• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,141 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

Reporting in


The days seemed to fly by for Ericka now and even though Twilight had removed the waiting lines and elastic net from her home, she did like Ericka's method of keeping things organized and decided to keep the rules the dark blue Pegasus had implemented but we her own special twist.

At this very moment however a very annoyed Rainbow Dash stared at Ericka whom was stifling a laugh as the cyan blue Pegasus's entire hindquarters was bandaged up now. Save for a hole which allowed her tail to move freely. “I can explain! It was temporary insanity!” Ericka exclaimed defensively.

“If you didn't want me to practice my tricks near the library, you could have just said so ya know.” Rainbow Dash replied flatly.

“Okay, so the elastic net was a bit much, but hey I was driven crazy by the patrons.” Ericka replied doing her best to not burst out laughing.

“Whatever, lets just forget it and get to teaching you how to fly properly.” The cyan blue Pegasus replied with a scowl.

Just as Ericka was about to take off however, she noticed a red unicorn running up to her. “Listen, um, Cloudkicker was it? I need to talk to you.” Richard said in a slightly urgent tone.

“Come on, I don't have all day!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed impatiently.

“Just a moment.” Ericka replied then looked at Richard. “This had better be good.” Ericka replied in a whisper as she followed the red unicorn.


“So what's so urgent that you have to interrupt my flying lessons?” Ericka asked annoyed.

“It's commander Stillborn and the others. They heard about your outburst a month or so ago. They are getting worried that you're spending too much time in your pony body. They asked me to come and get you so you can give a full report on what you've learned.” Richard said in a worried tone.

“And if I don't?” Ericka replied with a slight glare now.

“They told me that if you didn't return to me or at least give confirmation to pull you out sometime soon, they were going to do so whether you want them to or not and pull the plug on your mission.” Richard replied to which Ericka's eyes widened in shock.

“Th-They wouldn't! That could possibly jeopardize the mission!” Ericka countered.

“At this point Ericka, they already feel like it's being jeopardized by your lack of reports over the last few months.” Richard replied followed by a sigh.

“Okay, Okay! Tell them to pull me out at exactly twelve mid-night tonight and I'll spend two days filling them in on everything I’ve learned.” Ericka replied looking slightly scared now.

“Alright.” Richard replied simply, turned around, walked a few feet, stopped, and turned around to face her again. “And Ericka, for the sake of this mission, I hope the report is very good.” Richard added after a few moments before he turned around once again and ran off.

“Yo, Cloudkicker! You wanna learn to fly better or not?” Rainbow Dash asked impatiently as she flew up to her now.

“Sorry Dashie, there's somewhere I gotta be, I’m gonna be ducking out a couple days.” Ericka replied hastily before she ran off towards Twilight’s house.

“What's up with her? Just a few minutes ago she was begging me to continue teaching her and now she suddenly has somewhere to be?” The cyan blue Pegasus asked aloud with a confused expression.

“You're spending the weekend with Pinkie Pie? But I thought you and Rainbow Dash were going to be getting your flying skills down?” Twilight asked with a perplexed expression as the dark blue Pegasus scrambled around the guest bedroom glancing up at the clock ever so often.

“Well, you know how Pinkie Pie can be. And she was really insisting on me being there for the whole weekend.” Erika replied in a hurried tone as she threw the last of the supplies into her saddle-packs and dashed out of the guest bedroom.

“Well have fun then. I'm not your mother so I’m not about to lecture you on what not to do with your time.” Twilight replied though she seemed unsure of why the dark blue Pegasus was suddenly changing her plans without any warning.

“Thanks for understanding Twilight, gotta go!” Ericka exclaimed as she rushed out of the library and took off from the ground towards Pinkie Pie's house.


“You need me to what?” The pink mare asked incredulously as Ericka put her things down in Pinkie Pie's room.

“Ugh, do I have to repeat myself? I need you to look after my pony body for a couple days. My superiors are breathing down my neck for answers and are threatening to pull the plug on the mission and if they do that, then my stay here in Ponyville is finito!” Ericka replied as she glanced up at the clock.

“Fin-whato?” Pinkie Pie asked looking completely confused now.

“Finished. It means I won't be able to come back to my pony body and I’ll never see you or anypony else ever again.” Ericka replied and laid down on the sleeping bag now.

“Oh! That would make me super sad!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a a frown.

