• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 86-Rainbow Power

“Okay…who in the hoof is that?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed loudly, her hoof outstretched with the other planted firmly in the dirt. The rest of her friends seemed to share the same feelings. Their eyes widened, their skin crawling, their jaws nearly hitting the road.

The entire time they stared at the new alien warship and the visitor that came with it.

The entire time that visitor just stared at them. Silently. Not moving.

Twilight had no clear idea on what to think of the situation. On one hoof, the visitor’s ship had saved them, cleared the skies of all the Alliance airships, and even acquired the attention of all the enemies that ambushed them. On the other hoof, the way the visitor constantly stared at them through its glowing green visor sent constant shivers across her spine, a type of feeling she only felt once confronted by Shockwave. Not only that but…

A long, black hook unsheathed itself from the visitor’s right arm.

The Alicorn gulped silently, shivering against Rarity’s side as the unicorn softly rubbed her back. Whatever it was that saved them wasn’t going to have the same mindset for much longer, Twilight knew that.

With nothing but the starship’s engines creating massive waves of sound and dust to fly out across Ponyville, Twilight and the rest of her friends looked up to witness Drift walk over to their right, both of his swords shaking in his grasp. None of the enemies paid much attention to their actions after that. All weapons were pointed towards the visitor.

Drift continued to stare at the dark figure standing atop Town Hall, its green visor sending feelings of pure foreboding to not only the Autobot but to his friends behind him. Drift breathed out, his optics wide.

“It was only a matter of time,” he muttered, still staring at the visitor.

“A matter of time?” Rainbow Dash questioned, prompting all eyes to turn towards her. Drift didn’t look back. She continued, her rose-colored irises shifting from Drift to the dark figure. “What the hay are you talking about?”

Drift spoke, still refusing to break contact with the visitor’s stare. “Before I came to this world I was trailed by a bounty hunter for hours on end. I escaped his wrath after losing my ship and landed here.”

The dark visitor continued to stare only at Drift, its chest slowly heaving in and out.

Drift sighed, “I believed that the bounty hunter would not find me, that my coordinates would remain hidden in the dark edges of the galaxy. I see now…that there is nowhere in the world for me to hide from his unforgiving eye.”

Rainbow Dash snorted, turning her accusing glare over to Drift. She said, “So, you thought you could just slip on by without telling us you were being hunted by…by…whatever the hay that thing is?! What the buck, Drift! Why didn’t you tell us earlier?!”

“I did not wish for you to fear over my well-being,” Drift mumbled, slowly turning his head back towards the six injured mares. “I…believed that he would never find me, and I am sorry for not informing you of him earlier.”

Though still quite steamed over Drift lying to them, Rainbow Dash began to slowly cool down. She, alongside the rest of her friends, all brought their eyes over to the visitor, who just continued to stare at them silently from Town Hall. It was Applejack who broke the short silence.

“So…what happens now, Drift?” the western mare drawled, turning her emerald eyes over to the towering Autobot standing to her right.

Drift, though hesitant at first, brought his gaze away from the bounty hunter and onto the six mares standing next to Bumblebee and Cliffjumper. Both Autobots remained frozen, optics still locked on the dark being continuing to stare at them from afar.

Drift planted his sword firmly in the dirt as he fell down to one knee. He quickly said, “You all must continue on without me. The bounty hunter is after me, not any of you. I will hold him off long enough for you six to get to the castle.”

“You can’t do that, Drift!” Twilight cried, staring up at the Autobot with teary eyes. “If that bounty hunter is as dangerous as you made him out to be…then…then he’ll…h-he’ll kill you.”

“Then I will have died protecting the true heroes this world needs,” Drift told them, offering a little smile. Fluttershy let out a great whimper, crying into her foreleg. Drift lowered his finger and lifted her chin up. He smiled once more, wiping away a tear from her cheek.

“You are the bravest, most courageous warriors I have ever had the honor of fighting side by side with. You must go now and enact the power that resides within each of you. You must save this world.”

Fluttershy reached forward, clutching onto Drift’s finger with her forelegs. She cried, “Drift…please…we can’t lose you like we did with…J-Jetfire.” Saying his name caused the other mares behind her to lower their heads slightly, a few of them shedding a tear or two.

“I am sorry, Fluttershy, but if I do not stop him here…then he will not only try to kill me but the others as well,” Drift explained, looking over to Bumblebee and Cliffjumper. The two Autobots stared at Drift, their optics widening but faces set in stone, in understanding.

