• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,062 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 31

“And that is why I wish to request your royal patronage for my new musical production of Equideus, your highness.” The foppish earth unicorn noble bowed to Celestia, then quickly rose and checked to make sure his richly decorated suit jacket hadn’t acquired a crease from the motion. For the umpteenth time that day, Celestia looked to the small platter with the tempting personal black forest cake perched upon it. Normally such a decadent confection would already have found its way into her tummy by this point as fuel to help her get through another tedious court session. Today, however, she just couldn’t find the will to even savor eating it, let alone do so.

“Forgive my asking this Lord Upper Crust, you know I am always keen to support the performing arts, but I also recall Prince Blueblood is known to be your most vocal supporter. Why pray are you not asking him for patronage?” She asked, to which the unicorn cleared his throat and uneasily toyed with his perfectly coiffed mane.

“Well…yes, of course! And I naturally would, but it seems his reception of my last work was…mmm…not as intended. Something about ‘too many notes’ and how it could’ve stood to be shortened by about two hours. As a playwright I understand that sometimes ponies prefer a change of pace, however, I would also appreciate not having to re-tailor my work just to suit one being’s tastes, however influential he may be. I trust you understand my position?”

He produced a heaving manuscript, that looked big and bulky enough to double as a door stop, and placed it at the foot of Celestia’s throne.

“If you could find the time to give it a read through, I would be most appreciative.” Lord Crust said, grinning awkwardly as Celestia sighed and rose.

“I’m sure it’s as much a masterpiece as your previous productions. I’ll make sure to have the necessary documents and funding made available to you tomorrow.” She replied while crossing the window. Lord Crust remained staring at the now empty throne in surprise.

“I…I…really? You’re sure you wouldn’t care to at least look at it first?” He asked. Celestia shook her head.

“Your track record speaks for itself. I believe that’s sufficient.” She replied with a tired smile. Lord Crust stammered then placed a hoof on his chest.

“I mean…if there’s anything you’d like changed I can delay casting for another week or so. More so if you have anything to say on the musical numbers or…”

“Lord Crust, you’ve got what you’ve come for. What else do you need me to say?” Celestia asked with a slightly more annoyed tone. The unicorn promptly snapped his mouth shut and bowed with enough force that he almost smacked his head against the floor.

“Erm…nothing of course! You have my eternal gratitude, your highness. I will make sure all my cast and crew know you’ve made another of my wonderful plays possible!”

He frantically turned and trotted hastily out of the throne room. Noticing he’d left the manuscript, Celestia levitated it over to the other documents she had to get through, shuffling it to the bottom of the pile.

“I believe that concludes today’s court. Can you please see the remaining nobles out, Captain?”

The sentry standing guard nodded and duly crossed to the doors, shutting them behind himself.

“Pretty sure you just committed a crime of high treason against theater there, Tia.” Luna mused as she got up and stretched.

“Lord Crust’s work never fails to draw in the crowds. Regardless of what the critics say, he’s always been a fairly safe venture financially.” Celestia intoned as she rested her head against the window.

“He also holds the record of being the only playwright who’s managed to bore Prince Blueblood to sleep with his work. If even he can’t stay awake during your productions then it’s safe to say you’re doing something seriously wrong.” Luna cautioned, to which her sibling just sighed.

“Maybe I should attend a few then. See if they’ll help me sleep better than I have these past few nights.” Celestia replied. Luna’s face fell as she noted how tired the sun princess looked, then glanced over to the still uneaten cake by her sibling’s throne.

“Is your mind even on the day to day events of Equestria? Or are you too wrapped up with your worry about Twilight and her friends to care about anything else?” The black alicorn asked. Celestia turned to give her a stern stare as if to demand whether the question really needed to be asked. Luna levitated the cake over and poked it with a hoof.

“Right, I guess that was pretty obvious. You’d never let a baked confection last this many hours out of the oven unless something was seriously wrong.” The night princess mused.

“I can’t help it Lulu, it just doesn’t seem right. I stand here as the guardian of Equestria, dealing with petty grievances and inconsequential issues, while Twilight and her friends face who knows what manner of danger in an alien realm, doing my job of trying to keep our kingdom safe!” Celestia grimaced, tossing her mane back and walking with irritable steps around the throne room.

“She’s already written you twice since she left. We know for the moment that they’re all okay.” Luna said, serving to only worsen her sister’s worry.

“And from what she’s reported, a moment is all it takes for one to lose their life in Lordran. That just makes the wait between each correspondence from her worse.” Celestia replied as she scrubbed her face with a hoof. “No matter how many times I tell myself otherwise I still wonder if I did the right thing this time, remaining here, where I can’t do anything to help.”

Luna put the cake down and walked over to open one of the other windows. “They have Seath, and Aurelia there to help them, dear sister.”

Celestia nodded and took a deep breath. “I know…which just feeds into my doubt. Seath may have done nothing to betray our trust while he was here, but at the same time I also had the assurance that if he ever tried anything I could easily put a stop to it. Now, he’s back in his home territory, with nothing to stop him from going back on his word…using Twilight for his own means....when I should have…erm…”

Luna arched an eyebrow at her sister. Celestia realized her error.

“Are you sure this is worry gripping you, Tia? And not something else? Like jealousy?” Luna asked, snorting as Celestia averted her gaze. “Tia, seriously, how long are you going to keep denying or trying to keep your feelings under wraps? Twilight’s not your student anymore, you don’t have to worry about your affection for her coming off as unnatural.”

