• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,067 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

  • ...

Chapter Twelve

Tiffany circled around the sky, looking around. She finally landed near the rest of the Princess Ponies and the Bushwoolies accompanying them. "Ponyville is just ahead!" she announced, rearing up on her hindlegs and pointing down the road. "We'll be there in no time!"

Starburst sighed in relief. "Thank goodness for that!" She raised a foreleg and looked down at the bottom of the hoof. "My toes and pads are positively aching!" She winced as she placed it back on the dirt road. "Why can't they get these roads paved yet, like Canterlot, Manehattan or Neighpon?"

Tiffany chuckled at her old friend. "Maybe we should get out of the castle a few more times a year. Although Hoofinton was a rather nice town. The inn had a most entertaining act in that blue unicorn and her pegasus partner. A shame it was so late and we missed the first act of their performance."

Sparkle shrugged. "A bit too improvised for my taste, but otherwise enjoyable." She looked down the road and squinted, her horn glowing. "I sense a large concentration of ponies down the road, along with structures." The horn stopped glowing and she smiled. "Yes, Ponyville is right ahead."

Primrose snorted. "We can see the buildings at the edge of the horizon, Sparkle. No need for any fancy magic to sense that." She kicked at the road, digging into the road and sending up a cloud of dust. "Now let's go!"

The Princess Ponies continued their journey down the road, coming up on a heavily-laden cart being pulled by a huge red stallion with a green apple sliced in half for a cutie mark and a stalk of hay between his lips. A much smaller stallion with a tan coat and three horseshoes walked by his side, while a mare with a light-orange coat and three apples for a cutie mark with a hat tipped over her eyes tended to the cart.

Tiffany landed beside them. "Excuse me," she said, getting their attention. "I was just wondering how far ahead Ponyville is by hoof. "

The mare turned to her. "Why shucks, Ponyville? It's only a few minutes away by hoof!" She looked Sparkle over. "I take it you're not from around here?" She held out a hoof. "Name's Applejack, by the way. Pleasure to met y'all." She waved her foreleg at the two stallions. "Big one there's my brother Big Macintosh and the smaller one's our cousin Caramel." She then jabbed her hoof off to the side and back the way the Princess Ponies came. "We run Sweet Apple Acres, best apples in Equestria!"

Royal Blue trotted over. "Applejack, from Sweet Apple Acres?" She suddenly stomped the ground. "Of course, one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony! Honesty, if I'm not mistaken!" She suddenly dropped down, curtsying. "It's an honor," she said as the other ponies followed suit.

Big Macintosh looked back over his shoulder. "Nice to meet you ladies, too. What brings you to Ponyville?"

Royal Blue focused on the stallion, her cheeks coloring slightly. "We've come to meet an old friend of ours named Megan." She waved a foreleg at her friends as they approached. "We are the Princess Ponies, from the Crystal Desert!!" She paused and sighed. "I'm... guessing you've never heard of us?"

Big Macintosh turned around, towing the cart along with him. "Ah think I read of you back in school. Dream Valley and Paradise Estate, right? A big ole' castle with..." He trailed off as a pair of bushwoolies hopped up over to him. "And the cutest little ball of fuzz I ever did see!" He held out his forelegs and grabbed a bushwoolie, hugging it close. "So adorable!"

Caramel rolled his eyes. "Man, I tell you what! You will not catch me hugging one o' those balls of hair." He knelt down and eyed a bushwoolie and the steel helmet it wore. "Man, that hat! What are you a knight or something?"

The bushwoolie jumped around, waving his tiny arms at Caramel. "Bushwoolie not afraid of pony! Bushwoolie honor guard for Princess Ponies!"

Sparkle cleared her throat and the bushwoolie bounced back. "As we said, we're on our way to meet an old friend of ours named Megan." She sighed and smiled. "It's been a long time, and we never thought we'd see her again."

Applejack's eyes bugged out. "Megan?" She held a foreleg up into the air, as far as it could go. "About this tall, wears a hat like the one I got on now, stands on her back legs and has paws? That Megan?"

The Princess Ponies all nodded eagerly. "You've met her?" Sparkle exclaimed. "How is she? Is she well? There's a party for her today!"

