• Published 16th Oct 2014
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The finale of the Pony POV Series is here. Discord and Nightmare Diamond Tiara's end game is here. The Mane Six. Trixie. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. All have roles to play. Can they bring back the truth? Or will lies rule? Can hope pierce despair?

  • ...

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Rarity Belle

After having my mind, my soul, my spirit, my very being squeezed from Twilight Sparkle's brain into Nightmare Nhilis' like pastry squeezed through the eye of a needle, what I “saw” next was not at all what I had expected. Twilight had warned me that Diamond Tiara's mind might try to ensnare me in an imaginary place where Diamond was dead and we were all better off for it, or some other vision of utter despair. I was prepared to look for things that were out of place on Twilight’s instruction.

Instead, I found myself in pitch darkness. I could see myself, illuminated as if by daylight, but nothing else, not even the ground on which I stood. There had to be something beneath my hooves, for I was neither falling nor floating, but I couldn't feel anything.

= Faded Memories - Promyvion - Final Fantasy XI Online: Chains of Promathia =

"What did you expect from a heart that was shattered into nothing?" The silence in this place and the utter lack of acoustics seemed to drain all life from the voice.

Where before there had been nothing, now a blank flank colt with a dark pink coat stood in front of me. He had yellow eyes and a yellow chartreuse mane and tail. Between one blink and the next, he became a teenage pegasus with a tornado wearing sunglasses for a cutie mark. Then a brown unicorn with a black mane and a tornado mark without glasses, his eyes red within yellow. Lastly, he flickered and became Discord himself.

The monster looked sullen, his arms folded across his chest and his snaky body leaning backwards against nothing.

"I suppose you’re here to ‘finish me off’ in my weakened state, as it were... with just one Element, no less. I hope you’re not planning to pull another five potential aspects of yourself out of your sofa cushions, because it’s been done.” He sighed. “Just give me a moment to set up the dancing weasels, and we can get this over with."

I turned my nose up at him. "Frankly, Discord, I couldn't care less about you right now."

"WHAT?!” Discord attempted to unclog his ears by sticking a claw in one ear and out the other. “I’m certain I must have misheard. No one ever uses that phrase correctly..."

"I'm not here for you. I'm here to save your victim."

"But... I'm Chaos! I'm your worst enemy!"

I rolled my eyes. "Please. Don't tell me you're still obsessed with your 'grand finale.'"

"Fine, I won't tell you." Discord turned his back, nose in the air. "So you've figured out a way to ‘free’ Diamond Tiara of my corruptive influence, and together you'll vanquish me? Is that it?"

"Oh, will you give it a rest? You sound like Diamond Tiara does right now. I wonder who got it from whom."

"She got it from me, obviously!"

"Normally I'd accept that, except you said it, and you were the one who wanted to back out of your little suicide pact," I said, disgusted. "We'll deal with you later in whatever way the princesses deem fit. Now, are you going to help me save Diamond Tiara, or do you intend to go on sulking like a child?"

Discord narrowed his eyes. "Do you expect me to simply hand her over? She might have betrayed me... and I might have destroyed nearly every trait in her that ever made me feel kinship with her in the first place... But she's still the only family I have that doesn't judge me!"


Discord shrank back from me.

I calmed myself as much as I could and said, "If you really consider her family, if you truly love her somewhere deep down in your withered husk of a heart... if you have even the slightest flicker of compassion, then help me save her."

Discord sighed, and a puff of smoke later, I was looking at a child version of him.

"Hi, I'm Dissy! I can lead you to Diamond Tiara and all the other stuff hidden by the empty dark."

Before I could react to this strange happenstance, Dissy took my hoof. There was no transition, no flying through the void while an orchestra played ominous music and a dark choir wailed. He took my hoof, and I don't know if I came to a new spot in the infinite dark, or if things that had been invisible before simply appeared around me.

We encountered no guards, no monsters, no weapons or traps. I wasn't sure if that was reassuring or disturbing.

"That's it?" I asked. "I was expecting more... obstacles."

Dissy held up an ID badge, twirling it on one finger. "There were, but she forgot to revoke my backstage pass."

= Hyrule Castle Tower - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess =

I felt as though I’d stumbled upon a half-built stage with a few sparse props and a black backdrop. The sort of thing that a theater company says is meant to be very artistic, when they’ve actually just run out of money. Everywhere I looked, I saw layers upon layers of neglect and decay.

The first layer was the Rich mansion, built like a foal's playset with everything to scale and compressed into a small space, but it had been torn away, as if the wallpaper, ceiling tiles, carpet, paintings, and candle holders had only been bits of a single painted backdrop that only had the illusion of depth. Prop furniture lay in broken pieces on the floor, or suspended in midair.

Behind the torn backdrop, gray cubes actually made up most of the mansion. There was no personality or style to them, just lifeless gray blocks perfectly stacked in a flawless grid pattern, with the mansion set piece built on top. The gray cubes had decayed too, looking like they'd suffered eons of deterioration, leaving gaps where cubes had crumbled to nothing and exposed the blackness beyond.

Again, I noticed that there was some sort of ground in this place that I could neither see nor feel. I stood straight and level, even though my forehooves rested on the visible decaying blocks and carpet, and my hind hooves apparently stood on nothing at all. I'm in a child's damaged mental landscape, being guided by a tiny, surprisingly helpful Discord, and Discord was probably the least strange aspect of this place.

In the very center of the ruined theater set lay Diamond Tiara herself... a filly, but gray as ash and still sporting wings and a horn. She wore a rusted brass collar adorned with a colorless, shapeless jewel.

She was sitting on what might have been her bed, but it had been torn up like everything else, with the gray blocks rearranged into a foal-sized building block throne, which clung together even though it looked like the decayed blocks in the base shouldn’t have been able to support the weight of the rest. At her side was a black cat plushie which had clearly seen better days.

Behind her was a wide gaping hole in the wall, as if a monstrous claw had grasped the edge of the mansion and sheared it right off.

