• Published 4th May 2012
  • 3,618 Views, 224 Comments

The Other Earth - hunterz263

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Chapter 3: Making Friends

You feel as if your an alien to your body. It felt weak, nasty, and a bit loose. You relize that you have woken up from a deep sleep. However something did not feel right in lower parts of your body, it felt kinda stretched and you felt butterflies in your stomach.

"Why is it like this, I don't remember having any dreams"

You decided to go for a walk to... cool down more private parts of your body. You step out of the bedroom and head down the hallway to the door. Opening the door, you are surprised at how dark the land was. You look towards the east and see a faint orange glow on the horizon. Judging from the glow of the sun you assume its 6 A.M....

"6 A.M.!? I've been asleep for 12 hours!?"

You never thought you would sleep that long, the longest time was 8 hours. You would always stay up since it's what teenagers do. Thinking of this makes you wonder what time you fell asleep. When you landed you looked at a digital clock before the space shuttle's power went off and saw it was 4:00 P.M. And it took about two hours to get into your home. The conclusion was made that you fell asleep at 6:00 P.M.

After that pointless train of thought you are finally out walking. You start to look around the neighborhood. Inside the houses were dark, not surprising since it was still early for most people. The neighbor's houses exteriors were the same as your house. Same wall, same roof, same everything. You look down the street and see the same houses everywhere. Deciding to leave this dullness you look up to see Luna's sky start to brighten up. When you do, a calm breeze comes in. You immdediatly fall into a trance as the wind calmly passes over your body. The cool breeze makes you feel at peace and you close your eyes to immediatly take it all in.

"He he he, remember the time you played Amnesia on your stream? You screamed like a little girl when you saw the monster come out of the darkness."

You jump a little and are snapped out of your trance when you hear a voice in the street. You are surprised to hear voices this early in the morning also, since you assume most of the humans fell asleep much later than you.

"Ha ha, yeah. That freaked me out though, I was just about to open the gate and BOOM!. I hear the noise and turn around to see the monster come out of the shadows."

You see who was talking and immediatly recognize them. You see two teenage boys and assume that they are under 17 years old. One of the boys was slightly taller. He had light skin, short black hair, and was around 6 feet tall. The other boy had darker skin, you assume he had a Hispanic descent, dark brown hair, very skinny, and around 5 foot 10 inches tall. After the few moments of examining their look, you try to remember their names, but ultimatly fail.

"Hey there"

You see the slightly taller boy call you over. You begin to walk over the boys to introduce yourself to them. Leaving Earth mean't that you left all the friends you had. You did have some brony friends but they were just fans of the show and chose not to be invlolved in the brony community like you did. Ultimatly when the opportunity came up for bronies to leave Earth, your friends decided not to go. You were very eager to make new friends in Equestria.

"What's your name?" the slightly taller kid asked.

You stated your name and waitied for a reply.

"Well nice to meet you. I'm Fox and this is my best friend Zach, we are like brothers aren't we Zach?"

"Fox, I thought you said you were done calling me brother." Zach said, slightly blushing from embarrassment.

"No way. We have so much in common that we are like brothers. Don't forget I dated your sister for a while."

"Fox! Your embarrassing me!"

"Oh, sorry. So anyway, new kid, why did you come to Equestria?"

The question caught you off guard and you stammered a little when you responded. "Oh.. I..I came to live the dream of being in Equestria"

"Oh that's cool" Zach said "I came here to escape my life on Earth. I had a bit of a rough past with my life. Lots of mistakes and regrets. I'm glad I get a fresh start here. Fox why did you come here?"

"I came just because I thought it would be fun." Fox said.

"Really thats it?"


"ok.... OH! Fox did I tell you about the dream I had last night? It was the best dream I ever had."

"No, what was it?"

Something about the word dream got your mind trying to remember something. "What was it exacly?" You turned to Zach and listened.

"Well in the dream" Zach started "I was in my room back on Earth laying on my bed thinking about Twilight and what we would be doing if she were with me right now. I was getting tired and was about to fall asleep thinking about her and hoping she would be in a dream that night. All of a sudden my door burst open and Twilight walked in. At that point my heart was racing not only out of the scare she gave me but also out of being nervous that she was in my room. Next thing I know she jumps onto me and puts here face really really close to mine. I was tempted to kiss her but I fought the urge to and simply look into her eyes. I was about to ask why she was there but she kissed me than. I was surprised but I closed my eyes and embraced the kiss. Than I started to feel her grind against my leg, and one thing led to another and the dream ends. I woke up and felt..... wet this morning."

