• Published 26th May 2014
  • 1,158 Views, 137 Comments

The Mailbox: Reloaded - bats

The Mane Six have left Ponyville for the summer, each traveling to a different part of Equestria for different reasons. But a few months and a little distance can't stop their friendship!

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Week One (Part One)

May 19th

Dear Twilight,

I need to head out to Luna Pier soon, but I wanted to write to you first thing in the morning. I gotta say, you staying in Cloudsdale is pretty sweet, if you ask me. I bet the place hasn’t changed a bit from... actually, I was there like a month ago to talk to my supervisor from the Equestrian Weather Authority, but it’s been so long since I’ve lived there and did my thing, you know?

Well, still, if I know anything, it’s Cloudsdale, so here are some pointers to get you started:

1. Best place to work out is Hurricane’s Arena downtown on Stratus St. It’s got some older equipment, but it’s the kind of environment that just gets you pumped to work out, you know? ...Oh wait, I forgot I was writing to Princess Egghead, who’s probably never hit the gym in her life. Well, it’s not too late to start, Twilight. You’ve got a girlfriend now, so maybe it’d be good to keep yourself hot. For you, I’d recommend squats; they do wonders for your butt, and confidentially, before you two started dating, Applejack told me she thought yours was really nice.

And I just know you’re a good enough friend to keep that information between the two of us, because if AJ knew I told you this, I’d lose a couple teeth (the weather team does not have dental, Twi, I can’t afford losing my pearlies).

2. DO NOT, under any circumstances, try the fried pickles at Contour's Cavern. The rest of the food and drinks are okay enough, but the fried pickles will destroy your insides and force them out of your body. If you hate yourself and put them in you anyway, just make sure you have someone to follow you to the bathroom and hold your mane.

3. Never walk on Rainbow Avenue after dark without a friend. There’s a gang that hangs out there, and they’re up to no good. They’ll creep up to you and they’ll start snapping, and then, they dance! And it’s all finely choreographed, too, and when you think the worst is over, they start SINGING–oh, Twi, it’s just terrible! It’s a hellish abyss I wish on nopony.

By the way, thanks for that word-a-day calendar you gave me last Hearth’s Warming. I thought it was pretty lame at first, but I must say, as a word, ‘abyss’ is pretty friggin metal.

But yeah, I’m hoping my dad doesn’t make me stay too long in Luna Pier, because first things first, I wanna come up there and see you, maybe see if I can help you out. I know about what you’re doing up there, and I gotta say, it’s not gonna be easy, Twilight.

When you’re a kid growing up in Cloudsdale, you’re kind of raised from birth to not like griffons. My dad was more progressive, so I didn’t really learn it in the house, but the culture is still there, and you can’t escape it. Racism is pretty casual in that town, and I practically got a whole dictionary of slurs just from my old high school hoofball coach. No joke, I thought the first griffon I saw was gonna have its way with me before swallowing me whole. That’s the kind of junk that gets passed around and learned from the playgrounds to the offices.

Of course, I learned it was all baloney, and my first relationship actually was with a griffon... well, actually, a hoof-full of griffons, it was kind of a ‘let’s all screw together kinda thing’, and then I met Gilda and... yeah, I wasn’t the smartest teenager, if you couldn’t tell already.

But all that said, I know you can do this, Twi. I’ve seen you tackle a lot worse than making griffons and pegasi get along. You’ve got this awesome determination that I rarely see in other ponies. I mean, you and Tirek were firing friggin’ laser cannons at each other, it was insane! But you didn’t back down from it.

And aside from that, you’re so smart, I bet you’ll have the issues between the tribes fixed in a snap. You’ve used your brains to get us out of jams so many times, I can’t honestly keep count anymore, and it never even shocks me anymore when it happens.

But hey, I don’t just wanna see you to talk about boring tribal relations. I wanna tear it up! There’s this club, Prism, down the street from that gym I was talking about and it’s a total blast. Some of my wildest memories are from weekends spent in that club. All a kid needed was a fake ID and zero inhibitions, especially if you were awesome and hot like yours truly (though, nowadays, that might not really be my crowd anymore). I bet now, with you as a princess, we can get in the front of the line, with a lounge, bottle service and everything! It’ll be great! Woo, royalty!

But hey, if clubbing’s not your thing (and I don’t care if it isn’t, we’re going no matter what), I also wanna take you to Spiral’s Deli.

