• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
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Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


Long before Sunset Shimmer went to the human world, Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Celestia traveled across the multiverse in search of knowledge. Now, a thousand years on, the consequences of those travels have come back to haunt Celestia and threaten Equestria. Twilight Sparkle and her friends must venture to another world and face an all-too-familiar evil, all while considering the road not traveled and past mistakes.

This story is adapted from IDW's "Reflections" story, written by Katie Cook and illustrated by Andy Price. Additional inspiration is taken from the first issue of the FIENDship is Magic mini-series, written by Jeremy Whitley and drawn by Brenda Hickey. Cover art by Johesy - used with permission.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 55 )

Well, other than the fact I read the comic first and was unable to enjoy this chapter to the fullest because of that (curse me), I did enjoy this. And it's pretty obvious who the song bird is... If it isn't Sun Runner (I think that's her name), I'm going to feel like an idiot. Onto the next chapter!

6242771 Yep, the songbird was Sunrunner. I hope the next few chapters are more enjoyable as the departures from the comic increase.

I just finished the fic and I must say, I enjoyed it. I believe it deserves a like.

Those chapter titles..

I see what you did there. ;D

6480830 I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it. :twilightsmile:

tbh i like this one the most cause its the longest and i get drawn into the story vary easily and i don't like it when it ends :twilightsmile:

6652008 Thanks, though I'd hardly call this one my longest piece. Don't be surprised if I have the odd call back to it in my later works, however; I enjoy continuity like Silver Quill enjoys continuity.

Hey there. Thanks very much for doing this story. This is an excellent AU version of the "Reflections" arc in the comics. The exchanges, emotional content, action and wrap-up were all well done in all the right places. And I appreciate your explanations FOR the alterations. Plus, I have to admit, I DO prefer Earn Your Happy Ending to Bittersweet Ending myself. At any rate, I will definitely be looking forward to more of your work as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

I rather like the changes added, it was a nice change. I like this story so much :twilightsmile:.

This is a great story. I love the comics and this story brings it into a new light with all of the back story's, and all the detail:raritystarry:, This is a Great read.


Thanks very much! I can't take all of the credit, however - the comics and the show both gave me a solid foundation to work from.

It's clear from the first few chapters that you really have put a lot of thought into this story. It's so refreshing to find someone able to come up with such fluid, excellent head-canons. I find it captivating.

Having Amore as Mirror-Sombra's adoptive mother, how inspired!

7732312 Thanks! I even have an explanation as to why she didn't adopt him in the 'main' universe, but it's going to be a while yet before I reveal that bit of headcanon.

Will the anti-mane six actually play a role in this story?

7855958 No, they don't. There's brief mentions of them, but they don't actually appear.

I was able to find a place for the parallel versions of Trixie and Derpy, however.

I know I've said you deserved all the Favourites and Likes, but let me say this here and now Echo: you're a very talented and incredible writer. You put so much work into just this one story, adapting components that IDW used more fully to the concept, and we as your readers got a beautiful piece to read for it. Your time and effort are appreciated, and I for one will forever hold this version of Reflections close within my heart.
I guess I'm just a big ol' sap for "happily ever after" endings. XD Celestia/Sombra pairing was done great justice here, and I bow in respect to your craftsmanship of the writing craft.

Thank very much. I'm just glad that by the time I sat down to write this, IDW had given me a little bit more material to work from. Aside from allowing me to build upon what was already established and help to explain how the events in Good King Sombra's universe came to be, they also helped me to justify that happier ending. Not that I needed a lot of it - I like it when things are happily ever after too.

“Very good! Let me explain!” She paused as she reached the throne, then amended, “Actually, it’s a lot to explain, so I’ll sum up instead. The mirror Celestia used was a prototype for the Crystal Mirror.”

Princess Bride reference? If so, instant thumbs-up. If not...then silly me. Keep the thumbs-up anyways.

Me? Referencing a fantastic film? Inconceivable!

Seriously though, yes, that was a "Princess Bride" reference.

“You are right to be, Highness.” Both turned to find a pale stallion, maneless and tailless and dressed in a grey suit. “Little things accumulate. A danger is building, and Star Swirl’s greatest fears may yet come true.”

His first appearance earlier was too quick for me to make the connection, but here, I started thinking, 'OMG, is he an Observer?' Then, the next paragraph, where he 'not-teleports' out, I was convinced. And I've been watching Fringe, season 5 lately, so I've got a really bad feeling about Observers in general. Even if September--I mean, Seventh Moon--was one of the good ones.

My take on the Observers is decidedly more benign than how they appeared in Fringe, don't worry.

“Very good! Let me explain!” She paused as she reached the throne, then amended, “Actually, it’s a lot to explain, so I’ll sum up instead.

Celestia is marrying Sombra in a little less than half an hour, so all we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the Princess, and make our escape after I kill Spike.

Loving it, loving it. You have done a masterful job at turning what was an okay comic with a blistering too-quick-to-enjoy pace into a wonderful story with its own voice. A fait accompli.

