• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 4,809 Views, 1,853 Comments


The finale of the Pony POV Series is here. Discord and Nightmare Diamond Tiara's end game is here. The Mane Six. Trixie. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. All have roles to play. Can they bring back the truth? Or will lies rule? Can hope pierce despair?

  • ...

Pony Pov Series episode 435 (actual final chapter, "I wish you all to fair well my friends.")

Author's Note:

Farewell my friends.

Everyone is here to say goodbye.

I had so much I wanted to say, but now words fail me.

Over seven years.

First chapter was September 18, 2011

Four deaths in the family, dozens of friends made, dozens of friends LOST because of my own sins, so many, many, many, MANY blood, sweat and tears, to come here. After almost a year since I finished the final chapter (just two weeks before the edits were made). I finished the chapter around 2018 January 2 or 4th.

So much... I promised my family that I'd give up fan fiction and move onto published fiction I can be paid for in an official manner after this was posted. Guys, thank you for staying till the end! *hugs* You have given me meaning.

I can't think of how to say goodbye, *cries*, I just want you to know, that you all gave me meaning, and for me, that means a lot! *HUGS!* Thank you! All of you! This means more than you can imagine! This was perhaps my first fanfic that actually picked up with people. So much of the show has changed since then, thank you for staying with it. *hugs*


Pony POV Series:
Final Episode 435 "Farewell My Friends!"

By Alex Warlorn
Grammar Checked by Docontra
Fridge-Logic'ed by quantum-plasma-field
Edited By Mtangalion
Edited By Louis Badalament


Previous Chapter:

First Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Fluttershy-FlutterCruel-Pearls-260092460

Art by https://www.deviantart.com/iguanodragon https://sta.sh/0kh3hl55tza

Copyright Hasbro

Control of the Pony POV Series is now officially open season to everyone. With Kendell2 being formal successor to my position.


THANKS PALEB05! SONICANDMARIO826! GROGAR-THE-ONESER! Thanks LightNazoYagami. Thanks ToonWatcher! Thanks GrimWolf001. Thank you Lunacorva. Thank you EmeraldComet. Thank you FanofMostEverything. Thank you DracoDei! Thanks PsychoDemonFox for being here until the end (for being my first fan artist!!!! *HUGS!*)! Thanks Redmarhuisman. Thanks lTofSMITIA Charanty pumpkin-tlof19 Saphroneth Guilrel ImRaidAccount Super-Ninja43009 Serefin99 thundershock125 ShaD-23 dipsydew morion87 and molly87! Thank you MysteryEzekude!

eric-emanwu TheJacobLB44 Ghidorafour Sentreriaaa KarrinBlue and privateX007! Thank you, ourimaler, I admire you. Jordan179, you are a main worth of praise! OracleMask, I know I'll never find forgiveness, but I to hope one day find healing.

Thanks davidemery! amam0t0! ninetalesuk! bubblized! Sherlock-Holmes18! gamexpert1990! The-Literary-Lord! Dartymus! CrazyJabberwock! KurseofKings! jmcdavid!!!! Nite1nBlack ! Zoxreaper !NightmareShinigami89 ! Kit-The-Wolfy! Allanpike! Cadance-and-Cascade ! ChibiRegalli ! TwilightKat64 !

Mugen Kagemaru! Griseus! DreadedCandiru2! Bardic_Knowledge! Jirodyne! Shieldmaiden of Luna!

Pictorico ! zaku789 ! MrCropper ! Luigicat11! doct1400! FizzyFlatSoda ! MaxrideJp ! HMorris73 ! LongshotLink ! zero93! Frostybrand ! M00N-CHASER !!!!!! howard035 :-)


Thank you, TheMiles, the person to first comment on the pony pov series.

Thank you Lauren Faust. Thanks Tabitha St Germain. Thank you Bonnie D. Zacherle.

Thank you to the artists who provided covers for pony pov series! Including iguanodragon and Foxhat!

Thank you God. God bless you all. Have a Merry Christmas.

Farewell my friends.

Shining Armor

I had the strangest dream once. Yeah, strange even for me. It was after we got back to Canterlot but before Chrysalis brainwashed me, I think.

It started with Nameless as some kind of post-apocalyptic road warrior reject, straight out of “The End of Equestria” or “After the Megaspells Fell.” Yes, that Nameless, the reality-warping bane of my existence for years, except that it never happened. Long story.

So, Nameless was travelling around a world of chaos and ruin. No, he wasn’t pulling a caravan. Nameless rode around on a ‘super awesome’ smoke-belching two-wheeled machine, because why wouldn’t he? He dreamed up all kinds of evil bad guys and heroically defeated them all, until one day, he picked a fight with Discord. I honestly wasn’t sure who to cheer for at that point, but Discord won and turned Nameless into a mindless blank slate, like he was when Pandora first imagined him, I guess.

Here’s where things got weird. Cadence was in my dream too, surviving in that ruined world, and she led a world war against Discord. She wished for a knight in shining armor to come save her, and Nameless… he turned into me! Cadence acted like she didn’t even know me at first, but we fell in love all over again and then she and everypony 'remembered' me. I fought as hard as I could for her… but I’m no Alicorn. Discord turned me into a literal empty suit of armor with one little finger-snap.

Then Cadence and Trixie saved the world and they turned Discord nice somehow. Rarity almost turned evil to make everything pretty and preserved and unmoving forever, but… she changed her mind, I guess? Then an evil Nightmare clone of my sister showed up and said we were all fakes, and I was the worst fake of all, and she absorbed me and my sister too, and then the evil Twilight went around gobbling up more and more good Twilights until one good Twilight told her 'No!' and evil Twilight exploded twice and I got spat out.

What? I said it was weird.

The whole dream was so vivid, I started writing it down, but then I realized I’d written a fifty-two page novella about me and my worst enemy secretly being the same pony traveling through time, and I wised up and burned it before Cadence found it.


So why am I bringing this up now?

Because my dream looked logical and brief compared to the news I got after Cadence and I got back from our honeymoon with Kifuko. (Yes, the evil witch who brainwashed me, my sister and who knows how many others and impersonated my wife while doing so, is now my adopted foal. Funny how things work out.)

Cadence was with Digger Wasp and Hercules, gathering the latest intelligence from the changeling network, while Princess Celestia met me in my private office and casually mentioned that there might have been a small situation while I was away, already handled, everything just fine now. A small matter involving my sister, the other Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, a gaggle of foals, and the Princesses themselves, duking it out with a missing filly turned Nightmare AND Discord, free of his stone prison.

"You did WHAT while we were on our honeymoon!?!?" I exclaimed, exasperated. I didn't know whether to be angry at being left out or happy we'd gotten to take our honeymoon in peace.

Princess Celestia thrust a warm coat and a pair of saddlebags at me. "No time for that, soldier! IT has returned! Briefing papers, on the train, go, go, go!"

And that's how Cadence, Kifuko, and I found ourselves on a train that had been built leading out to the middle of a frozen Alicorn-forsaken nowhere, for no apparent reason, with ancient texts from a forgotten civilization for us to pass the time.

Oh, and there's a bunch of ponies who need a protective shield put up ASAP, or they might die from the cold. Okay... that's a good reason to hurry.

= Enchanted - 'Ever Ever After' =

Diamond Tiara

I was surprised when I was given one last welcome home gift, well, I kept getting them, but this was soon after I got home. A box with holes in it... I heard barking inside... and open the box... to find a kitten instead.

"They say that pets can help with recovery Miss Tiara..." Star Shine explained.

I'd seen this ... in other worlds, and smirked. "Nice to meet you," I said to the kitten.

Twilight Sparkle's Final Interview

Oh, nice to see you again! Here's hoping we don't have any more epic battles with mad gods for the fate of the world for a while. At least a month or two. Maybe we can get back to friendship problems that pop up about once a week and just take an afternoon to clean up, so we’ll all have plenty of time to laugh about them later.

It has been one exciting year, hasn't it? Hopefully next year won't be so intense, like say, half as many crazy adventures with my friends. Just once in my life, can fate give me at least that much for saving the world again…?

Huh? You've been telling everypony in Ponyville thanks and goodbye? You're leaving town for good? I'm the last pony on your list to say goodbye to?! Wait, wait… I get that your task of interviewing all of us about our experiences with Discord is definitely wrapped up after this... but won't you come back later on to check out Pinkie Pie being a mother? Or hear Kifuko's first words? ... You really do have to go?

Your work visa is expired? Seriously? Can't we just ask Princess Celestia to renew it for you?

