saw the book and smiled while Spike walked over to the chest. The dragon boy opened the lid and started rummaging around.

“Spike!” The scholar snapped. “Don’t go through Crimson’s things.”

“Oh come on Twilight, this stuff is cool.” Spike said as he pulled out a white, odd looking mask that had several runes etched into it. The boy was about to put it on when a lavender aura grabbed it from his grip.

“You shouldn’t touch things that don’t belong to you.” Twilight said as she took the mask in her hand and Spike silently grumbled. Twilight giggled as she thought of an idea. “Hey Spike!” The two looked around to see the mask on Twilight’s face and making boogyman noises. The mask’s eyes started to glow and a magic circle appeared under the scholar’s feet. Several ethereal hands shot out of the spell circle and latched onto the scholar’s body.

“What’s happening?” She yelled as she tried to pry the mask off her face. The object seemed to be glued to her skin and Twilight felt herself being dragged down. Rarity jumped forwards and grabbed her friend’s arm in an attempt to pull her out. Spike grabbed her other arm and tried to pull, but the ethereal arms were too strong. The two lost their grip and the scholar was sucked into the spell circle before it vanished.

Spike and the fashionista stood frozen as their brains tried to comprehend what just happened. The dragon boy ran to the window and took flight towards the farm at breakneck speed.


Crimson was using his scythe to take down several apples with one strike. He halted when he felt a chill run down his spine. The blue haired flyer was nearby and noticed his captain had stopped working. “Something wrong Crimson?”

“Just have a feeling that something really bad just happened.”

“What are you-”

“CRIMSON!” Both men looked up and saw a green haired dragon hybrid flying towards them like a purple winged rocket. The child didn’t slow down as he slammed into a nearby tree. Both men winced as they rushed over to the boy.

“I guess Ivy didn’t teach him how to land yet.” Cobalt said as Crimson helped the boy to his feet. Spike was dizzy and shook his head to get his senses back.

“Crimson, you gotta help me!” The child then started to ramble in incoherent words and Crimson gave a light smack to the child’s head.

“Spike take a deep breath and calmly tell me what happened. I can’t help if I can’t understand you.” The boy took in a deep breath of air and calmed himself down.

“Okay, so Twi, Rarity and I were going up to your room to get that book you borrowed. I kinda looked in your chest.” The man frowned at the words. “I found this mask and Twilight tried it on.”

“Mask? I don’t have a-” Crimson froze and his face went pale. Crimson picked the boy up by his collar and glared daggers int his eyes. “Did the mask have several runes etched into it?” He yelled in a panic.

“It had some sort of writing on it. Twi put it on and then got sucked into some weird portal!” Crimson dropped him and cursed.

“She put on the Armageddon mask!” Cobalt’s jaw dropped.

“I thought you destroyed that thing?”

“I was holding onto it until I found a way to!” Crimson rubbed his face and sighed. “Cobalt, alert the others and get a call into Ivory. You know what to do.” The blue flyer nodded and took flight to find the other men. Crimson summoned a scroll and rolled it out onto the ground that showed a magic circle. “Spike you head back to the guild for now.”

“What about you?” Crimson cut his hand and spilled his blood on the seal that turned into a portal.

“I’m going to hell.” The man grabbed his scythe and jumped into the portal before the paper burnt up. Spike gulped and took flight to chase after the blue flyer.


Twilight groaned as she felt sand beneath her fingers. She opened her eyes and stood up to see a desolate wasteland before her. The sand was red as blood and several old structures were worn away to almost nothing. The scholar looked up to the sky and saw the sky was dark with a burning red sun in the middle of the sky. “Wh-where am I?” She said to no one.

There was a faint hissing sound coming from behind her. She looked back to see a pair of large red eyes piercing through the shadows. Twilight casted a ball of light and saw a ten meter tall snake towering over her. Her heart sank. The young mage had fought against Nightmare Moon, the spirit of Chaos itself and several other large calamities, but snakes always got the better of her. The beast let out a massive roar and reeled it’s head back to strike at the woman. Twilight shrieked and ran towards one of the ruins.