Best. Sandwiches. In. Equestria. I will never hear otherwise, Twilight. Never.

But hey, I’ll have time to show you the best parts of Cloudsdale later. I better make my way out to see my dad. Remember what I said, and good luck, Twi.

Catch you later,

P.S.: If you do decide to check out Spiral’s before I get there, try the HBLT. It’s like if awesomeness was put in a sandwich recipe book, or something.

Hello Appl


Good day Applejack!

Dear Applejack,

I hope you can read this, I’m so nervous I can feel my hooves shaking. I’m trying to sleep on the train like Twilight said, but every time I close my eyes I think I’m back in Ponyville! I know it’s silly, but then I think I missed the train, or I wasn’t there to say goodbye, and my tummy gets so tied up.

I know we were going to write our letters when our vacations started, but I needed something to do. My hooves won’t stop moving so I thought I’d put them to use.

I think that’s enough about me though, how are you? Is your back doing okay? Getting plenty of bed rest and fluids? I hope this letter gets to you after you make it to Canterlot, what if the mail pony takes it to you as soon as I drop it off? If that’s the case, you can wait before you reply to me, but if you don’t want to, that’s fine too.

I think Canterlot will be good for you. The staff in the castle is top notch, and I’ve read that the best doctors in Equestria are trained there. Healing is 99% up to you though! You have to take the medicine and take it easy, and I know that’s hard for you. I don’t think you have a reason to worry, Big Macintosh is strong enough to handle the fields, and Apple Bloom is getting to the age where her hind muscles are prepared for excess muscle growth with risking damage to her body in the future. With you and Big Macintosh as examples, I bet she’ll be the best bucker Sweet Apple Acres will ever have! (I mean as an apple bucker, I didn’t

I think I see Baltimare in the distance so I’ll wrap up the letter.

The recovery period is the hardest, but it’ll be worth it when you can go back to running and apple bucking without thinking about your back all day. Some low-stress activities shouldn’t cause you too much of a problem, but be mindful of how you sit, and keep somepony close in case you feel pains. Don’t worry about ponies worrying that you’re not high-class, you’re one of the best ponies out there. I know you’ll make a good name for yourself while you’re on vacation!

Break a leg out there OH MY GOSH I’M SO SORRY!!!

Really REALLY sorry,

Hi Rarity!

I hope my writing’s neat enough for ya. I know you don’t like scruffy scribbles, so I’m taking extra care when writing your letters. Which is good ‘cause it gives me more time to think about what I’m actually writing.

Aaaanyways, I hope you’ve figured out something to do for the summer. It’d be a crime if you just stayed in Ponyville all the time! Not that Ponyville’s bad, I love it ‘n’ all, but summer is the chance to try new things, y’know?

Well if you’re still stuck, just say so and Auntie Pinkie here will be happy to help! I’ve just got a chock ton of ideas in my head that could help ya, or you can bounce ideas off me if you want. I’ll be your ideas trampoline, how does that sound?

Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I? Grr, I said to myself I wouldn’t. This writing thing is harder than it looks. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it soon, it’s just that there isn’t anypony around to tell me to slow down.

Right, mooooving on! If I somehow can’t help you, though, you can help me! You know how I’m going to Manehattan for the culture parade, right? Thing is, I’m actually going a bit early. I wanna see if there’s a chance I can make my own float and join in. And as much as I can build super cool things sometimes, I could really use your advice. Having some of that Rare flair would really raise a hair! Or two, hehe.

Oh yeah! Speaking of Manehattan, how’s Coco? You’ve been keeping in touch, right? ‘Cause I could easily go in and check on her, if ya want me to. I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to her last time, but she seemed real nice.

I’m on the train right now, so I’ll be in Manehattan by the end of the day. If not earlier! Feels like fooooorever though. Train rides are boring without your friends. So hopefully I can meet some nice ponies on my trip. Seriously, you have no idea how long I’ve been saving up for this. Hotels are expensive. I just hope it’ll be worth it. It probably will be though.

Ooo! Food cart’s here! Okay, I’m gonna have to end this letter now, but you write back real soon, ‘kay? ‘Kay. Looking forward to it!

Your best buddy,

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I’m sitting at the docks in Horseshoe Bay right now waiting for the boat to Cayune. I didn’t get any sleep on the train here, but I feel wide awake. Or maybe I’m in shock, I can’t tell. If I am, there’s a cute stallion waxing a boat’s hull nearby, maybe he knows CPR? That’s just wishful thinking, but the last hour has been so stressful!