“Why?” a weak, saddened voice asked. Drift looked over, passed all the crestfallen eyes of the ponies and onto a certain pink one. Pinkie spoke, taking a few steps closer with her slightly deflated mane swaying with her steps.

“Why give up yourself for us?”

Drift smiled at her, at them. He placed his hand atop the pommel of his sword.

“What friend wouldn’t?” he told them.

A heavy crash followed Drift’s statement. The midnight-colored Autobot spun around, his sword in tow, as he glared at the source of the crash. The bounty hunter jumped from the roof of Town Hall, landing in the center of the road with dirt flying from his feet. He stood up fully, slowly beginning to approach the group. His green visor shone through the smoke.

Drift breathed through his clenched jaw. He pointed his right hand back, the tip of his sword pointed down the road. He yelled, “Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, get the ponies to the castle now!”

The two nodded, turning back to move the six forward down the road. As they left, their eyes cautiously watching the surrounding armies, Twilight took one last look at the scene she and her friends left behind. Drift stood alone, a sword in each hand, as the bounty hunter approached him.

Lockdown eyed the area he stood in, smiling beneath his visor.

Bits of debris from the obscuring ships the once remained in the sky littered the road, their bodies still burning. On every rooftop down the road stood numerous Decepticon soldiers, their weapons aimed towards him and him alone. A large army consisting of Decepticons and the alien life that inhabited the planet stood several hundred yards away from him. The aliens were interesting, but not too interesting for Lockdown to take notice.

His interests were all but captured on the hunt, his hunt.

The Autobot stood before him, battle ready, a sword in each hand, glaring at him with eyes of pure ferocity. He stood as a testament of the Autobot pride that Lockdown loathed so much. They never gave up. They never surrendered. They never backed down.

Good. Lockdown smiled even bigger.

He stopped, his hook shimmering in the afternoon sunlight.

Lockdown eyed his surroundings. The aliens atop the roofs all aimed their weapons at him, the Decepticons doing just the same. He brought his green eyes over to the Autobot.

He spoke, his voice muffled and somewhat robotic from the visor.

“I always get my hunt, Autobot. Your constant fleeing has only prolonged the inevitable, a twisted fate seen only through the eyes of the true rulers of this galaxy.”

The Autobot didn’t respond. Lockdown continued, his green visor slowly returning so his face could be shown. With his visor gone, Drift paid witness to the face of his adversary. A long, jagged scar fell across his eye. His face was pure black, minus his twin orbs of green light shimmering in the smoke that consumed him.

Yet, what Drift found most disturbing was his smile. That cold, knowing, malicious smile.

Lockdown continued. “It has been numerous deca-cycles since we last met, Autobot. You cannot flee into the shadows of forgotten worlds while I trudge through the scum that fill this universe with life. The Creators do not take kindly to obstructions in their path, obstructions like you. So, I will give you only one chance. Surrender now, come with me and I will assure that not a single scratch will befall your precious hide.”

Drift sent a gracious helping of breath through his nose, almost as if he was snorting.

“I would rather die than follow your dark path,” he growled.

Lockdown showed off a half-grin. “You Autobots always wishing to make martyrs of yourselves, it’s no wonder you’re nearing extinction.” He brought his optics off of the target and onto the escaping figures down the road. He smiled even wider.

“Sacrificial aid to your friends will do little to assist you, Autobot,” Lockdown announced, bringing his gaze back to Drift. “I see now that you are not the only Autobot seeking refuge on this backwater planet,” he said the word as if he was addressing the lowest of scum he had ever come across.

He continued, Drift’s optics narrowing. “Imagine how much more the Creators will offer to me once I bring them not only one…but three Autobots alive. And just think…the Creators are always searching for new species of life across the galaxy, especially from the unknown region. Perhaps your little…alien friends would wish to pay them a visit?”

Drift’s optics grew wide. His grip on his swords tightened.

“Ease yourself…Deadlock.”

And just like that, his anger cooled.

Lockdown smiled. “Oh, yes, I know who you are. Decepticon turned Autobot, seeking redemption for all his past mistakes and flaws.” He laughed, “Such a petty vision. Your past lives with you, breathes with you. Haunts you. You can beg all you wish, Deadlock, but there is no running from the life you once lived, the choices you made, and the foolish act you’ve made now. You’re a disgrace to Autobots and Decepticons alike! You shouldn’t even be worth the bounty the Creators put on your head, yet you are.”

