• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 11,296 Views, 363 Comments

You Will Never Be Alone - Matt11

One Day When Scootaloo Is At Home Being Foalsat By Princess Twilight Something terrible Happens To Her Mother While She Is On A Date

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chapter 7 - Sister Hooves Social

As Twilight left the room, she couldn’t help but watch her adopted daughter and her best friend Rainbow Dash hugging out their emotions.

“Those two really are cute together. Maybe we can do some things together. Well, once they’re done at least,” Twilight said, walking into the kitchen. She had decided to cook them a little desert. They deserved it, after all, now that this whole situation was solved.

Twilight prepared a great dessert for them. She had to thank Pinkie for teaching her how to bake a cake, otherwise she might have burnt it.

As she finished the cake she placed it on the table and put a few candles on it. It was no pony's birthday but it just felt needed.

Once done she walked out into the living room. She saw Scootaloo wasn't there and neither was Rainbow Dash. “Odd, they were just here a minute ago. Where could they have gone?” She wandered around the house until she spotted Dash hiding behind a pot.

“Rainbow Dash, what are you doing? And where's Scootaloo? I can’t find her,” she said worriedly. She looked at her hooves as she waited for an answer.

Rainbow Dash turned around and looked at Twilight smiling, “Oh, shes just looking for me. Me and her are playing find the Rainbow. Its like hide and seek, just cooler,” she said as she pushed her mane back.

Scootaloo came into the room. She just came out of Rainbow’s room, a bit confused where Rainbow Dash was.

“Ugh, I’ll never find her,” Scootaloo said as she saw her mother standing next to a pot. She then saw a Rainbow hued tail reveal itself. She smiled evilly and got close to the pot, biting the tail, “FOUND YOU!” she shouted and raised her hooves up in the air in utter victory.

Rainbow Dash fell on her back. “I lost… I-you cheated,” Rainbow said, pouting.

Twilight smiled. “Now, Dashie, don’t get cranky just because you lost. She is just a filly, after all, and you're a grown mare. Now come on. I got a sweet snack for you two,” she said, leading them to Rainbow’s kitchen

Dash and Scootaloo followed Twilight into the next room. When they saw the cake they started to slobber on the floor. The cake was rainbow colored.

“I hope you two enjoy this. I made it for you since you two are back together again,” she said as a flash of orange and rainbow passed right passed her.

The two ponies dug into the cake without even letting Twilight get a bite. They, however, got full with one piece remaining.

Once the two cleaned themselves up they decided to read a little. Scootaloo sat down on Rainbow’s bed with her big sister. Rainbow Dash smiled at the small filly and pulled out Daring Doo and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone from the bookshelf next to her bed. She remembered the first time Twilight gave it to her. It was still embarrassing.

Twilight pulled out a book from her saddlebag, The Trotting Dead was one of her favorite books, aside from Harry Trotter and Daring Doo.

By the time they finished their little fun book reading, Scootaloo had fallen asleep next to her sister snoring softly, Rainbow Dash smiled tenderly at the young filly, “She looks so cute when shes asleep,” Rainbow Dash said warmly. She quickly looked over at Twilight. “Uh, don’t tell her I said that okay, Twilight?” She blushed. Somepony finding out she said her sister was cute would be embarrassing.

Twilight let out a soft giggle “Aw, what's wrong, Dashie? Don’t want her finding out that her big sis loves her?” Twilight said as she smiled at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash pat Scootaloo on the head as she continued her conversation. “No...nothing like that. I just don’t want her knowing I’m mushy or anything. Its so uncool,” she said as she got herself into bed and put the covers around her and Scootaloo.

Twilight looked at her daughter, smiling. “Well, we might as well get some sleep. The Sisterhooves Social is tomorrow and I want you two up bright and early by 7 o’clock.” She put her book away and brought one of Rainbow Dash’s cloud beds next to her. “Goodnight, you two. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

“Twilight…we’re in the sky. Bed bugs are on the ground. I thought you were an egghead.” She laughed until she received a glare from Twilight. “Gah...I mean goodnight.” She turned off her light and shifted to her side, bringing Scootaloo into a loving embrace.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, Rainbow. I don’t know what you’re so scared of.”

The night arrived fast in ponyville. All the little ponies were fast asleep, resting until Celestia’s sun was ready to shine.

Twilight stretched her wings as the sun rose across equestria. She went over and checked the time. It was only 6 o’clock. She turned her head at the bed and saw Scootaloo chewing on Rainbow Dash’s colorful mane. “Daw, so cute,”she said, walking over and tucking the two sisters in with the blue blanket.

