• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,063 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 28

“Well, you must be new arrivals. Quite a bit different from the usual fare that comes through here.” The bearded blacksmith smiled wistfully at the ponies. “In need of some smithing are we?”

“Yes, that would help.” A very shaken Rarity exclaimed. “Our short walk here provided a very…erm…graphic demonstration of why we’d need it!”

Behind the ponies the Chosen Undead wiped fresh blood off her blade, a result of another small scuffle between her and the numerous hollowed soldiers that plagued the parish they stood in. While she thought it a safe enough way of introducing the ponies to Lordran, showing how they needed to be on their guard at all times while not subjecting them to any truly great terror, their reactions at seeing just a few soulless bodies be slaughtered gave her cause to worry. She hoped their resolve wasn’t going to falter now that they were stuck into the thick of things, especially considering far worse lay ahead.

“As always, we have need to venture beyond the safety of this parish. Do you think you could fashion up some armor that would fit their quadruped statures?” She asked as Rarity shakily levitated a notepad from her saddlebag.

“I…I have all of our measurements and fashion preferences here…and if you need additional services…well, I’d very much appreciate something to get the carnage I just witnessed outside off my mind!” She exclaimed before pressing a hoof to her chest and taking a deep breath. The blacksmith hmmed then chuckled as he looked over the presented information.

“Well this is certainly the most stylish request I’ve gotten yet. Mmm, yes, I think I could whip something up with this. As your friend there will attest, Andrei of Astoria hasn’t let a soul down yet!”

The Chosen Undead nodded as she reached into her pack and withdrew a large pile of souls.

“I trust this will cover the cost?”

Andre sized up the value of the offered tender and shrugged.

“Even if it’s not, you’ve done me a fine service bringing me all those embers and materials for my smithing needs. A small discount won’t be asking too much of me in return.” He took the souls and sighed in relief as they were infused into his body. “Ahhhh yes, that’s the stuff to keep the hollowing at bay. Alright, to work! To work!”

He pulled a glowing hot metal bar from the nearby furnace and proceeded to start hammering it on his anvil. Rarity took up a position by the opposite wall and slowly drew in shallow breaths.

“I’ll join up with you all later. Just need a moment to compose myself.” She smiled weakly.

“Okie dokie lokie! I’ll just leave this here in case you need it.” Pinkie Pie whipped the unicorn’s fainting couch out of her mane and positioned it by the wall. Rarity blinked in surprise.

“How did…actually never mind, Pinkie. Just thank you for the consideration.” Rarity replied before flopping limply onto the velvety cushions.

“I’ll stay here as well and help set up the sewing equipment.” Fluttershy replied. She drew a soft cloth out of her saddlebags and mopped Rarity’s brow then set about taking out the fabrics and needles the unicorn had packed. Pinkie in the mean time happily bounced back up the stairs where her friends were clustered around another fire, several of them looking suitably unnerved.

“Well, if nothing else, this is certainly one of the more enthusiastic welcomes Trixie has received from the inhabitants of a new province.” The blue unicorn muttered as she gauged a spattering of blood on her cloak. “At least you humans don’t pull any punches about your intent.”

The Chosen Undead sighed as she sat down and retrieved a repair kit from her pack.

“Did you expect it to be any different, after what happened at the shrine?” She asked.

Calming herself with a few more deep breaths, Applejack took off her Stetson and shivered at the sight of an arrow skewering it; an arrow that could easily have ended up in her head if she hadn’t heard the sound of the crossbow letting loose behind her back, or if she’d been a second slower in ducking.

“No, no, it’s as you said, just…starry apples, it’s one thing to be told of how bad this place is, quite another to witness it fer real.” She yanked the arrow out with her teeth and spat it onto the floor. “Even the changelins’ didn’t put up as much of a fight durin’ the invasion of Canterlot as those poor souls that keep attacking us.”

The Chosen Undead nodded, cleaned off her blade, and set about dusting it with repair powder. She honestly didn’t know whether to pity these ponies for their innocent naivety, or envy them for never having to have dealt with the same manner of never-ending tragedy. Following that thought she again had to ponder if she was really doing the right thing by indulging their desire to help out in this debacle.