Big Macintosh looked to Applejack, chewing on his stalk of hay. "Ain't that the party you was invited to, AJ?"

Applejack nodded, tipping her hat forward. "Yeah, that's right. It's at Twilight's place." She suddenly grinned. "If you'll let me go with you, I can take you all right to her doorstep."

Sparkle grinned, bowing to her. "We would be most honored for your assistance, Applejack." She reared up, kicking the air. "Bushwoolies, an honor guard for Applejack!" she shouted, landing on her hooves and sending up sparks.

Applejack looked back to her brother. "You'll be all right with that stand today, Macintosh?" She kicked slightly at the wheels. "Those right wheels look a little shaky to me. I can show that Princess Ponies to the library and then double back to you after."

Big Macintosh waved her off. "Nah, don't worry 'bout it, AJ. Caramel and I can handle it if it breaks. As long as we get to the town square we'll be all right." He pointed down the road. "Now you go and have fun at the party, you hear? Make sure to tell us all 'bout it when you get back."

Caramel nodded. "Yeah, Applejack. You go on and have fun at the party like you're planning on and tell us about it, I tell you."

Applejack nodded as the Princess Ponies formed up around her, with the bushwoolies standing around. The group moved off, quickly leaving Big Macintosh, Caramel and the cart behind as they trotted down the road.

Applejack looked around at all the Princess Ponies as they approached the first few buildings of Ponyville proper, passing through the residential district. "So... whatcha got on yer heads there?" she asked, waving a hoof around her head. "Those some sorta fancy party hats or something?"

Starburst tipped her hat. "Oh, they're our official hats of office! They indicate our positions of authority as the Princess Ponies." She looked around at the thatch-roofed houses and the ponies milling about. "What a wonderful town, Applejack." She waved at a few of the ponies. "Hello, all! It's a pleasure to meet you here in your lovely village!" she shouted.

Some of the ponies waved back, others backing up a bit. Applejack looked around and then reared on her hindlegs. "Hey you all! Let's give the Princess Ponies a nice, Ponyville welcome! They're here for a special friend of not only theirs, but of Princess Celestia's too! So come on you all and say howdy!"

A few of the ponies approached. "Welcome to Ponyville!" a blue-coated stallion said. "My name's Blues Noteworthy." He pointed towards the town square. "The market's gonna be set up in a bit. I'll be playing my saxophone, and there'll be food to buy as well." He looked back to the Princesses and lowered himself to one knee. "Have a good time!"

Sparkle returned the bow. "Thank you, Mister Noteworthy. Perhaps later we'll sample the fine wares and listen to your music. But for now, we have a prior appointment." She looked around at the crowd gathered around them. "To the library!"

Applejack led them through the street as the crowd dispersed, some of the ponies returning to their homes but others making their way to the main square and the market set up there. They continued their walk, quickly arriving at the library.

A gasp came from Primrose as she spotted Megan standing at a table with an earth pony. "There she is!" she shouted, raising a foreleg and waving frantically. "Megan, Megan!"

Megan took a cupcake and gingerly bit into it, taking a good chunk of the frosting and the apple expertly placed on top. She swallowed it down and sighed. "Mister Cake, I think I might hire you for our twentieth-wedding anniversary," she said, eating the rest of it. She wiped her lips. "Celestia hired you, I presume?"

Mister Cake nodded, blushing slightly. "Indeed she did, Megan. And thank you very much." He looked over his shoulder at Misses Cake and Pinkie as they chatted with Danny and Mike. "Truth be told, with the commission we're getting we can finally take that vacation to Reino the Missus has been wanting." He stomped the ground a few times, but stopped as his eyes widened. "Of course, that means leaving Pinkie Pie in charge..."

Megan chuckled, but a voice from afar calling her name attracted her attention. She looked around, spotting a group of ponies sporting conical hats, with Applejack near the center and some moving piles of fur bouncing along. She suddenly gasped as one of them waved to her. "The Princess Ponies!" She waved back. "Hello!" She raced around the table, running up to them even as they galloped forward. She suddenly skidded to a stop right before them and curtsied.