It's not that simple? But… why? You have family and friends and responsibilities, yes, I understand, but why can't you visit again? I won't accept any evasive answers, not this time! You've been here with us, and you're our friends, and I want to know where you’re going and why.

I KNOW some secrets are meant to stay secret, as physically ill as it makes me to say that! This isn't some stupid gossip we’re sharing about a neighbor’s private life! You're my friends. It affects me. I have a right to know, I'm not a foal. I already know things that have made me question reality and existence!

Remember when you gave me Kimono's diary!? Her last account of a world vanishing? I asked how you got her journal, and who you are really? 'You will know soon enough, Twilight Sparkle. You will know soon enough.' That’s what you said! That journal inspired me to ask Princess Celestia to tell me the truth. It’s what started me down the road of discovering more with Zecora, Pinkie Pie, and Princess Luna… of learning about the Alicorns, the Draconequi, ancient wars, the windigos… I would have been ignorant of all those things forever, if you hadn't given me that book.

Did you mean it when you said I'd find out 'soon enough?’ Or is this one of those things I'm expected to wait until I'm dead to find out?


OH! I AM SO SORRY! You WERE just about to tell me, and that's why you chose to see me off last!

Excuse me while I blush… but it really is frustrating how often you say 'soon enough' and it feels like years later when "soon enough" comes! Granted, that might also be because of the 'barrage of super-villains' as Rainbow Dash put it. Oh, and you were saying goodbye because you KNOW that we're all friends! Sorry! Forgiveness hug?

Can you at least tell me WHY you gave me the journal to begin with? It's 'B Follows A' that I was going to go straight to Princess Celestia for answers. So why?

You didn't like things being 'swept under the rug' either, and you wanted Minty and Starlight Angel and all their friends to be remembered? I guess I did become the spark that got everything moving after that.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): A promise is a promise, and I do suppose that foreshadowing is a storyteller’s promise to her audience. To make a promise like that with no plan to pay it off would be poor storytelling indeed, and this is quite the story of you and your friends that we've written down.)

So... you would have told me sooner if not for Chrysalis' invasion, or the thing Nightmare Nhilis did that none of us remember, or what happened when we read Bon Bon The First's diary... WHAT?! YOU WERE BUSY INTERVIEWING MY BROTHER?! For two whole years, while he travelled around the world? How could you do that and be here in Ponyville too?! You have a lot of explaining to do!

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and as promised, we will give you your answers.)

It’s funny, I only just now realized... the ponies that Kimono said were erased? They’re all working in Pinkie Pie's Park now! No, not just now... they’ve always been here. I saw them around Ponyville, as far back as the earliest days I was living here, but... I remember being so sad to read about them all getting erased... Ugh! My head hurts! What is this?!

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): And that you're even able to NOTICE THAT is proof that you've grown in ways that are not just intellectual. You're already growing in ways that Starswirl the Bearded was never able to.)

Please... no more riddles.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): I meant that as sincere praise. You really are something special, Twilight Sparkle, the way your mind and spirit have grown. Even not able to remember a thing, you realized something was odd from sheer logic of deduction. You see, when the broken world made by Nightmare Nhilis was repaired, the Age of Dreams ponies were slipped in to fill the cracks. Apple Bloom saw it as an unfairness that deserved to be addressed, and none disagreed. Not even Entropy.)

Huh... you think I'd be jumping for joy from hearing that, but... I guess I've just been overwhelmed with everything I've learned, everything I've seen, everything I've discovered lately. I hope I can still enjoy the plot twists in the latest Daring Do book. I guess I just feel relieved. I imagine Pinkie Pie must be so happy... It's wonderful that they were able to find a new home... Maybe I'll visit when they do their next stage show this month.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): And now we have a promise to fulfill. We will tell you who we are really.)

One Revelation Later

HAHAHAHAHH! HA-HA-HA-HA!! HAHAHAH! HAHAHAAAAAAAH! Excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes! HEHEHEHH!

(Interviewer's Notes (Dawn): Do you think she's going to stop rolling around the floor on her back any time soon?)

(Interviewer's Notes (Dusk): Give her time.)

HAHAHAAHA!... That... Okay, okay. I'm ready now. You can tell me your real identities now. I mean, the whole 'you from the future' thing, I mean, I MET myself from the future once, so I know that can happen. But... Seriously, that's-that's just too much, hehehehe.

(Interviewer's Private Notes (Noon): Should we have told her about Shining Armor?)

(Interviewer's Private Notes (Dusk): She asked who we are. She didn't ask a thing about her brother, and nothing we said was untrue. Besides, she technically already knows that Shining Armor is our brother too.)

You're my foals from the future in another universe? Making sure that our universe turns out okay, because Discord was supposed to win and start another thousand year reign of chaos, but your mom sacrificed herself to prevent it?

Heh, good one! You really had me going there... Okay, I'm ready to hear your real origin now!


Why are you looking at me like that?


You... you were.... you were actually... Seriously?!


(Interviewer's Notes (Dawn): She fainted... )

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): The more things change, the more things stay the same!)

(Interviewer's Notes (Dawn): Do we let her wake up and think it was all a dream?)

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): NO!)

(Interviewer's Notes (Dawn): Okay… )

One short nap later, followed by some nice relaxing tea...

Okay... okay, I'm better now... I'm okay... you... really came here to help... Give me a minute more to stop shaking.

You... you said you had magic to travel up and down events while not being truly physically there... but somehow you still got brainwashed by Princess Gaia and Queen Chrysalis?

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): Only Dusk got caught by Chrysalis.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Dusk): I underestimated her. Since she didn't have the Elder Horn or the overwhelming dark magic of a Nightmare, I thought I'd be safe... I was wrong.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Dawn): I’ve got scars from Discord's spirit clawing me when I tried to talk more with Diamond Tiara to get her to stop from releasing him.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): Don’t forget, Fluttercruel broke my nose. We're real enough to those we're interacting with.)

I... I see. So, Pinkie Pie's forty-nine clones... I remember being told they came from the Heart World? We saw them on the other side of that portal, the one Discord made. Are they okay?

(Interviewer's Notes (Dusk): Yes, they are, I promise. They were never harmed.)

That's a relief... It's scary, thinking about what Discord said back then. I’m starting to think he was right. There's no limit to what you'll do to somepony if you don't think they're a person.

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): Don't worry. Lots of stuff happens because it went past the point of no return a long time ago, but there's plenty of other stuff that happens because of a turn of the needle. That probably doesn't make much sense, does it? Look, just… don’t stress over it. Worrying only makes it worse. That's a lesson you might have skipped thanks to how things have gone... but seriously, don't worry. Your life still has plenty of stuff for you to think about ahead.)

Heh, why am I not surprised? … Can you at least tell me, what was she like? The me that was your mother, I mean?

(Interviewer's Notes (Dusk): She sacrificed herself to ensure a world where everypony could find a happier ending. Do you even have to ask?)

I guess not… That’s a version of me that I can be proud of.

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): She really was.)

I hope I can be half the pony she was. So, you really can't come back to this world?

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): We may have slightly skirted the rules in one or two places by coming here in the first place. So yeah... Crossing into other worlds is serious business. Remember that.)

I will remember that.

And... I'll miss you.

(Interviewer's Notes (Dawn): I'll miss you too... Mama.)

You’ve got me blushing again. So do you really have to leave right now?

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): We actually should have left quite a while ago... So yeah.)

Alright. I wish we could have had more time together.

(Interviewer's Notes (Dusk): We've already had more time together than was ever intended, Twilight Sparkle, more than you can possibly conceive. It's time for this chapter to close, and for you to move forward. Besides, we have a baby sister waiting for us!)

Well... give Half-Light Midnight my love, then!

(Interviewer's Notes (Dawn): We will! Goodbye! And good luck!)

Thank you... and good luck to... you?


Twilight Sparkle realized she was alone in the library.

"Hey, Twilight,” said Spike, coming in through the front door. “It's party time! You ready?"

Twilight hugged Spike tightly.

"Twilight? Um, are you okay?"

Twilight didn't answer at first. "Just... thinking about everything that's happened lately, and how many times we came close to losing everything."

"HEY! Enough with looking backwards! Let's look forwards! And that means less talk, more party!"

"... You're right, Spike. Come on, a day of fun sounds like just what the doctor ordered."


Scootaloo had earned her cutie mark when she learned to fly, rescued Sweetie Belle, and carried her friend to safety, outmaneuvering both the changeling guards and Chrysalis herself.

Sweetie Belle had earned hers by singing at the reception for the royal wedding, thanks to a conspiracy by Silver Spoon and Spike.