The snake burrowed under the sand and swiftly made it’s way after it’s meal. Twilight was running as fast as her feet could carry her. She really needed to start jogging if she ever made it out of this place. Her right foot slammed against one of the from the ruins. She looked back to see the snake with it’s mouth open getting ready to swallow her whole. She felt her life flashing before her eyes and waited for the pain.

The indigo haired girl felt a gust of wind and a slashing sound filled the air, accompanied by an angry scream of pain. She opened her eyes to see the snake being cut in half by a tall cloaked figure.

“Wretch!” The snake barked. Twilight looked in shock at the top half of the snake wiggling around. The tall figure sheathed it’s blade and pulled out a long rifle. The shade took aim and fired a blast through the snake’s brain. As the wind came the large reptile seemed to turn into dust and be carried off by the desert winds like the sand. The young woman let out a sigh of relief and silently thanked the maker.

Twilight felt ice form in her spine as the hooded figure turned towards her. The figure was wearing a large black cloak that covered it’s form and was donning a white mask with two red lines coming down over the black eye holes and ending at the chin, along with a red rose in the center of the mask’s forehead. The shade stood in front of Twilight and took in her appearance before walking past her.

“Wait!” Twilight said scrambling to her feet. “Who are you?” The shade looked back at her and pointed to a mountain off in the distance. The hood then gestured for her to follow. The scholar was hesitant at first but realized she had o other choice than to follow this strange warrior. With a gulp, Twilight nodded and the two took off towards the mountain.


Twilight guessed it had been nearly four hours of walking and fighting their way through more of those strange creatures. More of the stranger hacking and shooting and Twilight watching from a safe distance. Finally they had made it to the mountain. The shade lead her into a cave. The shad lit several candles that illuminated the cave. There were several books stacked high in the corner and a cot with a pillow was close by. The warrior set down its rifle and pulled out a chair.

“Lovely home you have.” Twilight said with a nervous smile.

“Thank you.” Twilight looked at the shade and realized it was a woman under that mask and her voice sounded familiar. “Sorry for not talking earlier. Noise attracts the Shades.”

“You mean those creatures?” The woman gave a nod as she took off the long cloak showing her true form. She was muscular, not more than Applejack but she looked like she could pack a punch. She was wearing a set of light armor on her arms and shoulders with a dark red vest over her shirt. What caught Twilight’s attention most was her long flowing hair. It the color of roses.

“Correct. Souls of the dead, twisted and corrupted.”

“Souls of the dead?” Twilight sat down and panted. “Where the buck am I?” The woman grinned.

“Simply put you’re in Limbo.” She said lighting a few candles.


“Some call it the Void, the Abyss, the list goes on.” She chuckled. “Point is you’re in the last place anyone would ever want to be.”

“So am I-”

“Dead? No.” Twilight sighed as she felt her beating heart. “You just fell through a breach.” Twilight still looked confused. “Think of reality like a blanket. There are holes in this blanket that allows things like spirits and demons to slip into the living world and vice versa. You slipped through one of these holes and now you’re stuck here.”

“For how long?” The masked woman shrugged.

“Depends. You’re best hope is my son.” Twilight raised an eyebrow at the words.

“You’re son? I don’t even know who you are.” The red haired woman chuckled.

“My apologies. I wear this mask so often I forget I have it on sometimes.” She lifted her gloved hand and removed the mask. Twilight’s eyes took in her looks and her mouth dropped. The woman’s face was like a glass doll’s, perfect. Her eyes were like two deep green forests that seemed to go on forever. There was a scar over her right eye that only seemed to add to her beauty. “My name is Rosario Vermillion. Former S-Rank Zealot and Professor of Demonology for the magic council.”

Twilight’s eye twitched as the woman sat in her chair and summoned her rifle. “It’s also come to my attention that you’re dating my son.” She had a smile a tiger would have before eating a meal. Twilight looked int her green eyes that were completely focused on her as if saying, ‘Your judgement begins now.’ “So, lets have a little chat.” The woman said resting the rifle on her lap and cocking it.

Author's Note:

Well it's been a while since I returned to this story eh? Anyway consider this a New Year's gift.