Sparkle rolled her eyes. "Megan, there's a time and place for decorum. This isn't it!" She hopped up, wrapping her forelegs around Megan's shoulders and pulling her in for a human-style hug. She brushed her muzzle against Megan's cheek in a kiss. "Oh, how we've missed you!"

Megan returned the hug. "I've missed you, too!" She let go as Sparkle hopped off and back down to the ground. She wiped her eyes and breathed in as the other five trotted up. "I just... I can't believe it!" She threw her arms out to the side, as if to encompass them all. "You actually came!"

Primrose bowed her head. "How could we not, Megan?" She looked to her right as Molly, Danny and Mike approached. Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Molly... and Danny?" She looked up at Mike. "I do not believe we've had the pleasure, sir?"

Mike cleared his throat and bowed. "Mike Richards, your majesty. Megan's husband." He suddenly snapped his finger. "'My Little Horsey and the Quest of the Princess Ponies'! That's where I know you from!"

Primrose's eyebrow arched. "I'm sorry, what's that?" She looked to Megan and tilted her head slightly.

Megan's cheeks blushed and she kicked at the dirt. "It's... a book series I wrote back home, detailing my life here." She scratched the back of her head and barked out a laugh. "Bestseller, actually!" She walked over to Mike and held out her hand. "Mike, these are Princesses Primrose, Sparkle, Serena, Royal Blue, Tiffany and Starburst. They guard the Heart of Ponyland and are the... mothers, I suppose, of Celestia and Luna." A bushwoolie suddenly bounced up to her and she caught it, giggling. "And this adorable thing is a bushwoolie!"

The bushwoolie hugged Megan back. "Megan's back! Megan's back! Great news, Megan's back. Yeah, yeah!" He let go and hopped back down as Twilight approached. "And Twilight Sparkle, here too! Great day, great day!"

Twilight nodded. "A great day indeed, bushwoolie." She walked up to Sparkle and took to one knee. "You all look great! It's been too long, but I was busy with my studies, life in Ponyville." She groaned. "Not much of an excuse, hmm."

Primrose waved her off. "Oh, not like we couldn't take some time to see Celestia's favorite apprentice!"

Molly took a step forward. "Wait, you know them, Twilight?"

Sparkle cleared her throat. "We met Twilight a few times when she was still Celestia's personal apprentice. She brought Twilight when she was still a filly to our castle." She bit her lip and dipped her head. "She was so scared back then..."

Celestia looked down at the small filly at her hooves. "Twilight, are you all right?" she asked, leaning down.

Twilight swallowed as the huge castle loomed in the distance. "I'm fine," she said. "Yeah, fine... No, I'm a bit nervous. What if the Princess Ponies think I'm a failure or stupid?"

Celestia's mouth opened. "Now, why would they think that, Twilight? You're studious, hardworking and take excellent care of Spike, despite being not much more mature than him." She nuzzled Twilight's cheek, causing her to giggle. "I've known the Princess Ponies my entire life, they and their bushwoolie guards. And trust me, they'll love you." She stood up and looked at the castle. "One in particular..."

Twilight bowed her head. "I learned a lot from you six about magic. And I'll always be grateful for those lessons." She looked to Applejack, still in the pack of Princess Ponies. "Applejack, great to see you!" She suddenly frowned. "Wait, why are you with the Princess Ponies?"

Applejack shrugged and chuckled. "Aw shucks, Twilight! I was just showing them to your house. Coincidentally we were going the same path." She nodded to Princesses and broke from their pack, trotting over Molly, Danny and Mike. "Pleasure to meet you!" she said, crossing her forelegs. "Name's Applejack of Sweet Apple Acres, purveyor o' the finest apples in Equestria!"

Molly and Danny silently moved around, focusing on her flanks. "Only three apples," Molly said, kneeling down. She leaned over to look at Applejack's face. "But other than that..." She cleared her throat. "Ah, if I could ask, who was your mother? Pony like you, except some more apples on your flank?"

Applejack blinked. "Well... the name Applejack's been passed down from mother to daughter for years." She narrowed her eyes and stared at Molly. "Why, precisely?"

