• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,425 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

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Starting with this chapter, I started accepting OC requests from users on FanFiction. I don't know if they are on here or not, but I'm still going to credit them at the end of each chapter they are in. Just a heads up.

Chapter 12: Misunderstandings

Dan took the rest of the day to really settle into the basement of Twilight's library. Upon entering Dan's room, one could find the bag of three dozen apples, a music stand with his guitar next to it, and a poster of DJ PON-3 hung up of the wall.

The day after, he met more and more of the townsfolk and was always interested in meeting more and learning about them. He ran into Pinkie Pie, who again started yammering about the party she was going to throw him and the 'Equestria Girls' duet. This left Dan in an irritated mood, but this was lifted when he saw Rainbow Dash clearing away clouds in the sky over the square on afternoon. Calling up to her, she zoomed down and hugged him. After talking for a few minutes about his plans with Big Mac for the club that night, she explained that she might drop by. She then said she had better get back to work and took off again.

Gazing after her, he smiled. "Oh Dashie..." he muttered out loud. "I can't wait to fly with you again... Maybe after I hang out with Big Mac tonight?"

"Ready Big Mac?" Dan shouted from inside the living room of the Apple family house-barn. "C'mon brony, the club's open all night, but seriously..."

"Gimme a sec, partner!" Big Mac shouted as a crash was heard up above, following the giggling of children.

"These darn Cutie Mark Crusaders is makin' a mess o' the place up here! I'll have um under control lickity split! OW!" Another thump was heard and the severe laughter of thechildren. "Scootaloo! Ya'll better get of that there scooter 'afore ah take it from ya'!"

Dan shifted in his chair and giggled as he listened to the chaos upstairs. "So, those crazy children think destroying your house is the way to find their special talent, and likewise, one of those?"

He pointed at AJ's apple cutie mark across from where he was sitting. She was sitting on the couch across from Dan with the elderly Granny Smith. Applejack rolled her eyes, "Unfortunately... Be it something as simple as paintin', or ridiculous as remodeling an entire tree-house, they always manage to destroy somethin' or hurt somepony in the process."

Dan laughed in agreement. "I remember when I was that age... What about you Granny Smith?"

"Ah'm sorry, sir. Ah don't 'member much o' my cabbage..." The senile pony responded, falling asleep shortly afterwards.

Dan shook his head and put a hoof in front of his mouth to suppress his laughter. "Wow AJ, even my grandmother isn't as...special...as Granny Smith."

AJ scowled at Dan, "I try not ta let it bother me..."

The thumping stopped and Big Mac bellowed, "Eeeyup! That oughta hold you vermints!"

"Big Mac? What did you...oh...pffff..." Dan put both his hooves over his mouth to stifle even more laughter as Big Mac came down the stairs carrying a rope in his mouth. But on the other end of the rope, tied up in a triple helix knot, were the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

The orange filly, Scootaloo, squirmed. "Hey! Let us go, Big Mac!"

"Nnnope..." Big Mac grunted as he descended the stairs.

"Don't feel too bad, Scootaloo!" AJ's little sister, Applebloom commented. "We could earn our Knot Tying cutie marks getting out o' this here knot!"

"Ah sure as sugar hope not, ya darn trouble makers..." Big Mac murmured and he tossed them on the couch. "Na' stay until I get back. Cin you handle um by yerself fer awhile, AJ?"

AJ tipped her hat and crossed one front leg over the other. "Can do, Big Brother. They won't be no trouble."

"I sincerely doubt that..." Dan said, getting up and putting his club sunglasses down over his eyes. He wore his club issued headphones as well. "Call us if you need anything AJ." Dan chuckled as opened the door.

"Yer hilarious..." AJ said, shaking her head. "Na' Big Mac, be nice to Ace."

"Nnnope, you tell him ta' be nice ta' me first." Big Mac chuckled and mock frowned at Dan.

"I don't think so big guy." Dan retorted, closing the door and beginning to walk. "You deserve it for half the stuff you say anyway."

"Nnnope." Big Mac closed his eyes and shook his head as the stepped onto the main road. "You deserve half the stuff I say anyway..."

Dan scoffed and laughed, "Touche..."

As they entered the town, Dan heard the flapping of wings behind him. "ARGH!" Dan instantly hid behind Big Mac and turned him around. "Pegasus mare! The feeding frenzy has begun! Defend me!"

Big Mac turned his head indifferently and kicked Dan out from behind him, causing Dan to face-plant. "UGH! What the hay, Big Mac!"

"Ace? It's a colt, ya' baby filly..."

Big Mac was right. A grey Pegasus stallion had landed just a few feet away from them. From the way he was looking at Big Mac and Dan, Dan suspected he had been following them via the air for awhile. The grey stallion had brown eyes, and a long black mane with light blue higlights. His cutie mark was a black heart with a white dove floating inside of it.

"Um...h-hi there..." The colt said, brushing his hoof on the cobblestone street nervously. "You're, uhm...you're Ace, the new club singer, right?"

Dan quickly stood up, brushing himself off and floating forward, wings flapping. "Yes, that would be me." He looked the Pegasus up and down. "Can I help you?"

