• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 54-Drifting Away

Nighttime in Ponyville was anything but serene. Due to the attacks from the Decepticon warship, Ponyville lay in a state of ruin. Several buildings once made of wood and straw now resembled a pile of ash and debris scattered across the dirt road. Ponies slept in the streets. Families even.

Mayor Mare had scheduled a reconstruction crew to begin the first thing the next day. She offered triple the original pay, something the workers took without question. The worker ponies, the same worker ponies have been reconstructing Ponyville ever since the day Princess Celestia’s student arrived.

And inside the castle of the Princess of Friendship, that student was sobbing.

A blanket wrapped around her shoulders, a box of tissues with several of the wet, crumpled pieces resided next to Princess Twilight, the Alicorn slumping in her throne. Within every few seconds, the Alicorn would breathe in a breath of pure sobs, her exhale between tiny, uncontrolled whimpers. Her tears painted the floor beneath her in miniature dots.

Spike saw all of this.

The young dragon was at a loss of what to do. There she was, Twilight Sparkle, his best friend…the closest one he could ever call his true family, suffering over Optimus Prime’s disappearance. During that attack, Spike had watched Twilight be taken away from him to the hospital. He tried to fight those ponies off, the ones that tried to help Twilight. He was broken, weak. He didn’t want a single soul touching his friend, especially after what Shockwave was capable of.

He could see the bandages from where he was standing, right behind the door. Spike shuddered to see the red stains seeping through the white.

Spike had almost lost her, his family, in one swift act. But…she also saved him. That blast was intended to take them both out, but Twilight pushed him out of the way just in time. She took all of it, the pain, the suffering, the heartache, especially the worst of the aftermath. Of course, Spike considered Optimus a friend. Twilight, however… She and Optimus…they’re relationship was much, much closer.

Once more, Spike couldn’t know Twilight’s pain.

And once more, he could always try.

But not this time.

Twilight needed him, his friend needed him, his family needed him. Spike pushed open the crystal door, not even caring if it made a noise or not. It did, but the Alicorn didn’t even seem to notice. Her whimpers could be heard rebounding off every piece of shimmering crystal inside the throne room, each sound hitting Spike right in the heart.

He didn’t waste a second more to walk to his friend. Each step felt like a thousand miles, and as Spike drew closer her sobs only grew louder. His determination was strong, though, and soon the baby dragon found himself at the foot of Twilight’s throne, his feet touching fresh wetness.

Even then she still didn’t notice him, or she did and she simply ignored his presence.

Wanting to test that theory for himself, Spike reached out his claw, leaving it to hover near Twilight’s shoulder. He looked over to her eyes, but did not see them. Her head hung low, her chest heaving in and out with each broken breath she took.

No more.


As slow as she possibly could, Twilight Sparkle looked up from her puddle of tears and onto the baby dragon standing so close in front of her. Spike quickly observed her features. Burning red eyes, wet cheeks, ragged mane, this was not the Twilight he knew. This was not the leader he knew. And his heart wrenched to see her like this. Broken.

“Twilight…do you want to come to bed?” Spike asked, watching as her expression only worsened. “It’s late and…and I can make you some warm milk! You know how that always makes you fall-!”


It was so sudden, so simple, and so powerful, that Spike’s sentence simply dropped dead once Twilight said his name. The Alicorn, eyes still red, stared at Spike for a solid ten seconds before sighing and turning her head away.

She spoke, so empty of life, “I want to be alone right now.”

The baby dragon stood there for quite a while, though Twilight didn’t keep track of time. He stood there, looking at his feet, wondering why he was even there in the first place. Spike brought his head up to stare at Twilight. She didn’t stare back. He sighed.

“Alright,” Spike muttered, his tone matching Twilight’s perfectly. The baby dragon turned around, dragging his feet all the way out of Twilight’s throne room.

Twilight waited for the doors to close, allowing her eyelids to do the same.

It was happening all over again. Like a haunting spirit, like an evil poltergeist, this terror would never leave Twilight alone. It found her after a year of silence. It found her that night in the Everfree Forest when she discovered him painted in rust. That terror continued to strike her soul day in and day out, reminding her constantly to give up, that her friend was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. For the longest time…Twilight believed it.

Until he woke up.

Since then, never once had that terror awakened Twilight from her slumber. Never once had that fear struck her heart, because Twilight knew that Optimus was there. Optimus was alive and back where he belonged, with her. For once…Twilight found some peace of mind.

Then it came…it came like a freak storm that couldn’t be haltered.

The Decepticons came back, and in their wake they captured her friend. Optimus Prime was gone…again, and this time Twilight could do nothing to help him. She didn’t have a choice like she did in the Crystal Empire, and she didn’t have any means of resurrecting him, as if that would do any good now. Worst of all, and Twilight knew it, she had the power to wipe these Decepticons off the face of the planet. The Decepticons had no chance against the Rainbow Power, and Twilight knew it.