Drift slowly began to lower his shoulders, the tips of his blades nearly hitting the ground from the onslaught of the bounty hunter’s words.

Lockdown chuckled. He lifted up his hook and graciously felt the sharp edges.

“I’ll make it simple, Deadlock. I’m going to tear you to shreds, inside and out. I will rip that Autobot symbol off of your chest and make you wish you never left that dead planet!” Lockdown shouted, approaching closer and closer. Drift readied himself.

“Of course, this can all be avoided if you surrender now. Your death can be avoided, and I will leave this planet with no more prisoners of war. Your friends can stay here, alive, but only if you give up and come with me.”

Drift stood silently, as if contemplating his choices

And then he spoke.

“No!” he shouted. Lockdown’s optics narrowed as the Autobot continued. “I will never abandon my friends! Even if you kill me, you will have to deal with the Decepticons and the Alliance armies that surround you!”

Lockdown chuckled once more. He didn’t bother to look at the Alliance forces aiming their Energon rifles at him. Instead, he continued staring at the lone Autobot, his smile growing.

“I’d rather deal with just you instead.”

Lockdown pressed on his wrist, doing so caused a great disruption within the massive starship behind him. Drift looked passed the bounty hunter and onto the ship he arrived in. The sides of the starship slowly slid downwards, releasing a multitude of miniature rockets to fly out in every direction the Autobot could imagine. He watched as the hundred rockets soared outwards, hitting buildings, tanks, squads of soldiers, and every Decepticon soldier that stood in the street.

Never did he expect the bounty hunter to strike so fast.

So unrealistically fast.

Drift felt his blades be torn from his grasp and tumble to the dirt. He reared back as he was smacked across the face with Lockdown’s mighty fist. The pain didn’t begin there. It began when Lockdown jammed his hook right into Drift’s chest, lifting the Autobot over his head with one arm and smashing him into the road headfirst.

Through the constant chaos surrounding the battling Cybertronians, explosions from Lockdown’s ship sending rocket after rocket at the enemy armies, neither paid attention to the two blue towers of light soaring over their heads.

Get down!

Instinctively, all six mares fell behind the remains of an Alliance airship, its hard outer metal covering only slightly warm once their backs pressed against it. The ones who were injured from the crash; Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and certainly Twilight, they all remained huddled close to the airship’s remains, prodding their own injuries.

Rarity and Pinkie brought their eyes up to Cliffjumper and Bumblebee. The two Autobots hovered over the six ponies and protected them with their own bodies as more and more rockets rained down from the skies.

Strangely, from Rarity’s and Pinkie’s perspective, the rockets did not come anywhere near them. Instead, they watched as the tiny streaks of orange light impacted numerous rooftops and the road ahead of them. However, that didn’t stop what remained of the Decepticon and Alliance army.

They pushed forward down the road, firing at them. Rarity shrieked and brought her head back to cover when a few bullets nearly singed her mane.

“Scrap!” Cliffjumper exclaimed, firing round after round from his repeater at the oncoming enemies. He dropped a few Decepticons, but the Alliance ponies kept coming. He ducked shortly after an Energon bullet hit him in the shoulder.

“Cliffjumper!” Rarity yelped, her eyes shifting over to the Autobot’s wounded shoulder. “Darling, are you hurt?!” she asked, worry present in her tone.

Cringing in pain, Cliffjumper held his shoulder tightly, Energon leaking from his fist. He shook his head, sticking his repeater outwards. “I’ll be fine! What’s important is that the castle is right up ahead!”

“We have no way of getting through,” Bumblebee muttered after reloading his assault rifle. He looked over the top of the airship, prompting Rarity and Pinkie to follow his actions. They both leaned over to the left of the destroyed airship. Right away, the two noticed how unbelievably close they were.

Sadly, even with more of those rockets falling from above and hitting the Decepticon and Alliance forces, the army was still there defending the castle.

“What do we do now?” Pinkie asked, fear filling her eyes.

The two mares sat back behind the airship, looking up at their guardians for an answer. The two bots looked at each other, both searching for an answer within each other’s optics. They could find none. Sighing, Cliffjumper brought his gaze over to the six mares, his mouth opening but hardly any words forming.