Once Zach said that you noticed him blush quite a bit. In your mind, you were fighting to remember something. You know it was recent but you wern't to sure what it was. And something about hearing Zach recall his dream made scanning your mind more intense. You look to Fox and see he was blushing also and had a guilty look on his face. You wait for him to talk

"Well thats an awesome dream Zach" Fox said "Reminds me of a dream I had to. See I was in the middle of a grassy hill soaking up the sun and relaxing. I closed my eyes to let it all in but after a few seconds something blocked the light. I opened my eyes and jumped when I relized Applejack was right over me. I sat up and looked at her. We looked at each other for a few minutes and said nothing, she just kept smiling. Than she started walking slowly towards me with a little sway in her hips. She than stops and starts leaning her head in. I did the same and we kissed. I broke the kiss and layed down on the grass. She did the same and we hugged. She than poked me and told me to look up in the sky. When I did, I saw Rainbow Dash zooming through the sky with a rainbow right behind her. It felt so peaceful but the dream ended there."

Hearing Fox mention Rainbow Dash made your mind click. You finally remembered what was bothering you for the past five minutes. It was a dream you had last night and the reason why your.... lower parts were like that when you woke up. You look at Zach and see he was looking at you.

"Hey, did you have any dreams last night?" Zach said to you.

You reply "Yes I did actually. Uh... do you want to hear it?"

"Of course" Zach and Fox said in unison.

"Ok. In my dream I was a peagasus..." Saying this made Zach and Fox gasp.

"You were a peagasus in your dream!?" Zach and Fox said.

"Yes... I was a peagasus. I was flying around, enjoying the wind in my mane, when I saw a rainbow wizz by me. Curious on who caused the rainbow I sped up to catch the culprit. When I saw who it was I felt my wings stiffen. I started to fall but quickly regained control over my wings. I looked again and smiled as I saw Rainbow Dash flying next to me. I than saw her wink at me and immediatly my wings locked up, I could not flap than, they were like diamonds. I started to fall rapidly but gained a little control back and slowed down my fall to the ground. When I landed, I looked up to find Rainbow Dash but didn't see her or her rainbow. I turned around and sighed and started to walk away. For a few moments I was walking, next thing I know, I was on the ground with Rainbow Dash on top of me. I was breathing really fast since I have a crush on her. She than leans down and kisses me. I felt the world melt around me as she kissed me. Than she started to kiss near my jaw line and slowly moved down and started to kiss my neck. While she was down there, she started to moan on my neck. I started to feel stiff in other areas as she moaned. And the dream ends. I wake up and feel felt stiff in... certain areas. Than I went on a walk and met you good people and now i'm here."

"Wow" is all Zach and Fox said. You felt yourself blush not only after you told them your dream but also admiting to having a crush on Rainbow Dash. You start to think of ways on how to meet her. You could walk around Ponyville acting lost and hope she would help you around. Wait no, that won't work since Pinkie Pie would already have seen you and throw you a party. That's not a bad idea, but you wanted to talk to Dash alone. Maybe you cold go to her house, but you don't know where it is, plus she could think you were perverted if you did that. You were so caught up in thought that you didn't even relize Fox was talking to you.

"Hey, you want to hang out with us. Zach and I left all of our other friends back on Earth, we are all that's left. Maybe we could come up with a plan to meet out dream ponies"

"Sure i'll hang out. I left all my friends too when I left Earth."

"Great" Zach said

You and your new friends, Zach and Fox, started to talk about how to meet the ponies you guys loved. You suggested that you meet them at Pinkie's inevitable party for the new residents of Ponyville. Zach suggested that you meet them at random in Ponyville. So many ideas came up and it was hard to choose which one to go with. You looked back and noticed the sun was a lot higher than it was when you left your house this morning. By your guess, it was 9:00 A.M.

While you guys were walking and discussing, you overhear a conversation pretraining to a topic very similar to the one you were having. Immediatly all three of you stop and listen.

"No, how about we take them by force." One of the men said

"Oh yeah that could work, we could have them all to ourselves than, no one would know."

"Alright looks like we have a plan. We will capture the Mane 6 and drag them to our homes in District 9. Once we have them here, we can do whatever we want to them.

Hearing this made the three of you furious. How could some fellow bronies forcefully take the Mane 6 for themselves and do horrible things to them. All three of you came to the conclusion that these individuals were brony extremist. You and Fox wanted to fight them but Zach conviced both of you to stand down and not get involved.

All three of you looked back to the extremist and you notice another group come closer to them. Anger in their faces.

"What did you say you were going to do to the Mane 6?" One of the furious men said.

"I said take them by force! Got a problem with that, weakling."

"I do"

As you watched, you were shocked to see the furoius man punch the extremist in the face. Blood ran down the extremist's face and soon the area exploded into a brutal fight. Punches and kicks were everywhere between all sorts of bronies, all fighting to get the Mane 6 for themselves. Zach, Fox, and you were running back to Zach's house to stay out of trouble when the Royal Guard came to punish those who fought. When inside the house, you group watches from the window as the Royal Guard finally arrives.