Eh, I try. The comic gave me plenty to work with, at any rate.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Her attention snapped in front of her to a grey earth pony, dressed in a nondescript jacket and fedora hat, his dark grey eyes fixed upon her and Spike. “There is more than one of everything.”

“Huh?” Mare and dragon looked to one another for a brief second before turning back to the stallion, Spike asking, “What do you mean…? Whoa!” The stallion had vanished, with seemingly no trace left behind to even mark his presence, and the dragon felt a chill as he noted, “Okay, that was weird.”

What was that about?

She paused as she looked into the throne room, catching sight of her sister as her magic went to work upon a large artifact, one that looked strangely familiar in light of recent events in the Crystal Empire. “Sister?” She slowly approached, Celestia seemingly not having heard her as the artifact, now clearly some sort of mirror with a horseshoe design, took on a bright blue glow. As Luna watched in surprise, Celestia dashed into the mirror, vanishing from sight with a flash. “Celie!” Luna dashed forward as the glow faded from the mirror, gently prodding it with a hoof before lifting it over her head with her magic and letting loose with the Royal Canterlot Voice, “SISTER! GET THINE HINDQUARTERS BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!” Horror sunk in, and she gently lowered the mirror as hurried hoofsteps approached. “Oh dear.”

What is she scared about?

“Past experience has encouraged me to take precautions, Kibitz.” Luna turned her attention back to the mirror and explained, “I know very little of what’s going on, but what little I’ve seen discourages my optimism. And calling forth Princess Twilight and her friends appears to be the standard procedure of late; why not make certain they are properly equipped?”

That is true.

“I know nothing for certain, but I’ve my suspicions. Please, follow.” She led them out of the quiet meeting room and along a well-lit hallway, continuing her elaboration on the way. “Shortly after I found out about the Crystal Mirror and its ilk, I combed what I could of the castle libraries for information upon it and its development. Alas, I found little beyond what Sunset Shimmer no doubt did prior to her departure from our world, and nothing about how it was made.”

What’s ilk?

“Oooh, me too!” Pinkie perked up and declared, “Rarity calls me a plebian all the time, whatever that means!”

“I assure you dear, it’s purely meant as a term of endearment.” Her nervous smile faded, and Rarity quietly noted, “One of these little adventures of ours, I’d like to go somewhere pleasant. A tropical island paradise perhaps, rather than the innards of a mountain.”

I wonder what would happen if pinkie found out what that word meant? Because I found out what it was and I wanna uppercut her.

“Yes.” Luna grinned and noted, “Personally, however, I see more similarities betwixt you and my sister in her youth than I do you and Star Swirl.” She gestured to Pinkie Pie as the party pony inspected one of the barrels and added, “Star Swirl always came across more like her.” She allowed herself a quick laugh, then turned back to business. “Whatever you think you require for this excursion, I suggest that you gather it quickly. I would join you, but I must see to my royal duties before Kibitz has an aneurysm.”

Is she comparing starswirl to pinkie?

“A worthy point, and besides, I’ve already called for refreshments to begin my evening duties with.” Luna leaned down and prompted, “Would you truly like to miss out on hot cocoa?”

Spike perked up and asked, “With marshmallows?”

“Of course!” Spike gleefully hopped up onto Luna’s back as the princess called, “Best of luck to thee, my friends!”

Spike finally taking a break after dealing with the main 6’s bs.

“Then why didn’t he just label it ‘library’?!” Rainbow came down for a landing and stomped a hoof on the stone floor. “Seriously, I get this Star Swirl guy’s an important egghead and everything, but did he have to rub it in everypony’s face?”

She does have a point.

“Ah, that.” Star Swirl made a dismissive wave with one hoof. “This dark cloud that hangs over your sister shall pass with time. If nothing else, Mistmane will be able to ease her spirits, and these efforts will give you a means to ease your mind.”

Did he actually say that? Because boy was he wrong.

“Oh dear, the poor thing!” Fluttershy hovered up and examined the immense skeleton, its multiple heads suggesting that they were seeing a long-dead hydra. “When we get done with this, I’m going to give it a proper burial.”

That’s nice.

“I didn’t really know what I wanted to do – I just wanted to have fun! And maybe eat a lot of cupcakes!” Pinkie drew Fluttershy in close and added, “And I bet you wanted to spend lots of time with animals, didn’t’cha?”

A smile formed on the pegasus’ face as she explained, “Actually, for a while, I wanted to be a dentist.”

Well damn.

Twilight shrugged and continued, “Well, ever since I saw Celestia raise the sun one year at the Summer Sun Celebration, I knew I wanted to study magic. I never saw myself becoming a princess like her.” She gestured with a hoof towards a large statue of Star Swirl himself, situated next to Celestia’s portrait. “I always thought I’d end up like him. I’d learn about magic and use that knowledge for the benefit of all Equestria. He did that, and look at all he accomplished!” She turned back to the portrait and continued, “Now it’s looking more like I’ll be following in her hoofsteps instead.”

You could follow both.