I wish the ship would get here faster, it’s like ripping off a band-aid, the faster you do it the better, only without the weird taste of adhesive glue in your mouth. If I could fly like you can, I’d probably be there by now, but not all of us train like you do. I’m jealous, but it’s either training to fly or tending to the animals, and you know which one I prefer.

I think you’ll like Luna Pier, even if it’s kind of quiet. We used to visit my great grandma there when I still lived with my parents, the sky’s really quiet but the ground’s also kind of really quiet now that I think about it. Still, you and Buck should spend some time at the pier! The birds around there are some of the sweetest I’ve ever met, and they even give you free crumbs to feed them. Hankey’s Biz also sells some really tasty funnel cake, and the honey is complimentary (but the sugar is artificial).

I nearly forgot, take as many photos as you can! I miss Buck, and want at least one picture of you and him to keep around the house. I think he’d be proud I finally got my own home and am taking care of the forest animals, he always said I was the best pony to go to for animal care.

Oh, and if you see my mom or dad, tell them I said hi.

Have a fun summer Rainbow Dash, I already can’t wait to see you at the end of it!

With love,

Hiya Twilight!

I’m finally in Manehattan after a looooooooong train trip. It was so boring, I nearly fell asleep a few times, and sleeping this early into my holiday just wouldn’t do! My hotel room here is pretty cushty, with a big bed, a shower all to myself and, best of all, free soap! I love that it’s on the house (or should that be hotel?), ‘cause it makes you feel real welcome.

So y’know that culture parade I told ya about? Well, I’ve shown up a bit early. Like, a ‘few days early’ early. I’m gonna give myself a chance to do some sightseeing (there wasn’t nearly enough time when we went with Rarity) and try to see if I can get my own float in there! I just dunno what to make it about yet. Maybe one with you and everypony else?

That might work... aren’t we supposed spread the magic of friendship now? Is that our jobs now? Does this mean I’ve got a rank now? Am I a mini-Princess? And how often do we have to spread the word anyways? I don’t really know anything. It’s not like the treecastle came with a manual or anything.

Wow… that was a lot of questions. And I don’t wanna scribble them out either or that’ll look icky. I guess that’s what big changes do to ya, right? Change is kinda funny that way. But yeah, if you want me to do anything for ya, then just ask away!

So you’re in Cloudsdale, right? Remember: don’t taste the rainbow. That’s some freaky stuff right there. I don’t care how bored you get, just don’t. ‘Kay?

I wonder what the griffons are gonna be like. Imagine if it was Gilda! That’d sure be awkwaaaaard. Just in case it somehow is Gilda, we should give her a second chance. If Discord can deserve one…

Anyways, I’m super excited to be travelling up, down and around Equestria! You will not believe how long I’ve saved up for this. Hotels ain’t cheap. Well, the good ones aren’t anyways. I don’t exactly wanna be sleeping in cockroach town. But maybe I can pass by Cloudsdale and give you a visit! I bet I can totally stroll by the guards real easy now. Not like last time at the Equestria Games. I can’t believe security almost threw me out ‘cause I wanted to sit next to you and the other Princesses!

Riiiight… I think that’s about it for this letter—no, wait! Books. If you need more books because of… y’know… just ask. ‘Cause I’m probably gonna be passing by a lot of bookstores. And I know that you’re gonna say “You don’t have to, Pinkie, really,” but it was worth asking.

Okay! Looking forward to your reply! Bye!

Your pink pal,
Pinkie Pie

P.S. Make sure you write to Applejack lots and lots! Like, double the amount of times you’ll write to me. She’s probably gonna feel worse than the time Dashie got stuck in hospital, and we all know how well that went.

Dear AJ,

Sucks about your back. It’s a shame you didn’t go high school with me. On the hoofball team, if you got injured, coach would give you all the painkillers you could ask for. It’s the same stuff my dad took when he played in the arena league. You take enough, and you feel like you could take on a horde of minotaurs.

Of course, it’s probably good that you’re recovering now instead of after something really serious. Take it from me, AJ, it blows chunks to not be able to work out or do anything awesome, but trust me, it’s worth it to suffer and come back stronger and more primed to strut your stuff.

And hey, at least you’ve got some swanky digs at the castle. Glass half full, amirite?

