• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 12,425 Views, 600 Comments

The 7th Element - thunderhawk7865

A young high school musician is transported to Equestria by Celestia. RD x OC

  • ...

The Club Gig

Chapter 9: The Club Gig

Night had now fallen on Ponyville. Rainbow Dash had donned her sunglasses as she walked with Twilight and the rest of the gang, with the exception of Fluttershy, into the club. As they stood in line, Pinkie Pie could be seen bouncing up and down above the crowd.. "Oh oh oh! This is soo exciting!" Pinkie laughed, annoying the stallion in front of them, who growled and tried to inch away. Applejack grabbed her hoof, and slammed her down on the ground to keep her grounded while they stood in line.

"Pinkie...the party ain't even started yet..." Applejack said dryly.

"So? Ace is gonna be DJing a song! AHHH!" She squealed.

"Oh yes...it will be a truly marvelous spectacle..." Rarity smiled as she showed off her new dress design for some stallions standing behind them, reveling in the attention she was being given.

"Pfff...pushover..." Dash muttered as they walked forward.

"This'll be good for Ace." Twilight remarked. "I just hope he doesn't blow it in front of PON-3."

"He won't, Twilight." Rainbow Dash remarked, pulling down her sunglasses halfway and looking at her as the bouncer stallion let the five of them through. "You haven't heard him do music like I have..."

"Oh contraire..." Twilight thought to herself as she recalled her spying session.

"I'll trust your judgement, Rainbow." Twilight said, grinning slightly.

As they entered the club, all the ponies there were co-mingling, hanging out, and occasionally listening and dancing to the music that the DJ, who was behind the board, was mixing. Holding her earphones against one ear with one hoof, and using her other hoof and magic to cause effects to the music, she sat up there jamming out to the heavy dub-step beats that thumped from the speakers around the club.

"I haven't been in here in awhile!" Dash yelled over the music as the five walked in. "Where's Ace at?"

"According to the schedule on the wall here..." Twilight pointed at the song set for the night. She scanned down the lines of songs until she came across what she was looking for. "Here it is...'Equestria Girls' with special guest DJ, Blue 'Ace' Bass."

"AHHHHH!" Pinkie started bouncing again, knocking Applejack over into a group of ponies who were talking. "Equestria Girls! I LOVE THAT SONG!"

"We know, Pinkie..." Dash sighed and put her sunglasses on her forehead. "You've said that at least 100 times within the past month. Or week. I don't keep track anymore."

"Neither do I."

Dash gasped and turned around, "Ace!"

Ace was wearing a pair of red headphones around his neck and a pair of black sunglasses were mounted on his forehead. Dash blushed at his slickly styled mane as he approached.

"Hey everypony!" Ace waved a hoof at the group as he walked up. "Glad you could make it tonight."

"No problem, Ace. Ah don't normally come to these fancy shmansy clubs, but to see you perform..." Applejack winked at Ace. "Ah was willin' to make an exception."

Dash could feel her cheeks heating up with a jealous blush as Ace closed his eyes and laughed. "Well, I'm glad you're here, Applejack."

"Is it true!? Is it!? Is it!?" Pinkie pushed AJ aside, bouncing up and down.

"What's true?" Ace sounded irritated as he glared at Pinkie Pie. "And...could you please stop bounci-"

"Equestria girls! Are you mixing it!?"

"Yes Pinkie Pie!" Dash put a hoof in front of Pinkie's mouth. She continued to babble through Dash's hoof. "He's mixing 'Equestria Girls'..." Dash grinned. "Pinkie's just excited because she's the one PON-3 selected to sing the song..."

"Yeah..." Ace said, using a hoof to scratch his mane. "Now that you mention it, when I was listening to it, it did sound an awful lot like Pinkie Pie..."

The current song ended and the club resounded with casual applause (which was actually stomping of hooves). The DJ did a quick bow and she pulled up her microphone. "This is DJ PON-3 in the house at the Ponyville Dance Club! Let me hear ya!" This was obviously different than the normal routine, as the ponies looked up from what they were doing, cheered, and started gathering on the dance floor around the DJ table.

Dash could see Ace lower his sunglasses and gulp nervously. Dash put a hoof on his shoulder and smiled. "You'll do great Ace."

Ace looked at Dash, his mouth slightly ajar, trying to make sense of the situation. Then he smiled. "Thanks Dash." He looked over the top of his sunglasses at her, his golden eyes gleaming from the light. "Flying lesson after this?"

She nodded, removing her hoof. "Go get 'um, tiger."

Ace walked away into the backroom that lead to the DJ Table.

"Tiger?" Applejack said sarcastically, chuckling. "Is that the best ya'll got?"

"Shut it, Applejack..." Rainbow slugged the cowpony's shoulder.

The group of five found a place near the front of the herd and waited while everypony gathered around.