And Apple Bloom had apparently earned hers in her sleep after getting an earring from Zecora. It wasn’t unheard of… Many a pony had come to some life-changing realization in a dream, especially when Princess Luna lent a helping hoof.

Somehow, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had gotten matching red and green shields in their own cutie marks at the same time Apple Bloom got hers. That was more worrisome, but after a few weeks of careful observation, Miss Cheerilee had recommended that it officially be considered harmless, and not a sign of mental instability.

And that meant there was only one thing left to do!

”SQUEEEEE!” Pinkie Pie leapt for joy, clapping her forehooves. "Cat Tribe, I think I'll need your help for that party. Mind coming back when Apple Bloom earns her Cutie Mark?"

The little cats saluted their future goddess with a nod. "Mew mew!" 'Gladly!'

Triple cute-ceañera!

The preparations had taken a while. In fact, they lasted exactly as long as it took for the final battle with Discord and Nightmare Nhilis to happen and the dust to settle!

Twilight Sparkle couldn't shake the feeling... not that things had been rushed, but more like years worth of adventures and growth had been squeezed into one year and things had snapped forward like a taut rubber band. Truly, it was a wonder they didn't all go crazy. Oh right, she’d said it herself… all of the ponies in this town were crazy. Guess that meant her too, now!

On second thought, nopony in Ponyville was insane... weird, strange, odd, bizarre nudists, granted, but not crazy. They'd beaten back the crazy! In some cases literally, as her battle with Loneliness, Pinkie's with Angry Pie, and the Crusaders' with Discord's insanity could attest! This wasn't just a celebration for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, this was for Ponyville itself.

The scale of the celebration probably would have tested even Pinkie Diane’s ability to pull party supplies out of thin air. Fortunately for her and all her extra little furry helpers, the 'Cutie Mark Celebration Charity' had mysteriously refounded itself to give an even bigger donation to her party fund than it had before! Dr. Whooves had provided more ice cream too; he still had a hangar or two left of the stuff from his visit to the Planet of Ice Cream, after all.

Ponies were even more surprised when DIAMOND TIARA finally returned home, in fragile condition but alive and well, and requested her father make his own generous donation to the festivities. Thankfully, given Filthy's reputation, it wasn't seen as a publicity stunt.

The rumors around Diamond Tiara were all over the place, with some ponies claiming that she’d been foalnapped by minotaurs, or Manehatten gangsters, or griffon outlaws, or an evil wizard… the tale seemed to grow more outlandish each time it was told. Others had claimed that she had fallen into another world and lived a whole other life having strange adventures, only to return not a day older.

Most of the rumors could be safely ignored, but that mysterious dark shadow of her attacking Ponyville, which had been fought off by Zecora and Cupcake, took a little more explanation. Thankfully most had not recognized her, though some attending changelings had to verify she wasn't a changeling herself when she told everyone loudly and plainly that she was just happy to be home and didn’t want any special attention.

The army of cute little kitties wearing hard hats and overalls had been a sight to see throughout Ponyville for a while now, and after tireless construction and preparations, the cute-ceañera was finally ready! The kitties themselves would have taken part happily if they hadn't been exhausted and sprawled everywhere taking cat naps!

Pinkie Diane assured all ponies allergic to cats that they had worn gloves (or at least they had now, thanks to Apple Bloom), and hadn't licked anything. Pinkie made a mental note that if she ever became their potential Goddess, she’d make sure they were hypoallergenic. Her potential high priest had explained that the majority of the cat tribes still living in Abyssinia worshipped the goddess Bastet as their creator, with the Wuv Cats considered an 'offshoot.'

The list of guests was huge, since the three fillies had made many friends, and that wasn't counting their families! They'd even gotten a permit from city hall to redirect hoof traffic to make room for this epic occasion.

While, in light of recent events, some might have requested extra security for such an event, Pinkie pointed out how many present had previously been involved in world saving (or world conquering, in the case of the changelings) and the party planners had been the cavalry against an invading army. They didn't need extra security, they WERE the security. While Rarity was no longer babying Sweetie Belle, she still insisted Sweetie keep something that would help her detect changelings, since any unreformed changelings in hiding would surely want revenge on her. The openly attending changelings did not object; in fact, they declared that Sweetie had been kind to them even while under Chrysalis’s mentoring, and Princess Pitcher Plant's loyalists would have to go through them to get at her if she ever crept out of that old castle of her mother's.

= Wizard Of A Day - Wizard of Oz (1982) =

Trixie had naturally exploded on stage, showcasing her extraordinary talent for fireworks and colored smoke and her over-the-top illusions. Trixie gave this show her all, not in small part because she had been given a generous commission. (What? It was how Trixie paid for her groceries, after all.)

But that aside, Trixie had to swallow her pride, since her magic show was only a part of the celebration, and not the main attraction. Many of the partygoers were more interested in each other, or the food, or grooving to the music. At events like these, Trixie reminded herself that she was in good company. If the original Shakesponian actors could endure being a mere sideshow, then so could Trixie!

If nothing else, Trixie was proud of how much she had improved as a performer since her first show in Ponyville, unfortunate public spats with the town’s local heroes aside. Her number one and number two fans (and source of her first humiliation) still applauded enthusiastically when she was done. Against all odds, Snips and Snails paid perfect attention through her whole magic act.

Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo, meanwhile, were surprised. They had NEVER been commissioned before. True, one of the conditions was that they were NOT to sell any of their signature super-addictive Phenomnomenons treats at the event, but money was money, and being part of the catering for this celebration with so many VIPs was sure to build up their reputation.

Bon Bon was less than pleased that out-of-towners had been commissioned to supply some of the treats for this party… she wouldn’t have minded so much, losing to Sugarcube Corner. At least this meant that she and her family could enjoy the celebration instead! June Bug and Moth were the most drunk-off-love changelings there.

While the Apples and Belles had never been enemies, they had never been exactly close the way the Apples had been with the Hearts and the Riches, but that didn't mean the current generation wasn't going to change that!

Pinkie Pie had made extra sure that no hard cider or salt licks were anywhere near this celebration. It was for foals after all, and while an epic drunken brawl between the Apples and Belles might have been amusing slapstick for some, it wasn't appropriate for this happy day.

Berry Punch was proud of herself for being dry, and Cheerilee and Ruby Pinch were even more proud of her for it.

That said, the other changelings in attendance had to actively try not to get drunk from the amount of love present.

Speaking of which, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were going through systematic hugs and well-wishes from their families, with Rarity, Applejack, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Daisy Belle/Cookie Crumble and her husband, all eager to show their appreciation. True, it had happened days ago now for Apple Bloom, and longer ago for Sweetie and Scootaloo, but this was the time to celebrate!

"Apple Bloom, my little friend," Zecora said, smiling down at the filly who had gone out of her way to befriend the zebra when Ponyville feared Zecora. "While this is a new beginning and not an end, I feel like thinking back on it is in order. You have come so far since you first crossed Everfree's border. From the filly who helped make an antidote in my hut, to the one who closed a dark chapter of this world’s history shut. You have come such a long way, and your friend I am proud to stay. This I say true: I am so proud of you."

Apple Bloom didn't hesitate to hug her, and Zecora happily returned the hug of her alchemy student.

* * * * *

"You going to ask Zecora for the other earring?" Sweetie Belle casually asked Apple Bloom, a wee bit later.

"Not really, Ah like it as is."

"You know, that earring makes you looks like a gypsy."

"And what's wrong with that?" Apple Bloom smirked. "If Ah started wearing, say, neck-rings, Zecora would know Ah was doing it 'cause Ah admire her!"

“What about you, Sweetie?” said Scootaloo, smirking. "You ever gonna do something different with your look?"

Sweetie glanced at Apple Bloom's earring and Scootaloo's braid. "Nope! I like how I look now, thank you very much."

Both of her best friends hugged her at once.

Speaking of changes of appearance, the trio noticed that Carrot Top's mane was still back to its original green when Noi came up to congratulate them.

Derpy accompanied Dinky and Derby over for her congratulations… and the mother took a moment to smile down at Apple Bloom. "Bank you for saving… blue know…"

Apple Bloom blinked… then recalled something she'd done while omnipotent involving a group of duplicates in need of a new universe. "... Yer welcome, Miss Derpy. It was just the right thing to do."

"And pour… blue know…"

They looked over at Derpy's baby brother, and Apple Bloom grinned. "Yer welcome."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at that. "Something else you did while you were a god?"