But…like Celestia said…sometimes the need of the few outweighed the need of the many. Only sometimes.

With Vanhoover under the Decepticons’ hateful law, and with thousands ready to die for what they believe in, the Rainbow Power would do nothing but cause death…for both sides.

So here she was, a princess with the power to shake the globe resting right in front of her, yet she was frozen on the act. Twilight dared not to even risk such an attack, even with the Rainbow Power in their arsenal. She was trapped in a corner, two evils racing to finish her off, the first to deliver the strike that would wound her, the second being the final blow.

Twilight wondered when that blow would come…if it ever would.

“Oh, Celestia… Oh, Celestia!” Twilight cried, planting both of her hooves into her face and releasing a massive wail of despair. Who could blame her? Twilight just lost a friend…and she feared she would lose much, much more than that.

Celestia…they needed Optimus Prime.

Equestria didn’t need another princess. They needed a hero.


Twilight shot up like a disturbed dog on a midnight patrol. She didn’t need to think twice about what she heard. Twilight knew what she heard. Metal. Spinning towards the source of the sound, the Alicorn gasped, her eyes growing ten times wider.

She saw them, through her stained glass window, she saw the entity with twin orbs of light staring at her.

Before her jaw could even drop, the orbs grew wide, similar to how hers did, and disappeared. The shadowed entity jumped back, fading away into the darkness of the night. Following their disappearance were more screeches of metal against crystal. It was on her castle. Whatever it was, it was on her castle, watching her.

The princess gritted her teeth, her horn igniting.

After the flash of purple light, the blanket wrapped around Twilight’s shoulders fell flat on her throne, the princess nowhere to be found inside the room.

Princess Twilight’s teleportation spell lit up the dark foyer of her castle. She shook her head to regain some bit of focus after the sudden burst of energy quickly filled her veins, like quickly standing up after a long night’s rest. Her eyes turned to focus on the twin doors ahead of her.

She snarled and bucked the doors open.

Twilight didn’t even flinch when the massive Transformer crashed right in front of her.

Waiting until the dust cleared, Princess Twilight narrowed her eyes on the glowing beast squatting a few feet ahead. The beast, completely made of metal, slowly began to stand up, its legs pushing it up higher and higher until it was fully upright. It stared down the road ahead, its legs preparing itself for some kind of dash.


The Transformer froze.

It slowly spun its head around to be met with the heated glare of the purple Alicorn.

Raising one of her eyebrows, Twilight stood unamused and unaffected by the Transformer’s appearance. She knew what it was right away, years of fighting side by side with Optimus did that to her. At first, the Transformer made no movements, as if it was contemplating on what to make of the situation. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but stopped quickly when the intruder took off down the road.

It didn’t mind to send a plentiful supply of dirt into Twilight’s mouth and eyes as it did so. Twilight flinched back, shaking her head and spitting into the ground multiple times to get the grime off her tongue. She glared down the road ahead, her eyes no longer red from the tears but from anger.

“Okay, so that’s how it’s gonna be,” Twilight whispered to herself, her wings outstretched.

She took a running start, leaping from the Transformer’s footprints and into the night air.

Her eyes scanned the darkness of Ponyville from above, taking sight of any type of movement hidden within the shadows. Nothing so far, so she kept flying, faster and higher. It didn’t hurt Twilight to fly anymore. Her right wing had healed up pretty well, considering the fact that she was nearly blown apart the other day. All that really bothered Twilight was her ribcage; every puff of wind filling her lungs strained the stitches and caused her to cringe.

Twilight’s cringing never faltered her ability to see, thankfully, and she spotted the intruder racing across the rooftops.

The princess’ eyes narrowed. She brought her wings closer to her body, allowing her to act like a dive-bombing stunt expert from the stars once she broke through the clouds. Tears were forming at the very edges of her eyes as she continued to pick up speed. Soon, Ponyville quickly came into view, and Twilight spread her wings out faster than a second, catching the wind right above the rooftops of whatever houses remained.

Rainbow Dash would be proud. Twilight imagined, her jaw dropping to see the Transformer no more than fifty feet away from her and closing in. She had to admit, the thing was fast. It jumped from rooftop to rooftop like it knew its environment. Twilight’s never seen the Transformer before. It couldn’t have known of Ponyville’s environment.

Whoever it was, it was spying on her, something Autobots don’t usually do to ponies.

She needed to catch him…or her. Yeah, she needed to catch it.

“By the order…of the Council of Friendship…I order you…to stop!” Twilight screamed, dodging chimneys with trouble while the Transformer did it with ease.

The Transformer didn’t respond. It did a front flip over to the next rooftop.