“Your not the only one it would make super sad Pinkie. Now remember, until I come back to my pony body, no one is to see me, got it? I don't care if mayor mare herself comes banging on the door. If they find my pony body without me in it...Well you know how my body is when I’m not in it. I seem like I'm dead.” Ericka replied and looked up at the clock once again.

“Don't remind me, that was super scary.” The pink mare replied with a slight shudder.

“So you understand why they can't find me like this now right?” Ericka asked to which Pinkie Pie nodded.

Ericka gave one more glance at the clock and sighed. “Five minutes till.” Ericka replied with a frown.

“You'll come back won't you?” Pinkie Pie asked pouting after a few moments.

“Of course I will Pinkie.” Ericka replied with a smile and looked up at the clock. Sixty seconds. “See you later Pinkie and remember, no pony can see me like this.” Ericka replied, laid her head down and closed her eyes.

A short time later she felt the familiar passing out sensation.


“It's about time Private! I certainly hope you have one hell of a report for us or I'm pulling the plug on this field study.” Commander Stillborn said in a stern tone as Ericka sat up from the bed of the V-M-A device.

“I plan to report it in pony, erm, in person sir!” Ericka replied stumbling over her words slightly as she saluted him.

“Good to hear Private!” Stillborn replied, turned around, and walked away.

It all felt so surreal to Ericka now. She would have figured that she would have gotten used to the transition by now. But now, after being in her pony body at times for so long, she was actually starting to forget some of her basic human functions. She had almost actually fell to her hands no sooner she stepped out until a suspicions glance from Richard snapped her back to remembering she was human again.

“Wow, this is getting pretty bad.” Ericka remarked aloud in a worried tone once she realized that she was trying to open the bathroom door flat-handed as if she still had hooves until it finally occurred to her that she had fingers again.

After she had used the restroom she stepped out and looked at Richard whom wore a concerned expression now. “Are you okay?” Richard asked curiously.

“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?” Ericka lied.

“It's just that it seems that every time you step out of that V-M-A machine, you seem, well, less human.” Richard remarked.

“Oh come off it, I'm fine. You worry too much.” Ericka replied dismissively as she attempted to stretch her wings. Their absence made her hesitate, enough for Richard to grab onto her hand causing Erika to look back at him.

“Don't forget that you're only inhabiting a pony's body. You’re a human being, Ericka, remember that.” Richard said sternly yet it almost seemed like a threat.

In the next moment Ericka had twisted Richard's arm behind his back. “And you seemed to forget about my no touching rule!” Ericka exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Okay, Okay! I remember now! You're gonna break it!” Richard exclaimed in a pained tone at which point Ericka released him.

“See that you remember that.” Ericka replied with a glare before she walked away from him.


Ericka stepped into the base's meeting room which to her left has file cabinets which she assumed to be filled to the brim with files. To her right sat a white marker board and in the middle of the room sat a large oval table with chairs aligned around it neatly.

The cheery blond haired woman sat in the chair nearest to one of the ends of the table and a few minutes later commander still born entered followed by several scientists, one of which was Josh who all sat down in a seat and looked at her.

“Okay, so we'll start with the basic questions and work our way up, how does that sound Ericka?” Amie asked in a polite tone.

“Sounds good to me.” Ericka replied flatly. She couldn't wait till this was over and she could get back to spending time with Pinkie Pie and the others, but for now she was going to have to explain things the best she could to them.

“Very well, lets start with their society’s technological advancements.” Amie replied.

“Suffice it to say, they don't have many at all. Most of the homes I have seen are lit by candlelight. Though they do have modern structures and some modern technological items such as ovens, mixers and the like which while I do not know the exact source of energy that powers them, seems to...” Ericka began to say only to trail off. She was about to say “powered by magic” but they would call her crazy for it. “Seems to be by what, as their society views, is magic.” Ericka replied as she choose her words carefully as she spoke now.

“Do they have things like microwaves, dishwashers, or cars?” Josh asked curiously.

“No, as I said, they do not have much in the ways of modern technological advancements. And the types they have are scattered and random. I honestly can't tell you everything because I have yet to see it all. But I can with the utmost assurance, tell you that they do have modern technological items.” Ericka replied.

“Then how do the creatures do long distance travel? We have heard reports of some of them traveling by...” Amie began to say only to trail off as she flipped pages of what could be none other than Richard's reports. “...Air. How do they accomplish this? Or do you know?” Amie asked curiously.