Apple Bloom hushed her friend, then leaned closer, voice lowered. "One, Ah weren't a god. And two... yeah. Ah'd tell yah more, but even Ah don't remember all of it." She smiled. "Let's just say, there's some ponies who got a chance tah have their own lives and she got a bigger family outta it."

Scootaloo blinked. "Um, how does Derpy remember that?"

"That's a long story, but not important right now," said Dr. Whooves cheerfully, as he joined Derpy and her family. "You girls have come a long way since I caught you stealing Flux Capacitors from my junk heap and breaking the laws of time. You were fantastic, keep it up. The world-saving, not the other thing!"

The Crusaders shared knowing grins. "Thanks, Doc!"

Meanwhile, Sparkler/Amethyst Star was just enjoying the free food and seeing her sister and uncle happy. She'd had enough space and time nonsense from her time with Doc, and living in Ponyville hadn’t helped her get away from potential world-ending catastrophes at all. She just wanted to relax and have fun for one afternoon. A surprising number of other ponies were in the same boat.

Shady Daze, his little sister, and her best friend all gave their congratulations as well, as did all their classmates… especially Twist, who made sure to give a big hug, whilst being accompanied by Truffle right alongside her.

There wasn’t a single foal in Ponyville who wasn’t having fun at the celebration somewhere! First Base and Archer got into a cupcake-eating contest with each other. Ruby Pinch was mixing the various soda pops into any number of enticing combinations, eager to test them all herself. Lickety-Split was trying to outdo her with creating the perfect sundae. Rumble was happy to be the taste tester.

Cloud Kicker and Thunderlane enjoyed the party together, just being friends. No world is perfect, but at least between the two of them, they could have comfort in knowing the other didn't think they were 'loose'.

Speedy Delivery/Post Haste? He was just happy that he could attend, instead of rushing off to his next delivery! (Pinkie Pie had sent him a whole mailbag full of apology notes for not remembering his birthday.)

"Sweetie Belle, darling,” said Rarity, wearing a vapid and empty smile. “That nice young colt is here to see you again. You remember Prince Love Blood, don't you?"

A pale bat-pony colt with piercing red and silver eyes, obvious fangs, and a slicked-back mane approached. His cutie mark was a smiling heart with fangs. "It's been too long since we had a moment to ourselves, my beloved Sweetie,” he purred. “We worked so hard to save the world together, after all."

Sweetie Belle gasped, her heart racing. “Love Blood, you came back! After you were disintegrated into another dimension, I thought I’d never see you again!” She sprang into a gallop, ready to charge into her coltfriend’s embrace...

Without warning, an ominous snarl filled the air, seeming to leech away the very colors around them. “What?!” cried Love Blood, looking all around in a panic. “No, you can’t… NO!” He turned to flee…

Something huge and dark and furry sprang, rushing past Sweetie Belle…

Rarity paused in mid-stride, wondering what she’d been doing just now, but she quickly shrugged it off and left to refill her punch glass.

Sweetie blinked at the party, which was lively and colorful once again. "Blanky?" she whispered. She looked left and right and all around, but she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Still, she smiled. “Thank you!”

= Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time - Staff Roll Credits (party scene) =

With or without hard cider, Mjolnir shouted, holding her tankard aloft. "Victory be ours, friends! Eat, drink, and be merry!"

"Do you actually know anypony here?" Silver Spanner asked, appreciating the multi-colored lighting equipment she'd worked on.

"Verily, I know thee!"

"Should have seen that one coming."

"Besides, this be Ponyville! Has that ever been a problem before?"

"Eh, point taken."

Mjolnir took a long draught from her tankard, then slammed it down on the table. "Another! Whilst I wait, let me tell you about the time I aided yonder fillies in battling an army of darkness from the beyond!"

"... Sure you did."

At her DJ station, Vinyl Scratch flipped a record off the turntable and spun it on her hoof while reaching for the next album. "Disappointed I got this jig, Tavi'?"

"Not in the least,” Octavia said, sipping a cup of punch. “There's a time and place for all music, and your music is just the thing for this occasion with little foals."

In spite of being a gifted unicorn with a talent for music, Lyra had likewise agreed, DJ PON-3 was definitely the right choice of musician here.

Aloe and Lotus couldn't attend, since they needed to keep the spa open for messy ponies coming through, but Pinkie Pie and Rarity had promised to bring them cake later.

There were many movers and shakers in Ponyville and Canterlot who could have attended, Mayor Mare included, but they refrained, not wanting to overshadow three fillies who had worked so hard for this special day, their moment in the sun. They made sure to send cards, however.

Cranky would have cheerfully stayed home, if not for Matilda dragging him to the party for the sake of some socialization. A triple cute-ceañera was like nothing that either donkey had seen in their long lives.

"Apple Bloom…"

Apple Bloom blinked, her gaze wandering towards the forest and finding a familiar pair of eyes looking back at her from the edge, like she was looking through binoculars.

"Ruby?" Apple Bloom whispered.

"...You deserve to have a happy day today," the ghost said, and somehow Apple Bloom could hear her clearly despite the distance. She showed no sign of envy for Apple Bloom, despite how her own 'special day' had gone. Ruby of Sunnytown only gave her a smile.

The young farmpony gasped as she saw another figure at Ruby's side. "Mitta? But… but how?"

"The one who put the curse on us originally decided to make an exception on the 'can't leave the area' rule, just this once…" Mitta replied, a smile on her face as well. Of course, since it was the middle of the day, the undead ponies looked perfectly normal. "Congratulations, Apple Bloom… have a good day."

Apple Bloom smiled back. "Thank yah…" she whispered. She wondered if maybe that talent for fixing anything including hearts might be able to fix a certain town.

"And thank you." Apple Bloom turned around to see a jade-haired pegasus filly, who was coincidentally also named Jade. "If not for you, I wouldn't be here either."

Apple Bloom was startled to remember that this filly (like Apple Byte) hadn’t existed before… she’d only been part of the rumors and legends surrounding Sunny Town.

Pipsqueak was enjoying the festivities with his “crew,” a temporary wooden stage built for the party substituting for their “mighty pirate ship” in Pip's backyard. "Great party, isn't it, Moonlight?"

"Indeed…" said Moonlight with a smile, looking to the Crusaders. She leaned and whispered something in her “captain's” ear.

"Blimey, that’s a great idea!" exclaimed Pipsqueak. He spotted the ones this party was for in the crowd. "Hey! Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"Yeah, Pip?" asked Scootaloo.

Pipsqueak suddenly pretended to be at the helm of a ship. "Since this is your special day, how would you like to be honorary temporary crewmates of the MoonPearl, just for today?"

The Crusaders blinked, looked to each other... and instantly rushed over and climbed aboard. They all remembered voyaging on the MoonPearl... being rescued from the villains' booby trap only because of her and her crew, being on her decks, sleeping, chatting, fighting monsters, blasting the mother of all monsters, watching Diamond Tiara protect Tootsie, and finally having to abandon ship as the MoonPearl fell apart and sank.

It was a little haunting to be on the imaginary privateer ship after seeing the real one destroyed. Wait, the MoonPearl was imaginary, so didn't that make the pretend one the real one? This made their heads hurt.

Button Mash watched for a moment... and slowly put his Gamecolt down and joined them, much to his mother's delight. Sweetie Belle giggled and hugged Button before the two went adventuring in Pipsqueak's imaginary roleplaying world, scrambling to load and aim the ship’s cannons and fire off spells to repel a giant sea monster. His beanie’s propeller spun as if in a mighty sea breeze, as tireless as its owner! 8-Bit was likewise proud of his son, already feeling inspiration for his next game design.

"I got it! It's here!" shouted an earth pony who resembled an older, teenaged Button Mash. 16-bit, like the 16-bit character sprite that was his cutie mark, unloaded a shiny new arcade game from a cart: 'Ogres and Oubliettes: Mysteria Reborn!'

Astonishingly, Button Mash didn’t immediately abandon ship to be the first to play the new game. Instead, Archer, Rumble, First Base, and another orange colt with a purple mane surrounded the video game, jamming their bits into the coin slot and grabbing the four joysticks to begin their epic quest to defeat the lich squidizzard. The fourth foal tenderly tapped his rear hooves as he played. If Apple Bloom had bothered to look in his direction, she might have thought it was cute.

"Well, I'll be,” mused 16-bit, watching his little brother having fun in a fantasy world that didn't need electronics. “Way to go, Button!” Maybe Button would finally play with his old train set again too!

"Hey, shield flanks!" came a familiar voice, but this time the Crusaders didn't cringe at the sound.