The DJ nodded. "Right then. Thanks again for everypony comin' out tonight to the club tonight because we have a very special guest DJ in the house!" This was met with a roar of applause and the occasional squeal of a mare who knew who Ace was. "This colt is new on the Ponyville scene, everypony!" The DJ continued. "The kid can play a mean guitar and sing like one of Celestia's guardian Pegasai, but tonight, I'm putting him to the test, how does that sound, everypony!"

Again, this was met with massive stomping again. The group of five in the front joined in this time, Pinkie having to be stopped by Applejack again when the crowd died down.

The DJ stood off to the side, still holding the mic with magic. "So please join me in givin' a big Ponyville welcome to our guest DJ and soon-to-be new resident, Blue 'Ace' Bass!"

Ace emerged from the curtains and stood on his hind legs, pointing out at the audience with both his front hooves. Ace's entrance was met with more stomping and squeals from the mares, but it quickly died down.

"All yours, brony." The DJ smiled and said to Ace as she went backstage, handing the mic off to him.

"Here he goes..." Twilight muttered to Rainbow Dash.

Dan scanned through the crowd. He was nervous, he would admit that to anypony. "C'mon, Dan. You did this kind of thing all the time on Earth...think NOTHING of it...the DJ taught you everything you need to know about the board and where the effects are and how to remove the voice or separate instruments...oh Celestia...start the music already, Dan..."

With that final thought, Dan spun up the record with the song on it. The beginning tech beats began playing over the speakers as Dan put up the headphone against one ear as the DJ instructed, keeping the other hoof on the record and board.

At this point, Pinkie couldn't contain herself anymore. She broke free of Applejack's hold on her hoof and jumped up on-stage in front of Dan, grabbing another mic, and standing on two legs, began to sing.

Realizing what was about to happen, Dan used the mix-board to completely get rid of Pinkie's voice on the track so that the real Pinkie could sing, turning the dial down completely.

Getting cheers from the crowd when Dan smiled and pointed to Pinkie, nodding and bobbing his head to the beat. Pinkie Pie began singing:

There is a place...

Where the grass is what's for dinner!

Charmed, fun, and wild...

There must be something in the water!

"What?" Dan smiled and laughed through the mic as he continued to keep the song running, looking at Pinkie Pie audience laughed at his confusedness and began to start bobbing their heads to the beat.

Spitting rainbow juice...

Talking elements of harmony!

Our bronies hang out too...

'Cause they know we're awesome fillies!

Dan realized, since he was DJ, that he could add commentary to the beat. After Pinkie sang 'bronies', he cooly said, "Come on bronies!" And shot a hoof up in the air, causing some stallions in the back to cheer. After 'fillies', he shouted "C'mon everypony!"

This tore it. The club erupted into cheers and the crowd started singing along as Pinkie began the prelude to the chorus.

You could travel the world...

But no one can groove like the girls with the hooves...

Once you party with ponies...

You'll be seeing rainbooms...

Ooh! Ooohooohoohoo!

Dan, at the near perfect time, pumped up the volume and the bass shook the whole club as the ponies started jumping up and down to the beat of the song. Some sang along, others formed dance circles.

"I don't believe it..." Twilight said, dumbfoundedat what was happening around her.

"C'mon, Twi! Don't just stand there!" Dash yelled as she did a break-dance spin in the middle of a dance circle. "Get your dance on!"

Pinkie high-fived Dan before continuing to the chorus:

Equestria girls, were kinda magical!

Boots on hooves, bikinis on top!

Furry coats, so cute!

We'll blow your mind!

Ooh! Ooohooohoohoo!

The crowd echoed Pinkie Pie's "oohs" and cheered as Pinkie pointed at Dan, who, still handling the song, pulled the mic closer and began to sing in tenor harmony with Pinkie Pie.

Equestria girls, we're (they're) Pony-fabulous!

Fast, fine, fierce, we (they) trot til we (they) drop!

Cutie marks represent!

So put your hooves up!

Ooh! Ooohoohoohoo!

At this point, the club was going nuts. Ponies from outside in town flooded in to get a glimpse at what was going on and eventually joined the rave themselves.

Nearing the end of the song, he glanced over at PON-3. She had a big grin on her face, and mouthed, "You're so hired...keep going."

At this point, Dan made a hoof-motion to Pinkie Pie to repeat the chorus after he scratched the record a few times to reset the song to where it blended with the end. To his shock, PON-3 sprinted from back stage and jumped over the DJ board and started crowd surfing. The backstage crew and started the different colored lights flashing. Pinkie and Dan continued:

Equestria girls, we're (they're) kinda magical!

Boots on hooves, bikinis on top

Furry coats, so cute!

We'll (they'll) blow your mind!

Ohh! Ohoohoohoohoo!

Song: Equestria Girls from the official HUB commercial