Molly giggled. "I knew your... ancestor. Great pony, but she couldn't put her hoof down without tripping over something!" She suddenly held up her hands at Applejack's sudden glare. "Not that you're... like that? Are you?"

Twilight spoke up. "Applejack's one of the most athletic ponies in Ponyville, Molly. I'm not sure what her ancestor was like, but in this case I think the apple might've rolled a bit from the tree."

Applejack looked to her friend and leaned forward, letting her hat slide forward. "Thank you, Twilight. Much appreciated, there." She trotted past Danny and Molly up to a table. She licked her lips at the food there. "So, we waitin' on ceremony, or can anypony dig in?"

Pinkie Pie bounced over from... somewhere and wrapped her forelegs around Applejack's neck, squeezing until she turned blue. "Of COURSE you can dig in!" she shouted. "It's free for all and all for free!" She turned Applejack's head around and locked eyes with her. "Take all you want, but eat all you take!"

Applejack groaned and her eyes rolled around in their sockets. "Pinkie... air..." She gasped and collapsed when she let go, body heaving.

Megan, meanwhile, turned and walked back to the library. "Michelle, Danielle!' she called. "I have some old friends for you to meet."

Michelle sat in front of the decorative bushes, Spike in her lap. She looked up as Megan approached and gently pushed Spike off so she could stand. "Those ponies?" she asked, looking over. "Oh, what cute hats!"

Megan chuckled and looked over her shoulder as the Princess Ponies chatted with Twilight and her family. "They're... unique." She patted Michelle on the shoulder and walked around to the door, ducking inside. "Danielle, Danielle!" She saw her older daughter sitting on the floor, a pile of books around her. She crossed her arms and shook her head. "Danielle, come on out. The sun is shining and there's some old friends of mine I'd like you to meet."

Danielle looked up from some hardcover and blinked. "Huh? Oh!" She put it to the side and rose, groaning and wincing. "Ah, ah!" She hopped around a bit and massaged her legs. "That stings!"

Megan chuckled and backed up out of the library. "Next time don't sit on your legs!" She turned and led both ladies over to the Princess Ponies, who by now had moved to the food. "Princess Ponies, these are my daughters Michelle and Danielle. Michelle and Danielle, these are Princesses-"

"- Primrose, Sparkle, Serena, Royal Blue, Tiffany and Starburst!" Michelle blurted out, pointing to each one in turn. She looked to Mom. "Just like in your books, Mom!"

The Princess Ponies looked to each other before focusing on Megan. "Is there any chance we could read these books you've written?" Tiffany asked, eyes shining. "They sound rather nice!"

Megan glanced at the door, then looked around, quickly spotting Twilight chatting with Applejack and Pinkie Pie. "Twilight!" she half-shouted, waving at her, "you still got my books in the library?"

Twilight nodded and opened her mouth, but any response was cut off as a half-dozen pegasi in the golden armor of the Royal Guard descended, towing a large chariot behind them and getting everyone's attention. They landed, trotting and slowing to a halt in front of the library.

Twilight, Megan, Danny and Molly wandered over, the rest hanging back. "I think this is our ride," Danny said, gripping his chair's armrests tightly.

The lead pegasus detached himself from his harness and walked over. "Greetings!" he announced. "I am Sergeant Cracker Roll of the Equestrian Royal Guard, here for Megan, Danny and Molly." He looked up at the three, eyes widening slightly. "Shall I assume you three are my charges?"

Megan straightened herself up and smoothed her dress slightly. "We are," she said, bowing slightly. "Thank you, Sergeant. We appreciate your fine service."

Cracker Roll nodded and walked around to the back of the chariot. He unfurled a wing and unlatched the back, letting a ramp drop down. "We have chairs for your... unique anatomy," he said, motioning at the inside. Two chairs were bolted to the floor and some chock blocks for Danny's wheelchair were there as well. Six bags were piled near the front and there were some headsets on hooks. "Princess Celestia has also bequeathed you one hundred bits apiece for personal spending and expenses." He looked to Twilight. "If you could, please?"

Twilight nodded and her horn glowed. The bags all floated out. "A hundred bits apiece," she said, shaking her head. "Don't clean out the town," she said, looking to Mike and winking.