“Maybe the crown and the castle, sometimes the power, but not the responsibilities that go with it.” Twilight turned away from the portrait and explained, “Ever since she took on the crown, Celestia’s had the weight of an entire nation on her back! She’s done so much for the good of Equestria, had to face so many hardships, from losing the Crystal Empire to banishing Luna! Who in their right mind wants that kind of pressure?!”

You need pressure to be a diamond. Even though she’s proven a few times not to be one.

“Only less eggheady than the one that led us here.” Rainbow quickly spied a set of signs and flew over. “Hey, I think I found it! This says ‘Research on Mirrors’! If that’s not a good place to start, I’ll eat my mane!”

Now I’m praying that it’s not.

“Got it, handle with care.” Rainbow carefully unfurled a scroll and examined it. “Whoa. We’re definitely on the right track.” The other mares gathered around her find to see an illustration of the Crystal Mirror and complex equations on its workings. “Why does this say ‘Mark vee-eye-eye-dash-ay’?”


“The very first one?”

“And the prototype for all the portals that came afterwards, and it’s all right here; every detail on how they work, every failure in making them…” Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked at one such entry and exclaimed, “And every world that he and Celestia visited?!”

Yay. More secrets that celestia kept. One day I’m hoping one of these secrets bite her in the flank.

Star Swirl let out an enraged groan. “You know what kind of consequences there are to visiting this world too often! We have spoken on this subject! At length! You promised me…!” He took a quick breath to control himself before he continued. “We cannot risk it. You are putting everypony in danger. What could possibly be worth something like that?”

Coming from the pony that was acting like a mad scientist not that long ago.

“…Doth from this point, we close the door.” His spell was cast, and the journal at his side was closed and dropped to the ground with a thud. “I never want to talk about this again. I am very disappointed in you, Princess.” He heard Celestia’s sobs as she turned and ran, the door to his study slamming shut behind her. He sighed. “Perhaps I didn’t train her as well as I had thought.”

Now starswirl is on my hit list.

Luna nodded. “Very well. You are dismissed.” The sergeant snapped off a salute, then turned and departed, leaving the princess and her companions be as she turned to Spike and explained, “A member of the regular forces has been spotted some nights looking up at the moon and singing softly. Sometimes one song, sometimes another.”

Is it sunrunner?

“Songs of love, of loss, of regret.” She waved a hoof and noted, “Should I ever see her, I will need to talk with her properly.” Her attention turned back to the door of the throne room as Twilight and the others arrived. “Princess Twilight, your timing is most fortuitous! What are the results of your labor?”

I would love to see that.

P.S: sorry about the long comment. You don’t have to respond.

In the original comic this story is adapted from, that pony showed up out of nowhere, presumably to warn Twilight about the existence of the prototype mirror.

Luna just saw Celestia vanish into a mirror, and has no understanding of why she did so. Wouldn't you be scared in that situation?

ilk - noun, synonymous with kind or type.

Don't blame me for that, that remark was in the original comic.

The two of them do have a lack of thinking things through.

Star Swirl was, by my reckoning at least, a negligent idiot at best.

Following both is difficult. Not impossible, but difficult.

Diamonds might be created under pressure, but they also have this terrible tendency to shatter into dust if struck just right.

It never happened in canon, unfortunately, but it will be happening in mine. Likely not to your satisfaction, but eventually. Just not in a story that I've released yet.

Again, Star Swirl is a negligent idiot at best.

As well he should be. Dude's caused a lot of trouble.

Yep, that's Sunrunner.

Sunrunner and Luna do eventually meet in Scars of the Sun.

And yes, I must!

I wouldn’t be scared, but I probably would be curious.

Never heard that word before.

Which in celestia’s case is probably everywhere.

You do?

Celestia managed an embarrassed expression as she explained, “Star Swirl, for all of his brilliance, was not perfect. He carried a very negative view of dragons, and rather enjoyed seeing them suffer. I imagine the thought of one of them turning into something equivalent to a pony disagreed with him. I’m very sorry about that, Spike.”

Burn him to ash, spike.

“Very. For one thing, King Sombra is no tyrant, but a kind and legitimate ruler of all Equestria, beloved by all the ponies under his rule.” Celestia smiled fondly as she explained, “My first meeting with him all those centuries ago is not something I’ll soon forget.” The smile faded as a regretful expression took its place. “However, just because he is good there rather than evil does not mean that evil does not exist.”

So he’s still alive after all these years?

“And this evil is what harmed you?” Luna’s expression turned to rage as Celestia nodded. “Well then, I shall go to this other world and smite this evil! It’s been far too long since I have caused a miscreant to make a very satisfying ‘thump’ as they struck the ground! I need only fetch my war hammer and…!”

Luna, sit your a** down. I’m pretty sure celestia is more powerful than you. So the fact that she came back through the mirror the way she did makes me think that you’re gonna come back either as an unconscious body or a corpse.

“Luna, no! We are the evil Sombra is facing!” Celestia regretfully amended, “In more ways than one.”