= The Lego Movie - Requiem for Cuckooland =

Behind the scenes were eight foals cruelly wrapped in chains. The chains binding the shackles on their hooves reached towards the infinite above and below, and the ones attached to their collars linked them to Diamond Tiara's throne.

Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but for a moment they appeared to be wearing centuries-old black formal garb, each with a different-colored piece of jewelry. On closer inspection, that image faded, and they turned out to be rather plain in appearance. They actually reminded me somewhat of, well, you three... which was really quite odd, since I'd never really given much thought to what you looked like before, which really wasn’t like me at all! Their mane styles reminded me of the ones that Cadence and the Sparkle family used. Black swirls like scorch marks covered their backs, legs, and foreheads, and each had eyes of a different color.

"So, that's what they really look like," Dissy remarked. “I can’t say I’m impressed. The insides of other people’s heads are so dull, when you’re lived inside of mine.”

"I’ll hazard a guess that those are the Spirits of Dark Magic?"

"Tirek’s Bane, Doom of the Umbrum, Source of All Nightmare… Oh yes, that's them all right."

So, it all came to this. All the searching, all the waiting, all the worrying, all the ordeals remembered and forgotten, all the tenderness, all the harshness. From when I was still suffering from the trauma of Discord twisting my love of jewels into greed... and this filly walked in my door wanting a dress made, and I tossed her out by her behind into the mud. To teaching her how to sew. To guiding her father and mother through their own swamps of regrets. To having sacrificed everything to be here, to finally end this lingering pain and misery.

Was I overwhelmed? Of course I was. Was I scared? Only slightly less than before. Was I uncertain? Yes, but I couldn't afford for it to influence me. I've learned the world is a complex place, with layers upon layers of events that I only have the slightest awareness and understanding of. But I still understood the stakes… what I was here for, what I'd given up, and that I couldn’t afford to fail.

I knew I had to be the one to do this after Applejack told me what she saw with her Truth, that in countless possibilities, I was the only one who never became a Nightmare. I bent, but I did not break. I dabbled in dark magic, but did not fall wholly to temptation. I became possessed by forces that were truly not myself, but chose my friends over power. I never went all the way, and was able to pull myself from darkness by my own hooves before it could fully consume me.

Twilight reasoned that it was like sending a doctor immune to a disease to treat a highly infectious and very sick patient.

"It’s not very ladylike to enter somepony's home uninvited," said Nightmare Nhilis, and it was all I could do not to shriek in surprise. I had thought her awareness was elsewhere, but she was certainly awake and glaring down at me now.

I kept my head held high, and made a elegant pose. "I do apologize for letting myself in dear, but I am here on official Elements of Harmony business. Therefore, as rude as it may be, I am within my Celestia-given duty."

“You sure gave up a lot to get here.” Nhilis rolled her eyes. “I bet you still think you can talk me down. What a waste. Mom, the Crusader-Flanks, and Silvey all blew their bagpipes full of empty words at me. What made you think this is going to be different?"

"Because I'm past the iron walls of your heart, darling. It's time for a literal heart to heart. This is the one place you HAVE TO listen, Tarnished Rich."

"YOU WILL NOT CALL ME THAT AGAIN! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" Her eyes and breath were like fire.

"... If nothing else, I'm happy that you’re feeling strongly on subjects again."

Nightmare Nhilis ran a hoof along one of the chains that tethered the foals to her throne. "It's these spirits that I'm taking with me to Tartarus. Rotten side effect, they're making me feel things. Thankfully, they're bound by cold hard logic."

"You actually call what you're doing logical?"

"I have ‘Father’ bound to my soul… what do you think? It makes perfect sense, because it makes no sense. This is all a performance, and we're just characters playing our roles."

Something about those words struck a deep chord. They were just so... callous! Righteous indignation bristled through me. "If we were just players on a stage, I should remind the audience that it's the characters that make the roles! The roles don't make the characters!"

Dissy seemed as shocked by my words as Diamond Tiara.

"You don't have to be the villain," I said simply.

She stood up from her little throne. "You think there's just one little linchpin you need to pull, and my entire world view and motive will come crashing down? All things evolve, including me. I've been broken and remade, just to be broken again, and again and again! You really think some pretty words are going to make everything go back to the way it was before?!"

"... No... they won't. Nothing can. Even when we heal, the scars remain. We don't just 'get over it.' We can't just push a button, and poof, it's all gone."

Nightmare Nhilis sneered. "You don’t know anything. It’s too bad Apple Bloom isn’t here. Then she could confess that she had the power to remake the world, the power to end me with a pen stroke. Everything that you’ve suffered and sacrificed today, none of that had to happen!"

I took a deep, steadying breath. Or at least, I imagined myself taking one. "If you really did break the world... and if Apple Bloom did somehow fix it... Then I'm not going to complain. Just like I didn't complain when the Elements washed away Discord's world of chaos, or poor Fluttershy's army of familiars. Some things can be cleansed by cosmic power, or the magic of friendship, or what have you… but the things we can remember, the scars left on our minds from those memories… even if only our soul remembers? Those need to heal the old-fashioned way. Even after we used the Elements, we still struggled and did selfish and foolish things trying to hide our pain. We needed to work for that healing, work through that pain. And if Apple Bloom really could have fixed everything so easily, then why are you still here? Why are Applejack's parents still gone?"

"Because it would disrupt too much of this movie set you call existing. There wouldn't be a conflict for Those Who Watch to obsess over... not that there are many left at this point, in this groaning corpse of a world line that doesn't even realize it's dead. And dead parents are just a footnote in a backstory these days, not a real burden."

"... I've always been impressed by Applejack, actually. A mare who detests the games of the upper class so much, and yet she's so good at hiding her emotions. That overwhelming pressure. The sense that everything depends on her. And yet she hasn’t crumbled beneath it, that's Applejack's strength."

Nightmare Nhilis sighed, rolling her eyes. "As usual, the pony has her head too up her flank to care that her reality is a failed mess."

"Even if that was the case, which I sincerely doubt mind you, I still have my hopes and dreams, and those of my friends and my family. I trust in Celestia, I'll trust in Luna, I'll trust in Princess Cadence. They wouldn't still be here if we were a 'failed mess.'"

