• Published 4th May 2012
  • 3,618 Views, 224 Comments

The Other Earth - hunterz263

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Chapter 4: Crime and Punishment

The Royal Guard landed and immediatly took action. The Guard pulled out their weapons and had looks intent on killing. You were shocked to see that, even with the guard's noisy entrance, the bronies continued to fight. You focused on the fighting and were horrified to see that the violence intensified. Bronies were now kicking their victims lying on the ground relentlessly. Blood was getting all over the ground and houses as the fighting continued. You looked back to the guard and saw they were moving in to arrest the fighters, evident by the metal handcuffs they had.

Bronies were now getting arrested left and right. The Guard started to move the prisoners to a crossroads close to Zach's house. You look to another brony being arrested. The brony started to twist everywhere trying to escape. As the guard grabbed the handcuffs with his mouth, the brony broke from his grasp. The brony than relized he escaped and grabbed the spear from the guard's grasp. Seeing this sent a look of disbelief and horror down your face. Fox and Zach also noticed this particular brony and had the same look on their faces. The brony then proceeded to his victim and, with a devilish grin on his face, started to stab his victim with the spear. Seeing this made Fox pass out.

You look around to see if any of the guards were on their way to stop this insane brony but were paralyzed to see that other bronies had weapons too and were now in a battle to the death with each other. Looking around you saw faces of terror on victims. Soon you saw many bodies on the ground, badly covered in blood.

Looking at bronies fighting each other, you saw they were in a deadlock position, not moving an inch. Soon one of them charged at the other. The other responded by blocking the blow and making a quick counterattack. The brony that charged dodged this attack and went in for a powerful jab. The other blocked the blow and attempted to fling the weapon out of his opponent's hands. This failed and the attacking brony took a jab at his opponent's leg. This succeeded and the defending brony went down. The attacker now went for another paralyzing blow, but this attack was blocked. However the defender was too weak and the attacker easily swiped his opponent's weapon out of his hands. The attacker went for another blow but was stopped when his hands were handcuffed by a guard.

After what seemed like hours of fighting and torture, the Guard ended the riot. You looked around and saw bodies everywhere, some of them were not even moving. You feared the worst for those poor souls. You look back to where the prisoners were being taken to and saw thousands of them standing there. You look at your group and saw Zach was looking at someone in the field of bodies. You looked and attempted to see who he was looking at in the field of bloody bodies. None of them stood out to you except for one female. You asked why he was staring at this one female body.

"She is my sister. I didn't even relize she even came here"

"Oh my" was all you could say

Looking back, you saw Princess Celestia land in front of the prisoners. Looking back towards the sky you noticed Fluttershy and a number of pegasi arrive also. They started to gather up the injured souls and take them away from the scene. Focusing back at Princess Celestia, you wait patiently to see what happens to all of the prisoners.

"What was the reason for all this violence?" Princess Celestia said calmly. You can't help but wonder why Celestia was acting so calmly after a traumatic fight.

"The guys infront of me wanted to kidnap the Mane 6 and keep them for themselves" A brony said. You looked closely and saw it was the brony that confronted the group and the one that started the fight. You look around for the rest of his group but your search turned up no results. You assumed they must have been injured when the fighing intensified.

"Hey if you just left us alone none of this would have happened" One of the extremist said.

"Oh and let you get away with kidnapping and quite possibly doing horrible things to the Mane 6" The man responsible for the fighting said

"Hey all I wanted to do was hang out with them", a diffrent brony said "but than this man wanted to abuse and rape them"

"Hey I thought no one else would hear me talk out loud" another brony said in defense

Soon all of the prisoners broke into a verbal war. The Guard was starting to get uneasy by the escalating tenstion.

"ENOUGH!!" Celestia said angrily. "Everyone of you broke what has made you who you are. When I was first told about you 'bronies' I was told that you did not fight, that you all got along. Well, every last one of you broke that. Worse yet, you left hundreds injured in your firey battle. Your crimes must be paid by the ultimate price."

You wondered what Princess Celestia meant by "the ultimate price". Surely she wasn't cruel enough to give them the death penalty. Maybe she would banish them to an unknown land. Or lock them up in a dungeon. Or maybe banish them and throw them in a dungeon where they were banished to.

"Hey Fox, wha..." was all you said before you remembered that he was still passed out after one of the bronies stab his victim with a guard's spear.

"Hey Zach, what do you think Princess Celestia meant by 'the ultimate price'?" you asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure." Zach replied.

Turning back to the prisoners and Princess Celestia, you waited to hear the punishment

"I have decided your punishment" Princess Celestia said. "I know humans cannot survive on the moon due to the lack of oxygen and cannot survive on the sun due to the extreme heat. These banishments are also not strong enough for the violence and crimes you caused here. For the crime of attempted murdeer, assault, threat to my people, and violence in Equestria, you are hereby banished back to Earth."