“Oh never worry, lass! You’ll get used to it soon enough.” Siegmeyer encouraged from where he was standing guard. “Even if not, that’s why we’re here. The knights of Catarina are always prepared to defend the helpless.”

Both Applejack and Trixie looked offended at the insinuation that they wouldn’t be able to handle themselves.

“Now just a consarnin’ minute here! We may be strangers in this place, but we certainly ain’t helpless!” The orange mare declared while slapping her hat back on. “Just give us a little bit longer to adjust and we’ll be fine!”

"Hopefully." Trixie muttered to herself.

Under his helmet Siegmeyer nodded in satisfaction.

“That’s the spirit my dears! Now while we have the time, I was thinking of a few combat tricks I could demonstrate for you. It’s always handy to have a little physical prowess to fall back on!”

The sound of a bowling ball rolling across the floor above was heard, followed by the crash of pins being knocked down. Presently one such pin bounced down the stairway into the bonfire chamber, wearing a battered helmet and tattered rags. Discord appeared behind it looking most pleased with his efforts.

“Annnd another flawless strike! Ahh, to think I almost forgot what fun can be had when you don’t have to worry about the well-being of those around you.”

A soul wafted from the bowling pin and infused into Discord, right before the bowling ball itself vanished in a fiery aura.

“If anyone is worried about those bothersome corpses crowding the ground outside, worry not. I have the problem well in hand!” The draconequus promised as his eyes lit up at the sound of groaning and shuffling feet. “Hmmm, this time I think I try a pop gun against them…loaded with real soda pop!”

He poofed back out of existence, leaving everyone looking befuddled…save for Pinkie Pie, who just looked annoyed.

“Hmph! Well if he thinks he can get an edge over me in our little friendly competition, he’s got another thought coming.” The pink mare whipped out her party cannon and cocked it like a gun. “Call me if you need me, girls. I’ve got XP to grind for!”

Pinkie ran up the stairs and out to where the undead were amassing.

“Erm…of course I will fully understand if some of you follow a different school of thought.” Siegmeyer added. Applejack placed a hoof over her face as there came the sounds of explosions and noisemakers.

“Still, as one who doesn’t have Discord’s power, or Pinkie’s…ahem…enthusiasm, Ah think Ah’ll take you up on that combat trainin’. As you said, it can’t hurt.” Applejack said confidently.

The knight nodded happily and gestured for the mare to follow him up the stairs into the chapel area above. “My pleasure, fair ladies. Shouldn’t take too long, and if you wish to practice a bit afterwards we could always head out and face the hollows again alongside your friends. They seem to be on top of things!”

Outside the fizzing of carbonated drinks exploding against groaning individuals mingled with the pops of streamers giving several unfortunate souls a grand but fatal send off.

“I beg your pardon, Pinkie, these ones are mine! Can’t you go bother the ones crowding the altar room inside the church?” Discord argued.

“Nah, they’re wearing different armor. I want to see if I can grab a complete matching set first! Ooh, there’s one with a cape! DIBS!”

More explosions rocked the exterior as the two continued their impromptu massacre. Stepping into the relative safety of the sanctum chamber above the bonfire, Applejack shared a look with Trixie and gave a weak smile.

“Well, least some of us are havin’ fun.”


“Yes here, this shall prove a suitable spot.” Seath alighted upon the roof of the parish, followed shortly by Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “In times pass the Bell Gargoyles woulds’t stand guard over exposed areas such as this. Now, with Frampt’s awakening, however, I would wager they have pulled back to Anor Londo to defend the dominion of the gods.”

Rainbow looked up at the intimidating statues lining the edges of the roof, then noted the blood stains and broken tiles littering the roof itself, telling of a merciless battle that had been waged across it.

“Meaning we’ll probably have to face them once we make our way there?” She asked hesitantly.

“Yea, assuming the Chosen Undead hath not given them cause to abandon their station. They are merciless in their efforts to slay the unworthy, but all beings have their limits. With many of the gods having long since abandoned Lordran there is little to keep them here, save for the promise of continued violence and bloodshed.”

The blue pegasus grimaced. “Sounds wonderful. Nice to know there’ll be so much to look forward to while we’re here.”

Unslinging her catalyst, Twilight sighed in resignation.