I’m sorry. What? I knew the princesses would be responsible for bad things happening, but I didn’t mean like this.

Horror upon her face, Rarity approached and asked, “Please, your Highness, do not tell me that the Nightmare claimed both of you?” She shuddered, remembering her own experience under its thrall. “Oh dear, your poor counterparts!”

Wait, so nightmare rarity is canon?

Luna huffed. “Given current circumstances, you’ll have to forgive me for briefly enjoying the image of trouncing an evil version of you. If nothing else, karma would be satisfied. But why can we not face them?”

Facing your evil counterpart usually doesn’t go well.

“Because I attempted to face mine, and these injuries were the result.” Celestia extended a bandaged wing and explained, “When I fought my counterpart directly, any injury I inflicted upon her injured both of us. However, the dark magic that has bonded with her also healed her very rapidly. Far too rapidly for my blows to have any effect.”

Damn. Imagine kicking your own a**.

“I suspect that by the time he created the Crystal Mirror and the bridge mirrors, he worked out most if not all of the kinks, but shortly afterwards, he abandoned the research outright.” Celestia bowed her head. “And far too late to undo the damage already done.”

What damage?

“Rainbow, Star Swirl bridged the gaps between parallel worlds, alternate universes. Doing something like that tied them together. If it’s not done right, it could cause the worlds to start binding together, running more parallel than they did originally.” She gestured to Celestia’s wounds and explained, “And obviously, that’s a bad thing.”

Wait what?

“And it seems once again, I find myself tasking the seven of you with fixing my past mistakes.” At Spike’s surprise, she amended, “Yes, seven. Twilight, I need you and your friends to take the Elements of Harmony to this parallel world and provide what aid you can to King Sombra. They may be the only chance for saving his world and ours.”

Damn. My man was just getting comfortable last chapter.

“My understanding of the history of Sombra’s world is that, unlike here, the Elements of Harmony were never rendered necessary. Consequently, they never existed in the same form that they have here. Also, theirs’ is a stabilizing magic, and there is a very good chance that their influence will prevent any further damage caused by your crossing.”

Again what?

“But Celestia, you’re asking us to fight you.” Unease was clear on Twilight’s face as she looked between her two fellow princesses. “Fighting Luna was bad enough when she was Nightmare Moon, but I don’t think I could fight you, good or bad.”

I’m not seeing the problem.

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy’s gaze darted about, and she quickly caught sight of some local animals, prompting her to quickly gather them up in a hug and bawl, “I’m so sorry! We never meant for this to happen!”

If I was her I would just put the blame on celestia and starswirl.

“Not as pleasant as hoped, sir.” Trixie sheepishly reported, “They were almost arrested by the guard commander.” She looked to the stallion at her monarch’s side and smirked. “You’re encouraging her to be just a bit too paranoid, Sir Quill.”

Quill? As in the writer?

The ponies followed his gaze as a laugh both familiar and strange sounded through the air, one that instantly brought to mind an evil aristocrat from many a melodrama. With wicked expressions on their faces as they approached from above, the counterparts to Celestia and Luna flew overhead, the latter dressed in tacky red and black garments that evoked bats and vampirism. “Sombra! It seems you’ve made some new friends, and failed to rein in your dog!”


The king glared upon her and answered, “I’ve no need. You know where you can take your offer, so kindly do so.”

Up the flank?

“And hopefully less boring than the old one.” The evil dark blue alicorn stepped past Trixie, amused at her frown, and prodded at Twilight’s horn. “Tell me, what sort of magic can you do with this? Card tricks? Disappearing coins? Perhaps you can actually saw a mare in…?”

Twilight’s answer was to materialize a muzzle about the alternate Luna’s mouth, prompting the alternate Celestia to step back. “How’s that for a trick?”

I actually laughed at that? I see a little bit of myself in twilight, because I got tired of luna talking sh*t.

The gathered element bearers readied themselves for a fight, but Sombra stepped forward, his horn flaring to life as a shield formed around himself and his allies. “No! You know the stakes! We must not harm them!”

Why not? Celestia is back home. She’d be fine.

As they flitted off into the distance, Rainbow Dash rounded upon the king and cried, “We could’ve taken ‘em! Why’d you stop us?!”

No y’all not. Rainbow I understand you think you’re awesome, but you do not want that smoke.

Twilight looked upon him in disbelief, brief glances at her friends telling her that they shared her sentiment, but quickly put the thought aside. There was obviously a lot more to this than just endangered worlds. “Please, tell us everything. Now.”

Like what?

Star Swirl will eventually get his comeuppance. It will take a long time, unfortunately, but it will happen.

Yes, Sombra is still alive, for reasons that I hope will become clear with later chapters.

Nightmare Rarity is indeed canon within the events of my storyline, yes. Some details from the comic might not, however.

Star Swirl screwed up, and now two worlds/timelines are in danger of colliding. Which would destroy both of them. Very bad thing.

Elements go with them, they no make things worse.