...Oh, who am I kidding? You’re gonna find a way to complain about this, I just know it. ‘Ah don’t thank wurr in Ponayville no more, Winona.’ I get what you’re about.

But anyway, Luna Pier... I’m not really digging it, so far. I’ve been here only a few hours, and there’s... nothing. Like, there’s a giant lake that looks pretty cool, and my dad’s house is right on the lakeside, but the town itself? It’s like it’s crying for a Pinkie Pie party or something, because it’s lifeless. Although, my dad probably moved here because it’s quiet.

Speaking of my dad... he seems off. Like, I know he’s getting older and stuff, but he just seemed almost as dead as this town. First thing I do when I get there is help him out of his chair just so he can hug me, and then he has me walk with him to the corner store to get cigarettes, and then, when we get back, he’s apparently so worn-out, he has to take a nap.

He’s really not that old at all. He got my mom pregnant really young. Like, younger than you and me young.

I dunno, it’s bugging me. He had a lot more energy the last time I saw him. And now, I’m kind of annoyed, because now, I’m just sitting out here on the dock by the lake writing to you while my dad naps while I could be having an actual, fun summer.

Eh, it’s fine. I’ll get out of here in a few days or so and then have some real fun. I promised Twilight I’d come see her in Cloudsdale first, but I’ll make sure to swing by and visit you. I can teach you how to actually enjoy your swanky digs... ya dig?

I had to. I had to. Apologize? Nuts to you.

But anyway, about Twilight, I dunno how much she’s told you about what’s she’s gotta do up there in Cloudsdale, but it’s not a walk in the park. She’s going up against generations of hatred and fear to try and make two tribes get along. I know firsthoof what griffons and pegasi think of each other, and it’s not pretty.

I don’t know how serious you two are, but just know, she’ll probably need someone to hug her and stuff... you’ll mainly be hugging her in a metaphorical sense, but still, if you guys are forreal, you can get the job done. I know you, AJ. You do the whole sappy bit better than all of us.

Anyway, I’m getting pretty hungry, so I’m gonna go inside and see if my dad has any food that goes well with this soy jerky I bought. I gotta say, it’s kind of nice writing out here on this dock. Maybe there is something to this whole ‘quiet’ thing.

Remember what I said and keep me posted on your recovery,


Dear Pinkie Pie,

I wish you were here right now to see the Griffin Kingdom personally, it’s absolutely amazing! I just got off the ship and I’m in a carriage with one of the safari guides. He’s a hippogriff - the result of a griffon and a pony - and he’s very knowledgable! He just finished telling me that he had been trailing an odd little creature to find its burrow when he remembered he had to meet me. What a gentleman! He missed researching a rare creature just to come meet me!

I hope we manage to find it while we’re exploring Griffalabella, I would love to see what a Snipe looks like. It sounds cute! I should have slept on the boat here so I could be awake for the rest of the night to help him find it, but even now my eyelids are getting heavy. We’re going to a hotel for the night before we start our safari tomorrow, and I’m worried I’ll be too excited to get to sleep.

Oh, but the kingdom! It has a lot of very tall towers, and there are only a few benches and roads on the ground. Since the griffons and hippogriffs fly, the towers have large wooden balconies with seating and open-air entrances for them to land in. At night, everything is lit up like fireflies, and the griffons dart in and out of sight going who knows where. The ground is nice and lit up too, I’m looking out the window right now and I may have spotted a sweets shop.

~*`*`` Sorry about the ink stain, I was about to write when Fabian - the guide I’m with - started talking to me. We were talking about animals, and he’s so knowledgable! He asked me lots of questions too, which makes sense, I’m supposed to help study habitats and herding patterns with him. I think I surprised him with what I know, but he seems worried about letting me study up close with him and the others. He’s a real sweetheart, but I came here to watch animals, and I know how to handle an angry bear, I think I’ll be able to keep myself safe.

Griffon architecture uses a lot of towers and a lot of windows, I think they’re meant for quick escapes and lighting, but with so many lanterns outside, you’d think they’d have a few inside too. I think you would have a blast seeing all the sights, and I know you would throw the griffons the best party they’d ever had.

Oh, but I’m rambling! How has your travelling been? Hopefully not as bumpy as mine, but I’d think Manehatten is good at transportation. It must be nice seeing everything getting prepared, have you seen any floats yet? I can’t wait to see your pictures, I always wanted to see their parade, but I couldn’t stand in such big crowds. I hope it’s not a problem for you though!
Anyways, we’re almost to the hotel. Then, I get to meet the safari team! Have a most wonderful summer, and keep in touch!