"Diamond Tiara!" the foals of the hour said together, rushing to greet the filly, still confined to her wheelchair. (She could stand, but walking was another matter.)

Scootaloo grinned. "Welcome to the party!"

"Happy to see you!" Sweetie Belle said with a nuzzle.

"Glad ya could make it."

"It's my pleasure." Diamond Tiara smirked.

"Hey, girls," Silver Spoon said from behind them. She’d been pushing Diamond Tiara's wheelchair herself, when either of them could have summoned a servant pony to do it.

"Hey, Silver!" called the trio, waving to their fellow Crusader.

Alula and Tootsie flanked Diamond Tiara on either side, having let their families go on ahead, so they could show up when Diamond Tiara did to keep her company. It didn't feel right to leave her in the dust.

Neatly Spell could have attended... but she didn't know the Crusaders, and it felt wrong for Diamond Tiara to crowd this place with HER friends. She knew what it was like to be upstaged on your special day.

A camera flash announced Featherweight's ninja-like arrival. That colt was going to need it explained to him sooner or later that a lot of ponies didn't like their picture being taken without permission, but at least they didn’t have to worry about his pictures showing up in a tabloid.

Button and Featherweight shared a look, then smiled and gave each other a hoof bump. Diamond looked away from them for a moment... before both looked to her with a smile.

Diamond had seen it enough times to know what it meant by now: 'We forgive you, let's just be friends.' She just returned the smile. Silver didn't understand any of what just happened, but she was glad Diamond seemed to be off to a better start making friends this time.

"Um, Diamond?" asked Silver. "You know, about that thing…"

Featherweight and Button both looked to her. "We know… long story," Button said, while Featherweight just nodded.

"We don't, but we know where she's going with this," said Alula, trying to just roll with it.

"Oh… Well, from when you were in my dreams…"

Diamond sighed. "Yeah…" she said, and then she looked to the Crusaders. "...T-Thank y-you."

The trio's jaws dropped.

"Silver would've been by my side no matter what... but you made sure she was there in a way that... didn't get her in trouble... T-Thank y-you…"

"Yeah, thanks… seriously," Silver replied. "I wouldn't have been able to help her otherwise."

The trio flashed big grins at her. "Welcome!"

"Now come on, that’s enough serious stuff!” said Scootaloo. “I think it's about time for us to just be FOALS!"

Sweetie Belle kissed Button Mash on the muzzle. His beanie spun up so fast it lifted off his head and flew until it hit the ceiling.

'It's funny,” Apple Bloom mused to herself, “we've been so distracted since we all got our cutie marks... but now we gotta actually figure out what to do with 'em. Ah wonder how many ponies there are that need help findin' or acceptin' their true selves... Eh, Ah'll chat with the girls 'bout it later. Play time!'

"So, Diamond Tiara..." asked ‘Acting Student Pony President’ Alula with a smile. "You going to run for class president again?"

Diamond Tiara gave her a grin. "You know it!"

A while later, Scootaloo was nudging her way through the crowd towards Miss Cheerilee. Her teacher seemed distracted.

Now that Dash was officially her guardian, Scootaloo no longer had to fear somepony discovering her absent parents and hoofing her over to foal services. Dash had even promised to come to her family appreciation day at school next year! She wasn't the only family Scootaloo had that wasn't related by blood, though.

"Miss Cheerilee?"

"Hmm? Oh! Yes, Scootaloo?"

"There’s something I want you to know. You know, in case I said it before and forgot, or in case you ever forget... that if I could do everything over... I would have loved having you for a big sister too."

Cheerilee blushed. "Scootaloo, that's very... I’m flattered, dear. If you need somewhere to be, sometime, or somepony to listen, I promise I'll be there."

Barely understanding why herself, Cheerilee hugged the little filly in a way that was deeper than teacher and student. She would be surprised when the Dream Park Ponies would also refer to them as sisters once she visited the place with Scootaloo some days later, convincing herself that they were just being playful. But still... she didn't mind it. After all, she and her sisters were too close in age for either to be her little sister, even if Cheerilee felt like her twin Cherry Blossom played the bossy older sister sometimes.

She had no intention of going back to those silly pigtails she wore when she was younger, that the dream park ponies somehow also seemed to know about... But she could appreciate letting herself just pretend for one afternoon. And... why did being Scootaloo's protector for a day feel so… right?

'Family isn't just about blood, it's about the heart too,' Cheerilee thought.

Apple Bloom didn't want to break up the heartfelt moment, but there was something she needed to do. Something she had to do. Diamond Tiara had told her about it. Apple Bloom had shivered at what Nightmare Nhilis had done, but Diamond Tiara was right, they were past apologies and saying how sorry they were for this and that now. It was time to do something about it.

For one moment, Apple Bloom felt... her own presence? No, that was impossible. She'd not been able to affect anything in the future, beyond the time of the final battle. If she did anything, it would be her own choice, and no pony else's.

But Apple Bloom DID faintly remember possibilities, ways that the future could go. Did she dare disrupt the world? After what Nightmare Nhilis did, Apple Bloom had a responsibility. But did she have a right to fix what wasn't broken?

Apple Bloom breathed in deep and slowly let it out. 'Whatever happens, this is the future we made.'

She waited for that one moment, where Big Mac looked like he was thinking about leaving the party early to avoid awkward conversation, and Cheerilee happened to glance at him. Apple Bloom tapped her teacher on the leg, and Cheerilee looked down at her.

"Diamond Tiara told me about that mean thing Nightmare Nhilis said when you faced her, and well, Ah’ve got something to say about that! Ah reckon you should make yer own fate, Miss Cheerilee. Success and failure ain't written in stone, and that’s the Truth." Apple Bloom said these words with a sincerity that surprised even her teacher.

Cheerilee looked at Big Mac again, and seemed to make a decision. She trotted over to Big Mac and tapped him politely on the shoulder. He smiled, starting to greet her, and she surprised him by kissing him on the lips. For a few moments, there was genuine surprise in his eyes, doubt, fear... but then Big Mac took his own chance, and kissed her back.

Lovestruck watched from the spirit world. Someday, little Fluttercruel would figure out that part of being a Demi-Goddess, but for now she mostly had the spirit world to herself around Ponyville besides the normal 'things'. She lowered the hoof holding her bow and happily unrolled the scroll with her list of names. "Well, that settles that!" she said, putting a check mark next to the pair of Big Macintosh and Cheerilee.

She crossed out the pairing of Big Mac and Sugar Belle, well at least as his 'first love' at least, and Fluttershy and Big Mac (Cheerilee's boldness had won out and Fluttershy would never make a move after that, if she'd ever been attracted at all)... but she stopped at the next pairing, merely putting a question mark. "For now, anyway…"

Far away, Marble Pie saw the pairing stone quiver as she touched it on an unconscious urge. She knew what this meant, even if she'd never seen it...

'Whoever you are,’ she thought with a determined smile, ‘if you haven't married him by the time I meet him, I promise, I won't lose without a fight, and good luck to us both, mmm-hmm!'

= We'll Make Our Mark - My Little Pony G4 =

Scootaloo casually hovered nearby, almost wishing she had a little heart bow or something to wave at the new couple. 'Then again, maybe a nudge doesn't mean rammed by steam train,' she thought to herself. She hoped that she and her friends hadn't lost all their love of risk-taking and trying new things now that they had their cutie marks. New experiences were always fun!

Scootaloo smiled. Rainbow Dash landed next to her and put a wing over her shoulder, not quite getting what was on between the filly and her teacher, but knew that Scootaloo was happy for her. Rainbow Dash wondered how AJ was going to react to this!

'All in all,' Scootaloo thought, 'this turned out to be a super fun and super great and super cool and super wonderful cute-ceañera. I actually can't think of anything that would make it any more awesome.' "I'm free."

The doors to Sugar Cube Corner squeaked open behind her. Scootaloo didn't really pay it any mind. It was Sugar Cube Corner during a huge party, hardly unexpected for somepony to come in.

"Scootaloo?" said a stallion's voice. Scootaloo's heart skipped a beat.

"My little horsefly, is that really you?" said a mare's voice.

Scootaloo's body didn't so much as twitch, but shock, surprise, and joy exploded inside her still form. She felt Rainbow Dash's wing close tighter around her, but she didn't notice. With an open, pure smile, and her eyes sparkling, Scootaloo turned around.

"Mom? Dad?"


= Reharmonized Soundtrack: We'll Make It Through (Elements Of Harmony) =



TWILIGHT SPARKLE: For the Princesses!


ALL EIGHT: My Little Pony!

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Everything was broken, that was true!

