• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 11,295 Views, 363 Comments

You Will Never Be Alone - Matt11

One Day When Scootaloo Is At Home Being Foalsat By Princess Twilight Something terrible Happens To Her Mother While She Is On A Date

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Chapter 4 - New friend's

The night passed by fast in Twilight’s crystal castle. Scootaloo slept like a peaceful little angel. It made Twilight happy that Scootaloo didn’t experience any type of nightmares.

Getting out of bed Twilight stretched her wings and looked out the window for a moment. She began thinking about something. “Why didn’t Rainbow Dash come to check on Scootaloo? It’s not like her. She and Scootaloo are practically sisters. Maybe not by blood but they do everything together.” She shrugged it off. “Maybe Dash had too much work on her hooves.” She glanced back at her new daughter and simply smiled.

Twilight then stretched her wings. Rainbow Dash told her that it’s good to do that every once in a while to keep her wings in good shape. Plus she was still learning from Rainbow Dash on how to fly a little better. She was a good flyer but she felt like she could do better.

Using her magic Twilight teleported into the kitchen to get some breakfast ready for Scootaloo, Spike and herself. Normally she would have Spike cook but he was such a hard worker she felt he deserved a nice break for a change.
The soft wind hit the crystal castle, an indication to any pegasi or princess that it would be a little cold out. Most ponies didn’t know it but pegasi and alicorns were immune to the cold. Just like their cloud-walking it was one of their natural abilities that helped them with their task.

After several minutes of working her butt off she finished, but instead of making eggs or bacon she made chocolate pancakes. She wanted to give Scootaloo something special. It was the least she could do for the poor filly.

Twilight looked at the time. It was precisely 6:50 AM. “Ok. Just forty minutes before she has school.” Twilight thought. She levitated the three plates of pancakes onto her table she then levitated a small cup with a flower onto the table in the middle of their food.
Twilight’s horn erupted in a sparkling red aura and she disappeared into her room leaving little sparkling stars floating in the air as she left. She ended up in her room after several seconds, walking over to Scootaloo who was sleeping soundly and holding Spike close. Twilight’s heart shined with joy at the two sharing a very cute moment. She didn’t want to disturb them but Scootaloo did have school.

Twilight brought her hoof down on Scootaloo’s side and gently shook her. In a tender, motherly voice she said, “Scootaloo, its time to wake up, sweetie.” Scootaloo murmured a little but otherwise showed no signs of waking. With a thoughtful frown she saw she needed to try something else. Letting out a mischievous giggle she got an idea. She pulled on the cord of the blinds, letting Celestia’s sun fill the room, shining right on Scootaloo’s face.

Scootaloo squirmed and shifted her body a little as the light came into contact with her. She reached her hooves at her pillow and put it over her head to block out the light.

Twilight frowned. She thought this would be easy but it would seem she had to bring out the big guns. She plucked one of her feathers out and used her magic to levitate it for a moment. “Ok, Scootaloo. I guess I can’t wake you up that easy. Now you will have to face,” she started to lean down near Scootaloo’s ear and whispered, “the tickle monster.”

At first there was still no reaction, but as Twilight’s words penetrated her sleepy mind Scootaloo’s ear perked up hearing this. The only time she was ever tickled was when she didn’t wake up when her mother had to get her ready for school.

Twilight levitated the feather back into her mouth and walked slowly onto the bed. She then stood right above Scootaloo and reached her hooves at the small filly in front of her. She turned Scootaloo over onto her back and started tickling the little orange belly. Scootaloo squirmed and laughed hysterically as her mother tickled her. Twilight continued her tickle attack. Scootaloo squirmed around on the bed sheets trying to get away but to no avail. She was stuck in one spot, though she accidentally woke Spike up with the noise.

Spike glared at Scootaloo. He was feeling pretty cranky at being woken up but he shrugged it off when he saw how much fun the two of them seemed to be having and decided not to. Instead he grabbed his pillow and walked out the room he closed the door, drowning out the noise. Once out of there he laid down on the middle of the floor to sleep, not wanting to put in the effort to head to another room.

Twilight stopped and dropped the feather on the bed, seeing her child’s face was red like a tomato from laughing so much. She smirked and bent her head down to Scootaloo’s stomach and gave her a raspberry.
Scootaloo did not see it coming until it was too late. Twilight caused the small filly to go into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Scootaloo never thought twilight could be this much fun. She always saw as nothing more than an egghead or something but maybe she was wrong.