“We…we could…I-I don’t…”

Whatever Cliffjumper was about to say was either ignored or lost within the all new sight that graced Ponyville. The six ponies, still injured and suffering, all brought up their eyes to the source of the bright light filling the burning town. Twilight’s jaw dropped, a spark seen in her eyes.

The six friends paid witness to twin towers of raw energy and force showering down on the two Autobots.

They had appeared from the heavens, far beyond the sight of anypony present. At first, Bumblebee and Cliffjumper screamed in surprise, their bodies hunched over as the light consumed them, empowered them, breathed through them. The ponies were in awe, not a one being able to speak. Twilight could only watch from the dirt as the light faded, and the two Autobots slowly descended back to the road, the lights in their Autobot symbols growing far brighter than ever before.

Then they opened their eyes. They were white. Instead of blue like all Autobots had, their eyes shimmered with pure, heavenly whiteness. It only lasted a few seconds though, and their optics returned to normal.

Both Autobots looked towards each other.

“Uhh… What was that?” Cliffjumper asked.

Bumblebee didn’t have time to respond when a Decepticon soldier leapt over the airship they hid behind, a purple blade replacing its right hand.

Cliffjumper’s optics grew wide with surprise. “Look-!”

However, Bumblebee did have enough time to react to the advancing soldier. He swept upwards with his left hand, which had been transformed into a glowing red Energon blade far too quickly for any of the mares to react. Once the Decepticon fell on top of Bumblebee, his body was sliced in half, each severed piece landing on the sides of the yellow Autobot.

Everyone stood there amazed, even Bumblebee.

“-out,” Cliffjumper finished, staring at what remained. He brought his eyes over to Bumblebee. “How did you-?”

“Behind you!” Bumblebee warned, aiming his assault rifle towards Cliff. He did not fire, however, because Cliffjumper already reacted quickly enough to the Decepticon soldier that appeared behind him. The red Autobot ducked on pure instinct, dodging the sweep of the purple blade intended for his neck. Cliffjumper fell to one knee, jamming his left fist upwards towards the throat of his assaulter.

It just so happened that his left hand transformed into an Energon blade. Cliffjumper could hear several feminine gasps erupt from behind him. He’d be lying if his wasn’t one of them. The tip of his red blade could be seen sticking out the top of the Decepticon’s head.

“Holy crap,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, eyes widening as Cliffjumper ripped his blade out. The dead Decepticon fell backwards with a hard thud, dust erupting from the impact. She chuckled to herself, earning an elbow to the ribs from Applejack.

The two Autobots looked at each other, then at the six mares staring at them with surprise in their eyes, and then back at each other again.

Cliffjumper surprised everyone by smiling and saying, “You know what, Bee? I’m starting to remember something…”

“What’s that?” Bumblebee asked, his own smile beginning to grow. He felt the eyes of the ponies below shifting from one bot to the other.

Cliffjumper stood fully upwards, his eyes landing on the road ahead.

“I remember that I hate Decepticons.”

And just like that, like a warrior freed into battle, Cliffjumper rushed headlong into the Decepticon and Alliance army. The six mares crawled over to the side of the airship, eyes wide with shock to watch Cliffjumper perform such daring acts. Yet, from where they were seated, Cliffjumper was not shot down, he was not killed.

He was fighting back. And he was winning.

All six spun around to hear Bumblebee’s voice.

“Follow me! I’ll get you to the castle!” Bumblebee shouted, transforming into his vehicle mode and taking off down the road. As fast as they possibly could, the six friends all forced themselves back up. Rarity and Applejack aided Twilight while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie led along the limping Fluttershy. They stepped outside the airship’s covering…

…and immediately had to take in a new breath.

Bumblebee roared across the landscape in his small vehicle, sending missiles into several Alliance tanks and Decepticon troopers. He cleared line after line of Decepticon soldiers that tried to rush him by driving sideways, his machine gun tearing apart their legs. Cliffjumper was everywhere at once at the very bottom of Twilight’s castle. He slashed, stabbed, shot, and eradicated any enemy force that remained defending the castle. The enemy could not hold him. The enemy could not stop him.

The enemy could not kill them.

More rockets rained from above, destroying every rooftop within the range of Twilight’s castle. There were no more Alliance snipers, no more Alliance airships. Cliffjumper and Bumblebee had cleared the road completely. Totally and unprecedentedly complete.

Twilight and her friends were still by the airship.

Each of their jaws hit the ground.

Twilight was the one to break the silence by coughing loudly, painting the brown dirt in her own blood.

