• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 1,081 Views, 66 Comments

A Dashing Legend - dashybrony2012

Twilight and Dash go on a little itty bitty adventure

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Chapter 3:

Twilight gaped in disbelief and shock as she stared at the poor textbook levitated in her magic. Scribbles and notes decorated the page, and some were very….unintelligent. The pictures of the famous Pegasus ponies that lived in Cloudsdale during ancient time all donned long mustaches of every color of the rainbow. All except for the Wonderbolts, which didn't surprise the young pony, in fact it only made her furious. How in Equestria can a pony just abuse important knowledge like this, and historical facts no less? Twilight rounded on her friend which had a bemused and anxious expression on her face, which only fueled Twilight’s anger.

“Rainbow Dash! Please explain this…this horrendous……crime?” Twilight paused her shouting and put a hoof to her chin as if to ponder something. “I’m not sure if this would logically count as a crime…..hmm no a crime is bigger even if it would be a crime by my standards. Oh it could be harassment…..could you harass a book? I guess, but I’m not sure how that would come to be. Abuse maybe?” Twilight let out a puzzled sigh and then perked up again as a thought struck her “Maybe I should write to Celestia about this!’’ she clapped her hooves together in excitement while balancing on her hind legs, “Oh I’m sure she’d love to hear about this!”
Rainbow could do nothing except facehoof. Oh dear Luna help me. She resisted the growing urge to groan at her unicorn friend. Why Twilight? Rainbow opened her mouth to tell her unicorn friend to get to the point, however Twilight beat her to it.

"Anyways, Rainbow you still have a lot of explaining to do about this!" Twilight shoved the floating textbook in Dash's face. Rainbow in turn scrunched up her nose and swatted it away with her cyan hoof.

"Twilight, I was bored! Did you really expect me to sit through an hour of boring history? I mean it would be totally fine if they just told us what happened briefly, but noooooo. They had to go through excruciating detail!" Rainbow sighed. "Anyways, I know you aren't here to lecture me about how history is "fun" and "educational" and all that jazz. So you can ahead and spill the beans now.Twilight said nothing for a few moments and just stared at her friend. Man, she was trying so hard to not strangle Rainbow and give a history lecture at her funeral.

"Rainbow, do you remember what happened this morning?" she asked in a tone that a mother would use to goad their child into spilling the beans. This of course went by unnoticed by the impatient Pegasus.

"Not really, you just gave me another awesome Daring Do book aaaand.......yeah I got nothing else." Rainbow replied nonchalantly while putting away her shades and settling back on the couch and picked up said book in hopes that Twilight would get the hint and leave. Unfortunately, Twilight wasn't done with her yet.

"Rainbow! Do you mean to tell me that you don't remember that you damaged my library?" Rainbow perked up at this.

"I did that?"

"Yes!" Dash stared for a few seconds before her face lit up.

"Oh my gosh! That is so awesome I-" Rainbow stopped as she got one look at her friend's face. "Oh, I mean, that is too bad hehe, yeah um ahem sorry." Twilight wasn't listening though, she was already having trouble containing her anger, not to mention dissapointment in her friend. She had put up with this so many times she thought as Twilight recalled all the memories involving broken windows and damaged property victim to her friend's crahes due to her so called 'stunts'. It hurt her so much to see her beautiful libray damaged, every time though she forgave the cerulean pegasus and every time she pretended that it didn't bother her. But it did, so much. It was her freaking home for Celestia's sake. She resisted the urge to snort. Not that Rainbow would care. Twilight swept Rainbow's with her eyes again. Not that Rainbow took care of her own home for that matter. And here she was cleaning up after the rainbow maned pony. Twilight was so absorbed in her thoughts that she completly forgot about the main reason she came here in the first place. In fact if Rainbow hadn't opened her mouth she would have never remembered.

"Uh hey Twi, what's that book behind your back for?" Twilight glanced behind her. Oh, the book. Legend thing. Right. Twilight didn't want to deal with any of this right now, she was on the verge of being an emotional wreck and didn't want to break down in front of Dash. Her anger for the pegasus didn't go away though and Twilight shocked herself by not even trying to forgive her friend. Enough was enough. She would deal with all this later, maybe when she had cooled down and then she could have a nice long talk to sort things out with Rainbow. Thing is though, she had a nagging feeling tugging in the pit of her stomach. Was she afraid to talk to the brash pegasus? Twilight nearly burst out laughing at the obsurity of it. How could she be scared to discuss something as small- er big, very big- as this to one of her best friends? But Twilight did have a reason hidden deep in her mind. She always had felt a bit.......intimidated by this pony. She knew it was such a silly thing to fret about but she couldn't help it. Rainbow was brash, bold, overconfident, perhaps a bit loud and had a very big ego. Quite oppisite of her in fact, she liked to be quiet, mind you not as quiet as Fluttershy but quiet nonetheless. And she did not have an oversized ego, that was certain.

"Nothing Rainbow. I...I need to go." with that she ran out of the cloud mansion's door and teleported back to the library, leaving a very dumbstruck pegasus behind. With a pop she appeared in front of the library's ambushed door, staring at it sadly before running up to her room ignoring a hello from one baby dragon and flopped onto her bed and groaned. Déjà vu much?

Author's Note:

Hooowee that took me long enough! Well, sorry all you pony folk for the long wait for a new chapter, I totally take the blame for everything(curse my lazy self for that) but anyways wow look at me making Twily all upset and straining the friendship between her and Dash......man that's depressing. So on that happy note, I'd like to mention that the ending for this chapter wasn't as fantabulous as I hoped buuut, since I decided to be extra nice I worked extra hard in this chapter and tried to make it have feels and the like whatever ya'll wanna call it. This chapter is also specifically for Solarflare28 so I hope that you enjoy yourself reading this and to the rest of you lot constructive criticism is always welcome and that ya'll also enjoy yourselves