Twilight stopped and froze when she saw the time there only half an hour before school. Scootaloo still had to eat and get ready and walk to school. “Oh, dear. This isn’t good, You'll be late at this rate. Come on, Scootaloo. Go to the kitchen and start your breakfast. I’ll be getting your stuff from your old home while you're at school.” She smiled brightly and gave Scootaloo a pat on the back.

Scootaloo smiled back at her and walked out of the room with Twilight a few hooves away from her. Twilight heard the filly’s stomach rumble and watched Scootaloo run off. Twilight stopped for a moment, levitating Spike off the ground to the protest of the little dragon. “Come on, Spike. It’s time for breakfast.” Passing down the hallway and into the kitchen Twilight sat down in a chair that was between Scootaloo and Spike’s. She levitated herself a cup of water and some water for her assistant and her daughter Scootaloo.

Twilight saw the filly trying to eat her food as fast as she could, crumbs getting all over the table and floor. Getting annoyed at the mess Twilight shouted “SCOOTALOO! Don’t eat too fast or you might choke.” Using her magic she stopped the filly by scooting Scootaloo’s chair out a little taking her away from the pancakes.

Scootaloo pouted and looked at Twilight with an angry expression. She was about to say something but they had just been having a good time together and didn’t want to ruin it by getting into an argument. Letting out a soft sigh Scootaloo with her big purple eyes “I’m sorry, mom. I guess I was just in too big of a rush. Forgive me?” she asked, she did not want Twilight to be mad at her as they were starting to get along. She felt a sting in her heart. She had just lost her first mother. She didn’t want to start fighting with her new one.

Twilight saw the look in Scootaloo’s eyes. It looked like she was about to cry. Twilight hadn’t intended to make Scootaloo feel sad and she definitely did not want Scootaloo to feel like she hated her, Twilight draped one of her wings over Scootaloo and brought Scootaloo over to her in a motherly loving embrace. Looking down at Scootaloo she kissed the filly on the forehead “It’s okay, Scoots. I’m not mad, I promise. Just try not to devour your food like that. I can always clean up the crumbs but I can’t replace you. You just lost your mother. If you choke and die you should understand how I’d feel about losing you. I just became a mother, and I want us to be together for a long time.” She gave Scootaloo a few more kisses. Spike watched it from his seat he felt a little sick of those kisses Twilight was giving her but at the same time he felt left out, a tiny tear dropped from his eye.

“I wish I had somepony to love me like that” he said sadly, in a soft voice. Twilight’s ears perked at that she looked at her dragon and she levitated Spike over and sat him next to Scootaloo. Spike was taken by surprised he hoped the purple unicorn did not hear him.

Twilight smirked at Spike “Aw is my baby dragon not getting enough attention?” she winked at him as he blushed deep red and continued “Well, let’s fix that, shall we?” she leaned down towards Spike and gave him a good number of kisses on his forehead.

Spike threw his claw up, pushing her head away. “Come on! Stop it, Twilight. That’s way too girly and mushy.” His tone and face didn’t match his words. She could see his eyes were bright and he was wearing a smile.

They all went back to their eating. Once finishing Twilight took care of the plates and cleaned them up. After she put the plates away she walked into the living room and saw Scootaloo talking with Spike about something. She began to get curious and approached the two.

Scootaloo saw her mother coming and smiled. "Hey, mom. Can I ask you something?" she asked.
Twilight stopped two feet next to Scootaloo and nuzzled her. "Of course you can, my little angel." she said.

Scootaloo’s smile grew bigger "Um, since I'm like your daughter now does that mean Spike is my brother?" she asked. She was an only child at her old home. To have a younger sibling would be cool to Scootaloo.

Twilight put her hoof on her chin and thought for a minute. With a slight shrug she said, “Well, I consider Spike to be kinda like a younger brother myself, even if I do sometimes act motherly to him. But sure! If you want to consider him a brother than go ahead. Just remember not to wake him up when he is sleeping. He can get really cranky, sometimes.” She started to giggle, and gave Scootaloo a small noogie. “Now, whatcha say we get you to school, shall we?”

Scootaloo picked up her school bag and strapped it over her back. She then turned around to Spike and gave him a small hug “C’ya later, little brother.” she said happily.

Spike blushed a little and just waved at Scootaloo. “Um… c’ya when you get home from school, Scoots.” After waving goodbye he yawned and said, “I’m going back to sleep. Wake me when it’s noon.”