ALL EIGHT: My Littly Pony!

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: But in the end our bonds saw us through!

APPLEJACK: They stitched the world along the seems, nightmares faded back into dreams!

PINKIE PIE: Long friendships can't be kept apart! So long as they burn in our hearts

RARITY: Thanks for staying until the end! Seeing our world restored again!

FLUTTERSHY: Those fractured dreams we all did mend! Friendships don't break, they merely bend!

FLUTTERCRUEL: We got through all the worst together and came out even better than ever!

RAINBOW DASH: The baddies' taint not more remains, burned away by our friendship's flame

TRIXIE: We kept those fires blazing bright! Guided every pony to the light!

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: The sun rises on a new day! Our friendship is here to stay! You have...

ALL EIGHT: My Little Pony!

TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Do you know we're still the very best friends?

True Epilogue

One Thousand Years Later (Or it might have been longer... there are more numbers in the universe than a thousand, after all)

"And that's where it ends,” announced Discord, casually levitating an insanely huge four-hundred and thirty-four chapter book. “I hope somepony else wrote the rest down somewhere." He closed the book with a flick of his claw. The front cover read 'Point of View of Ponies of Ponyville Series, as chronicled by the Half-Light Sisters,' and it was a wonder that the whole thing fit indoors, to say nothing of the reference and side-story volumes.

“‘Bout time,” said Princess Veritas. "Reading that took dang forever, figuratively speaking of course."

"Yes, but it was most definitely worth it, darling," Princess Lucia said, nuzzling the great purple and green-scaled ryujin who was bigger than her and her chaise longue together, at his most humble size. They wore matching golden bands, her on her forehoof, and him on a foreclaw.

Master Kenbroath Gilspotten Heathspike snorted, but returned the nuzzle, rumbling warmly. "If you ask me, a lot of it was gratuitous.” His ryujin name was Avaritius Volo Asgorath, and he was on equal standing with the other ruling ryujin… Dragon Queen Alexandra (not to be confused with Queen Mother Tiamat), Dragon Lord Ember, and Dragon Protectorate Mina... but that was a story for another day. “And that squeaky voice Discord used for my parts didn’t sound anything like me!”

"Well, I think you did a wonderful job reading it, sweetie," said Princess Thalia. She still had a few scratch scars on her body from her first encounter with Bastet.

"Why, thank you, mother!" Discord said, with a politeness that barely contained the wild theatrical soul within.

"It was nice to just sit back and just listen to all of it beginning to end, wasn't it?" Princess Gaia said to her... mother-in-law. They were especially happy to have Princess Gaia present, given that she was often in space terraforming planets and only just returned from a joint project with the Celestial Ponies.

Princess Fidelitas yawned profusely, stretching her wings. "Ugh, did we have to take so many breaks? I prefer reading this stuff all in one go!"

“Not everyone wants to rush straight to the end,” said Princess Amicitia, chiding her mildly. "This way, we could all stay on the same page and appreciate it together!”

The equilibrium of Alicorns was sitting in the great hall of the Crystal Friendship Castle. They could have used Princess Gaia's castle (formerly the castle of the Two Sisters, but she hardly spent any time there) or Applejack's humble 'castle' (more often called the House of Truths, since her sister and brother held court there as well) but this castle held many good memories.

"Eh, I'll stick with the Enchanted Comics version!" said Fluttercruel, twisting her floating body in a figure eight symbol.

Besides the Alicorn Princesses, and one Dragon God and demi-draconequus, the hall held thousands of other rare books even though it wasn’t the main castle library, each one shelved precisely in its proper place… all except for an old worn volume laying on a coffee table, titled 'How To Fake Old Age and Your Own Funeral.' Had they ever made use of the advice found in its pages? Who knew?

While they were still technically princesses, Alicornification had become more commonplace, and with ponies spreading far and wide and even reaching out to the stars, the title of Princess had become almost a formality, no more extraordinary than ‘doctor’ or ‘mayor.’ Just like having the surname ‘Equestria.’

Draconequi remained a much more exclusive club, but there had been a few new ones. Flim and Flam had become Kitsun and Reynard, the twin draconequi of temptation, nicknamed 'the two faced god'. They were the first and only mortals known to ever con their way into Discord's family, claiming the abandoned concept for themselves and succeeding the original Temptation, who met her end in that ancient war.

The number of new Alicorns over the eons was actually so large that Princess Amicitia suspected many of them of being mortal Alicorns who took whatever outlandish title they could think of that wasn’t claimed yet, not true pillars of creation. Regardless, all of them had a role to play in this civilization, both mortal and divine.

Button Mash was now Isthmia, Alicorn Prince of Games. As Neighponese Animane could tell you, that was not a position to be taken lightly.

His wife was Princess Euterpe, Concept of Music or at least Song. There was a bit of a gray area, especially given Sweetie Belle's spiritual heritage.

Scootaloo had become Princess Faventia, the Divine Longma (existing as a bridge between Celestia and Tiamat's families), Concept of Grace and goddess of the Tianma. How that happened was another story unto itself.

Apple Bloom, after being a late bloomer and then a reality-mending Architect, had become Princess Praegressus, Concept of Progress and Invention. She had been the most happy when the curse had finally been lifted from the last of the Sunny Town ponies, allowing Ruby to finally rest in peace as well. She'd been vital to Equus’ defense during the war with the Earthbound Kings.

Diamond Tiara's Alicorn name was currently 'sealed', but Amicitia thought that had more to do with her wanting to stand out from the crowd and seem mysterious. Then again, she was part of Discord's pantheon, not Celestia's. She'd fought a sociopathic filly named Cozy Glow whose soul held a dark secret. Much like what Rarity had done to Morning Star's concept of beauty, Cozy Glow had usurped Diamond Tiara's sealed magic and maybe divine essence, and maybe her Alicorn name, until Diamond Tiara finally embraced her magic as part of herself at last, taking back what was hers, and herself.

Then there was Princess Amicitia's husband... formerly Flash Sentry, now Prince Philippides Prostátis, the Concept of help coming at the moment it is needed most, or if one wanted to be more precise, he was the Concept of Heroes... which meant he was the concept of heroes both for good and bad sides in conflicts. He also had a scar along his side from an encounter with one of Nythy's last remaining avatars, a dark being called Alfred Hitchhoof. By their very nature, heroes were forever linked to tragedies, from Batmare to Superstallion.

Doctor Whooves, much to his own surprise, had become Khronos, Alicorn Prince of Time. Also called Prince Medicum Esse Gallopfrey. Perhaps ‘surprise’ wasn't quite the right word. At least he and Rota Fortuna got along better now. "Come now, if I was going to be any Alicorn, what else would I have been Alicorn of?!"

Derpy had become Princess Patientia, the goddess of mothers, perseverance… and also Mailmares, which turned out to make her rival King Leo in being an unstoppable force. Leo’s wife Novo and daughter Skystar were happy to be together at last, even if none could ever truly tame the sea that was his and himself.

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia shared a portfolio with Princess Euterpe, as the Alicorns Princess Meret and... well, Octavia claimed her Alicorn name was 'Princess Euterpe' too... so it led to some confusion for the gods of different aspects of music. There were only so many fancy-sounding words for music in Old Ponish.

Zecora was now Princess Alchimia, the Zebralicorn (or Virgalicorn) of Alchemy. She tended to exact a ruthless, but ultimately fair cost for any who sought knowledge or power from her.

Kifuko, Flurry Heart, and Skyla, the daughters of Cadenza, had become their own cloister of goddesses.

Their father was Prince Fortis Castellum... but he was still Big Brother Shining Armor to Amicitia. There was a rumor going around that he had died first before coming back as an Alicorn, since Fate had decreed Cadence would outlive 'Shining Armor.'

Fizzlepop Berrytwist had achieved the dream she believed impossible due to her injury, and was now Princess Gilia, the Alicorn of Overcoming Disabilities.

Iron Will had become the minotaur god Cerus... don't ask.

Garble, of all creatures, was now Calidus Complector, the ryujin of hugs. Again, don't ask. It’s said that even to this day, he refuses to explain why.

Gilda… at least, the Gilda of their branch of reality… was not with them, but Patientia occasionally delivered a postcard from the domain of Lord Boreas and Lady Astra, where heroic griffons went to their eternal roost. Princess Fidelitas treasured each one, and would only smile and say that her old friend had no regrets. As Gilda put it, 'You’re crazy, Dash. I'm not giving up my eternal retirement for a job I can never quit!'