“By flying them around. I do know that Twilight, which is the name one of the pony's I am in constant contact with, mentioned traveling by carriage to Canterlot at times which was flown by two Pegasus'.

“Pegasus?” Amie asked curiously.

“That is what the winged ponies call themselves, that is also the breed of pony that I am-erm, inhabiting when I am among them.” Ericka replied and mentally kicked herself for slipping up like that. She was sure they would take note of her exact wording in that statement.

“And how do they fly? As you above all people should know, the Pegasus as you call them, have feathered wings. With no wind current on the planet due to the lack of oxygen, it's not scientifically possible. Can you explain how they manage it without this essential requirement?” Josh asked curiously as he adjusted his glasses while he looked at her.

“I'm afraid I can not.” Ericka replied honestly.

“But our report says that you have managed to attain flight as a Pegasus. Surely you have some kind of explanation as to how they achieve it.” Josh asked curiously as he looked at her.

Ericka had one alright, but they would never believe it. Magic, the innate magic inside of all Pegasus that allows them to fly, move clouds, and walk on them. “You little bastard...” Ericka thought to herself in a pissed off tone as she looked at Josh whom simply smiled either knowing she had no real explanation for this, or knew she did but it would make her out to be some kind of mental patient.

“We're waiting on that explanation Ericka.” Stillborn chimed in after a few minutes of silence.

“I would like to request that we post-pone this meeting Commander, I am exhausted from my time in the creature's body and would like a night to recover before we continue.” Ericka said after a few more moments of silence.

Stillborn looked at her as if he was debating on whether or not to allow this until he let out a dejected sigh. “Very well, this meeting is post-poned until twelve-noon tomorrow.” Stillborn said simply, stood up, and left the room as did all the other scientists other than Josh whom simply grinned at her.

“I look forward to your, most informative explanation tomorrow Ericka.” Josh said at which point Ericka balled up her fist and would have socked him square in the face if not for her sense of judgment of the situation had not kicked in.

“I don't know what your game plan is Josh, I don't know what you exactly know about Pegasus. But if you know what I think you do, then you know I can't tell the truth and not look like a laughing stock or worse, a mental patient.” Ericka said in a low tone, the anger in her voice seething out like a deadly gas.

Josh simply said nothing and continued to grin at her. It took every fiber of Ericka's being not to pummel the shit out of the man here and there and instead walked out of the meeting room and to her room at which point she punched the wall as hard as she could several times not caring if she had possibly broke a few knuckles in the process.


“What the fuck am I going to do? I'm fucked if I tell them the truth and I’m fucked if I don't!” Ericka exclaimed as she sat in the mess hall with Richard as he ate his evening meal.

“If you know how Pegasus' can fly, then what's the problem?” Richard asked curiously as he downed what looked to Ericka like three day old spaghetti.

“Oh come the fuck on Richard, you've been in that world, you know there is a ton of shit that can't be explained with modern science!” Ericka exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Sure there is.” Richard replied simply and took bite of his bread.

“Really? Then explain away Mr. genius.” Ericka deadpanned with a annoyed expression.

“N-Now?” Richard asked with his mouth full and nearly sputtered out food in the process of speaking.

“No, tomorrow. yes now, you moron!” Ericka exclaimed clearly pissed off now by Richard's lack of belief in how Equestria works even though he's seen it for himself firsthand.

“Well, I can't right now. I just don't know enough to be able to.” Richard replied defensively.

“Or maybe...” Ericka replied intentionally trailing off. “ooh, gasp! Magic?” Ericka exclaimed in a hushed whisper followed by yet another mock gasp as she placed her hands on each cheek in mock shock and surprise. “Oooh, what a concept!” Ericka continued on with her mocking rant now.

“But guess what? If I say that, then I may as well take a knife to my pony body because I’m never returning to it!” Ericka said keeping up her mock explaining until her final sentence at which point her expression turned to pissed off as she slammed both hands on the table and glared at Richard.

“Well don't take it out on me! It's not my fault you spent so much time in that pony body that you were put on the spot like this.” Richard replied annoyed as he stood up, picked up his tray, and walked away from Ericka.

