• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 3,918 Views, 48 Comments

Did We? - Lux

What happened that led you to wake up next to Pinkie Pie with no memory of how it happened?

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

You glanced at your watch as you made your way down the endless paths of vendors and food stalls. Up until now, the now purple and red sky and the lights of the carnival rides the only indication of what time it was. But now, you saw in the lights of the tents and buildings around you the hands of the clock that spelled out eight o’clock.

“Um… Pinkie?” you said to the girl who had her arms full of bags from vendors and a cotton candy ball on a stick that matched her pink hair.
“Yes?” she said as she ripped a piece of the fluffy sugar from the ball and stuffed it into her mouth.

“You know that it’s eight o’clock, right?”

“Of course I do silly!”

“Then you know we’ve been here over seven hours.”

“Well, when we visited here yesterday, we were only here for four hours, and there was so much more to see and do! I kind of felt like we were being created, but now we had double the fun! You didn’t have any plans today, right?”

“Not at all,” you said with a smile while patting her shoulder. Before meeting her, time was always something you watched like a hawk. Your days ran on schedules and to do lists and any deviation from them made you quickly try and recover what time you could. But when you were with Pinkie Pie, time didn’t matter. The world and all its cares seemed to melt away when you were with her. You didn’t need a fair or a bakery to have fun, just the two of you together.

“Alright, let’s get going,” Pinkie said dragging you towards the exit.

“Where are we going?”

“To the next stop to help with your memories silly! I actually planned on staying here this long so that when we left it would be the same time we did so yesterday. Of course I wanted to spend lots of time with my boyfriend as much as possible too!”

With that she leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek which warmed you insides and sent your heart beating. Without giving it a second thought, you decided to return the favor, but as you leaned in to kiss her she turned towards you and instead of kissing her on the cheek your two lips met! Pinkie’s eyes went wide at first but then her entire body relaxed as she dropped her bags and her prized cotton candy and wrapped her arms around you tightly. The two of you remained that way until you let go, the sugary taste of her kiss lingering on your mouth.
“That was…wow,” Pinkie said for once at a loss of words, “You know I love sweets and things, but you kiss is the best thing I’ve ever tasted!”
“I wanted to share how much I cared about you,” you said trying to make it like it was planned rather than a happy accident.

“Oh you don’t have to tell me that,” she said to me running her fingers through your hair before collecting her things on the ground, “you showed me plenty of that last night. And speaking of last night, we better get going.”

As you returned to her car and began the drive to the next unknown location, your mind returned to that question that started the day, “Did we?” You still didn’t know the rest of the day before, and now as the moment approached closer you were desperate to know. Pinkie Pie’s comment about you showing her plenty only brought the question to light more. It was only Pinkie’s cheerful singing that set your mind from being consumed by the question. The more you watched her in the driver’s seat, the more that you wondered if it really mattered what you did or didn’t do. What mattered was that you enjoyed being with the pink girl, and being with her more and more only increased that joy.

“Here we are,” Pinkie said as she pulled up alongside a cub in the city. The streets were buzzing with life and fun as the two of you got out.

“So, where to next?”

“Well, look over there,” she said pointing to the car next door.

“Hey, that’s my car,” you said seeing the familiar red coupe.

“Do you remember anything about where you are?” she asked while waving her arm across the scene. In that moment you thought about the place as a flashback entered your mind.

“I remember the two of us going to a club here,” you said, “We were walking down the street from my car, although I don’t remember seeing yours.”

“Looks like your mind is almost fixed,” she said with a giggle, “See, I knew you’d get it. All you needed was me to help you. That’s what’s great about friendships and relationships, not completing the other but helping each other and loving each other completely. Anyway, our next stop is the club.”

With a short trip down the street past restaurants and happy people, you reached a simple looking building with the name of the club illuminated by LED lights: Amnesia. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony as Pinkie gave you a confused look. It was only when you pointed up at the sign that she burst out laughing as the two of you entered the place. It was a nice club with a raised seating area and bar that formed a horseshoe and a dance floor accessed by ramps where the music was already pulsing through the place and the lights dashing from one part of the darkened club to another.

“I’m going to get a drink,” you said, “Do you want one.”

“Woah there tiger,” Pinkie said, “I’ll get the drink. Last night when we were here you had a little too much.”

“What do you mean by a little?”

“A few shots and a cocktail,” she said remembering, “Yeah, you’re kind of a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Don’t worry, I’m kind of too. It’s all about pacing yourself. So, have a seat and I’ll get you one.”

You took a seat as you watched her perfectly proportioned backside vanish into the darkness, thinking about how lucky you were to find her. You weren’t one to believe in love at first sight, but tonight you were willing to believe in anything with Pinkie being here.
“Alright, got the drinks,” she said setting one down in front of you that was way bigger than a cocktail glass, “hope you like Long island Iced Tea.”

“Thanks. Um.. Pinkie? I don’t think I can drink this by myself.”

“You don’t have to. See the two straws? We drink together!”

The two of you sipped the drinks as you were washed by the music and lights that pulled the two of you towards the stage. Eventually the two of you abandoned your seat and made your way hand in hand to the dance floor as the two of you moved to the beat. Pinkie Pie was by far the better dancer, knowing how to use every part of her body to put on a show for you. You weren’t one to dance in public, but Pinkie’s smile and taking her by the hand you twirled and danced together like you’ve been doing so for months.

“Alright, we’re going to slow the beat down so you couples can get close,” the DJ said as she lights dimmed and the music played a soothing beat about love. The two of you wrapped your hands around each other’s waists as Pinkie’s generous chest squished up against your body like a fluffy pillow. The two of you swayed and danced in a circle as one again the world melted away. Even with the song fading into silence the two of you remained in the same position.

“Pinkie, thank you,” you said.

“I know what you’re going to say,” she said looking into your eyes, “and you’re welcome and thank you too. Now let’s get another drink. The dancing has made me thirsty.”

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: There was in my area a night club called Amnesia that closed long before I could be allowed in a night club.

Alright all, we're reaching the end of the tale soon. I estimate that there are two or three chapters left before the ending.