"That you think on a scale so limited to think that's what I meant is so adorable. Wait, no, it's just pathetic."

"Watch how you address your elders, dear! While I've always thought that ponies who don't reflect beyond their own line of sight are wasting the gifts the princesses gave us, being far sighted is as much a weakness as being near sighted. You're so wrapped up in us being fleas on an Ursa Major's back, you aren't seeing all the ponies around you who want to help you. Those fleas can have quite amazing stories, if you stop and listen. I've heard so many. Each wonderful and exciting in their own way, especially the ones that end happily."

The endless dark around us seemed to seethe and roil. "I don't need help!” roared Nightmare Nhilis. “I don't want help! I can't be helped! If I was helped, THEN WHAT? I'm just another tick mark on your list of accomplishments! My story is done! I’m finished! Me, Silvey, my parents? Poof! You heroes go on and we just fade into the ether!"

I stood my ground. "Even if it was so, would that be so awful? I’ve often found it comforting in a way, turning the final page in a novel and reaching ‘The End.’ It meant that the characters were free of 'interesting times.' Their lives were no longer so dangerous and so unfortunate that they were worth peering in on. They were allowed to live happily ever after."

I saw I'd finally struck a chord as Diamond Tiara flinched. I trotted forward.

"You are a very intelligent filly dear, even if you've misused it. You've cared about your appearance, which means you care about the impression you leave on others. As a lady, I know about the patience that takes. You were an excellent sewing student, and believe it or not, I could see that like any young lady, you wanted to be your own pony.

“You chose to visit your mother, even when your father didn't want you near her. You chose to honor her birthday. You could be a splendid designer like me with that eye for detail, you could be a great mayor or governor. You could even serve in the courts of the Princesses themselves with that great mind of yours. You have far more potential to do good than you think you do."

I whipped my head around towards Dissy. "And as for you! You are very intelligent, and as Princess Luna herself has summarized: incredibly CREATIVE when you WANT to be. You can be genuinely funny when you're not dangling ponies over a fire with puppet strings! Goodness knows, the nobility could use someone with a sense of humor, a knack for psychology, and a pinch of chaos to get them to pull their noses down from the sky and think for themselves! When you TRY to be something other than a foal with an anthill and a magnifying glass, you can add to the world instead of just breaking it! With that sheer power of yours and enough creativity, the sky is literally the limit for the wonders you could bring forth if you wanted to! You wouldn't be here if you didn't care about something other than yourself!"

Hearing that, I think, struck a bigger blow to the both of them than listing off their flaws and failures ever could. They were reeling, and I pressed my advantage.

"My friends and I learned something very important through all our time together, Diamond. There's no such thing as a person who can NEVER be redeemed. Only those who REFUSE to be. The entire changeling race, Gilda coming here, Nightmare Moon, Fluttercruel, Trixie, Silver Spoon and even dear Fluttershy after her fall to darkness are living proof of that."

"Like Chrysalis?" she struck back.

"She's the one who MADE herself incapable of redemption because she didn't WANT redemption. She wasn't BORN irredeemable. There's a difference between CHOOSING to never be redeemed and being irredeemable."

"BAH!" She snorted derisively. "If could you remember Abandon and the rest of Discord's cousins, then you'd know plenty of irredeemable beings."

"Actually," Dissy spoke up now, surprisingly. "While they're dangerous, even I know better than to call anyone on that branch of the family tree 'good' or 'evil.' Except for dear old Nythy, of course. Each of them has a sense of right and wrong so alien that they don't even get each other, let alone ponies. Would you believe, some pieces of Nythy actually work alongside perfectly good and decent versions of Fluttershy?"

Nightmare Nhilis growled at him. It's safe to say she didn't want me to know that.

"And Diamond?" I asked, getting her eyes back on me. "If Chrysalis was irredeemable, how was there enough light left in her wicked soul to be reborn as a beautiful, sweet little foal? Cadence and Celestia made no secrets about what happened, and if there had been only darkness, then with it burned away there would have been nothing left but an empty shell, no better than a corpse! I would know that given my body's current state without my soul inside, wouldn't I, darling?"

Diamond didn't seem to have a satisfactory answer for that. At least, not one she could muster fast enough to prevent me from continuing.

"Darling, your greatest mistake wasn't being fooled by a tyrant. It wasn't being a bully. It wasn't any of those things. It was assuming that there's such a thing as a person who can't change."

Dissy floated into the air, lounging with claws clasped behind his head. "Do you know how Diamond became a bully? She saw her mother’s competitive spirit, and decided that the way to be happy was being number one no matter what. When she mocked other ponies’ insecurities, she didn’t have to think about her own, like not being sure what her own cutie mark even meant. No matter how much she spoiled herself with expensive clothes and toys and servants doing anything she wanted, it didn’t make her happy, not while her mother was locked away, and her father was so busy with work.

"WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO TELL HER ALL THAT!?" Nightmare Nhilis snarled at Dissy, black flame bellowing from every opening on her face.

"Since when have I asked for permission for anything?" Dissy stuck his tongue out at her.

I looked at Diamond Tiara's twisted cutie mark, and many things suddenly made a lot more sense. Wait, did Discord just help something make more sense? Well, if I can be selfish from time to time...

"Little filly... once upon a time, there was a scared pony who built a giant monster around himself to protect him from being hurt, but he died of loneliness inside the monster and the monster just went on hurting others without him. Sometimes we keep on doing horrible things, and forget why we were doing them in the first place."

"You think I don't know that?! What part of 'broken and remade over and over' didn't you hear?!” Diamond shook, clenching her jaw. “I broke when I hurt you! I broke a little more when I… when I hurt a f-filly who just wanted to be my friend! I broke worse when Discord made me remember what I made my mother almost do! And when Discord showed me the true face of the worlds, and when all my hopes and schemes were for nothing thanks to the Shield Flanks! There’s nothing left of me that isn’t broken!!" I don't think she noticed she was crying.

"I thought a bully and villain was the only thing I COULD BE! It's what fate decided! I knew even then that I wasn’t a good pony, but I had no idea just how far I could fall, until our pretentious meddling Shadow-Who-Makes turned me into an even worse monster!