Much love,

May 20th

From Twilight Sparkle

Dear Fluttershy,

I’ve been thinking of you all morning. I’m about to head out to Cloudsdale (after the stylist finishes getting my mane ready), and thinking about pegasi keeps reminding me of the adventure you’re going on. It sounds so exciting! I know everypony else was surprised to hear you were going, but really, it sounds like something you’re right at home doing, surrounded by all sorts of animals. You might even find something nopony’s ever seen before! Maybe you’ll be able to write a book about the trip afterwards! You have to tell me about what you learn out there.

My day is a little less exciting than that. I’m still waiting on my chaperone party from Canterlot to finish preparing everything. Ugh. I could probably have flown to Cloudsdale by now, but I’m being met by the mayor when I land and having a dinner with all of the griffon and pegasi dignitaries, so I’m supposed to arrive in a regal manner. That’s something I haven’t really gotten used to yet; part of doing “official” things is not being allowed to do anything myself.

Anyway, Rainbow gave me an…interesting list of places to go in Cloudsdale. I know you haven’t lived there in a very long time, but do you have anywhere that’s more my speed you think I should go? I’m getting out to the museums as soon as I have the chance, but so far I have a deli to save for when Rainbow can come see me and a restaurant where I should avoid the pickles.

I hope you’re having a good time on your trip! I know it might be a little overwhelming for you to go out of your comfort zone like that, but I could see how excited you were about it. You’ll do great, I just know it.

Missing you already,


To Her Royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle,

Your Majesty, I wish to lodge an official complaint! In your absence I have been attempting, both as your dear friend and as your duly appointed Royal Tailor (for which see the enclosed proclamation which I believe you will find is in good order, needing only your Highness' signature), to update your woefully inadequate Royal wardrobe. Why, the utter lack of variety and flair in your dress selection alone - it's positively scandalous, darling. It's most possible to have pizzazz in one's garments and accessories and that certain je ne sais quoi in comport without appearing like some jewel-bedecked Camel Sultan, sweltering in the desert heat under one too many Royal robes.

Apologies, darling, where was I? Oh, yes - you see, I was rather rudely ejected from your castle by your appointed stewards as they hurled at my person a series of most ignoble epithets. In contrast to their boorish behavior, I of course comported myself in a manner befitting a Lady. I assured them politely that I needed access to your wardrobe in order to review your Royal fashion selections, and that it was most inconveniently located inside your locked personal quarters, and that I was most assuredly not 'snooping' about the castle while attempting to force certain locks on your Highness’ walk-in closets. The nerve!

This, you see, is what I get into when I find myself unengaged. “Idle hooves are Tartarus’ playthings,” as they say.

And that, my dear Twilight, has been the extent of the week’s excitement. You and the girls have been out of town but a scant few days and already a pall of normalcy has descended on Ponyville, attempted break-ins to see your saddle collection notwithstanding. You do have a not insignificant reputation as a - well, there’s no other phrase for it, is there? – a ‘trouble magnet’. Before you arrived in Ponyville a few short years ago, the occasional marriage or birth counted as a seminal event. Now we hardly go a moon without meeting what the tavern-going crowd (of which I report only third-hoof accounts, a Lady never finding herself in such establishments) lovingly calls the ‘monster of the week’.

It’s thrilling, it’s exciting, it’s the sort of stunning revelation that makes the society set gasp in horror and elation when some enterprising designer upends tradition during Fashion Week, and it’s missing. It’s not that we haven’t all been apart before, but this time it feels different, rather like an omen. I have an unsettled feeling about it. I’m not sure what’s more worrisome: that we’re apart and that one day we may not come back together (as overdramatic as that sounds), or that we six may be quite fine being apart, and might someday drift apart for perfectly good reasons. It’s certainly and suddenly quieter now, and I don’t know if I can go back to uneventful and quaint and quiet for an entire summer.

Do forgive my prattling on, dear. You have enough on your Royal plate without my waxing lonely. It’s barely been a week, after all, and I’m sure something will crop up, no?

Be well and be safe, dear Twilight. I shall miss you.



