• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 3,717 Views, 218 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Birth of the Doctor - LightOfTriumph

Time Turner is just a watchmaker, until he comes across a Madman with a box.

  • ...

Solemnly Swear, Not to be Scared

It took quite a while to explain to Applejack what had been going on.

It took even longer for AJ to believe them.

"So let me see if I got this right," Applejack began. "This fella's from another dimension and he's come here to chase aliens that look like salt-shakers that'll destroy Equestria if they had half a shot?"

"That's..." the Doctor started. "That's about it, yeah."

"And how did my sister and her friends get involved in this nonsense?" Applejack asked angrily.

"The same way I usually do," the Doctor answered. "Wrong place at the wrong time."

Applejack nodded. "I can buy that."

"It wasn't our fault sis!" Apple Bloom protested. "Really! We just showed up to get Rarity's-"

She was soon muffled by Sweetie belle's hoof over her mouth. "We just wanted to check in on our good friend Time Tuner!"

"That's Turner" Time Turner rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." said Sweetie Belle.

"Never mind all that," said Turner. "Applejack, we need to know everything we can about the Mirror Pond."

"The Mirror Pond," Applejack looked confused. "Why?"

"We think the Daleks want to use it!" Scootaloo chimed in.

Applejack took a moment to consider all of this. "Assumin' you're not just spoutin' a bunch of hooey," AJ began cautiously. "You better come with me. We need to go talk to Twilight."

"I'm coming too," Time Turner said. "I may not be all that useful, but I want to help in any way I can."

The Doctor gave Turner a soft smile.

"We're coming too!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Oh no you're not!" Applejack protested. "You three are staying right here. Big Mac you look after them."

There was a collective "Awwww" from the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Doctor, Turner, you come with me." Applejack said. "It's time for you to go meet the rest of us."

The Dalek had managed to slip through most of Ponyville unnoticed. Hiding in back alleys. Keeping his distance. Making his way to the great crystal tree.

That's where his interrogation subjects said the figure of authority lived. It took three of his friends dead for the fourth to finally talk. The loyalty on these life forms was vexing.

It made its was cautiously, taking care not to be noticed.

All of a sudden, it's vision went pink.

"Malfunction! Malfuction!" the Dalek cried. "I cannot see!"

"Oops!" came a bright voice from on top of the Dalek. "Sorry about that! I didn't realize you could talk! I thought you were a weird looking bench!"

The pinkness left the Daleks vision, and a pony sat in front of him.

"Name's Pinkie Pie!" the pony said happily. "What's yours, strange walking ottoman?"

The Doctor told Twilight, Applejack and four other ponies about the dilemma. Twilight listened intently, her eyes closed, nodding every so often.

"Doctor," she began when the Doctor had finished. "You think these creatures in great numbers will be a threat to Equestria?"

"I think they're a threat to us now," the Doctor answered. Call it vanity, but I think the only reason they're hiding now is because of me."

"No offense," said Rainbow Dash. "But why would these super killing machines be afraid of you?"

"Because," the Doctor said calmly. "I'm one of the only people in history who has ever managed to beat a Dalek. I've done it several times now. I was there when they were created, and I've been a figure through millennia of Dalek history."

Time Turner knew this couldn't be right. He looked to young. Though to be fair, he couldn't possibly know what "young" looked like for him. But millennia? Was he suggesting that he had gone back-

Turner dismissed the thought immediately. That was impossible. Time only moved forward. Nopony could swim up that stream.

Yet something about this man's presence made him believe it.

"Oookay," said Rainbow Dash, obviously believing it too.

"Umm..." came the quiet voice of Fluttershy. "I don't want to interrupt, Mister Doctor sir, but why shouldn't we handle this. I'm sure the Elements of harmony could-"

The Doctor shook his head. "Sorry," he continued. "They don't come from your universe, they work on different rules."

"Oh this is just a catastrophe!" Rarity cried.

"I agree, the situation is very grave." Twilight said.