“But then! BUT THEN! In the Heart World, Diamond Tiara went from 'irredeemable little monster' to 'oh look she's reformed' purely on the whims of Those-Who-Create, rather than any planned natural growing up! AND HOW DID SHE DO IT!? How did it happen in the Heart World?! By making it all my mother’s fault for teaching me to be a bad pony! It was all pointless! When that other me got better, there wasn't one less bad pony in the world, there was just a replacement!

"You know what really sucks? I can’t even pity her, because I’m the same. A little monster who became the pawn of a bigger monster, who taught me just how bad I could really be."

Dissy looked down.

"I was made into an abomination that shouldn't exist, because it was 'interesting.' Not because it happened naturally! Great way to get everypony to feel sorry for me! And oh, look where we are! You, feeling sorry for me!

“‘I don’t have to be the villain?’ I exist to be the villain! IF I HAD REALIZED WHAT A BRAT I WAS AND BEEN A GOOD PONY FROM THEN ON, YOU ALL WOULD HAVE STILL TREATED ME LIKE TRASH! Ponies don't want the villain to be redeemed, they want a scapegoat, a punching bag to take all their hate and scorn so they have somepony to feel superior to. It was my job to be the punching bag, and then it became my mother's job in the Heart World. I won't let that happen here!"

"It really was all for her, wasn’t it?” I said breathlessly. “From the beginning, every step of the way. Discord promised to help her, didn't he? And you stabbing me, freeing Discord, stopping Chrysalis, breaking the world... Every step was for her. A Nightmare only becomes a Nightmare when they want to turn the world upside down for something and have the magic to do it! Discord turned the world mad... into the kind of place only a mad pony would be happy..."

"... She never deserved a daughter like me... one that would do that to her..."

"You didn't do anything."

"I made her go crazy! I did it! I tried on her jewelry and didn't put it back right! That's what made her go mad!"

I wished that I could have gone to Diamond Tiara and hugged her right then and there, but I doubt she would have taken it well. "Dear, if that was all it took... then I'd dare say she was suffering horribly before any of that! She was already at the brink and you had the horrible misfortune to be the last nudge when a servant misplacing her tiara could've done the same thing! Anything could have triggered it!"

"Except it wasn't anything, it was me! I snuck into her jewelry room without permission! I tried on her things! It was my idea! I ruined everything, and I’ll keep on ruining everything! But if I'm destroyed while I'm the center of hatred, while I'm the one everypony's ire is focused on, my mother won’t have to suffer that again! Besides... I could never be that reformed Diamond Tiara anyway, not now. She stayed a schoolyard bully... I became a wound in the world.

"HMPH! Scootaloo was right! Why don't I? Why don't I just do it myself?! If all you're going to do is throw words around, maybe I should make the only choice that actually matters! The only choice anypony can ever make and know beyond a shadow of doubt that they were actually serious! A quick barrier to make sure only my targets are taken with me to Tartarus, and JOB FINISHED! ENOUGH OF THIS WASTE OF TIME!" She rose up, the whole world shaking.

I managed to keep my wits together as I dared to trot closer to her.

"If that was really the answer... you wouldn't have been trying to force us to do it for you. You don't think you can be the hero, let alone the tragic hero who drags the forces of darkness into the underworld with her. You wanted us to be the heroes, to vanquish your darkness... but we weren't playing to script, and not just because of Discord...

"Think! You're an expert manipulator, Nightmare Nhilis. If you wanted us to destroy you, why haven't we yet? ... I'm rather reminded of Nightmare Moon, personally... She was trying to stop us, she stole the Elements and took Twilight from us... but at the same time, the danger she put in our way served to show Twilight we were worthy of the Elements, and to fire-forge our bond. If she had really wanted to destroy us, I doubt we'd have ever made it out of Everfree alive.

"Discord could have turned us to dust with a snap of his fingers, but I believe Twilight was right, he really did want to prove friendship was weak. After all, how else could he justify throwing away his?" Dissy bowed his head sadly. "You want all this darkness and misery to end... You think that you being never-heard-from-again is the only way it can happen, but you’re wrong!"

Nhilis just looked more grimly determined. "I want my darkness and misery to end. I’ve already cleaned up enough of your messes for you. Forget me and start worrying about the threats you’re actually supposed to face, like Princess Pitcher Plant, and the bill that’s about to come due up north. The Princesses have made a long list of enemies from their policy of sealing them away rather than ending them."

“WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR FAMILY, THE PONIES WHO LOVE YOU?!” I shouted in her face. “THE SADNESS IT’LL CAUSE THEM IF YOU DIE! Is that something they’re just supposed to face too?! They’ll be going through the rest of their lives, blaming themselves for your death... you KNOW they will, Diamond! They're parents, good ones, even if they lost their way… and no good parent can lose a child without asking themselves every day 'What could I have done to prevent it?'"

"I told you, I can't be that Diamond Tiara! Even if I could, my mother would just take my place!"

"Then don't be! Be the Diamond Tiara YOU want to be! This ISN'T the Heart World! Whatever happens, will happen! Your mother already became something terrible, and she worked through it and grew from it! Wouldn't it be rather dull and trite if that happened to her again?!"

"You've fought three Nightmares in two years! How is THAT not dull and trite?!"

I resisted the urge to groan in frustration. "You’re not some cliched monster of the week, dear. Luna, Fluttershy, you... You were all hurting in different ways, wanting to 'fix' the world in different ways. That's called a theme, not triteness."

Dissy butted in. "Pinkie Pie was scared half to death when this world started to break away from the Heart World, but Celly got her to see that it just meant we're not straightjacketed by it... "


Dissy turned his nose up. "Well, at least it will happen on my terms, not the Heart World's. I mean, could you even imagine this me, sitting down for tea at Fluttershy’s with a rabbit and a bear?"

I'd have to be deaf not to hear the wistfulness in those last few words. The world was still shaking ominously. How much time was left? All of this was happening at the speed of thought, wasn't it?

