• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 9,314 Views, 132 Comments

Pinkamena: The Dark Descent - Wolokai

Accused of murder, Pinkie Pie will trot down a dark path of Revenge, Blood, and Salvation.

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Chapter 2 - The Body

Chapter 2…The Body

“WOOHOO!” is all that was heard above the bouncing melodies of the record player that sat upon a lone nightstand in the middle of the room. All around Pinkie Pie jumped, bouncing about with glee as the room crowded with more and more ponies. Pinkie Bounced over to the refreshments table, pouring herself a cup of punch and sipping it happily. She received a tap on her shoulder and she turned her head, smiling wide and immediately hugging the coat of the Lavender Mare, Twilight Sparkle. She hugged her friend tight, squee-ing with delight as Twilight gasped “P…Pinkie!!! AIR, please!!!” Pinkie let her down, giggling as she gave a little bounce

“Oh Twilight, I’m just so happy today!!! Just think, now you guys will be able to come over all the time and enjoy so many sweets that I’ll bake for you all! Won’t that be great?!” Twilight simply smiled and nodded, saying

“I must admit it was kind of sad to see the Cakes leave for Manehattan, but they made a good choice leaving everything in your name.” Pinkie nodded vigorously and added with a bright, happy tone

“Oh you bet, and now I’m going to have twice as many parties, and twice as many goods!!! The next few years are going to be great!” their conversation went on for a little more until Pinkie turned her head, and saw poor Fluttershy heading towards her, covered in flour. Pinkie frowned, holding a hoof up “Are you ok Fluttershy? Why are you covered in flour?” Fluttershy simply smiled and poked her own two hooves together shyly, mumbling

“Um…well, I didn’t want you to be distracted from your party…so I went to make some sweets, and I think I accidently ran out of flour…” At this Pinkie Pie laughed, gently rubbing some flour off her yellow friend and saying

“Oh Fluttershy, why didn’t you just tell me you were baking? I could have helped you out and we could have been done by now! Come on silly, let’s go get you cleaned up and get us some more flour. Twilight, you keep this party going ok?” Twilight stuttered for a moment, watching them go

“W…wait! I don’t know how to run a party Pinkie!!! PINKIE!!!” But the Party Pony had already descended the stairs with Fluttershy, heading down to the empty, main floor of the shop. They went to the sink, with Pinkie grabbing a small dish towel and wetting it in the water that still lied inside the small metal tub. Fluttershy gently settled on her haunches, letting Pinkie Pie move around her in circles, wiping off the Flour with the rag. Fluttershy couldn’t help but blush, being cleaned by one of her best friends. After a thorough cleaning, Pinkie Pie went over to a small wooden indention in the shape of a square behind the counter and on the floor. She used her hoof to pop up a metal loop on the trapdoor, which she took in her mouth and tugged upwards, opening the door with a semi-loud creak. Fluttershy looked down the dark hole and let out a low ‘Meep!’ Pinkie Pie understood of course, Fluttershy was a bit shy. She made a move to go down the trapdoor when Fluttershy stopped her, shaking her head and mumbling

“Oh no, it’s…um…it’s ok Pinkie Pie…I’m trying to be more assertive, and I think I’m getting better at being brave…so…um…I’d like to go down and get the spare flour…if that’s ok with you…that is…” Pinkie Pie smiled and tilted her head, smiling her wide and shouting with glee

“Okie-Dokie-Lokie! Be careful down there, it’s pretty dark. I’ll be in the kitchen getting the pans for the cupcakes ready!” They went their separate ways, Pinkie heading to the kitchen and Fluttershy heading down into the deep darkness. She took it easy, one step at a time, the darkness enveloping her more and more. She started to get really scared, meeping and squeaking with fright at every small creak and groaning of wood. She finally hit the bottom of the basement and squinted her eyes, looking for the lantern that was usually set up on a small table in the basement. She went forward slowly, being careful not to bump into anything. She suddenly squeaked with fright as her hoof hit something wet on the ground. She backed up a few steps, trying to shake the wetness off her hoof. She bumped into the nightstand which of course caused her to yelp and jump in fright, the lantern she was looking for falling to the ground with a loud crash. Pinkie Pie shouted from above “Fluttershy? Everything ok down there?” Fluttershy coughed from some dust that had been kicked up by the lantern and called back

“Oh, um…yes. Sorry, I just stepped in something…and I dropped your lantern, I’m sorry!” Pinkie Pie’s laugh carried from upstairs and she shouted back down

“Don’t worry about it silly filly! Get the flour and come on back up!” Fluttershy nodded to herself, searching around with her hoof for the fallen lantern. She bumped it, the lantern making a slight metallic scratching sound as it rolled along the cold stone floor. The Yellow Mare picked up the lantern in her mouth, pushing the small button on the side of the lantern. It didn’t turn on and she made a low groaning noise through the metal between her teeth. She tapped it a few more times and finally just bumped it against a box lightly. It finally flickered on as she sighed, mumbling through the metal bar as she looked up and said “Pffhinaly, now, wherssh that phhlour, I know ish here some….some…SOME…!” She couldn’t finish her sentence as the light filled up the basement. Her pupils contracted to small pinpoints, her breath becoming erratic fast, the lantern falling from her mouth and crashing yet again on the ground. It rolled away from her to fully illuminate a pony’s body hanging from the rafters by a rope around one of its legs. It was a mare, reddish in color, with its cutie mark cut off and throat cut, with the front legs and one back leg missing. Fluttershy’s eyes slowly traveled down, her breath coming out in terrified heaves as she saw a massive pool of blood underneath the body. She looked down at her hoof, soaked with red, having stepped in the reddish goo. That was all it took.


