• Published 26th May 2014
  • 1,158 Views, 137 Comments

The Mailbox: Reloaded - bats

The Mane Six have left Ponyville for the summer, each traveling to a different part of Equestria for different reasons. But a few months and a little distance can't stop their friendship!

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Week Two

May 26th


So the griffons like stairs, huh? Interesting… very interesting.

And wow, some of these guys seem like real hardcore safari… ers. You should ask them why they aren’t sending letters. Surely they’ve got friends and family back home too, right? Just because you’re in the wild doesn’t mean you all have to be like caveponies. Neigh.

As for the hunting… hum, I dunno! I think it’s good you stood your ground ‘n’ all, but things work differently there. I’ve seen you feed fishies to your otters before. It’s kinda like that, I guess. Circle of life and stuff. I guess you’d know better than me, but that’s what I think. From the sound of things, griffons have been hunting for aaaaages.

Maybe you just need to be more tolerant of each other? You’ve only just met, but you’re all going on this epic safari adventure! Normally that’d be something we’d do, but you’re doing with a bunch of new griffons. That makes things kinda different. But you’re still doing really well just by being there, so Auntie Pinkie here is proud of ya.

Sorry I haven’t written much lately, but I had to work real hard on my float. I talked to Coco Pommel (you remember her, right?) and she said that I like singing and stuff, so why not make a musical float? I thought that it was a good idea, but it felt like it was missing one thing…

So I added bubbles. Everypony likes bubbles.

Basically I had all these giant trumpets wrapping around the float, and the base of it was a giant drum, and there were loads of other big instruments for decoration! All the trumpets blew out bubbles onto the crowd and they seemed to love it! I played my one pony polka, which went down a treat! It’s pretty tiring though, so I had to eat some candy afterwards to keep going.

There was so many other floats there, you wouldn’t believe it! The Daring Do was really cool! It was like, a giant temple of something with (fake) fire erupting from the top! All the kids seemed to really enjoy that, but I had to laugh at all the adults getting all giddy about it too. It’s fun to see the grown up ponies go back to their childhoods for once.

The city felt so alive, it was amazing! Music played throughout the streets, and the cheers of the crowd was just electrifying! Everypony seemed real happy to be there, even the guard ponies!

But then… everything just kinda stopped when it finished. Like, there wasn’t much of a post-party cheer. Life went back to normal for them, so that lifeless came back like a moody Opalen Opalasen Opalesense Opal when she comes back to Rarity’s house. I don’t think I like Manehattan very much, but neither do you or Applejack, so that makes three of us at least.

I’m going to Baltimare tomorrow. There’s a boat race that’s got my name on it! And these won’t be the boring sail boats, nah. These are gonna be the super cool new steam boats! I can’t wait!

Trying to find her sealegs in time,


Sorry this didn’t come sooner. I’m hugging your letter right now. I know that doesn’t mean much, but you’re in my thoughts. And, I dunno, maybe you’ll feel some of the warmth hugs bring.

This is gonna sound kinda mean, but it’s not, Pinkie Promise. I just gotta know though: what’s he dyi passing of? You need to know as much as you can if you wanna do your best to help him. And that includes getting a doctor too. Make sure you get a nice one, ‘cause some of them put up a wall between them and patients so it seems like they don’t really care.

You gotta be strong for him, Dashie, like I know you are. It’s terrible to be away when somepony you love passes away, ‘cause then you never get to say any proper goodbyes. Just trust me on that one. Years later, you’ll look back at this, and you’ll get a little sad, but you’ll get a little happy too because you knew you made your Dad happy by just being there and you’ll remember all the good times. It’s just gonna be a bit hard right now, but I know you can get through it.

You also need to tell Fluttershy. She deserves to know, probably more than I do. And a burden shared is a burden halved. Or thirded, in this case? If she finds out by herself, that you kept this all a secret, she’s gonna be really upset. And Fluttershy’s smart, so she’s gonna find out sometime whether you tell her or not.