Trixie was now Princess Anasi, who had also become the leader of the Elements of Chaos following a year long quest to find and recruit them following Twilight's epic battle with Tirek.

Starlight Glimmer, a foe of Princess Twilight who later became a friend and ally, was now Princess Libertas Renovatio Equestria, the goddess of fairness, balance, and equality. This time, she represented the true ideal, not a false, misguided one.

Fancy Pants, to no one's surprise, had become Prince Plutus, the god of wealth and prosperity.

To EVERYONE'S surprise, Blueblood had become Prince Aluluei, god of navigation.

Filthy Rich had become Prince Juno, God of Economics.

Golden Tiara, determined that none should ever suffer the fate that she had suffered, had become Princess Beiwe, the Goddess of Mental Healing. She was dreaded among any Nightmare that came into existence... If any had of course. Had they?

The Apple Family had become their own small pantheon of gods of truth:
Princess Veritas, the Honest Truth (the immovable object to Trixie/Princess Anasi's irresistible force)
Princess Praegressus, the Empirical Truth
Price Axiom (Big Mac), the Plain and Simple Truth

And more Bearers of Honesty from the Apple family (and maybe other worlds) had joined them:
Red Gala Belle, the Beauty of Truth
Nightmare Mirror, the Cruelest of Truths
Epiphany, the Moment of Truth
Deconstruction, the Truth that Changes Everything

As for Granny Smith... she'd just wanted to be reunited with her husband and son in the afterlife, thank you very much!

Moon Dancer herself had become Princess Codex Custos Prudentiae, the keeper of all books and records past and present. There was a bit of chafing between her and the Hermit Tarot that would need to be resolved...

Moth was now Siamka, the Alicorn Princess of families that went beyond genetics.

Mayor Mare… Mary Mare, Ivory Scroll... she’d used all those names over the years… stood now as Princess Res Publica, goddess of freedom and democracy.

Cheese Sandwich, Princess Thalia's husband, was the Concept of Laughter of the Fourth Wall Breaking Variety or Something (and Polka)... Prince Ridiculum Albertus. As if he could have been anything else!

And Minty... yes, that Minty... that was yet another story for another time... She was now Ashima... Princess of… socks? Christmas? The color green? She had become the Alicorn of accepting and moving on from one's past. She and Princess Fidelitas worked closely together.

It had been Princess Ashima's idea to read the book from start to finish to begin with. She’d said, "It's needed for this world to finally and truly be free." The Six Princesses hadn't understood at the time, but maybe now they did.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" Princess Veritas/Applejack said with a smile.

"And we earned every step," Princess Fidelitas/Rainbow Dash declared.

"The world has grown so beautiful," Princess Gaia/Fluttershy Breeze-Pie added.

"And I was happy to experience it with each and every one of you!" Princess Thalia/Pinkie Diane Pie cheered.

"It's not quite perfect yet darling... but it's getting closer every day," Princess Lucia/Rarity Belle said, doing the one thing the Concept she replaced could never bring himself to do: let the world grow.

"Even if we had to pull out a lot of thorns and stitch up a lot of wounds," Odyne Typhon/Fluttercruel Breeze added with a smirk.

"And have to protect it to keep it that way," Avaritius/Spike finished.

"I'm happy you all enjoyed the show!" Discord said. "It wasn't easy, it wasn't simple, and if I knew how long this was going to take, I'd have never started in the first place!"

"And we appreciate it, Discord... " Princess Amicitia said with a smile, before transforming into her meek unicorn guise, and giving the Draconequus a big hug. "This is the only right way to end it. We went through a lot of tests and trials, but we all became friends through them, and through our dreams, hopes and wishes, through what we had in common and what we could understand about each other... including you."

The other five goddesses, the dragon god, and the demigoddess closed in around Discord and joined in the hug.

Discord felt an extra invisible hug, and smirked knowingly… Princess Anasi, the one and only Trixie, had been present and watching this whole time, likely sending back all she experienced to Princess Liberalis and Princess Solara (Sunset Shimmer). After a moment of hesitation, Discord hugged them all back. He felt so... happy. He sighed, wiping a happy tear from his eye. "I'm free..."

= Undertale the Musical - Special Thanks (Lyrics Version) =

~ Fin

(Let the characters enjoy this happy ending.)

(?????'s Notes: Thank you for reading with me my friends.
Final work of art CLICK HERE!!!!!, goodbye my friends. )

Comments ( 52 )

Thank you for the story Alex Warlorn.

hard to believe what introduced me to MLPFIM is really over as far as your involvement is concerned alex. You do have a talent for writing so I hope your original work is as well received as this was. best of luck mate!

I feel so warm and happy. You did it, you magnificent son of a too successful villain. You did it!

A long journey.

Sad to see it end, but all things must...

Thank you.

Remember that God is love. May the future be bright for you, Alex Warlorn. One of the largest fanfic universes is now at a close, for better or for worse, as others may continue your work but the main story is at an end.

Having been completely blown away by S0, exploded again (:pinkiegasp:!) by the beginning of AJ's and Fluttershy's arcs in S1, and before realizing caching up to the story by then (can't quite recall now if it was the aftermath of Princess Gaia's arc or the beginning of Mind Games), thank you (and everybody on the PoV-verse) for this journey! :pinkiehappy: (and know that the only -- barely -- sour spot is the fault of (my interpretation/opinion regarding certain events in) canonthe heart world :unsuresweetie:).

The whole dream was so vivid, I started writing it down, but then I realized I’d written a fifty-two page novella about me and my worst enemy secretly being the same pony traveling through time, and I wised up and burned it before Cadence found it.

Wise move, if not for the motives you're thinking of :duck:.

Your work visa is expired? Seriously? Can't we just ask Princess Celestia to renew it for you?

Or just overturn the law requiring work visas :trollestia:.

and this is quite the story of you and your friends that we've written down.

Ain't that the truth :ajsmug:.

(Interviewer's Notes (Noon): We actually should have left quite a while ago... So yeah.)

They actually should've never been there, going by a strict reading of 'em rules :pinkiecrazy:.

the tale seemed to grow more outlandish each time it was told.

But the real truth has all 'em tales beat :raritywink:.

Against all odds, Snips and Snails paid perfect attention through her whole magic act.

They learned to after what happened the first time :duck:.

Berry Punch was proud of herself for being dry, and Cheerilee and Ruby Pinch were even more proud of her for it.


(Seeing the Story of the Blanks reference/epilogue while listening to the soundtrack hit me hard :applecry:).

8-Bit was likewise proud of his son, already feeling inspiration for his next game design.

Too bad it didn't go so well :pinkiesad2:

“I think it's about time for us to just be FOALS!"

Gonna have to refer you lot to the very last cutscene in OoT :pinkiesad2:.

'All in all,' Scootaloo thought, 'this turned out to be a super fun and super great and super cool and super wonderful cute-ceañera. I actually can't think of anything that would make it any more awesome.' "I'm free."

Their (Cheerilee's and Big Mac's) first kiss was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to that point? :rainbowwild:.

"If you ask me, a lot of it was gratuitous.”

Good thing nobody asked you then! :twilightangry2:.

They were the first and only mortals known to ever con their way into Discord's family, claiming the abandoned concept for themselves and succeeding the original Temptation, who met her end in that ancient war.

I'm pretty sure the con went the other way :trollestia:.

Derpy had become Princess Patientia, the goddess of mothers, perseverance, … and also Mailmares,

Careful with that title, messenger gods usually moonlight as thieves', merchants', pirates' and shopowners' gods too.

Garble, of all creatures, was now Calidus Complector, the ryujin of hugs. Again, don't ask. It’s said that even to this day, he refuses to explain why.


Filthy Rich had become Prince Juno, God of Economics.

Stealing the Apple's job I see :rainbowwild:.

We went through a lot of tests and trials, but we all became friends through them, and through our dreams, hopes and wishes, through what we had in common and what we could understand about each other... including you.


Be sure to click on her link and give her her final goodbye too.

Wow, I can hardly believe it's over. For seven years you've created the widest world and the deepest pantheon of any pony fic I know. You've combined moving drama with tension-breaking laughter, high adventure and character growth. I always figured one of the core ethos of this place was "no character gets left behind," and I don't know anyone who has embraced it better than you, Alex.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing this world with us, not only what you created yourself but what you caused to grow around you. I'd say goodbye, but that's not really appropriate, is it? I'll keep watching your blog for news of your original fiction, which I know is going to be great. So I'll just say "see you later!"

Be sure to click the final art line in the chapter, and give her some goodbyes too.

