• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 4,693 Views, 367 Comments

The Fable of the Zealot - Silentpegasus

With Crimson and his friends stationed in Ponyville, the mages must now balance their work and personal lives. Friends will become enemies, enemies will become friends and forces will clash as everything Crimson holds dear is threatened.

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Chapter XVII: Chatting

Chapter XVII


Twilight Sparkle was literally in limbo/hell with her boyfriend’s mother. It was not a good day. “A-a chat?” The red haired woman nodded as the scholar’s words. “O-okay.” Twilight said with a gulp.

“So, how long have you two have been dating?” Her tone was jaded.

“I’d say four months now.”

“I see.” The scholar figured this is how Crimson felt when he met her parents. “So what exactly are your intentions?”

“My intentions?”

“Of dating my son. Is this some sort of romantic fantasy you’re playing?” She stood up and made a dramatic pose. “The dashing hero comes into town and falls madly in love with a small town librarian.” Her face then dead panned. “Sounds a bit too good to be true if you ask me.”

“I-I care about Crimson very much.” Twilight frowned.

“Oh really?” Her eyes cut into the scholar like razors. “Even despite what he has sealed in him. You’re not the least bit concerned that it might break loose?” Twilight opened her mouth, but stopped herself. She thought hard and in the back of Twilight’s mind, there was a nagging fear of what might happen should the demon inside him take control. “Just as I thought. You’re just some groupie who wants to ride on my son’s coat tails for glory.”

“I would never use Crimson or anyone like that!” Twilight said standing up out of her seat. Rose raised an eyebrow at the woman’s sudden outburst. “I’ll never the know the pain he’s suffered or the hardships he’s gone through. He’s told me about all the hate he’s had to deal with, the things he’s had to do and what he’s lost.” Twilight was gritting her teeth.

“I know I can’t make him forget all that, but I can help him make sure that he has a reason to survive and to keep moving forwards.” Twilight panted and sat back down.

“That’s it? That’s your answer?” The redhead asked.

“I’ll always do whatever I can to help him.” Rose bit her lip and a smiled grazed her face.

“At least my son has good taste in women.” She said putting the rifle down. Twilight let out a sigh at the motion.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here?”

“That’s one of life’s greatest mysteries isn’t it? ‘Why are we here?’ Are we the event of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really an all might being? Watching has a plan for us all? I don’t know Sparkle, but it keeps me up at night.” Twilight face palmed.

“I meant-”

“I know what you meant. I just couldn’t resist. It’s a mother’s duty to mess with my son;s girlfriend.” Twilight knew what she meant, remembering al the times her mother has teased her and Crimson. Rose then sat back in her chair.

“After Crimson freed my husband and I from that necromancer’s control, we ascended from the physical plain of existence. He went on ahead to wherever people like us end up and I stayed here.” She answered in a flat tone.

“Why didn’t you go with him?” Twilight asked.

“I’m waiting.” She said standing up. “We’d better get moving. You need to get home soon.” Twilight looked down at her right hand and saw it was fading.

“What’s happening?” She yelled.

“Spirits eventually fade away in the physical realm. The same thing happens to people who are in here.” She said putting on her mask and picking up her rifle. “We need to get back to where you came in.” Twilight gulped and stood up and followed the woman back out into the raging sandstorm.

Twilight did her best to keep close to the red haired woman. The sand was like knives against the scholar’s exposed skin. Thankfully she set up a barrier around her face to shield her eyes, nose and mouth. “There.” Rose pointed ahead. Twilight squinted and could just make out what looked like a tear in the scenery that was radiating magic. “That’s the tear you came through.”

“So we just have to reach it?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but A tear like that is bound to attract attention.” She said cocking her rifle.

“What kind of atten-” The ground erupted to show several large scorpions. Each pincer looked like it could crush a carriage.

“Move!” The beasts gave pursuit and tried to strike the two fleeing women. The redhead brought her rifle around and fired several shots at one of the beasts stunning one. Twilight fired several blasts of magic at one and crushed it’s tail. “No!” Suddenly more of the creatures appeared. “Magic from the living world attracts them!”

