• Published 1st Nov 2011
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Pinkamena: The Dark Descent - Wolokai

Accused of murder, Pinkie Pie will trot down a dark path of Revenge, Blood, and Salvation.

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Chapter 7 - The Return

Chapter 7… The Return

I stood before an older Scootaloo, a beautiful, orange mare with a violet mane. I was stunned, dumbfounded even. I opened my mouth to speak but Scootaloo held up a hoof, sighing “I know you have even more questions…but believe me I’ve already had my share of them. The most obvious is ‘since I’m here, where’s Pinkie Pie?’ Well that’s an easy one to answer…as today is actually the day Fluttershy is released. In a few hours, Fluttershy will walk free from the prison. Pinkie Pie will be there to see her friend walk out into a blissful ray of sunshine and happiness…and she herself will come forth and admit to all of Ponyville and the authorities of her crimes. Today is her day Detective…the day you will learn the truth and conclusion of The Tale of Pinkie Pie the Party Pony of Ponyville. Come…the town already gathers. Twilight, will you be joining us?” Twilight nodded and stood, walking with them to the door. The rain had stopped, and together, we all proceeded outside and walked with several crowds of Ponies who were gathering and walking in one unified direction…to the Prison.

Weeks passed…weeks of murder, blood, and baking. More and more the rich of Hoofington grew terrified and fearful, while the poor and homeless folk grew happier and healthier. The rumors still got around no matter how hard Pinkie Pie tried to keep them down. Somepony…was murdering the rich. More and more, shop owners of Emporium stores were starting to pack up and leave, scared that whoever was targeting the rich ponies would start to come after those who priced high like them. Pinkie Pie was smooth…her operation subtle…cutting the throats of ponies who were hateful and uncaring of the disease they had created in Hoofington.

Scootaloo was getting a bit bigger, her wings growing a bit more and her mane growing longer as well. She felt so…safe with Pinkie Pie, so warm and happy. She told Pinkie this and was given a tight, snuggling hug. Even though they were just pretending to be Mother and Daughter, it was becoming clear that as time went on, this imaginary act was starting to become reality. It was true; Pinkie Pie had finally decided to simply just consider Scootaloo her own daughter by adoption. Scootaloo couldn’t have been any happier at this development, the two of them spending more and more time with one another. They took long walks out to the parks in Hoofington, sat on the edge of the river they had first arrived on and simply watched the water, and even provided the baked goods for several high class parties being held in the fancier up-town district of Hoofington. They passed more and more inspections, scoring perfectly in each session. She had heard that Inspector Trottington was wildly impressed with her bakery’s business, and to this Pinkie Pie could only smile. She was drawing him in…his interest in her bakery and the moving out of the others was coming into bloom perfectly. A few more bodies, a few more cupcakes, and revenge would finally be hers.

Then…one day…fate would smile upon Pinkie Pie. It was a bright, sunny day, with birds chirping and business running as usual in Hoofington. Pinkie Pie was in a particularly good mood when she had heard the news. She had to put off these happy thoughts for a moment as she pounced on the back of a fancily dressed mare, bring her knife around in front of the mare and stabbing backwards, up into the throat. She dug the knife around in the soft flesh of the mare, who could do nothing but gurgle and retch, stumbling around the kitchen and banging into several counters. Finally her legs gave out and she began to flail wildly, twitching as Pinkie pulled the knife deeper and deeper. The blade had pierced through the back of her neck when the mare finally stopped struggling, twitching a few times before her eyes grew vacant and her movements still. Getting up, Pinkie let out a loud “Whew!” and smiled widely. She’d have to fix this batch up quickly, as she had no idea when the Moving Carriage would arrive. The news Pinkie had received earlier was about her relocation. Apparently Inspector Trottington was getting nervous about all the rich ponies disappearing and the Emporiums closing, and didn’t want his prized bakery mare Mena to suffer the same fate. It was ironic…considering Trottington wanted her to move to Ponyville and take up business in the old Sugar Cube Corner. It was a dream come true, Pinkie Pie though, dragging the mare’s limp body into the basement.