Make sure you get plenty of rest too and don’t do anything silly. I don’t think you will though, but I’m writing that juuuust in case. Write to us often, okay? Maybe tell the others about this too, but I’m leaving that one down to you. Oh! And thanks for telling me about this, Dashie. It can’t have been easy, but it probably feels just tiny bit better, right? I hope so.

I’m hugging your letter again just in case.

I’ll try to figure out a way to put cupcakes or something else with these letters, without mushing them up. I’m leaving Manehattan soon, heading for Baltimare for a boat race. But if you want me to be with you instead, I’ll be right there. Actually, you probably know that already. You’re always so easy to find.

Hope this helps. Sorry if it’s not as, uh, ‘me’ as you expected, but there’s time for that later. For now, be strong, be safe, and be writing back as soon as you can.

Lots of love,

P.S. Ooo! I had the best idea ever! We could totally play some fun pranks on the others with these letters! If you want to, anyway, it just sounded like a bit of fun.

May 27th

Dear Fluttershy,

The cantina's loaded here, you don't even know :D

But yeah, ever since Blaze and I went there last week, I've been going there a lot, usually when he goes to sleep, because hey, the party shouldn't stop for the Dash just because her old stallion's too lame to keep going, amirite?

Nah, but things are cool here. Luna Pier is still lame, but Blaze told me he gets that. He said he needed a change of scenery anyway, so we're taking a trip!

Yeah, we decided we'd go to places together. We can get him back into shape, and hey, maybe he'll be up for flying again! The dude can still fly, Shy, he's just not in the right mentality.

But yeah, later in the afternoon, we're on a train headed for Vanhoover, and then if we don't like what we see there, I've got places like Manehattan, Baltimare, Las Pegasus, and a bunch of other spots. It's kind of a 'Dash and Blaze get their groove back' kind of trip, so hopefully, I–or really, we–succeed in our mission.

So yeah, maybe we'll see the girls, we'll see.

Now, about your safari buddies, I'm proud of you for standing your ground. If they try to give you any more grief, let them know you're not gonna put up with it. No matter how much they kick and scream about how they're not gonna move or how your plan is stupid (or something, I'm just generalizing here, btw), you need to stay principled knowing that you're making the right call.

Just let me know if they're giving you any more trouble, let me know. I can swing by and kick some asses, if need be (those jungle countries have good witch doctors, right? Just wondering).

But anyway, Blaze and I have some packing to do. We'll be at the Sky-Rise in Manehattan, if you're wondering.

Stay cool,

P.S.- Oh yeah, I totally paid attention to all those boring PSAs back in high school. Come to think of it, did they also explain safe sex? Because if so, I either really flaked out, or griffon-pony sex needs to be taught to pegasi, or else it's really touch and go for a kid...

Dear Pinkie,

I wanna apologize, first off. I probably wasn't all-together when I wrote that letter, and I must have stressed you out unfairly.

At the same time, though, I wanna thank you. I needed somepony to be there for me, and you were just that. Dunno what I'd do without you.

I'm in a better state of mind now, so my priorities are focused, once again.

So, I guess I should first answer your question. My dad seems to be dying of some kind of cancer. He doesn't seem to be in the know about what it is specifically, either... which is why I'm getting him out of Luna Pier to some experts.

He can't be dying, Pinkie. He's just been sick and seems to think that's grounds for him to give up. I'm not gonna go to these crap doctors in Luna Pier, either. Obviously, this dead environment is sucking away his life force, or something. I'm taking him all over Equestria to find clinics. Good ones. Ones that I found in books and medical magazines and crap. I'm gonna find a doctor who can help my dad. I refuse to subside when it comes to family. (Yeah, word-a-day calendar. Still awesome)

Right now, I'm on a train to Manehattan. I've already got an appointment with their best oncologist, and he's gonna set things straight, I just know it.

But don't stop your trip for us, Pinkie. You've helped enough already by just lending an ear (or, I guess, set of eyes. You weren't 'all ears' so much as 'all eyes'). But yeah, you have fun in Baltimare, while I get my dad better.

Let me know about the wild stuff you're getting into, alright? I'll let you know how my dad's doing.