Celestia winced as if in pain. “I’ve known her since she was but a foal. I told myself it couldn’t work for the same reason as any of my previous lovers: I’m immortal, she was not.”

Luna gave the solar diarch a confused look. “And now that you are both of the same status?”

Celestia sighed. “It’s not my place to force her to stick by me just because of my own selfish wants. She deserves to be allowed to make her own decision as to whom she spends her life with.”

Luna looked back at the window as a familiar creature flew in and alighted upon her outstretched leg.

“Yet you sound so doubtful about having done just that in letting her choose to be Seath’s pupil now. Are you sure there isn’t another reason you hold back?” The black alicorn asked, with subtle accusation. Celestia grimaced and returned to her throne.

“The two of them seem almost made for each other. Their attitudes, their passions, their eccentricities…I have so many theories as to how two such different beings from two such different worlds could be so alike…yet if any of those theories are true…then how do I know acting on my own feelings will not lead to a case of history repeating itself? If Twilight is as I believe…and I am likewise…will I not just be inviting the cycle to turn anew? ”

Luna returned to her own throne, her features now looking magnificently colorful in the rainbow aura of the Moonlight Butterfly perched so daintily before her face.

“Well, for what it’s worth, I believe this at least proves that your first concern about Seath taking advantage of your absence is false.” Luna replied while pointing to her pet. “He could have done the same when he detected me in his dreams, yet when I showed him mercy rather than judgment he returned the favor with this: a living creature that’s nurtured by my moon and values it as all others value your sun. Even if I’ve yearned for something like this for centuries, I long accepted it was impossible till he proved otherwise. That’s not the action of one who is truly evil.”

The butterfly spread its wings and let its aura fill the throne room with color. Celestia stared intently at it and felt her own inner turmoil ease slightly.

“Also, when you pressed him for confession, he told you everything. Indeed, that is not what one who wished to enact more nefarious deeds would do.” She said before turning to the stained glass window of Twilight being crowned as the fourth princess of Equestria. “That, however, does not exclude the possibility that he may lead Twilight astray inadvertently. They both seek to indulge each other’s passion for knowledge, and I dread to think what else he may reveal to her purely to sate her own curiosity. By his own admission, there are many terrible things in Lordran that he created in his madness.”

Luna arched a wary eyebrow. “There are many terrible things here, Tia, albeit securely locked up in Tartarus or the Royal Vault. That hasn’t stopped you from permitting Twilight access to them when you believed it’d suit her….”

Celestia scowled and held a hoof to her head. “That was done under careful planning and supervision. I sought only to help her learn, not let her run wild with her own ambition!”

“Yet you still stepped aside to let her wreak havoc, expecting she’d eventually figure out how to make everything right.” Luna replied, shaking her head as Celestia stomped her hoof.

“I knew she would. I’d have not let her do as she pleased if I felt otherwise...I never intended for her to become…to become…” The solar diarch’s voice dropped off. Luna carefully weighed up the tactfulness of finishing her sister’s sentence.

“Undead?” The lunar alicorn hesitantly asked, to a sad drop of her sibling’s head. “Tia, you can’t blame yourself for that!”

Celestia rounded and glared at her sister. “She threw herself at Manus to protect me! The only reason she’s having to make up for that now is because I wasn’t strong enough to keep her safe…because I stepped aside to let Seath take over in order to…to...”

The fire in the solar princess’ eyes went out as quickly as it had sparked into existence. She cast her eyes down and let her mane hide her expression as Luna reached over and rested a hoof on her shoulder.

“Perhaps it is not jealousy that plagues you, Tia, but guilt?” Luna asked.

“I…I don’t know…whatever it is, it’s doing no good for my state of wellness.” Celestia sighed as she glanced out the window again. “Think it’s time I lowered the sun and retired for the evening. Lose myself in a book, or a movie, or something that’ll get my mind off things.”

Luna nodded and nuzzled her sibling on the cheek.

“I’ll handle any issues that may crop up. Just know I’m here if you need any help.”

Celestia nodded and smiled weakly. “I shall, thank you LuLu.”

The white alicorn departed the throne room, leaving Luna to stare at the butterfly on her foreleg in contemplation.

“Even in the darkest hour, she still denies what’s plainly in front of her. Granted, her cause may be just if what she believes is indeed true…but still…” Luna pondered and mused, before sighing and returning her pet to its perch atop her head.

“Well, if any are to go against the normal order of things, I’m usually the first in line.” She said while rising and departing the throne room.


“Okay…that wasn’t so bad. At least in comparison to what came before.” Twilight said as she was dropped onto the platform overlooking Anor Londo. “I don’t suppose there’s any chance some of us could try flying the rest of the way to the archives and save some heartache?”

“You’re always welcome to try, brave equine, but trust us, it’s safer to go on foot.” Griggs replied while dusting his robes off. “These bat wing demons are a rather finicky lot. Happy to help the worthy reach Anor Londo, but if they spot you anywhere in the skies over Anor Londo they’ll kill you on sight.”

“Gwyn dids’t wish to ensure his home was protected amidst any manner of danger. Their purpose was to dispel any assault from aerial beasts, such as dragons, other than myself.” Seath explained as he landed with the others. Twilight looked to the bizarre pink creatures that had carried everyone across the distance from Sen’s Fortress to this spot overlooking the city, even those who insisted they could fly just fine on their own!