You have to remember, Twilight still puts Celestia up on a pretty high pedestal. That pedestal's starting to take hits, but it hasn't been broken. Yet.

Not really how Fluttershy operates.

Yep, that's the counterpart to Quiver Quill.

She was insulting Sir Quill.

Yes, but Sombra's just a bit too polite to phrase it like that.

Yeah, my take on Twilight is just a tiny bit more proactive.

Thanks to how the worlds are connected and all the damage done, it doesn't matter if they're in separate worlds - if they attack Mirror!Celestia, their Celestia will be hurt.

Like how things got as bad as they have. All covered in the next chapter!

“Since the last Summer Sun Celebration, when our Princess Celestia escaped her confinement and pulled our Luna into her madness.” Trixie bitterly regarded a slice of bread as she noted, “They still maintain their control over the sun and moon, and they’ve used it and their magic to all but destroy our ability to grow food. Our pegasus cities are in ruins, and between that and this perpetual twilight…” She huffed. “The day when we don’t have to buy apples from the mob will be a good one.”

So they didn’t destroy their ability to grow food? Because it says “all but destroy”. Also, how can a pegasus city be in ruins?

Trixie, Prof. Doo and Sir Quill looked among themselves in confusion, then turned to their monarch as he noted, “Explanations in time, my friends.” He cleared his throat and took in his visitors. “Before I begin, I must ask, what all do you know about my origins?”

He hiding something.

Before they could act, a bolt of magic lanced forth and struck Celestia, breaking the connection between her and Sombra. The colt flew, but the dark magic continued its work as the possessed princess turned to face her sister. “Amore! Tend to your son!

Couldn’t she have done that before?

“Sombra!” Terror clear in her eyes and the imprisoned Celestia seemingly forgotten, Amore charged towards the colt close and cradled him in her hooves. “SOMBRA!”

Someone keep an eye on her.

Indeed, the stallion’s flank was blank, and as he replaced his cape, Rarity exclaimed, “But this doesn’t make sense! The only ponies who never earn their cutie marks either die before they do so, or are severely mentally deficient! You’re not dead, and you clearly have full command of your faculties!”


“And you never had a cutie mitzvah!”


“There are tales of beings of living shadow, able to assume the form of a pony at will and wield the most terrible of dark magic. They’re little more than myth, but…” Realization dawned upon her, and she looked to Sombra in shock. “But the myths are true, aren’t they?”

The king nodded. “The proof stands before you. I am an Umbrum, and I have done everything to reject that status since my youth, as doing so would mean turning against everything I had come to hold dear and those who love me. It is why I am immortal. I cannot die, just go from one state to another like water freezing or melting from ice.” He sighed and explained, “The force that attacked me and took possession of my world’s Celestia was another Umbrum, my creator. I learned this as it attempted to transform me and activate my dormant magic, as well as repeat a dark chapter in pony history that had long been forgotten. Ages ago, the Umbrum terrorized the lands that would one day become Equestria. They were finally stopped when a powerful magical artifact, one that we now call the Crystal Heart, was used by unicorn mages to hold them at bay until they were defeated by a powerful spell. But they couldn’t be destroyed, so instead, they were sealed away in crystal, and the crystal itself buried deep underground beneath the frozen wastes of the north.”

But, what if he were to accept it? He doesn’t have to reject it in order to be good, does he?

“Beneath the Crystal Empire.” Horrified, Twilight looked to her friends and exclaimed, “That’s why our Sombra enslaved the crystal ponies and set them to work in mines! They weren’t digging for gems or treasure, they were digging for the Umbrum!” A thought came to her, and she asked, “But how did you get free in the first place? And why did you forget?”

Plot twist.

“But you said that you loved Celestia.”

When did he say that? And why is she bringing it up?

“And she returned that love, yes. My relationship with Hope remained a close friendship, but never progressed beyond that; there were things I could never give her that she wanted, and we both knew it.” A wistful look formed upon his face as he remembered, “Meeting the Celestia of your world was a surprise. It came very shortly after I was declared king.”

Which is what? A child?

“I am sure we’ll find much to explore! We have only been here a couple of hours at most, and what we have seen is but the tip of the iceberg!” Excitement spurred by caffeine prompted him to ask, “Oh, do you have icebergs in this world? Ours have lots of fat little penguins! Adorable things! Do you have penguins too?!”

Are you sure there was only sugar in that coffee?

“Ah, Luna, at last! Come meet our guests!” Sombra smiled as the Princess of the Night approached. “I assume that my friend needs no introduction?”

So luna isn’t gonna attack her?

As they emerged back in their world, Star Swirl happily laughed and declared, “How exciting! Another Equestria, with fabulous teacakes! And this coffee, fantastic! But this story of an evil Celestia, possessed by shadow, how absurd! But perhaps we should look into things. When was the last time you heard from Amore, eh?”

“Oh, I’m sure she is fine.” Celestia looked to the mirror and wondered, “How soon until we go back?”

Oh boy was she wrong.

