• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,141 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...




“Something's wrong!” Richard exclaimed as the V-M-A device began to beep erratically and he attempted to pull her out only for it to scream some strange error message at him.



“What the fuck does that mean?! Stillborn must know the override codes or something!” Richard exclaimed as he looked at the screen then turned around, put an oxygen mask on, and ran out to go and get Stillborn only for a blue pony sitting on the ground to catch his eye.

“E-Ericka?” Richard asked in shock as he ran up to her yet she did not respond.

“Uh,uh,uh,uhhhh...” Was all that come out of the dark blue Pegasus's mouth as she stared blankly forward and seemed to not even acknowledge the fact that Richard was shaking her at this point.

“Ericka, say something!” Richard exclaimed as he looked at her. Yet as he stared at her, he saw her eyes, they looked empty.

“Uhh,uhhhhh,uh,uhhhh....” Was the only thing that came out of Ericka's mouth once again. It was as if she was alive yet none of the lights were on upstairs. This worried Richard more than anything.

Richard gave a look around himself now and realized that something had been moved recently. “I'm never going to figure out what happened here like this.” Richard remarked and ran back into the lab now.

“The only way I'm going to be able to know what happened is in my pony body. I just hope Josh hadn't disposed of it yet.” Richard thought to himself as he laid inside of the V-M-A device and closed the door.


“Where the hell am I?!” Richard thought to himself as he looked about himself and gave a mighty buck which caused wood to splinter and break in front of him.

“What was that?! Check it out!” Josh's voice could be heard exclaiming at which point Richard channeled magic into his horn and disappeared in a flash of magic and reappeared some distance away but still within earshot.

“Professor Josh, the unicorn body is gone!” One of the scientists exclaimed.

“That idiot Richard must have found Ericka and jumped into the V-M-A device. I knew I should have shut those things down before we left. Oh well, keep it moving people! We need to get to the underground lab before Celestia arrives and destroys the base. Once she realizes she's not there, she will surely come looking for us and we can not assume she does not know this area just because it's a location none of their kind bother to go to.” Josh said in a matter of fact tone as the large cargo truck continued to move followed by two more.

Princess Luna is in one of those cargo trucks, but which one?” Richard thought to himself and cast a scanning spell on each of the trucks until he detected an unusual kind of magic. “Bingo.” Richard thought to himself and disappeared in a flash of magic and reappeared in front of Luna who gawked at him curiously.

“And who might thou be?” Luna asked curiously.

“You don't know me, but I'm friends with Ericka. What happened to her? I found her outside the base and she looked as if she was brain-dead or something.” Richard replied to which the moon princess gave a sigh of relief.

“So she lives, we are pleased to hear this.” Princess Luna replied with a smile.

“What happened to her?” Richard asked again.

“There is no time to explain, but know this. The creature know as Josh has a vile plan to create an army of my kind. You must alert my sister to this at once!” Luna exclaimed in a whisper.

“Let me get you out of here first!” Richard exclaimed and began to look around the steel cage.

“There is no way to free us from this prison. It is powered by a vile magic. Quickly, go and warn our sister!” Luna exclaimed in the same whisper to which Richard nodded and disappeared in a flash of magic.



“Where is Pinkie Pie? We sitting here on the verge of all out war and she's no where to be found?” Twilight remarked aloud in a stressed tone as she rushed about the library.

“Maybe she, um, followed Cloudkicker?” Fluttershy suggested meekly.

“Get it right Fluttershy, that wasn't a pony, that creature's name was Ericka. A two legged creature from another planet who somehow used magic to inhabit that pony body. The Princess told us herself remember?” Twilight remarked as she ran to the next book shelf.

“I'm Sorry. I just um, didn't think she was that bad of a pony.” Fluttershy replied meekly.

“She's not a pony Fluttershy! She never was...” Rainbow Dash pipped up now as she sat in a corner looking away from everyone else.

“Rainbow, darling, I know this must be hard for you, but-”

“Just... Just don't Rarity.” The cyan blue Pegasus said cutting off the white unicorn before she could finish her sentence to which she sighed.

“As for what ya said about her followin Ericka, ah hope not. Last thing we need is another one of us gettin hog tied and held hostage.” Applejack said simply.

