• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
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Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.



In the aftermath of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer has fallen. Her power in Canterlot High is gone, and she's been exposed for the monster that she is. With nowhere else to go and nothing she can do, she retreats to where she's hidden herself since arriving in the human world, a realm that links Canterlot High and Equestria. But she isn't the only one to know about this realm, on either side, and perhaps with a little help from her new friends and her old mentor, she can find it in her to rise again.

Cover Art by Alyssa Hartwick.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 60 )

I feel like there were so many characters in the portal-world that the emotional impact got a little lost. It just felt too crowded.

“This one is indirectly connected to the other world, leading to a third, smaller realm. A portal there leads to the world you went through, but one who enters through this side cannot enter it.”

“And someone from the human world can’t use it to enter our world either.”

I don't think I get it. :rainbowhuh:

Is it like Equestria<->X<->CHS, but X can only be left via the same side as it was entered? That seems a bit weird and arbitrary...

except... wait, these portals don't transform people, right? Humans and ponies both keep their shape.

Her gaze turned towards the mirror, and she found herself drifting towards it, one hand coming to rest on its surface.

two alicorns, one tall and majestic with a free-flowing mane that brought to mind an aurora

In that case, I suppose there's a plausible reason why the other portal wouldn't let you through: No ponies in the human world or vice versa. Without the transformation powers of the direct portal, you can't cross over. :twilightsmile:

I also feel that the scene got too crowded. The reunion of Sunset and Celestia was (seemingly) the climax of the story, and when it seemed like the story was drawing to a close, suddenly even more ponies showed up.

The Mane Six meeting their counterparts was a great plot point, but it's comedic and a stark contrast to the more serious/emotional part that precedes it. Maybe a chapter break could have helped?


Check my blog for further details on the story, but the short version is that I figured whoever made the portals (intended to be Star Swirl the Bearded and later confirmed by canon) wanted to keep in touch with someone. Eliminating confusion was the whole point behind the portals working the way they did, and I also figured it would lessen the chances of paradoxes.

And I agree, things got a little crowded towards the end. I initially posted this on DeviantArt as two parts for spacing issues, and set the story up in such a way that it could be separated right where Cadance and Shining Armor enter the story. I probably should've posted it this way here; might just go ahead and do that. As for the scene getting crowded, well, I'll admit, as time went on, this story went from being a single installment to a setup for future stories.

For now, chapter break. In time to come, future stories with Sunset Shimmer in the interim betwixt this story and an alternate version of "Rainbow Rocks". But first, my thanks for reading the story and I hope that you enjoyed it.


Yeah, sorry, I think you've got a point there. I'm going to separate it a little; hopefully, that'll help.

Sweet. I feel like the story had a lot of potential, but it got lost in the crowd. Would love to give it a second look when it's less crowded.


I don't know if it's less crowded now, but I've separated it into two chapters, so that might help.

I liked the story, but I'd agree with the crowding, and Celestia just bringing everyone into the third realm. But you know, it worked out perfectly fine. You got a good range on your vocabulary, and I enjoyed reading every word of this story.

5430017 Thanks. I'll admit, bringing everyone in may not have been the smartest idea on my part - the story probably should've ended with Twilight starting to recount the series premiere - but I felt like it was needed for Sunset to know she'd been forgiven, and that there was a home waiting for her back in Equestria. Plus it led to that little bit with Rarity, and I have every intention of following that up.

Glad you enjoyed the story, however, and thanks for faving it.

I posted a review for this story as part of the recent Sunset Shimmer group's recent round of Mini-Reviews, and it can be found here! :twilightsmile:

5714648 Thanks! I'll put more of a reply there rather than here. :twilightsmile:

My review circle review blog post for this story: Here

Nicely done. I'm very glad I found this one. :pinkiehappy:
Definitely worth a favorite and a like.

5782503 Thanks very much! I hope you enjoy the follow-up, and the rest of my little alt-verse, as much as you've enjoyed this one!

Seems half decent if a bit short and typically on the positive side. I hope you'll write a bit more.

A regretful expression crossed Celestia’s face. “Alas, no. While I have no objection to her returning to Equestria to stay, I cannot retake her as a student, no matter how much I may want to.” A smile formed as she added, “That said, I think that somepony else may be better suited for the task.”