An hour later, Pinkie Pie ascended the stairs to find Scootaloo already packing up most of the equipment and tools. She stopped and saw Pinkie Pie watching, both of them smiling. She walked over to Scootaloo and sat down on her haunches, pulling her into a hug. They sat there for a moment, soft, content smiles on both their faces until Pinkie mumbled quietly “Tonight…is the night Scootaloo…the night we go home.” Scootaloo looked up quickly with wide, twinkling eyes and a big smile, squeaking

“Really Pinkie!? For real!?” Pinkie nodded but then frowned as she put her hoof under Scootaloo’s chin and uttered darkly

“But know this Scootaloo…tonight is going to be a night of blood. Tonight you and I part ways when go to Ponyville. At the end of tonight, you cannot come with me to where I am going…” She expected Scootaloo to protest, and quickly put a hoof over her mouth when she heard the first words of her retort. She smiled sweetly at Scootaloo and nuzzled her a little, holding her tight as she whispered “Scootaloo…for all the time we’ve spent here in Hoofington…I’ve come to consider you my own daughter. You’ve been a loving friend and dear companion, helping me so much. But tonight…tonight is the night that I must face my demons…that I must face my final task head on. I want you to go straight to Twilight’s once we reach Ponyville…and then, I want you to spread the tale, tell them of what happened here in Hoofington. I love you Scootaloo, you’re the best daughter I could have ever asked for if I wanted one.” Scootaloo openly wept at the last sentence of Pinkie’s statement, holding her tightly as they both heard the sound of carriage doors opening and closing outside.

Pinkie Pie turned her head towards the sound and whispered “They’re here, come now.” Scootaloo nodded and wiped her eyes, going to the front to let the movers in while Pinkie went to the kitchen. She approached the counter that had a leather bound harness of sorts. She slipped it over her head and hooked it across her chest, a sheath latching onto her right front hoof. It didn’t hinder her movement at all and she quickly grabbed up her large knife, slipping it into the sheath and covering it with a green cape she wrapped over herself. She slipped on her saddlebags next and shifted her weight around, getting them comfortable.

She went to the front, greeting the movers who moved past her and nodded in reply. The shop had been cleaned to perfection, the basement void of any evidence of Pinkie’s dark, demonic craft. With a clear conscious, she stepped up into the carriage with Scootaloo, who was brimming with excitement at the thought of going home to Ponyville. The Carriage lurched forward and their journey home began. Things were quiet on the road home, Pinkie Pie not saying much as she prepared herself mentally for tonight. Tonight was the night she would kill Inspector Trottington, the colt who caused her all this pain and misery, and who had ripped her best friend away from her. Scootaloo was quiet as well; a pensive look on her face as she stared out the carriage window, pondering what she would do when she got home. Maybe she’d go see Rainbow Dash; she was probably worried sick, wondering where she was. Perhaps Sweetie Belle or Applebloom, seeing as they were without their third crusader for so long. She blinked in surprise for a moment, realizing she had actually forgotten that she had been a Cutie Mark Crusader. Had it really been so long as to forget her favorite childhood memories? What was she saying, she still WAS a filly! The month and a half they spent in Hoofington seemed like years, but it was all about to come to an end.

Another five minutes of silence passed by before Scootaloo turned her head to Pinkie Pie and asked

“Pinkie, can I ask you a question?” Pinkie Pie snapped out of her spaced out state and turned her head to smile sweetly at Scootaloo, nodding and saying quietly

“Of course dear…what do you need?” Scootaloo blushed a little and looked down, mustering up as much courage as she could before lifting her head back up and saying

“Well…I just…I want you to be happy after all this over. I want you to be the same happy, bouncy, party pony I remember…but I also want something even more important to me…” Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement to Scootaloo’s request, and waited for the ending to it. For a moment Scootaloo was quiet, simply staring at Pinkie Pie. They looked at each other for a minute or so until Scootaloo suddenly said “I want you to be my mom.” It was that moment that nearly tore Pinkie Pie apart. She felt tears brim in her eyes as she heard Scootaloo make her final request known. Scootaloo wanted to become a daughter to her for real, to be together and to live together. Pinkie Pie pulled Scootaloo close and stared deeply into her eyes, whispering gently

