• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

The card holder

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It had been a while since Twilight had visited her friends through the mirror. Almost 2 years, in fact.
With this in mind, once she's finally able to clear her schedule, she ventures into the other world, eager to meet her friends once again, especially Sunset Shimmer.
The only problem is, when she goes through, she finds herself thrust into the middle of an unexpected conflict, involving her friends' country being invaded by another.
Caught up in the unexpected, Twilight will have to do her best to help her friends through this ordeal, or else they just might perish.

After all, the skies have no mercy.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 58 )

War...War never changes...
*See's magic, multicolored ponies flying through the sky shooting rainbow lasers at fighter jets*
Welp.....I'm man enough to admit i was wrong.

I always tried to picture Twilight coming back to find the human world in a start of war. Now I finally found a fanfic doing it for me.

Now I sit here eagerly waiting for the next chapter.... hopefully.

Alright! Nicely written through skillful linguistic crafting with an ending causing my desperation for the next chapter. I await another chapter with baited breath. :pinkiehappy:

Alright! Nicely written through skillful linguistic crafting with an ending causing my desperation for the next chapter. I await another chapter with baited breath. :pinkiehappy:

I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapter. This is already looking to be a great war story! :pinkiehappy:

Interesting.... I will follow...:trixieshiftright:

instant fav. can't wait for next chapter :)

RD is a fighter pilot? Hell yeah! I makes sense tho. Pony RD wants to be in the Wonderbolts, a military Demonstration team. In the real world you have to be in the military for years before you can be selected for a team like the snow birds or the blue angels.

Plus, I may or may not have written a story or two along those lines :pinkiehappy:

Wow you got me into this story! I can't wait for the next chapter!!! When?

Interesting, I'll have to check this out.

Yo, Fimfic... still alive?

Ah ah ah ah staying alive, staying alive.

I get a feeling dash is gonna get hurt or worse. if I were in twilights' position i'd be bringing the only other equestrian natives (sunset, and the sirens) back to equestrian immediately and close the portal for good, let this world duke it out and have no way of them getting into Equestria lol

tad short, but to be expected of whats usually the first mission in the game. Does work well in introducing the bracket format for later.

Mobius 1 is the main character in the game Ace combat 4.
This must be one of the early missions.


We would have never guessed.

Wow! I've read epic pony war fics before, but this is the first epic Equestria girl war fic I've ever seen! :yay:

<<Mobius 1, engage.>>

Chills and nostalgia man, chills and nostalgia.

I hear ya Pinkie; Hoffnung wasn't one of the prettiest fights during the war. And you know something about Cipher.

"You don't really believe that 'Demon Lord' nonsense, do ya, Rares?" she asked. "That's just one o' them battlefield fables!"

If i'm remembering correctly(And please do correct me, the most recent AC game i played was 6 and that was when it first came out) isn't that "Demon Lord" Razgriz squadron? Um, Ace Combat Zero right?

The "Demon Lord", or to use his full title, "The Demon Lord of the Round Table", was a mysterious pilot who may or may not have flown the skies during the Belkan war, and was quite possibly almost singlehandedly the reason for the war's reversal.

Naturally, he's the player character of AC0.

Didn't Belka bomb seven of their own cities during the war, if I recall corectly? It was mentioned in Ace Combat 5 in the beginning of the game the Belkans used seven nuclear weapons on their own soil.

You should specify the size of a nuclear detonation. 'Imagine that, but held within a single bomb,' doesn't really convey the correct size.

6306512 Ah, thank you. Looked into it a bit more and Razgriz was AC5: The Unsung War. Still, Blaze was pretty good in his own right, you know, being called the Demon of Razgriz by the enemy, then eventually taking on the title completely and becoming Ghosts of Razgriz.

You implying that AJ's dad is Galm 1? Aren't AJ's parents suppose to be dead?

6351894 Galm 1 is the Demon Lord...Cipher.

AJ said that her father didn't fight in the war.

Pinkie although reacted when Demon Lord was mentioned...possible connection maybe.

6416631 That's what i was focusing on pinkies reaction and implying the AJ was lying about her dad not being able to serve and that pinkie knew that she was lying about it.


Now that you mention that...that does make sense...maybe it was Galm 1...or perhaps Galm 2.

6418732 Galm 2 would have to be the same person it was in the Series Larry "Solo Wing Pixy" Foulke

6418792 exactly and as far as we know...he never died, yes he was shot down by Cipher, but Pixy is alive...possibly.

Calling Galm 1 as RD's dad.

uht he book does not work how you showed it here its instant between books it dont work like a letter sent by spike to celestia

Since I only played the original games (Especially Ace Combat 2) I can't get any reference without reading the comments :pinkiecrazy:

man i love ace combat crossovers there arent enough of them

Comment posted by forrest yuchnitz deleted Jan 10th, 2016

...you... did read the story, right?

6814730 not all the chapters yet im on catching up havent had time to read the last 2

Interesting and I have never even played the source material

nice update. I'm starting to develop a theory on who mobius 1 is.

Yo, Fimfic... still alive?

Fuck you Pixy:rainbowdetermined2:
See you somewhere on Erusea you traitor

6419007 Pixy mentioned fighting in *cough*Erusea*cough''* during the ending of Zero

It has been awhile since I played Zero, so that part did leave my mind.

7044026 No, not lighting Dust. I'm not gonna say it out loud on the off chance I've guessed correctly.

Comment posted by Tootall_21 deleted May 8th, 2016

He is still working on this I mean I know a good story takes long time and it's only been 7 weeks I think but I really hope he is still working on this.

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