• Published 27th Oct 2014
  • 10,276 Views, 287 Comments

Spike's 'Real' Day - Aura Zero

Twilight finds a spell that has a very peculiar outcome and decides she needs someone to test it on. Spike's not so fond of the idea, nor the fact that she always uses him for experimental purposes. Maybe its time to speak his mind about it....

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Once Spike was away from the Crusaders, he put his claws behind his head and strolled towards the market as he looked at the sky.

"Nice day. Warm weather, no cloud in sight and a nice cool breeze; perfect for a picnic. Now to get some ingredients so I can make the perfect sandwiches. I might even make my triple-decker cookies." Spike smiled as he walked right into the market area.

"Get your carrots here! Fresh carrots!"

The market was bustling with ponies trying to get their own groceries as Spike walked through it to find his ingredients. Many ponies were shouting out their wares to garner other's attention, while some merely stood back and watched as ponies came to theirs since their stuff sold fast.

"Alright first lets get some apples of course." Spike said as he headed over to the apple stand. He saw that Big Mcintosh was running the stand for today. "Hey there Big Mac." Spike said as he got close.

Big Mac noticed him and gave him a nod. "Evenin' Spike. Here fer some apples Ah'm guessin'?"

"You guessed right. Just half a dozen please." Spike said as he flicked six bits with his claw towards Mac who effortlessly caught them and put them in a box. Mac swiped six apples in a bag and tossed it at him. Spike caught it as he started to walk away. "Have a good one Spike."

"Thanks Big Mac." Spike said as he strolled towards the next stand.

He was about to speak to the mare behind the lettuce stand until someone pulled his attention away.

"Hey! You there! Little dragon!" Spike immediately frowned knowing the voice before he turned and saw a rather annoying blue unicorn walking up to him. "Trixie requires your attention for a moment."

"The name's 'Spike', not 'little dragon'. And what are you even doing here?" Spike said as he glared at her with his arms crossed.

Trixie hesitated at his stare before she continued. "Well, Spike, Trixie requires an audience with Princess Twilight and Trixie-"

"Don't care, busy." Spike said cutting her off and turning towards the stand.

Trixie just stood there shocked at what just happened. Spike merely ignored her as he dropped a few bits on the table and took the amount he needed. He turned around and walked around Trixie before she snapped out of it and walked after him.

"Hey! Don't ignore Trixie! Trixie has to have your help if Trixie-"

Spike stopped and tuned to her with an annoyed frown. "Ugh, can you stop talking in third person? Its annoying. I already know your name; don't need to hear it three times in every sentence." Spike then turned and walked away leaving a stunned and shocked unicorn.

She grew angry at the insult the dragon gave her and rushed up in front of him, making him stop and look up at her with a flat expression. "Why are you acting so rude!?"

His flat expression turned to an angry one. "You used me as a basketball and tried to kick Twilight out of Ponyville."

Trixie flinched visibly as he said those words and frowned and looked down. "Oh, Tri....I apologize."

Spike's expression softened at that. "Apology accepted." he said as he started to walk around her. Trixie merely stood there for a moment before Spike spoke up.

"Are you coming?" Trixie turned and saw him smiling slightly at her. She smiled back but quickly changed her expression and joined him as he continued to the next stall.

"What exactly are you doing?" Trixie asked as Spike paid some bits and grabbed a few oranges.

"Just getting ingredients for a picnic me and the girls are having. I'm sure you can talk to Twilight before then. Just let me finish and we can head back." Spike said as he tossed a bit towards Carrot Top, simultaneously catching a carrot and giving a smile and nod to the mare.

Trixie nodded. "Very well. Tr... I will wait with you until you are finished."

Spike nodded as he continued along, gathering more ingredients. As he was looking at the cucumbers, Trixie spoke up.

"So how has the new princess been since becoming a princess and all?" Trixie said trying to create small talk.

"Ask her yourself when you see her. I'm sure she will tell you now that you two are okay with each other." Spike said as he grabbed two good ones and gave the pony the bits. He then moved towards the next stand. Trixie followed behind.

"T- I, haven't known you that much but you seem different." Trixie said as she caught up to him.

"Nah, just don't care today." Spike said as he grabbed two bananas and tossed his bits behind him, landing in the bit box.

"That was a pretty good shot." Trixie said aloud.

"I know." Spike said simply as he continued along.

All of a sudden someone called out. "Oh my gosh look! It's Trixie! She's back!"

Trixie looked and saw two colts she really weren't fond of. Spike merely ignored the voice and kept walking towards the next stall, however, as he was looking at the pineapples, he couldn't help but hear their conversation.

"Welcome back Trixie!" Snips said loudly.

"Yeah! Welcome back!" Snails said just as loud.

"Are ya here to do another performance?" Snips said with what sounded like excitement.

Spike turned and started towards another stand and Trixie noticed him leaving. She turned to the two colts. "No, Trixie is merely here on business. Now if you would please leave, Trixie is busy." She said before turning and walking over towards Spike as he looked at grapes.

"You did it again." Spike said as she got close.

Trixie frowned. "Force of habit."

Spike would have said more but the two colts from earlier decided that they weren't done.

"Hiya Spike! You're friends with Trixie now?" Snips asked as he popped up next to Trixie, making her jump.

Spike merely shrugged at him before he placed the grapes in his claw, in the bag and moved on. Trixie looked at them.