The colt took in a deep breath and then looked Dan in the eye. "My name is Shadow Breeze and I was wondering if...well, if you could give me some advice."

Big Mac and Dan exchanged a look, then they both looked back at the new stallion. "What kind of advice, friend?" Dan questioned, touching down in front of Shadow Breeze.

Shadow chuckled slightly. "Well, you just seem like the kinda guy who knows about the...well, the mares." He admitted exhaling deeply.

Dan laughed and smiled, "Let me guess... The groups of mares all over town who won't shut up about me?"

It was Shadow's turn to laugh. "Um yeah, pretty much."

"I like him." Dan said to Big Mac as he trotted over to Shadow Breeze and putting a hoof over his shoulder. "Come with us, young padawan... I will tell you what you want to know when we get to the club. Wanna join us?"

"Well..." Shadow muttered, biting his lower lip. "I'm not one for party clubs..."

"A shy one, huh?" Dan chuckled as he looked over at Big Mac for help.

"C'mon partner... You seen this colt sing yet?" Big Mac said, gesturing at Dan.

"Well, no, I only heard talk of the rave that night..." Shadow admitted.

"Well, if'n yer lucky, somepony will request Dan to sing sometin'. That'll be sometin' you don't wanna miss."

"Really?" The dark pony looked up.

"Eeyup... Or at least AJ told me anyway..."

"See?" Dan said. "Another mare I know how to handle. Come on, I'll give you some advice at the club."

Shadow thought for a minute before standing upright and proclaiming, "Alright. Sounds cool."

"Now you're talkin'!" Dan yelled in triumph, walking forward with Shadow.

Being an employee at the club, Dan was able to bypass the line to get in along with Big Mac and their new companion, Shadow Breeze. Upon entering the club, DJ PON-3, who was up on the DJ table working the club that night, pointed at Dan when he entered and smiled, nodding. "What up, Vinyl!" Dan yelled at her. She chuckled and went back to the board.

Sitting down at a table and ordering some salt licks and glasses of water, Dan got down to business. "Alright buddy. First off, who's the lucky mare?"

Shadow looked taken aback. "Well! I can't just somepony I just met who the...lucky mare, let's call her...is."

"How's he a'gonna help ya'll if ya' can't tell him who she is? Maybe Ace'll know the filly..." Big Mac interjected after licking the salt on his plate.

"Or..." Dan held up a hoof to Big Mac. "He could tell me things about her, but not directly tell me who she is."

"Better..." Shadow sighed. "Yeah, I can do that..."

Dan licked up the salt on his plate and shuddered. "Wow, that's good stuff..." "Go on then, pal."

"Okay, well..." He twiddled his hooves on the table. "She's shy, like me."

"Exactly like you?" Dan cocked his head to one side.

"Okay waaay more shy than me..." Shadow admitted, looking around as if scared the mare in question was around. "She loves animals, and can sing really well."

"Oh, a singer eh?" Dan said, taking another lick. "You, my dear Shadow Breeze, have come to the right pony! What are you trying to accomplish with this mare?"

"I uhm...hmmm..." he twiddled his hooves again. "I haven't even talked to her yet..."

"What!?" Dan and Big Mac said at the same time, both with looks of shock on their faces.

Shadow nodded sheepishly.

"You might wanna start with that, partner..." Big Mac said dryly. "We can't exactly help ya' out if'n ya'll haven't even talked to her yet..."

"He's right Shadow." Dan said, taking a sip of water. "After we party tonight, you go and talk to this filly...is she here?" Dan stood up slightly looking around the club.

"N-no, she's not..." Shadow said, smiling. "I checked before I even started talking about her."

Dan sat down and pointed, "Smart colt, eh Big Mac?"

The red stallion's mouth was agate, his wheat tare he always had just fallen out of his mouth.

"Big Mac? Wh-" Dan looked around. "What're you staring at?"

At this point, even Shadow Breeze had to turn around and see what Big Mac was staring at.

"Pony feathers..." Big Mac said finally, holding up a hoof to close his mouth. "It's Sunset Canvas..."

"Sunset whatnow?" Dan said, straining to see what Big Mac was staring at.

He slowly pointed at a mare. "Sunset Canvas, that there brown mare dancin' over there... Oh what the hay! She saw me!"

"She?" Dan and Shadow looked while Big Mac quietly tried to hide himself behind his own salt-lick.

The two stallions saw the brown mare in question start walking over towards their booth. She was, as Big Mac was clear to identify, brown. Her cutie mark was a paint brush and a canvas. The thing that got to Dan the most was the pierced ears. He hadn't seen ponies with pierced ears yet, let alone having each pierced twice through.

"Hello, ya'll..." Sunset said, standing in front of the table. "Ace, nice ta' finally meet ya'." She winked at him before looking over at Shadow and frowning. "Can't say ah've ever seen ya'll in here before..."

Shadow shrank in his seat a little, "Yeah, well, heh, I'm not one for these parties... I'm just here with my friend Ace and uh..." Big Mac made a quick cutting motion in the air behind his salt lick. "Nobody else." Shadow said sheepishly, looking up at Sunset with a goofy smile.