“Seriously, my wings aren’t broken you creeps! Let me go!” Rainbow Dash complained as the bat wing demons dragged her down to the platform. As if mirroring their passenger’s disdain for the travel accommodations, the two monsters threw her onto the ground and snarled at her plight.

“Erghhh…I swear the temptation to start smashing skulls in for how I’m being treated grows worse with every minute I spend here!” The blue pegasus seethed as she picked herself up. The demons in turn, took to several perches lining the walls and thrust their spears at their passengers in a threatening manner, indicating they best be on their way lest they re-think their decision to help.

“Yeah, yeah, you’d better keep your distance. Manhandle me like that again and I’ll show you why it’s not wise to get on my bad side!” Rainbow Dash glowered as Rarity stepped over and gingerly placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Come now, Rainbow, they’re not worth it. Leave them be and let’s take this moment of peace for what it’s worth.” The unicorn gently soothed as she directed her friend’s attention to away from the snarling beasts. “I daresay this is perhaps the most scenic spot we’ve come across yet.”

The ponies turned to take in the view that spread out before them. It was quite a breathtaking vista of towering stone spires, elegantly decorated buildings and perfectly symmetrical urban planning. Unlike the area they’d come from, it also had apparently escaped the wrath of time as none of the ruin or collapse was present.

“You gotta admit, Mr. Gwyn made a very fine home here.” Spike commented. “This could almost rival Canterlot for picturesque beauty.”

Seath sighed as he turned to the sun shining its golden rays upon the metropolis. The view seemed to almost mock the surrounding terrain in how it remained as tall and stunning as before. It certainly felt like it was mocking him with its silent laugh that Gwyn’s seat of power had survived even his own attempts to destroy everything.

“Come, to the south mine archives lie, high atop the mountain behind Gwyn’s keep. We should make haste lest other wayward souls have invaded the halls in our absence…unless…”

The dragon looked to the grandest structure in the heart of the city, his eyes narrowing on a set of windows gracing the top floor. His wings fluttered restlessly and he slapped the ground with his tentacles in a mix of emotions. Recognizing them, Twilight reached out and patted his side.

“We can see Gwynevere first if you’d prefer.” She said, much to Seath’s unrest.

“Have I the right, with all I hath done? Would not she see me as much a monster as any soul in this land?” He asked. Twilight looked to Spike who uncomfortably shrugged.

“Assuming what we saw in your dreams is true, you weren’t entirely to blame in that drama…plus, she had to have a reason to come back here after leaving with everyone else. Least we can do is ask why.” The alicorn mused as the group began to descend the stairs.

“Indeed. Perhaps share what Laurentius discovered about the Lordvessel, and see if she can offer any aid. I mean, she was trusted to deliver it, after all.” Griggs mused as everyone came to the entrance of a building. “First though, you might want to check before you step inside here. There were some very large and nasty sentries waiting last ti-“

The sorcerer silenced himself as he heard a metallic clatter from inside. Seath promptly stopped and held Twilight back as a halberd came crashing down mere inches from her face, heralding the thunderous clank of two giant bipedal entities dressed in black armor, their weapons rising to punish the party for their trespasses.

“Yes, I was afraid we’d run into them again.” Griggs sighed as he charged his catalyst along with Logan. Seath did them the service of spewing crystal breath all along the sentries’ blades and their arms, freezing them place for long enough that the sorcerers were able to get a shot in at their bodies.

“Well, guess we’re getting the grand hello here.” Spike meeped as he sensibly backed away from the advancing enemies. “These friends of yours, Seath?”

The dragon scowled as he smashed his catalyst against the helmet of one giant.

“As much mine as any other soul of Lordran. They are automatons positioned to keep all the unwashed masses out of the gods’ dominion. Now with no gods to protect, they are left without aim and without reason, merely more empty shells to terrorize the land.” He stated glumly as the two sentries fell to the relentless wave of spells. “Tread carefully; there will no doubt be more close by.”

Twilight peeked her head into the building again, then jerked it back out as a giant spear shot forward to try and turn her into a shishkebab.

“Yes, VERY close by, I see.” She gasped as three more sentries made their presence known. Grabbing her catalyst, the alicorn steadied her breathing and thought back over her training from the past week. “Seath, let me try something. Just gotta focus and…”

An arch of six glowing soul masses appeared around Twilight’s catalyst. Keeping her focus on the sentries she let them all loose and blinked as five of them impacted upon their chest plates, making them stagger.

“Alright! Almost got it perfect that time.” She said proudly. “Let’s see if I can do better.”

She summoned a soul arrow, then charged her horn to coat it with some manner of amplification spell. The augmented soul arrow promptly shot towards the sentries like a rocket, managing to pin one to the far wall then explode, felling it in one swift motion. With the gap this created in the enemy line, the party was able to fight their way into the building, slaying four more sentries and finally catching their breath as they sensed the heat of a bonfire nearby.

“I daresay, you’ve got quite the handle on sorcery, Miss Twilight.” Griggs said as they rounded a corner and found the welcome glow of flames swirling about a sword, beckoning them to come and rest.

“Well, part of that was my own skill at work, but yeah, Seath has rather outdone himself as my teacher these last few months. Really made sure I was versed in as much as possible before we traveled here.” The alicorn said to even greater surprise. “Only reason we had to stop was, well, time seems to be running short for both our worlds, though I was hoping we could get some training on the go.”

Griggs sat himself by the fire and exhaled softly in amazement.