“What is it with you ponies, feeling so obligated to try and try to redeem every single sinner right down to Pony Satan, until I’d rather just get it over with and die?!"

And that was my cue. I stepped onto the dais around the bed. "Obligated, you say? Perhaps we are. Whenever there is a heart so lost in the darkness that it becomes the darkness, for the average pony it is so much simpler, easier, and safer for themselves and their loved ones to write that lost pony off. But there is no such thing in real life as a heart with no light, any more than a heart without darkness. Remember how that little spark inside Chrysalis grew into a whole new, pure soul? As others reject the ideal of perfect good, I choose to reject the ideal of perfect evil. We might not always have the power or the ability in ourselves to save them, as we're forced to choose instead to save others from them… But they themselves being pure and absolute in their inability to reform? No. A hundred thousand times no. Not until the stars above themselves wink out, and if another world comes when this one is no more, I’ll reject it in that one too!"

The rumbling lessened somewhat.

"Is that so?" Nightmare Nhilis said matter-of-factly. "Well then," she stabbed a hoof towards Dissy. "DO YOU FORGIVE DISCORD?! ALL THE EVIL HE'S DONE? ALL THE PONIES HE'S DRIVEN INSANE? TORTURED FOR HIS OWN AMUSEMENT?! CAN YOU FORGIVE HIM FOR EVERY TIME HE’S WATCHED A PONY BREAK WITH A WICKED GRIN ON HIS FACE?! Or do you think he's some misunderstood prankster who didn't understand what was he was doing?!"

Dissy hung his head, ashamed.

I fixed my gaze on Dissy, weighing my words. "I don't believe he was ever misunderstood. He was a bully, not a prankster. He wouldn't have been able to turn us against the heart of ourselves so easily if he didn't understand what he was doing. I hate him. Celestia help me, I do. I hate him for what he did to me, to Sweetie Belle, my family, my friends, to you, to Equestria... To say nothing of the mortal danger my friends are in at this very moment, because of what he’s done." His head sank lower and lower. "We all thought the solution was to get him away from you. Blast him straight back to stone."


Dissy's head shot up in amazement.

I hear two things in the dark. One was like a lion's roar, if it came out of the jaws of a dragon mixed with the bellows of a gorilla. The second, much larger... it was like the noise of every creature that had ever made me stay up at a night with the light on, distilled into one vile disturbing sound that my brain mind was unable to process.

"Don't mind them, those are mine," said Dissy, though he hugged himself, shivering.

= Elemental Combat - Temple of Elemental Evil =

Nightmare Nhilis narrowed her eyes at me. "Do you know what it was? The straw that broke the camel's back? How he broke me the first time? He said that if I didn't stab you, then I didn't truly love my mother!"

I cringed, remember the feeling of the scissors in my flank.

"And what he did to make me finally become what I am now? ... He asked me... Who did I love more? You, who had been like a new mother to me, or the mother I'd been fighting for tooth and nail, to make sure daddy never dared replace her?

“I didn’t know. I couldn’t answer him! THAT is what broke me, Rarity! THAT IS WHAT GAVE BIRTH TO NIGHTMARE NHILIS!" she boomed, wings flared and eyes searing red.

I felt micro-fractures form on my heart. Not the physical heart that I no longer possessed… the very heart of my being.

"So you've been doing all of this... to prove that you didn't betray your mother's love, like you thought your father had? Because like him... you weren’t willing to keep your heart locked up in a drawer?"

Dissy and Nightmare Nhilis both startled at my words. The shaking came to an abrupt and jagged stop.

"WHAT?” bellowed Nhilis. “No! It's much more complicated than that!"

"Is it?"


"... I wonder, if things had been otherwise, would Sweetie Belle be fighting just as hard to prove to mother and father that I hadn’t replaced them in her heart..."

"I'd say that's absurd, but so is this mockery of a life I’ve been living. It's time for it to end!"

"I should say so, dear! So how about you come home to your family, the family that loves you, that’s desperate to have you back?"


"Yes... every last word. I swear to the bottom of my heart, I've listened to everything you have to say. First doing awful things so your family could be back together, then observing other versions of yourself and coming to believe that being a bully was your destiny. Then you saw… the First Diamond Tiara? Diamond Tiara Prime? … become a good pony, only for all the animus to fall on her mother instead. So you thought that had to be the case for you too."

"Don't you feel the least amount of despair at what I've just told you?!"

"I feel your pain, yes," I said truthfully. "I've seen and heard Discord turn even the most beautiful things ugly, including myself, but a very wise pony once said that nothing is so ugly in this world that the proper application of light can't make it beautiful. I added to the darkness around you once, Diamond Tiara. Never again! It's time to shine a light on all of this, no matter the cost."

The emptiness around us seemed to grow even more vast and desolate, if that was possible. "It... doesn't... matter!” shouted Nhilis. She scowled, looking away. “None of it matters. You're just shouting into the void. No matter how much you pour into the depths of despair, they'll never fill up. Everything you've been doing is a waste of time. I was hoping you'd at least understand that, so you'd feel no regret over my end. After all,” she added mockingly, “who cares if you succeed or not, so long as you tried your best?"

"Nopony wants their best to fail, dear, we both know that. And if you were truly incapable of emotions, how am I, being just thoughts in your head, able to feel them?"

“Your emotions are coming from your soul, idiot! Your intact, healthy soul that isn’t a burned out wreck like mine! Or did you seriously believe that you were nothing more than the meat between your ears and a few sparks of magic?”

"I wouldn't be here if I did, would I? I'm guessing you thought with no feelings, you'd have no trouble keeping the Spirits of Dark Magic in line,” I probed. “That wasn't the case with Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Whisper, was it?" I think this was the moment I finally understood what I needed to do. I'd laid the logical foundation, now was the time to set it off.

"They thought I was their friend, not just another ‘playmate’ accepting their power. Their mistake. They let their guard down around me because we're kindred spirits, and I was a foal too. They've never communed with anypony like me before, somepony who exists in the same world as them, and as an infinite nothingness, I can take in as much as I want."

I found myself wishing I was Applejack, so I could know how much of that was true. Or Twilight, so I could know if there were any magical holes in that explanation.