Dan face-hooved while Sunset sat down next to Big Mac and said, "Well, well, well, lookie what the cat done drug in... Big Macintosh Apple..."

"Heh..." Big Mac sighed, sitting up and smiling nervously. "Eeeyup. How ya' been, sugarcube?"

"Been better..." The mare smiled devilishly. "So what're ya'll really doin' here, Big Macintosh?"

"Well, I-I'm uhm...well..."

"Timeout!" Dan barked, causing a few ponies to look over in their general direction, but quickly look away again. "What in the freaking hay is going on here? Who are you exactly, Miss Canvas? And Big Mac, how do you know her?"

"Well, partner, ya' see..." Big Mac scratched the back of his head with a hoof. "We-"

"Dated." Sunset finished for him, talking a lick of his salt. "I broke this one's big softie heart, didn't I?"

Big Mac half frowned, "Hey, ah thought we mutually agreed AH ended the relationship!" Big Mac retorted.

"Pff, you wish, ya varmint..."


"This is so weird..." Shadow muttered, letting his head sink down onto the table.

"Hey, um, Ace?"

Dan looked to the side to see a green stallion bending over, as if trying to hide from somebody.


"I'm here with my marefriend and it's our one year anniversary today."

Dan raised his sunglasses. "And you chose to celebrate it here? Well, on behalf of the club, I thank you. What do you need?"

"Can you sing a slow dancy-like love song for her from me to her? Could you, like, announce it and everything?"

"I don't normally take requests but-" He looked back at Big Mac and Sunset Canvas arguing. "I will this one time to get away from that." He pointed a hoof backward.

The stallion smiled, "Oh thank you so much! My name is Bronus and her name is Violet." With that, he quickly returned to a group of ponies and put his hoof around a female purple pegasus. That must be Violet.

"C'mon Shadow..." Dan muttered, grabbing the stallion by the arm.

"Where? What?" Shadow said, surprised at the turn of events.

"You're gonna hear me sing."

Dan emerged from backstage after the DJ was done with a song and whispered in her ear, "Play 'I Do Cherish You'..."

"Why? It ain't Hearts and Hooves Day, brony..." She whispered back.

Dan quickly explained what was going on, she smiled, then put a new record on and handed Dan a mic.

He hopped over the DJ board onto the stage. Everypony in the club cheered at his appearance on stage and quickly gathered around, save for Big Mac and Sunset who were still in the booth arguing.

"What up, everypony! How're you all doing tonight?" Dan stuck a hoof up in the air and this was received with cheers all around. "Well, fillies and gentlecolts, I just received a very special request for a song." More cheering. "Now, I don't normally do this but... Violet." He pointed at the purple Pegasus and a spotlight instantly fell on her, invoking 'aw's from the surrounding ponies. "This is for you... From Bronus."

As the song started, a massive cheered rolled through the club as the purple Pegasus jumped into her coltfriend's hooves, and they kissed. He slowly let her down and they began to dance as Dan began to sing in a pop, high tenor voice:

I do, I do, I do, I do, I dooo...

All I am, all I'll be...

All that I'll ever need

Is in your eyes

Shining at me

When you smile I can feel

All my passion unfolding

Your hoof brushes mine

And a thousand sensations

Seduce me 'cause I

At this point, all the couples who were in the club that night started slow-dancing. Big Mac and Sunset Canvas had even stopped arguing.

"Um...care ta' dance, sugarcube?" Big Mac asked sheepishly. Sunset rolled her eyes, "Oh all right ya' big softie. I can't stay mad at ya' fer long."

Dan smiled when he saw them start dancing as he began the chorus.

Rainbow Dash walked into the club, her sunglasses on. "He said he would be here with Big Macintosh..." Dash said, looking around.

She saw Big Mac and some brown mare dancing with each other, but no Ace.

Then he saw him. Singing "I Do Cherish You".

She blushed. "Aw...he's singing a love song..." "I hope he's singing for me..." she thought, swaying to the music as she stood in the back, watching.

I do cherish you

For the rest of my life

You don't have to think twice

I will love you still

Dash stopped swaying and stared as Dan, still singing, leaned over the DJ board and put the mic up to the DJ so that she could sing too. Dan was the DJ were looking at each other with gleams in their eyes as they sang. They were almost face to face.

From the depths of my soul

It's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you're asking do I love you this much

I do

Dash's sunglasses fell from her forehead and cracked on the ground as she stared at Ace and the DJ singing a love song to each other. A bucking love song. "How could he..." she looked down, her eyes overshadowed by her rainbow colored bangs. A single tear fell from her face.

But this sadness was soon replaced by rage. She looked up growling. "That DJ's gonna pay!"

Shadow, who was also standing near the back enjoying the music also, looked over at Dash and gulped. "Uh oh..."


Shadow Breeze (c) AnonJ31

Sunset Canvas (c) SallyandMcQueenfan99

Song: I Do (Cherish You), 98 Degrees