“And that is the whole story, Luna.” Celestia bowed her head in shame. “I know that I should have told you of this after your return, but please understand, this was my greatest shame, and my greatest folly. And thanks to my actions, I’ve put everypony in danger, in this world and his.”

Give me your throne and your crown, because clearly you have a lot of shames and follies.

The younger alicorn smiled and nuzzled her sibling. “Celie, I do wish you had told me sooner, but I know why you were so hesitant. You made a terrible mistake. But so did I, and Amore, and Twilight and Cadance and every other royal at some point, to say nothing of other ponies. I cannot fault you for that.”

What mistake did amore make?

She grinned teasingly and noted, “But falling in love with a stallion so much younger than you? For shame, sister!”

He is?

“Aye, but still!” Luna sighed. “But now we are left to hope for Twilight and her friends to make up for our past mistakes. Again.” She turned to the skies as they started to look unpleasant. “I have every confidence in them, but…”

Do they ever get a break?

“You are right to be, Highness.” Both turned to find a pale stallion, maneless and tailless and dressed in a grey suit. “Little things accumulate. A danger is building, and Star Swirl’s greatest fears may yet come true.”

I didn’t know slenderman was in equestria.

“What do you mean?” Luna approached the stallion and called, “Explain yourself…!” The stallion vanished, seeming to fade out of existence as if he wasn’t there in the first place, and she managed a startled, “…Peasant?” She looked to her sister in worry and noted, “Since when could earth ponies teleport?!”

Ouch. Peasant?

Fluttershy shivered. “I’m really missing home right now. I mean, not that Discord and Chrysalis being good all along isn’t bad, but Cadance being bad along with Celestia and Luna? That’s just scary.”

Why can’t discord just send them to the sun or the moon?

“It’s safe to say that both our worlds had problems, in one form or another.” Sombra looked out across the balcony and noted, “But since this world’s Celestia was freed from her crystal prison and corrupted Luna to aid her last summer, things have only gotten worse here. Bright spots exist to be certain, but still. All we need now is for something to break loose from Tartarus.”

Please don’t say that.

“No. My magical training has been purposely towards defensive rather than offensive magic. Next to Shining Armor or the princesses themselves, I’m the best barrier mage we have, and it’s only thanks to those skills that the damage hasn’t been worse. The Umbrum’s grip upon Celestia is too strong, and it would take something stronger than I to undo its hold on her and Luna.”

Wow, that’s trash. No offense?

“The only comfort we have is that we know where our Celestia and Luna are, but we can’t go on the attack without hurting your Celestia and Luna.”

They can take it.

Trixie looked to Twilight and added, “They don’t deserve that either, even if this is partially her fault.”

Isn’t it also your own faults for not keeping them in check?

Spike frantically looked about as Sombra noted, “Thank you, but I fear she won’t settle for one when she thinks she can have both. Celestia hoped that the seven of you would come up with something. And just in case, I called in who I could. Perhaps between the ten of you, a solution can be found.”


“Right before our Luna summoned us to the castle and our Celestia came to your world earlier tonight.” Twilight examined the stallion more closely as he approached, glad for better lighting, and realized, “Come to think of it, that wasn’t the first time I’ve seen you, is it?”

It’s not?

“No.” The Observer turned to the pegasus and explained, “Star Swirl’s creation of the mirrors was an incredible achievement, but his method of bridging realities lacked subtlety and refinement.” He turned back to Twilight and continued, “One passage to a world posed no danger, but with each subsequent visit, the barrier between those realities fractured further and further. The paradoxes were the result.”

But, what about the human world?

“These worlds are separate for a reason, Rainbow Dash.” Seventh Moon looked to her and explained, “Should the barriers break and the worlds merge, there is a very great risk of both worlds being destroyed, whatever remnants remaining sent tumbling into the void betwixt every branch and root of the tree we know as the multiverse.”


“Actually, I think we do!” Twilight gestured to her crown with a hoof, the Element of Magic embedded within it glowing briefly. “Think about it! There’s plenty of differences between the two worlds, but so much is still the same! We just…!”

A terrible yawn interrupted her, and heads turned to Pinkie Pie. “Sorry Twilight, but I’m pooped! It’s been a really long day.”

Is she serious?

Twilight smiled gently. “I’ll admit, our Trixie had her bad moments. Times where her ego got the better of her, and where she lashed out from envy and spite. But she’s the first to admit that she’s made mistakes, and some of us have an easier time than others admitting that we made them too.” She laid a hoof upon the other princess’ shoulder and added, “She was never a real monster, and she’s shown genuine bravery and kindness at her best. If she saw you, then she’d be proud of how far you’ve come. I’m proud to call her my friend, and I’d be just as proud to have her beside me as a fellow princess. Same with you.” Trixie gave her a thankful smile, and she turned to Prof. Doo and asked, “And your question?”

When has she shown bravery or kindness?

Sombra laughed gently. “Why not both? Regardless of my heritage or my title, I am still a common pony. I earned my crown, just as you, my mother, Celestia, Luna, Hope and Trixie all did, and if my subjects wanted me to cast it away, I would do so without a moment’s hesitation. I like to think each of you would as well.”