Dear Rarity,

How’s Ponyville? Has anypony started planning for the Harvest Festival yet? I know it’s four months away, but ponies got to build floats, and the parade order has to be worked out… maybe you should mention that to the mayor. I know she usually calls a meeting in time, but just in case. And has anypony seen to that patch of rocks in the road on the way to the school house? I know school’s out right now, but somepony ought to take some dirt over there and smooth it out. I just know some foal is gonna trip and skin their knee.

Also, tell the weather ponies to make sure to give everypony a weeks notice before a big storm, I don’t want nopony forgetting to get the trees pruned. Actually, don’t worry about that, just tell them to write to me and I’ll make sure to write to everypony in town, to remind them. Maybe I’ll write the weather factory, and see if they’ll slip me the weather schedule. Actually, that would be best, then I could write before rainy days and make sure Mac don’t let Apple Bloom out without her galoshes.

Speaking of Apple Bloom, I don’t reckon Mac’s going to remember to get her school supplies for next fall. I suppose I’ll write to Cheerilee and see what she’s going to need, then I’ll order them for her. And I’ll order them for Sweetie too. It ain’t too much trouble. I wonder if they’d give me a discount if I order for the whole class? I’ll write to the mayor and see if she wants to organize some kind of request and send it along to me.

Anyhow, thanks for helping me keep up on things. You know I got to, if the whole dang town ain’t going to fall apart. Good thing that even laid up, I’m up to the job.

Now that’s out of the way, how’ve you been? I hope you’ve been getting lots of stuff done, with all of us gone. I bet you’ve been working your tail off. That’s a real good feeling, ain’t it? Knowing you have something to do, then doing it and seeing a job well done. I bet you’re liking that. I bet you wake up every day with a bunch of stuff to do. Sometimes it probably seems like you’ll never get it done, but you just hunker down and do your best.

Okay, you probably don’t hunker much, it sounds like it'd get dresses all wrinkled. But you get my point. And that sounds like a real nice summer you got there, let me tell you.

Anyhow, if you think of anything that needs doing that I can help out with from here, just let me know. Or if anypony tells you anything I can help out with. Or if you know of anypony who told somepony something I can help out with. Or if you wanted to put up some kinda sign letting ponies know it. Y’all know I’m never too busy to help ponies.

Stay in touch.

Your friend,

PS: You know, I don’t think Ponyville’s ever had an earthquake, but that don’t mean it can’t happen, right? I’ll write up instructions on what to do in case that happens. I ain’t rightly sure what that is, being as we never had one, but I’m sure the library here must have something about that, and that’s pretty much the only place Twilight’s giving me permission to go. So I’ll send those along as soon as I can, and I just hope they get there in time. A pony’s work ain’t ever done, is it?

Dear Fluttershy,

Checkin’ out the guys, eh? *cough*slut*cough*slut, oh sorry, I had something in my throat. I was trying to say that you were a slut.

Nah, but I kid. If you were a slut, then I’d be, like, Superslut. I’d have a cape and everything.

...Dang, now I really want a cape. I’ll ask Rarity for one.

But anyway, Shy, I just can’t deal with all this quiet around me. There’s nobody to talk to or do anything with in these parts. I’ve just been sitting here on the dock for the past day or so tossing rocks and then making loops in the air.

Oh, and Blaze? When he’s not eating or smoking, he’s passed out on his recliner. Dude is a friggin ghost, as far as I’m concerned. I’m not even sure you’d want a picture. He’s not what we remember him as, and he’s certainly not the dude I named a move after.

...Okay, maybe I’m overreacting. I mean, it’s only been a day and a half, and he’s getting a little older and hasn’t always lived the healthiest lifestyle. Still, I would think it’d be a little bit later than his forties to start becoming so... old.

I don’t even know what I’m doing here at this point. He asks me to come over, but for me to just lounge around on a dock while he sleeps is getting frustrating, especially when there’s other stuff I wanna do this summer.

I’ll be more patient with him, I promise, but that’s not easy for me.

So what’s going on with you? Aside from your slutty ways, of course...

Okay, I’ll stop, but don’t think I’m not onto you ;)

So anyway, safari, how’s that going? Have you seen any griffons, yet? I haven’t seen one since Gilda, and I must say, I think I’ve been jonesing to see them again. If Twilight wasn’t having to deal with the fighting between the griffons and pegasi, I’d be jealous that she’s spending time in Cloudsdale with those dignitaries.