“Still, you’ve only been studying the art for a few months and you’re already apt enough to not only craft spells like the homing soul mass, but also improve upon them with your own brand of magic! That’s no small feat!” He exclaimed. Seath nodded with a hint of pride.

“A well versed student was she already when first I took up my role. My teachings merely honed her prodigal talents to their finest edge!” He replied. Behind him, Logan tipped the brim of his hat up and eyed Twilight with a low expression of envy.

“You deemed her worthy of your teachings? When so many others have begged to study under you, and have been turned away, year after year?” He asked seethingly. Seath nodded while leaning on his catalyst.

“Most charitable hath she and her fellow equines been to me during my time in their kingdom. For the…harsh, but fair, clarity they hath given to many an event here, it was an acceptable trade.” The dragon said while adjusting his glasses. Logan still looked quite put off but said no more as everyone gathered around the fire.

“Okay, so back to our previous decision, do we make for your archives Seath, or stop by to talk to Gwynevere first?” Twilight asked. “How far away is she from here actually?”

“Not far, young pony. From here, Gwyn’s keep lies straight yonder.”

All heads turned to see a figure step out of the shadows by the wall. She was dressed in a handsome set of brass armor, and hefting an estoc; hefting it menacingly at Seath to be precise.

“But make no mistake! You shall find no welcome from the gods as long as HE stands by your side!” She spat. Seath glared and snorted in annoyance.

“The honored Lady of the Darkling, firekeeper to Anor Londo, and lapdog to the Darkmoon Blades. A pleasure it is to see thou still draws breath.” He stated threateningly. The female pulled a cloth talisman from her belt and charged it with a dark spell.

“And a tragic pox upon us all it is while you do the same! A grand boon to us all was your unexpected departure, dragon.” She seethed. “Truly, did you miss home too much to have remained gone?”

Seath looked to Twilight and forced himself to remain calm.

“Mine return is a result of fate forcing many a hand. I fear the Dark that hath plagued Lordran now seeks to lay its terror upon distant lands, and I, perhaps as atonement for my sins, have been forced to the focal point.” He explained, growling as the brass knight’s blade was thrust at him again.

“A likely story. Mark my words, dragon, we have suffered enough of your treachery! If you seek an audience with Lord Gwyn’s court, it shall only be granted as a ceremony to herald the mounting of your head on the wall!”

Seeing things were getting heated quickly, Twilight got up and stepped between the two.

“Please, ma’am, let me explain. My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and I guess now representative of Equestria to your kingdom. This is my assistant Spike, and my friends Rarity and Rainbow Dash.”

The white unicorn gave a small wave as the female knight eyed her up with deep suspicion. Rainbow just maintained her own glare back at this latest foul mannered individual.

“I was the one that Seath was…um…delivered to, of sorts. As we were discussing, he’s been schooling me in the art of sorcery…” Twilight broke off as the estoc blade turned from Seath to instead bite against her own neck.

“Then you too have been drawn in by his lies and deceit and are as much an enemy of Lordran!” She declared.

“Hey! Is that anyway to address a foreign diplomat?” Spike demanded. “Ermm..or ambassador? Dignitary? Emissary? Whatever the correct term is?” The baby dragon’s confidence faltered slightly. “Look we just got here, we haven’t done anything wrong!”

The lady raised her glowing talisman as if to strike the little pest. “And such is why I permit your use of the bonfire. It does not mean you are welcome here!”

Spike gaped and steam began to pour from his nostrils as his anger rose. Delicately nudging the blade away from her neck, Twilight placed a hoof on her assistant’s shoulder and bade him to step back.

“We wish only to see the Princess Gwynevere because we believe she may have knowledge crucial to what has been happening in our own world. Please, it is vital that we solve this mystery before any more souls, be they ponies or humans, fall victim as I have.” The alicorn turned to show off her flank, and the Darksign brand circling her cutie mark. The brass knight shook her head dismissively.

“If it is an end to the curse you seek, the Chosen Undead has already received the necessary revelation from her highness. My prayers and hopes go out to her to do her part, more so if they involve the death of HIM!” Again she spat upon the reference to Seath like it was a piece of rotten food. Seath glowered menacingly in return.

“As an undead myself, I trust you will understand that I empathize with your condition, equine. However, as the gatekeeper and guide, my duty to Anor Londo cannot be neglected. Use the bonfire if you require rest, but you are all still to depart the city as soon as possible.” The lady said in a softer, less malicious voice. Twilight nodded and bowed respectfully.

“Thank you, fair Lady of the Darkling. We won’t remain here much longer.” She said diplomatically as the knight resumed her position standing guard in the darkness beyond the flames. Spike humphed and turned around to stare into the bonfire.

“Well, guess that makes the decision for us.” He grumbled. “What a nasty hag!”

“I can only presume she acts to match how she looks under that armor.” Griggs mused as he studied his catalyst. “Course, considering there are more of us than there are of her…”

Rainbow nodded as she reached for the catchpole on her back. “Hey, you want to teach her some manners, I’d be happy to help!”

“No! No one is fighting anyone if we can help it. We’re going to need all our wits for what lies ahead.” Twilight replied as she turned around and joined Spike in staring at the fire in contemplation. “I should have anticipated there might be some outcry if you were seen with us. Sorry about that, Seath.”

The dragon shook his head. “T’is no fault of thine, Twilight. Mine reputation here t’was of mine own doing.”

Rarity toyed with her mane as she contemplated something.