Stay cool,

P.S.- Letter pranks? You are so on. Where do we start?

May 29th

Heya Dashie,

You shouldn’t have to worry about me, silly. I wasn’t the one that needed a li’l comfort. I was more than happy to help ya out, ‘cause if you’re sad, that makes me feel bad.

And you’re going to Manehattan? Aw! I was just there! I’m in Baltimare now, getting ready for a super awesome boat race. You’d love it, ‘cause they’re not saily-wind boats. They’re the new steam boats! Think water trains you’re kinda halfway there. Sorta. We’ll be racing around the sea and stuff, so I hope I’ve got a big enough boat to deal with sharks and stuff.

Anyway… cancer really sucks. It’s not like a cold, or a broken leg, when you can just feed your patient hot soup and cuddle them until they get better. It’s… different. I don’t even know how it works, but I’ve heard things from ponies. I’m glad you’re going with him to see good doctors, but please be careful. Don’t hop from town to town constantly, ‘cause that’s just gonna wear out your poor dad. And you gotta remember why he invited you to see him in the first place: for some quality time together. So make sure you squeeze that in between appointments. Don’t want you both catching boredom in all those squeaky clean hospitals!

But onto pranking! There’s tons of stuff we could do, some harder than others. It’s probably best to start small though and build it up from there. And anypony who figures us out can join in! It’ll be great! We might have to do different things for different ponies though. Twilight’s probably gonna see right through any sort of hidden messages we put in between the lines.

I think we should start with something more practical. How about glueing our letters to the envelopes? Glue the blank side since we still want our friends to get a lovely letter from us. But can you just imagine the looks on their faces when they try to get the letter out? Oh I wish I could pop out of the envelope too just to see it!

Take care of yourself and your dad, okay? If you need anything from me, I’ll do whatever I can to help. And be honest, too. Honesty is the best policy. Except for pranking, obviously.

Be safe and have lotsa fun,

Dear Pinkie,

Ah, Manehattan! I do miss it so. I admit I was somewhat disillusioned with the grand metropolis after that dreadful experience with Suri Polomare. I will speak no more of that abominable wretch lest I utter words unbecoming of a Lady. Perhaps the entire affair was for the best, though. Otherwise I may never have met that delightful Miss Pommel, and as you so frequently (and wisely, might I add) remind us, one can never have too many friends.

Speaking of friends, you have reminded me that I have been a dreadful one, which I am wont to do when distraction calls. I haven’t spoken to dear Coco in weeks, by letter or otherwise, and I feel simply awful about it. Celestia as my witness, the very moment I finish this letter, I shall write to Coco as well. I appreciate your mentioning her, Pinkie. Without such wonderful friends like you, how many of us would drift off into our own little worlds of work and duty and life? And as to your offer – yes, if you have time, do be a dear and check in on her, if you would. I would very much appreciate it as a personal favor.

I am at your disposal for decorating advice, though my experience with culture parades is rather limited. I’m not certain even cosmopolitan Manehattan is ready for haute coture parade floats. The fashion industry is a culture unto itself, if I am to be honest, and a rather vicious and insular one at that. “Squabbling and sniping and maneuvering against one another like a tea room packed with one too many feather-boa-bedecked and thoroughly starved Diamond Dogs” would not be an inapt image. Living in Ponyville insulates me from it somewhat, for which I am forever grateful.

Still, even a good Fashion Week backstabbing would be almost welcome at the moment. Things here are no more exciting than before, less so if possible. I hesitate to say this to you, for I know exactly what sort of fate-tempting in which I am about to engage, but I would welcome a surprise at this point – any surprise. Oh, what I would give for a good Rainbow-and-Pinkie prank right now! I would of course rant about my mussing my mane and how Ladies don’t engage in such tomfoolery, but only now when you’re all away do I realize how much those little surprises kept my life interesting, and in the best of ways.

Your letter opened with sage advice: “summer is the chance to try new things,” and perhaps the time has come for exactly that. I’ve been moaning about how I’m abandoned and trapped here in Ponyville, and here you and Fluttershy took the leap and made your own adventures. I have the bits and the time, and now I may just have the motivation.