"So, they manipulated you as much as Discord did? Did they manipulate Princess Luna and Fluttershy as well?"

"Manipulated? Are you crazy?” said an unfamiliar voice. “We come when called... we don't make anypony call."

We all looked, Nightmare Nhilis the most shocked of all... at the Spirit of Dark Magic with the green eyes. None of them had said anything this entire time, until now. I’d thought they were too weak.

"So," I said, understanding it all. "I've seen that Nightmares are creatures of extremes. I suppose it's no surprise those who gave you your powers are the same way. They're acting out like any foal desperate for attention."

Nightmare Nhilis gritted her teeth. “Oh, for… None of that matters anymore! Have all the insights you want, they won’t change anything! The only thing you’re going to accomplish here is going to Tartarus with me when I go! Get… out!"

I turned my nose up. "I don't think so."

"What you think is meaningless!" she shot back.

"Don't be so sure of that."


“On that point, we agree. It's time to end this." I put aside my fears, and hoped that Pinkie Pie's plan would work out. Not that I'll ever know...

I found myself remembering how I made a replacement for the hat that once belonged to Applejack's father, after the battle with Nightmare Whisper. The time I learned that Rainbow Dash studied martial arts, just as I did. The inopportune sleepover at Twilight's. The play dates with Fluttershy. That positively touching moment between Spikey-Wikey and myself, as we plunged to our deaths after he proved stronger than his instincts. Explaining bravely to mother and father that I didn't want to be an athlete. Hugging my dear little sister, horrified that the circlet I’d hurled in anger and frustration had come so close to striking her. And of course, teaching Diamond Tiara how to sew. This would truly be a challenge, sewing back together a heart that was never whole to begin with. Thankfully I have some good material with me, if I dare say so myself.

An irony? What irony? What irony did you just realize? … Pinkie Pie and myself only seem to bond over shared adversity?

Heh... Yes, I suppose I can see the irony, thank you… Would that our shared hardship in this world could have been as mild as being forgotten, and left to push a cart back to civilization from the middle of a desert! I actually feel a little bit wiser. Ordeals and trials... they're not just stumbling blocks on the road of life are they? They help us learn and grow, and overcoming them is part of what makes us who we are.

I suppose there’s no point putting this off any longer.


= Digimon Adventure 01 - Brave Heart =

I pawed the intangible ground, plucking up my courage, and charged! There were no walls to stop me, and if I could fall and tumble into the darkness, I'd surely have done that already. Nightmare Nhilis thought I was racing towards her to give her a hug, and braced herself to repel me. Her thoughts tripped over themselves as I galloped right past her.

I raced towards the Spirits of Dark Magic. I didn't need to be told what they are, nor which one was which. Why should I? I'd met each and every one of them... everypony has, me, you, your best friend, your neighbor. What? No, of course I don't mean that I've had visions, or used Dark Magic! I mean, haven't we all walked alongside them at one point or another?

We ponies… our families and friendships, our entire culture since the Windigos has been about shutting out those eight and every creature like them. Is it any wonder they've been going to such extremes to get attention? If you've foalsat before, you know what lengths foals will go to for attention, and with mother and father's… absence, I've seen that more than most.

"You can't break those chains!" Nightmare Nhilis shouted.

Neither she nor Discord understood what I was doing, or what I was up to.

I approached the oldest looking filly first, and why shouldn't she be? She's been with Ponykind since the very beginning.

"Hello, little filly... " She looked confused, not sure what to say. After all, if what Nightmare Nhilis said was true, when was the last time anypony actually chose to speak with them? "I want to say, I'm sorry if you feel that I've ignored you. My teachers always taught me that I should understand you. I have a gift for each of you. I hope that I can give you what you've been missing. None of you are meant to exist on your own!"

"Fear: you've warned me of danger, reminded me of my limits, protected me from carelessness. You've misinformed me before, like when I first met Zecora, but you've never been malicious. But most important, you've given me the gift of being afraid of doing the wrong thing, of crossing lines I can't uncross. That hesitation has saved lives, and you have my eternal gratitude for it. You don't have to be afraid that no one appreciates you anymore. I do."

I reached inside myself, sensing my Element of Generosity. I had a feeling that I was only able to do what I planned because of where I was, what state I was in, whom this gift was meant for, and my own unique nature that made Rarity Belle 'Rarity Belle.' Even if I'd ever be in a place to try this again, I couldn’t imagine pulling it off twice.

I gave what any pony can give, themselves. I gave a part of what makes Rarity, Rarity.

Did I give her courage? Don't be silly, you don't temper love with hate after all.

I gave her my Reason. "Have reason to be afraid, don't let fear mongering and anxiety rule you."

My Reason Fear's Reason beats inside her, and a yellow light shines within. She actually looks content.

I approached the second foal, and a tiny thread trailed behind me, leading back to Fear. Discord and Nightmare Nhilis were in even greater shock now, seeing a hole in my soul.

I put a comforting hoof on the blue eyed filly’s shoulder. "You, dear, you let others know when I needed help. You encouraged me to gorge on ice-cream... but you're also the only reason my friends knew how much I was hurting to begin with, when their custom dresses sank my reputation. Seeing you in me inspired them to help me build it back up. You've let me know when Sweetie Belle needed her big sister many times.

"Letting others know you're sad isn't selfish. Not listening when they respond is; that isn't sadness, that's self-pity. And If I didn't feel sad about some of the selfish things I've done, I'd be a monster."

I took a moment to hug her close, and gave her something that likely no creature in all her existence had ever offered her: a shoulder to cry on.

"And just as importantly, you helped me see when others were hurting. You helped me see how much I scared and hurt my little sister when I threw that tiara at her... Thank you. This is my gift."

I reached inside again, and another hole appeared in my image. She hugged her gift to her chest, and a blue light shone from within her. Nhilis backed away from that one like it was fire and she was made of straw. "My gift is my Faith. Have hope, believe that things will get better, believe in yourself, believe in others, and help let out the pain."

Two threads reached out from me to the foals now. The second foal managed the smallest of smiles.