“All the more reason for us to be ready, no matter what it takes.” She closed her eyes and went through the warm up regime to charge her catalyst. “Okay, so you want me to try a bit of target practice, Seath?”

The drake nodded. “If it pleaseth thee, many a weak and hobbled hollow doth wander amidst this parish. T’is a fitting opportunity to test thine mettle without undue risk.”

Far below, the comical massacre continued, now with the swirling horn of a kazoo being blown to wrap a body up in its paper length and crush them to death. Rainbow looked over the edge of the roof and scrunched up her nose.

“Also a chance to prepare in case Discord or Pinkie go off the deep end again. They’re both enjoying the battle down there a little too much to be healthy.” She intoned. Twilight bit down on her catalyst as Seath crossed to the other side of the roof.

“T’is the attitude we all must adopt if we wish to survive, and t’is now what I charge thee with to see if thou art ready for the journey ahead.” He tapped the side of a doorway, heralding a raspy groan. “Griggs and Logan hath done the service of corralling hollows up here. See how thou fares against them.”

An emaciated corpse stumbled out of the doorway, its jaw hanging loosely below its blank expression. It hobbled slowly towards the alicorn who swallowed and took a deep breath.

“Okay…remember, it’s already too far gone. By this point, anything you do is a mercy…otherwise it’s going to either force you, or kill you again…” She whispered to herself.

The corpse raised its arms and began ambling faster. Biting down hard on her catalyst, Twilight charged a soul arrow and launched it at the hollow. It stumbled back as the magical bolt hit it square in the chest, its torso folding over backward as if it had no spine. Presently, it recovered from the attack, and pushed its rotting body forward again. Putting down her catalyst, Twilight switched back to her normal magic and hit it in the face with a blast. This seemed to finish the job as the corpse fell over and rolled down the decline of the roof. A small mass of white fire leapt from its body and infused into Twilight, making her shiver in unease.

“Okay…uh…that was...a start.” She said, sounding disturbed.

“Try another.” Seath ordered, tapping the doorway again. Another corpse hobbled out, another suffering lamb to the slaughter. Twilight felt her heart sink at how just empty the humanoid shell before her looked. No expression, no life behind the eyes, nothing but a barely held together mass of flesh, running on what few fumes it had left due to being denied the chance of final rest. Steeling herself, she shot the corpse with another blast, then picked up her catalyst and swung it once it had recovered. The blade of the demon catalyst sliced into the dried skin and its pyromancy enchantment set it alight, leaving the hollow to collapse and burn as it gave up another soul to its opponent. Twilight cringed and flinched at the far too familiar scent of burning flesh.

“Alright…let’s…let’s keep it going.” She said as the drake summoned another hollow. She hit this one with a flurry of soul masses, hastening its death with multiple strikes. The one after that got a double barrage of magic, and the one after that was killed with a heavier version of the soul arrow. Eventually the bodies around the roof began to vanish as they were resurrected, leaving Twilight to swallow heavily as she kept a mental count.

“Dost thou feel ready to face additional enemies at once?” Seath queried. Gritting her teeth, the alicorn held a hoof to her face, grinding it against her skull as if trying to force something from her mind.

“Do it, Seath. Don’t let up.”

Two corpses hobbled out onto the roof and were duly sent to their demise. Three came after, and Twilight kept mowing them down without fail. Seath again felt his soul burn with pride as Twilight tried different combinations of sorcery, her own magic, and what physical attacks she could manage. Behind her, Rainbow Dash just looked more and more disturbed.

“And to think, sooner or later, I may have to do this too.” She muttered to herself as Twilight faced down five hollows at once. The alicorn’s expression told of how she killed both with uncertainty, but also with anger, a sensation Rainbow Dash wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with (the nasty business with Lightning Dust and having to confront Spitfire over her leadership of the Wonderbolts had triggered similar feelings). On one hoof, she could understand why Twilight would want to vent on those who were responsible for her condition, on the other, it wasn’t exactly pleasant seeing the Princess of Friendship slaughter with such gusto.