“Well if you really want to see your darling Gwynevere, can’t you just overrule her, or something? You did say you’re the duke of this place right?” She asked.

Seath sighed in defeat. “Yea, but titles bear little weight in a city that is already lost. More so, she is of the Darkmoon Covenant. Her leader holds far more sway than I.” The dragon hung his head. “And for all the poison she casts upon my name, it is not undeserved. She speaketh the truth about my making all to suffer as I had suffered.”

Twilight wilted as her teacher again brought the cold, hard reality to bear upon all. Rubbing a hoof across her forehead, she contemplated the bonfire for a little longer then rose again.

“I think it’s best we leave and make for the archives, then. We’re doing nothing but wasting time here.” She said. Spike looked at her in shock.

“What? So, so that’s it? We’re just going to give up on a potential means of finding a way to cure your condition, Twilight? With no protest or anything?” He asked in dismay. Twilight groaned and looked at her assistant.

“Spike, think for a moment, is that what I said?”

The dragon paused.

“Uh no, you said we’re leaving and…oh…oh I see.” He whipped around to check the lady knight was standing far enough away to be out of earshot. “Right got it. Sorry, Twi.”

The alicorn nodded and motioned for everyone to leave the building.

“Let’s explore what we can of this place on the way to Seath’s archives, from there we can figure out how to sneak into the keep she mentioned, if we have to. I’m not going to let one unreasonable guard stop me from finding out what we need to know.” She quietly promised. Seath raised an amused eyebrow.

“A suitable mindset to suit thine travels here, my student.” He replied just as the ground shook from two new entities landing in front of the party. These held the traditional appearance of gargoyles, wielding suitably oversized axes in their hands with a backup seemingly bonded to their tails.

“Oooh boy, let me guess…these the creeps you mentioned back on the roof of the parish, Seath?” Rainbow asked.

“Yea, t’would seem they have not abandoned their cause just yet. Perhaps they seek to test their mettle against ours as one last show of strength…” Seath sighed as the winged beasts leaped upon them.

“And I used to think not having enough gems for Sapphire Shore’s orders was a nightmare…EEEEP!” Rarity meeped as blades were swung at her and battle was joined again.


“So, noble soul, wilt thou heed my words?” Alvina said, idly twitching her tail as the Chosen Undead stared at her with a mixture of suspicion and cynicism.

“You are aware that this information you impart is quite scandalous, and you expect me to follow it on little more than your own assertions.” She replied, narrowing her eyes as Alvina sighed and began licking her paws again.

“My hopes for thee remain the highest. Would thou have remained in Oolacile, thou would have happened upon this same tragic truth. Here, at least, I can offer thee respite.”

The Chosen Undead raised her eyebrow warily.

“Thou hast seen what loyalty is in mine clan. T’was no mere utterance of affection that I did speak of mine hunters as mine family. To each other and to me, they swear to be true. I do not doubt thou would do the same if thou joined our numbers.” Alvina said. The wary stare was turned to outside the toppled tower, to where Fluttershy and the ponies were tending to the very same hunters that they and she had helped put out of action.

“All that thou treasures hath been taken from thee. I vow on my life that if thou continues in thine quest, even more shalt be stolen away by thine actions. Have thine own respect, I beseech thee, and go not yonder knocking for nothing!” Alvina indeed sounding like she was pleading rather than ordering. The Chosen Undead dismissed the doubt from her mind.

“Your offer to let me join your covenant is uncharacteristically generous, for one who wishes only that she and these woods be left in peace.” The warrior challenged. Alvina nodded.

“Shiva’s betrayal hath cost us dearly, and enough sadness and loss hath befallen thou and those who knew thou in life. Stand by my side, and thou shalt have family again, and see that all turmoil which afflicts thine lineage is put to rest.” The grey feline stated confidently.

Temptation knocked with a gentle hand at the undead’s soul, the possibility of her not having to confront any more horrible revelations or face any more danger save for whoever else might venture into Darkroot with ill-intent didn’t sound all that bad. Then of course there was the still fresh pain of knowing Frampt had deceived her and the potential that her role in the fate of Lordran might not be so critical now that the ponies and Seath were on the case….

The Chosen Undead clenched her fist as she weighed up her options. She pressed a gauntlet to her breast plate. Her soul ached to finally just throw in the towel, give up, and for once, let someone else shoulder the burden of having to save the world.

Then, however, she felt the hard obstruction of something hidden beneath her armor. The two transformation tablets given to her by the Stone Drake sat safe and secure where she always kept them, and with them, a few words from the Age of Ancients whispered through her memory, another revelation bequeathed to her from the dragon that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, things might work out if she maintained her will to keep going.

“I appreciate your offer, Alvina, but with all due respects I was raised and trained to do what is right, not what is easy. If, as you say, this is a fool’s errand, then my death shall be your vindication. But as I have been made to place faith in souls that others would think me insane for trusting, so too must I continue to believe there is more at work here than even you can foresee.”

Alvina put down her paw and let her gaze fall to the floor.

“Oh, I see. T’is a pity indeed. But this is thine stubborn choice alone. I cannot enforce it upon thee. If thine mind should be alter’d, forsooth, speak to me once more.” She said with thinly veiled disappointment. The Chosen Undead slipped her helmet back on and moved to tell the ponies of her decision.


Alvina leapt from her perch on the window and stood to block the doorway of the tower.

