• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.


Trixie is a hitmare, a sniper. Way behind her are the days of the magician extraordinaire, but since the "ursa thing" she could't get any money from a performance, so she took the next thing she was the best at; hitting a target with anything.

It's not an easy life, but since there's allays someone wanting a bullet in someone's skull, it pays the bills. Of course, you have to be careful, not only when taking a hit, but also in every other moment. Being a mercenary is not Celestia's or Luna's favorite job, so you have two radars you would like to avoid and, of course, being a hired gun is a good way to have at least some guys vowing to have your head.

It would be impossible for anypony else, but not for Trixe. Under the code name 'Deadshot' there's no job she can't do, for the right price.

Almost nothing.

All the chapters rewritten by 15-03-2015

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 67 )

You know if I wasn't going to go a different route with Trixie in my story? I'd have asked you to collab on it............. Just so you know that offer is STILL open if you want. Anyway, I leave THIS piece of badassery with MY OWN piece of badassery!

Sound Cast was the best pony ever.

Oh man. Given that I can't read the story bio or the title, I have a feeling that this shall be our lovable main character.

He was smart and strong, his black figure and crimson mane made him very likable for any mare he met.

I have a feeling that the author adores black and red original characters. And what an original character this is.

In fact, he was so good that everypony in the town of Hoofington became his friend as soon as he appeared. He came one special day, stepping out from a portal from the human world.

Oh, and he's a human turned pony? Truly, this couldn't possibly be setting up for some kind of commentary on unoriginal storytelling. That would be ridiculous.

At first, he was just like any other earth pony, but as he started to discover his inner power, he first earned his wings of steel for being too courageous, and some days after that he proved his intelligence to be beyond any pony mind, earning a golden horn, discovering he was in fact the lost seventh Element; the Element of AWESOME!

So our obvious main character is a black and red alicorn original character who is also the embodiment of a lost seventh element? I wonder what shall become of him. I bet good things. Lots of good things.

As soon Sound Cast's brain got replaced by lead, the mental illusion he was casting over the town disappeared.
"Boom, headshot," the owner of the bullet said from a nearby hill. "You prancin' show pony."

Whhhhhhaaaaat? Dear God, this author is so edgy, and speaks so deeply to the fandoms urges to clear the internet of unoriginal original characters. This story is too cool for school. I must read on to see what other twists and turn this shall take.

...I'm sorry, that was the reaction you were looking for, right?

Nah, I'm just busting your balls. That was actually the only part of this chapter that I genuinely enjoyed. Won't keep reading, but I'll throw you a like. :pinkiehappy:

Admittedly this is probably the only instance of sue bashing, but you´re still missing out.

I'll be honest with you, I needed a dynamic entrance that wasn't a description, so I went for a cliché storm scene, just for fun.

Also, I can't force you to like the rest, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I don't ask about what do you thing about it.

Whenever you prefer it, I would be honored to work in a collab with you. I would also like to extend the same offer.

*sees the video* Holy YouTube videos, Lunar!

All thanks to you and your support on the development stages.

Just a moment of 'just for fun' to make room for an introduction.

Thanks for reading.

true, but the idea of a sue being in fact a mass mind Controlling entity seeking adoration and conquest is as legit as almost everything else the writers that get paid do, i mean, i wouldn´t have been surprised if IDW did that sometime.

If that happens, I'll sue them till they give Trixie her own miniseries.

didn´t she already get two pretty neat Comic appearances?


nice and you still keep the humor part even though you're out of your territory :twilightsmile:
definitly nice
and nope trixie, headshots are useless tonight:rainbowlaugh:
aim for the leg

Dude, this is not level one in comparison to my other works. Fics like The Doom Patrol and The Show MUST Go On! have, at least two or three references per paragraph! (shameless self promotion is shameless)

Case in point: Show MUST Go On: Shout-Outs

I don't think that the leg is a lethal point.:applejackunsure:

Glad you liked it.

5663122 that's what i thought when i played the new call of duty:twilightsheepish:
but when you headshot two guys by shooting in their legs well.......you start to Wonder about how our world works

That's good for future!Trixie, but present!Trixie is out of bullets in front of nazi!Iron Man.

I like the way you named your last link.

I like it. Being a sniper myself in videogames (NOT CoD! *shudders* Trickshotters...), I can sort of relate. Quite well done on the mercenary end as well.

What can I say? Years of comic books and hours of Team Fortress 2, teaming-up for this story. Glad you liked it and thanks for the comment

Glad you think so. Let's hope that it's good enough for the Harmonists

I must ad

Im sorry the editor in me instantly caught this I believe you meant add

This story has some serious potential but you need to find an editor. Im not trying to sound like a dick when I say that but I caught several mistakes. Other than that keep up the good work.

Funny, considering that another person actually praised that I didn't screwed the grammar up. I suppose it is because the other guy knows my previous work (there's no grammar there).

Well, at least the narrative seem to be good enough, glad you liked it and thanks for reading.

5677265 I am a huge grammar Nazi so I can always spot grammar mistakes.

Oh, please, do it. This goes for a contest, so any improvement is well received.

Not too bad a beginning. A small suggestion for part of it:

"In the shower!" she called out from the bathroom. I walk there

"In the shower!" she called out from the bathroom. How considerate of her, I reflect. That'll make cleaning up all the blood easier.I walk there

Of course, by all means. Why I put it out there.

The rest of the story was good and the attitude of the character and how her voice came through made me give it a Like. The GSP is... poor, is all I'll say, especially as a post-edited story. There's misspellings throughout, there's a lot of missing words. In the last chapter, you have "shot" when you mean "shoot" several times; that's just one example. Just a lot of stuff that a line-by-line read should have been able to clean up, in all honesty.