And then…on the third hoof, Rainbow Dash felt a nagging sense of jealousy that Twilight was proving more apt at shelving her concerns till the danger had passed. The pegasus’ status as the coolest pony among her friends seemed in danger as her friend kept demonstrating her superior skill. Naturally, Rainbow wanted to defend her title….except that would entail racking up a body count of her own…if she had the stomach…

“Ughh, is there really no alternative here?” She pondered. “On that, am I wrong to be so disgusted at what’s basically a favor to these unfortunate beings?”

“Not at all, fair pony. While it is only natural for a soul to sin, it is also wise of they that recognize their errors.”

Rainbow turned around and spotted a human standing in the doorway behind her, dressed in flowing black robes with a hood and mask covering his face. He held his hands out to either side as if doing a morning stretch and his eyes were closed as if meditating.

“And who might you be?” She asked suspiciously.

“Oswald the pardoner, of Carim. A servant of Velka, sent here to do her bidding in the judging and forgiving of sins.”

“Velka…” Dash’s ears rose as she recognized the name. “You mean the crow lady?”

The human nodded quietly. “One and the same. For thee a warm welcome, friend. I sense thou is new to the land of Lordran.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “Yeah you could say that. What’s it to you?”

Oswald smiled. “Only if thou cometh to confess, or to accuse. For indeed, all sin is my domain!”

Rainbow raised her haunches and ruffled her wings. “Hey, what are you insinuating with that? I may be a reckless youth, but I haven’t done anything wrong! Well, nothing serious at least!”

Another slow and cheerful nod.

“Indeed thou hast not, yet thou knows such deeds lie in thine future. I wish only to calm thine mind, so thou shalt make the right choice when thine time is come.” Oswald replied. Rainbow Dash cocked her head.

“When my time is…what? What are you, a fortune teller?”

Oswald shook his head. “Only a teller of sin, and a messenger of the Lady Velka.

Rainbow backed away, eyeing the human with increasing suspicion.

“And you just randomly happened to be here to deliver a message to me? Is that it?”

Oswald chuckled.

“Many hath traversed this bell tower in their efforts to preserve their humanity. I sense thou and thine comrade art no different. Thine presence here is as expected.” He said cryptically. Rainbow grit her teeth in anger, and Oswald just chuckled again. “Thou appearest to lack faith. Fear not, the gods are magnanimous. Thou shalt see the truth when thine time is come.”

He reached into his robes and drew out a scroll and a book.

“To thee, I present a blessing from the Lady Velka, though I cannot say who it is for. Perhaps thou art fated to deliver it to another as I was ordered to deliver it to thee. Perhaps it is thee who shalt serve justice to the guilty. Who can say? Heh heh heh heh…We shall know only…”

“Yeah, yeah, when the time is come.” Rainbow glowered as the documents were set on the ground. “And what makes you think I’m just going to accept a bunch of waste paper on nothing more than the mad ramblings of an idiot?”

Oswald resumed his outstretched stance and tutted.

“Thou travels in the company of the greatest sinner in all of Lordran. If such trust can be placed in a soul as drenched in sin as he, how can thou deny that of a humble pardoner?”

Rainbow looked disgusted, yet her head sunk low in defeat.

“Touche, weirdo.” She said while gingerly picking up the scroll and book. “Don’t think this means you’re making any friends though!”

Oswald nodded and chuckled.

“We shall see. Until we meet again!”

Rainbow slipped the documents into her saddlebags and fluttered over to Twilight.

“Hey, uh, Twi, you almost done there?” The pegasus asked as her friend squared off against a severely limping hollow that had somehow managed to survive the force of her last attack. Twilight focused on creating another soul arrow to finish it off, only for her catalyst to fizzle out, signifying she didn’t have the energy to keep going. With an aggravated groan the alicorn took her weapon in her magic and drove it through the hollow’s gut like a spear, causing it to finally drop dead.

“It appears I am…thank Faust.” Twilight slid the catalyst into the sling on her back. “Seath, I think we’ll have to call it there. I… I’m ready to embark on our adventure.”

The white dragon nodded and beckoned the ponies to join him on the other side of the roof.

“Physically, thine skills are sufficient for now…I ponder though, mentally how fairest thou?” He queried, seeing the conflicted expression on Twilight’s face.