Is this because she doesn't have a need for a student anymore? Does she only accept potential princesses and if you flunk out, that's it? What's your rationale behind this. I can understand her not wanting or needing to or Sunset being to old, but Celestia's statement strikes me as a little odd.

I find the whole Celestia got/had a student to get a 'Princess of Friendship' thing kind of silly just as much her being able to make Alicorns. The latter kind of makes it highly sketchy for her to elevate just one pony and so on. It's also unnecessary here, I think, and make Sunset's failure much more of Celestia's oops and Twilight's alicornness more of preferential treatment by Celestia.


Celestia can't take Sunset back as a student because she expelled Sunset. She can't just undo something like that. You get expelled from one school or school system, you have to go to another one.

As for getting/having a student to get a 'Princess of Friendship'...that's something that's going to come up in the follow-up to this story, currently in progress, and (amazingly) backed by official sources (or at least semi-official, depending on how you view the comics). Same with Celestia's ability to make alicorns. I won't spoil it, but I will say that Celestia saw a lot of the same things in Sunset that she saw in Twilight and all of her other students. Twilight didn't become an alicorn because she was Teacher's Pet; there was a lot more at play than that. She wasn't the first pony to ascend, after all, and she won't be the last, either. Take that as you will.

I see. Although, seeing as it's her school, expulsion is in some sense temporary even if rescinding it would be bad policy.


Perhaps, though I tend to think that breaking into secure areas and making unrealistic demands would constitute a rather strict punishment.

Perhaps, but as I think about it, I'm not ensure sure being Celestia's personal student/protege/etc is intrinsically tied to the canterlot school for gifted unicorns or whatever it's called. Additionally, in forgiving Luna, Celestia potentially forgave more than any pony deserves and thus makes any case where she punishes someone for less a double standard, particularly if they've paid an adequate or excessive degree of suffering.

Depending on what Sunset was really after in the first place and the relationship between her and Celestia, Celestia could be either shrugging or rather harmful here.


So far as my works are concerned, being Celestia's personal student or protege is tied to the school - Twilight applied to attend, and it's only due to doing so that she became Celestia's student. I've got no reason to assume otherwise for Sunset.

As for Luna, there's enough evidence that there were mitigating factors behind what she did - it was hinted by Faust herself, and outright confirmed by the comics, that Luna was manipulated and possessed, in addition to being severely depressed. Those are mitigating factors that, so far as we know, weren't a factor in Sunset's case.

In both cases, however, Celestia and Luna/Sunset agreed that mistakes were made on all parts. Exactly what Sunset wanted is something I'm delving into with the follow-up, however, so feel free to debate that there.

This was pretty well put together. I like the idea of the third area, even if as Csqured said, it got a bit crowded. Really sweet; something I could see occurring in-show. Nice work!

6062307 Thanks! I'll admit, it did get a bit crowded at the end, but I like to think it was counterbalanced by some of the more touching moments.

6062365 Indeed so. You did a good job!

The writing here flowed, and there were no technical issues that drew me out of the experience. That 'spare room' idea was nice stroke of creativity. Though I'll also go along with the other notes about the crowd at the end getting a bit pressing on the emotions going back and forth. =)

6349001 Yeah, that seems to be the single biggest issue folks have with this story. I'm happy with it, but I might just have tried to do too much at once. Live and learn, yes? But folks like it regardless, so I'm going to take that as a win.

nice. I'm working on a tale where the EQs meet their Mane 6 counterparts in Equestria.
very well-done and entertaining.

6375926 Thank you! I hope your tale proves as popular as this one has been.

"Her expression softened, and Rarity knelt before the dragon and drew him close in a hug, standing up and holding him in her arms as if he were still the cute puppy that she’d met barely two days previous. “Well, dog or dragon, you are still absolutely adorable.”
“Oh, I agree.” Fluttershy approached and joined them. “I’d have never thought a dragon could be so cute.”
Sunset Shimmer laughed. “Well, he is a baby dragon. Trust me; the full-sized ones aren’t nearly as cuddly"

7691627 Aw, thank you. That part just flowed perfectly out of my head and onto the proverbial page, and I'm really glad that folks like it. :yay:

This has been reviewed by The Reviewers' Cafe. You can find the review here:


Thank you, I'm glad that you approve of the story.

I have to say, I've always rather liked the idea of the "third realm" in between CHS and Equestria. ^^ It nicely gives Sunset a place to stay without having her resort to some rough or immoral means of getting by in the human world.