“If thou consigns thyself to unhappy fate, then my condition that thou does so alone still stands. These souls from lands unknown do not deserve to share in thine misery! Not when mine family requires their aid!” She ordered. The Chosen Undead’s fingers brushed over the hilt of her chaos blade, then returned to hang by her side. Attacking Alvina after she’d shown unnatural mercy, and at least given the party one solid lead, would accomplish nothing.

“Very well, though be warned they will notice my absence soon, and may not agree with your standing. The Forest Hunters may follow your will without question, but these ponies are not so easily swayed, or intimidated.” The warrior cautioned. Alvina hissed as she acknowledged this.

“Such is a matter I shall deal with. Be gone from here, and proceed to what destiny thou believe awaits!” She ordered before lowering her head. “And…if indeed fate seeks to mock me with unforeseen consequences…if thou proveth to be more than the sum of mine senses and mine family…please humor this one request…”

The feline’s eyes rose to reveal they glowed with rage.

“Shiva shall no doubt seek to gain from you what he believes will benefit him. If thou should come across him, see that we are avenged for his treachery!” She spat. The undead bowed and nodded that she would, before departing through the doorway on the other side of the tower. With a feral growl, Alvina strode out of her sanctum to tend to her fallen hunters...giving Trixie the perfect opportunity to sneak from where she'd been hiding outside and listening to the conversation and follow the Chosen Undead.


“Okay I see the keep. Looks about as well fortified as expected. Front door’s locked tight, and there’s more of those giant walking armored suits standing guard…along with more of the bat winged demons that brought us here. Huh, lovely.” Rainbow said sarcastically as she scanned the city line through Twilight’s telescope. “Yeah, I don’t think we’ll be getting in through that way, unless we want to get beat up even more than we already have.” She groaned. Beneath her, the aftermath of the party’s fight with the gargoyles slowly flowed out over the pavement, staining everything and everyone one who stood upon it with red death.

“Well least we have a few more bits of gear to make use of.” Twilight said as she levitated the severed tail from one of the gargoyles and inspected the axe blade mounted on the end. “Not exactly the most hygienic of weapons, but it feels like it’d function pretty well in a pinch…unless one of us wants to try and retrieve their actual weapons from where they dropped them down off the side of the walkway.”

From where he was inspecting a winged helmet and circular shield that had been left behind when the gargoyles died, Spike looked over the edge and shivered. “Given what’s lurking up here I don’t think I want to see what’s down below us, Twi. Pretty sure it’s nothing good.”

Seath growled in agreement. “Once many things great and mystical did flow from Izalith and the Great Swamp upon which Anor Londo stands. Now however, I fear thine intuition serves thee well, Spike. Naught but more death and destruction awaits those who venture from the comfort of the sun.”

Placing the severed tail axe down, Twilight gingerly walked over to Rarity, who was staring through the blood splattered locks of her mane in silent horror at her own contribution to the slaughter of the party’s enemies.

“Rarity, before you freak out, I’d like you to know you did us a very gracious favor just now. Don’t think I’d be standing here talking to you if you hadn’t blasted that gargoyle’s tail off before he could decapitate me with it.” She said very carefully as the unicorn looked at her gory white gown and shivered horribly.

“I…didn’t mean to…I just…” Rarity placed both front hooves to her face and stumbled backwards. “Oh this is never going to wash out! I’m ruined! My coat is going to stink for weeks! They’ll never be able to rescue my perm! My hooves are going to need to be completely filed down and resurfaced to get all the blood off! It’s a tragedy!”

Hearing the familiar notes of despair, Spike promptly dropped the gear and ran over to catch the fainting unicorn. Twilight likewise activated her magic and used it to help her friend lightly slump into her assistant’s arms like a limp rag.

“Feel better now?” Spike asked as he cradled his messy but still lovely crush.

“…Yes. I’m good again, so long as you both are.” The unicorn sighed as she got back to her hooves. “Just, if we come across a bathroom, or wash area, around here, I simply must make use of it.”

Spike snickered as Rarity pulled a hair brush from her saddlebags and swept her mane back into something that was at least quasi-presentable.

“That was still pretty awesome how you kept pummeling that gargoyle with your magic till it started losing body parts.” The little dragon complimented as Rarity snorted and glared at where her opponent had fallen.

“Well, I daresay he was being quite a brute, singling Twilight out despite everyone else attacking him. The aftermath may be a fright, but I stand by my vow to protect my friends!” She said, sounding rightfully angry and impressively bloodthirsty. Twilight snickered as little red hearts began popping all around Spike’s head.

“So do you want to hang onto this as your own trophy?” The alicorn asked, levitating the tail axe again. “It really feels sturdy, and not too heavy despite its size.”

Rarity initially turned up her nose at the dripping severed limb. However, after a moment she lit her horn and cauterized the bleeding stump with her magic. Taking the weapon in her aura she carefully tested the weight and sighed.

“Until we come across something with more style, I suppose it’ll do. As for the other items it left behind…”

The unicorn summoned the helmet and plopped it on Spike’s head. Interestingly it then shrank slightly to provide a more snug fit.

“Yes, that shouldn’t upset your ensemble too much, Spike. At the very least it’ll keep my little knight’s head from any unwanted bumps or hits.” She said while kissing him on the cheek. Spike now looked like he was the one about to faint.

“Yeah…well…hopefully at some point we’ll find something that’s not too huge for me to use. I could do with a weapon of my own.” He lamented as Rainbow touched down on the walkway.