Mike knelt down and opened a bag, pulling out a handful of gold coins. He whistled slowly as he let them dribble back inside the sack. "Princess Celestia doesn't do things halfway, does she." He waved Michelle and Danielle over. "Come on, kids. We might be able to go into town later on and see the sights – if it's safe, that is."

Danielle picked up a bit and looked it over. "The sun... and the moon?" She looked up. "Like Celestia and Luna? Are these those... cutie marks you all have?"

Twilight nodded from the chariot. "Precisely!" she said, grinning. "The sun is Celestia's, and the moon is Luna's." She trotted back over to Mike. "Mike, trust me on this. The Everfree Forest is dangerous, but Ponyville itself is pretty safe. As long as they stay inside the town they should be as safe as back home."

Mike looked up and locked eyes with Megan, who merely nodded. He looked to their daughters and sighed. "Oh, they grow up too fast." He patted them on the shoulders and squeezed. "You two promise to be safe?"

Michelle crossed herself. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" she said, finishing the little ritual. She glanced at Danielle and Mike as they stared at her. "What? Pinkie Pie taught it to me!"

Megan laughed. "We'd better get going." She ran over to Mike and kissed him, then hugged Michelle and Danielle. "You stay safe," she said before running back to the chariot and sitting down.

The Princess Ponies all trotted over as Twilight, Molly and Danny entered the chariot sitting down or, in Danny's case, letting his wheelchair be secured. "Give our regards to the princesses!" Sparkle said, waving a hoof.

Twilight waved back as Cracker Roll hitched himself back to his harness. He looked back. "Please put on the headsets," he asked, motioning to the ones covering his ears. He stomped twice and the pegasi galloped forward, wings spread out. They quickly lifted off the ground, sailing into the sky and angling to Canterlot.

Mike glanced to his side at his daughters. "Okay, be back here in an hour, all right?"

Danielle grabbed a bag and hefted it up, grunting in exertion. "We will, Dad!" She kissed him on the cheek. "We love you!"

Michelle hefted her own bag, cheeks turning slightly red. "We'll... be all right," she said, stumbling back before steadying herself.

Applejack walked over and looked up to Mike. "Might as well head into town yourself, Mike. Might be a bit before your wife gets back." She leaned over and winked. "Head over to the apple cart and tell my brother Big Macintosh I sent you and get half-off the price!"

Mike chuckled and lifted a bag. "Thanks, Applejack."

Featherful walked along the halls of the royal palace, a cart of cleaning supplies rolling behind her. She passed by an Earth pony in the armor of the Royal Guard. "Hey, Bulwark."

Bulwark nodded to her. "Featherful, how's the princess doing?"

Featherful paused and looked around before leaning in close to her friend. "Princess Celestia is expecting an old friend to show up. An old friend!" She cantered back and shook her head. "I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out who it is."

Bulwark's brow furrowed, his helmet shifting. "Old friend?" He tapped his hoof on the marble floor, sending out echoes along the corridor. "Wait, Featherful you remember our classes in high school together? You remember the Prophecies of the Moochik concerning the Mag'ne?"

Featherful's eyes suddenly widened and her mouth moved. "W-what? You don't mean that prophecy, do you?"

The earth pony nodded and cleared his throat. "'The First shall become the Last, and when the Mag'ne returns she shall lead old and new against the Corruption.'" He paused and his expression matched Featherful's. "This old friend, did the Princess mention anything about her?"

"Not much," Featherful responded, shaking her head. "An old friend who taught her everything, pretty much."

Bulwark breathed out. "Then it is the Mag'ne." he suddenly turned around as the sound of hooves echoed from one end of the corridor. "Who goes there?"

Prince Blueblood galloped away from the corridor, the unicorn panting from the exertion. "I-impossible!" he half-shouted. "The Mag'ne, back?"

Megan let out a whoop as the chariot sailed through the air, a huge grin on her face. "I never thought I'd travel like this again!" she shouted, throwing her hands up into the air. She looked around as Canterlot and the mountainside it was built into expanded. She leaned over the railing and adjusted her headset, pressing a button on it. "Sergeant, can you hear me?"