What about sunset?

No, the corrupted Celestia and Luna didn't completely destroy Mirror!Equestria's ability to grow food. Earth pony magic was able to compensate. As for wrecking pegasus cities, well, they're mostly made of cloud, aren't they?

You just have this terrible desire to poke and criticize authority figures at every opportunity, don't you?

Cutie mitzvah. What colts get instead of a cuteceneara.

Umbrum are creatures of dark magic, pure evil. Once Sombra gives into that, there's no going back.

I thought it was said in a previous chapter.

Yes, kids.

Again, you have to give them grief? I have legitimate grievances against Celestia too, but I'm not going to break the torches and pitchforks out every time she messes up.

Luna was referring to how their native Amore handled things with their native Sombra.

...there isn't a Slenderman in Equestria.

Luna's frustrated! Give her a break already!

They can't rely on Discord to solve all their problems. Besides, that wouldn't end the control that Mirror!Celestia or Mirror!Luna have over the sun and moon.

...and how good are you exactly at keeping in check something terrible and nasty that can easily kill you?

Twilight and her friends (seven), plus Princess Trixie, Prof. Doo, and Sir Quill. That's ten.

Seventh Moon pops up in the background all the time in the comics. At least, when Andy Price is doing art duties.

The human world isn't in danger. It's using a different, later iteration of the mirror portals that's much safer than the prototype.

Hey! That was in the original comic! Don't give me grief over what I was given to work with!

Yes she's serious!

Comics. Trixie helped defend Ponyville during the Nightmare Rarity arc and comforted Luna.

...can't forgive one slip-up on his part or mine, can you?

Ohh. Because, it say all but. Plus, how do you turn a cloud into ruins?

A little bit. Sometimes when someone is out on a pedestal I have the urge to either damage it a little bit or destroy it completely.

Does that actually exist or is it something you made up?

So there’s no such thing as a good umbrum?

I may have to go back and check.

Wow, I didn’t think I was right.

I’m sorry, your just making it so easy. Besides I’m not saying everytime, just when it involves something important.

I understand she’s frustrated, but there’s no need for hurtful words towards someone that’s giving you a warning.

Celestia and Luna are that powerful?

It was?

Would I have to read the comics to understand most of these stories?

Oh. That was a slip up?

“Yes, but that ignores an important detail.” The king turned back to them and continued, “For all I know that destiny is unfixed, fate is another matter. I can only hope that it is on our side this day.”

Is there a difference?

The king gave a hopeful smile in returned. “Your parts in the plan I’m not worried about, but the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” He looked to Trixie, who nodded solemnly, then to Twilight. “Can you send a message back?”

What does that mean?

Celestia was similarly bored as she kept her gaze on the horizon. “No, but it’s so much more fun for them to come to us.”

How is it more fun? You’re literally staying in one place.

“Celie, the heart has a strong pull to it. You know that better than most. He may not have understood that, but I do.” She smiled and noted, “And it is good to be reminded that you are no more perfect than anypony else.” The two shared a gentle nuzzle, and Luna asked, “Was there ever reconciliation between you and Star Swirl?”

How would she know that?

He waved a dismissive hoof. “Speak no further of the subject Celestia. I do understand, but the sad truth is that making decisions you do not want to make is part of being a ruler. While I am pleased that you have accepted my wisdom on the subject, I am only sorry I had to make a decision for you.” He quietly moved away and noted, “Now then, let’s move on and pretend this never happened. All for the best, I think. Anyway, I have had some thoughts that you might be interested in…”

Wisdom my a**.

As they flew towards the sisters’ castle atop Sombra’s chariot, members of his guard pulling them along, Twilight and her friends couldn’t help but look down below at Ponyville. “So dark and dreary a place. And no Everfree Forest just drives the point home. As frightening as it is back home, seeing Ponyville without it at the town’s borders is unsettling.” Rarity shivered. “I shudder to think how our counterparts ended up due to all of this.”

Where did the forest go?

She was shaken from her thoughts as her sibling shot through the air, crying out in pain as she smashed hard into the mirror portal. The device shattered upon impact, its frame cracking and breaking as she fell to the ground.

It broke that easily?

Celestia rushed to her and cradled her in her forelegs, her eyes going between her sibling and the destroyed mirror. The ground beneath her rumbled, and she looked back up as the very sky cracked, the sun looking different, almost as if two were merging into one. She frantically looked about as the décor of the palace shifted around them, quickly realizing what was happening.

All that happened because of a destroyed mirror?

While Celestia kept her opposite at bay, Luna’s opposite groaned and got back to consciousness as a familiar voice reached her ears. “But mother, I do not wish to be an accountant…I wish to raise the moon!”


“They said that in their world, Celestia and Luna called forth the Elements to defeat Discord.” Sir Quill’s gaze remained on the Tree as he reasoned, “We never needed them for that, so they stayed here, all but forgotten.”

All but forgotten?