With that, the six mares pushed through the carnage until they arrived at the very base of Twilight’s castle. It stood proud, untouched by the horrors that surrounded them. Cliffjumper and Bumblebee were waiting near the doors, their heads turning towards the approaching group of friends.

“Alright,” Cliffjumper announced, kicking open the doors with the tip of his foot, “you six get inside. Do whatever you have to do in order to use the Rainbow Power. We’ll stay out here and hold off any-”

His eyes grew wide. He pointed his repeater outwards towards something behind Twilight and her friends.

“Get back!” the Autobot screamed and prepared to fire, only to have a missile hit him in the chest. Cliffjumper flew backwards from the force of the blast, his back hitting Twilight’s castle. The six ponies spun around to see a blue and red jet transform and land right in front of them.

Starscream roared in anger, fully intending to bring down his Energon sword right on top of the mares. He swung his sword downwards right for the group of six…only to have it impact the red blade accompanying the small Autobot. Starscream’s red optics glared with anger.

“Stand back, Autobot fool!” the Seeker screamed, driving his left fist into Bee’s abdomen. Bumblebee hunched over with a grunt of pain, allowing Starscream to deliver a swift quick to the side of his head.

“Bumblebee!” Fluttershy cried, sticking out her hoof towards the flying Autobot. Bumblebee landed in the grass to far left of Twilight’s castle, kicking up dirt and grass. She brought her eyes back to their assailant, her pupils shrinking at the sight of him.

Starscream glared at the six below him, his sword raised above his head. Rainbow Dash glared right back, her broken wing lying at her side.

“Now, nothing can save yo-!”

Drift’s own body impacted Starscream, sending both Autobot and Decepticon forwards and into the side of the castle. Twilight and her friends all brought their eyes over to the two. They fell in unison, their motionless bodies lying on the sides of the entrance. Still completely out of breath to respond to such an action, Twilight brought her attention forward to the road.

There he was. Passed the smoke, the bounty hunter was walking right for them, his fists clenched and visor covering his face.

With everypony else remaining where they were, either too injured or too terrified to respond, Rarity stepped forward, her horn glowing and ready to charge up a spell to defend her friends, except there was no need. Cliffjumper jumped right over the mares, charging the bounty hunter head-on.

Lockdown reached up and pressed down on his shoulder. Instantly, the devices that resembled weapon clips on his shoulders merged forward, firing a flurry of missiles towards the oncoming enemy. However, Cliffjumper jumped through the missiles intended for him, dodging them only slightly. He fired away with his repeater, the missiles erupting behind him.

Lockdown reached up to block the bullets hitting his chest. The Autobot was upon him, trying desperately to fight him off. Lockdown responded with his hook engraving Cliffjumper’s chest. He hooked him and brought the Autobot backwards, slamming him to the dirt and driving his foot right on his head.

“Typical Autobot bravery,” the bounty hunter spoke.

With Cliffjumper easily defeated, the mares brought their attention over to the limping Bumblebee. He walked back into the road, staring down the bounty hunter while turning his face only slightly back. He yelled, “Get inside the castle now! I’ll hold ‘em off!”

Bumblebee charged the bounty hunter, only to be easily defeated in a few, quick jabs and slashes from the dangerous foe.

They obeyed his order without question. Twilight was the first inside with Applejack and Rarity helping her walk. Pinkie jumped inside next, followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash closing the doors. The last thing Rainbow saw before the heavy, twin doors closed was Starscream standing back up, his red eyes glaring at her and hand reaching out. Rainbow pushed her friends onwards, dodging the massive fist bursting through the doors and nearly crushing her. It stopped, the mere size of the fist halting it from entering further. The large arm dragged itself out of the castle doors, a furious roar on the outside.

Starscream spun around, his Energon sword pointed right at Lockdown. “You ignorant, worthless, insubordinate fool! How dare you interrupt me, Starscream?! Because of you, the ponies have escaped and it will be the doom of us all! I will see that you suffer far greater than any adversary I have encountered thus far on this wretched planet!”

Lockdown stopped.

His head tilted only slightly. He eyed the Decepticon symbol.

Shaking his head, Lockdown lifted up his hook. “Autobots…Decepticons…why must they fight? Why can’t there ever be peace? Simple, because I am the only one who can bring peace to the galaxy. The Creators sought to only acquire the Autobot target, but they said nothing of a Decepticon.”

