• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

River Road

Writing Comedy, Adventure and Slice Of Life. Desperately trying to keep up with all the crazy stories my brain comes up with.


Sunset Shimmer has learned a lot about friendship. Probably almost as much as her mentor Twilight Sparkle.
But it takes a trip through the mirror to reveal just how far she has gotten in her studies, and how far she has really followed her mentor on the road of friendship.

Cover art taken (permission pending since half a year ago) from Star of Magenta.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 108 )

...this is a fantastic start.


Thank you. Though I really wish I knew how to follow up on it. :twilightsheepish:

6322324 Eh, give it time, it'll come to you. Though a logical thing would be to have Celestia and Sunset reunite and perhaps explain how she was able to ascend to alicorn status in the human world.

"Rarity, you know it doesn't matter. I've noticed that every dress you design for me and my friends has the seams and gussets so they can be altered for wings in just a few minutes."

"Well, a lady has to be prepared for such things."


That is a surprisingly reasonable attitude. :rainbowlaugh:


Duly noted. I was thinking about bringing Celestia into it, though I doubt she would know any more about it than Sunset does.

6322396 Probably, but given Sunset was apparently dreaming when everything went down, well...that raises possibilities...


Actually, that wasn't just a dream but her ending up in... I'm not sure the fandom ever gave it a proper name... the same place Twilight was sent to in Magical Mystery Cure. That's why you can 'hear' Celestia's Ballad in the background.

I like everything that's Sunset alicorn. What's there more to say? Oh yeah! UPDATE:flutterrage:


*pouts and points at Author's Note*

Huh, nice.

So far as where it could go, there are quite a few possibilities, of course. Twilight and Sunset talking about her being an alicorn, obviously, but there's Celestia, too. What does Celestia think about Sunset being an alicorn, despite Celestia herself not making her one? Dose Sunset automatically get to be a princess, or would she be suspended on the grounds of her past?

Sunset and Luna talking about being the "bad princesses" has been on my "want to write or see" list for a while tbh.

Hop to it, River. I'm gonna need more of this right quick.

6322497 Oh...came across as a dream to me. Ah well, no big.


Does Sunset automatically get to be a princess, or would she be suspended on the grounds of her past?

I actually have a nice answer to that question, I just wasn't able to come up with a good way to implement it in the story. I think your comment helped me getting some of the pieces together, though, so thank you for that. :raritywink:

*points at Author's Note*
If you want more, you'll have to NaG me some more.

6322644 No probelmo ;) Can't wait for more, then!

I think many of us Sunset fans have thoughts about this, especially when we see her with the Flaming Wings of Justice, I have yet to see some one write it down.

Oh yeah there is potential here... And personal headcanon talking here, with as much potential as in her blood.

Wow, this is really awesome so far! Please continue!:pinkiehappy:

Wait that was one of sunset's feathers wasn't it? huh interesting. apron reading the comment section lets see, having Celestia and Sunset reunite is a good idea (I really need to get that comic one of these days) let see um, Ya I don't think the fandom gave that place a name ether though I think it has one, if not I suppose "memory lane" is as good as any. hmm I guess have her reflect on her life perhaps.


Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.


Someone knows where this is going. Whether you know it or not. :trollestia:

Thank you. I hope to see it continue as well. :twilightsheepish:

*raises an eyebrow* I do? Ok well then better keep an eye on this.

:rainbowderp: ...Welp time to add a new story to my watch list, good start can't wait to see what happens next.


Duly noted. I was thinking about bringing Celestia into it, though I doubt she would know any more about it than Sunset does.

Since show canon is vague on this, it would be an excellent opportunity to present your own head canon on how alicorn ascension works.

Perhaps it involves the pony coming to a certain level of knowledge and understanding of a concept. This could be an aspect of nature (the sun, the moon, other elemental forces) or an emotion (love, friendship, hope, etc.).

Maybe Sunset ascended in the human world because it doesn't it doesn't require her to be in pony form or be able to use magic; only that she reach the level of enlightenment required. Perhaps something happened the day before she had the 'dream' that leads to her realization/epiphany. The ascension itself didn't have the same light show that Twilight's did because the EOH weren't directly involved in this one.

Just my 2 cents on this (and a bit of my own head canon) :twilightsmile:

I want to see an interaction between Celestia and sunset where Celestias.kind of like "I told you so", but at the same time Sunset's uneasy being her political equal.

Also, a bit of Luna and sunset hanging out, because sunset left before Luna's return and they don't know much about each other aside from what Sunset can notice from vice principal Luna.


Me neither. :derpytongue2:


Noted and taken into consideration. :pinkiesmile:

Wait...what?! WHAT?! You better explain how that works!


Well, as a hint, you should take a closer look at the small text in the first scene. :raritywink:

6328922 I got that but...I don't know, there is still plenty of explaining you need to do!



(If I can come up with an even better explanation than that, I'll put it in one of the next chapters. :derpytongue2: )


It's a valid question. And I really do hope that I can come up with an explanation before it's too late.

What I can promise, however, is this: Once I've written the prequel, you'll know about as much about how Sunset's ascension worked as you do about how Twilight's worked. :derpytongue2:

I'm not going to suggest anything and let inspiration hit you for the way how to finish this. I can be patient and wait for it, because i like this so far

Okay, I'll be honest and say that, at first, I was disgusted. Alicornification is becoming far too common in fan fiction. But then I started thinking about what qualifies one for such a thing. One requirement we know of is the creation of "new magic". Now, if we can take the My Past is not Today thing as canon, then Sunset had actually done this. She seemingly created a new branch of magic, what I am hesitantly dubbing Phoenix Magic, through her regret and determination to change.