People have talked about the issue of crowding in this story, and I do see that a bit here. But at the same time, I feel that you did a good job of dealing with it through some nice character interactions (the two versions of Twilight's friends meeting never fails to make me smile :twilightsmile:)

I'm surprised and pleased at the fact that no one seemed to come up with it before I did, to be honest. And while I've managed to come up with all sorts of backstory to go with it since, when I conceived of it at the start, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

And while it was a bit crowded, I will never be ashamed of the human-pony interactions.

Heck, some of my favorite ideas for story material have been because of "it seemed like a good idea at the time". And hey, points for uniqueness!

Indeed! Be proud of the pony-human interactions, friend - they were a blast! (Oh, Rarity... XD)

Nice to know I'm not alone then.

This was way more reasonable than I remember it being. Hm. Splitting it at least made the first chapter enjoyable enough.

There it is. There's the giant crowd I remember. Waaaaaaaay too crowded. All the conversations just jumbled together. And while that makes sense because that's what would likely happen in a crowd like that anyway, it doesn't make for the best reading experience.

In hindsight, the large crowd was probably not the wisest idea, but that's just how things worked out with this one. In any case, thanks for giving it another look.

She laughed as she nodded off and thought aloud, “Wait ‘till Lyra Heartstrings hears about all of this…”


Oh, how I'm looking forward to the payoff for that line.

“Um, sorry, but beggin’ her Majesty’s pardon…”

Since when are you so formal AJ LOL

Well wouldn't you try to be formal in the presence of royalty?

Me? no I don't give my respect to anyone freely they have to earn it

Celestia smiled at the young princess, thankful for her support and understanding. “Perhaps, though I’m not entirely without blame.” They continued down the hallway as the princess continued, “Nonetheless, I did fail to tell you a great deal about many things. Sunset Shimmer, for example.”

That’s true. Next time, keep your past in the past, unless there’s a chance of it coming back to bite you in the flank.

An apologetic smile crossed the elder alicorn’s face. “Again, I feel that I need to apologize to you. There’s something I need to show you and Spike as part of that apology. You see, there is a second portal.”

Are you kidding me?

“Pinkie Pie, darling, I’m certain you’re quite right, but let’s not get sidetracked.” Rarity steeled herself as she admitted, “Twilight has charged us with looking after Sunset Shimmer, at least until the next time the portal opens and our two worlds come in contact. And as much as it pains me to admit it, the poor girl does need some form of positive companionship.”

I’m surprised they’re actually looking after her.

“Well, that was before we did, well, whatever we did to get her back to normal.” Fluttershy managed an encouraging smile as she argued, “At least, we should try to give her a second chance. Twilight did, and what she did to her was at least as bad as what she did to us.”

I’d like to point this out. Just because someone else gives her a chance that doesn’t mean anyone else does.

“Thanks ma’am.” The group moved off as their principal continued on her business, still smiling, and Applejack reasoned, “Alright girls, let’s find her. Probably should start with the girls’ lockers. Ah just hope we don’t find anythin’ unpleasant in there.”

I’m surprised they’re not ganging up on principle celestia, because principle or not I would have to fight her.

“Yes, though it functions differently from the portal the two of you went through.” Celestia approached the mirror, almost identical to the portal that her student and the young dragon had used to retrieve the Element of Magic save for the gems that decorated its frame and their arrangement. “This one is indirectly connected to the other world, leading to a third, smaller realm. A portal there leads to the world you went to, but one who enters through this side cannot enter the other.”

“And someone from the human world can’t use it to enter our world either.” Twilight looked up at her mentor, so many questions coming into her mind. “How long have you known about this? How long is it open for? Do you think Sunset Shimmer knew about it?”

What does that mean?

Surprised by her mentor’s enthusiasm, but nonetheless undeterred from following her, Twilight knelt down so that Spike could climb onto her back. “Come on, Spike. You’re not getting left out now.”

Aww. That’s nice that she’s including him.

“MAGIC PORTAL!” A pause, and the all-too-familiar voice added, “Huh. For some reason, I was expecting high vaulted ceilings and stuff.”

Sunset Shimmer turned from the mirror in surprise. “Pinkie Pie?” As the rest of the poufy-haired girl’s little gang entered, exchanging bewildered looks at their surroundings, she asked, “What are you doing here?”

So the portal they took lead to her house?

“Including tearing us apart and putting us at each other’s throats.”