Thank you, Pinkie. You’re a true darling.


Dear Rainbow Dash,

It’s good knowing you’re going places with your father, he was such a busybody he could barely go anywhere with us. Retirement sounds like it’s been good to him, I’m glad he has the free time to spend with you now.

Your trip with him sounds like it’s going to be a blast! He always did want to see the cities, he used to tell me all about how he met your mom while at a party in Las Pegasus. The bright lights, all of the ponies, the loud noises, the plays, the casinos, the competitions, I’m happy that you get to help him revisit all of that! I don’t think I could handle the city life very well, but you’re so good in social situations.

Be sure he does his stretches before he flies though! Airborne cramps are nothing to laugh at at his age.

I also forgot to apologize, I was late writing this letter due to our travels.

Candis is still very on the move but is a very effective animal handler. While we were exploring the Griffala Coral Reef he actually dissuaded a shark from the area by breaking a few vials filled with the oil taken from a dead shark. Disgusting, I know, but he assured me that the shark’s death had been natural and the oil was a by-product.

He kept the reef clear of predatory of territorial animals while Sir Dusty Tracks and I tagged and documented the fish! Broch watched and handled the equipment before giving it to us, and Fabian observed the birds and counted their eggs. We had an extremely productive day, you might have found it boring but I loved it!

The coral is gorgeous and comes in so many shapes, sizes, and colors. Sir Dusty Tracks and I were extremely careful not to harm the ecosystem, and tagging equipment we used uses a specialized ink that is in no way toxic to the environment.

I’m still draining sea water from my hair, but it’s no biggy! I got very dry - and kind of crinkly - playing with the birds. Fabian told me I have sort of savant-like connection with them. I got to look at their eggs and they didn’t try to fight me off, and I even flew with a flock of Ertin Tails (ertin means “split” in Griffon, Ertin Tails have scissor-like primaries, laterals, and side tail feathers).

I got the chance to watch a black-billed harrier’s mating dance as well! It was funny, but it was also very beautiful. The male approaches a female and raises his black feathered-tail to keep her in the shade while the sun rises. Then, he bobs and waves his white head left and right, up and down, it was almost hypnotizing against his dark body. If a female rejects the male, she leaves and gets back into the sun. If she accepts him, she moves closer to his shade, allowing him to touch her.

Sir Dusty Tracks also got to tag a three-striped swooper, which got him very excited. I feel like I’m really pulling my weight, calming the animals and letting the others approach them. He hasn’t needed to use a sedation spell once, which pleased him and Candis. Candis apparently dislikes any form of environmental change (even though he’s perfectly okay hunting).

While I write this, we’re on the wagon again to our next location, the Ur’konda Savanna, which separates Griffalabella from zebra lands. It’s going to be a long trip, but it’ll be well worth it.

I’m a little concerned about Broch though. He’s still very quiet but he keeps going through the equipment almost obsessively. He won’t let me approach any of it without his permission first. He’s not mean about it, but he’s weirdly possessive. He was the one that dug out my paper and pencil for this letter. From a distance, nothing seems wrong with the stuff. It’s a lot of bags, a lot of books, clothing, writing utensils, and tagging materials, with some extra. He’s even counting the food down to salt and pepper by pound.

He’s taking a nap right now, and I feel bad gossiping, but Fabian is telling me it’s nothing, Sir Dusty Tracks says the same, and I’m afraid to ask Candis after our argument.
I’m sure it’s nothing, but I can’t help but feel a little concerned, you know?

Much love,

May 31st

Dear Applejack,

Oh, Applejack.

I knew - suspected to the point of surety, really, but a Lady doesn’t quibble so - I knew it was bad, but I had no idea your injury would find you in such straits. I see now why Twilight sent you to Canterlot. She may be new to the crown but this proves her wisdom every bit as much as opening some pretty little box.