Cracker Roll's voice came over the headphones, laced through with static. "Affirmative, Megan. Over."

Megan looked around and spotted several cities off in the distance. "Can you tell me the names of some of the cities we're passing by, over?"

"Affirmative," he responded. "We have binoculars in the chariot for long-range spotting." His head bobbed to the left. "If you'll look to your immediate left, you'll see Manehattan and New Yolk City. Farther along is Bittsburg and Stalliongrad." His head canted to the right. "To your immediate right is Palgary and Maredrid. Over."

Megan nodded. "Thank you, Sergeant." She looked around and quickly pulled the binoculars off of a hook on the inner wall. "So many big cities..." She leaned back and looked through them, frowning. "Molly, you've been to New York. Tell me, when you flew over to JFK, did the skyline look anything like Manehattan?"

Molly stood up and leaned forward, stood up and leaned forward, holding them up to her eyes. "Well, yeah. It's not exactly like it, but those are some pretty big buildings. Now that I think of it, Stalliongrad has a nice skyline, too." She sat back down, looking at Megan out of the corner of her eye. "Megan, are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

Danny shifted in his wheelchair, turning around at the waist. "How many groups of ponies did we get together for the Equestrian Alliance before we... left?" He turned around as Canterlot loomed. "And how big was Canterlot back then? Just a fort, if my memory's right."

Twilight shifted a bit near the back, but Megan rose from her seat, walked over and knelt beside her. "Don't worry," she said, patting Twilight on the back. "There's questions we have, but we won't ask you anything."

Twilight nodded, smiling. "Thanks, Megan." She sighed and looked to the floor. "I wish... I wish I could tell you, I really do." She blinked away some moisture from her eyes. "How does Pinkie keep stuff inside like she does?"

Megan barked out a laugh. "How else does she plan those parties of hers?" She stood back up and walked back to her seat as the chariot flew up to Canterlot itself and a large tower with a series of red and green lights shining from it. The pegasi spread their wings out, angled to increase drag. They kicked at the air and flew down into the tower proper, trotting to a four-hoof landing as an earth pony wearing a bright-orange vest and flashlights mounted to her hooves waved them to the side and a full stop.

Cracker Roll and his team unhitched themselves from the chariot and walked over to the hatch. Cracker Roll opened it and waited while Megan, Molly, Danny and Twilight disembarked. "We shall escort you to the princess's chambers," he said.

Megan and Molly curtsied to him. "Thank you," Megan said as the pegasi formed up around the quartet. They walked out of the hangar, down halls lined with ornate tapestries and windows looking out across the countryside. They passed by ponies, zebras, deer and other species. Megan waved to them, but the ponies mostly shied away from them. Megan shrugged. "I guess it'll take time."

Danny rolled up to Cracker Roll as they walked. "So, throne room?"

Cracker Roll shook his head. "The Princesses wish to meet you in an informal setting, free from the trappings of royalty." They eventually stopped before a door marked 'private study'. The pegasi broke formation and Cracker Roll motioned to the door. "The Princesses are inside." And with that, he and the others left.

Megan breathed in. She raised her hand to the door handle, but stopped. She clenched her hand into a fist and shuddered.

Molly and Danny were by her side in an instant. Molly placed a hand on Megan's shoulder and squeezed. "You're not alone," she said.

Danny patted Megan's forearm on the other side. "Just like old times, sis." He suddenly glanced back at Twilight and waved her forward. "Well, maybe not fully like old times. But we're all here for you."

Twilight nodded. "Right, Danny." She leaned forward to look at Megan. "It'll be all right. They're your friends, right?"

Megan half-smiled. "You're right." She looked at the three. "You're all right. Thank you." She reached up and grabbed the door handle, twisting it and opening it up. She stepped inside. "Celestia? Celestia?"

Princess Celestia reclined on a sofa, eyes focused on the door. A teacup floated over, shaking slightly as she sipped on it. She concentrated on her breathing, slowing it down. "Luna, do you-" She stopped as she looked over and saw the other sofa empty and Luna hiding behind it. She slid off the couch onto her hooves and walked over, lowering her head and nuzzling Luna. "Luna, what is it? What's wrong?"