“Hey, everypony, heads up! I think I’ve found a way into the keep!” She pointed to a distant spot on the side of the building. “There’s an open window along the top floor there. Looks like someone broke it trying to get in. Probably Aurelia, if I had to take a guess.” The pegasus sighed. “Unfortunately, there’s two rather big and burly dudes standing guard by it, armed with what look like some very, VERY big bows and arrows.”

Seath glowered. “Dragon archers no doubt, yet another measure to ensure winged beings such as I could not gain access to Gwyn’s sanctuary.” He stroked his chin. “And yet, their presence would be unwarranted lest the Princess Gwynevere was truly in residence.”

Twilight nodded. “Then that’s all the more reason for us to take advantage of it. Any ideas for how to get past the guards?”

Having finished his own search of the gargoyles’ remains, Logan stepped forward, leaning heavily on his catalyst staff.

“One rather risky course of action does present itself. You demonstrated remarkable speed and agility against the man-serpents back in Sen’s fortress, Miss Rainbow Dash. The distraction you made assisted us greatly in taking them down.” The aged sorcerer commented. Rainbow perked her ears in curiosity.

“You want me to shame the slow pokes again with my totally awesome moves?” She asked, grinning when Logan nodded.

“You and your…friend there…provided you can be careful. Gwyn’s knights will not be so mindless as to aim all their shots at only one target, but with two to contend with, Griggs and I may be able to take them down from afar.”

Seath clenched his fist and snarled.

“An archer skilled enough to wield arrows sized to slay dragons is a threat not to be treated lightly. T’would be better if I assisted Rainbow as they will no doubt be under orders to take me down first!”

Logan suddenly whipped around in horror.

“NO! I mean…no, Grand Duke…please, think about this for a second. If they spot you, they will no doubt call for reinforcements. With two seemingly inconsequential targets as these ponies, they will still react as expected, but we needn’t fear additional knights being summoned and outnumbering us!” He said with heavy pleading. Seath raised an eyebrow as Logan bowed his head.

“He does make a point. We can’t afford to draw too much attention ourselves while we’re out here in the open.” Griggs followed as he stepped up behind the party.

“Indeed. Stand by my side and provide covering fire, Grand Duke. Together I’m sure we’ll make short work of getting into the keep!” Logan stated confidently. Seath still seemed suspicious as he turned to Twilight for her opinion.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine so long as I have Rainbow beside me. My wings feel ready for some more action.” She smiled reassuringly. Rainbow nodded and patted her friend’s shoulder.

“I’ll make sure to keep her safe for you, Seath. Trust me!” The pegasus said. Seath did not look reassured, however, he also had to admit he had no better plan of action.

“Maintain thine distance till we have felled the knights. Once thou hast gained entrance I bid thee to please see if there exists a means to open the main doors from within. At my size I can scarce hope to enter the keep through any other means.” He said. Twilight nodded and smiled.

“We’ll do our part. Wait for us to draw their fire.” She took to the air as Rainbow swallowed and prepared herself to act as a shooting gallery target.

“Well, say what you will about solo being a faster means of travel, it seems having more numbers on our side does help.” Griggs commented as he scanned for a suitable sniping spot along the walkway. Behind him, Logan pulled the brim of his hat down and smiled sinisterly.

“Indeed, no doubt we shall have several of the more pressing problems solved in no time if this works.” The aging sorcerer said to himself.


The Chosen Undead cursed softly as her shield buckled under the crushing blow of the mushroom’s fist. Silently she pondered why the Forest Hunters saw fit to risk their lives defending Darkroot when it seemed the foliage itself was perfectly apt at defending its territory. Between the ents plaguing the entrance from the parish and now these bipedal fungi walking around looking for a punch up, she had cause to treat every plant and leafy growth she came across as a danger. Indeed, her only reason for weathering the blows of the very aggressive mushroom was the chest it and its apparent partner were guarding in the center of the shallow lake. Much as what had happened to Pinkie Pie had given the undead warrior pause for thought on grabbing every random item she found, with five souls now depending on her, she needed all the resources she could get her hands on…and make sure they were distributed carefully.

Coughing as a second punch sent her flying into a nearby tree, the Chosen Undead grunted and let her sword fall from her hand. As powerful as these mushrooms were proving to be with their haymakers, they were still plants, and like any earth spawned life form they had little in the way of defense against fire. Igniting her fist, the female reared back and gave her opponents a reason to back off that they couldn’t disagree with.

Several fireballs later, the two mushrooms lay as charred corpses, their bodies smoking in the water of the lake. Holding her sore arm, the Chosen Undead rose and let her pyromancy flame extinguish itself. She approached the chest and did a quick check for other unpleasant surprises, only opening it after deeming it was safe. The cold glow of an ember greeted her from the dark interior, a small twinkle of congratulations for her latest victory. Picking it up, the undead sensed an enchanted aura surrounding it, suggesting it had been formed from the power of both flame and sorcery. The Chosen Undead shivered as she first thought of how Seath and his student could possibly make use of it, then questioned why on earth was she contemplating helping a mortal enemy of Lordran.

Stowing the ember in her pack, the Chosen Undead retrieved her blade and made for a clearing she could see up ahead. This whole drastic twist of events had given her much to dwell on, as much on her own purpose as well as her own morals. Letting Seath live still felt like a terrible mistake, yet she sensed no evil intent from the ponies, nor could she deem they’d been brainwashed or otherwise coerced into helping the dragon.

What manner of creatures were they who intended good for all souls, yet saw no harm in helping one who lived only to corrupt and destroy?

