• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 3,913 Views, 48 Comments

Did We? - Lux

What happened that led you to wake up next to Pinkie Pie with no memory of how it happened?

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The doors opened to the bakery as Pinkie Pie led you in. True to your memories, the bakery looked the same from the day before. Along the walls were metal shelves filled with breads, cakes, and other small treats. In the center there were several round tables piled with cakes and pies. Near the back wall there sat a counter with a cash register and a window that gave a view of the bakery kitchen, which now looked strangely empty.

“Are you starting to remember now?” Pinkie asked, “Or is your brain still mushy?”

“I remember seeing this room and walking up to this counter,” you said as you retraced your steps from the door to the next destination, “and that’s when I met you. I asked if anyone was there and you popped out from behind the desk surprised me. Kind of scared me too a little.”
“The look on your face was priceless!” Pinkie said with a giggle as she sauntered behind the counter, “That’s was the whole plan of hiding behind the counter: to surprise you! Well that and I had to tie my shoe. Alright so you remember that you were here to get a cake for your parents’ anniversary. Anything else you remember?”

She leaned over on the counter, her generous chest spilling onto the yellow laminated wood as she cradled her chin with her hands as if eagerly awaiting your response. Looking into those blue eyes once again made you feel like you wanted to try your best to remember, as if there was some important moment that started the entire chain of events leading up to you waking up next to her. Yet try as best as you could, all you found there was a hole.

“Sorry Pinkie Pie, but I can’t remember,” you said with a sigh, “But whatever it was that was said I’m sure it was great enough to start the day with you.”

“Yeah, it was,” she said as it looked like the air had been taken out of the pink girl’s bubbly personality for a moment before she perked up, “Oh well, you’ll get it eventually! I have no doubt you will!”

“Pinkie Pie?” a male voice could be heard as a man dressed in an apron with a small hat appeared from the kitchen, “I didn’t know you were coming here today. You’re off on the weekends.”

“I know Mr. Cake, but I’m helping my friend here try to remember something, so we’re retracing his steps.”

“Well I can tell you that the cake you ordered for your parents’ anniversary is ready. All it needs is icing.”

“Thanks Mr. Cake!” Pinkie Pie said, “Hey that gives me an idea. Wanna help me ice the cake?”

“Um…I’m not a great baker actually,” you said not wanting to ruin the cake that Pinkie Pie spent so much time making.

“Oh I think you’re better than you give yourself credit,” Pinkie Pie said, “and it’s not like you’ll be doing this alone. I’ll be right there to guide you. So, feel up to helping me?”

“I guess I can try it.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie Pie said as she again grabbed you and pulled you into the kitchen shouting, “Bye Mr. Cake. I promise that everything will be back to normal when I leave.”

You entered a room that was filled with an entire selection of ovens, mixers and tables for preparing cakes and other goodies. Pinkie Pie let go of your hand as she rushed over towards a refrigerator and produced a tray with a round chocolate cake on it. It wasn’t finished, having no icing on it, but you knew that was about to change. The pink girl then dashed over to the other fridge and pulled out a container of icing, several icing bags that contained different colors, and an icing spatula.

“Ok, got everything I needed. You want the cake to be chocolate with chocolate icing, right?”

“Right, how did you remember my order without looking at a paper?”

“It’s a talent of mine to remember lots of things like names and events and even cake orders! Alright, time for your lesson! First, we pour out the chocolate icing! Can you help me with this container?”

You went to one side as Pinkie moved to the other as you picked up the plastic barrel and tipped it towards the cake. Soon a stream of chocolate poured out onto the top of the cake, forming a big glob.

“That looks like enough,” Pinkie said as she and you set the container back down but not before she realized that the two of you were touching each other’s hands. It put a smile on the girl’s face as she said, “Alright, now we have this big glob of icing and we need to spread it out with this spatula. So just going around the cake like you’re painting it and make sure everything is nice and even.”