Hearing this sent cold chills down your spine. Banishment back to Earth, the population pratically hated all of the bronies since it was mainly haters living there now. What would the bronies do when they came back, hide, run, give up, commit suicide. Thinking of these horrendous situations for the prisoners being banished made you understand why Princess Celestia called this "the ultimate price". She was not going to kill or arrest them, she was going to let the population of Earth do it for her. You started to fear Celestia at the thought of her coming up with something so clever yet so horrible. You looked at Celestia and noticed her horn was starting to glow.

"Wait please Celestia we didn't mean t....."

"Please Celestia this has been my drea....."

"Please all I wanted to do is hold the M....."


"This is all my fault I caused all of this"

"Damnit, I'm going to miss this pea....."

"At least I was here for a little bi....."

Thousands of voices were heard, each asking for something diffrent. Forgivess, broken dreams, acceptance, disappointment, and many more. And every single one was cut off at the same time. You look back to where the prisoners use to be and saw nothing but an empty field.

"WOULD ALL REMAINING HUMANS COME TO WHERE ALL THE PRISONERS WERE HELD" Princess Celestia said in what you thought was the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Soon the remaining bronies started to come out of their houses and head to Celestia. When they reached her, they bowed and never got back up. You noticed some tears hit the ground as the bronies started to break down. After a few minutes, Fox woke up and you thought now was the best time to head out and bow to Princess Celestia.

With you in the lead, your group arrived to Princess Celestia and bowed. You continued to stay bowed not daring to move an inch at the risk of being banished back to Earth. Being banished would result in all of your dreams falling apart, dating Rainbow Dash, living in Equestria, all of it gone if you just moved a muscle.

"Please rise" Princess Celestia said. After a grueling 10 minutes of staying bowed, you were relieved to hear Celestia say these words.

"I want the honest truth from everyone here", Princess Celestia said "Was anyone here involved in the riot in anyway?"

"No" everyone, including your group, said. The sound in everyone's voices was fear. You and everyone else were at the mercy of Princess Celestia. Looking around you noticed that some people started to tear up again. You assumed it was because more than likely everyone hear was going to be punished somehow for the crimes of others.

"Thank you, again I want the honest truth when I ask this question", Celestia said "Did anyone hear why this riot started? Answers from the banished were mixed so I need clarification on the situation."

Seeing as how no one replied, you decided to tell the princess what you heard.

"I did" you said.

"Please tell me what you heard" Princess Celestia replied.

"Well there was this group of brony extremist that wanted quoting them 'take them by force'. They were refering to the Mane 6, or here the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. One of them relied 'Oh yeah that could work, we could have them all to ourselves, than no one would know'. The first man relpied to this comment saying 'Alright looks like we have a plan. We will capture the Mane 6 and drag them to our homes in District 9. Once we have them here, we can do whatever we want to them'. My friends and I were angry but we didn't fight them, we just continued to watch and listen. The next thing that happened is this other group of bronies over-heard and walk towards them. I believe the leader of this other group said this 'What did you say you were going to do to the Mane 6?'. The leader of the extremist group said this as a reply 'I said take them by force! Got a problem with that, weakling'. The leader of the other group replied with 'I do' and than he punched the extremist in the face. At that point my friends and I ran to Zach's house and stayed there until you called us out to meet you here."

"Thank you" Celestia said to you "I am here to reassure you all that none of you are in trouble."

Hearing this made everyone sigh in relief. Soon the fear in everyone face was replaced with a smile and tears of happiness.

"How many were banished?" Zach asked

"Well, we have 368 humans remaining here in Equestria." Princess Celestia replied "3,000 humans came here. I'm sure you can do that math on how many were banished."

"What about the injured, are they banished too?" Zach asked

"I'm afraid so. Even though they been through a lot today, I can't let them jeopardize the safety of my people. I am sorry."

"Thats okay." You knew Zach was hurt deeply since he would never be able to see his sister again. You walked to him and gave him a hug for comfort. Fox did the same, tears in his eyes. Finally you all had a big hug.

The Guard and the princess left and everyone started to go home. Your group decided to head back to Zach's house. As you walked, you noticed blood was starting to dry all around the ground. So much violence happened today. Bronies turned feral over six little mares. And so many were banished from their dreamland, their dreams crushed, hopes destroyed, values gone. And many were injured in the battle. Even your own friends were deeply hurt emotionally your second day here in Equestria.

Deciding to not bring up today's events to your group, you all talk more about yourselves. You soon learn that Zach was an avid video gamer. He knew the industry inside and out and was the gaming guru in his family. He would always study the development of a game after it's release and always pull up the history of gaming series. At least that what he did before he discovered My Little Pony. From there, he went on to make his own wallpapers, learned how to vector, and went on to become the pony guru of his school.

What you learned from Fox was a bit plain. Fox was just a regualr high school student. He had a girlfriend, made average grades, had friends, and much more. He was just plain. The stand out features from him was his strange attachment to Zach, unusual addiction to Transformice, and the fact Fox's girlfriend was Zach's sister and that they dated on the internet for a while.

Telling your friends goodbye, you headed home to get some much needed rest after a long day. You open the door and let yourself glide along the wall to your bedroom. You enter your bedroom and slam onto the bed. After readjusting to get comfortable, you finally fall asleep.