I'd send you a fifth of Stalliongrad's finest, or perhaps a few bottles of Sweet Apple Acres Private Reserve, but the former may start you down a hoofpath you're better off not traveling and the latter may make your longing all the worse. Not that the minders Twilight left watching you would allow such luxuries, of course. Haven't noticed her spies, hm? Don’t think for a moment that she'd leave you unattended. She knows you quite well, better than the rest of us (in ways a mare of manners does not discuss openly), and she's as eager as the rest of us to see you rest and recuperate, neither of which involves your saving Ponyville from itself.

Let me leave you with a suggestion, Applejack, and you are of course free to cast it to the winds. Write the girls, if you need, but beyond that, pen exactly one more letter. Use it to ask your dear Granny Smith how many crises Ponyville endured before you arrived to smooth its every rockpile and schedule its every raincloud. The elder darling has your gift of honesty, with the flair of bluntness only those whose winters are dwindling can apply. Let her tell you what goes on without you, when you're charging into Froggy Bottom Bog or across the frozen Crystal Empire tundra or through the very gates of Tartarus. I daresay the view from her front porch rocker reaches a good deal farther than your precious East Orchard.

As for myself, in fact I have utterly nothing to do. Sweetie is spoken for this summer, the rest of you are scattered across Equestria, and Ponyville needs neither saving nor a new line of Fall outerwear. I do sympathize with you; there's no feeling quite like seeing a project from inspiration to completion, especially when it's for a cause more worthy than ourselves. I'm stir crazy and restless, and - forgive me if I borrow your gift of directness for a moment - I am, unlike your poor self, in a position to change my surroundings. I fear I may need to do so rather soon or I may end up puttering about like some crazymare, ranting about earthquakes yet to happen or parades Twilight herself planned in excruciating detail months ago.

Do try to relax, will you, darling? You will do Ponyville, your family, and all of us far more good returning in good health and good spirits than you will as a half-healed nervous wreck. I shall miss you, dear, from wherever I may be when next I write.


June 1st

Dear Pinkie Pie,

That sounds very fun! The floats I mean, I just wish that sort of cheer could have stayed. I bet it must have been really exciting being apart of it. Then again, so many ponies watching you and cheering at you, or what if they’re not cheering? What if you make a bad float and nopony likes it and they start booing?

Or even worse, you try to be clever and ironic with, like, a Nightmare Moon float and they get super mad and start throwing things?! I don’t think I could put up with that stress, you’re very brave for risking your creativity like that, ponies can be so cruel sometimes…

Though boats aren’t. Boats don’t feel, but I always feel good near the water. The ship that brought me here was really nice, and the sailors were handsome huge nice and thought I was sexy were very complimentary. It got me thinking about maybe looking into a sail boat. Steamboats are too noisy and fast for me, I would be happy with just wind power and pillow to lay on.

Despite that, I wish you the best of luck in your race! Don’t worry about winning, I’m sure they’ll have some ponies like Dash competing, and if that’s the case, just do your best and enjoy the nice weather, unless it’s terrible, in which case you should probably stay inside where you won’t get rained on.

I talked with my safari friends about letters, and Sir Dusty Tracks said that he wants a totally pure experience to write about. He wants the safari to be about us and the wild, and that too much interaction with home makes his loins heart ache. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but he probably has a wife.

Candis had similar feelings, saying he wanted to have the whole safari feel isolated and wild. I get the feeling he’s not a big fan of cities, he got grumpy when we stepped into Silbera. Speaking of which, we’re in a new town. This one has some ponies and griffons, but it’s mostly zebras, so we’re definitely further south than I thought. It’s more of an outpost than anything, none of the buildings look permanent or new, and the food is mostly gruel (but it’s pretty good, they’re doing incredible things with potatoes).

Broch was silent as usual, but I get the feeling he’s more concerned with our stuff in the cart. He’s been defensive about it, and we have to ask him to retrieve what we want for us. He’s extremely protective, and the only time he raises his voice is when somebody gets too close to our stuff without asking. I don’t want to make him mad by asking him about why he’s being defensive, but he actually escorted me to the cart, got the paper and pencil for me, and then came back with me to eat (and boy did he look unhappy about it). I guess he just needs to know he can trust me.