Another thing is the ending of Rainbow Rocks. Sunset ended up adding to the Elements of Harmony, proof being the seventh color stripe that formed as they emitted the wave into the clouds. This could mean any number of things. Sunset is the unknown bearer of a seventh element. Sunset has a natural affinity for Harmony Magic, allowing her to add to the overall effect without destabilizing the entire magical structure. Or even the fact that she was likely meant for the Element of Magic before her corruption. All of these share one thing in common however. Sunset, who was disconnected from Pony Equestria for years, and her magic as a side effect, channeled Pony Equestrian magic, new Pony Equestrian magic, while still in Human Equestria.

Now we factor in the fact that, with her change and desire to learn about the Magic of Friendship, Sunset is on a parallel path to Twilight, it only makes sense that she would also attain Alicorn status through her apparent connection to Pony Equestrian magic. It just wouldn't show until she actually returned to Pony Equestria.

So yeah, long comment short, I think you're on to something here. I hope you continue it.

My idea is that she doesnt have allicorn magic some kind of phoenix magic but its your story good luck
With it

I´ll just go and sit down and... let this sink in. For a while.


Thank you for the comment. :twilightsmile:
The good news is, I got the second chapter just about planned out. The bad news is, I'm going to be away for a few days so it probably won't be finished before Sunday at earliest.


Thank you for the comment. It helped me a lot in ironing out some details for the rest of the story. :pinkiesmile:


Until the next movie comes out, this is both canon and not canon. Huh? Huh? Get it? :derpytongue2:


What I can promise, however, is this: Once I've written the prequel, you'll know about as much about how Sunset's ascension worked as you do about how Twilight's worked.

Why stop there? If you're feeling ambitious, you could work out a theory that works for all 3 ascensions (sunset, twilight and cadance).


I'm plenty ambitious, in that I want to write out the stories in my head. Getting side-tracked by things I've planned out is bad enough, I can't afford to get side-tracked by the few things I have no headcanon for, too. :facehoof:

Besides, we don't want this story to turn into a scientific report, do we? Because that might happen if Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle start talking about advanced magic theory. :rainbowhuh:

Best to stick to what you have planned then :twilightsmile: The 'alicorn ascension theory' thing might actually be better as the focus of a different story depending on where you plan on taking this one. I do think they'll at least try to figure out why Sunset ascended though.

Have someone pass out. It at least gives enough time for some form of further setup imo


Ahaaah-hahahahahah! :rainbowlaugh:

I have to tell you that I already got the outline for the next chapter together, and that I find your comment quite amusing for reasons that I won't spoil yet.

Well if you take the song sunset sang " my past is not today " sounds to me like she has finally forgiven herself for her past actions. Coupled with the idea that she is the hidden element of redemption might have lead her to transforming into an alicorn. Also in one of the mlp comics sunset sees herself as an alicorn in the portal mirror. What if sunset was born as an alicorn and celestia used her own alicorn powers to keep or disguise that part of sunset from the world and herself. Kinda how like professor X kept jean gray from becoming the phoenix in x-men


Heh. You're half right. :derpytongue2:


Interesting ideas. "Element of Redemption" isn't quite what I'm going with, but an interesting concept.
I think that picture in the mirror might've been more of a reference to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Either way, I doubt that Celestia would've disguised Sunset being an alicorn... for several reasons, the most logical of which would be that she didn't do anything like that with Princess Cadence (who I heard was ascended shortly after her birth according to the official books)

While Cadence ascended at a younger age than Twilight did, she did not ascend shortly after birth. The relevant book here would be Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell.

As for the mirror, I'm thinking its more that it showed Sunset a possible future/what she could potentially be rather then showing her true nature.

Ps Personally, if I were to assign her to an element, I would have made Sunset the Element of Hope. I think it fits with her character development:twilightsmile:

Just read these first two chapters- it's looking pretty fun so far! I'm rather enjoying how everyone's just rolling with it. And the scene were Celestia fainted made me giggle like an idiot. xD What a wonderful letter to receive from your fellow alicorn, haha. The scene with Celestia talking to her "plushie" was pretty cute though.

I do feel like the last few sections of this chapter were a bit to fast, especially with the last one being such a big announcement. It may have benefited from being a little bit drawn out to build tension and suspense, however that is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.

Writing was meh, but I'm interested.


You are completely right and I'm sad to say that "drawing things out" is something I've never managed and probably never will, for several reasons. I envy the writers who can, and I even more envy those writers who can do it while spending less time than me on their triple-size chapters.
The short end to this chapter was mainly because I felt that everything I write between that conversation of Celestia and Sunset and the press conference would just take away from the effect. In an episode, a cut like that wouldn't be unusual, either, and that's what I'm ultimately going for. If it helps, you can read the deleted scene I linked in the Author's Note.

On that note, you might be disappointed by the next chapter, as it will most likely be the epilogue to this story. That's partially because I've pretty much gotten through the core of this story's premise already and most of what's left is just SoL stuff (I wanted to tell you that you can get that from every other story of Sunset in Equestria, but ironically they all seem to cut it out, too), partially because half of the weekend they had is already over anyway, and partially because there are still a lot of other short stories to write for this and I want to get to them before the motivation wanes.

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