Fluttershy gasped and admonished, “Rainbow Dash!”

Fluttershy, shut up.

“No, she’s right!” Disgust in her voice, Sunset Shimmer admitted, “I took what I learned about all of you and I used it to tear the five of you apart, just to make sure I kept my crown for the last Spring Fling.” She turned back to Rarity and admitted, “Something else I didn’t deserve.”

How would them being together stop her from winning?

Her expression turned sympathetic, and Rarity laid a comforting hand upon her one-time rival’s. “Well, that’s all in the past now, isn’t it? But I fail to see how winning a crown at a school function is supposed to have allowed you to have your revenge on Princess Celestia.”

Past? I’m I’m pretty sure a year hasn’t even past by.

“It wouldn’t. Up until just a few weeks ago, that was just an idle fantasy I had. Then the last thing I expected happened, and two little unicorn foals stumbled through this mirror.” She weakly gestured at the one she sat nearest to with a thumb and elaborated, “Snips and Snails’ counterparts. They were absolutely terrified when they saw me and started babbling about a coronation, and that’s when I found out about what was going on.”

Never have I ever wanted to beat up a child as i do now.

“How can you say that?” She rose to her feet and turned around, her eyes locked on the pink-haired girl before her, and continued, “I tore you all apart! I’ve beaten you down every chance I could get! I almost…” She struggled to even say it, but the best she could manage was a flimsy twist in wording that hardly did it justice. “I almost burned you all into cinders.”

That’s true.

“Well, yes, but that first part wasn’t entirely you.” Rarity rose and reassured her, “Not one of us had the sense to double-check with the others about our arrangements, or even try to make amends until Twilight came along. That wasn’t your doing.”

That is also true.

“But nuthin’! You ain’t the girl you were when you put that crown on your head. In fact, ah’d say you’re more like the girl who won herself a different crown a couple years back.”

I don’t even know her and I can’t agree with that.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Because that’s part of having friends. You forgive ‘em. I mean, what’s the point of being bitter? You gotta let go sometime, right?”

“And the way ah see it, forgivin’s the best way to let go and start fresh.”

I’m not 100% sure that’s how it works, but I guess it’s based on perspective.

Amidst the laughs, Rarity approached and asked, “Darling, forgive me for pointing this out, but are you crying?”

A nod. “I know, not really me.” Sunset broke off the hug and admitted, “It’s just that I’ve never really had friends before.”

Didn’t they already see her cry before?

Just out of the corner of her eye, Sunset took note of Twilight looking up at the princess, first in shock and then in realization. She wondered what that was about, but Celestia’s next few words turned her attention elsewhere.

What is that about?

A smile crossed the princess’ face. “I would never forget any of my subjects or my students, Sunset Shimmer. Recently, before the most recent opening, Canterlot had been attacked, and I had the mirror moved to the Crystal Empire with the greatest hesitation.”

I feel like she has forgotten about a few of her subjects and students.

Spike’s tone was the most causal about the situation. “Yeah, we’ve all messed up sometimes. Doesn’t mean you can’t make things right.” The baby dragon balled a claw into a fist and offered it. “Hoof bump?”

Sunset laughed and responded in kind, gently knocking her fist against his. “Hoof bump.” She then gently ran her hand along his coxcomb. “Thanks.”

Aww. That’s adorable.

As her two former students shared a laugh, Princess Celestia smiled. “Well, if everyone will forgive me, I have some business to take care of, but I’ll return shortly. Princess Twilight, please wait for me here.” At her pupil’s nod, she turned and went back through the mirror.

What business?

“Okay, I gotta admit, all this is pretty awesome.” Rainbow Dash approached and added, “I mean look at this! I never thought I’d say this, but I’ve made friends with a pony! And a dragon! Oh, and Sunset Shimmer of all people.” At the flame-haired girl’s rolling of her eyes, she added, “Last dig, promise.”

She’s gonna break that promise.

A smile. “Hey, I’ve had them coming.” She then turned to her new teacher and asked, “How’d you do it, Twilight? How did you manage to get lucky enough to find such great friends?”

Yes, yes you did.

Let me preface this by saying that I wrote this story a long time ago, back before Season Four had even premiered. A lot, obviously, has changed since then, but what hasn't changed was that this story was meant to help plug a lot of plot holes that I thought existed in the original Equestria Girls film. That was the primary reason for the bridge realm - Sunset needed a place to live. Various other bits of justification came later, and I don't regret any of it.