Fabian says the thought hadn’t occurred to him, which is a little odd considering he’s so smart and charismatic, he can talk the zebra language as easily as pony or griffon. Still, it seems I’m the only one I convinced to write any letters, and they’re letting me do it without a fuss.

I’ve agreed to let them hunt for their food, but we’re on a strict “don’t ask don’t tell” basis about it. While I’ve been keeping my head turned, I do catch them preying on the wildlife and… goodness. Griffons are almost hawk-like, I never realized just how sharp their eyes were, or how fine-tuned they are to hunting. Those claws are so strong, Candis especially is an amazing hunter.
I wish I hadn’t looked, but watching him catch fish was hypnotizing. Broch is a little clumsy, but he’s so big he’s probably more suited to large game. I bet he could carry off a full grown buck without an issue. Fabian seems to prefer ground hunting, he’s good at pinning things in their holes and…

Sir Dusty Tracks recommends I don’t pay attention, but I can’t help it. These griffons are emulating their ancestors, hunting and eating purely through instinct. They don’t hunt anything endangered so I’m a little less troubled, but it still leaves me feeling numb whenever they come back.

I wish I wasn’t so judgmental, they know how I feel about it, but after getting to know so many animals, you start to really feel that nature isn’t some big dog-eat-dog world. All my animals get along, so I forget just how unforgiving nature can be outside of Ponyville, or even outside of Equestria.

Still, I’m trying to tolerate them. I’m in their home, on their safari, I need to act with proper respect.

Much love,

OOC: Contains fake letter written in ink that explodes in reader’s face along with the real thing.

Hey Shy,

It’s a shame I can’t see the look on your face (eh? EH?)

I’ll tell ya, joke shops in Manehattan are way more packed with stuff than anything we got in Ponyville.

Anyway, sorry for not writing. Busy weekend. We had... fun.

Yeah, fun, but we’re heading out in the morning. Manehattan’s got its sights and sounds and amazing joke shops, but I decided it’s best for him if we keep moving. This city didn’t really have what I was looking for, so next stop is Las Pegasus.

You know, it’s funny... Blaze never really talked to me all that much about mom or how they met and stuff. All I really knew was that she was younger than him and couldn’t raise me.

He really told you stuff, huh?

Whatever, it’s not a big deal, I guess. We’re going over to... party, and party we will. I’m sure we’ll find exactly what we’re looking for in that city, and if not, we’ll keep moving forward. Blaze will act like he’s tired, but I think I know my dad. He’s not a quitter. None of us are.

But anyway, you. All these dudes you’re with sound like weirdos, but if they’re hot, there might be a way to breaking through that weirdness. Ever consider the ol’ boom-shacka-lacka? Heck, take all of ‘em on, and it might ease the tension somewhat. It worked back when I rolled with my griffon buddies when there was a bad argument or sense of mistrust. You might not think ponies have mating dances like those snakes, but trust me: strut your stuff, shake your butt, lift your tail, you cannot fail!

Nah, but I kid. If these guys give you any more trouble or do anything fishy, I want you to tell me, alright? I will drop everything for the express purpose of ass-kickery.

And buck up, alright? You’re doing some cool stuff, okay? Blaze still remembers you as that little filly who was terrified of her own shadow, but look at you now! I’m telling him about some of the stuff you’re writing, and he’s pretty dang proud.

And... he really misses you. Like, a lot. I wasn’t gonna bring this up, but I had a conversation with him last night, and I brought up what you told me about Las Pegasus, and he talked about how there were certain things he could only tell you. We argued about... other stuff, but when he told me about you, it really hit me home how much you meant to him. You’re every bit of a daughter to him as I am, Shy.

And I guess that’s why he was a bit of a slouch when I got to Luna Pier. He’s missed us a lot, and I haven’t done my best to stay in his life. Not since High School, at least.

And maybe that’s why things are so strained between us... hopefully, I can make it up to him, right?

Write back soon, aiight? I mean... after you clean up (I know you can’t see it, but I’m having trouble breathing, you must look doofy as hell).

Your friend,