“Well…I’m nervous…and still uneasy. I know I asked you make me better at this whole killing thing but I feel…nghhh...”The alicorn rubbed gingerly at her leg. “It’s still deeply troubling.”

She looked up, expecting Seath to be angry. Instead the dragon now looked conflicted as he dispensed the hollows crowding the doorway and then moved to the edge of the roof.

“Yet thou performs the deed without hesitance. For better or worse, thou remains a most apt student.” He spread his wings and stretched them out. “Come, we shall rest and review my teachings by the bonfire while thine friends tend to their duties.”

Seath flew off the roof, leaving Twilight to sling her catalyst onto her back and take a troubled breath.

“Look at it this way, Twi, if you still don’t feel right doing…well…that, it just shows you’re still in control of your morals. This place, and the scum that comes from it, may have already tested you harshly but you’re proving to be made of stronger stuff.” Rainbow said, giving a reassuring pat to the alicorn. “The question of course remains: can the rest of us keep up?”

Twilight closed her eyes and turned to nuzzle against Rainbow’s neck. The familiar scent of her friend helped soothe her nerves as Dash’s words did calm her mind.

“Hopefully we won’t have to find out. Just knowing that we’re all here together makes it easier for me to do what I have to.” She smiled, before noticing the book and scroll sticking out of Rainbow’s saddle bag. “What are those?”

The pegasus looked to the documents and shrugged.

“Something that apparently we need to take with us. Why, I have no idea, but I might as well try to show a little trust. Avoid making more enemies here than we already have.”

She looked to the bell tower entrance, feeling the hair on her coat bristle upon seeing Oswald was still watching her from the shadows within.

“Let’s just get back to our friends. This place is giving me the creeps!"

The pegasus and alicorn made haste in leaving the roof for more agreeable surroundings.


“And now, for Applejack, we have this lovely rustic ensemble with just the right amount of protection to suit a sturdier frame.” Rarity narrated as she held up a combination of simple wanderer robes fitted with metal plating around the shoulders and the flank area. “I do hope the added weight won’t be too much of a problem?”

Applejack duly let herself be attired in the outfit, giving her legs a flex and nodding in approval.

“No, Ah think Ah can manage. It’s…surprisingly practical for a work o’ yers.”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow and Applejack quickly grinned. “Ah mean…well, you typically deal in high class fashion, not battle armor. Ah’m just surprised is all.”

Rolling her eyes, Rarity doffed her mane back.

“Yes, well, Mr. Andre here thought a little toning down of the trimmings would be best. As a lady I am obligated to humor all suggestions…” The unicorn said before adding. “Though I still say a few more ribbons couldn’t possibly have hurt.”

Andre chuckled as he finished grinding a set of shoulder pauldrons.

“Don’t think too hard of me, good madam. I fully understand where you’re coming from. I merely wished to maintain my standards in making gear that is both functional and durable. None of us want to see each other going hollow after all.”

Rarity felt a nervous lump form in her throat but pushed it back down. Getting to design a new wardrobe for her friends had steadied her nerves, and even if Andre took issue with her desire to personalize each set, he was only trying to keep everyone safe.

“Indeed. Now then, for you Rainbow Dash, I thought something with a bit more flair would be perfect.”

An aerodynamic suit of padded shadow armor, complete with a mask, cape and hood was levitated up.

“I made sure to give it plenty of flow.” Rarity giggled as Rainbow grinned.

“You do know how to dress me, Rarity. I can’t deny that.” The pegasus said as she grabbed the gear and began putting it on. “Never too late to giving the superhero scene another try!”

“Well after all this time I would be remiss if I didn’t know what makes my friends feel good, as well as look fabulous!” Rarity next held up a surprisingly stylish mish-mash of fabrics and metal plates. “Now for Discord, I know he generally likes to do his own wardrobe, but I’m actually quite proud of how I coordinated this. Think it hits just the right mark between fashionable and chaotic, so with his blessing…erm…”
The unicorn looked around the shop. “Where is Discord actually?”

Applejack and Trixie looked to the stairs, shaking their heads at the sound of a fierce argument outside.

“For the sake of my sacred element, Pinkie, stop with the streamers! You’re making it impossible for me to hit them with my marbles!” Discord called out.