Now, taking this point by point...

Celestia has a bad habit of not bringing up an issue until it becomes an issue, and from a certain point of view, tends to just dump everything on Twilight and expecting her to solve it. It's something that I thought was worth addressing.

Twilight did ask them to do it. They did it in canon. Why not do it here?

True, and most people aren't giving Sunset a chance. That's kind of the point of Sunset's storyline, that her actions won't be forgotten and probably won't be completely forgiven. Just how things work.

...and in what world is it a good idea to gang up and attack an authority figure? That's a good way to get yourself locked up.

...I swear to God, I've explained this too many times. Pony!World has a portal that leads to Human!World. In both Pony!World and Human!World, there exists a portal that leads to the bridge realm. You can enter the bridge realm from either world, but you cannot use the bridge realm to get from one world to the other save by very specific means.

Spike got shafted a lot by the writers. Not by me.

No, the portal took them to where Sunset lives. Tiny distinction.

...okay, I'll give you that one.

Think about it for a second. Rarity and Rainbow Dash are representatives of two of Canterlot High's social groups - fashion-lovers and athletes. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, meanwhile, are all generally liked. The five of them all together could work together and, metaphorically, rule the school. Sunset broke them up so that they couldn't knock her off her perch. It's childish, it's petty, and it's me doing the best that I can with what canon gave me.

Six months at most so far as this continuity goes.

...I'm sorry, you want to give two foals grief over saying stuff out of fear? That's going a little too far, I'd say.

Yes, but those were tears of remorse and pain. These are tears of joy.

Hints of stuff to come. I'm big on foreshadowing.

Not on purpose.

Read the second part of this story.

Eh, kinda.

Oy! They saved the world, a lot. That's got to count for something.

The bridge realm is in between the human and pony world, right?

That is definitely true.

Wait, did she ask them? Because, I don’t think I remember that part.

Hey, if sunset can break multiple laws and get minimum punishment the most I better get for beating principle celestia into a bloody mess is a week detention.

Specific means like what?

I’m pretty sure there was an interview explaining that about spike.

Give me which one?

Oh sorry. I didn’t have popularity at my school. And if I did I didn’t notice.

Six months? Time went by that quick?

Oh it was out of fear? Sorry, you know how snips and snails love to do stupid things even if they aren’t scared so I got a little confused.

Which part is the foreshadowing?

True, but one I’m less likely to forgive compared to twilight and CHS and two, those haven’t happened yet so those don’t count.

Correct, yes.

Twilight asked the HuMane Five to look after Sunset at the end of the first film, yes.

Again, I'm working with what canon's given me.

Particular spells that Twilight hasn't figured out yet but is inclined to not use simply because they aren't necessary.

Fluttershy being a little too nice for her own good, or anyone else's. That can and will be a problem.

I might've misinterpreted your initial question. Sunset derailing Rarity's bid for the Spring Fling was six months prior to this story, while the events of the first Equestria Girls film ended the previous evening.

Twilight's expression of realization was meant to be foreshadowing.

I may have to go back and watch the movie.

Nice to know that fluttershy’s kindness is gonna be the cause of trouble.

That might have happened with a few of the questions, but I’m not sure. I may need to number my comments next time.

Oh ok.

“Shiny.” Princess Cadance gave her husband a teasing smile as they strode through the halls of the Crystal Palace, having just caught him up on everything that had happened in his absence. “No one blames you for anything that’s happened, and odds are that even if you’d been here, Sunset Shimmer would have made off with Twilight’s crown anyway. Besides, Twilight and Spike made it back safely.”

We’d never know.

“Still, this is what, the fifth time something like this has happened?” At his wife’s chiding expression, Shining Armor sighed and relented. “And she’s managed it with flying colors every time. Still, if she hadn’t…” He opted not to elaborate on that point, mostly because he’d rather not consider what he would have done to Sunset Shimmer had her plan been successful, but the results would have been extremely unpleasant. “Anyway, I’m here now, work’s underway for the Games, Twily’s safe, and I can’t wait to see her.”

That I would love to see.

“Nightmare Moon was destroyed, sort of.” Twilight shrugged before she continued her story. “We later found out that her fall wasn’t entirely her fault; her bitterness and envy of her sister had left her vulnerable to manipulation and possession by an outside force, which transformed her into Nightmare Moon in the first place. We destroyed the possessing force, but the real pony remained behind.”