“Ericka is innocent!” Pinkie Pie's voice erupted followed by a ramble that could not be understood by the five as she barreled through the front door of Twilight's library.

“What in tarnation are you goin about thar Pinkie? Slow down thar surgarcube.” Applejack asked confused.

“Do I have to repeat myself? Geez!” Pinkie Pie replied in an annoyed tone and repeated what she had said before but more slowly and understandable now.

“Pinkie, we know you were close to her. How do we know you aren't just making this up because you want things to go back to how they were?” Rarity asked curiously after hearing the full account of what the pink mare had to say.

“She's telling the truth.” A voice said which caused everypony to look once again at the door and see a red unicorn standing there.

“Stiffhorn?” Pinkie Pie asked as her face lit up at the sight of him.

“And how would you know?” Twilight asked as she narrowed her eyes at the red unicorn.

“Because I'm one of them as well, we were both betrayed along with our superior. My real name is Richard.” Richard replied at which point everypony in the room stared at him in shock.

“Is Ericka okay? When I saw her she...she wasn't moving.” Pinkie Pie asked though the news of Richard being the same as Ericka still was at the front of her mind, her concern for the dark blue Pegasus was a greater worry right now.

“She's alive, if you call the state she's in being alive.” Richard replied and sighed heavily.

“So what Pinkie Pie just told us is the truth and that means...” Twilight remarked aloud with a worried expression but trailed off.

Suddenly a cloud cluttering could be heard which caused everypony's attention to snap to Rainbow Dash who was crying now. “The last thing I said to her was calling her a traitor...” Rainbow Dash remarked aloud as her hoof shook violently against the bookshelf.

“But she's alive Dashie!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smile.

“Richard, just what state is Ericka in right now? What you said about her didn't sit well with me.” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“See for yourself.” Richard replied and teleported the six of them to the spot where Ericka sat in Everfree forest.

“You're gonna have to teach me how you managed that after this is over.” Twilight remarked in awe of the red unicorn's magical skill until her eyes fell upon Ericka.

“Ericka, say something!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she shook the dark blue Pegasus.

“uhhh...” Was all that came from Ericka's mouth however at which point Pinkie Pie looked at Richard. “That meanie pants Josh did this didn't he?” Pinkie Pie said in a saddened tone.

“Yeah. I don't know what to do for her, but what I can tell you is this. Princess Luna is being shipped off to some secret lab deep in the Everfree forest. You need to go tell Princess Celestia what's happening and stop her from destroying the base. Because if she does...” Richard began to say only to trail off though he didn't need to state it outright as it was more than obvious.

“There's no way we'll be able to reach her in time. It takes a day to reach Canterlot by train and there is no way to teleport there as it's protected by a powerful magic.” Twilight replied then looked to the base now at which point her expression turned into a smile.

“Twi, ya can't beh thinkin of what ah think ya are. Are ya?” Applejack remarked with a worried expression now.

“If you know what I’m thinking Applejack, then you better be ready.” Twilight replied as she stepped in front of the other five. “Okay everypony. We can't alert the Princess before she charges down here so we're going to stand right in front of this base and protect it! Is everypony with me?” Twilight asked with a proud smile.

“But how can you six stand up to an Alicorn?!” Richard asked incredulously.

“We're the elements of harmony, we hold the most powerful magic known to ponykind. We'll be able to stop her alright.” Twilight replied looking at Richard as she said this then back to the other five.

“You mean, we're going to be defying the princess?” Rarity asked with a face that was whiter than usual to which the unicorn nodded. “And we're going to be using the very power she bestowed on us against her?” Rarity asked looking even more pale now and upon seeing the unicorn nod literally fainted on the spot with a faint thud.

“Ah call ya plum crazy, but ah'm with ya.” Applejack replied with a smile of her own.

“I'll do my very best!” Fluttershy exclaimed with a smile of her own.

“You know I'm in! Let's party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly.

It was at this point the other five looked to the cyan blue Pegasus whom now had a hoof on Ericka's cheek as the dark blue Pegasus moaned aloud incoherently then looked at the other five. “For Ericka, if it meant protecting her, I’d eat lava, lets do this.” Rainbow Dash replied in a solemn tone as she looked at her once more and walked over to the Twilight whom looked at Richard.