“No, your marbles are making them slip and screwing up the aim of my streamers!” Pinkie shot back. “Eh, never mind, I’ve got what I need. I’m heading back.”

A series of hoof clops later, Pinkie descended into Andre’s shop, toting a set of roughly hewn balder armor and a sword on her back.

“Already amassing the spoils of war are we? Smart move, m’lady!” Andre complimented as Pinkie dumped her new gear on the floor.

“Well Miss Aurelia’s gift proved quite helpful in letting me grab the full set.” Pinkie declared while holding up the leg with a golden serpent ring cum anklet on it. “Now what’s your asking price for reworking it all so it’ll fit me?”

Andre looked to the armor and hmmed.

“Well that’d be a fair bit of work, and your friend here has her own outfit that I just finished for you…”

Rarity levitated up a flashy jacket, leggings and the typical hat of a jester.

“Unfortunately I didn’t think to grab any pink fabric before I left the boutique but I think I did a decent job of making it at least look fairly comical.” She smiled. Pinkie cheered and grabbed it.

“Oh it’s perfect! Oooh and there’s tons of pockets on it too! Perfect for any other loot I come across, and for storing much needed snacks!”

A cupcake was pulled out of nowhere and munched on thoughtfully.

“Tell you what, Mr. Andre, redo the armor to fit over this and I’ll pay you double! Got plenty left over even after I leveled myself up at the bonfire upstairs!”

Pinkie held up a huge mess of souls, bringing Andre to chuckle.

“If I didn’t know better I’d swear you were a native of these lands with how you know our ways.” He said. “Alright, give me some time and I’ll whip you up a lovely bit of plating to keep yourself protected.”

Pinkie cheered as Discord poofed into existence.

“I still say several of those kills were mine! Ugh, well at least someone still cares about me.” He sighed as Rarity held up the mismatched ensemble. “I trust you made sure that won’t clash with what you made up for Fluttershy?”

Blushing, the yellow pegasus stepped in, dressed in a sparkling white robe with her green cape flung over her back and a few flowers in her mane. A simple choice, befitting that of a simple maiden to be sure, but it did the job of making Discord fawn.

“Rarity figured you might want to make sure our outfits suited our personalities. Erm…does this look okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“It's...absolutely stunning.” Discord smiled as he poofed his own set onto his body. “Now if Seath and the others would get here, we could hopefully get on our way!”

As if on cue, the white dragon appeared at the top of the stair case, glowering deeply at Discord as he bent and twisted his body to fit inside the cramped space.

“Be mindful that thou dost not let thine haste overcome thine caution. Lordran hath greater terrors to visit upon thee yet.” Seath muttered as Discord rolled his eyes and gave a flex of his body.

“Hmph, so everyone keeps telling us. Well, so long as there’s cannon fodder for me to exercise my powers without care this is going to be just like old times!” He smiled. Seath shook his head and let the draconequus have his moment as Twilight, Siegmeyer and the Chosen Undead joined everyone.

“Such is courage I’d appreciate making use of.” The female warrior replied as she pointed to another set of stairs leading down to another level. “The entrance to the Darkroot Garden lies that way. Any who wish to accompany me gather your belongings and follow closely. I took out the titanite demon lurking by the entrance but that’s about as far as I can promise we’ll be safe.”

Twilight trotted over to stand by her.

“And from what Seath tells me, that’s more than we can hope for in Sen’s fortress. The entrance to that place is across the bridge from the bonfire chamber upstairs, but it sounds like it’s going to be an even more dangerous undertaking.”

Rainbow hmphed and landed beside her friend.

“Well that changes nothing about what I said earlier. If you’re going in, so am I!”

“And me!” Spike spoke up as he finished belting the cute little wanderer coat and boots Rarity had whipped up for him. “The more dangerous the situation, the more I know you’ll need me, Twi!”

Discord summoned a bag full of gardening equipment.

“If you really can’t get enough of my company, Miss Aurelia, I’d be happy to tag along. With no order or organized society to keep it corralled the vegetation of your world must be flourishing! Perfect for collecting some samples to take back for my own little garden.” He exclaimed. The Chosen Undead looked dubious, but Siegmeyer silently gestured for her to not contest the chaos’ gods enthusiasm.