“Sorry! Kinda my first time in limbo!” Twilight yelled. The two reached the edge of the portal but were soon surrounded by the creatures. As one struck towards them, a large spear of ice pinned it’s tail. Twilight looked towards the rift to see a familiar ice mage leap through with another spear in her hands. She was also donning the mask she was wearing when she fought Ivy. Angel quickly dove head first into the pack of scorpions and wasted no time in disposing two of the beasts.

“Friend of yours?” Rose asked.

“That’s Angel, she’s Crimson’s student.” Twilight gulped. Rose grabbed Twilight’s arm and ran towards the portal as several more Shades appeared. The three heard what sounded like a neighing horse. The portal burst open to show a white masked scythe wielder on the back of a pale horse that had a mane of purple fire. He spun the blade and slashed several of the creatures. They shrieked in pain and fear of the stranger.

“Twilight,” The scholar turned towards the red haired woman. “don’t tell Crimson that I am here. If he hears then he would undoubtedly try to reach me. There is still something I must do here.” The woman’s figure seemed to turn to dust and be carried off by the winds.

Twilight felt a hand on her shirt collar and was picked up onto the stallion. She looked back at the figure and saw a pair of red eyes through the mask. The man whistled and Angel quickly jumped onto the back of the horse. The rider pulled out his scythe and cut open the tear before the stallion jumped through.


Back in the real world, Ivy and the other warriors waited with Spike and the other five elements. There was a seal on the ground scribed with runes. The seal started to glow and the portal opened. Everyone took a step back as the portal glowed. Soon the three shot out of the portal and landed in a heap. Crimson quickly got to his feet and closed the portal before the scorpions came through.

Spike quickly hugged Twilight. “Twilight! I’m so happy you’re safe!”

“I missed you too Spike.” She smiled. “I’m okay, thanks to Crimson and Angel.”

“Pfft. I only did it because I owed Crimson a favor.” The ice mage groaned. Twilight stood up and offered her hand.

“Still, you saved my life and I appreciate it.” Twilight smiled. Angel raised an eyebrow and reluctantly shook her hand.

“I suppose I am surprised that you lasted so long in limbo.” The woman smirked. “Most who got there never come back or go crazy.”

“Angel.” Crimson groaned.

“What? It’s true.” The woman stated. Crimson sighed and hugged Twilight. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I’m just tired.” Pinkie then spear tackled the indigo mage.

“I’m so happy you’re back!” She smiled.

“Pinkie, I’ve only been gone,” Twilight checked her watch. “three hours.” The group looked at one another in surprise.

“Um Twi, you’ve been gone for three days.” Dash said.

“What? I’m so behind on my studies and-” A loud growl came from her stomach. “Heh heh, sorry.”

“Can someone please explain what in the name of Celestia’s name is going on?” Rarity asked.

“I can tell you over dinner.” Crimson said as the group headed down the steps of the guild and took a seat as Crimson and Sunny started cooking. “Twilight put on this.” The man snapped his fingers and the mask that Twilight put on appeared.

“What is that?” Pinkie asked.

“That is the Armageddon mask.” Ivory stated. “It’s a rare item that allows people to travel into the non-physical plane.”

“Huh?” Dash said with a confused look on her face.

“It let’s you go into limbo, or the land of the dead if you will.” Crimson said. “Conduits like Angel, Ivory and I don’t need it due to our....passengers.” He said as he served Twilight a plate of food. The scholar quickly dove into her plate.

“So why did it only feel like a few hours?” Twilight asked.

“Time moves slower in Limbo. I really doubt everyone here will understand-”

“Temporal distortion of the space time continuum because of the trans-dimensional crossroads?” All heads turned towards Pinkie.

“Pinkie, you understand quantum physics?” Twilight said.

“Duh, doesn’t everyone?”

“But...ya know what, never mind.”

“Can someone please speak english?” Dash yelled clutching her head.

“Okay, in simple terms; one hour in Limbo is one day in the physical world.” Ivory said.

“Thank you!” Dash said. The group dispersed and went their separate ways for the night.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay and shortness of the chapter, the next will be better!