But yeah, if I take some pictures in Luna Pier, promise me you’ll take pictures of any and all awesome-looking animals. So help me, if you send me pics of bunnies or butterflies, and I have kindling for my fire.

By the way, you should totally get one of those word-a-day calendars. I once thought ‘kindling’ was gibberish, but it’s actually egghead gibberish that will make ponies think you’re smart.

Thanks for telling me about that funnel cake place, by the way. I’ve been eating it while writing this letter, and I feel better, already. I asked the ponies working there about Hankey, but they say he's retired and living in Foalando, these days. They told me his im son Honkey owns the joint now. It's some dang good funnel cake, I wish you could see it.

Actually... I think I've just found my first picture for you.

OOC: attached is a picture of a half-eaten funnel cake on a crumpled sheet of tin foil.

There, ain't she a beaute? I'll send some more pictures and, yeah, if you really want, I'll get a picture of Blaze for you.

I'll tell him you said hi... when he's awake for more than a few minutes, I mean.

Keep cool,

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I do hope this finds you well in Luna Pier, and your dear father as well. You speak so little of him, and of family in general, that I wondered if there was some ill will between you. Seeing you rush off so suddenly to join him certainly dispelled that notion, and I apologize for not asking of him further before this situation came up.

If you require anything at all, do please ask, Rainbow. I find myself with far too much time on my hooves and too little to do, and such a predicament could lead even a proper Lady into unfortunate straits if she allowed herself to stray. I don't suppose your father could use a new scarf, or perhaps a tastefully understated throw blanket?

Do keep in touch, Rainbow, as you’re able. I miss all of you so dearly. As much as I may complain about your occasional lack of couth and you not-so-occasional pranks (my swatch collection is off limits to you, filly, and to Pinkie too - I still haven’t gotten the hoofmarks off the ceiling), life has swiftly become too quiet, too simple to bear without you and the rest of our friends. Just yesterday I found myself staring at the sky from a bench in Ponyville Park, waiting for a chorus of songbirds to rise from the edge of the woods, or a rainbow to stitch between fading clouds. Some days I pray for peace and quiet and now, only days parted, I'm wishing just a bit that some new pony would wander into town to spark a "Welcome to Ponyville!" party, excess cider and noise complaints intact.

Oh dear me, I'm beginning to sound rather like you, aren't I? About to complain that without you five around, suddenly our little Ponyville is no longer quite as “cool” or “awesome”. How dreadful - I believe you may be contagious! Perhaps Nurse Redheart has a salve for that.

Don’t worry about Rarity - doubtless I'll manage to occupy myself somehow. Give my regards to your father, and do let me know how he's faring. Having only recently seen my own parents, and having left my beloved little protégé and sometime-nemesis Sweetie Belle with them for the summer, I know well how important family can be and how they can change one's priorities overnight.

Be well and take care, darling.



May 20th

From Twilight Sparkle

Dear Applejack,

I just got into Cloudsdale. It’s sort of funny; I remember flying here with everypony in my balloon and the whole trip going by so fast I didn’t even notice. This time around I was flown here in a royal chariot with attending guards. I’m positive the whole time traveling took half the time, but it was so monotonous in comparison to the balloon I was ready to grind my teeth. It was probably because I had to sit through a mane stylist getting me ready, only to fly (in an open air chariot) and have to sit through the whole thing over again before dinner. I get the second time around, I really do. These talks between the griffons and pegasi have been going on for years and they were conducted by Princess Celestia, so I understand the whole ‘keeping up appearances’ idea, I just don’t understand who was getting anything out of my mane on a chariot flight.

I’m here now, though, and I’m…I’m nervous, AJ. Really nervous. Princess Celestia says I’m the best pony for the job, and if somepony can find a way to bridge the rift between the griffons and pegasi it’d be me, but I’ve never really done anything like this before. I love helping ponies, but from everything I’ve heard and what I saw at dinner, I’m not sure anypony wants to be helped. I mean…it goes as deep as that sentence I just wrote. Helping ponies. Anypony wants to be helped. It’s ingrained as far down as how we speak; no wonder the Griffon Kingdom says we’re arrogant. And I know I’ve faced down others that didn’t want to be friends, but those situations weren’t really like this. It’s so…quiet compared to Tirek or Discord (especially Discord). Everypony’s polite and says they want to form an alliance, but it all feels like lip-service. I think they want to look like they want to form an alliance much more than actually wanting it.