(?????'s Notes: Thank you for reading with me my friends.
Final work of art CLICK HERE!!!!!, goodbye my friends. )

And seriously dude, I wish I didn't have the blockades within me that I do, whether I like them or not, because I want more than anything to be able to appreciate this praise, of this world given life, and even if it doesn't hold up to canon anymore, people still love it somehow.

9357469 People will still remember you in the stories going forward, and I wager a bunch of us will be fans of your future work as well.

Princess Minty looks fantastic! Thank her for me, will you?

Thank you so much for this wonderful world you have created, I have never seen a fic where all generations were so beautifully linked together in such a fluid manner, and with almost perfect continuity to boot! (I only spotted one flaw).
I truly wish you the best of luck with all of your future endeavors.

I'm overwhelmingly impressed if you only found one flaw in the continuity. I'll admit I went through blood sweat and tears to make this entire story complete. Nearly 8 years of my life. Thank you for the praise! And for knowing people are still reading this!

I have not read this chapter, I don't really want to read it without the context of all that comes before it. I simply write to say this.

Thank you for making this universe. I have read the first few stories in it, and loved those, and have always been impressed that you continued to write in it, making it into a massive work. One day, I will finally read it all and finish this walk with these characters. This, in my opinion, is one of the seminal and defining stories in this fandom, and I'll treasure it as such.

So, as this appears that it is the end. Thank you for sticking with it. I hope that your new adventures in life will be good! Have a good time!

Don't really have much more to say other than that.

I only hope you actually are able to stay with the story to the very end! *hugs*

👏Thanks for the epic tale Alex. It makes me sad to know it's over after all these years. Best of Luck for whatever is next for you.:heart:

Thank you. I hope you enjoyed the final chapter and the last twists I threw in. I intentionally left some stuff open for the sake of people who wanted to continue things.

Nice stuff!

...Oh yeah, remember me? Nah, probably not-I haven't been here in years. But I was browsing through TvTropes recently, and I saw that this had finally been completed. I'm not really a brony anymore, but I owe this series for turning me on to fanfiction in general, showing me that it was ok to not like grimdark and defend stories with happy endings, and just in general being some amazing fun. So, I'm gonna re-read the entire thing! I figure a few chapters a day to start, then more as I inevitably get sucked in by the worldbuilding and characters. I'll be commenting too, unless you'd rather me not. Regardless, I can't wait to see how all of this finally ends!

I'd be perfectly happy to read your comments. No promises on responding to them.But thank you very much. *hugs*


An epic ending to an epic series.

I think I may have missed something, but what ultimately happened to Discord again?

THANK YOU!!! PLEEEEEASE consider reading and donating to my Original Stories Site. https://alexwarlorn.wordpress.com Since I'm hoping to be an original writer now instead of a fanfiction one now that pony pov series is complete!!!

Also, yes, you might have missed a chapter. This chapter spells out what happened to Discord.

And here too.

Thank you for reading all the way through. I literally gave this story all my surviving best years I had left. Thank you.

It has taken me a while to finish reading your works, but it has been an incredible journey form start to the finale. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the stories and best wishes for all works that you continue to do.


It has taken me a while to finish reading your works, but it has been an incredible journey form start to the finale. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the stories and best wishes for all works that you continue to do.

You're welcome! :-) Happy to know that the last seven best years of my life weren't a waste.

Forgive me for fishing, but what did you THINK of the reveals and developments squeezed into the final chapter?

I enjoyed that most characters ascended to become minor deities, I most enjoyed the fact that the Flim Flam brothers became Temptation. I also loved that while the story has concluded there are still adventures to be had in your universe.

Did you leave a comment on the 'for people who read the final chapter only' picture?

I'm just happy the story is still enjoyable in spite of official continuity having LONG debunked the majority of it. (Which I'll admit I turned into a PLOT POINT along the way with this being now officially an alternate universe.)

Not yet. I will do so when I get off work this evening.


I see the final chapter cover image wasn't working here for some reason.


You might want to check the rest of their gallery for any other cover images that might have gotten strangled when I wasn't looking!

Who knew I'd get pulled into binge reading this? I didn't. But, bravo on making me binge read 450+ chapters any chance I got. Good Job. Thanks for the good read. I doubt I'll ever make another comment on this site so that is real impressive.

Happy to know my monster of a fanfiction was WORTH binging.

What did you think of the twists shown in the final chapter? *hugs*

Thanks for the birthday present buddy! :-)

You're welcome a week later and Happy Birthday I suppose. I just got done rereading parts of it. Was the twist it being a story book they were all reading? I have no clue what Spike's supposed to be the Ryujin of and I'm kinda sad that in the final battle what happened in the final battle of Dark World didn't happen. Ya know, the glowing tattoo bit. I'm also a little sad that Scootaloo's real parents basically got no description compared to the Heart World counterparts. Oh, and we never do find out what Gilda's chaos element is. But overall, a good story again.



Huh neat thanks for the knowledge


"You're welcome a week later and Happy Birthday I suppose. I just got done rereading parts of it."


"Was the twist it being a story book they were all reading?"

Meant Shining Armor being Dark World Azure Raven who was reset back to their factory settings by Dark World Discord and was imprinted by Dark World Queen Cadence's wish for a knight in Shining Armor.

"I have no clue what Spike's supposed to be the Ryujin of"

Some mystery then. GOOD.

"and I'm kinda sad that in the final battle what happened in the final battle of Dark World didn't happen. Ya know, the glowing tattoo bit."

I stuffed in as much as I possible could!

"I'm also a little sad that Scootaloo's real parents basically got no description compared to the Heart World counterparts."

That was Future Proofing really.

I wanted someone else to continue the story.

" Oh, and we never do find out what Gilda's chaos element is."

I imagined it as Rage/Courage, but in Friendship Is Oppression, it's free will I think.





"But overall, a good story again."

Thank you!

Where can I find your new published stuff that I gotta pay for?

That was a good story and great series. Its sad to see the main story is over but it was fun to read and at least there's plenty of sides stories left to read. I think my favorite part of this story was when Applejack a humble and seemingly simple farmer managed to defeat nyarlathotrot without the elements of harmony. My favorite part of the series was probably the final battle against chrysalis/cadenza I liked seeing a competent Chrysalis who wasn't just a greedy thug like most stories. My favorite story in the series is probably Dark World.


Ironic how I thought of Dark World with a mark of shame. Yet everyone seems to love it. Maybe because I created the most bleak world imaginable, then turned it into a happy ideal world again inch by inch.

My friends Kendell2 on deviantart, Ardashir, and Mtangalion have side stories too.

Oh, and Pinkie Pie's Forth Wall Vareity Show and Cutie Mark Crusaders of the Unexplained are both technically START as part of this universe, existing in the space between episodes, but eventually grows int its own reality.

There are times when I wonder if giving this story the best years of my life was worth it. I'm happy this story was worth it.

Did you see the bonus picture link only for people who had finished the story?

Did you find this story via the trope page?

That was one things I liked about dark world and it was a very good story.
I haven't looked at their stories yet I want to finish the ones you have on this site first.
I haven't read Pinkie Pie's Forth Wall Variety Show and Cutie Mark Crusaders of the Unexplained yet I want to read the shorter stories first before I start but it did sound interesting in the description.
It was a very good series to read thank you for writing them.
Do you mean the Alicorn Minty picture if so yes and it was a nice one.

No if I remember correctly I first found it about 7 years ago in the similar section on the side of the fimfiction screen. I read the first few main stories and several of the side stories over the next few weeks but the ending of Dark World made me sad so I decided to take a break but ended up forgetting about the series until I remembered it last month when trying to decide what to read next.

It was ironically meant to be a teaser for a one shot story that never got made.

Thank you for not giving up. *hug*

Twilight's visits to Grim Dark World was also a official side story.

Though I admit now I feel rather immature about the premise, it does have character driven moments worth exploring.

Do you mean the ending of Dark World or the series as a whole?

Alicorn Minty was meant to be a preview of a one shot spin off that never got made.


TV Tropes is not a site I admire anymore. It's become too dogmatic for my taste. But it's still an in-depth collection of info about the series.


Do you have a story or blog post explaining what the difference between the major arcana and miner arcana is?

I've made tons and tons of 'Lore posts' here on fimfiction.net and on deviantart (mostly on deviant).

There is 'true' difference between the major and minor acana Alicorns.
The minor ones are all former mortals, but are equal in power and status to the major Acana.

And for the record, the Griffins boasting their god Boreas can take'em, HAS resulted in many deities showing up in build sized avatars honor bound to take up the challenge... Boreas is not amused by his children's chants.

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