“I think you’ll find it a lovely environment then, my good sir. Come along, we can’t be wasting any more time!” The knight replied as he hefted his sword onto his shoulder. Behind him Fluttershy took a deep breath.

“If Discord’s going with you then so am I. Just so I…erm…so I know he’s okay.” The yellow pegasus blushed. Discord looked down at her and felt his cheeks likewise burn that even with all he did to screw with the ponies they still cared for his wellbeing. Seath turned away to hide his envy.

“Yes, of course! As I must do in turn! It’ll be like our nature walks through the Everfree Forest!” Discord exclaimed as his eyes grew wider. “And this time there’ll be no Tree Hugger getting in the way! Oh joy!”

A disappointed glower spread across Fluttershy’s visage though she politely held her reprimand. Rarity’s features twisted in contemplation as she levitated the alicorn’s outfit in her magic.

“Truth be told I’d prefer a lovely trot through the daffodils, however at the same time, I wouldn’t want Twilight’s party to get too sparse by comparison.” She looked over to her friends. Her face fell in resignation as she saw Fluttershy and Discord standing beside each other, taking comfort from each other’s presence. The unicorn then glanced to Twilight’s party and the sight of Spike promptly settled the matter.

“Here Twilight, if any part of this doesn’t fit I can make adjustments to it on the way.” She said while giving the dragon a warm smile. “I’ll feel better being able to keep an eye on our dear Spikey-Wikey.”

Spike blinked, then promptly swooned as Rarity kissed him on the cheek. Twilight felt her own cheek burn where Celestia had given her a similar farewell gesture. She looked up at Seath and reminded herself she needed to ask him about that soon as they had a chance.

“Alright, Griggs and Logan are waiting upstairs, come on!” Twilight slipped on the finely woven sorcerer’s set and hmmed in thought. “Also I think this will do nicely, Rarity. It’s subtle, but feels surprisingly good on me.”

The unicorn nodded and dressed herself in the antiquated gown and gold circlet she’d made up especially for herself.

“As the Element of Magic, I could think of no outfit more suitable to start you out with. Granted once I have access to more material I’d like to try to make another matching the looks of Mr. Griggs’ ensemble for you though. It’s got more personality to it.” Rarity mused. Seath nodded with noticeable eagerness.

“Thou hast certainly earned the right to wear the mantle of a master, my student.” He mentioned while heading for the stairs. “Come, securing mine archives for our needs will only be the first leg of our journey here. Much more lies plotting in the shadows and we can ill afford to stand idle!”

Twilight nodded as she turned to the final two members of her friends. “Applejack, Trixie, what about you two?”

Trixie looked to the ring cum anklet around her foreleg, marked with the crest of a slumbering dragon. She lit up her horn and took a deep breath as her magic drew strength from the enchanted jewelry.

“While Trixie intends to prove her worth, she would like to take it slow. As she has been living among the Everfree honing her skills for the last few months a similarly wooded area should make her feel more at home.” The unicorn adjusted her hat and walked over to join Discord, Siegmeyer et all.

“Same here cause, well, Trixie does make a good point. Ah’d feel more confident tusslin’ with trees.” Applejack replied. “Jest make sure we’ve got somewhere safe an’ secure to get back to.”

Twilight nodded. “Will do. Alright, let’s get to work!”

Putting down his hammer, Andre smoothed out his beard and bowed his head.

“Best of luck to you! May Gwyn smile upon you and bring you good fortune as you brave this perilous land.” The smith sat back and exhaled slowly. “Lords know you’re going to need it!”

Author's Note:

Man was this hard to write. Almost sickening that so little happens yet I still struggled to figure out how to fit everyone in. Suddenly I understand why so many horror movies have the cast split up even if doing so is the worst course of action. Yeah it makes them an easier target for the killer but it also makes writing each scene so much less of a headache when you don't have so many characters to juggle. Also didn't help that I had to go back and rethink who'd join which party then make the subsequent changes three times, and THEN I had to look at what came next and decide if it could stand as its own chapter or if I should roll it into this one so there'd be more action.

Thanks to my editors, however, here we are. Finally got something new to show you and hopefully entertain you while I try to work out the mess of what will become Chapter 29.

Do seriously hope I did a good job here!