She handed you the spatula as you set to work under Pinkie’s watchful eye spreading the chocolate over the cake. It was pretty easy doing so, easier than you imagined it to be. All the while though you realized how impressed you were with Pinkie Pie. She could have easily rushed you through learning, but instead she simply stood there and patiently waited as you finished. It wasn’t that she seemed to be a type to hurry, but it reminded you that she did care about you despite just meeting yesterday.

“Nice job!” she said, “Looks like you have some baking talent after all! Not for the final part, icing some words on the cake! Now, what color would you like for the lettering?”

“How about blue?”

“That’s perfect for a chocolate cake! Funny, that was what I was thinking! Now go grab that icing bag with the blue in it.”
You did as she asked standing in front of the cake as you waited for the next command. Instead of a command you heard someone step behind you as two pink hands covered yours with the lightest of touch.

“I’m going to help you with this part,” Pinkie whispered in your ear as her pink hair brushed up against your face, “You want it to say Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, right?”


“Ok. I’m going to guide your hands and all you have to do is squeeze the bag. It doesn’t have to be too hard as the icing will run out at even a moderate touch. If you’re ready, here we go.”

Your arms worked in unison as you squeezed the icing bag and applied the first letter on the chocolate cake, then another, and another. Pretty soon you had your first word “Happy” on it and it looked very nicely done. As you moved to the next and largest word, you felt Pinkie Pie rest her chin on your shoulder and her chest pressed against your back as she guided you along. Rather than being embarrassed at being so close to a person you hardly knew you felt actually good being like this, like it was meant to be that you two met. You even imagined you and her making cake together in your own apartment and having fun.

“And we’re done!” Pinkie announced as she let go of you, “Wasn’t that fun?”

“Yeah, it was actually. You know, it wasn’t that hard at all.”

“See what did I tell you? And the cake looks great! I’ll just put it back into the fridge and you can pick it up tomorrow.”


“Of course silly! You didn’t think we spent the whole day here, did you? We need to go to the next place that the two of us went.”

“Where’s that?” you asked thinking of all the possible places that you could have gone with her but still finding that ever-present hole.

“Why the county fair of course! Help me clean up and we’ll get going.”

The two of you put away the frosting bags and icing container, leaving the spatula. Before you could take it you watched Pinkie Pie lick the chocolate icing from it.

“What?” she asked seeing your surprised reaction, “can’t waste good icing, can you. Wanna try some? I only licked the one side. I’m not sick or anything like that.”

Without giving it a second thought, you licked the side of the spatula closest to you saying, “Tastes really good this way.”

“I know, right!” Pinkie said as she finished the last of the icing, only to have a piece of chocolate barely clinging to the spatula suddenly fall off and land right in her cleavage.



“You got something… um… down there.”

“Down where?” she said as she looked around until sporting the dark brown on her pink skin, “Oh, there it is. Things get lost down there all the time. Want the last piece?”

“I think I’ll pass,” you replied as if trying it would remind you where it was.

“Suit yourself,” Pinkie said as she plucked the piece from her cleavage and ate it, “Alright, I’ll wash the spatula and we’ll get going. That is unless you want to still stare at my chest.”

“What? No…I’m not staring there… at your chest.”

“Relax, you wouldn’t be the first. I know how I look and I’m not ashamed of it. If you got something, you have to flaunt it, right?”
“I guess so,” you said trying to distract yourself from staring.

“But I look good, right?”

There was no way around diverting yourself from the question and the last thing you wanted to do was lie to Pinkie Pie.

“You’re a very pretty girl,” you said, “In fact that’s the first thing I remembered about yesterday, meeting you here and how you seemed to light up the room.”

“Awww… you’re so sweet!” she said giving you a hug, “You know, I meet lots of people here, but you were one of the first people that made me really take notice. That’s a good trait. Anyway, let’s go! We got a fun day at the fair planned!”