Starscream howled in fury, the bottoms of his feet erupting to life. Jetting forward, he reared the tip of his sword towards Lockdown’s chest. The bounty hunter dodged at the last second, lifting up his hook as the Decepticon rushed past him. Starscream spun around, his sword held tightly in his right palm.

He glared into Lockdown’s green visor. Even from where he stood he could see his reflection.

“I will enjoy dragging your corpse to the Creators,” Lockdown threatened.

Starscream, still filled with boiling rage, brought his optics quickly to castle. He remembered what was still at risk. Bringing his finger upwards to the side of his head, Starscream announced loudly through his comm link, “Alliance Tank Brigade, strike down the castle this instant!

And then he charged.

With Lockdown and Starscream in hand to hand combat, the remaining Alliance Spider Tanks all moved to the road, their muzzles pointed towards the object standing higher than any foundation in Ponyville. They fired all at once, all ten of them.

Even as they entered Twilight’s throne room, the castle still shook with great ferocity. Crystals that lined the walls broke off with each tremor, spilling onto the throne room’s floor. With each tremor that passed, something hit the floor.

Twilight was one of them.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy screamed, leaning down to help up the wounded princess. Alongside Applejack, the two stared into the Alicorn’s eyes, seeing nothing but pure exhaustion.

“She’s not gonna make it much longer,” Applejack inquired.

“Yeah!” Pinkie added, hopping into the room and standing next to Applejack. “I mean, look at how much blood she lost! You must be your own personal blood bank, Twilight!”

The Alicorn gave a weak smile. That was all she could manage before her head slacked.

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy all spun their heads around, gasping in unison to see a small trail of blood following Twilight. It just a few droplets, but they grew in size to where Twilight was standing currently.

“Come on, let’s get her to her throne,” Rainbow Dash said, prompting Applejack and Fluttershy to follow her. Another tremor, the castle shook, but they pushed on. Together, all five mares helped Twilight sit in her throne. Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack pressed their hooves against Twilight’s heaving chest. Fluttershy hovered above, making sure Twilight didn’t fall or hunch over. Rarity made sure she was sitting perfectly in her throne, offering a little smile to the injured princess.

Twilight lifted up her head, the dried blood on her face giving her an all new look. One of anger, one of determination, one of a true leader.

Through the pain, she spoke.

“Alright girls…get in your seats,” she managed to croak before falling silent. As another tremor passed, Twilight watched as her closest friends made a quick dash over to their respected thrones. Applejack was too her left, Rainbow Dash to her right. Directly in front of her sat Pinkie Pie, and to the pink mare’s left was Fluttershy, to her right was Rarity.

Once they were all seated, Twilight noticed that their Cutie Marks resting on each throne began to glow. It was time. Twilight’s eyes narrowed.

“Now…we haven’t embraced the Rainbow Power forms since Tirek’s defeat…but I want you all to-” Twilight coughed heavily into her foreleg, painting it with blood. Her friends gasped as she continued. “I want you all to imagine the power that resides within each of you, the special talent that makes you who you are. Embrace it…feel it…let it empower you…then we’ll release it...together.”

They did just that.

Following Twilight’s orders, each mare closed their eyes and began to focus. Pinkie imagined all the parties she’s thrown over the years. She smiled at the warm memories, causing her body to glow.

Fluttershy imagined herself conquering the greatest of beasts. The manticore, the dragon, the cockatrice, all defeated, not with violence…but with kindness. She smiled, her body radiating pure light.

Rarity remembered all of her past deeds. The way she gave without asking anything in return, the way her generous heart admired all that her friends had done for her. Her smile was glorious, as was the light enveloping her body.

Applejack smiled at the warm memories that flushed through her vision. The way she always tried her hardest to tell the truth for the benefit of her family and friends. She may not have been perfect, but her friends knew that. They knew the Element of Honesty was far from perfect, and they were perfectly fine with that. Her body began to radiate light.

Rainbow Dash began to remember what made her so loyal. She never backed down from a foe, she never left her friends alone to deal with dangerous adversaries, and she always protected them to the best of her abilities. That told her everything she needed to know. Her body shone bright.

And then there was Twilight…

She only imagined one thing.


All the cuts and tears on her body vanished. Her bones were fixed, her muscles amended, and her heart filled with a new source of life. She opened her eyes. They were pure white alongside her shimmering new body.