Twilight decided to go with Scootaloo. She might as well so she could tell miss Cheerilee about what had happened. The two managed to make it to the school three minutes early, which made Twilight smile. It was always good to be punctual. Twilight told Scootaloo she could go talk to her friends, Scootaloo gave Twilight a nice big hug before she left.

Twilight walked slowly into the school house. Something else was bothering her. She remembered a long time ago Scootaloo spoke about bullies who treat her and her friends badly, so she would talk to Cheerilee about that and see if there was anything they could do about them.

Opening Cheerilee’s classroom door she smiled at Cheerilee “How’s it going?” she asked Cheerilee, who was grading homework papers.

Cheerilee looked up and dropped the pencil. She got up and did a small bow. “Your highness! I wasn’t expecting you. I had heard you were supposed to be visiting Celestia in Canterlot.”
Twilight’s eye twitched “How many times do I have to say it? You don’t have to bow to me. I really don’t need this kinda respect,” she said in a calm voice.

“I’m sorry, Princess. It’s just habit.” Taking a deep breath she continued. “Um, anyway why are you here?” she asked.
Twilight looked to the ground sadly “Where do I begin?” Twilight told Cheerilee about the situation about Scootaloo’s mother’s passing. Cheerilee was quietly crying during the story. “Like I said I’m her mother now, but I still think we got a rough journey ahead of us.” Twilight said as she started to walk out but remembered she forgot to talk to Cheerilee about those two bullies that Scootaloo told her about a while back.

“Hey, Miss Cheerilee. Do you think maybe you could talk with Diamond tiara and Silver Spoon? Scootaloo told me they once made fun of her for not being able to fly.”

Cheerilee was shocked that one of her students would go so far to do something like this. She nodded and said, “I will, Twilight, and I promise you won’t ever have an issue with those two again.” She returned to her seat and was going to talk with them once they got in the schoolhouse.

Twilight smiled. Maybe she would try to teach Scootaloo how to fly. She heard from Scootaloo once that when she visited the doctor they said she was a late bloomer so maybe she was ready by now. As Twilight started heading back home she felt a raindrop hit her nose.
Scootaloo told her friends about everything that happened. They were both happy and sad for their friend, and all three of them were hugging each other.

Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon were looking over at them. Usually Diamond would go in and bully Scootaloo for something like this but she felt a pain in her heart.

Silver Spoon smirked at Diamond Tiara. “Hey, let’s make fun of her for her loss.” Normally Silver Spoon was seen more as a side kick round Diamond Tiara but Silver Spoon wanted to prove herself to her best friend, to show that she has the guts to be mean.
Diamond Tiara was shocked that Silver Spoon would do it, but then again this was Silver Spoon so maybe she was just joking around. The two bullies turned the corner were the three blank flanks were at. They were done hugging, but Silver Spoon has a twisted smile on her face. It made Diamond Tiara cringe at it.

Silver Spoon walked over to Scootaloo and pushed her on the ground on her back “Hey, I hear you're an orphan now. Am I right, blank flank?” she said harshly.

The blank flank part didn’t really bother her anymore, but the cruel look in Silver Spoon’s eyes made her wonder how could she bully her after she just lost her mother. Trying not to cry she said, “Get lost! I don’t care what you say.” She crossed her legs, trying to sound calmer than she really felt.

Silver Spoon smirked continued going in on the poor pegasus. “Oh, I heard your mommy’s dead. Well, guess what? I bet she’s happy to be away from a worthless, useless pegasus like you. I mean you can’t even fly. Nopony would EVER love you” she said in a harsh tone causing the two CMC to flinch.

Tears started to build up in Scootaloo’s eyelids but she held them in to try and be strong, not wanting to give Silver Spoon the satisfaction of knowing she got to her. “S-Shut up” she said in a whimper.

Silver Spoon smiled. Just a little further and Scootaloo would break, and then maybe Diamond Tiara would praise her and she would be cooler than her. “I heard you got no more family members, orphan. Well, maybe they’d rather not have to deal with a cripple,” she said, not even regretting it as a devilish smile appeared on her face. Scootaloo tried holding in her tears but the flood gates broke and she started to cry in front of everypony. Ponies gathered around laughing at her. They didn’t know the reason why she was crying, though.