“I promise you Scootaloo, when this is all over, when Trottington lay dead, Fluttershy free, and myself absolved or punished for my sins, I will take you as my daughter, and we’ll live happily together.” Scootaloo smiled wide at this, and nuzzled her soon-to-be mother, giving Pinkie a great big hug. The rest of the ride was quiet, with Pinkie Pie holding a now sleeping Scootaloo, gently running a hoof through her mane. In a few hours they had reached the outskirts of Ponyville, the clock-tower and Mayor’s office in sight. Pinkie Pie called out for the driver to stop, and stop he did. Pinkie Pie gently placed Scootaloo on the seat next to her and tried her very best not to burst into tears, gently nuzzling and kissing her sleeping child on the top of her head. She whispered sweetly but quietly “Goodbye, Scootaloo…Goodbye, my daughter” and left the carriage, heading up to the driver who stood in his harness, waiting for further instructions. Pinkie said professionally to him “I want you to take my daughter to my good friend Twilight Sparkle’s house, she runs a library on the other side of town. Drop her off there and immediately leave, as the librarian does not like to be bothered for long. The driver nodded and pulled the carriage away, leaving Pinkie Pie to simply watch it go…watching her future wheel away before her eyes. Dark rain clouds had gathered overhead, a chilly wind beginning to pick up, making Pinkie’s cape flap about and her pigtails sway with the breeze. She began to walk very slowly towards the town, heading for the place she was supposed to meet Trottington.

She passed through the streets quietly, looking upon her old home and the many ponies she recognized. She had said it over and over before…she really did know everypony in Ponyville. Ditzy Doo flew by with her brown mailbag, while Lyra and Bon Bon talked excitedly outside the restaurant her and Fluttershy had once gone to casually together. She hadn’t seen any of her best friends and for a good reason no doubt. It looked like it was about to rain oceans, which accounted for Rainbow Dash being missing (probably helping create the storm). Twilight was never one for harsh weather, no WAY was Rarity going to be outside, and Applejack was probably back on the farm getting everything ready for a good soak. She neared the Mayor’s Office, and as expected, she found Trottington standing near the bottom steps, waiting patiently. He turned his head at the sound of her approach and he smiled, bowing and saying gruffly

“Ms. Mena, so good of you to make it! Say, where is dear Louise?” Pinkie Pie smiled and bowed in return, telling him

“Louise went to make preparations at the Inn, since we will be staying there until the new bakery you have secured for us is properly cleaned and open for living.” Trottington nodded and held out a hoof towards the fateful street that held Sugar Cube Corner, muttering

“Shall we?” Pinkie nodded and walked with him down the street, the streets beginning to clear of Ponies who were ready to seek shelter from the storm. Trottington looked up towards the black sky and frowned “Quite a downpour coming, I do hope we can inspect the building and be away before the storm begins!” Pinkie nodded in agreement and before too long, they stopped. It was a near heart-breaking moment for Pinkie Pie, looking upon her boarded up and condemned bakery, Sugar Cube Corner. The paint had faded and grown dark, the sign above the door handing from a broken chain. She walked up towards the door and sat on her haunches gently, running a gentle hoof over the rough boards that held the door closed. Trottington cleared his throat and began to explain “It’s in a bit of a state, but easily fixable. There was a serious…health issue…a month or so ago, but nothing your skillful hooves can’t clean! I expect this place to be in full business by the end of…” Pinkie spoke to the door, cutting him off as he asked

“What happened here, a month ago?” Trottington frowned at this, grimacing at her sudden interruption. He shrugged it off, simply replying with

“A Pink Mare committed a foul act of murder here in the basement, and her yellow Pegasus friend was arrested and imprisoned as an accomplice.” Pinkie looked up to the tall spire of her building, her old bedroom window still shattered from where she had jumped through it with Fluttershy during her escape. She mumbled darkly