After finishing that she decided to make some breakfast, “Hmm, what to make? Oh, I don’t want to spoil Scootaloo too much.” She put a hoof on her head to think when it hit her, “I GOT IT!” She covered her mouth, realizing she might have been too loud. “Whoopsie.”

After several minutes in Rainbow’s kitchen she managed to make them something she thought they would enjoy. She put it on the table and went to wake them up.

Walking upstairs she opened the door. She thought she would have to wake them up but to her surprise Scootaloo was up with Rainbow Dash. The two were just sitting with one another on the bed.

Scootaloo couldn’t keep her eyes open very well. It was too early for her. Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, was wide awake. She was used to waking up at six in the morning for cloud duties.

“Whats the matter, squirt?” Rainbow Dash asked, patting Scootaloo on the head.

“I’m just tired,” she said with a small yawn. “I’m not used to waking up at this time. I usually wake up at like eight.” She rubbed her eyes trying desperately to get her self awake.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “I know you,” she said teasingly, gently tickling Scootaloo’s side. “You’d still be like this even if you got two more hours of sleep.”

Scootaloo jerked away, laughing back. “Quit it!”

“Make me,” she said deviously, bringing her other hoof into play.

“Come oooonnn,” she whined, feebly batting away Rainbow’s hooves. “I’m too tired for this.”

Twilight snickered as she walked in. “Come on, Rainbow. Quite teasing my kid. She’s way too sleepy to pway with you,” she said in a baby voice, giving Scootaloo a kiss on the cheek. “Isn’t that wight, my little darling?

Scootaloo rubbed her cheek as if trying to get the kiss mark off,”Yuch! Pewy! Mom, don’t do that in front of rainbow Dash… it's embarrassing,” she said, galloping out of the room, her face brightened deep red.

Rainbow Dash got up and walked out with Twilight behind her. The Rainbow maned pegasus was so excited about today. Today she would get to win in the Sisterhooves Social and stay in first place, showing that she will always be number one.

As Rainbow Dash made it into her kitchen she saw what Twilight made them: hay burgers, mushrooms, and broccoli.

Scootaloo let out a barf sound as she saw the broccoli. “Aw, where's the good stuff? Why is there broccoli on that plate, Mom?” she asked, as she did not want to eat that stuff. Even as a small foal Scootaloo never ate it. She always saw it as a disgusting type of food.

Twilight simply nodded. “Yeah, Scoots. I just didn’t want to spoil you too much, so we’re eating healthy for the next few weeks. And if you do really good I might take you to Sugarcube Corner for some cupcakes,” she said, giving Scootaloo the brightest smile she could.

Letting out a soft sigh, Scootaloo sat down in her chair and started eating her food. Rainbow Dash didn’t mind the food in front of her. As an athletic pony she usually ate broccoli. She hardly ever ate any deserts except at Pinkie Pie parties.

Breakfast was nice for Twilight. She managed to talk to Rainbow Dash a lot. Since she’d taken Scootaloo into her care she hardly had time to talk with any of her friends, and talking with Rainbow Dash made her feel kinda happy. The adults stopped talking when they noticed Scootaloo only had one piece of broccoli left on her plate.

“Whats the matter squirt? Ya full?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Pushing her plate away she put a hoof on her stomach. “Nah, I just don’t want to eat anymore. Like I said before I hate vegetables,” she said, a little annoyed.

Adults never understood fillies. How could they not eat something that was good for them?

Rainbow Dash smiled. She had an idea. “Aw, but Scoots, if you don’t eat it you won’t grow big and strong. Don’t you want to be big and strong like Bulk Biceps?” she asked.

Scootaloo jumped in surprise, “WHAT? Are you saying if I eat this I’ll look like him?” She sank into her seat, scooting her plate further away from herself, then shook her head. “No thanks.”

Twilight frowned. “Ugh, Dash, thats not how you get a filly to eat,” she said, a little bit angrily to Rainbow. “Listen, Sweetheart, it won’t make you big and strong like him. What Dash meant was it will make you super fast like Spitfire. After all, how can you expect your wings to grow in properly and reach your full flying potential if you don’t eat foods that strengthen your body?”

Scootaloo calmed down a little. She hesitated to put the last one in her mouth, sucking on her cheek for a short while but eventually she regretfully did it. As she swallowed it she hoped her mother was right. She hoped this would make her fast like Spitfire.

Twilight clapped her hooves as she saw Scootaloo finish her food. “Good girl, Scootaloo. I’m so proud of you,” she said sweetly.