Still, nice potential. I like the world, I liked the characters and their interactions. As the one line I suggested indicates, I feel the story would be stronger if you kept playing up the dark/snarky humor of it all. The voice is good and you keep things flowing well, you just need to work on the technical. Best of luck with that in the future!

Well, that was the politest way I've been told that my grammar sucks. Seriously, I'm not kidding here.

Yeah, I borrowed the 'humor' from Gail Simone's Secret Six (a comic featuring Deadshot among other similar characters), I wanted that tone for the most part. But, to rive home the point of how serious of a treat is Panzer, I had to tone down the snark around him between the end of #1 and the beginning of #2. I think it gives more power to the confrontation if the antagonist's presence affects the story, even in a more subtle way.

Anyway, thank you for reading and commenting. Your addition is now part of the canon and I appreciate it.

Ah, Mary Sues, such wonderful hatetargets you make. The opening reminded me of Self-Extractors, with a touch of Magical Girl Hunters.

All things considered, off to a good start. Trixie is pretty gritty, very Dark Age 90's hero. Just don't give her any pouches and you're good to go.

Easter egg? Dude, a little less subtlety and this would be the Easter Bunny riding with Jesus of Nazareth on a Cadillac in space (I just watched Heavy Metal, okay).:rainbowlaugh:

But in all seriousness (because fanfics are serious business) I wanted to be brutal, mostly because I had a nazi villain. That's the ultimate free pass for a fairly over the top Fatality, I couldn't let it pass. And the German come back comes from a real life occurrence, only that it was about English.

Oh ROB! Liefeld, he codified and destroyed the entire concept of 90's anti-hero with pouches, guns and a complete disregard towards human anatomy or euclidean geometry.

More than a hero, I envision Trixie in a more subjective POV (Steve Ditko would provably hate this), not 'dark' but definitely in the edge between good and evil. She isn't a 'kick the dog' villain, but she isn't a 'save the dog' hero either. Here's a dialogue that explains it better but I couldn't insert without stopping the narrative:
Sonata: If you were driving and you saw a little girl lying in the street, would you stop and help her?
Trixie: Well I wouldn't go out of my way to run her over at least.

Glad you liked it.

Your fic is starting to grow in likes. I am beginning to become afraid.

Pff, that's nothing. The real achievement here is that I made it into TheSorcerersApprentice's Hall Of Approval!!


and made everypony see the true of this.


As soon Sound Cast's brain got replaced by lead,

There shouldn't be a 'soon' there, either that or there should be an 'as' after it.

you just game me more reasons to


The guys is just another loner


it's a long a full of clichés story.

'It's a long story full of clichés.' Would work better.

somebody though it would be a groundbreaking idea


guard with a six shots revolver

I think it's supposed to just be 'shot', not sure though.

"I want to have your babies!"

umm... What?

thought the good time were back. The crows, the fame,

*times and *crowds.

we will cover you."

While this is technically correct, 'we'll' would work better.

I ran for it till I was just

There should be an apostrophe before till, like this: 'till

blu...er than usually


but the being nearly chocked

There shouldn't be a 'the' in this sentence.

I'm not gonna shot you


need a friggin' shower. So, I'll take a bath

I need something, so I'm gonna do something else. Not that there's anything wrong with that sentance but it made me laugh.

I let the gun over the table

Do you mean 'leave'?

abomination for roommate

for a roommate.

how did we ended here?"

End up? Maybe?

three guys heavy armed

*three heavily armed guys.

I remembered revolver

*The revolver.

same moment I let the breath.

* let out the breath.

I took it as a sing from above


was going to be taken serious


who didn't showed her face


absolved of a murder they were obviously guilty

Should be a comma after murder.

There was where I entered into the picture.

*that was where.

This is still a project in development, so, as with all of my stories, feedback is highly encouraged and it will be listened and taken in account.

*Listened to.

Ok, this is one of the, if not my favorite, fics on this site. Keep going strong.
Ps. Deadshot is best DC character.

And once again, I manage to forget things I should know about english. Well, thank you very much for this (your name is now on the notes), seriously, if I can ever repay you this just let me know.

Right now, I'm not sure on how to continue, so I'll focus on other projects before making another arc.

P.S.: And now Will Smith is now part of that.


I think it's supposed to just be 'shot', not sure though.

Neither, 'six shooter'.

umm... What?


I need something, so I'm gonna do something else. Not that there's anything wrong with that sentance but it made me laugh.

As general principle, if it makes someone laughs, I keep it.:ajsmug:

*Listened to.

Not even the notes are safe.:rainbowlaugh:

*Tackles you to the ground then bashes your skull in with a brick*
I was going to say a pun about pizza...
*Puts on sunglasses*
but it was too cheesy.

I need a bloody beer. No, scratch that. I need to go to three different bars and drink them dry.

Oh, Wave. It's like you're describing my everyday mindset.

Closeness to the reader, my friend, that's always a key-point for every work.

So is there gonna be a Black Manta fic in the future?
Or a sequel to this?
Or both?
I want more of this kinda stuff damn it!

I'll have to think carefully about it, since this fic development took a lot of time and effort. For now I'll give some resting time to the idea.

On a side note, I'm not too familiar with Aria and Adagio's characters, so a good first step would be some research. In the visage of you being, well, you, I'm feeling it would be pertinent to ask; what key traits does have Aria Blaze?

Fuck...Fuuuuck. I know this story. How the heck can I comepte against the writer of THIS?! :twilightoops:

Uh-uh, I know that answer. Remembering that he's also the writer of this.

On a serious thought (and leaving the self deprecation aside), don't be like that. I was also checking out your body of work and I'm scared impressed too. I loved Frozen tears... and Seeds can't fly is pretty damn awesome.

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