The throne room began to shine. The castle began to shine. They began to shine.

Then they released it…together.

A direct punch to Starscream’s face knocked the Seeker straight on his back. Lockdown spun around almost instantly, hooking onto the advancing Autobot’s right arm and swinging him around. He knocked the yellow Autobot into the red one, sending them both into the road.

There was only one left.


Lockdown spun back around, nearly dodging the blade intended for his chest. Drift acted quickly and didn’t halter, swinging both of his swords to and fro with every bit of skill he could manage. His strikes hit their target only but a few times. Lockdown cursed in his alien tongue, swinging his hook right at Drift’s head.

The Autobot ducked, but was too slow but Lockdown’s kneecap.

Taking the advantage, Lockdown pressed his foot over the Autobot’s throat, keeping him down to the earth. Drift tried to reach for his swords, but they were out of reach. Lockdown chuckled as the Autobot continued to struggle, his hands wrapped around his foot.

“Forget the payment! There will always be more missions!” Lockdown shouted, having his right fist transform out of his hook and into a device that looked to be quite malicious. Drift stared up at the device, shuddering as several points jutted outwards from the tip. The bounty hunter lowered the device closer to Drift’s chest, smiling as his visor slowly slid upwards.

“Your spark…is mine, Autobot.”

Drift slowly turned his head left. He watched as several more missiles from the Alliance tanks impacted the side of Twilight’s castle, causing more large pieces of its exterior to break off. It wouldn’t be much longer before the rest of the castle fell, including…

His friends.

With the foot planted firmly against his throat, Drift gave one final breath.

I’m sorry.

He began to close his optics…but then he took another breath.

The castle’s tip began to glow, and suddenly a new light emerged from his friend’s home. Lockdown stopped momentarily, his interests captured to the structure to his right. There, he witnessed the massive structure erupt into a new type of warmth and light he had yet experienced. Lockdown shielded his eyes. Starscream did the same, as did Bumblebee and Cliffjumper.

When the light faded, there was but a simple glow remaining. All eyes turned back towards the castle.

Hovering in the air right over Lockdown’s head was six, colorful, bright ponies. Their colors flowed through their long, lushes manes as veins would transfer blood through a body. They emerged from the castle in a ball of pure light and rainbows. Starscream slowly began to back away, his head shaking back and forth. Lockdown remained where he was, his eyes fixated on the incredible sight.

The creatures that held the power above him didn’t look afraid. They didn’t take notice to the Autobots lying in pain across the road. Their glares told the tale, a tale so dark that even Lockdown began to feel worry as he stared in their eyes.

They weren’t afraid. They weren’t in pain.

They just looked pissed.

The purple one, the one Lockdown presumed to be the leader, clenched her jaw tight, showing her teeth. Her eyes began to glow pure white, a look of rage etched in her face. Starscream’s jaw fell, as did his sword. He began to turn around, ready to run.

He wasn’t fast enough.

With their Rainbow Power forms complete, Twilight and her friends focused their energy on one, single strike. Lockdown once again had to shield his eyes as they all began to glow as bright as the sun. And then, just as quickly as they started, Lockdown watched as they launched a single beam of rainbows and energy right for him.

It was so massive that he could barely escape. The blast wasn’t intended for the bounty hunter, though he was caught in it. The beam went straight for the Decepticon Seeker, impaling his chest with such ferocity that Starscream actually screamed in a mixture of pain and terror. The blast tore his body to shreds, expanding so far until he was wiped off the face of the planet.

The blast didn’t stop there. It kept spreading and spreading until all of Ponyville was enveloped in its light. Nothing innocent was harmed. However, any surviving Decepticon or Alliance force that still remained…were not so lucky. Even Lockdown’s ship was torn apart from the rainbow blast, exploding into an array of lights and orange blossoms until its shredded corpse landed in Ponyville’s streets.

Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and Drift, all still slack-jawed at the scene they witnessed suddenly felt themselves being hoisted into the air by an unknown force, a rainbow field of energy. They brought their attention to the hovering ponies. They were smiling at them.

The Autobots couldn’t even smile back.

Then they flew.

With speeds completely unreal, the six ponies and their Autobot companions flew away from the freed town of Ponyville and headed right for their next and final destination: Manehattan.

Fluttershy never forgot to grab Swoop. She enveloped the Dinobot into his own field of energy, bringing him with them on their journey back to the main battle, back to the chaos…with their Rainbow Power.

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