After eating Scootaloo went to wash her hooves then brush her teeth. When she was done doing that she went back downstairs. Rainbow Dash bent down to the filly’s level. “Hop on, squirt. I’ll take you to the place so we can win this,” she said, putting out her hoof. “Up high!”

Scootaloo slapped her hoof. “Yeah. Down low!” Scootaloo put her hoof out and Rainbow slapped it. “Let’s do it!” Hopping onto her back as told without warning Rainbow took off leaving Twilight in the dust.

Several hours later, the Sisterhooves Social was on its last race. The two of them had been dominating the competition. Now it was time for their final victory.

“Keep it up, kid!” Dash said encouragingly. “We got this!”

“Right!” Scootaloo replied, her heart going a mile a minute. She was getting to compete with Dash in a race. Even if she couldn’t fly yet it was still an amazing experience.

The finish line was fifty feet away, the second place racer still right on their tails.

“So close! Just a little further and-WHOA!” Right in front of the finish line her hoof caught a rock in the road, and she went down, taking Rainbow with her. Looking up she saw the other team cross the finish line to loud cheers.

Scootaloo gave Rainbow an awkward smile, but Rainbow turned away with a huff. She turned back, using her teeth to pull at the knot holding the ropes in place. As soon as her legs were free and the two of them were separate she flew off towards a tree a short distance away and laid her back against it with crossed hooves.

Scootaloo followed after her. “I’m really sorry, Dash!”

“I… HATE… LOSING!” Rainbow said angrily. “We should have won that. Just another two seconds and we would have gotten first place.” Getting up now she got in Scootaloo’s face. “What was that? How could you just trip right when we were about to win?”

Scootaloo backed up a step, shrinking away. “I… I tripped over something in the path.”

“Oh, GOOD FOR YOU!” Rainbow said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “Maybe you should have been watching where you were going!”

“Dash, I tried my best.”

“Well, it clearly wasn’t good enough. You made me look like a fool in front of everyone. What is the matter with you?”

Scootaloo sniffed a little, looking at the ground as tears started falling to the ground. “I’m… s-s-sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”

“There’s nothing TO say. You screwed up like you always do! Amazing!” She clapped her hooves in a patronizing manner.

Scootaloo glanced up at Rainbow and back at the ground a few times. More powerful than her sadness was a growing feeling of anger. “Alright! I screwed up at the end. Can’t you just get over it?”

“Why don’t you stop making excuses for your stupidity? Feh. “Just get over it.” It’s not like YOU have a reputation to lose.”

Scootaloo’s eyes narrowed as her stomach burned. “Well, you KILLED MY MOTHER and I forgave you for that, DIDN’T I!”

Rainbow recoiled as if she had been struck while Scootaloo gasped as she threw her hooves over her mouth. Both of their anger toward each other disappeared on the spot.

Rainbow closed her eyes, beginning to gently sob.

Scootaloo felt horrible for saying that. Tears came down her eyes as she started to say, “Dash, I’m sor-”

Rainbow put her hoof up to Scootaloo’s mouth, shaking her head. “Don’t. Please… don’t.” Putting both hooves out she pulled Scootaloo to her, sitting down the filly on her lap. “I’m the one who’s sorry.” Her voice came out like a croak. “I’m so s-sorry. I shouldn’t have been so hard on you.

“You have every right to hate my guts, but you still forgave me. And I wanted to get mad at you over a silly race?” Rainbow sniffed, squeezing the filly tighter. “You have nothing to be sorry about. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault!” She began sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Scootaloo!”

The two of them sat there crying and holding each other for a while before they were able to settle down.

When she felt calmer Rainbow said, “I promise you, kid. I’m gonna do better. I already feel I can hardly call myself your sister after orphaning you. To yell at you for something stupid like that isn’t helping to change my mind. I can’t turn back time. I can’t undo the damage I’ve done both to you and your heart. The only thing I can do for you is teach you what I know.” She unfurled her wings and flapped them a few times. “I give you my word, kid, that no matter what it takes I’m going to make you fly.”

Scootaloo nodded, wiping her eyes. “Okay, Dash. I’ll accept your apology.” She settled her head onto Rainbow’s chest, closing her eyes. “For now, though, can I just stay here on your lap?”

“Of course, kid.” Rainbow rubbed her back, and a small smile came to Scootaloo’s face.

Author's Note:

sorry I haven't updated in so long, had some IRL issues, but I'm back now. :pinkiehappy: hope you enjoyed the chapter. that bit with RD getting mad at Scoots was an idea my editor had and I liked it.