• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,137 Views, 68 Comments

The Blessed - RarityEQM

Something is very wrong with Pinkie Pie...

  • ...


"WAKE UP!! WAKE UP! OH, PLEASE, TWILIGHT! PLEASE!!" Spike hollered. He wrapped his claws around her shoulders and shook her head, watching the lifeless body wobble underneath his efforts. No no no no!!!

"TWILIGHT!" Spike screamed, blinking away the tears that started to blur his vision. Twilight didn't respond. She simply slumped limply against the floor. Spike bit at his lower lip, glancing at the door, then back to the unicorn.

"O-Ok! Ok! Okokok! OK, Twilight? Twilight, I-I'm gonna, I'm gonna get nurse Redheart, okay? J-just, just stay here, and it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay!!" Spike sputtered, taking a hesitant step back. He didn't want to abandon her. He didn't know what might happen if he left her alone, but staying here wasn't doing her any good either! Oh, Celestia, what to do?!

"SOMEPONY?!" he shouted, listening to his voice echo off the library walls. Maybe somepony would be outside. Maybe somepony would hear him screaming and race in wondering what was wrong. He could beg them to go and get nurse Redheart and he wouldn't have to leave Twilight's side!

"SOMEPONY HELP!!!" he shrieked. Loud enough to hurt his throat. No pony responded. Nothing happened. The library was silent. Nervously, Spike pulled himself to his feet, watching Twilight with every motion. He turned to face her and took a step back, and another, and another still, unable to pull his eyes from her while he made his way towards the door.

"I'm, I'm gonna be right back, Twilight! I'm gonna be RIGHT back! I swear, I promise, and it's gonna be okay, a-and it's, we're gonna figure out what's wrong, and i-it's gonna be okay!" Spike sputtered. He glanced at the door. He'd managed to make his way midway across the library before he stopped and let his gaze drift to the window. Maybe THAT was an idea! He could open up the window and scream for help! Somepony would have a better chance of hearing him that way! He threw himself across the foyer to the front windows of the tree. If he did that, he wouldn't have to leave Twilight alone! He fumbled at the latch, swinging it open hard enough to bang it against the wooden frame with a rattle. He didn't care.

"ANYPONY!! HELP!! HELP US PLEASE!!!" He screamed into the empty evening. Immediately he perked his ear fins, straining his senses for the sound of someponies voice. Hoofsteps. Anything! Anything at all to signify somepony had heard his desperate cries.


Spike turned around, eyes widen while his heart jumped into his chest. Twilight was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, slumped and wobbling, but standing. She had one eye open and drool dangled from her slacked lips.

"TWILIGHT!" He squealed, voice flooded with relief. He raced over immediately, doing his best to tuck himself under her to offer her support.

"Twilight! Oh, thank Celestia you're alright! Come on, sit down. J-just stay awake for me, okay? Ok, I'm gonna go and get nurse Redheart, and she's gonna come over here and help fix you up and everything is gonna be okay. Okay? Okay Twilight? J-just sit down for me, and-" Spike babbled, but Twilight shook her head, doing her utmost best to take a staggering step forward. The room was spinning, and all she wanted to do was put her head down, but she refused. No, she had to help Pinkie Pie! There was no other option!

"Sphike, lishen, wheresh, Pin-key?" Twilight slurred, forcing herself to take another step forward. Just one step at a time. She could do this. She had to do this. Just keep moving forward.

"Pinkie?! What? No, Twilight, you've got to, you've got to sit down! Please! I don't know what's going on. D-did Pinkie did this to you? She did, didn't she? I don't know where she is. She said something about the sun, but that doesn't matter, Okay? Let's just, let's just get you into bed, okay? Please?" Spike begged, trying to tug Twilight with him towards the staircase. To his horror, Twilight immediately yanked herself away and started to lurch towards the door.

"The shun...the shun...the shun..." Twilight chanted quietly, trying to work her way through the suffocating fog around her. Where was Pinkie going? What did the sun have to do with anything? Was Pinkie referring to the Summer Sun Celebration? Was that it? Twilight groaned. She'd have to make her way to the mayor's office. That was the most logical place Pinkie would go if that were the case. That's where the Summer Sun Celebration took place. She had to make it there! She didn't know what was going to happen, but something in her gut screamed that it would be a disaster.

"Twilight! NO! You have to listen to me! You can't go out in your condition!! You have to stay here!" Spike snapped, dipping in front of Twilight and blocked the door with his body. Twilight staggered on, though, stumbling right up to Spike where she slumped forward, resting her hooves on his shoulders heavily.

"Shpike. Lishen. Lishen to me. Ish Pin-key. She needsh our help," Twilight sputtered. Spike shook his head and pointed towards the staircase.

"And you need to get to bed. I'll...I'll see if I can find Pinkie, but you, you need to sit down, okay?" Spike pleaded. Twilight shook her head, tears in her eyes. She was losing time. Something dreadful was going to happen! She could feel it!

"Shpike. Go and...go and get the girlsh. I know, I know ish bad. Thish ish bad. Go and get them and tell them ish Pin-key. The haff to come here. Now. We haff to save her. I haff to save her. Ish breaking her. The power ish breaking her and I can't let thish happen. Pleash, Shpike, you haff to help. PLEASH! Go and get them. Go and get them!! I'll be fine, but you need to go and get help! Go. Pleash! Thish is the most important thing I've ever ashed you to do, Shpike! You haff to go, get them, and I haff to get to Pin-key. I need you. Pleash. Pleash Shpike," Twilight pleaded in turn, leaning heavily on Spike's tiny shoulder. He stared at his sister, before pulling himself back and opening the door.

Quietly, Twilight dipped her head towards him and stumbled out into the night and quietly Spike wondered if that would be the last time he'd ever see her.