Luna looked up, tears streaming down her eyes. She threw her forelegs up in the air. "Oh, Celestia, they're g-gonna hate me!" she bawled out, shuddering. "Danny and what h-happened, and then Nightmare Moon..." She dropped her head to the floor and sniffed. "They'll hate me, I know it."

Celestia sat down and wrapped a foreleg around Luna's neck, pulling in for a hug. "No, they won't. It's Megan, Luna. She won't hate you. Neither will Danny."

Luna looked up at her older sister and smiled. "Thanks, but I still don't know. My stomach is full of butterflies and my head's spinning!" She suddenly yawned. "And even with you taking over the moon for me tonight, I'm still tired. Oh, yeah. Thanks for that."

Celestia chuckled. "You're welcome." She rose and walked back to the sofa, sitting down. She looked to the door, but gasped as she felt the inherent magic of Twilight Sparkle right behind it. "They're here!" she squeaked out.

The door opened and Megan was there, standing in the doorjamb. She wore a red ankle-length dress, contrasting with a rugged backpack and rifle slung over her shoulder. Molly was at her left, wearing a pair of black dress pants and blouse. Danny at her right wearing a dress shirt, pair of slacks and fingerless gloves. Twilight completed the party, and Celestia inwardly chuckled at the purple ribbon tied in her tail.

Megan stepped inside. "Celestia?" she said, eyes widening. Her hand flew to her mouth. "Celestia?" She stood there, gasping. "It is... is it you?"

Celestia slid off the sofa, stumbling a bit as her vision blurred. "Yes, great stars it's me." She wiped at her eyes with a forelegs, but the tears still flowed freely. "Is it you?" She stepped forward and leaned forward. "I just... I can't believe it's-"

Megan was suddenly there by her side, wrapping her arms around Celestia's neck and pulling her in for a hug. "I can't either," she said, tears flowing from her own eyes. She held it for a full minute before letting go and stepping back. She looked Celestia over. "Celestia, you're not a pony anymore. You're a horse!" She looked up at her free-flowing mane and held out a hand, reaching to it. "I'm almost afraid to touch your mane, or tail!"

Celestia bit her lip. "Oh, don't worry. It's only bad if you walked over a carpet beforehand." She leaned over. "Danny, Molly, you're both looking well," she said. Fresh tears rolled from her eyes. "I'm... so... happy!"

Molly wiped her eyes and sniffed. "So am I, Celestia." She hunched over. "It's so great to see you again!"

Danny nodded and took out a handkerchief, wiping his eyes. "Great to see you." He looked around. "Where's Luna?" He wheeled himself around, finally spotting the alicorn behind the sofa. "Luna, what are you doing there?" he asked, stopping short of her.

Luna raised her head and looked up at him, blinking. "Danny, you're..." Her eyes drifted to his wheelchair and her gaze drifted off to the side. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry..."

The thunder and lightning crashed all around Luna, but none of it mattered as she nuzzled Danny's bleeding cheek. "Danny, please!" she cried out. She raced around and tugged at the tree branch laying across his back. "Danny..."

Danny's eyes fluttered open and he groaned. "Luna, you all right?"

Danny leaned forward as far as he could go, grabbing Luna's head and letting it support him as he slid forward, grabbing her neck in a hug. "No," he said, tears flowing. "No need, Luna. It's good to see you again." He scooted up and back, waving at Celestia. "Now, come on! This is a party among old friends."

Luna rose and followed him to the rest of the group, sitting down on the sofa while three chairs slid over for Megan, Molly and Twilight. They all sat down, with Danny stopping next to them.

Celestia sat back down on her own sofa and cleared her throat. A handkerchief floated over and wiped her cheeks and dabbed at her eyes. She looked at the three and smiled. "I... I don't know what to say," she confessed, chuckling. "I never thought I'd see you again. Any of you."

Megan nodded and wiped at her face, but another handkerchief floated to her and she grabbed it. "Thank you, and I... I do have a question." Her head lowered and her eyes screwed shut. "Celestia, Luna?" She looked up and her face scrunched. "How long has it really been? How long for you, at least?"