And besides, when I went up against things like that, I always had you and the others right there with me. Even when I thought or was told it needed to just be me, you were always there. I’m not sure if it’s the situation that’s actually intimidating, or if it’s the fact that I really am on my own this time.

Ugh, I’m complaining and I haven’t even started doing anything yet. I’m sorry, AJ, when I was thinking about writing to you on the chariot I was imagining this letter being a lot more sentimental. I know it hasn’t been that long since we said goodbye, but I miss you already. Even with all the craziness these last few months, we had a lot of time for just the two of us and I guess I sort of thought the summer would be more of that. Maybe hoped is the better word. I hoped I’d get a quiet summer I could spend with you.

Anyway, enough of that. Cloudsdale is as beautiful as I remember and I hope I have a chance to really get out and about a few days. There are a lot of things that are unique to Cloudsdale compared to any other city in Equestria, and after the Best Young Flyer competition I was kicking myself for weeks that I didn’t get out to see the hanging garden or any of the museums. I hear there’s an old temple to a cloud spirit that’s been maintained for two thousand years! I’m getting excited just thinking about it. Rainbow gave me a couple of places to go to see, too. Well, she mostly told me to not eat fried pickles at a specific restaurant if I treasure my gastrointestinal tract, and warned me to avoid a street at night if I don’t want to be involved in…flashdances, I guess? At least she means well. She did recommend a gym, a dance club, and a deli she wants to take me to, and I’m worried I’ll have to go to the first two before she takes me to the third, just in case she asks.

So that’s what’s going on with me, I guess. How are you doing? Have you settled in in Canterlot? How’s your back been feeling? Okay, okay, I remember I promised to not pester you about how it’s feeling; you don’t even have to be here for me to picture your expression. I can’t help worrying about it, even if I know you’ll be fine if you let it heal and that you’re in good hooves. I remember the special treatment from when I had my tonsils removed as a filly. It’s a little hazy from the medicine I was on and the gallon of ice cream I ate, but everypony was really nice and I barely lifted a hoof the whole time.

I hope you’re feeling better soon. Maybe one of these weekends I’ll have enough time to come see you for a while. I’d like that.

With love,


Dear Pinkie,


Ugh, I’ll back up. So Luna Pier is almighty dullsville and my dad is just... I don’t even know what. He’s all tired and just not the guy I used to know. Did I ever tell you he played arena hoofball? He still holds all the passing records for the Cloudsdale Bombers. And even when he had to quit to raise me, he still had this... life to him that made him stupidly charismatic. Everypony loved him.

Now, he’s a ghost, and I’m stuck in his ghost town. Hopefully, I can mozy out of here within a few days, but he told me at dinner he wanted to tell me something... I asked him what exactly he wanted to say, but his face scrunched up and he just trailed off. He stood up and stumbled off to the porch for a cigarette.

So yeah, a real bastion of info, my dad is.

(Luna bless these word-a-days. Never have I had access to such metal words.)

Eh, I should stop complaining about my sitch. Soon enough, my dad will tell me what’s up, and I can say goodbye to this place forever. Hopefully, he’ll do so before I run into Fluttershy’s parents. Shy may want me to go see them, but... yeah, screw that. Don’t get me started on them.

So what’s up with you and your party binge? I remember going on something along those lines back when I dropped out of high school. I and the pack of griffons I travelled (and more) with hopped around all the clubs... and then were promptly kicked out, because usually, some drunken bozo pegasus would try to start something with the first griffon he saw.

Ugh, I am just in a real downer mood today, ain’t I? I’m sorry, Pinks, I guess this place is just doing it to me. It’s so quiet, and there’s nopony to talk to. I went out into the town to find some civilization, and there’s just a loose bundle of ponies wandering around. There were some kids breaking bottles in the parking lot of the corners (which admittedly has got some good soy jerky on them), but that’s only fun for like a minute, and then, you run out of bottles. It looks like they had skateboards on them, but I didn’t see anything to skate on while flying. They’re probably those kind of idiots who just do ollies on their front porches and injure themselves trying to be awesome ponies like Scoots.

Aw man, I miss that kid. I miss all of you guys.

But hey, like I said, I should be here a few days more at the most, so I’ll be hoofloose and not such a drag.

Let me know how you’re partying down and where you’re heading for next. I just might hit you up.

Your homegirl,

Author's Note:

Cutie Mark Pagebreaks designed by Jondor, used with permission.