Diamond Tiara couldn't take it any longer, the hurtful things that were being said. They were crossing the line far too much. Diamond Tiara walked up to Silver Spoon and without thinking she brought her hoof back and the only thing that could be heard was a loud “SMACK!” as her hoof made contact with Silver Spoons face, and she fell to the ground “JUST SHUT UP! EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!” Diamond Tiara said. Silver Spoon was shocked but so were the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Silver spoon got up and said “Tiara, I’m sorry I was just-” she was interrupted.

“Oh, YOU’RE SORRY! Sorry doesn’t cut it! You not only bullied Scootaloo because of her mother’s death, but you also called her a cripple. Do you know how messed up that is?” Her anger was still there. Never had she felt before that she wanted to defend those three.

“I...I…” Silver Spoon couldn't say anything. She was at a loss for words so she broke down and just lay on the ground crying her eyes out.

Glaring at the other class mates she said, “Who else wants some?” she said in a more calm tone. The other ponies just stared in utter shock and thinking fast they ran as fast they could back into the school house.

Slowly walking over to Scootaloo Diamond Tiara helped her up and gave her a small hug. “I’m sorry that Silver Spoon did that. I don’t think I can ever forgive her, but now I ask that you three forgive me. I…I want to be your friend,” she said truthfully.

Scootaloo was still shocked that she would do that but anger came into her mind “Why should I forgive you?” she asked, breaking away from the hug. “You made fun of me once for being unable to fly.”

Diamond Tiara was taken aback by this behavior but then again she did deserve it. She put her hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “Look, I’m sorry that I said that to you but I mean it.” Tears swelled up in her eyes “So will you please forgive me? I...I want to be your friend.” She was now sobbing into Scootaloo’s coat.

Scootaloo was shocked by this. She looked at her friends for support. “What do you guys think? Should I forgive her?” she asked
Both Apple bloom and Sweetie looked at one another and then shrugged, giving a nod.

“I think she deserves a chance,” Sweetie Belle said with a squeak.

“Yeah. She may be spoiled but I guess she could use one more chance as long as she don’t bully us no more” Apple Bloom said honestly.

Scootaloo looked at Diamond she was still crying into her coat. Scootaloo put a hoof onto her chin and said, “Diamond Tiara even though you did bully me for my wings a long time ago, I...I forgive you” She smiled “We can be friends.”

Diamond Tiara smiled and hugged Scootaloo tightly. “Oh thank you thank you thank you,” she said happily.
After accepting Tiara’s apology the Crusaders allowed her into their club. Diamond Tiara was happy to be their friend. She had to get used to not being as cool but it was worth it if it meant she was able to be friends.

Diamond Tiara ended up telling miss Cheerilee about what Silver Spoon had done. Cheerilee was shocked that she would do such a thing. As punishment Cheerilee ordered that Silver Spoon won’t just be getting three weeks’ worth of detention, but she must also go to Twilights place to help clean up for three weeks.

School had finally ended and Scootaloo was walking home with her three friends plus Tiara “I’m so happy school’s over with. I don’t know how much longer I'd of been able to take it.” She wiped some sweat off.

As they arrived Scootaloo waved bye to her friends but she stopped Diamond from leaving. She wanted to show her mother her new friend.

Making their way to the living room they set their bags down on the floor and walked up to Twilight who was writing a letter. “Hey, mom. I’m home,” Scootaloo said, galloping over and holding Twilight.

“How was school, sweetheart?” she said, smiling. She then noticed Tiara and her smile turned into a disappointed look “You're the one who keeps bullying my daughter, aren't you?”

“Well, you see about that. I already said I was sorry. I don’t want to bully anypony anymore. It’s not fun,” she said, walking slowly to Twilight.

Twilight’s face softened and smiled at her “Well, then. I’m glad you came to your senses,” she said.
Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara did a lot of stuff together. They played with some toys, played the XBuck one and they even talked for a while.

“Listen, Scootaloo. I want to tell you something before I leave. I...I lost my mother when I was born and I felt sorry for you when Spoon bullied you,” she said as she started to walk out the door.

Scootaloo felt a tear slide down. “That explains a lot, I’m sorry that happened to you” she waved goodbye and closed the door but by the time she got back inside it was time for bed. Twilight tucked Scootaloo in.

Kissing the filly on the forehead she said “Goodnight, my little angel” She turned off the light and left a small crack open in the door.

Author's Note:

sorry it took like 2 mouths to get this out, hope you enjoyed it, next chapter they visit canterlot to meet with family