"This is all just another bluff!" Nightmare Nhilis shouted.

I came to the pudgy colt with orange eyes. "Ah yes, you. You inspired my ancestors to fight with other herds over food and water, dear. But without you, Ponykind would still be eating grass and sleeping outside in the cold.

"If not for you, the Riches might have never helped make Ponyville a reality. I've seen every ugly thing the nobles do because of you. I’ve seen Flim and Flam's greed turn them from selling things ponies want, to luring a family into losing their home. I've seen thieves take what isn't theirs.

"I've been with Spikey-Wikey and the Diamond Dogs long enough to know everything good and bad about you. I've seen both sides. And I've watched Spikey-Wikey grow up enough to harness his greed, protecting what's precious to him. What's dear to us. Our friends, our families, each other. I took back from Chrysalis what was mine."

I gave the colt his gift... a shining orange light. Three threads now.

"Empathy, compassion... channel yourself towards what is most precious: friendship and life. Those are the things that can truly satisfy you." For once, he looks content.

"What are you doing?!" demanded Nhilis. "They don't DESERVE this! They deserve Tartarus!"

"That isn’t your call to make," said Discord, sounding oddly serious. “And believe me, Dad gets really, really testy with those who think it is."

I came to one of the twins, the one with green eyes.

"I wish I could say we've never met, but I’ve known both of you from such a young age. Every time I got a ribbon that wasn’t first place, every time I had a silver medal around my neck, we danced the day away. I remember when we first met, the day my beautiful racing kart was passed over for Derpy's slapped together mess of plywood. I wonder... how well do you know Gilda?"

"I know her very well. When she came to Ponyville... "

"I feared as much. Something beautiful was broken that day because of you... but you've inspired me too. Encouraged me to keep getting better."

A image flashed through my mind, memories that aren't my own. Of a friend whose stage fright was nothing compared to the sense of being rubbish in comparison to her 'oh so perfect' big sister... only to find out her sister had her own insecurities. She was inspired to keep getting better, and being considered a discount version of her sister by the media became not a burden, but a challenge to overcome. Clover and Meadowlark.


Is it because I was doing meatball surgery on my own soul that I was seeing this?

"I remember how you tore me up inside when Fluttershy became a model. Overcompensating and pretending you weren't there just made things worse for everypony. I've seen how much you ripped poor Trixie to shreds over Twilight."

I smiled at the twin filly. "And you know what? Only the greatest of friends can make you jealous and inspire you to be better. With Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack, I'm so wonderfully jealous. You're as special and beneficial to the world as your siblings."

"You know Diamond Tiara very well, don't you?” I asked gently. “Over what my sister and her friends have?"

The filly nodded.

"And it's not fame, it's not wins, what she wants more than anything and they have?"

The filly shook her head. "It's something I want too..."

"Shut up!" Nightmare Nhilis hissed. Even now she wouldn't admit it. I'm sure you have some guesses.

I reached inside... Did it hurt? Oh darlings, did you have to ask? I'd hoped to fully omit that detail. It was absolutely positively AGONY! I felt like I was bleeding myself even though nothing was spilling out! But... it... actually hurt less each time...

My gift to envy... was Vision. No, I don't mean I'm blind! Vision as in your dreams. No, I don't mean when Princess Luna visits! Vision as in imagining the future, and all the great things you can do in the future instead of dwelling on the past! 'I shall be greater than all who have come before me!' It is these words that have inspired artists, scientists, and all ponies throughout time!

And a green light shone. She actually looked kind of happy for once.

The fifth foal I spoke to was the colt with red eyes. Even now he looked furious, struggling against his prison.

"I won't bother asking, young colt, if you know Gilda very well. I'd say all of Ponyville knows. I won't pretend that I don't know you too.

"You sound the battle cry when things are unfair. I've seen you make things worse many, many times, but I've needed you when I had to be decisive. You help me find my courage. I've seen you cloud our thoughts and reason. You helped Fluttershy find her courage and determination many many times! You're how Fluttershy saved us from a dragon. And I've seen what you turned Fluttershy into when Fluttercruel thought she needed those self-confidence lessons from Iron Will.

"You aren't meant to be thunder and fury signifying nothing... I tore up my design room over that and nearly blinded my little sister when it was... And it's only had any meaning when I've focused it somewhere. I've seen when Fluttershy did nothing but repress you, and how much it damaged her. My gift will help you find your way and focus yourself rather than lash out against everything."

More pain, a fifth thread, more holes inside the image of myself my soul projects. A crimson light.

"I give you my Morality... let justice temper you."

He actually seemed more… not peaceful, that would require him no longer being angry, which is against all he is… Tranquil was a better word.

Next was the other twin... who stuck up her nose up at me and turned her head away. I sighed.

"What is there to say about you that hasn't been said many times before? It's a fair argument that you're the root of all our troubles that come from within. Refusing help, thinking we're entitled to take something that isn't ours, treating others like objects because 'I'm better than them,' blinding us to our own flaws, and stopping us from ever improving. What an absolutely horrible filly you are!"

I gave a small laugh. "But that's just it, isn't it? That's the joke, as Pinkie Pie would say. You can prevent us from loving others, after all, if we're better than everypony, what do we need anypony else for? But... you remind me to take care of myself. And as much as I'm sickened to admit it... How can anypony love somepony who can't even love themselves? Goodness knows, Fluttershy needs a little more of you!

"You've been my enemy and my friend for so long. You demand that others acknowledge your features and accomplishments… but what you really want is to be special and loved."

The filly startled at this, looking shocked and in awe at me.

I gave her my Heart. Remember what I said before? I was wrong, this was the most painful self-spiritual-vivisection I've done so far! I feel crippled! Empty! Hollow!

A pink light shines from her.

"Be the self-confidence everypony needs you to be..." I said.

"... Finally..." she said gratefully. I stumbled a bit. Getting hard to see. Six threads reaching out from them to them. They're straining. Dizzy. Not cold… numb.

"HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY?!" shouted Dissy. I guess it took this long for them to realize I was serious.

I turned my eyes towards him. "That's a bad thing for you?"

