• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 1,084 Views, 66 Comments

A Dashing Legend - dashybrony2012

Twilight and Dash go on a little itty bitty adventure

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Chapter 2:

Twilight trotted through Ponyville, a confident smirk playing on her lips and the book floating merely inches from her side. After a while of jogging through Ponyville Twilight decided she was close enough to teleport to Rainbow Dash’s house. She focused her magic and a flash of purple and a loud pop soon followed. In a matter of seconds Twilight found herself just under the majestic clump of clouds known as Rainbow’s home. It was actually quite a magnificent place. The miniature rainbow fountains contributed to the beauty of it. Sometimes it wasn’t hard to forget Rainbow had built this house since everything looked so expertly made by Pegasi architects, and Twilight knew that a job in architecture required a lot of study in math. Twilight knew all too well how much her cyan friend hated the subject and despite all the lectures from Twilight, she still did. Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she recalled Dash’s claims of math being, and she quotes: “Waaaaaaaay too boring for me”. Twilight let the matter slide and channeled her magic and applied the cloud walking spell to herself, briefly recalling the memory of doing the same spell to two of her best friends a while ago. She smirked and guided her eyes to the clouds above.

Dash was lounging on her cloud couch and relishing the calming moment and enjoying the feel of the white fluff pressed against her back. The newest Daring Do book was resting on her chest, her hooves propping it open and her eyes sweeping the crisp white pages. Rainbow smirked as she remembered Twilight’s love of everything being neat, and organized. Dash took a moment interrupting her reading and gazed around her cloud home, Wonderbolts posters and all sorts of merchandise from cups, to t-shirts where strewn around her living room. The posters and pictures were gracing the walls and clothes littered the floor. Empty cups and chip bags lay on her little end tables and flowed into the floor. While Twilight and Rarity would call this a heart attack, Dash settled for organized chaos and smirked at recalling her locker’s décor at Cloudsdale High. Rainbow almost laughed at what Twilight’s face might look like if she laid eyes on her living room and almost half wished that the velvet unicorn would in fact show up, it would have been the exact definition of hilarious. As luck, or fate whichever, would have it a loud pop sounded and a knock came from Dash’s door. Grumbling the Pegasus got up and marked her page before fluttering over to open the door. She expected Fluttershy or Derpy, heck she even expected the Wonderbolts. What she didn’t expect however, was one very angry purple unicorn who just happened to be Twilight Sparkle. Neither of them spoke for a few awkward moments before Twilight broke out into an unnerving grin.
“Hi Rainbow!'’ her eye twitched briefly before becoming dilated. Rainbow stared at Twilight for another second briefly recalling the last time behaving like this. Not a good sign. Dash decided it would be best to play it cool which, fortunately for her was as easy as one, two, three. She pulled out her trusty pair of shades and snapped them on before attaining a nonchalant pose.


“Oh nothing really, just trying to decide whether or not I need to strangle a certain somepony!” Rainbow managed to not gulp and loose her composure. The memories of when Twilight had freaked out and went what Pinkie would call “coco-loco” or whatever. The sickening feeling in her gut that told her that she was the pony Twilight was mad at. What for? Rainbow didn’t have the slightest idea.

“Oh and, who might that be?”

“I’ll give you a hint, her name starts with Rainbow Dash!’’ Rainbow gave her friend a deadpan gaze and cocked her head, pulling down her shades and peering over the top of them.

“Uh, what are you talking about?” a genuine look of confusion crossed Rainbow’s face as her eyebrow rose.

“Oh you know, beside the fact that you wrecked my library’s front door and almost caused some book spines to get scratched from the pieces of wood, everything’s fine!” Twilight’s mane started to look frazzled and just as Rainbow was about to open her mouth to retort with a sarcastic remark of her own, she decided against it. She had learned her lesson from last time.

“Ok, Twi I need you to chillaaax for a bit and tell me what happened ‘kay?” Twilight looked surprised at Rainbow’s response. Dash resisted a smirk at the unicorn’s expression, now is not the time Dash, just play it cool. She led Twilight inside before asking how the hay she got up here in the first place, mentally facehoofing herself.

“Oh…cloud walking spell!”

“Oooof course. Ahem , so ah Twilight what’s got ya all worked up?” Rainbow inquired as they settled themselves in her living room with Twilight staring around, her eyes filled with terror of her surroundings.

“Rainbow! What in Equestria did you do to your house?” Twilight blurted earning another deadpan glare. This is what I get for being nice,hey what the hay is she doing? Now was Rainbow's turn to look on in horror as Twilight began tidying things up. Rainbow had to put a stop to this before Twilight wrecked her house. Her friend was picking up and old textbook that was stuffed along with a few other things in an overflowing cabinet. Rainbow noticed a little to late,as Twilight had already opened up the textbook from Cloudsdale High. Dash watched amused as her fellow best friend's eyes grew wide and dilated as she read the page. Rainbow bit her lip, her mind coming up with all of the ways that Twilight would react to this. None of them very good to her health, and Rainbow didn't want to find out anyway. Too bad the odds weren't in her favor.

Author's Note:

Phew! Well it certainly took longer than expected but nonetheless here it it the second chapter of my fic. Those of you who are confused or wondering whichever, yes our dear Twily is a unicorn not that I have anything against Twilicorn I just prefer her character as a unicorn without her character change if you know what I'm talking about. Anyways enough with my little rant onto the important stuff, ah thank you all who favorited/liked/commented on this story really appreciate it and it means a lot. I really think this story is a big improvement from my last story for those who read it. Anyhow thank you all and I really hope y'all enjoy this here chapter :moustache:
