• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 3,717 Views, 218 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Birth of the Doctor - LightOfTriumph

Time Turner is just a watchmaker, until he comes across a Madman with a box.

  • ...

The Dalek Invasion of Ponyville

The monitor displayed thousands of blips, each one of them Daleks, heading straight for town.

Applejack's heart began to beat rapidly. Her family. Her friends. Everypony she knew was in danger.

And now Turner, who she had once considered a friend, was something completely new. This new 'Doctor', what was he?

"Right!" The new Doctor smiled. "Okay then. Where did you put them?" He ran into the bowels of the TARDIS and began to rummage around.

"Put what?" asked the Tenth.

"Where are they? Where are they? Ah!" The new Doctor pulled out a small box with two circular objects inside of it. "Only two left. We can't afford to make any mistakes. Applejack!"

"Yes?" Applejack said when he called her name.

The new Doctor tossed one of the objects to Applejack, and put the cardboard glasses on her face. To her surprise, there was a green haze surrounding the Tenth. "You see all that around Sneakers, over there?"

"Sneakers?" the Tenth Doctor asked.

"That is Void Stuff," the new Doctor explained. "Down there, there's one Dalek that's covered with it. Keep these glasses on and you'll be able to see it. Once you do catch a glimpse of him, attach that to his casing."

"What is it?" Applejack asked, examining the object in her hand.

"That's a Sontaran timed mine," said the new Doctor. "One of those will blow a Dalek wide open."

Applejack took off the glasses and looked into what were once Time Turner's eyes. After a long debate with herself, she decided that it would probably be best to trust him. At least for now. "You got it."

"Fantastic," the new Doctor smiled. He walked over to the Tenth. "We only had one pair, so that means you and I are going to have to do a bit of guesswork. If we figured out the flaw in the plan, we can assume Davros did too."

"So we can assume that he's keeping one of the originals close to him," the Tenth reasoned.

"And we can figure out the rest when we get there!" the new Doctor said brightly. "Hold on a minute." He slammed a button on the TARDIS console, and the ship came to a halt. "Applejack, this is your stop. You three stay in the TARDIS."

"Like hoof we will!" Scootaloo protested. "This is our town, too!"

"No argument!" the new Doctor said firmly.

The doors to the TARDIS opened in the middle of Ponyville's main road. The citizens were fleeing past, their screams sometime cut short by Dalek fire.

Applejack ran out the door. Behind her she could swear she heard three small voices yell "Geronimo!"

Davros made his way to the Crystal Tree, backed by around a hundred Daleks. All the while contemplating.

This universe was nothing. It wouldn't take him long. He had bigger plans. He had infinity on his mind.

Trillions of parallel universes. Trillions of worlds to conquer. Soon existence would belong to his Daleks.

Soon they would become a Lynchpin of the Multiverse.

And then Davros stopped dead in his tracks. A blue box hand materialized in front of him.

The Doctor and a pony stepped out. "Hello!" said the pony. "Do you have a minute?"

Applejack searched around for a moment before she remembered to put the glasses on.

Ponyville was a big town, and right now that town was swarming with Daleks. How was she supposed to find the one that the Doctor sent her after?

There was a smokey green gust in the corner of her eye. She turned around to see the a Dalek, practically caked in what the Doctors had called Void Stuff.

She made her way to it. Trying to be as quiet as possible. Trying not to alert the Dalek to her presence until she was directly behind it.

When she was about to place the mine, she stepped on a branch.

The Dalek whipped around and smacked Applejack broadside with it's manipulation arm, laying her prone, and forcing her to drop the mine. "Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Applejack was about to die. She felt it. She probably would have, if it weren't for three filly shaped shadows that soared over her and made for the Dalek. One in a bow thought to pick up the mine.

Scootaloo grabbed its manipulation arm. Sweetie Belle grabbed its weapon. There was a struggle as the three fillies attempted to hold it in place. It fired of a few blasts into the walls before Apple Bloom managed to mount it, and place the bomb on its head.

"Hit the deck!!" she yelled as she pressed the Button and dived out of the way.

The rest of the Crusaders did the same and a second later the Dalek exploded. Around them half of the Daleks that had been invading dissipated and flew back in the direction of the Mirror Pond.

The four ponies took a moment to breathe. Then the fillies excitedly checked their flanks.

"Nothin'?" Apple Bloom deflated a little.

"I suppose it's for the best," Scootaloo thought aloud. "I mean, how often is this gonna come up?"

The Two Doctors stared Davros down for a moment before the Dalek creator broke the silence. "That was quite the impressive trick you pulled back there, 'Time Lord'," he sneered. "I didn't realize that a regeneration cycle could go so awry as to put you in that ridiculous form. Who are you, truly?"

"I'm the Doctor," the new Doctor grinned.

"Nonsense," Davros scoffed. "I have seen every incarnation of the man beside you. Be it through documentation or in person. Trust me I would have remembered you."

"Oh, come now Davros!" the Tenth smiled. "Your more open minded then that! What happened to you thinking 'beyond your own scientific understanding, eh? Or perhaps the prospect of staring down two Doctors has got you a bit afraid..."

"Afraid?" Davros shrieked. "The full force of Gallifrey couldn't withstand the force of my Daleks! Thousands of Time Lords fell before them, and at best, he is just another Time Lord!"

"Oh, Davros," the new Doctor smirked. "I am so much more than 'just another Time Lord. I am the one who saw you make these wretched things around you. I'm the one who saw the birth of the most feared cyborgs in the galaxy, twice. I have been to the beginning and end of time. I have seen moments in between that could make you cry at the beauty, or the horror. I watched my world fall. I watched as a man I could have once called friend lost his mind. I have held all of time inside myself, and my face is engraved across the stars. I am the pony. The Watchmaker. The New. I am the Doctor, and there's nothing 'just another' about me."

Davros was momentarily cowed by the oratory. "We shall see about that..." Davros grumbled. He pointed a shaky hand at the new Doctor. "EXTERMINATE!!"

The new Doctor hurled the last mine at a Dalek next to Davros. "Get down!"

When the Dalek exploded, all of its copies flew into the Mirror Pond. Leaving Davros and the Doctors alone.

"That was quite good!" said the Tenth as he dusted himself off. "How did you know that was the original?"

"Honestly, I didn't." the new Doctor admitted. "I just realized we were dead if I did nothing so I guessed. Oh dear..."

They looked at Davros. The bomb had taken out half of his chair. His life support was going offline.

Davros was dying.

"So," the Tenth called over to the mad scientist. "This is how Davros, creator of the Daleks, dies. Honestly this isn't what I expected."

Davros let out a hacking laugh. "That is where you are mistaken, Doctor," he said. "You see, even though I die...

"Davros lives on."

Before their eyes Davros dissipated into magical energy and soared into the Everfree Forest.

A Mirror Pond duplicate. Davros was long gone. He had fled back to his home universe.

Author's Note:

Dedicated to Cheerilee-party-hard and Mister L

One more chapter to go! Then I'mma have questions for you guys...

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