As much as the woman wanted to wallop him for that remark, he was right. She had gotten so wrapped up in living with Twilight, learning to fly, and spending time with Pinkie that she had not bothered to report in regularly. The woman sat down in her chair and sighed. “What would Pinkie Pie say right now?” Ericka asked herself with yet another sigh as she remembered her conversations with the hyperactive mare.


“ -and I can get my hooves off the ground now, but learning the basics of flying is hard!” Ericka exclaimed in a frustrated tone as Pinkie Pie put a tray of cupcake batter into the oven, turned the dial up to the usual temp, set the timer, and turned to face her.

“You said you flew those things called jets right?” Pinkie Pie replied casually as she walked over to the counter in the kitchen now, picked up a cake mix with both hooves, poured some in, set it down, walked over to the fridge, and opened it up to grab the milk out with her mouth.

“Well, yeah. But I don't see how that's going to help me. In a jet, there are instruments, buttons, and a control stick to maintain flight and all that. As a Pegasus, I don't know how to make this blasted body do anything I could do in a jet. And I don't think unlearning everything is going to help me this time either.” Ericka replied flopped onto her rump and sighed.

Pinkie walked over to the counter, sat the milk down, and sat on her on rump with a thoughtful expression now. “hmm...” She said aloud as she tapped a hoof on her chin until her eyes lit up. “Say, do you have that everything in that jet thingy you flew memorized?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

“Well yeah, I mean you pretty much had to. If I had a console in front of me, I could tell what everything did and even now to do some mid-air tricks in it. But I don't see how knowing this can help me.” Ericka replied in a confused tone.


Ericka's eyes lit up as she had an Epiphany. “That's it! Pinkie Pie, you're a freaking genius!” Ericka exclaimed aloud without meaning to, rushed out of the mess hall, and to her room to prepare herself for tomorrow.


“And so, in conclusion, Pegasus’ create these mysterious energy waves they, to all intensive purposes, believe to be magic. They then ride on these waves in same way as a Jet creates waves of heated air to propel itself along.” Ericka finished her explanation with a diagram of a jet plane in front of her on the white-board and looked at the Stillborn and Amie who seemed satisfied with this report while Josh literally broke his pencil in anger as he glared at Ericka whom simply grinned from ear to ear at him.

“Well, I must say I find your comparison between a jet and the Pegasus as you call them, very intriguing. I believe that is enough information for now Ericka. I look forward to your next report.” Amie remarked as she stood up and left the room.

“You nearly bit the bullet Airfreed, but you pulled through in the end. Well done Private.” Stillborn remarked as he stood up himself and began to leave the room.

“Thank you sir!” Ericka exclaimed with prim and proper salute.

“Humph, the others may have bought your little presentation, but I don't believe a single bit of it. I don't know how you managed it, but you got lucky!” Josh remarked aloud with a glare as he stood up himself and left the room.

“And I owe it all to you Pinkie. If you hadn't talked to me about those jets and gave me the idea to compare the two, I would have been toast.” Ericka thought to herself with a smile and left the room herself with a skip in her step.


“Oh come on Pinkie! I just wanna talk to her!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in annoyance as the pink mare was doing everything in her power to hold the cyan blue Pegasus back from the door to her room.

“She's sleeping! She told me she doesn't want anypony to disturb her!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed through gritted teeth as she held onto Rainbow Dash's tail.

“In the middle of the day?! Don't sell me that load of horseapples Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash replied with a glare as she continued to inch towards the door.

“But she really is!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed still doing her best to hold the cyan blue Pegasus back by the tail until she abruptly yanked her tail out of the pink mare's mouth and opened the door much to her horror.

“Wait, I can explain!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a panicked tone as she ran into the room to see Ericka looking up at Rainbow Dash with an annoyed expression.

“Geez, can't a mare get some sleep? I was up all night last night!” Ericka exclaimed with a glare.

“Oh, sorry! Pinkie didn't tell that. I'll leave then.” The cyan blue Pegasus replied with a sheepish smile as she backed out of the room and left.

“You're back! So how did the whole reporting to your superiors thing go?” Pinkie Pie asked as she hugged Ericka tightly.

“Heh, if it wasn't for you Pinkie, I probably wouldn't have been able to come back here.” Ericka replied with a warm smile.

“Really? What did I do?” The pink mare asked with a perplexed expression now.

Ericka simply giggled at her and smiled even more so now if possible. “I'll explain later, right now I’m starving!”