“So…it all started here…” Trottington narrowed his eyes at Pinkie Pie, asking cautiously

“Are…you ok Ms. Mena?” Pinkie Pie didn’t answer him…waiting a few moments before letting out a dark growl that echoed the words

“Ironic…that everything should end where it all began…” A loud crack of thunder above made Trottington jump a little. The rain started soon after, pouring across town and immediately soaking the two ponies in front of Sugar Cube Corner. The rain was coming down in torrents, making things hard to see. Trottington studied Pinkie carefully, looking her up and down before muttering

“What are you on about Ms. Mena…you’re acting…very different all of a sudden” It was then that Trottington swore he heard it…the sounds of musical voices eerily echoing over the rain and wind, carrying the lyrics

“Attend the Tale of Pinkie Pie…

A Mare who was force to live a lie…

You took from her what made her smile,

How could you do something so evil and vile…?

To Pinkie…To Pinkie Pie…

The Party Pony of Ponyville”

Pinkie Pie turned her head slowly as the paint on her coat slowly began to soften and blur on her coat. She sang quietly as she pressed her hoof against the boards

“I ran away from Ponyville…

Blamed a MURDERER even still…

To Hoofington I quickly fled

Everypony believing me dead…

Dear Pinkie…Dear Pinkie Pie…

The Baker Pony of Hoofington.”

Pinkie giggled at Trottington repeating the question of “What’s wrong with you!? Why are you acting like this!?” She merely turned her head as the paint started to melt away, her pink coat and pink mane glistening in the rain and lighting of the storms. She muttered savagely

“No doubt the months have changed me Trottington…” At this Trottington fell back on his haunches, a booming gasp escaping his lips and a hoof pointed straight at Pinkie Pie. He stuttered, terrified and shocked at this suddenly revealing of Ms. Mena’s true identity. He gasped out loudly

“Pinkie Pie!?” The only thing that Pinkie did then…was whip her cape off, and grasp the knife that was situated in the holster attached to her hoof, ripping it free and screaming to the heavens

“PINKIE PIE!!!!!!”


Pinkie launched herself at Trottington, slashing him across his chest and side. Trottington yelped loudly as he stumbled back, blood seeping from his newfound wounds. He turned on his hooves and quickly tried to dash away. Pinkie Pie was hot on his hooves however, chasing him with knife in mouth, screaming at him with an outburst of utter rage. All around, a few Ponies were watching the scene with wide, terrified eyes. Pinkie Pie had returned, and was out for blood and vengeance at last. The voices of musical ponies continued to echo out…carrying words along the wind

“Accused by a colt, an Inspector…

Who most ponies had called ‘Traitor!’…

He shut down her shop that was in his way

And will forever be blamed for that day

That Pinkie…that Pinkie Pie…

Turned into this monster.”

The chase continued through the town, several ponies exclaiming in terror or shock in seeing Pinkie Pie chasing a bleeding, wounded Trottington through Ponyville. Trottington was growing tired, and could feel the loud swishing of the blade behind him as Pinkie attempted to cut at his hooves.

“Pinkie wounded and gone she was

Replaced by a monster none heard of…”

Trottington dashed down an alleyway, looking over his shoulder for a moment and finding Pinkie Pie nowhere behind him. He let out a breath of relief but suddenly shrieked in terror as Pinkie leapt from above, coming down and dragging her knife across his back, slicing it open. He howled in pain at her clothes lining attack, but pushed forward still. He had to make it to the prison; the guards could protect him there!

“Pinkamena, hair full and straight

A habit for cutting a hobby to bake,

Pinkie swung her hooves up WIDE

No one could know of her dark crime…”

Trottington bounded into the town square, the Mayor’s Office before him. Pinkie Pie burst from a street in front of him, blocking off his path to the prison. Her glare was murderous and her eyes bore into Trottington’s, her intentions clear. She was going to kill him for what he had done to her.

“Pinkie was smooth, her method was subtle

Cutting the throats of all who had muddled,

Her knife was smooth, her cutting so subtle

The throats of ponies who all had muddled,

Pinkie was gone, a demon instead

Inviting the rich, and them she bled”

Trottington backed up slowly as Pinkie moved forward, several cracks of thunder echoing out one name, a name that inspired true fear in his heart.



