• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,140 Views, 68 Comments

The Blessed - RarityEQM

Something is very wrong with Pinkie Pie...

  • ...


The door to the library was wide open when Spike returned. That was the first clue something was wrong. Quietly, he clutched the bottle of milk he was holding to his chest, as if the chilled substance could provide comfort and stepped into the library. It seemed fairly normal. Everything was in its proper place. Still, it felt like something was amiss, and it was something he couldn't put a claw on until he noticed Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie!! Hey! Where have you been, Twilight's been worried sick!! Are you okay?!" Spike squealed. She had been sitting in the middle of the living room, in the dark. Spike didn't care. He'd been hearing stories and rumors of her being extremely sick, and he immediately raced over, arms out and wrapped them around Pinkie's right foreleg, squeezing tightly.


"I'm so glad you're alright! Twilight's been worried sick! Everyponies been worried sick! Where have you been?! Everyponies been looking for you! Rainbow Dash has been doing circuits around the town, Rarity has been asking all her friends, Applejack's been searching the woods and everypony is gonna be SO relieved your okay!" Spike squeaked happily, eyes bright and wide. A small ghost of a smile tugged at Pinkie's lips. Gently she pulled Spike in close and crushed him with a hug. He gagged. She smelled horrible. Still, his happiness at seeing her outweighed the assault on his senses. He squeezed her tightly.

"Spike. I- I need you to do me a favor, okay?"


"Tell Twilight...no. T-tell everypony I'm really sorry. I'm really really sorry for making them worried, and acting really silly. Tell them they don't have to worry anymore. Can you do that for me, Spike?" Pinkie asked quietly. Slowly, Spike nodded his head. Confused, but compliant.

"Well, sure I can. But why can't you tell them yourself?" Spike asked. Pinkie shook her head quietly.

"Because it's time to wake up. I have to wake up, Spike. This is all just a-a bad dream," Pinkie sputtered. She squeezed the confused little dragon one more time and sighed.

"W-what? No, Pinkie I don't un-"

"Twilight is in the kitchen. She's fine. I Pinkie promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. This is the only way it can end, Spike. With the sun. It can only end with the sun. I'm sorry. I have to wake up, " Pinkie said quietly. She stood up promptly, turned towards the door, and walked out of the library without another word. Spike stared after her. Oooooookaaaaaaaaaaaay....

Pinkie was acting stranger than normal, but she was back and that's all that mattered to Spike. Twilight had told him to let her know if he heard any news about her! She was going to be tickled pink hearing she'd been at the library! He made his way into the kitchen where he screamed.