“You need to get to the Princess Luna and free her, can you do that?” Twilight asked as she looked at the red unicorn.

“Heh, Can Pegasus' fly?” Richard replied with a grin which left Twilight with a confused look on her face until she finally caught on. “Oh! A rhetoric question! I get it, hehe, good luck!” Twilight replied with a smile.

“There is someone I want you all to meet first though.” Richard replied to which the six gave curious glances


“Wow, I've never see them this up close before.” Stillborn remarked aloud in shock as he stared at the six ponies as Richard stood next to him.

“Yeah, these six will be guarding the base while I go and look for Princess Luna.

“Can they understand us?” Rarity asked curiously to which Twilight gave an non-verbal shrugging gesture.

Pinkie Pie however walked up to Richard and stared at him. “Is that really you Richard?” Pinkie Pie asked as she looked at Richard whom smiled and placed a hand on her cheek.

“Yeah, it's me Pinkie. I know I can't understand you like this but, the look in your eyes spoke to me I guess.” Richard replied as he smiled at her.

Without thinking the pink mare kissed Richard on the cheek at first then moved in to attempt to lock lips with him much to Stillborn's and everypony's shock. She was successful, but it looked very awkward from the other five's point of view.

“Oooo-kay! Ah think ah'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air.” Applejack remarked nervously as she quickly walked away to which the other five followed suit.

“I-I'm gonna follow them. Ahem!” Stillborn remarked in the same nervous tone as Applejack had and quickly followed the other five while Richard and Pinkie Pie continued to make out.



“I'll be back with Princess Luna as soon as possible.” Richard said as he stood before the six once again in his unicorn body, broke into a sprint, and disappeared in a flash of magic.

“What is that smell?” Stillborn remarked allowed as he looked around.

“Come to think of it, that human has a point. What is that consarned smell?” Applejack remarked with a curious expression now until her gaze fell upon Pinkie Pie as did the other five whom looked a little pale at the moment.

“Pinkie, what did you-”

“Looky! It's the princess!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed cutting off Twilight now as she pointed a hoof in the other direction.

Sure enough Princess Celestia was marching down the path now along with a force of what could possibly be fifty armored stallions.

“Get ready everypony!” Twilight exclaimed as she stood in place as did the other five.

“Dodged the parasprite there Pinkie, you naughty mare.” Rainbow Dash remarked in a whisper with a smirk as she stood next to Pinkie Pie whom blushed crimson red upon hearing this.

“I'll be inside! Good luck to you all!” Stillborn exclaimed as he ran inside the lab building.

“Twilight Sparkle and friends, what in Equestria are you doing here?” Princess Celestia asked with a curiously glance.

“Please listen to me Princess! There has been a mistake! Ericka is innocent!” Twilight exclaimed as she looked at the sun goddess.

“I wish I could believe you, but I can not, now please step aside.” Princess Celestia said in a polite tone yet the six did not move.

“But princess-!”

“I said, move aside.” Twilight began to only for the Alicorn to cut her off and repeat herself but this time her voice was stern and threatening.

It now become clear to the purple unicorn that her mentor was past the point of listening to reason. Twilight then took a deep breath and let it out. “No.”

“What did you say?” The sun goddess asked as she narrowed her eyes at her star pupil.

“Princess, you gave us the elements of harmony to maintain peace and harmony in Equestria. And that's just what we are going to do here today. If you refuse to listen to reason then we will just have to stop you ourselves! Everypony, now!” Twilight exclaimed as her crown appeared on her head as did the elements of harmony around the other five's necks and combined their element's power and created a magical rainbow colored shield in front of them.

“So, you have decided to betray me and all of Equestria for humans. I had thought I taught you better than that my student, it seems I was mistaken.” Princess Celestia remarked aloud with her eyes closed and snapped them open. “Unicorn's at the ready!” The Alicorn ordered to which several unicorns ran up front and channeled magic into their horns.

“Whoa nelly...” Applejack remarked in a worried tone as she looked to her friends then back at the unicorn squad now as they prepared to fire beams of magic at the shield.