Trottington turned and tried to bolt, but ended up tripping on himself as Pinkie Pie drew ever closer, teeth and gums nearly bleeding from how hard she gripped the knife in her mouth. She came closer…closer….closer…

“Attend the tale of Pinkie Pie,


Out for vengeance and blood she was,


Trottington turned over on his back and stared up with wide, staring eyes. Pinkie Pie stood over him, a flash of lightning illuminating her horrific face. Her eyes were a dim red color, glowing as she looked down upon her source of agony, her source of pain.

“And now she has ended up this way

Letting the blood flow night and day…

Our Pinkie…our Pinkie Pie…


Pinkie screamed, she screamed and she screamed the howls of hellish fury. She pounced upon Trottington, bringing her knife up and stabbing him in the chest. Trottington’s blood curdling screams could be heard across all of Ponyville, in every section and in every building. Pinkie withdrew and stabbed back in her blade, carving into his belly, his chest, his neck, and face. Blood flew everywhere, coating Pinkie Pie and the ground around her. Pinkie held her knife up at its highest point, the entire blade coated with red. Trottington gurgled blood from his mouth and throat, weakly pushing at Pinkie Pie, trying to get her off. This was it, her MOMENT HAD COME! She let out a howling scream and flung her head down with the knife, gutting Trottington right in his throat. She twisted the blade roughly, flinging it back and forth and cutting up Trottington violently. For a moment, he twitched, and finally…his wide, vacant eyes staring into Pinkie Pie’s…he died. Pinkie sat there on top of him for a moment, utterly baked in his blood. The ground around them was drenched in red, the puddle growing larger and larger.

All around, several ponies watched from a distance, hooves over their mouths and eyes wider then dishes. Pinkie panted, heaving for breath as she gently let go of the knife in her mouth, her teeth aching. The blade stuck in Trottington’s throat. She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face as she slowly raised her head up towards the sky. She sniffed and sobbed, her face being pelted with rain. She opened her mouth….


And then…she fled.


“Pinkie fled soon after, before anypony had a chance to catch or talk to her. Trottington lay in ribbons at her feet, finally dead after what seemed like an eternity of plotting. She vowed to return this day…she vowed to me…once Trottington lie dead…and Fluttershy free…she’d return and atone for her sins. I have waited five years for this day…and I will not be denied it” Scootaloo told me as we stood in front of the Prison. The whole town was gathered, waiting for those gates to open. I had finally been told The Tale of Pinkie Pie, my thoughts in utter turmoil about the verdict Pinkie Pie should receive because of what she had done.

I had little time to ponder this as a collective gasp echoed out across the residents…and the prison gates opened. A tiny, yellow hoof reached out and pushed against the ground…a small sliver of pinkish mane following it. Fluttershy, the Yellow Mare of Ponyville, raised her head towards the sun, drinking in its powerful rays. She looked weak, feeble, and fragile even as she sluggishly walked through the rusted gates of the prison. She was a bit too skinny for comfort, and her coat was very dull in color. She walked out of the second set of gates and into the arms of Twilight Sparkle, who immediately began to weep. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity had approached as well, scooping each other up in a group hug. I could not help but shed a tear myself as I watched the scene before me unfold. As the group dispersed, Fluttershy let out a weak cough and rasped, her voice hoarse

“I’m…so happy…that I got to see everyone…and I’m overjoyed to see you too…Pinkie Pie” At the mention of her name, everypony whipped their heads around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her somewhere in the crowd. I did not act as such…I knew where she would be standing. Scootaloo seemed to share the same thought as together we turned our heads to look behind us. There, on a far hill, adorned with a brown cape and pulled-back hood, was Pinkamena Diane Pie, A.K.A. Pinkie Pie of Ponyville. She looked as if she hadn’t slept for years, her pink mane straight and silky as ever. It took a few moments for everypony to catch sight of her, the area growing quietly as the Pink Mare descended the hill and proceeded towards the crowd. A path opened for her as she walked, everypony making way for her. She passed through quietly, her head up high and her eyes forward. She approached Fluttershy, the rest of her friends backing away to give her room.