I warned you. Twilight thought, igniting her horn and sending a magical blast that was intended to frighten the Transformer, be it Autobot or Decepticon. However, her aim was more accurate than she thought, because the spell hit the ground right in front of the Transformer’s feet, causing it to stumble and eventually stop at the edge of the roof it was on.

It took several steps back, preparing to take another leap.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Twilight growled, preparing for another spell as she zeroed in on the intruder. It ran forward.

“Stop, Decepticon!" Twilight screamed at the top of her aching lungs, sending the same spell at the silhouetted entity. Be it her voice or the way she assumed it to be, the Transformer stopped right then and there, spinning around to face the owner of that voice.

The blast hit him right in the chest, right in the insignia.

It instantly lost its balance on the rooftop’s edge and fell to the dark alleyway below. Pieces of metal flew off in all directions, falling down to join the Transformer it belonged to. A loud crash was all that was heard from the darkness below. Princess Twilight, though surprised at first as to why the Decepticon stopped right after she said it, gently lowered herself down into the alleyway.

Her hooves touched all kinds of scum and muck imaginable. Rats hissed and scurried into little holes or trash bins once the princess came into view, spreading her purple light throughout the darkness.

She saw it.

She saw it quivering. She saw its blue eyes.

Okay, definitely not a Decepticon, but still…

Twilight narrowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness, her horn only giving off so much light to fill the dark. There it was, staring at her with its large, blue eyes, its golden-plated face, and blue-shaded armor. It looked absolutely terrified, watching her every move with its massive back pressed against the brick wall.

She remembered Makeshift…

Twilight stomped her hoof in the puddle of water, causing the Transformer to flinch. She glared at it with accusing eyes and a clenched jaw, forming the only words she could think of at the moment.

“Who are you and why were you spying on me?” Twilight asked rather harshly, her purple light cascaded across the Transformer’s body and face.

The Transformer cringed in pain, bringing up his right palm. At first, Twilight thought he was going to strike and bent down to ready herself for the attack. However, she didn’t need to when he brought his hand up and pressed it against the hole on his chest, the area that Twilight hit.

He spoke in a voice that surprised even the Alicorn.

“Please, I beg of you, I mean none of you any harm! Just…please, listen to my plea!”

The princess raised another eyebrow, her expression suspicious. She gave the Transformer a once over, checking his face to see if he was lying in any way. She was no Applejack, but Twilight was pretty good at telling liars. She learned so ever since Spike started trying to eat the castle and denied doing so.

However, his plea was genuine, much to the princess’ dismay. She sighed, taking a few steps back from the large alien, though her glare was never broken.

“I’m listening,” she said, her tone cold and malicious.

The Transformer took whatever few seconds he had. He clutched his chest, hissing in pain as sparks danced across his legs from the wound. He looked down at the purple Alicorn, his expression holding all types of truth.

“I was sent here on a mission,” he began, causing Twilight’s ears to flinch. “My mission, organized and ordered by Alpha Trion was to come to this world…and find Optimus Prime.”

Twilight scoffed, though her eyes told a different tale. “Well, you’re out of luck. Optimus is gone,” she told him, a hint of a crack in her tone.

The Transformer stared at the ground, his optics opening and closing as he let out a quick breath, the air escaping from where Twilight presumed to be his nostrils. He looked up at the Alicorn, a heavy sigh joining him.

“I know…” he said, gripping his chest right as he began to feel Energon leaking outwards. Twilight noticed the drips of glowing blue liquid fall down and land in the puddles of water. It made the water glow, surprising Twilight for a short time. She turned her attention back to the Transformer who was busy coughing in pain.

He brought up his left hand and pointed right at Twilight’s chest, causing the Alicorn to back up quickly and ignite her horn.

The Transformer muttered, “You… You know where the Autobots are.”

Now Twilight was beginning to feel uneasy. She raised one of her forelegs, narrowing her eyes on the being with the golden face. She asked, “What does that mean to you?”

“Please…take me to them. I must see the Autobots,” the large alien urgently told her, his right hand now scratching his chest to stop the pain from escaping. It did little to help.

Twilight glared once again at the Transformer. Be it Autobot or Decepticon, the tone in its voice made him sound desperate, wanting. A Decepticon, like Makeshift, could make it seem pretty convincing. But an Autobot…like the others… He sounded afraid. Genuine fear, a type of fear that one could not fake.

She needed just one more assurance.

“Why?” Princess Twilight asked.

He didn’t wait a second to answer her.

“Because…my name is Drift…and I’m one of them.”

Author's Note:

The paths have crossed at long last! :pinkiegasp:

On a side note, about a week ago (don't make that reference) my story had a total of 29 dislikes. Two days earlier from now, I noticed that Transformers: The Requiem now has only 18 dislikes. Now I'm not complaining by any means, it's just weird how this happened and I really don't have any explanation for it. Well, lucky me, right? :derpytongue2:

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