"STOP THIS!" Nightmare Nhilis screamed. Which meant she couldn't stop me. Here, in the place where she should have been god.

"I didn't come here with an escape clause, dear. I knew from the start I wasn't coming back from this."

"But, why?! You don't even know them! If you did, you'd HATE them!"

"Greed? Loneliness? Sorrow? Hate? Anger? Envy? Fear? Vanity? I'm sad to say I know each of them quite well."

A cage of stone blocks suddenly began to stack up around me. It seems I was wrong about her not being able to do anything.

I quickly turned to Dissy. "Help me."

"You can't be serious! I can't be serious! I don’t do serious!"

"Help me save her."


"... No, I don't think my friends and family crying over me is somehow any better than them crying over Diamond Tiara. I don't think her falling into Tartarus is better than this for me."

"THEN WHY!?!?" they both shouted.

I laughed grimly, managing a smile. "Mostly because I couldn't think of a better solution, and none of my friends wanted to become a killer of a fellow pony. I realized Nightmare Nhilis was only going to become more desperate and ruthless, and sooner than later, something or somepony would be broken that couldn’t be fixed. I may not be a Royal Guard, I may have never taken an oath to give my life to protect Equestria... I may just be a fashionista... But I'm Generosity, and this is the GREATEST thing I can give! I'm the one with the means to end this, and I have to be the one to do this for the outcome with the least amount of suffering. Isn't that what you wanted, Diamond Tiara?"

Nightmare Nhilis was struck dumb.

Pinkie Pie, for the sake of my friends and family, I hope you know what you're doing. Too bad 'I' won't be able to appreciate it. Good luck, Rarity, I know you'll go far, and I know you'll do well.

"Discord... help me save her, and them... before Nightmare Nhilis blows up half of Canterlot..."

Dissy looked away, then turned back to me. He reached out, his hand shaking, and snapped his fingers. An army of cymbal monkeys appeared and tore the cube cage apart.

"NO!" Nightmare Nhilis screamed. Dissy appeared between us. No barrier could stop Nightmare Nhilis' magic, and this was her own mind, where she could do whatever she wanted... but Discord could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, however he wanted. I saw him unleash such a pure storm of nonsense at her that a glance threatened to drive me mad, and her decay tore through it as fast as he could create it. He wouldn't last long.

"Heh...Is this what you felt like, Auntie Mimic?" I heard Dissy ask.

I heard those two horrible sounds again, louder this time, closer. Those terrible sounds fueled me with an urgency all its own! I still couldn't see anything in the darkness beyond.

I stumbled to the last colt. The icy glare he gave me went all the way back around and became a flaming inferno.

"And we come to you. In a perfect world you wouldn't be needed, but I fear this is far from a perfect world. I don't have much to say to you either, but I appreciate your position. After all, you're what we called the Windigos down on ourselves with.

"And yet... it's not wrong to hate evil. It's not wrong to hate an unjust situation or evil deeds. You want to see justice done, but how often has that justice become a new injustice? How many times have humility and virtue been blinded and twisted by you.

“Rainbow Dash hates pies. Is that wrong of her? No, she's just different. Is it wrong for me to hate all the evil Discord has done? That Chrysalis did?

"... I give you this gift... Knowledge... The Knowledge that those you hate are sapient creatures too. Know that they feel pain, just as you do. Know that they have their own reasons for doing things. Know that you are not perfect, you’re as flawed as everyone else. You don't know what goes on inside their heads, and there’s always the possibility that you could be wrong. I believe Princess Celestia would say: hate the sin, not the sinner."

Seven threads. Seven lights. I should have fallen apart where I 'stood,' but this was merely an image of my soul, an interpretation. As long as I retained the will to move and act, I would. Thank goodness I didn't visualize myself with internal organs, bone, or muscles. I'd rather that not be the last thing I see.

"So... that's why," Hate whispered.

One to go.

= SAVE The World - Undertale =

I approached the last filly. The last foal. The one with violet eyes.

In a way, she was more horrifying and terrible than hate! All consuming, all devouring, breaker of so many souls. But how could I not know what she wanted? What she needed?

"Won't your friends be lonely without you?" she asks, trying to shrink back in the chains.

"Maybe, maybe not... but you look like you could use a friend, dear."

"I don't deserve friends... but... I selfishly want them anyway."

"There is nothing wrong or selfish with wanting friends, dear. It's about how we go about getting them. But you wanted something more didn't you? All of you... you wanted family, didn't you?"

Dissy retreated as his storm of chaos began to fizzle out.

Everypony, I love you all so very much! Never forget that.

"Lonely little filly... We are MEANT to be alone sometimes. We don't have to be around others ALL the time. It's what we NEED to sort out the answers sometimes. Dear, I give you my cutie mark. I give you my beauty, I give you my freedom of will, I give you my sense of individuality... This is my last and greatest act of generosity! I give you myself!"

Nhilis knocks Dissy aside and flies towards me. She’s stopped by a ghostly newborn foal of Sweetie Belle, who holds her back like a dam against a tidal wave. She looks at me, tears in her eyes, but with a smile.

Oh yes... Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle still had pieces of each other's souls.

"I'm so happy I could see you one last time dear! I love you!" I only wish I have time to say more.

"Wuv you too, big sis!"

Goodbye, everypony.

I hug the lonely filly of dark magic. The seven threads snap... The two parts of us, the part that was the soul of a unicorn, and the other a lost little spirit, become one. Our light travels along the chains into the darkness, and into Nightmare Nhilis.

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): Those were Rarity's last thoughts.)

Author's Note:

"Is evil something unto itself darling? Or is it an emptiness where goodness should be? What would you give to free somepony from that void? Let's find out together," - Rarity Belle

Don't forget the trope page. It's REALLY not been updated lately, at all. (In particular the recap page.) Please?

Pony POV Series:
Rarity Gives All
By Alex Warlorn
Proof read by Mtangalion.
Grammar Checked by Docontra
Fridge-Logic'ed by quantum-plasma-field

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My Little Pony Copyright Hasbro

Cover Art by Iguanodragon.

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