She got down on her fore-legs, putting her head over Fluttershy’s and gently nuzzling hers. Fluttershy whispered quietly “You came…you kept your promise…you came…” Pinkie Pie smiled and nuzzled her friend harder

“For years I hoped to come back to a Free Mare…and Indeed I have. It’s still not over Fluttershy…you know that.” Fluttershy nodded and hugged her friend tightly, Pinkie hugging her back. They held each other for a dear moment, before finally letting go of her. She turned her head to her other friends and muttered “Please…help her recover…” Her friends nodded, determined to honor her request. Pinkie approached the gates of the prison and shouted upwards “CELESTIA!!! LUNA!!! I have come as I promised I would, to come back to Ponyville and atone for my sins!!! Fluttershy is free, and Trottington is dead!!! ONE THING REMAINS, AND I DEMAND YOU MAKE YOUR PRESENCE KNOWN TO ME!”

In the next instant two loud booms were heard, bright light filling the small courtyard. I looked up and gasped as everypony knelt forward in respect. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood before Pinkie Pie, looking down on her with serious expressions, eyes narrowed. Celestia waited for Pinkie Pie to rise from her kneeling before she spoke

“Indeed…you have returned Pinkie Pie, to answer for your crimes…we have been waiting and talking amongst one another for the last five years, your sentence...Luna?” Luna stepped forward, pointing a hoof at Pinkie and proclaiming in a royal voice

“Pinkamena Diane Pie, you have been accused of over forty counts of murder, and the salvation of the poor townsfolk of Hoofington!” At this everypony gasped in astonishment. I had already known of course…about this dark trading of her soul and innocence for the well being of the homeless and starving in Hoofington. Luna continued “Although what you did…was done with honorable intentions, the case of murder cannot be ignored! It has been shown to us that Trottington had indeed framed you, and had tried to spread his corruption amongst Equestria by aiding his shady corporation. This did not make murdering him excusable. We cannot let you go unpunished Pinkie Pie, nor can we give you a full sentence for your crimes, considering what you yourself had to sacrifice and endure to save your friends and the lives of over a hundred ponies…therefore…as a sentence for your crimes…” Everypony held their breath, waiting. The silence that hung in the air…was maddening. Finally Luna proclaimed

“You will be BANISHED to the Moon…
For ONE year”

Nopony spoke…hell, nopony even breathed. Luna was tearing up as she proclaimed the sentence to Pinkie Pie, who only looked up to Luna with a small smile on her face. Fluttershy and Scootaloo approached Pinkie Pie, who had turned to greet them. She had tears spilling down her face as she squeaked

“What’s another year, right girls?” They all three laughed and cried at the same time, Scootaloo hugging her new mother tightly, the promise fulfilled that once Pinkie Pie had atoned, that she would take Scootaloo as her own. Fluttershy embraced her next, nuzzling her neck and crying into Pinkie’s soft coat. Luna looked upon Pinkie as she slowly turned back around to face her, speaking firmly “I am ready…I have accepted your judgment and I am ready.” Celestia and Luna looked at one another and nodded, bowing their heads and aiming their horns at Pinkie Pie. She discarded her cape and hood and stood firm, waiting. Their horns lit and their magic was ready, lightning crackling all around. As the beams of white and black shot forth from the princesses, Pinkie Pie turned her head and looked straight at me. We stared at one another, a small smile on her face and one on mine as well. I cried, for once I bawled my eyes out as I beheld the look in Pinkie’s eyes. In those white orbs of hers, I saw everything…her pain..her misery…her tale. I saw her, and through her, a mare who gave up everything she had to free her friend, save a town, and bring an evil colt to justice. She mouthed one word to me…just one as the magic hit her and evaporated her form in an instant, the craters of the moon morphing to resemble the shape of Pinkie’s head…hair smooth and flowing across her shoulders. Just one word…and one word only…