Wait, really?

“And I wouldn’t have done too well anyway, considering what happened last night.” Sunset looked to the princess and explained, “Everything I did was all me, but what you did as Nightmare Moon…”

That’s facts.

A small smile. “I can understand that.” She laughed and asked, “So, when I finally come back, how much candy am I going to owe you?”

Luna laughed. “We will discuss that once you’ve returned.”


The other girls exchanged confused looks, and Spike noted, “Nightmare Night. Twi and I’ll explain later.”

So she’s not talking about her and sunset?

“MAGIC PORTAL!” Attention turned back to the portal as a pink earth pony landed inside of the realm, her mane like cotton candy and a sugary grin on her face. As others followed, she gasped, her human counterpart doing likewise and jumping from her chair, the two meeting and declaring as one, “Hi Pinkie!” before laughing and hugging like old friends.

Oh no.

“Tearin’ apart our counterparts’ friendship, bullyin’ them an’ Twilight, framin’ her? Yeah, we got the short version.” Applejack returned her Stetson to its proper place and stepped towards her with a polite look on her equine face. “She also told us you were repentant ‘bout the whole mess. After what you went through, can’t really blame ya.”

You didn’t really go through much.

Surprise crossed the stallion’s face, and he looked to his sibling. “Again, Twily? What do I have to do before you start telling your friends who I am?”

Whack her over the head?

“Oh.” Suddenly feeling very awkward, Rarity looked down only to find Spike glaring at her, forcing her eyes to one side as she noted with embarrassment, “You clearly make a very lovely couple, my apologies.”

It’s not like she was flirting, was she?

“Pinkie, I didn’t even try to figure out if I had a counterpart here! I slept in the equipment locker when this place was closed off and the other portal was active! And as for my parents, well…” Sunset Shimmer turned mournful and admitted, “I don’t know about here, but back in Equestria, my parents passed away a while ago. Until I was accepted into Princess Celestia’s school, I was raised by an aunt and uncle with a filly of their own, a pegasus couple.” She looked to Applejack and admitted, “I might’ve been a monster, but I’ve never been a hypocrite. At least, not about dead relatives.”

I wanna say she’s lying, but I got no proof.

“Our world’s Sunset Shimmer is attending another school, and has been for a while.” Heads turned, this time to the portal leading back to the human world, where Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna stood, the latter with a cup of coffee in hand. “And it’s a minor miracle you two haven’t crossed paths already.” She turned to her opposite and bowed her head. “Princess Celestia.”

So they knew sunset was from another world? Now I want to send them to their graves.

“We first discovered the portal to this place when we were students at CHS, not long after my freshman year began.” Vice Principal Luna approached her counterpart. “You five aren’t the only ones to have something in common with your counterparts. When I started here, I had some trouble adjusting to being in my sister’s shadow. After a while, it became too much, and I found my way here. I didn’t know how to get back. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to, until I found I wasn’t quite alone.”

“But Princess Luna was still trapped in the…” Twilight then realized whom the human Luna spoke of. “Oh.”


“Hold on one apple buckin’ minute.” Applejack gave her monarch a surprised look and asked, “Ah thought you said you didn’t know a thing ‘bout the other world.”

“No, I said that Twilight would know more than I did. And the best teacher is always first-hand experience. Everything I knew about it came from my talks with my counterpart and Princess Luna’s, as well as what I’d learned from my own studies.”

You know what? I’m almost surprised.

“And we were pleased to have her with us, even for so short a time. I just wish we didn’t have to maintain the ruse.” The principal approached Twilight and noted, “I can understand why you’d be hesitant to tell me what was going on, Princess Twilight, but I wish you’d been willing to tell me the truth.”

You didn’t tell the truth.

“Such as? The portal you used to get here in the first place was closed by the time I was able to confirm what happened, and I couldn’t force you to go back the next time it opened. It had to be your choice. And as for everything you did at Canterlot High, well, you know how easy it is to prove when someone’s being a bully. I’m just hoping you haven’t given Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon too many pointers, given how much of an influence you’ve been on Snips and Snails.”

I have to much of anger problem so if I was one of the CHS students and I heard this, there would be nothing but cussing coming out of my mouth.

She laughed as she nodded off and thought aloud, “Wait ‘till Lyra Heartstrings hears about all of this…”

Lyra knew, too?

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