Celestia froze on the sofa. Time crawled to a standstill for her, but she looked up and locked bloodshot eyes with Megan. "How long have you known?" she whispered.

Megan cleared her throat and laced her fingers together. "It was confirmed when we flew over Equestria," she explained. "So many big cities, there. But there were more clues about, like Ponyville and how peaceful it was." She looked to Twilight. "Twilight and Rainbow Dash didn't know what the Smooze was. And there's the fact that the Dragon King is coming by for the party for some reason." She shrugged. "The dragons were on friendly terms with the ponies when we left, but not that friendly."

Luna spoke up. "That night, when you came back, I examined the hole. It seemed to sync up your world and ours, keeping time in pace on both sides. But when the rainbow bridge collapsed, time in Ponyland seemed to speed up. I don't know why, though."

Danny's eyes narrowed. "Wait, did you cross to Earth then? I thought I saw something that night outside." He suddenly grinned and snapped his fingers. "It was you, wasn't it!"

Luna nodded, blushing slightly. "It was, Danny. I just... wanted to see you three. It's been so long."

Megan breathed out through her nostrils. "So, my friends? Wind Whistler, Firefly, Surprise?" She shook her head. "I never even expected to see them again, at least in my head." She placed a hand on her chest. "But in my heart, I always wanted to say a proper goodbye to them. To say thank you to them for being my friends." She looked to the ceiling. "So, how long has it been, Celestia?"

Celestia looked to Danny, then Molly, then Twilight before looking to Megan. "Are you ready?" At her nod, she continued. "It has been fifteen hundred years here since you left, Megan."

Megan's mouth dropped open. Her hands dropped to her sides and she gasped. "Fifteen h-hundred years?" She leaned forward, rubbing her pale cheeks. Silence permeated the room as the information sank into the three.

Danny finally coughed into his fist. "Fifteen hundred years? That's..." He trailed off and shook his head. "Everything's changed," he finally said. He looked up at Celestia and Luna. "I guess it explains how you not only got so large, but also are princesses." He chuckled. "I guess you've also gained full control over your powers, too?"

Luna nodded. "Celestia raises the sun for the day, and I raise the moon for the night." She looked to the side. "Well, for a while."

Celestia slid off her sofa and placed a hoof on Megan's lap. "Megan, are you all right?" She leaned in and nuzzled Megan's cheek. "Please be all right, please."

Megan rubbed Celestia's muzzle and half-smiled. "I'm all right, I think." She looked over at Twilight, silent throughout the entire exchange. "Thank you for not telling me, Twilight. I don't think I could've handled it as well."

Twilight bowed her head. "You're welcome, Megan." She looked to Celestia. "Princess, if I may ask, are you all right?"

Celestia smiled at Twilight. "Yes," she said. "And thank you, Twilight." She settled back on the sofa. "Megan, what would you like to do, now? Molly, Danny, you?" She held up a foreleg and swept it from side to side. "We have all day, you know."

Megan sat back up in her chair. "Well, there's that party back in Ponyville you set up. It'd be a shame for the guests of honor not to attend." She rose to shaky feet. "But first, if it's possible, could we have a tour of Canterlot, please?"

Celestia and Luna both slid off their sofas. "You shall have a tour fit for a queen!" Celestia announced. "Nothing but the best for you three!"

Megan cleared her throat. "Well, fit for a princess is good enough." She paused and rubbed her chin. "Wait, why are you two princesses, rather than queens?"

Luna's eyes widened. "But Megan, you always taught us to be humble, and not to distance ourselves from the other ponies." She placed a hoof over her chest. "'A ruler's greatest responsibility is to their subjects', you said."

Celestia nodded. "Yes, and queens can't have tea parties with their subjects, either!" A goofy smile crossed her face. "And I so loved our tea parties together! They were so much fun!"

Megan grinned. "Well, perhaps after the party, we can come back for a tea party, just the two of us?"

Celestia's eyes brightened. "Yes, yes!" She clapped her hooves together briefly. "It'll be so much fun!" She walked over to the door, opening it as she approached. "Come, come! There's so much to show you!"