"Lets just say we're acquaintances. Now if you will-"

"Acquaintances? Whats that?" Snails asked as he scratched his head.

Spike couldn't help but faceclaw at that response. "Sometimes I forget how 'smart' you two really are."

"Uh, thanks?" Snips said, not sure if that was a compliment or not.

Spike shook his head. "Listen Trixie, I'll meet you at the new castle in an hour. I can't handle dumb and dumber over here any longer and it's taking me longer than I should to get everything. See ya in a bit." Spike then turned and left in the direction of Sugarcube Corner after getting all his ingredients from the market, leaving Trixie with Snips and Snails. She looked at them and they beamed at her with awkward smiles.

"Oh great..." Trixie mumbled as she started to walk away, the two colts happily tagging along.

The bell at the door to Sugarcube Corner rang loudly as Spike entered the inedible building.

"Alright, all I need now is vanilla cream from the Cakes and I will have everything." Spike said as he walked towards the counter. He noticed a certain friend was getting a bag from Mr. Cake.

"Here ya go Fluttershy, two carrot cupcakes. I hope you enjoy them."

"Oh, thank you very much Mr. Cake. I'm sure Angel will love these." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"You spoil that bunny too much, you know that Shy?" Spike said as he walked up to her. Fluttershy jumped at the voice but relaxed when she saw it was Spike.

"Oh, hello Spike. And this is just a reward for him being such a great helper."

Spike shrugged. "Can't see him as the helping type."

Fluttershy grew confused. "What do you mean?"

Spike hesitated, and that surprised him, however he still spoke up. "Fluttershy, I don't think you noticed but that bunny is only nice towards you. To everypony else, he's nothing short of a demonic furball that takes pleasure in others' pain."

Fluttershy merely stood there for a moment. She blinked once; then twice before her eyes grew wide as the meaning of his words sunk in. "W-What? That cant be true! How could you even say something like that about him Spike!" Fluttershy said, offended and hurt that he would say something like that.

"Well, now I know how this can be a bad thing..." Spike mumbled before turning to Fluttershy again. "Sorry about that Shy. I guess I should have worded it better. But, its still the truth. Every time you asked me to watch that bunny, I've had nothing but trouble from him. I was starting to think he has it out for me, but I see him do it with basically everyone else too."

Fluttershy was shocked. She knew he was a little grumpy, but she didn't think Angel would ever be too mean towards others. "Are you telling the truth?" Fluttershy asked meekly.

"I wouldn't lie to you Shy. Couldn't if I tried; well not right now anyways." Spike said before turning to leave Fluttershy to her thoughts as he went to get the last item for the day.

"Hello there Spike! Here for a gemcake?" Mr. Cake asked with a smile.

Spike smiled but shook his head. "Nah, just here to buy an ingredient if I can; Vanilla cream. Have any?"

"Sure do! One moment and I'll get some for you." Mr Cake then headed to the back as Spike took a seat and looked around. He saw Fluttershy walking out the door but not first without stealing a glance at him. He gave her a soft smile and a wave, one she returned shyly as she walked out the door, no doubt the revelation still on her mind.

"Looks like I'll probably be having a little fight later. Meh, I'll probably just scare him off with my fire or something. Sometimes its good to be a dragon." Spike said as he laid back in a chair and closed his eyes.

"I'll say!" Spike opened his eyes to see two large cerulean orbs scanning him... literally. "Hiya Spike!"

"Aah!" Spike yelled, flailing his arms as the chair fell back, ending up hitting his head on the ground. "Gah! Pinkie! Do not sneak up on me! I hate when you do that."

Pinkie frowned at that. "Sorry Spike. I thought you knew I was there. I was next to you for a little while."

"Since when?" Spike said as he sat back in his chair.

"Since you ordered for vanilla cream. By the way why are you getting vanilla cream? Are you making something? If you are, then you should let me help! I love baking things!"

Spike shook his head. "No thanks Pinkie. I can handle it. Besides, don't you have some treats to make yourself?"

"For the picnic? Oh I already made those. They are nice and hot and ready to be eaten at the picnic!"

Spike smiled at the thought. "I cant wait. If there is anything I can say about you Pinkie, its that you make the best sweets."

Pinkie smiled as she rubbed the top of Spike's head. "Aww, thanks Spike!"

Spike merely swatted her hoof away. "Don't do that." He turned and saw Mr. Cake coming over with the ingredient.

"Here ya go Spike. Hope this is enough for you." Mr Cake said as he placed it on the counter.

"Thanks Mr. Cake. How much I owe ya?" Spike asked getting his bits ready.

"Free of charge my good dragon. Consider it a thank you for your help when our oven stopped working." Mr Cake said as he slid it towards him.

Spike smiled. "Thanks!" He grabbed the ingredient and put it in his bag. He turned to Pinkie and spoke up. "Well I have to head out now. I have a few more things I have to take care of before our picnic. Ill see you later Pinkie." Spike then turned and headed for the exit.

"Bye Spikey! See you at the picnic!" Pinkie yelled out as he got outside the building and sighed.

"Okay, now I have everything. Time to head home and get everything made." Spike said as he started towards his home, keeping a lookout for a specific azure unicorn.

Author's Note:

Hmm, i might have a small idea for a little more later.... we will see...