Fluttershy’s scream echoed through the entire Sugar Cube Corner, and even stopped ponies outside in their tracks. A moment later there was a thunderous commotion heard above on the main and second floors of the shop, Pinkie Pie flying down the stairs with her apron already splotched with frosting and bits of cupcake mix. She ran to Fluttershy, crying out

“Fluttershy!!! Fluttershy what happened!? Did you fall, are you…EEEEK!” Pinkie Pie stopped short of the illuminated body, her hooves flying up to her mouth. In the next moment Fluttershy had run into Pinkie, sobbing uncontrollably. Pinkie couldn’t take her eyes off the corpse that hung still in her basement, blood dried and eyes fixed in an open stare, mouth open in a soundless scream. Twilight had rushed down next to see what happened when she too stopped to gasp. A sudden shout from the top of the stairs made them all jump, a familiar, rough voice

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” Shouted Inspector Trottington, who now himself came down the steps. “I was on my way to deliver the checklist for your Inspection Ms. Pie and I must say I won’t stand for people in here partying and disturbing the pe- BY CELESTIA WHAT IN THE HAY!?” The Inspector reared back in horror, coming across the body. The next thing that came out of the Inspector’s mouth was a scream of rage and a furious retort “YOU, SICK, BASTARD OF A MARE!!! Is THIS your idea of a clean, healthy bakery!? FEEDING THE TOWNSFOLK THEIR OWN TOWNSFOLK!?” Pinkie Pie turned her head and shoot it frantically, trying to control Fluttershy’s screams of fright and sobbing. The Pink Mare shouted

“NO! Fluttershy found this down here; I didn’t know this was here!!! I haven’t been down into the basement since yesterday, and there was nopony here!!!” This didn’t sway the Inspector at all, who simply yelled at the top of his lungs

“MURDERER! Canterlot will surely hear about this!!! Quick!!! Someone upstairs call the authorities! Look at this place! Fouled and condemned the ingredients are, bathed in blood! You and the Yellow one, what have you both done!? Quick! Somepony stop the food being passed around up there, it’s HERETICAL!”

Pinkie Pie looked around frantically, hair slightly deflating as she thought of something she could say. There was NO WAY she was a murderer!!! She was with Fluttershy throughout the last two days, spending a lot of time with her and planning today’s super duper party! How could she find the time, WHY would she find the time!? And now, above all things, the Inspector was blaming this on Fluttershy of all ponies!? She looked at Twilight, who was still horrified at the sight of the body, but had now caught Pinkie’s eye. With quivering lips, Twilight stuttered

“P…Pinkie…did…did you…?” At this Pinkie Pie shouted with an intense volume

“NO!!!” The Inspector turned his head sharply at Pinkie and snarled

“Damn you, DAMN you Ms. Pinkamena Diane Pie! Your antics down here may have very well poisoned the ponies of Ponyville, who knows how long this has been going on!? WHERE ARE THOSE GUARDS!?” At this point Pinkie’s mind was going forty miles a minute, her options narrowing down rapidly. She had a body of a mare in her basement, a very powerful and influential Health Inspector staring right at it, and who was openly blaming her and poor Fluttershy for this horrid crime, and for even the worse thought of them actually FEEDING the body to the TOWN! Her alibi was solid, but even then with just an alibi it couldn’t place her AWAY from the crime! She had the only key to the shop, given to her by the Cakes, which meant…that no matter what they would link the crime to them. That left one option…
RUN! Pinkie threw Fluttershy over her back and jumped behind a crate, bucking it with full force and barreling it towards the Inspector and Twilight. They both shouted in surprised and jumped out of the way, allowing Pinkie to dash up the stairs towards the top, only looking back momentarily to the shouts of the Inspector who cried

“STOP HER!!! SHE’S ESCAPING!!!” Pinkie Pie only shouted back, in a voice so menacing and cold

“LIAR AND VILLAIN! I have been framed, along with one of my best friends! If justice be found, let it be found quickly here, for the truth will surface soon enough! TO HELL with you Inspector!” With that she bounded into the main floor, several ponies already coming down the stairs to find out what all the commotion was about. She made for the front door but skidded to a halt as the door crashed down in front of her, Royal Guard Ponies rushing through and the Inspector poking his head out of the trapdoor. He pointed a hoof at Pinkie Pie and shouted

“THERE, GET HER!!! SIEZE HER!!!” Pinkie Pie dove out of the way of the guards who launched themselves at her, nearly dropping Fluttershy. She shifted her on her back, getting her stable quickly before bounding up the stairs, pushing by confused and surprised ponies. The Guards were hot on her hooves, trotting up the stairs hurriedly. Pinkie Pie ascended to the second floor, catching sight of her balcony with the window closed. She brushed her front right hoof against the ground and launched herself forward, screaming at the top of her lungs. A moment later, Pinkie Pie found herself crashing through the window and over the balcony, landing in a clump of bushes below in the street. She didn’t waste any time in gathering up Fluttershy who had nearly fallen off, and bolting down the street. She weaved in and out of the buildings, darting for the one place she knew she could be safe, if only for a few hours, and that was at the Cutie-Mark Crusaders’ club house near Sweet Apple Acres. The hour of twilight was at hand, and the hunt was on.