"Not that!" Rarity protested. "You go through all the trouble picking out that fabulous suit, brown really is you color, and then you have to ruin it with those shoes!"

"Really?" Applejack said dryly. "We're doin' this now?"

"You may continue in your investigation, Doctor," Twilight said. "We'll provide any help you need."

"Actually," Time Turner spoke up. "We were hoping that you would have some more information on the Mirror Pond. You five are closer to Pinkie Pie than I am, did she tell you anything?"

"Surprisingly little," Twilight said regretfully. "After the incident we didn't want to talk much about it. I'm sorry, but the only pony who can give you more information is Pinkie Pie." Twilight looked around the room. "Where is she anyway?"

"...after all I went through I finally get to tell somepony! This is exciting! Are you excited, because I'm excited, I've never been so excited! Except for the time when I met Twilight and went *gasp* but really who can top-"

"Cease talking!" The Dalek screamed. It had had enough of this.

Pinkie stopped, took a deep breath, and held it in.

"You will tell me how to activate the Mirror Pond!" the Dalek screamed.

"Mphmphphmpmh mphmh mhphphphphm." Pinkie Pie said.

"Speak!" screamed the Dalek.

"But I thought you said-" Pinkie started.

"SPEAK!" the Dalek demanded.

"Okay, jeez make up your mind," Pinkie said. "To get the mirror pool to work, you've got to say the right words. Otherwise you'll just get all wet."

"Explain!" the Dalek shouted.

"Just repeat after me," she said. "I solemnly swear..."

The Dalek was apprehensive of this "I solemnly swear."

"Not to be scared..."

"Not to be scared..."

"At the prospect of being doubly fair!"

The Dalek repeated the last line. "What is the significance of these words! Explain! Explain!"

"All you gotta do is say that in front of the pond, and it'll make a whole new you!" Pinkie Pie heard the ringing of the town hall bell. "Oops! I'm late! Sorry mister Dorlek! Byeeee!" Pinkie pie hopped away.

"Halt!" the Dalek screamed in protest. "You will cease moving! Obey! Obey!"

But Pinkie Pie had already left.

The Dalek made his way back to the forest. It had something to report to Davros.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had managed to sneak past Big Mac, and made it into the basement. They had their minds set on the TARDIS.

"There it is," said Apple Bloom, staring lovingly at the big blue box.

"Let's go in!" Scootaloo said.

"I don't know guys..." Sweetie Belle said nervously. "I don't think it's a good idea to be messing around with Alien Spaceships."

"Were not gonna try to fly it Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo retorted. "We're just gonna look around inside."

Sweetie Belle wavered. "Alright... But let's be as quick as possible."

The walked to the TARDIS, and the doors opened for them.

The Crusaders paused. "Okaaaaaay." Scootaloo said after a moment.

The three walked in and began exploring. Finding all sorts of things around. A closet full of an assortment of different clothes, including a jacket that would've made Rarity weep. A green orb that seemed to be screaming. A mystery novel entitled "The Unicorn and the Wasp." A blue denim jacket hung up on the wall with care.

And a small silver pocketwatch.

"Hey guys!" Sweetie Belle called for the other two, holding the watch in her hand. "Check this out!"

They examined it carefully for quite a while before Apple Bloom asked a very good question. "Why would a 'Time Lord' need a watch?"

The doors of the TARDIS slammed shut.

"What's goin' on?!" Apple Bloom screamed.

The TARDIS began to wheeze and grind.

"We're taking off!" Scootaloo began to panic.

"Well where are we going?!" Sweetie Belle asked in a frenzy as the TARDIS violently lurched forward and back.

"You heard the Doctor!" Scootaloo screamed back.

Apple Bloom Swallowed hard. "Anywhere."

Author's Note:

Hey! I found the horizontal rule button! Goodbye ugly rows of asterisks!

And yes, a Dalek interrogating Pinkie Pie is the greatest thing ever conceived by humans. Your welcome.

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