“Forgive the obvious, but this is no normal tree.” He could feel the Tree release its gems, and he took hold of the Elements in his magic, the six gems idly spinning around him. “So far so good, but now…” Beams of magic shot from the gems and into the king, Sombra’s eyes glowing a brilliant white as he was lifted off the ground. They orbited about him like satellites, softly spinning in their own unique paths. He smiled, a contented feeling washing over him. “Get a good seat, all of you. It’s time to set the world right again.”

Is that how they work?

Those who’d followed Sombra to the Tree arrived just in time to hear those screams, the amber pegasus guard among them smiling. “I’m glad I didn’t miss that!”


“My mother is Amore, Princess and sovereign of the Crystal Empire!” The king’s eyes narrowed as he declared, “She took me in, raised me, taught me right from wrong! You only created me! You did not give me shelter or companionship or love, only nightmares! And it is time for the nightmares to end!”


A smile answered her, as her counterpart gently embraced her own sister. “None of this was your doing, Celestia. I’m more to blame for things getting so bad than you.”

She is?

“Reconstruction,” Sir Quill quipped. He looked to the amber guard commander and asked, “And chasing down that last rogue.” She removed her helmet to reveal a short-cut mane of crimson and yellow as he asked, “Think you’ll be up for it, Runnie?”

I’m guessing it’s sunset?

“Perhaps, but a lot of good came from Star Swirl making those mirrors.” Twilight offered a hopeful smile and noted, “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, right?”

Is it?

“I’ll keep this fragment as a memento. The rest will be destroyed, save for the gems.”

She’s gonna keep a shard of glass?

“They were an integral part of the magic behind the mirrors, so they’d better stay with me. I’m going to need them for my own research.” Celestia looked to Twilight in surprise, and she explained, “I’m not going to try and make a new one, but I would like to find out more about how they’re put together. If I’m lucky, I might be able to find a way to bring Sunset home before the thirty moons are up. Safely, of course. And that’s ignoring everything else Star Swirl researched.”

Oh boy.

Twilight trotted off, her dragon friend in tow, and Celestia smiled. “Well, time does make all things possible. Still…”

Still what?

Wow. I wonder what changed over the years?

Let me explain it this way. Everyone dies - that's fate. You can't change it, you can't escape it, it's gonna happen no matter what. How you die, however, is up to you. That's the difference between fate and destiny - with the latter, you get some choice in the matter.

It means that the littlest things can cause even the best-laid plans to go wrong.

Luna's actually had romantic relationships, at least in my headcanon. Star Swirl hasn't.

Okay, think about it for a second. You're one of a pair of evil/possessed alicorns, and you've taken up residence at a castle. There's a forest surrounding that castle, inhabited by beings who could attack you at any moment. What's the logical thing to do? Destroy the damn forest and as many of the beings in it as possible.

It happened in the original comic. Plus, as previously stated, the barriers between realities were weakened, and that mirror was what linked them, so...

The destroyed mirror was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The native Luna's delirious. Also, that line was in the original comic - you have a problem with it, take it up with Katie Cook.

All but forgotten. Ponies knew about them, but not many ponies, and the information was out there, just not easily found. Hence, all but forgotten.

The Elements of Harmony work the way they damn well want!

Gee, you've spent the last year-and-change living in a world threatened by possessed alicorns, and you have a chance to see that threat come to a permanent end. Would you want to miss that?

Can we just agree that the fault isn't exclusive to one Celestia and leave it there?

No, Mirror!Cadance has also been corrupted. Mirror!Sunset's just fine.

...no sense of romanticism in you, is there? Celestia has memories that she can treasure, no matter how bittersweet they may have ended. That at least is worth something, at least to most people.

People keep all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons.

Had Celestia not been interrupted, she would have said something like, "Still, I suppose there's nothing wrong with improving their chances."

Well, I like to think there were plenty of changes for the better.

They have the means to shape clouds, they have the means to break clouds up. I'd assume they can do the same thing to cities made of cloud.

It's something I saw in another author's stories, and no one's complained about me using it yet.

Not so far as the comics presented.

Celestia and Luna, according to some sources, are bonded to the sun and moon via their magic. That bond isn't going away any time soon, and it can't just be undone like them taking off a piece of jewelry. They'd have to give it up willingly, and that ain't happening right now.

No, I like to think that I include enough detail that people won't be confused.

Yes. They happen.

Ohh. I thought it meant that they didn’t forget. I’m not really used to hearing all but.

It not being entirely her fault I can definitely agree with.

Complained about using what?

Only willingly?

I hope so. Haven’t read many.

About the use of the expression 'cutie mitzvah'.

Giving up their powers willingly would be the easiest way to claim control of the sun and moon. Other methods could exist, but they wouldn't be pleasant.

I really enjoyed this story. Celestia x Sombra is really underrated. Also what’s the “gift” that Celestia mentions to Sombra?

You know, it's been so long since I wrote this, I'm not sure I remember. It was probably a way for them to keep in contact, something like the journal Sunset Shimmer had.

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