The Chosen Undead paused in her thoughts as she heard a rustling amid the trees. Several smaller bipedal mushrooms waddled into her view, tilting their caps up to look at her. Almost immediately she raised her sword to attack, yet the little fungi simply stepped back as if afraid for their lives. The female paused her actions, her armor clanking as a terrible new thought entered her head. Were these…children? Did that make the two larger mushrooms she’d killed were their….

The warrior’s blade suddenly felt too heavy for her to keep holding at the ready, she let it drag her arm back down to her side. Seeing they were not about to be attacked, the little mushrooms turned to stare at where the undead had come from and hastily ran as fast as their stubby legs could carry them in that direction.

The Chosen Undead didn’t even bother to look behind her. She didn’t want to see their reactions if they happened upon the lake. Instead she just ran to where the ground descended, leading to a stone bridge in one direction, and further into Darkroot in the other. Deeming she didn’t want to risk her life or cast more doubt on her own morals, the warrior made for the bridge. Maybe Alvina was right, maybe she was being a fool to keep pursuing her quest….

The warrior clenched her fists and quickened her pace. No, now was not the time for second thoughts, not when she had so little to still be sure of. Twilight needed to find a means of curing the curse, and this was still the only lead they had on how to do that. If there were to be answers found in the Abyss, she had to at least do her part in helping the party find a means of getting there. After that…well…she’d have to deal with that when it came up.

Approaching a set of wrought iron doors set in what looked to be a crumbling coliseum of some manner, the Chosen Undead took a deep breath and leaned all her weight against them. Little by little they gave way, revealing what appeared to be a graveyard of some manner. Small clusters of flowers and ferns were arranged around rusted swords in the typical manner of mourning, all around a large obelisk type rock. An obelisk graced with a much larger and chillingly familiar sword thrust into the ground before it.

The Chosen Undead’s spine went cold as she stepped closer, wondering if the light of the moon was playing tricks with the shadows, making her think the weapon she was looking at possessed curves and edges it really didn’t. She stepped closer, touched the sword, and froze. No, it was no illusion. There was the trademark downward curve of the hilt, below which the blade had that unmistakable thin trapping area just before the wider main part.

This was Artorias’ sword! Or rather, it should have been. The only thing off about it was it was far too big, even for the legendary knight…unless…unless…

The clanking of an individual trembling in realization echoed hauntingly across the still night. The Chosen Undead whirled around to take a better look at her surroundings. Yes, this could indeed have been a coliseum at one point…possibly many years ago…around 300 or so…

Around the same time she’d been forced to kill Artorias in cold blood, back in the Coliseum of Oolacile!

Feeling herself getting dizzy, the warrior reached up to hold her head. This couldn’t be! That would mean…would mean…

All too abruptly, the undead’s thoughts were cut off again at the sound of another being approaching. She turned to face the sword, looked up…and nearly collapsed in shock at the sight.

A giant wolf stood perched atop the rock, staring at her with snarling jaws and a look of murderous intent in it eyes. The Chosen Undead promptly backed away as it leaped to the ground, stirring up a mess of black vapor around it. It growled and approached the retreating undead, stepping into the light of the moon.

Now the Chosen Undead did collapse, her resolve evaporating as she beheld the lupine in fine detail. Everything about it was as she feared, the exact shade of its grey fur, the tone of its eyes, the slight favoring of its right front paw over its left due to an old battle wound. Again, much like the sword, the only thing different was the size.

Seeing the intruder had fallen, the wolf pinned it to the ground with its paw, nearly covering the undead’s entire body with it. It exhaled more of the black vapor as a warning that death was imminent…

Then it sniffed the female.

A moment that seemed to last as long as an eternity passed as the Chosen Undead struggled to free herself, while the wolf tried to make sense of what it had discovered. It sniffed her again, its growls dying into silence.

The paw was quickly removed, and upon looking up, the warrior noticed the wrath had left the lupine’s eyes. Instead, the mighty beast now whimpered as if to ask what she was doing, why had SHE, of all souls, now come after all this time to do the unthinkable? After she’d saved her once before from the Abyss and its horrors.

The Chosen Undead extended a hand, reaching to pet her darling friend on her special little area in the middle of her cheek fur. A little extra confirmation that yes, she was whom the wolf believed her to be, that they’d finally again been reunited.

“Sif….” The undead whispered, fear and elation storming within her.

The wolf threw her head back and howled…not in happiness, or glee, or even relief. No, it was a howl of pain, of despair, of anguish, an acceptance that all was now truly lost.

“Sif!” The Chosen Undead cried in alarm as her friend turned away from her, back towards the sword. She grabbed it with her teeth, and pulled the massive weapon from the ground with one firm tug.

“Sif, it’s me! Aurelia!” The warrior yelled as she scrambled back to her feet. The wolf turned to face her again. Sorrow and regret shone like gleaming sharp slivers in her eyes as she swung the sword around to a battle ready position.

“Sif, please! NO!” The Chosen Undead cried as her friend leaped to slay her as she’d slain all others before.

Author's Note:

Whelp, here we are, the moment I gather a great number of folks were probably not looking forward to. I apologize but we all knew this was coming. Wouldn't be Dark Souls otherwise.

Hoping that I'm still giving a fair amount of time to both the DS cast and the ponies. Feels like I'm not quite getting the balance right so any suggestions for how I might possibly amend that would be appreciated.

Editing as always is thanks to the lovely lunarstallion!